
UForgottenrhpot1991: thats fine I'm not near the box either.00:18
UForgottentgm4883: yes I'm using the HDPVR-specific device in mythtv-setup00:19
tgm4883UForgotten, what audio are you using out of it? optical or R/W?00:20
tgm4883And how are you changing the channel? Firewire or IR?00:20
UForgottentrying R/W RCA first, will do opticl00:20
UForgottenIR for channel change00:20
UForgottenI took the info on the mythtv wiki and did manage to get a cli bash script that changes channels, and had put tht in the dvr config00:21
tgm4883You may need to put a sleep at the end of the channel change script00:22
UForgottenbut the mythbackend configs that it is inable to get channel from the device, but it shouldn't be trying that.  When I get back in front of it perhaps I'll do the gather logs script00:22
UForgottenyes it has the sleep00:22
UForgottenI'm literallly using the one from mythtv wiki00:22
UForgottenI was hoping this was a fairly easy/common setup, otherwise I wouldnt have blown 200 bucks on the pvr :)00:23
tgm4883I have no issues with mine00:23
tgm4883but I change channel via firewire00:23
UForgottenit should just be a simple config issue I'm hoping.  I just need to convince the backend that it doesn't need to query the pvr for what channel it's on, since it can't determine that from the hardware00:24
=== len is now known as Guest50315
UForgottenok so I'm back on the myth box01:55
UForgottenI am able to select watch tv (was failing before) but I don't get video or channel changing.01:55
UForgottendoes not look like it is properly engaging the pvr, no led besides standard power led01:56
UForgottendamn. mythbuntu broke my lirc config02:00
ZinnUForgotten: Please watch your language.02:00
UForgottenso anyways. lol02:32
Shadow__XUForgotten: what are you trying to do03:46
Shadow__Xfirst and foremost you should read the manual a bit and you need to make sure you have everything correctly setup in myth backend setup03:47
Shadow__Xif not things can/will fail03:47
Shadow__Xalso i have found that mythbuntu control center is pretty good with lirc03:50
=== dkeith__ is now known as dkeith
UForgottenShadow__X: not for the Hauppage PVR.  I have the lirc working using the mythtv wiki instructions13:28
UForgottenShadow__X: /away13:28
UForgottenShadow__X: I just want the PVR to work, but myth can't seem to control it properly. It is not taking in video.  I have deleted and re-added it, gone through every config option, no dice.13:32
UForgotteneven downgraded the firmware to 0x1513:33
UForgottenanyone else noticed if you switch away from updates manager it stops updating the screen?23:22

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