[09:05] any news on the 4.10 amd64 builds? [10:47] mips1911: only xfdesktop4 remains (supposed to build in ~1h) [10:49] mr_pouit: Yeah I saw there's a dependency issue with libthunarx-2-0 wanting thunar-data but 1.4.0 is to installed [11:36] mr_pouit: I see the build is complete, will install as soon apt update is complete [11:39] mr_pouit: Still not working, xfdesktop4 : Depends: xfdesktop4-data (= 4.9.3-1~ppa1) but 4.10.0-0ubuntu1~ppa2 is to be installed [11:49] there's always a small delay between "built" and "published" [12:07] ok thx, will wait a bit and try again [12:24] mr_pouit: Working fine now, thx! [13:07] knome: ahoi [13:07] hey [13:08] sean davis sent me some screenshots of the keyboard-shortcuts overlay that he is / we are working on [13:08] wanna see? [13:08] sure [13:08] there are three versions atm, we'll continue to work on the layout more [13:09] 1: http://imagebin.org/211289 [13:09] (obviously the "switching" ones are still wrong atm) [13:09] heh [13:10] 2: http://imagebin.org/211290 [13:10] or without lines: http://imagebin.org/211291 [13:10] i prefer 1 [13:10] i'm not 100% content with the radius of the corners [13:11] and the padding [13:11] but in general i think we're getting somewhere [13:11] maybe [13:12] brb [13:13] ahh [13:13] clean nose++ [13:14] i'm wondering whether throwing app-icons to the app-shortcuts is too much [13:14] i mean it'll definitely look less clean [13:14] mmh [13:14] well, my thoughts [13:15] try to condense the descriptions [13:15] "Open the Web Browser" -> "Web browser" [13:16] i haven't really been able to look at the code yet, so i don't know where these come from [13:17] maybe the horizontal rules could be a bit thinner [13:17] at least the ones splitting different categories [13:21] ochosi, fun, telling people how to build packages when they don't have an idea what "reading readme" means [13:21] yeah, what a dork :( [13:22] heh, that's another way to say it ;) [13:22] re:kb-shortcuts-overlay: yeah, this is a first preview sean sent me without me even drawing a mockup, i think he took most of the look and descriptions from unity [13:22] yeah, looks like it [13:22] i'm happy he produced working code ;) [13:22] i think generally the text could be smaller [13:22] and it kinda looks along the lines i want it to look [13:22] yeah, it's definitely not bad [13:23] yay! [13:23] question "i need help with .tar.gz" [13:23] i'm still wondering whether we should go for a different style [13:23] i mean in terms of applications [13:23] thinks problem is "can't build a package" [13:23] and include edit-buttons [13:23] problem is "can't read, don't know how to cd to a dir" [13:23] so one can also quickly change shortcuts there [13:23] hehe [13:23] yeah [13:24] or at least make the headers clickable, so you'd get to the right dialog for changing the shortcut-keys (so that things would be less duplicated) [13:25] yeah [13:25] since he's using xfce4-notifyd as basis adding buttons should work [13:26] btw, did you look at the roadmap-related post draft at xubuntu.org? [13:27] nope [13:28] wasn't aware there was one [13:28] there definitely is [13:28] well, i mean i don't monitor xubuntu.org for new drafts and i don't get notifications for that :p [13:28] hehe [13:29] i don't think anybody does :P [13:29] there was some discussion about it at this channel though, so i thought you might have noticed [13:29] oh right, no i didn't read the backlog yesterday [13:30] usually i do though [13:30] yeah, that sounds good [13:30] i mean the post is still a bit technical and dry [13:30] feel free to try to liven it up [13:30] maybe throw in some fancy icons or something, so that it's not _just text_ on the planet [13:30] maybe some kind of simple infographic [13:30] and then we'll see [13:30] hehe, yeah... [13:30] i should compose a plugin for xubuntu.org [13:30] to handle the access rights [13:31] create a new user role and grant that to xubuntu-team [13:31] other than that i think it's great to push something like this on the planet [13:31] we should also post it on the mailing lists etc [13:31] yup [13:32] at least no-one will be able to complain about our processes not being transparent enough this time around [13:32] heh, i'm sure someone will do anyway [13:32] possible, but at least we're trying hard [13:32] or complain that his item with no assignee didn't get approved/implemented [13:33] http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/compfight/ [13:33] OOG [13:34] *OOH [13:34] got to love that [13:34] yeah, sounds great [13:34] can we install plugins without IS? [13:34] of course not. [13:35] so it'll take ages until we get that? :) [13:35] hehe, yeah... [13:35] not that we need that now [13:35] but would be a welcome addition at some point [13:36] yup [13:37] i'm wondering whether replacing the social-media text-links with icons or badges would be a good idea [13:37] they're just a lot more easily recognizable that way [13:38] maybe [13:38] i can quickly put 16px versions of those two together if you wanna test it [13:38] sure [13:40] knome: