
tgm4883So it appears there are 3 Ubuntu TV sessions now, any chance we can get someone to update this channel if anymore get added?15:43
mellisI'm trying to get ubuntu-tv to compile on ubuntu 12.0416:38
mellisI've been looking at the unity-2d-private source at the moment16:42
mellisand substituting the unity-2d-private 5.0 version is its place16:44
mellisYah! Got passed unity-2d-private compiling, now onto panel/applets compile error17:04
mellisDoh! Error around ubuntu-tv/panel/applets/appname/menubarwidget.h17:17
mellisProbably can't find UnityCore/Indicator.h17:19
mellisCompile has found UnityCore/Indicator.h but complain with lots of sig++ errors17:22
mellisTime for snooze17:31
=== daker is now known as daker__
tgm4883Ubuntu TV session on remotes getting started in #ubuntu-uds-room-20221:59

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