
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest21295
=== Guest21295 is now known as IdleOne
SpamapSahhh, the hum of UDS17:03
SpamapS.org backslash foo17:05
smoserhello, mr SpamapS17:05
SpamapSwhat is your launchpad username? You need to be in ~ubuntu-etherpad17:09
geofftis there a link to a good technical description of juju for those of us who haven't been paying attention?17:10
geofftI'm afraid "DevOps distilled" just confuses me more17:10
SpamapSI believe archive refresh frequency was increased during the P cycle17:10
SpamapSThe Packages file could be versioned, and the Release file would only point to one version that is already known to exist17:12
SpamapSRelease file contains hashes for Packages.gz , Packages.gz and Release are not updated at the exact same time.17:13
med_geofft, https://juju.ubuntu.com/   Juju provides service orchestration.17:16
med_geofft, you could possibly ask for more tech info in #juju-dev17:16
geofftmed_: the Documentation page is helping a bit, thanks.17:18
SpamapS$ wc -l /var/lib/apt/lists/mirrors.kernel.org_ubuntu_dists_precise_Release17:19
med_geofft, also, feel free to ask those type of questions on #ubuntu-server. I probably should have referenced it first.17:19
SpamapS492 /var/lib/apt/lists/mirrors.kernel.org_ubuntu_dists_precise_Release17:19
SpamapSThis problem presents itself in web development as well. Think of the network of Ubuntu mirrors as a CDN .. when yahoo wants to update an image, they do so by appending a query string to the URL which forces CDN caches to re-fetch it from origin...17:22
SpamapSthe format on the archive may not need to change17:25
SpamapS 077178d834ac0195a9141ed0aa8568f684776dc57d33edf3e6b38c9a2543f256          1677114 main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz17:25
SpamapScan become $MIRROR/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz?hash=077178d834ac0195a9141ed0aa8568f684776dc57d33edf3e6b38c9a2543f25617:26
smoserreading now dummy17:26
* SpamapS takes a deep breath17:26
SpamapSSorry I had a local interruption when you guys responded17:27
rbasakSo we would add a new by-hash/07717...256 symlink which points to the correct versioned Packages.gz file. That's all.17:27
SpamapSwhy do we need a new file?17:27
SpamapSIt does mean you may still get a fail, but you just need to fetch again.17:28
SpamapSits not dynamic respondse17:29
SpamapSits just avoiding caching the wrong file17:29
SpamapSyes its a much tinier window though17:32
smoserSpamapS, on a very dumb object store it is different.17:34
SpamapSsmoser: I'm only avoiding problms in the intermediate caches. Are you saying S3 would interpret the query string to mean something?17:35
smoseras its a different path. you're suggesting that the web service will know to cut off ?.*. but thats an assumption (i'm not sure if it is true with s3 or not)17:35
SpamapSsmoser: understood, they may just make that a static lookup and not chop it off.17:36
smosers3 does seem to chop ?.* off17:37
SpamapSrbasak: I made that assertion incorrectly btw, pdiff doesn't solve the problem :-/17:38
SpamapSare there issues w/ symlinks in S3?17:43
tumbleweedpresumably copies aren't a problem17:44
smoserthere are no symlinks in s3.17:44
smoseryou just have to load additional files.17:44
tumbleweedwe're only talking about symlinks for Packages  files...17:44
SpamapSright ok so its just a second stored copy17:44
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SpamapS6 minutes. Actions?17:48
SpamapSI'd suggest moving those Actions to the top of the etherpad, hard to find in there17:51
* SpamapS goes afk17:51
xnox[TOPIC] Plans for Python 3.3 (and 3.4) availability18:04
xnoxPlans for Python 3.3 (and 3.4) availability18:04
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Foundations | Plans for Python 3.3 (and 3.4) availability | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u
xnoxanyone knows where is the link to Barry's way of building python2 & python3 packages from the same debian source package?18:22
jtaylorhttp://wiki.debian.org/Python/LibraryStyleGuide probably18:23
xnoxjtaylor: thanks a lot18:25
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Foundations | Plans for Python 3.3 (and 3.4) availability | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20416/foundations-q-python33/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u
udsbotuuds-grand-ballroom-c: 5 minutes left in this session!18:50
udsbotuuds-grand-ballroom-c: 4 minutes left in this session!18:51
xnoxudsbotu: stop spamming us ;-)18:51
udsbotuxnox: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:51
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udsbotuuds-grand-ballroom-c: This session has ended.18:55
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brendandit's worth pointing out that we do test the *reader*, just not with the specific mmc format19:11
brendandhow often do we see *only* mmc cards not working?19:13
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brendandalso, does it achieve 3.0 speeds19:26
brendandyou don't need to drop them to test that19:41
roadmr_udsbrendand: the synthesizing event is a good proposal :)19:43
=== DrStrangelove is now known as Faqtotum
udsbotuuds-gb-c: 5 minutes left in this session!19:54
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udsbotuuds-gb-c: This session has ended.19:59