file:///usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/social/16/twitter.svg [13:40] ;) [13:40] lol [13:40] for g+ i'll quickly dig [13:42] this one looks ok: http://www.thecardiologydaily.com/images/google_plus.png [13:42] i can draw those myself as well, but for testing these two should suffice [13:44] will test a bit later [13:48] k, feel free to ping me when you do [13:48] will do [14:21] ochosi, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/web_shots/roadmap-infographic.png [14:22] knome: great! i like it a lot [14:22] good [14:22] is it clear enough? [14:22] we should probably also put that somewhere on the roadmap page [14:22] heh, maybe [14:23] though the roadmap phases are going to be described in the SD [14:23] don't want infographics *there* but... [14:23] most of this happens in a week anyway [14:23] i mean, in a few weeks, we are at the "roadmap" stage [14:23] yup true [14:24] i think it's pretty clear, but it'd be better to ask someone who wasn't involved in creating the process ;) [14:24] e.g. in #xubuntu [14:25] updated the infographic [14:25] nice [14:25] wondering whether s/Roadmap brainstorming/Add to Roadmap brainstorming/ ? [14:25] so that it's clearer that people have to submit their ideas [14:25] but maybe that's clear anyway [14:26] or add "submitting" next to the first arrow [14:26] yup [14:26] better maybe [14:26] hmm... /me goes with something like that [14:26] resolves visual issue with "approved" too [14:30] updated [14:32] good [14:34] updated once more :) [14:34] yup, better again [14:34] i think that's about it [14:36] and one more time, adding title [14:37] yup, looks ready now [14:37] now to upload and add that to the post [14:41] btw, audience is pretty nice already [14:41] http://xubuntu.org/?p=1077&preview=true [14:43] http://www.flickr.com/photos/58105305@N00/2768941171/ <- :P [14:43] should we use that pic too [14:44] hehe, definitely ;) [14:44] if the light buld was lit up, that would be perfect [14:44] *bulb [14:44] maybe submit your ideas in the first paragraph [14:45] refresh [14:48] yes, that's better [14:49] also makes the text more structured [14:52] * knome is taking a shower [14:52] i'll publish that when i get back, unless you have further ideas how to improve [14:52] * knome releases the edit-lock too [14:52] brb [15:13] http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/web_shots/roadmap-article.png [15:13] comments? [18:10] http://gnuman.com/xubuntu-12-04-lts-review/ [18:10] * pleia2 adding [18:10] knome: that's great! === yofel_ is now known as yofel === Soupermanito is now known as GridCube === Soupermanito is now known as GridCube [20:58] Hi all ! [21:03] I installed Xubuntu 12.04 amd64 and configured it over the past 2 days. I actually wanted to use it tomorrow. Unfortunately there are too many serious bugs, e.g. in Thunar and Leafpad. [21:03] and the bugs are? [21:03] you can switch from leafpad to gedit for example [21:04] Thunar bypasses the Trash on a bind mount. [21:04] lekin: try pcmanfm [21:04] Leafpad can't handle a 880 KB file. [21:06] lekin, you can use geany for editing [21:06] Better skip the standard applications? [21:07] they are not power tools [21:08] we had a discussion for this a while back, we decided that apt-get is just a few strokes away from any user needed more advanced tools, we should ship the ones that do standard work for users in a simple way [21:11] I like the desktop environment, it's clear and fast. But I also need reliable basic tools like an editor and a graphical file manager... [21:11] :) you can have all you want [21:14] I used 10.04 with Gnome 2 before (and still do). I am not willing to use the Unity desktop environment nor Gnome 3. [21:16] Is Xfce reliable enough to use it with the former Gnome standard tools? [21:17] it should be [21:20] I think most people use Xubuntu because of it's traditional desktop environment, not because of a lack of RAM and CPU power. What do you think? [21:20] :) the same [21:20] lekin, care to go to #xubuntu-offtopic [21:21] :) [21:21] this channel if for development [21:22] OK. Sorry. Are you interested in further details of the Thunar + Leafpad bugs? [21:22] yes, ofcourse :) [21:23] care to report them to launchpad? [21:24] OK. URI available? [21:24] from a terminal write: ubuntubug leafpad [21:25] and ubuntu bug thunar [21:25] and it will compile information for you and send the report to launchpad [21:26] you will need to log in to launchpad for the report to complete, so its a standard user registration, the register go to your mail to end registration and such, if you dont have an account already [21:33] Ah, ubuntu-bug ! [21:41] oh... yeah... sorry 'bout that [23:32] hrm [23:33] hmmhm? [23:33] hullo [23:33] 2:30am o.o [23:35] just 20:35 here [23:35] yeah [23:43] http://xubuntu.org/news/brainstorming-the-12-10-release/ [23:46] i forgot what lists i had to make to the brainstorming [23:46] oooo [23:46] i remember, webcams default programs [23:46] and arandr [23:48] filed a new ticket for IS to pull a new plugin [23:48] with that, we'll be able to give the team a bit more access rights :) [23:48] :P