
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
a_b0yhow do you set up extended display?00:03
a_b0yhow do you set up extended display?00:06
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:10
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest21295
=== Guest21295 is now known as IdleOne
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
=== len is now known as Guest50315
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
thecheggshey hey hey11:30
head_victimHas anyone else ever come across bug 880084 ?11:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880084 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Mobile Broadband must be enabled after every power on, suspend, hibernate, or signal loss" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88008411:44
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTTechguy
=== kanliot is now known as KANLIOT
skritehey all, great little distro you guys have here.14:22
skriteis it a big deal to replace lxdm with slim ?14:25
KANLIOTi doubt it14:25
KANLIOTslim is already packaged14:26
skriteKANLIOT: will an apt-get install replace lxde with slim? nervous to try .. :)14:28
KANLIOTi donno14:29
KANLIOTtry in a vm if you can14:29
gordonjcpskrite: what's the worst that could happen?14:29
KANLIOTbesides have you tried 12.04?14:30
gordonjcpif it goes *incredibly* wrong, you get to reinstall14:30
gordonjcpbig wow14:30
skriteKANLIOT: i have not tried 12.04, was going to do that when i get home from work.14:31
skritegordonjcp: good point.14:31
dove_ganyone using opera 11.62 on 64bit lubuntu16:03
dove_gopera 11.62 freezuing all the time16:05
theluckymikemy cpu is running in 0,8ghz mode right now and when it's using more power it switch to 1,6ghz. how can I make him all the time run on 1,6ghz?16:17
gordonjcpdepends somewhat on the CPU family16:24
gordonjcphttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CPU_Frequency_Scaling <- helpful16:25
theluckymikethx gordonjcp16:39
wxli've had a precise vm made from the 20120215 alpha and it's been running so good i just kept updating and updating. recently this became impossible to do. i get errors like this: http://pastebin.com/tEzySDkx any ideas why?16:43
=== topher is now known as zenkhaos
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen
ilijahy i just installed gimp 2.8 in Lubuntu 11.10 i i want icon in my Lxmenu18:05
ilijahow to add this icon18:05
ilijain Menu->Graphic18:05
pmatulis_is there a way to bind a keystroke to suspend?19:02
bioterrorwhy not19:02
bioterrorfirst we need to figure out which command sends the suspend19:02
johnny|Is there any way to get the microphone working if you had your motherboard audio disabled when you installed Lubuntu?19:17
bioterrorjohnny|, alsamixer?19:18
johnny|bioterror, tried that19:18
bioterrorit's unmuted?19:18
bioterrorand you have lifted the levels up19:18
johnny|Unfortunately its only seeing my NVIDIA HD Card and my Camera Mic.19:18
johnny|Even though I enabled the Azalia card in the bios (it was disabled previously)19:19
johnny|johnny@johnny-System-Product-Name:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards19:19
johnny| 0 [NVidia         ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia19:19
johnny|                      HDA NVidia at 0xfe67c000 irq 1919:19
johnny| 1 [CameraB404271  ]: USB-Audio - USB Camera-B4.04.27.119:19
johnny|                      OmniVision Technologies, Inc. USB Camera-B4.04.27.1 at usb-0000:00:12.2-1, high19:19
johnny|I think it should be seeing a third one which should be the on board mic19:20
wxlnot to ask a stupid question but what is the result of "arecord -l" johnny| ?19:20
johnny|**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****19:21
johnny|card 1: CameraB404271 [USB Camera-B4.04.27.1], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]19:21
johnny|  Subdevices: 1/119:21
johnny|  Subdevice #0: subdevice #019:21
wxlyes that's unfortunate19:21
wxlone sec19:22
johnny|The reason I need the on board audio mic input to work is because I'm hooking my piano keyboard up through it.19:22
wxlwhat card is it?19:24
