=== Darkwing is now known as DarkwingUDS === head_v is now known as head_victim [09:56] Hi, I was emailed requesting to re-name a page on https://help.ubuntu.com/community what should I do? [09:57] (I believe it was sent directly to me unless I am miss reading something in gmail) [10:01] benonsoftware: I got that too - I suspect a send to members of team is to blame [10:02] hobgoblin: Ah, okies. So I don't need to worry? [10:02] I don't think everyone is able to change wiki page names anyway - read something somewhere a little while ago [10:02] Ah, thanks [10:02] possibility of breaking links etc - I'm ignoring it :) [10:02] :) [14:03] sorry, just got kicked out === carif_ is now known as carif === carif_ is now known as carif [17:26] jbicha: are you working on the translation update? If not i'm happy to do so [17:27] mdke_: it was on my list to do, but I hadn't started it yet & I'd need a sponsor anyway so you're welcome to take care of it [17:28] how do you handle uploading it to Quantal? [17:29] jbicha: normally the package just gets copied over to quantal but whoever approves the sru, or we can upload it separately [17:29] jbicha: ok, I'll do it [17:29] well the version number has to be different if we don't have the SRU/Archive Admin guy copy it over [17:31] jbicha: right, the version number would be 12.10.1 === bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen === mdke_ is now known as mdke [17:55] jbicha: did you come across this one in the build for the previous upload? http://paste.ubuntu.com/974041/ [17:56] jbicha: a particularly unhelpful error message :( [18:26] mdke: sorry for the delay, yeah we had that problem quite a bit last time we uploaded [18:26] shaunm mumbled something about it will be better with his next intltool update [18:29] u2190 is ← but that error message doesn't exactly point to where the problem is [18:33] if you commit the translations I can try to help you dig through and find the broken translated string [18:33] it's such a headache though :| [19:16] jbicha: ok thanks, that gives me something to go on [19:18] jbicha: I guess we should be using xml entities for these types of symbols, although I have no idea if that would prevent the error message from happening [19:19] found that broken translation, I think [19:19] odd that itstool bailed on it [19:22] eww, now “ is causing a problem. That symbol reminds me of Microsoft Word autocorrection [19:23] Perhaps someone was using Microsoft Word when they wrote a particular string... [19:25] ok, it builds [19:35] mdke: awesome [19:36] LibreOffice for translations? [19:37] jbicha: the quotation symbols were in the English version [19:37] nice, Chinese is 100% translated [19:37] Ugh, MS Word autocorrection....Ugh MS Word in general [19:42] yeah [19:50] and to think that Simplified Chinese was at 0% a couple days ago ;) [20:44] jbicha, mdke: http://itstool.org/download/ [20:44] get whoever packages itstool to package 1.1.3 [20:52] shaunm: thanks, we're good for today but I'm sure it'll help for next time === bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen