
xubuntu488some bory can i help me00:24
xubuntu488i have a laptop acer aspire one 310000:25
xubuntu488and i want install xubuntu because is more fast and my laptop have only 512Mb memory00:25
xubuntu488I need drive of my camera the others drives is ok but the drive camera is empty00:26
wayne__hi. I have been using gnome on ubuntu 10.10. upgraded to 12.04 and can't stand it even gnome classic isn't right. want to switch to xbuntu. can I install xbuntu and keep my home partition?00:52
ruienubuntu should have a "xubuntu-desktop" package which you can apt-get00:52
ruienI haven't tried it before personally; I always have used xubuntu00:52
ruienhowever, i've heard it works00:53
wayne__I can try that first.00:53
WhitePelicanI'm running Precise and am having issues with vlc playing my dvd's02:13
WhitePelicanI get the following error:02:14
WhitePelicanPlayback failure:02:14
WhitePelicanDVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/dvd".02:14
WhitePelicanYour input can't be opened:02:14
WhitePelicanVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/dvd'. Check the log for details.02:14
WhitePelicanI have libdvdcss installed02:14
WhitePelicancan someone help me?02:14
GridCubeWhitePelican, https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/xubuntu#TOC-Multimedia-support:-complete-it02:16
GridCubethat might help you02:16
WhitePelicanI installed it and it still fails02:19
GridCubeWhitePelican, did you installed the restricted extras?02:24
WhitePelicanyes I did02:24
GridCubedoesnt parole plays dvd's02:24
GridCubeit apparently does...02:25
WhitePelicanyes it does, but why doesn't vlc or xine?02:25
GridCubeWhitePelican, are you sure you have the correct path to the player?02:25
GridCubei mean to the disk02:25
GridCubeWhitePelican, http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/9405/cddvd-drive-not-working-vlc-error-solved/02:26
WhitePelicanI'll try that02:28
WhitePelicanthat worked :)02:30
WhitePelicanat least in vlc02:30
WhitePelicanstrange to have to do that02:30
WhitePelicanthnls for your help02:30
GridCube:D i just googled :P02:30
WhitePelicanthat actyally helped with xine too02:38
ttenoriogalera, tem como instalar o drive amd hd 6310 legal no xubuntu?03:14
ttenorioguys, is to install the drive in xubuntu amd hd 6310?03:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.03:19
ttenorioes la instalación de la unidad de AMD HD 6310 legal en Xubuntu?03:22
MokuraApparently I must have scared something, since my /var/log is taking up about 8 GB of space on a 20GB hard drive.04:51
MokuraHow in the world should I resolve this?  Googling gets me a lot of stuff about log rotation, which I'm not sure how to do.04:51
Mokura...the kernel log being about 3.7GB of that.04:52
frankbroAnyone has an awesome thunar context menu script that has dropbox and/or tortoisehg?05:44
Satellite_Hi, has anyone else had Steam just sitting at 'Connecting' after a fresh install of Xubuntu 12.04?05:45
frankbroSatellite_, I had an issue like that with wow tho. I typed "export WINEDEBUG=warn+all" and started from terminal and it magically worked. Try it maybe.05:47
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xubuntu130Too tired to continue tonight, but has anyone gotten compiz to work without killing window manager using nvidia binaries?07:18
xubuntu130xubuntu 12.0407:18
xubuntu130BTW, new at this IRC stuff07:18
flux242hi, I've installed vim but it seems like I cannot change the colorscheme in the xfce4-terminal. Is it a bug or a feature of the 12.04 release?07:53
AxD09edit ~/.config/Terminal/terminalrc and remove all the color lines for default colors07:54
flux242do you mean all colorpalette entries?07:55
AxD09not sure... might wanna make a backup07:55
flux242doesn't seem to help07:59
AxD09You weren't trying to change the terminal color scheme?07:59
flux242I was definitely trying to change the scheme08:01
AxD09hmm worked for me. You can change the terminal color scheme from preferences.08:02
flux242what works for you?08:02
AxD09modifying the terminalrc and removing the predefined 12.04 colors08:03
flux242I'm talking about vim colors you know?08:03
