
ScottKMamarok: I've commented on that one too.00:46
afiestasyop ! already in uds hotel !01:11
afiestasrbelem Riddell around?01:11
rbelemafiestas, yup! at second floor01:26
Darkwingrbelem, ill be up there in a sec.01:46
=== Darkwing is now known as DarkwingUDS
rbelemDarkwingUDS, did you find Riddell?01:51
afiestasDarkwingUDS: Riddell rbelem around?03:09
DarkwingUDSafiestas: ping03:09
DarkwingUDSI'm in my room. Bar in like 3003:09
afiestasDarkwingUDS: for dinner?03:10
afiestasI'm suuuper hungry03:10
DarkwingUDSafiestas: I don't know yet.03:10
DarkwingUDSlol rbelem was down there03:10
ScottKAnd he was awake?03:12
DarkwingUDSScottK: LOL Yeah. Riddell looked like he was half asleep.03:12
rbelemScottK, afiestas speaking here03:24
rbelemI went down and I found rbelem pulling a rodrigo in the bar xD03:24
rbelemrodrigo style ! 03:24
ScottKI was quite surprised when someone intimated he was awake.03:25
JontheEchidnahope you guys have fun, wish I could be there04:00
Tm_Tuh, is it planned that installing kubuntu-active, I cannot get normal plasma-desktop anymore?04:55
alleeownclouds sync client has problem with qt ssl (only) in ubuntu 12.04 specific: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/owncloud/2012-May/003115.html    Would be nice if this wanna-be kailie-server part would work ;)08:03
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:38
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apolRiddell:  I'm thinking of making some parts of muon configurable by the distribution/packagers, do you have any idea what way would be the best?14:41
apolis there any application doing something similar?14:41
agateauapol: Riddell is in Oakland, probably sleeping right now :)15:30
Riddellapol: depends what sort of configuration15:52
Riddellapol: but you could use cmake compile flags or allow things to be changed in kconfig settings15:53
DarkwingUDSriddell: Where you at?15:56
RiddellDarkwingUDS: infront of the left screen15:57
Ezimwhat do you guys/girls say about the review?16:10
apolRiddell: well, I was thinking of a file in /etc maybe? It would be used to provide some distribution-depenent URL's16:15
apollike for the "featured apps", to know which ones to use16:15
apolor what ratings server to use16:15
RiddellEzim: shrug, seems not inaccurate, there are obvious QA problems which I think is down to me being ill and distracted by canonical dropping kubuntu support16:15
Riddellapol: easier for us and I think most distros and easier to code if you just read the values from kconfig16:16
Riddellthen we just add a file into kubuntu-default-settings to set the values16:16
apolRiddell: ok, noted16:17
apolRiddell: then kconfig it is :)16:17
EzimRiddell, I hope you are better now.16:18
Riddellapol: but make sure it's well documented so we know what to set16:18
EzimRiddell, now with blue system I hope the future for kubuntu is good?16:18
RiddellEzim: dunno ask again tomorrow16:19
* shadeslayer looks at specs16:21
EzimRiddell, do you mean your health or blue system?16:21
shadeslayerwendar: are you at UDS? :D16:21
apolRiddell: do you know some project that's using KConfig for customization properly? I'd like to see how to do it well16:33
shadeslayerapol: Telepathy KDE16:43
shadeslayerWe use it to store Custom presence strings16:43
apolshadeslayer: what repository? file?16:44
bulldog98Riddell: do I have to install something for remote uds participation?16:44
shadeslayergive me a sec16:44
shadeslayerapol: kde:ktp-contact-list16:45
shadeslayerfile is contact-list-widget.cpp16:46
shadeslayerthere's also presence-model.cpp16:49
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bulldog98rbelem: how much time till the active trac?17:19
nixternalhrmm, is someone here calling my cell about ubuntu? just got a phone call & couldn't understand anythingo ther than ubuntu17:23
nixternalit was from ScottK's part of the woods17:23
BluesKajubuntu stalks 17:23
nixternali see a 301 area code on my phone, i definitely don't answer it, unless it is my daughter's number :)17:24
yofel_bulldog98: 1½h from what I see http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/2012-05-07/17:24
