
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest21295
=== Guest21295 is now known as IdleOne
FiReSTaRTlubuntu isn't looking too bad at all.. managed to install it in virtualbox by leaving the install window alone and not trying to do anything else on my computer lol02:10
FiReSTaRTit'll get a nice test run as a virtual appliance that only has to connect to the work vpn, run nx and run twinkle :D02:42
=== Lipe^Olive is now known as lipe^olive
dscasselUDS keynote starting now! http://video.ubuntu.com/live/16:01
=== lipe^olive is now known as FfoO
Karouanyone here?17:17
Karouid like some help if possible17:21
dscasselI'm paying more attention to UDS session rooms at the moment... :)17:21
mimcpherwhat kep do you need?17:21
dscasselKarou: Yeah, how can we help?17:21
dscassel(#ubuntu may be more responsive, though... I'm lousy at tech support).17:21
Karoucan somebody help me?17:40
genii-aroundKarou: Best to just ask the actual thing you might need help with and then to see if someone knows the answer17:47
Karouwell i installed ubuntu to /sda517:47
Karouand i want to have a tri boot17:47
Karouusing windows 8 as the boot loader17:47
genii-aroundKarou: For configuring the Windows boot loader and not GRUB, probably better to ask in the ##windows channel17:48
Karouits windows 8 :/17:49
dscasselYeah, I have no experience with Windows 8.17:50
genii-aroundI don't think it uses boot.ini anymore17:52
Karouill tell you what it uses17:53
Karouanyone know how to use neo grub?18:24
Karouwhere does grub keep its config files?18:28
genii-aroundKarou: The Ubuntu linux grub2 default settings file is in /etc/default/grub , boot time grub stuff is in /boot/grub18:30
Karouis ubuntu 12.04 on grub or grub2?18:38

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