
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/972558/00:16
wgrantWhat's the generated SQL?00:16
wgrantNeed to ensure that there's no ORDER BY etc.00:17
StevenK0-21@SQL-main-master UPDATE Branch SET information_type=CASE WHEN transitively_private THEN 4 ELSE 1 END WHERE Branch.id IN (77)00:17
wgrantHuh, interesting that it evaluates that early.00:17
wgrantI would have expected it to use a subselect.00:18
wgrantStill, okay either way00:18
StevenKJust checking what happens with bigger chunks00:18
StevenK0-4@SQL-main-master UPDATE Branch SET information_type=CASE WHEN transitively_private THEN 4 ELSE 1 END WHERE Branch.id IN (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 75, 76)00:20
wgrantMm, might as well turn it into an explicit subselect.00:20
wgrantOh, but it's wrapped in a method, isn't it.00:21
wgrantSo you'd have to duplicate.00:21
wgrantNot worth it, just go with this way00:21
StevenKwgrant: Yup, let me commit, push and pqm-submit00:21
wgrantStevenK: How goes QA?02:32
StevenKwgrant: Trying to get access to the staging mailbox03:07
wgrantStevenK: Don't you only need inbound mail?03:08
StevenKwgrant: I thought new@bugs ... would reply back?03:09
wgrantStevenK: Sure, but why do you care about that?03:09
wgrantYou didn't change the response AFAIK03:09
StevenKwgrant: Because I want to see if ' informationtype proprietary' dies horribly.03:09
StevenKwgrant: Or you can rummage inside the staging mailbox and see if the malonehandler yelled at me.03:11
wgrantI'm currently wondering if stub will hate me for adding more indices to bugtaskflat :)03:11
wgrantI think Thunderbird hung before it even hit the network to retrieve the mailbox03:12
wgrantHow nice of it03:12
StevenKwgrant: Thunderbird still hates you?03:29
wgrantIt's still restarting.03:29
wgrantI think I might need to vacuum some SQLite.03:29
wgrantLet me delete indices and see what happens./03:29
lifelesswgrant: got time for a brief call ?03:30
wgrantlifeless: Sure03:31
lifelesshows your skype install these days ?03:32
jtvI wonder who knows about PQM these days?  It won't let me land branches.03:33
wgrantjtv: What's it saying?03:34
jtv'Failed to verify signature: gpgv exited with error code 2'03:34
wgrantSure you're using the right key and email address?03:35
jtvI don't see any sign that I'm not.03:36
jtvI registered a key for it, which is the same key that I get prompted for to sign my revisions, and for the same email address that the email is addressed to and that bzr is set up to use.03:37
StevenKjtv: Do you know which key PQM is using, since PQM is entirely seperate.03:38
jtvIt's not basing it on the email address I'm using?03:38
wgrantjtv: It has a keyring.03:38
jtvSo I need to have this key registered somewhere besides Launchpad?03:39
StevenKjtv: Yup. If it's a new key, you need to file an RT to get the webops to add it to PQM's keyring.03:40
wgrantjtv: Yes. PQM doesn't know about Launchpad.03:40
jtvArrrh.  Thanks.03:40
jtv(It used to let me land branches with this key, although ec2 wouldn't)03:43
StevenKjtv: I have one key, it saves thinking about it.03:44
StevenKwgrant: Thunderbird still hates the world?03:44
jtvSo did I — but then the trouble started.  First ec2 stopped accepting it, and now apparently pqm as well.03:45
jtvSorry, actually it was more complicated than that.03:45
jtvOne key is not necessarily simpler.03:45
StevenKjtv: I just transistioned from a 1024 DSA key to a 4096 RSA key, and I know that ec2 and pqm-submit/lp-land use completly different codepaths to get the signing key.03:47
jtvYeah, what happened is that one of the earlier changes forced me to add a new key, and then ec2 had trouble with that.  But now that trouble seems to have extended to pqm.03:48
StevenKjtv: How do you get forced to generate a new key?03:49
jtvMy old one was no longer accepted.03:50