wxluh, fantastic19:25
johnny|Hang on I'll find it19:25
johnny|Its the motherboard audio19:25
wxlyes but not all motherboard audio is the same19:25
wxltry lspci19:26
wxldon't paste the output here19:26
wxlfind the right line19:26
johnny|I know I only did that before because pastebin is unnecessary for 4 lines19:26
johnny|But this will be more than 4 lines19:26
johnny|so yeah19:26
johnny|I believe the card is called Azalia or something19:28
johnny|Least thats what it called it in the Bios when I enabled it19:28
johnny|00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40) I believe thats it19:28
johnny|My guess is that this is what is controlling the on board microphone (obviously)19:29
wxlthere's only one AMD chip in the ALSA drievr matrix http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-interwave19:31
wxlnot sure if that's the right one19:31
dove_gi get this error trying b oot up from USB19:31
dove_g"error no configuration file found"19:31
dove_gthis link doesnt help, ny other suggestions19:31
wxlinterwave is nowhere to be found in ubuntu repos tho19:32
johnny|At one point it used to see it. I think thats because I had it enabled when I installed LUbuntu19:33
johnny|This time it wasn't enabled in the bios19:33
wxlit is canonical certified http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci:1002:4383-AUDIO/19:34
johnny|Should I try reinstalling LUbuntu? Problem is it will be a pain to reinstall.19:35
wxlif what i read is to be believe, you need snd-hda-intel19:35
wxlnow where to find it? grr19:36
wxlwhat ver? precise?19:36
wxlmodinfo snd-hda-intel is not null19:38
wxlwhich is to say you should already have the driver19:38
wxlmodprobe snd-hda-intel19:38
wxlthat SHOULD fix ya up19:38
johnny|shows no output19:39
johnny|johnny@johnny-System-Product-Name:~$ modprobe snd-hda-intel19:39
wxlsudo of course19:39
johnny|ahh ok19:39
johnny|Still no output19:39
wxlmodprobe | grep snd-hda-intel19:40
wxlis it there?19:40
johnny|That gives me the usage: modprobe message19:41
wxlmodprobe -l | grep snd-hda-intel19:41
wxlthere it's installed19:42
wxlnow try arecord -l19:42
johnny|card 1: CameraB404271 [USB Camera-B4.04.27.1], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]19:42
johnny|  Subdevices: 1/119:42
johnny|  Subdevice #0: subdevice #019:42
johnny|Now its not even showing my NVIDIA19:43
johnny|Oh wait19:43
wxl^ look up19:43
wxlsame as before19:43
johnny|Nevermind the NVIDIA isn't a capture device19:43
johnny|lol derp sorry Yeah I need it to have two devices19:44
wxlfor grins, what does aplay -l give you?19:44
johnny|**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****19:44
johnny|card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]19:44
johnny|  Subdevices: 1/119:44
johnny|  Subdevice #0: subdevice #019:44
johnny|Ok yeah so thats all right but with capture it should be two instead of one19:45
wxldidn't you have two playback devices before?19:45
wxlyou did19:45
wxlof course it was your camera19:46
wxlwhich you may not need19:46
johnny|Yeah the Camera is only a Camera Mic19:46
johnny|So yeah it should only be a capture device19:46
johnny|So if it corrected that, I mean thats good to avoid conflicts I guess in any case19:47
wxlnot really the issue19:47
wxlwell this is strange because it should work19:47
johnny|Yeah I know19:47
wxlif i were you i'd put the module into /etc/modules and restart and see what happens19:47
wxli dont' normally recommend restarts (modprobe makes this unnecessary) but i'm baffled as to why it's not working19:48
johnny|Hmm ok so in /etc/modules what am I putting in again?19:49
johnny|I am in nano and all it says is lp and rtc19:49
johnny|Am I putting in snd-hda-intel as a line?19:50
wxljust that19:50
wxllast line19:50
johnny|ok cool19:50
johnny|ok gonna restart19:51
johnny|Tried it. Didn't work19:54
wxltry #ubuntustudio19:55
johnny|Unless there is something in the xorg file negating it19:55
wxlseriously i think that's the best advice i can give you19:56
wxlperhaps one of them is even familiar with the particular soundcard19:56
wxli know a few folks use lubuntu proper, too19:56