AxD09so not the terminal color scheme? vim's color scheme08:03
flux242vim's color scheme is not changable in the xfce4-terminal08:04
AxD09no clue. never had to change vim's color scheme08:05
flux242it worked for me before08:05
flux242something has been changed in the terminal08:05
AxD09here's somethin on a quick google - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166967508:06
flux242 I've tried the xterm and it doesn't work there too. strange08:12
xubuntu515how to install program on xubuntu09:46
xubuntu515o day co ai la nguoi viet nam khong ????09:46
Os_Maleusxubuntu515: You can use the synaptic package manager. this is a graphical interface.09:47
xubuntu515with terminal ???09:48
baizonxubuntu515: sudo apt-get install <app>09:48
Os_Maleusxubuntu515: you can also use the "sudo apt-get install [program-name]" in the terminal09:48
xubuntu515how to open root09:49
Os_Maleusor you can do that with aptitude as well. also in the terminal.09:49
xubuntu515Root ???09:49
Os_Maleus(x)ubuntu doesn't have a root profile.09:49
xubuntu515sudo nautilus ???09:49
Os_MaleusYou are root.09:49
baizonxubuntu515: root access is sudo -i09:50
Os_Maleusno explicit root profile!09:50
Os_Maleusthat is what makes ubuntu more secure.09:50
Os_Maleusbut if You are not familar with the things, I would use only the 'sudo' without the "-i"09:51
Os_Maleusor even better the 'gksudo'.09:51
xubuntu515gksudo = sudo ??09:52
Os_Maleusit is a sudo that protects Your graphical dependencies.09:52
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aquixhi. your death star runs xubuntu?11:10
aquixseems about right11:10
saitaxhi i have ploblem with automounting from devices. How can i put it off. I have put off in my userprofil and in Storage medias that my system dont automount devices.12:41
saitaxWhere should i do it else?12:41
aguitelanyway to install xfce 4.10 in 12.04?12:46
laiteHi, sorry to bother once again but I _really_ would like xubuntu if I only could get HDMI audio to work: problem is that audio+video works through HDMI if 1) TV is on during boot, or 2) I take HDMI cable off and plug it back in immediately12:46
laitebut if I boot with TV closed and then just turn it on, only video works - not audio12:47
Unit193aguitel: Not officially, and not supported, but there is a PPA for it.12:47
laiteeven aplay -D ... does nothing on HDMI channel12:47
laiteis there way to 'virtually re-plug' HDMI cable?12:48
aguitelUnit193, this ppa? ppa:mrpouit/ppa12:49
aguitelUnit193, is xfce 4.10pre12:50
Unit193That's as close as you get, later on it'll be in xubuntu-dev/13:01
grimnikhi anyone here who is willing to help me out with tar.gz files?13:03
grimnik./configure doesnt work anyone got some help on that?13:04
knomegrimnik, are you trying to build something?13:04
Unit193Should have a readme.13:05
knomein that case, start by installing the build-essential package13:05
knomethat helps a lot, and usually the config scripts throw verbose errors13:05
xubuntu310Hi, I need urgent help. Anybody around?13:07
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:07
grimnikknome ... installed build-essentials    ./configure still isnt working :s13:07
knomegrimnik, then start reading what it outputs13:08
xubuntu310I suspended my computer with Xubuntu 12.04. It didn't wake up. Not even after rebooting (by pressing the power button).13:08
xubuntu310It doesn't get to Bios, so I can't even use a livecd.13:09
grimnikbash: ./configure: Files or directory not found  ... this is what i find wierd13:09
xubuntu310It's an Acer Aspire T660-SB7H13:10
xubuntu310So, is there any way to ensure I get to BIOS, to "reset" it, or something? I don't really know what to do now :(13:11
ochosixubuntu310: a hardware reset (holding the power-button for ~10sec) should _always_ work (unless it's a hardware problem)13:11
aquixxubuntu310, try pressing   shift on boot for grub,   or  del   for bios.    Depends on the bios, they uses different keyboard shortcuts.13:12
grimnikknome when i type ./configure it outputs : bash:  ./configure: File or Directory does not exist13:13
ochosigrimnik: then you're either in the wrong directory or the build works differently with your tarball13:14