spmjtv: that error message is also what you'll get if your email address order in the 'right' key changes.04:02
spmbut seeing as that requires one of us to change your key on pqm, probably not that.04:02
jtvspm: sorry, I don't follow… if my email address order in the "right" key changes?  What does that mean?04:04
spmjtv: eg mine: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x19273D1D1CC65F5BBC798AA93D8EAB2DEBE3BC06&op=index <== if I changed the primary contact email in that, pqm will not recognise it as valid.04:06
jtvAh.  No, that can't have happened here.04:07
spmthe flip side, is if the address you send as changes; it has a similar effect too04:07
lifelessjtv: did the key expored ?04:34
jtvNo.  It was a while ago but if I recall correctly, the problem was that it wasn't attached to my canonical address.04:35
StevenKYou can edit the key and 'adduid'04:35
wgrantStevenK: Error message:04:35
wgrantProprietary bugs are forbidden to be filed via the mail interface.04:35
StevenKwgrant: Win!04:35
StevenKwgrant: There should be another message in there04:36
wgrantWhat should it look like?04:36
wgrantThere's about 20000 other messages in there.04:36
wgrantAnd that's after I deleted 10000004:36
StevenKwgrant: It was exactly the same as the Proprietary mail, but set it to Unembargoed Security.04:37
wgrantStevenK: That's a bugnotification.04:38
cjwatsonjtv: It's allowed to have a PQM key whose primary UID isn't your Canonical address, but you do need to get ops to set your primary UID as permitted.04:38
StevenKwgrant: What's the bug number?04:38
wgrantStevenK: We don't send bug notifications automatically.04:38
cjwatson(I deduce that it's allowed because my key is that way.)04:39
wgrantSo I'd look for it in the web UI04:39
jtvcjwatson: I think ec2 forced me to use my canonical address.04:39
wgrantIt doesn't.04:39
StevenKwgrant: Yeah, I'm doing so.04:39
wgrantMy primary isn't canonical.com04:39
cjwatsonDOesn't for me.04:39
StevenKDepends on the mail setup.04:39
wgrantMy canonical.com address isn't primary for anything anywhere.04:39
wgrantAnd it works for me :)04:39
jtvwgrant, cjwatson: I didn't say "as primary"04:40
cjwatsonIt's trivial to add a Canonical UID to an existing key.04:40
StevenKwgrant: qa-ok, finally.04:40
wgrantStevenK: Great.04:40
StevenKwgrant: Thanks for the assist.04:40
jtvcjwatson: maybe it is, but for other reasons I did not want to do that.04:41
lifelessworth a read04:55
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StevenKwgrant: We just need jml's QA now.10:54
wgrantStevenK: Unfortunately I believe achuni is likely to be at UDS.10:57
wgrantBut hopefully not.10:57
StevenKWe can deploy r15204 if we want.10:58
StevenKIn terms of my stuff, that's the mail command and adding information_type to IBranch.10:58
danhghey all11:03
rick_h_howdy danhg11:18
nigelbStevenK: ping, around?11:21
StevenKnigelb: O hai11:25
nigelbHeya, got a few mins for a PM?11:25
StevenKnigelb: Sure.11:25
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: benji | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
abentleyrick_h_: per deryck's email, he and adeuring aren't standupping today.  Would you like to stand up anyhow?13:29
rick_h_abentley: sure13:30
rick_h_party czajkowski14:06
czajkowskisleepy czajkowski this timezone lark is most confusing :)14:07
rick_h_hah, timezones do suck. My wife says melatonin ftw (she's a doc) and helped when I hit budapest I think14:08
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lifelessflacoste: how is UDS ?18:13
czajkowskiI've gottent to mee huw and rvba :)18:17
czajkowskiniec to put the face to the names18:17
czajkowskilifeless: flacoste isnt here this week18:20
flacostelifeless: on the phone with deryck18:20
lifelessczajkowski: oh, I thought he was ;)18:21
lifelessflacoste: o/18:21
lifelessgary_poster: around ?18:31