wxlat the very least they have an arguably better understandng of sound on *buntus in general19:56
wxlalso #opensourcemusicians is very active and that may be something to consider too19:57
wxlsorry i couldn't be of more help19:57
johnny|Its ok19:57
gordonjcpjohnny|: what's up?19:57
johnny|gordonjcp, I'm trying to get the microphone input on my On Board Motherboard to work.19:59
johnny|I went through some steps with wxl but we're both stumped as to what to do19:59
gordonjcpis sound basically working?19:59
gordonjcpand are you using pulseaudio, or alsa directly?20:00
wxlmessing with me20:01
johnny|Yes sound is working and my Camera Mic works as a Mic. But I need the mic input on the motherboard working because my piano keyboard is hooked up to it. In essence if possible, I need two capture devices working20:01
wxlhe's doing alsa from what i can gather20:01
wxllspci finds the card20:01
wxlfrom what i can gather snd-hda-intel is the right drievr20:01
wxlwhich was not loaded because he had switched it off during install20:01
gordonjcpokay, two capture devices simultaneously is a world of pain20:01
wxlof course the other capture is a usb camera20:02
wxlcan you disconnect that, johnny| ?20:02
gordonjcpwell, don't worry about that for now, what does aplay -l have to say?20:02
wxlhe added the driver to /etc/modules and rebooted and had no better luck than just modprobing20:02
gordonjcptbh it should just pick up the card automatically20:02
johnny|Now it says there are no capture hardware devices20:02
gordonjcpthe thing to watch is that the card order is the same every time, which takes a bit of clever modprobeing20:03
johnny|Now that I disconnected the camera20:03
wxlno surprise as the only one was the camera, and it's now disconnected20:03
gordonjcppastebin the output of "arecord -l"20:03
wxli think that's what he just gave you20:03
johnny|No need for pastebin lol its one line20:03
johnny|arecord -l20:03
johnny|**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****20:03
wxland aplay -l gives something doesn't it? the nvidia?20:04
wxlcard 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 020:04
gordonjcpokay, so that's an HDMI output20:05
gordonjcpwhich won't capture20:05
johnny|Though the Azalia I dunno should?20:05
gordonjcpie. that's not your soundcard20:05
wxl00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev  40)20:05
wxlthat's from lspci20:05
johnny|Theres two soundcards20:05
wxlthat's the one we want to get working20:05
johnny|The on board and the NVIDIA20:05
johnny|Unless the NVIDIA negated it when it went in20:05
gordonjcp^ is that of any help?20:06
johnny|Ok to pastebin to show you the command it said to run20:07
wxlFirst remove that model=3stack entry from alsa-base.conf20:08
gordonjcpeven if pulse had grabbed it, it should show up20:08
gordonjcpyou're not running pulse are you?20:08
johnny|Yes actually I am.....20:08
johnny|Though that even picks everything up as well20:08
johnny|Cept for the one card20:08
johnny|I could uninstall pulseaudio20:08
gordonjcpbrb, sorting something serious20:09
johnny|But I don't think it would help alsamixer see the device in question20:09
johnny|wxl I'll try what you said20:09
wxlit seems the other part of the recommendation is20:09
wxlwget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh20:09
johnny|Thats another command I tried20:10
johnny|Your ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=332796566f914774e233ed6645f3a1d52b851d4920:11
johnny|Please inform the person helping you.20:11
gordonjcphave you tried asking in #alsa?20:11
johnny|Not yet. I could now though.20:12
wxlseems that snd-hda-intel is having trouble polling20:13
wxloh here you go20:14
wxljohnny|: this is probably what you want https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto20:14
johnny|Ahh so this has to go into alsa-base.conf?20:16
johnny|options snd-hda-intel model=MODEL20:16
wxlyes but you should know what model is20:16
wxluse model=auto20:16
wxloh wait20:16
wxlnot alsa-base.conf20:16
johnny|ooh ok20:17
johnny|Yeah I didn't use the options command20:17