knomegrimnik, as Unit193 says, please find a readme file and read it13:14
xubuntu310ochosi aquix: My BIOS shows a screen, it's not arriving even there. It looks like it tries to read from disk, and get's stuck there.13:14
ochosixubuntu310: sometimes bios takes long after a hardware reset, can take more than a minute, how long have you waited?13:15
aquixthe bios flash screen should say what keys to press to enter  bios?13:15
grimnikochosi, knome  im doin what the install readme tells me to do and im in the right directory,  it seems my terminal doesnt see ./configure as a vallid command  ...13:15
xubuntu310ochosi: I think more, but I will wait more. Thanks13:15
ochosixubuntu310: np13:16
ochosigrimnik: what exactly are you trying to build?13:16
knomegrimnik, in that case, contact the one who created the package13:16
grimnikknome qjoypad-4.1.0.tar.gz13:17
aquixochosi, you have extracted the tar.gz to a folder  and work from there?13:17
aquixgrimnik,  sorry ochosi  :)13:17
ochosiaquix: np ;)13:18
grimnikaquix yes that step worked fine the files is extracted into /tmp13:18
knomegrimnik, i'm reading the readme file, and it's not saying to run ./configure13:18
knomegrimnik, would you please try again reading the file?13:19
knomegrimnik, section 2.2 "installation"13:19
grimnikknome k indeed it sai13:19
ochosigrimnik: read the INSTALL.txt file, it has detailed build-instructions13:19
xubuntu310ochosi: It looks like it is a harsware problem. I'm going to try to reset the BIOS by removing the battery. Thank you for the help.13:19
ochosixubuntu310: hm, that's odd. sorry to hear and good luck13:20
grimnikknome k indeed it says to run ./config ... same deal doesnt do nuts13:20
aquixtmp?   don't use that folder, extract it to a new folder in your download folder instead. Best to leave /tmp alone for the system.13:20
ochosigrimnik: are you in the src subdir?13:21
ochosigrimnik: it definitely doesn't do nothing, here it just complains about missing dependencies13:21
aquixxubuntu310, , if your really stuck see if you can find a button for a cmos reset.13:21
grimnikochosi k that helped me further ... still got some errors but i think i can manage from here thx all :)13:22
ochosigrimnik: yw13:23
xubuntu310aquix: I found the jumper and did it. It's dead. If suspending is not possible, they should remove the suspending button by default.13:28
knomei don't think any OS can probe for broken hardware, if that is what you mean13:30
xubuntu310I want to think it was not because of linux. But everything worked fine las months, until I tried to suspend. So it sure looks like it was because of that.13:31
aquixxubuntu310, but you could get into bios now?13:31
aquixyeah, suspend/hibernate problems pop up from time to time. what you get for being a OS maverick :)13:32
xubuntu310aquix: No.13:32
xubuntu310I really like linux, and after the Unity hell Xubuntu looked so nice and worked so flawlesly. I'm using it on my netbook without complaints.13:33
xubuntu310And I don't really care if I can not suspend. But don't leave the button there, if it doesn't usually work.13:34
xubuntu310Well, thanks everybody. Leaving now. Bye13:34
aquixtake care13:34
grimnikwoot got my gamepad working and i can map the keys to keyboard  ^^  leaving now thx again to everyone i annoyed xD13:39
saitaxhi i have ploblem with automounting from devices. How can i put it off. I have put off in my userprofil and in Storage medias that my system dont automount devices.13:49
saitaxWhat should i do it else?13:49
aquixsaitax, you want to mount  a hard drive on startup?13:53
saitaxno when i plug in a usb storage drive13:54
saitaxit will automount13:54
saitaxbut i dont want that is automount13:54
saitaxi want manual mount it13:54
aquixsaitax,  and you turned it of in 'Removable drives' in settings?13:56
saitaxand in my user profile13:57
aquixuser profile?   (new to xfce)13:58
saitaxin systemsettings/users there you can set off automount medias13:59
saitaxthis  i have done13:59
aquixsaitax, sorry. I have no idea. It should work just turning of automount.   You don't have any entries for it in /etc/fstab   that mounts the drive?14:01
