[12:09] oops [12:09] bac benji frankban call in 1 or 2 (ASAP) [13:07] benji, did your fresh setuplxc run give you PG 8.x or 9.x? [13:08] gary_poster: I haven't looked yet, been doing reviews. Let me take a peek. [13:09] thx [13:10] gary_poster: 8.4 [13:10] ok thanks benji [13:11] benji, I guess hat means there's still a chance you might have a fix for the bug relatively quickly, so taht's good news :-) [13:11] two chances to spell "that," and two misses. :-) [13:11] heh [13:15] benji: thanks for the review. gary_poster: I can land the branch benji reviewed also removing the slice used to avoid buffer overflows if you agree: the fix has been released [13:15] frankban, +1 [13:15] ok cool [13:33] yay AAA [13:35] bac: a big fan of the american anthropological association are you? [13:35] heh [13:36] i'm a big fan of big-ass flatbed tow trucks coming to my house for "free". [13:36] ah. Land Rover? [13:40] benji, fwiw, I'm starting my daily test run with pg 9.1 installed (hopefully this does the trick http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/973543/) just to see how it affects things [13:41] yes, blown brake slave cylinder. [13:41] k [13:42] bac, have you ever added up how much repairs for that thing have totaled over the years, or have you merely cowered in fear? ;-) [13:43] nope [13:43] :-) [13:44] but it has been pretty good for the last few years after i put in electronic ignition. some parts, like condensers, were consistently bad. since no one uses them anymore they sit on shelves for a really long time. so replacing those parts with modern tech really improved things. [13:45] meanwhile, i've had my MINI for 8 years and have spent >$500 total in repairs [13:45] er, <$500 [13:58] wow [14:38] benji, tests fail miserably with PG 9.1 in general, from what I can see (http://ec2-23-22-4-132.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/waterfall) but maybe the test you need will still pass. The failures have a trivial smell to them, but I'm not sure what the various necessary fixes are, [14:38] . [14:39] ow, something just killed the tests cold... [14:40] gary_poster: interesting. If I get done with understanding these translations reviews before the heat-death of the universe I'll try to see if just my test passes with 9.1 reliably, then we can at least know how to dispose of the one bug [14:40] cool. yeah, I was feeling optimistic about the change generally until everything just died right now... [14:41] oh I see [14:41] a lot of those failures were layers not starting up [14:42] so therefore the associated tests didn't run [15:00] benji, mm, pg was running on wrong port. trying to fix things up. maybe will be better after that [15:00] mmm [15:02] ok, I just finished the outstanding reviews; trying to get PG 9.1 running on my container now [15:10] that diff to setuplxc is wildly insufficient :-P [15:17] gary_poster: I don't follow. [15:18] benji, above I gave a pastebin to a small change I had made to setuplxc to try and get postgres 9.1 working (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/973543). It is wildly insufficient. [15:18] ah! I thought you were talking about the "diff" of the MP that I reviewed earlier. [15:21] nope :-) I saw those sliding by though. [15:22] gary_poster: so, we need to change the port number in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf? Maybe the port number will be fixed in the package itself once the transition is done? [15:24] frankban, yeah, I hope so. That would make sense to me. Also, you need to actually remove 8.4; this will force the system to get all the other 9.1 dependencies. That also will probably be handled autiomatically [15:27] gary_poster: is 8.4 still installed using your diff? [15:27] frankban, yeah. :-/ [15:27] not sure why [15:27] I think I have things fixed up now. retrying tests... [15:28] argh [15:28] gary_poster: you could try replacing "postgresql-9.1" with "launchpad-database-dependencies-9.1" [15:29] frankban, ah ok. worth a try. I may need to do that anyway because I keep hosing my ec2 machine for one reason or another... [15:34] I see a lot of this building too. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/973765/ [15:34] gary_poster: if that works, maybe you have a fix for the port number issue too. [15:34] frankban, cool, good point [15:38] things are working much better now, at least... [15:52] gary_poster: how did you get PG 9.1 to start? the "service" command appears to ignore my taunts [15:52] benji, heh, service postgres st[op|art] worked for me [15:53] hmm [16:05] gary_poster, benji: am I corrct if I assume a shared library in ubuntu is installed in different paths depending on the system to i386 or amd64? e.g. /usr/lib/lxc/liblxc.so.0 vs /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/liblxc.so.0 [16:06] frankban: I don't know. [16:07] frankban, I don't either, but I am in amd64, and I have the former (/usr/lib/lxc/liblxc.so.0) and not the latter (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/liblxc.so.0). [16:09] thanks. i have the latter after installing the latest quantal version of lxc (that I build with my changes). [16:12] gary_poster: maybe I should ask Serge about this. It can be an error in my build, or a change in the quantal version. In the latter case, I think I should change lxc-ip to try the first path and fallback to the second. [16:13] frankban, gotcha. yeah, sounds like a good plan. [16:29] gmb, hey. https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/goldenhordeoneonone when you are ready [16:30] gary_poster: Sure. Just getting bootstrapped. [16:31] cool [16:34] gary_poster: I think hangouts are a no go on this connection. Can we skype? [16:34] sure gmb [17:24] gary_poster: Couldya tell that everyone just hopped on the wifi? :) [17:30] gmb, heh, yes I could [17:32] benji, so is that the end of the road for that bug? You can tell me in an hour or so--I'm going to lunch :-) [17:32] gary_poster: pretty much, I'm going to try to find a workaround for just a little bit after lunching and relocating [17:43] * benji relocates. [18:12] hi gary_poster [18:12] re: bug 993467 [18:12] <_mup_> Bug #993467: lib/lp/bugs/browser/tests/distrosourcepackage-bug-views.txt fails when run alone (on lxc?) < https://launchpad.net/bugs/993467 > [18:13] i have traced it back to schema/patch-2209-16-1.sql not being applied. (new since 2012-04-23) where did you see the original failure? [18:23] bac, locally! ugh, sorry. :-( [18:23] bac, so, mark it in invalid and please accept my apologies. [18:23] gary_poster: easy mistake. sadly i was in the same boat. [18:23] oh! [18:23] so i replicated the failure [18:23] heh, and :-/ [18:24] but i brushed up on storm debugging and some other stuff. [18:24] well, that's cool at least :-) [18:25] not what we want though :-/ [18:25] glad it is resolved. [18:25] two green runs in a row [18:25] \0/ [18:27] gary_poster: did you get your ec2 bill? was it crazy? [18:28] bac, not as bad as the month before. This was maybe $120, and the month before was > $300. I think that only having a single gigantic machine helps [18:28] mine was $211.31! [18:29] and that didn't include any runaways [18:34] wow [18:34] that sucks [18:35] gary_poster: expense submitted [18:36] ack...logging on... [18:37] bac, why the small two additional separate EC2 items? what are they? [18:37] march and april [18:38] i indicated that in the email [18:38] they really drive down my average! [18:38] gary_poster: ^ [18:38] oh, gotcha bac, cool. I'll mention that in the line items too just for future reference. [18:38] average: heh [18:41] bac, approved [18:52] gary_poster: I haven't been able to find a workaround for bug 992184 so I think I'm done. I'm going to assign it to Stuart and take the ID off the card and move it to done-done, I guess. [18:52] <_mup_> Bug #992184: lib/lp/services/database/doc/textsearching.txt fails intermittently/rarely on parallel tests < https://launchpad.net/bugs/992184 > [18:52] benji, how 'bout tracking [18:52] it's not forward, but it's truth :-) [18:52] ooh, I like tracking [18:54] gary_poster: any time you have a minute, I'm not ready to discuss goals again, but I'd like to have a (very short) follow-on to Friday's discussion [18:55] benji, sure thing. getting ready. meet you in oneonone [18:55] k [19:59] gary_poster: for the launchpad-lxc-build card did you have anything fancier in mind than http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/974325/ [19:59] (both for setuplxc and lp-setup)? [20:00] bac, no, that's all I had in mind, ty [20:04] gary_poster: would you put your Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval on https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/lxc-build/+merge/104971 [20:04] sure [20:08] bac, a thing of beauty and a joy forever. approved. [20:08] excellent [20:14] We have six clean runs in a row so far, which is 50% more than our previous record. [20:30] gary_poster: you think they've been stalling us on our build machine waiting for these to become available? https://plus.google.com/116015965439782966698/posts/2a87SCyWVyN [20:31] bac, heh heh, yeah, I think that must be it [20:31] yes, it is the only plausible answer. they were very convincing, though. [20:32] :-)