gary_posterlifeless, yes.  hey.  I got your email.  I don't have any other branches to land, but I wanted to see if the trunks would all work for us if we put them in a PPA before I replied.  You could go ahead and release optimistically: that will make it easier for me to test18:32
lifelessgary_poster: you read my mind :)18:32
gary_poster:-) ok cool18:32
lifelessgary_poster: testtools 0.9.15 is up19:19
gary_posterok cool thanks lifeless will try soon19:19
lifelessgary_poster: did you end up trying an HVM AMI?20:28
gary_posterlifeless, no we still have a card for it.  Could well be this week.20:28
flacostelifeless: do you want to catch-up?20:36
lifelessflacoste: I'd love to20:40
lifelessflacoste: when suits ?20:40
flacostelifeless: now?20:40
lifelesshangout? skype?20:40
lifelessflacoste: ^20:41
nigelb6/ws 2720:46
abentleyderyck: btw, listing queued jobs is working, and the next step, finding "ready" jobs that aren't queued is also working.21:15
deryckabentley, nice!  good news then.21:15
abentleyderyck: Also, bug filed: https://github.com/ask/kombu/issues/12621:16
deryckabentley, man, that's a nice bug report!  :)  Code and everything! :)21:17
gmbHas anyone ever seen the following error whilst trying to connect to launchpad.dev:21:39
gmbAn error occurred during a connection to launchpad.dev.21:39
gmbSSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.21:39
gmb(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)21:39
gmbHmm. Could be a proxy problem...21:40
lifeless.dev? no.21:42
lifelessor rather, not I21:42
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
mwhudsongmb: that can mean one side thinks it's doing ssl and the other side doesn21:47
mwhudsongmb: does http://launchpad.dev:443/ "work" ?21:48
gmbmwhudson, Checking now. It works from within the host machine (this is on ec2 btw)21:48
gmbmwhudson, Ahh, I see what's happened.21:49
gmbrf-setup clobbered my apache config.21:49
gmbThanks for the hint.21:49
lifelessorly ? :P21:49
lifelessgmb: having a fun time at UDS ?21:49
gmblifeless, So far :)21:49
gmbAsk me again after the clinic tomorrow.21:49
wgrantgmb: What broke about the config?22:05
wgrantgmb: `make LISTEN_ADDRESS=* install` should now do all the remote access stuff for you22:05
sinzuijcsackett, mumble?22:07
czajkowskiwgrant: a ticket has been assinged to me in RT from toykeeper you were involved with https://support.one.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=13727 user still having issues and has followed your instructions.22:16
wgrantczajkowski: Looking22:27
czajkowskiwgrant: thanks22:28
wgrantczajkowski: Huh, how did that site for 3 weeks without being bounced back to us :(22:28
czajkowskiwgrant: it only got assigned to me yesterday22:28
czajkowskiand has been sitting in the other IS queue till then22:29
wgrantThat OOPS has expired22:29
wgrantczajkowski: Anyway, looks like the usual Active/Deactivated thing. He was Active, needed to be Deactivated to get the email address reactivation behaviour.22:30
czajkowskiah ok22:33
czajkowskiwgrant: confused as to which account https://launchpad.net/~nsates  or https://launchpad.net/~enesates/22:35
wgrantczajkowski: nsates was merged into enesates22:36
* StevenK staples wallyworld to the Internet.23:19
lifelessI think you may want to upgrade to a rivet gun.23:20
StevenKI might hit vital bits.23:20
bigjoolsit won't make any difference23:22
lifelessjelmer: any chance you could look at bug 987938 ?23:52
_mup_Bug #987938: subunit trunk packaging breaks subunit-* commands <subunit:Incomplete> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/987938 >23:52
lifelessgary_poster: subunit releases are up; sorry for the delay.23:53
gary_postercool thanks lifeless23:53
lifelesscutting testrepository in a second23:54

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