saitaxno in fstab i have only my local drives14:01
ochosisaitax: are you talking about usb-drives?14:05
aquixsaitax,  looks like you can turn it of with dconf-editor    http://askubuntu.com/questions/42575/how-to-disable-mounting-of-external-drive-at-boot14:06
aquixthats for ubuntu and gnome3 but I found the options in dconf here on xubuntu 12.0414:06
saitaxaquix  ok thanks i will read it and try14:07
ochosisaitax: tbh for me changing the setting in thunar's external volume settings always worked14:09
saitaxin xubuntu 11.10 it works also for me.14:10
saitaxaafter i ve done the update it doesnt work :-)14:10
saitaxto 12.0414:10
aguitelhow install themes  in xfce ?14:11
ochosisaitax: still works for me in 12.04 (clean install though)14:11
saitaxi have done allthough a clean install14:11
ochosiaguitel: download the tarball from the interwebs, then extract into ~/.themes and then change theme in the appearance-dialog14:12
aguitelochosi, there is no .themes folder in my system ,i create ?14:12
aguitelbisigi themes are working in xfce ?14:21
aquixbisigi is gtk2 themes, so don 't think so14:22
aquixnice pack tho14:22
ochosixfce is all gtk214:24
ochosibut most gnome-applications have been ported to gtk314:25
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aquixhmmmm, looks like bisigi will be ported to gnome 3.  I was sure the project was discontinued last year.14:28
aguiteli cannot add bisigi ppa in 12.0414:29
aquixaguitel, ir you look in the drop down menu here, presice isn't supported   https://launchpad.net/~bisigi/+archive/ppa14:32
aguitelaquix, ok14:32
aguitelaquix, read this:http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/03/how-to-install-bisigi-themes-under.html14:34
Fumo-desuGuys, sorry for my poor english :) Greetings to all there. Is there a someone who's speakin' russian?14:35
aguitelFumo-desu, i think mr putin are14:36
Fumo-desuVery funny.14:36
Fumo-desuSeriously :)14:36
knome!ru | Fumo-desu14:37
ubottuFumo-desu: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:37
aguiteleverybody english14:37
aquixaguitel,  I'm not sure that will work with xfce, but you could try.14:38
Sysiloco channels do all flavours, if anybody has ansver14:39
aguitelaquix, i installed14:40
aguitelaquix, nice14:40
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=== hayt is now known as pedrothiag
aguitelhow install libreoffice ?14:44
Sysiwith package manager14:45
aguitelunder command line?14:45
aguiteli never use gui14:45
Sysiapt-get update ; apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-gtk14:45
aguitelSysi, ok14:45
Marzataaguitel: you use LO in terminal?14:48
Sysisounds like emacs14:48
astraljavaNo, asked for how to _install_ in command line.14:54
aguitelMarzata, what is LO ?14:57
Marzataaguitel: LibreOffice, no?14:58
aguitelMarzata, yes14:58
Ariel_Calzadahi i'm using terminator and midnight commander, when i press F10 it shows the "right click menu" how can i solve this problem?15:52
knomeAriel_Calzada, check terminators settings15:56
Ariel_Calzadaknome: how?15:56
knomeAriel_Calzada, at least xfce4-terminal has a setting to disable those keystrokes15:56
knomeno idea, i don't know terminator15:56
knomebut i'd start from the menus15:57
Ariel_Calzadaknome: that's the doubt there's no menu16:01
theluckymikeI installed xubuntu on my gf laptop, but there is 1 very wierd lag - when system is idle it just don't work - nothing works there. When I move mouse all proceses start to work normally16:04
GridCubefirst time i ever heard of that16:10
theluckymikeyea ;/ but anyway - when i try to launch something, for example firefox - if I click on icon and don't move mouse - nothing happens, at the moment when I press any key on keyboard or move ouse it launches emediatly16:11
GridCubetheluckymike, let me do some resarch16:12
theluckymikeGridCube shoud I add some bugreport or smth? I dont have experience with that, but I couldnt find answer on forums ;/16:13
GridCubetheluckymike, yes, yes you should16:13
theluckymikeGridCube I think il try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1358228 just found it..16:20
GridCubetheluckymike, that does look like your problem16:22