wxloh wait wait20:17
wxlhold on20:17
wxlthat might confuse things20:17
wxlyeah rm the line from /etc/modules20:17
wxland then add it to the end of /etc/modules.d/alsa-base.conf20:17
wxlthat way there's no conflicts20:17
wxleither way could work potentially20:17
johnny|Oh wow its already there20:18
wxlwhat is cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec20:19
johnny|options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=0x10220:19
johnny|Odd though20:19
johnny|Because thats what enables my NVIDIA card to work20:19
johnny|Ooh I got it!20:21
johnny|The Azalia and NVIDIA both use the same driver through Ubuntu.20:21
wxlthere you go20:21
johnny|But now this means somehow either the Azalia or the NVIDIA would have to manually use another sound driver that would work.20:22
wxli would suspect then (not being a user of two sound cards) that you could modprobe snd-hda-intel twice with the right model= and you'd be set20:22
wxlgordonjcp: ^ think we got down to the bottom of it if you're familiar with using two simulataneous cards-- with the same driver20:22
wxlcat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec20:23
wxl^ what does that produce johnny| ?20:23
johnny|cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec20:23
johnny|Codec: Nvidia GPU 15 HDMI/DP20:23
wxloh gr20:23
wxli wonder if this will work at all20:23
wxlprobably not20:23
johnny|I may be better off getting the mic input on the connector to plug into USB20:24
johnny|It would use two connectors which is irritating but it may have a better chance of working I would think20:24
johnny|Then again I wouldn't know for sure without investing the money to do it.20:26
gordonjcpwxl: ah, yeah, that sounds familiar20:26
wxlcat /proc/asound/card1/codec* | grep Codec20:26
wxlthat might do it20:26
johnny|johnny@johnny-System-Product-Name:~$ cat /proc/asound/card1/codec* | grep Codec20:27
johnny|cat: /proc/asound/card1/codec*: No such file or directory20:27
johnny|Is it possible to change the driver for my NVIDIA to see if any others will work besides hda-snd-intel?20:27
wxlthere may be a nvidia one20:28
wxlprobably have to download and compile yourself20:28
johnny|Yeah thats what I was thinking20:28
johnny|Which in theory would free up the Azalia driver20:28
johnny|To work20:28
wxlyou could try commenting out that line20:29
wxl(don't delete in case you want to return it to where it was)20:29
wxland then add "options hda-snd-intel model=auto"20:29
wxlthen sudo alsa force-reload20:29
wxlit may still default to the nvidia but it's worth a shot20:29
johnny|ok now lets see20:30
johnny|Yeah it did20:31
johnny|Hmm let me see something20:31
johnny|Hmm thats odd20:32
johnny|I commented out the line that I used initially to get the sound to work with the NVIDIA.20:33
johnny|and sound still works20:33
wxlyou did the restart?20:33
johnny|Not yet. Let me try that.20:33
wxler reload20:33
johnny|I did20:33
johnny|I reloaded20:33
johnny|and still got sound20:33
wxlstrange indeed20:33
johnny|Its odd20:33
wxl#alsa, i guess20:33
johnny|Yeah I told them20:34
johnny|Only other thing I could think is to reinstall pulseaudio20:34
johnny|uninstall it and try aplay with a file20:34
gordonjcpkill pulse for now20:34
wxli would think that's an intelligent idea20:34
wxlif you have a nonfuctional system in one server, it will probably carry over to the other ;)20:35
johnny|Ok used task manager to kill pulseaudio20:36
johnny|Now lets see20:36
johnny|I will use aplay to try to play an ogg file20:36
johnny|If it works then I know the NVIDIA card is still going20:36
johnny|ok yeah no sound20:37
johnny|So now I could look into aplay -l20:37
wxlit may be that commented out line20:38
johnny|Its listed20:38
johnny|Let me get the pastebin of this20:38
johnny|This doesn't look good20:38
johnny|I mean its there but the aplay output is messy20:40
wxlTHAT'S GOOD!20:40
wxlhd output usually involves many channels20:40
johnny|Ahh but then how come I'm not getting any audio playing?20:40
wxland you have capture devices now20:41
wxlthe right ones20:41
johnny|But I guess I need to use a different line than that one I had20:41