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofel(assuming I'm using the right time zone)17:26
bulldog98yofel: yeah that’s what now my ical tell’s me after I reloaded it from the uds server17:38
BluesKajany idea how t prevent my external drive from showing it's UUID string of numbers and leters instead of it's label under it's icon on the desktop?17:40
Riddellbulldog98: no just listen to the streams http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/status.xsl18:24
Riddellbulldog98: and work out the irc channel for the room18:25
Riddellto you can give feedback18:25
bulldog98hm the quantal future is on an bad place for me I’ll be playing D&D tomorrow at that time18:25
EzimRiddell, are you going to have meeting with blue system people tomorrow?18:30
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
shadeslayerapachelogger: hah! Someone using libqcalparser on a N919:08
shadeslayerI just got a bug report :P19:08
BluesKajso do I dare try 4.8.3 ...ok you confess , howmany are actually using it ?19:10
Tm_Tall of us?19:10
BluesKajyou guys confess , rather19:10
EzimBluesKaj, I am still using 11.10 with kubuntu-backports (4.8.2)19:11
BluesKajEzim, I think you're wide :)19:12
BluesKajerr wise ..sorry :)19:12
EzimBluesKaj, :) yes I am. I will upgrade when 12.04.1 will release :P19:12
* bulldog98 is thinking about switching to quantal right now :-) Ezim, BluesKaj :P19:15
BluesKaj12.04 is ok with 4.8.2 , it's 4.8.3 that worries me19:15
* bulldog98 had no problems (ok I packaged some of the stuff, but …)19:16
jovin4.8.3 works fine here19:16
BluesKajquantal has to wait til the repos/packages are ready 19:17
bulldog98BluesKaj: repros are up as far as I know19:17
Ezimbulldog98, :P I have only laptop.19:17
Ezimand kubuntu is my only OS19:17
Ezimso it needs to be solid19:17
bulldog98Ezim: I’m studiing and I had the alpha on all of my pc’s, so where is the point :P19:18
Ezimbulldog98, I am also studying. but I am not cool like you are. :P19:18
* bulldog98 had it always booting and the gui was also always there, so there were no real problems19:18
bulldog98Ezim: :)19:19
swecarpim running the 4.8.3 and havent had anny trubbel19:19
Ezimbut then again kde have mature. so things can be boring/stable. thats good.:)19:20
BluesKajswecarp,well, X broke when I tried it ...it could be coincidence since kde shouldn't have affected my Xserver/nvidia driver ..but it was badly broken nonetheless19:21
BluesKaj162 to be upgraded ?19:23
bulldog98why do we switch around our slots for uds Riddell? I’ve come home extra because we had the slot now19:25
BluesKajthis HDD is my test drive, so I may upggrade to quantal soon , but I'll wait til this kde point release is setup19:32
Riddellbulldog98: sorry20:08
bulldog98hm now I have to sleep a round and then get up again :)20:08
Riddellbulldog98: I can't control the scheduling this time unfortunately and it means whoever does (I think it's automatic) gives us clashing sessions20:09
shadeslayerdoes anyone here have a N9?20:09
Riddellbulldog98: so we moved 2 sessions already to not clash with the qt sessions20:09
Riddellshadeslayer: rbelem does20:10
shadeslayerrbelem: pingly20:10
shadeslayerrbelem: can you test our UDS app and check if the timezones match up?20:10
shadeslayerI recieved a bug report about time zone's getting screwed up ( Seems to be working just fine with UTC +0 )20:11
BluesKajok , 4.8.3 working ok so far20:18
EzimBluesKaj, so it worked this time?20:20
BluesKajyup , so far , Ezim :)20:22
EzimBluesKaj, your day saved? :)20:23
BluesKajanyway this is my test HDD , so if stuff breaks my other install on the main HDD is unaffected20:23
BluesKajit's an old IDE drive I installed in this pc yesterday 20:25
* Ezim going to bed. take care dear kubuntu-users.21:16
rbelemshadeslayer, yup :-)22:49
RiddellJontheEchidna: hi23:25
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yep23:26
RiddellJontheEchidna: can you join our session?23:26
RiddellBlizzz: about?23:35
Riddellsreich: about?23:44
JontheEchidnaLightDM is awesome23:46
RiddellScottK: about?23:46
Riddelldantti|2: about?23:48
DarkwingUDSJontheEchidna: I've been using it since release... very very nice.23:49

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