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Hardware | New Toolkit for Distributed Testing | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20383/hardware-q-distributed-testing/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u
spineauhello !22:03
zygahey cr3!22:18
roadmr_udszyga, ppetraki : got questions or comments?22:21
ppetrakiroadmr_uds, ny, thanks22:21
roadmr_udsdo let me know if there are questions or comments so I can alert people here22:22
zygaI'm interested to hear more about what's described, are there any slides too?22:22
roadmr_udszyga: yes, cgregan has slides22:23
zygaI have one general comment but that's something that can happen after the session: I strongly believe that checkbox and lava should be one project, one strong libaray of tools that don't need to duplicate internals, but that's not the topic of this session22:23
ppetrakiI'm still on the fence as to how much either project offers in addition to autotest22:23
roadmr_udszyga: exactly :) we'll mention that in a moment22:23
roadmr_udszyga, ppetraki : for the moment you can look at this, it's the basics of the architecture (though cgregan's slides are nicer)22:25
ppetrakias an integrator, you'll want to be able to leverage existing "batteries included" frameworks like autotest and  LTP, and then focus on my custom product.22:25
zygacr3: lava has the same problem22:32
roadmr_udszyga: grown too complex and people don't find it easy to contribute?22:34
zygaroadmr_uds, no, actually, started too specific and hard for non-linaro to consume22:34
zygaroadmr_uds, it's getting community (yay) slowly22:34
zygaroadmr_uds, but I always felt that we should put equal effort on random developers using it and being interested and special custom cases needed for linaro22:35
zygaeven if that costs us tons of time (like 50%)22:35
zygaand non arm support (as we currently just start to get x86 support via community contributions)22:36
zygaroadmr_uds, we started a process to simplify a few things in lava for both users and potential contributors alike22:36
ppetrakiI wish QA folks would blog their tricky feats more, its a bit of an art to harness something and not create massive amounts of new code, that's just as complicated as the software you're trying to test.22:36
zygayeah, blogging is usef, but then again, when you have a really cool and useful product others do that for you22:37
zygawe're just not there yet22:37
zygait's not like I need to read blog posts about github to know it's useful or how to use it22:37
zygato the speaker: lava had similar concerns22:42
zygafor test developers22:42
zygaand integrators22:42
zygathat were running tests on their machine22:42
zygaand did not want to hang the kernel on purpose22:42
zygalike powe management tests22:42
zygaso we were considering adding a flag that would mark a test as unsafe22:43
zyga(in the test meta data)22:43
ppetrakifwts has a sane test case organization22:43
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zygaso running on my workstation, I would not easily just run certain tests while exploring22:43
zygawhat is fwts?22:43
ppetrakiACPI focused test suite22:43
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zyga(lava considers tests a free market, there is no taxonomy there, test is just a brand, you install it by name and then you can run it)22:44
ppetrakimight be a nice use case for cb-core to harness fwts22:45
roadmr_udsppetraki: checkbox already uses fwts for some tests22:46
* zyga is here ;-)22:48
zyga(the dispatcher is now slowly being integrated in the lava-core)22:50
zygabut essentially yes, it's one thing that sits next to your devices22:50
zygamaas is interesting, I feel that lava could benefit form that as we essentially need to do maas for arm dev boards today22:50
zyga(sadly arm dev kits are not server grade hardware that was designed for this)22:51
zygacr3: do you have anything that looks at the overall tests plan before it even allocates the hardware, to check if it makes sense?22:54
udsbotuuds-gb-c: 5 minutes left in this session!22:55
zygaespecially if you have many-machine tests (I'm not sure as I got confused by the discussion)22:55
udsbotuuds-gb-c: 4 minutes left in this session!22:56
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spineauFork-exec cr322:58
udsbotuuds-gb-c: 1 minute left in this session!22:58
zygacr3: do you have a time to chat today?22:58
udsbotuuds-gb-c: This session has ended.22:59
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ppetrakithanks guys23:00
roadmr_udszyga: I'll tell him so he can try to find you (cr3, that is) heh23:01
roadmr_udsbye folks!23:01
zygaroadmr_uds, thanks23:01
zygaI can hear you :23:01
zygait's not late, I just changed the timezone and I pretend it's early23:02
zygasure, I just want a quick chat23:02
zygabut it can be anytime23:02
zygajust prefer early in the week23:02
zygaas it can spawn more discussion later23:02
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Community | Upstream App Developer Documentation | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20408/community-q-upstream-appdev-docs/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u
zyga6 7 8 9 10...23:07
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udsbotuuds-gb-c: 5 minutes left in this session!23:54
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udsbotuuds-gb-c: This session has ended.23:59

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