johnny|To get the NVIDIA card to play sound20:41
wxlwell it should play out the other one now, right?20:41
johnny|Lets see if I can record20:42
johnny|If I can I guess it means I can find another way to work with it20:42
johnny|Other than the command I did20:42
johnny|Ugh PC froze20:42
johnny|Let me restart20:43
johnny|Yeah the other devices show up however, I get no audio now through the NVIDIA card20:52
johnny|Mostly because it shows 4 spdifs now20:53
johnny|aplay shows it is playing but there is no sound20:54
gordonjcpaha, now you need to play with alsamixer20:56
gordonjcpand also fiddle about to ensure it's hitting the right set of channels20:56
johnny|The probe x 102 made the NVIDIA card work but disabled everything else20:56
johnny|The issue is that card 1 which is the NVIDIA is listed as device 3, device 7, device, 8 and device 9 when it should only be listed as device 720:58
wxldo this now:20:59
wxlcat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec20:59
johnny|cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec20:59
johnny|Codec: Realtek ALC89220:59
wxlAH HA20:59
wxlthat's what the ubuntu wiki recommends20:59
wxldownload from realtek itself21:00
wxlthat's for your motherboard21:00
johnny|ahh this way the motherboard driver doesn't interfere with the NVIDIA card21:00
johnny|I see thats why the NVIDIA card sound isn't working21:00
johnny|ok I'll restart now that it install21:09
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
johnny|and see if sound works on the NVIDIA21:09
ElchzardUnder SEH Team21:12
ResistanceElchzard:  before I stab the freenode ops about your posting that same phrase in every other channel i've seen you in, mind *not* posting that everywhere?21:14
johnny|ok problem21:21
johnny|When I do this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1668737 my NVIDIA card gets sound but it gets rid of any other soundcards in the system21:21
johnny|If I don't do that then the NVIDIA card doesn't play any sound21:22
johnny|But all devices show up21:22
johnny|This is even with the realtek driver installed21:23
johnny|johnny@johnny-System-Product-Name:~$ cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep CodecCodec: Nvidia GPU 15 HDMI/DP21:23
johnny|We go back to there only being a Card 0 and no Card 121:24
wxlso with the realtek installed what is in alsa-base.conf and/or /etc/modules now?21:24
johnny|What is snd-pcsp?21:26
johnny|# Keep snd-pcsp from being loaded as first soundcard21:26
johnny|options snd-pcsp index=-221:26
wxlassumedly the realtek21:26
johnny|I found that in alsa-base21:26
johnny|and that may actually be whats causing the issue but I don't know21:26
wxlnope that's the pc speaker21:27
wxlpc sp(eaker)21:27
wxlthere's no other line?21:27
wxlcuz how else can the driver be installed??21:27
johnny|I dunno it said it had installed. Let me show you the alsa-base.conf output in pastebin21:28
johnny|Maybe there is something I'm missing21:28
alix3c3hello, just installed lubuntu 12.04 on alix 3c3 (pc engines), all was gone perfect, but at reboot I can only see the centered lubuntu logo, so I rebooted pressing shift, so with root access installed ssh-server and was gone, installed webmin and is ok, still connected now to my alix via webmin, but on screen still is present only lubuntu logo and there is no mouse pointer, can someone help me?21:29
wxlit's like got nothing else in it21:29
wxlwhat's in /etc/modules?21:30
alix3c3if someone want to try to connect via webmin I can give an access21:30
johnny|Same thing as before lp and rtc21:30
johnny|Yet when I did the install script on the realtek21:30
johnny|It said it installed21:30
wxlcan you pastebin that script?21:30
johnny|installing it again21:31
johnny|and I'll show you21:31
alix3c3no help on alix? (amd geode)21:32
johnny|Seems to be fine and compiling21:33
wxli don't want to see the output of the script but the script itself21:34
wxlthis remove folder business is the last thing you see?21:36
wxlgive me alsa-driver-1.0.25/MAKEFILE21:37