GridCubebut in any case, please report it16:22
GridCubeits important to keep track of this issues16:22
theluckymikewere and how I should do it?16:22
GridCubetheluckymike, the problem apparently is in the kernel level, correct?16:23
GridCubeyes, kernel16:24
GridCubethen do this, on a terminal write: ubuntubug kernel16:24
GridCubeand it will compile information about the kernel and your system and send it to launchpad16:25
GridCubedo  you have an account on launchpad?16:25
theluckymikei think not16:29
theluckymikeGridCube https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14646 this could be that bug?16:30
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 14646 in Other "Warning inotify_fsnotify.c:129 idr_callback+0x41/0x70()" [Normal,Assigned]16:30
GridCubei really have no idea what that all means16:30
n2diyI'm going to dabble with HTML, any suggestions for the best WYSIWYG HTML editor?17:04
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Polls are highly discouraged to be taken on this channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, please ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:05
GridCubei like geany17:05
theluckymikeyee, im in my xubuntu system again17:40
GridCubestuff works now?17:42
theluckymikeGridCube, can u give me that link again plz?17:42
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 14646 in Other "Warning inotify_fsnotify.c:129 idr_callback+0x41/0x70()" [Normal,Assigned]17:43
GridCubethis one?17:43
GridCubeor this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135822817:43
theluckymikei have to find out how to completely turn off pcmica17:43
theluckymikeohh thx17:43
=== frankbro|sleep is now known as frankbro
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=== flaxo_ is now known as flaxoffline
_jayquick question, is there a way to make the window drag points bigger? Resizing them requires surgical precision atm19:01
chamPAINJust switched to Xubuntu and I have script that needs to read a file from the /tmp folder. It fails, and I can't cat that file. Are there any special properties to the /tmp folder or files therein?19:01
_jay*btw just installed it, seems very nice besides that :)19:01
GridCube!faq | _jay19:03
ubottu_jay: Lists of common questions and answers about Xubuntu can be found at http://xubuntu.org/news/tag/faq/. See also: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions19:03
_jayok thanks19:03
GridCube_jay, http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1204-precise/  Number 319:03
chamPAINAt the tail end of the script is the following error: http://sprunge.us/IKcb. It's because nothing is being passed to dig for the reverse host lookup (option -x).19:05
chamPAINWhen catting the filename in the tmp folder no such file error is returned.19:06
GridCubewouldnt know chamPAIN19:07
chamPAINNo problem. Let me know if you've ever had any program run across tmp write issues. I'll try my hand around and see what else I can find.19:08
GridCubechamPAIN, i dont understand your error log19:15
GridCubeit says ERROR: cannot reach vps6966 (
GridCubecan you reach that from your system?19:15
chamPAINYes, I'm able to get there. http://sprunge.us/GdJO19:16
chamPAINPart of the script fails if it can't create the connection and that error is part of the script that lets me know it's not working.19:17
GridCubeyes i see that, you should check the "powepanel" that says there in the error log19:18
chamPAINYeah, I see what you mean. There's a lot going on in this script. PowerPanel lets me know that the server is active and operational. I can get into it. Rather this is a tool I use to shorthand the login process.19:19
GridCubei dont know19:19
chamPAINThanks for the effort. I can't expect you to know about this tool. I was wondering if there was any known issues with writing tmp files. I'm still cracking at it.19:21
GridCubechamPAIN, i think that your error is more about a conectivity issue than a writing permission19:22
chamPAINI'd be tempted to agree with you. Save that this script works with SSH to log in to a server. If I make every step by hand: finding the credentials, the hostname, and logging in, I can get in ok.19:23
chamPAINWhat I see is that the initial hostname works ok, then it tries to pass that information to the login part of the script via a temporary file.19:23
GridCubechamPAIN, i know this isnt the "best" solution, and might do more harm that good, but tried running your script with sudo?19:24
chamPAINHaha, yes!19:24
chamPAINFigured that would blow away any permissions issues, like you did. But it didn't work.19:25
GridCubethen again, i think its a conectivity issue, not a permission one19:25
chamPAINI can see how that makes sense. Until I can rule it out completely I'll keep it in mind.19:26
chamPAINScript relied on traceroute.19:30
chamPAINIt wasn't installed.19:30
GridCubetold you :319:30
chamPAINYou were right! Thanks. Have a hilarious picture: http://i.imgur.com/ZKnlQ.jpg19:31
peterk1664can anyone help me with installling xubutu 12.04, i kepp getting and error msg halfway through the install19:42
GridCubepeterk1664, what error?19:45
peterk1664it says that to contue the installation i must run from cd and investigate from there19:46
GridCubepeterk1664, are you connected from the installer now?19:47
GridCubecan you share a screenshot of your error?19:47
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.19:47
peterk1664no im not on it at the moment, ill get the details and come back19:48
ochosipeterk1664: a potential problem is an invalid download, you could check the md5 sum of your download or if you burnt a cd, you could check whether there was a problem with that19:51
peterk1664iv downloaded and burnt a couple of times but with the same result19:53
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xubuntu607Hello gentlemen20:21
baizonwelcome xubuntu60720:21
xubuntu607Xubuntu 12.04 installation is finished. See you all on the other side20:28
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=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
aquixDoes anyone have any good links to read up on xfce and xubuntu?20:43
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
lalono Spanish22:16
bryguy_mines english22:16
lalook thanks22:16
GeminiDominoI just did a clean install of xubuntu 12.04 desktop, and it won't let me login to the gui. I know the user/pass is right because if I switch out to the CLI, I can login to the shell. When I login to the gui, though, the screen goes black for a second, then reloads to the login screen23:48
GridCube:( yes i know that23:48
GridCubethe only way i know of fixing that is replacing lightdm with gdm23:49
AxD09Did you change the lightdm.conf?23:49
GeminiDominoAxD09: Me? No, I haven't touched it. It's literally the first boot after install23:49
AxD09ah, was just a thought. If the config has invalid lines in does the same to me.23:50
GridCubeGeminiDomino, as said, i've seen this before, as said, the only workaround i know, its to replace lightdm with gdm23:50
GeminiDominoGridCube: I believe you. I just have to figure out how to set up my wireless card without GUI access in order to get GDM23:50
AxD09shouldn't be hard if the card is recognized23:51
GridCubeGeminiDomino, from a tty launch sudo startx -- :223:51
GeminiDominoI'll try that23:52
GridCubeit should launch you a xterm session and you should be able to launch nm-connection-editor23:53
GeminiDominoAxD09: Dunno if it is or not. It's a broadcom, which has been historically a PITA23:53
GridCubeeven more GeminiDomino if you had network while installing it should be working, hopefully23:53
AxD09iwconfig should list recognized cards23:54
GridCubeGeminiDomino, you could, you know cable it for a while :P23:55
GeminiDominoyeah, it's working. So I should just have to "apt-get install gdm" and remove lightdm?23:55
GeminiDominodamn. Getting the GDM login now, but the same result23:56
GridCubei would first: sudo service lightdm stop23:57
GridCubethen sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get purge lightdm && sudo apt-get install gdm23:57
GeminiDominonope, no dice... dammit all23:59
AxD09doesn't sound like the problem is the login manager23:59

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