johnny|This command BTW seems to be getting the NVIDIA sound working but making the other sound card not show up. I'm not exactly sure why however21:40
johnny|options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=0x10221:40
johnny|Instead of it being 0x10221:40
johnny|It should be 1x10221:40
johnny|Thats all I can think considering the NVIDIA card should probably be card 121:40
johnny|Hmm I'll try it21:40
johnny|and restart21:41
alix3c3hello, just installed lubuntu 12.04 on alix 3c3 (pc engines), all was gone perfect, but at reboot I can only see the centered lubuntu logo, so I rebooted pressing shift, so with root access installed ssh-server and was gone, installed webmin and is ok, still connected now to my alix via webmin, but on screen still is present only lubuntu logo and there is no mouse pointer, can someone help me?21:42
alix3c3tnx for help!21:46
MrChrisDruifsudo start lightdm ?21:51
MrChrisDruifI should check if someone is still in channel <_<"21:52
johnny|How do I find out what the realtek is using? I know the NVIDIA is using snd-hda-intel21:54
johnny|Because I think I may have the solution21:54
johnny|# Keep snd-realtek-whatever it is from being loaded as first soundcard21:55
johnny|options snd-realtek-whatever it is index=-221:55
johnny|I think thats what I need21:56
johnny|Because both soundcards can't be loaded as first21:56
wxlthere you go21:56
johnny|and I think both are trying to be21:56
wxlnow which is snd-realtek-whatever? :)21:56
wxli'm not finding it easy21:56
johnny|Right lol21:56
johnny|I know21:56
johnny|The only other solution is to load the NVIDIA as soundcard 121:56
johnny|and hope it works that way21:57
wxlthat might work21:57
johnny|Yeah hmm I'll give it a go21:57
wxlit it doesn't work pastebin me the configure script johnny|21:57
johnny|ok sure21:58
johnny|ok here goes nothing21:58
johnny|Yeah it has to do with the particular command22:08
johnny|Either way using a probemask to get the audio working will somehow get rid of the other soundcard22:08
johnny|johnny@johnny-System-Product-Name:~$ cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec22:08
johnny|cat: /proc/asound/card0/codec*: No such file or directory22:08
johnny|johnny@johnny-System-Product-Name:~$ cat /proc/asound/card1/codec* | grep Codec22:08
johnny|Codec: Nvidia GPU 15 HDMI/DP22:08
SAKKEDis that Lubuntu software center at default repository yet?22:11
johnny|Here is the issue22:11
johnny|Without the probemask command you get this22:11
Unit193SAKKED: Yep.22:12
Unit193!info lubuntu-software-center22:12
ubottulubuntu-software-center (source: lubuntu-software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, removing applications on Lubuntu. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.5~bzr135-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 87 kB, installed size 687 kB22:12
johnny|Codec: Nvidia GPU 15 HDMI/DP appears 4 times22:12
johnny|and it shouldn't22:12
johnny|Using the probemask command in a file makes it appear once but also gets rid of the first soundcard.22:13
johnny|So there has to be another way to get the NVIDIA codec to stop cloning itself22:13
SAKKEDUnit193: few months ago i had to install that from some other ppa22:14
Unit193Yes, but that's because you were on 11.10, now it's in 12.0422:15
johnny|No output on this and this is what it says has to use the NVIDIA card22:18
johnny|Not snd-hda-intel22:18
johnny|sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec_hdmi22:18
johnny|johnny@johnny-System-Product-Name:~$ sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec_hdmi22:18
johnny|Well I established it works22:24
johnny|Though now to go through these steps22:24
johnny|I'm following directions from NVIDIA instead of that forum post22:24
=== veemon is now known as Art
johnny|What if sound plays in alsa mixer as plughw but not hw?22:28
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen
johnny|ok got it to recognize the two soundcards and also play audio through the NVIDIA. Now I'm having trouble getting it to record.23:38
johnny|and it gives me a bunch of options23:38
johnny|and none worked23:39

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