
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest21295
=== Guest21295 is now known as IdleOne
=== daker is now known as daker__
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Track: Community | Qt Birds of a Feather and Question and Answer | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20715/community-q-qt-bof/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u
tsdgeosQt rocks18:57
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udsbotuuds-room-202: 5 minutes left in this session!19:54
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udsbotuuds-room-202: This session has ended.19:59
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/room-202/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-room-202.log
=== kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Track: Desktop | Control of TV from a local network | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20709/desktop-q-tv-control/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u
tgm4883If anyone is in the room, could you just say the time? I'd like to mark when I hear it then someone can tell me about how much lag there is in the stream21:53
tgm4883I just heard you will21:55
tgm4883Oh thats nothing :)21:56
tgm4883Are there still just 3 Ubuntu tv sessions?21:57
willcooketgm4883: Yes, at the moment.  We'd like to add another one about "Tv Apps" but we're still working out if I can be fitted in21:58
tgm4883can someone update the #ubuntu-tv channel if that happens (or if any of the tv sessions get moved again)?21:58
tgm4883I almost missed this one when I saw it got moved up 2 hours21:58
willcooketgm4883: Sure, I'll do that21:59
tgm4883willcooke, thanks21:59
willcookeyeah, I didn't get any indication that it had moved either21:59
tgm4883hmm, totem seems to eventually reach the end of the audio stream22:01
popeyi think the streams restart on the hour22:01
popeythey always used to22:01
tgm4883well I've switched over to VLC, so we'll see what happens22:02
Saviqgood evening :)22:04
tgm4883hello Saviq22:04
* Saviq clanks the bottle against the screen22:05
MrChrisDruifTV remotes session?22:05
tgm4883MrChrisDruif, yep22:05
SaviqMrChrisDruif, yup22:05
MrChrisDruifAlright, I'll lurk for a few..please start the session22:06
MrChrisDruif(probably also with live vodcast?)22:06
SaviqMrChrisDruif, audio is here http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u22:07
Saviqno video22:07
Saviqhey jhodapp22:08
jhodapphey Saviq22:08
tgm4883As an extension of what is being said. Pretty much anything you would see on the tv regarding metadata, should be available on the tablet/phone screen (except the actual video)22:13
tgm4883oh, + remote controls22:13
MrChrisDruifSaviq; I thought vodcast was without video (v for voice) but it's podcast22:14
tgm4883I have that same problem22:14
MrChrisDruifAre there 7 Alien films?22:15
tgm4883that sounds like what fields should be searchable in Ubuntu22:15
MrChrisDruifThat sounds similar to Google's "+" system. It highlights friends who liked it22:17
Saviqyeah we'd have to integrate some of the social networks, but first think a lot about how much / little we would want to expose22:18
MrChrisDruifIt says something like " AlanBell, mhall119 and 300 others +1'd it"22:18
tgm4883To further that idea, you could use G+/Twitter to say you liked some video. Beyond that, you could perhaps subscribe to someone elses UTV recommends (not necessarily friends)22:18
Saviqthe closest network that I know, that's very social-movie-related is filmaster, recommendations are what they're focused on22:20
tgm4883Before we get too far off of remotes, we're not planning on getting rid of dumb remote support right?22:21
Saviqtgm4883, I don't think that's in scope for that session22:21
Saviqjhodapp, I wouldn't limit it like that, the possible usecases drive the API design22:22
tgm4883I've seen it22:22
tgm4883XBMC app22:22
jhodappSaviq: yeah, that's our scope for this session though22:23
SaviqDLNA limits you, though22:24
MrChrisDruifAlright, a suggestion for "remote" and even "profiles": every smartphone (yes, also Android and iOS) with the ubuntu-remote app has it's own profile. You can start movies depending on age etc and you get recommendation on your profile22:25
MrChrisDruifAnd you can also pause the movie/stream for everyone or just yourself22:25
MrChrisDruifI know it's rather vague what I'm telling, but it's works flawlessly in my mind ^_^22:25
chienchouchentgm4883: XBMC thing is cool, i have been using it, works very well for me22:26
willcookeMrChrisDruif: nice idea, please add it to the use-case section on the pad22:26
tgm4883There is a fork of MythTV called TORC that has a pretty good implementation of a tablet remote control22:26
mikhaswe did some experiment wrt. remote text input (using your couch device to input text on your tv set): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmvAq3-rJwU (maliit)22:28
MrChrisDruifArgh, crappy laptop22:28
willcookeMrChrisDruif: no worries, I can do it22:28
SaviqUPnP / mDNS22:30
imnicholWhat about avahi?22:31
imnicholOh, beaten by Saviq22:31
Saviqimnichol, avahi ~= zeroconf ~= mDNS22:31
kenvandinedlna covers that too22:32
Saviqquestion is, do we want to try and extend the DLNA APIs for Ubuntu-TV-specific needs, where DLNA does not provide22:32
Saviqor do we want to implement DLNA for talking with other DLNA or just go custom RESTful22:33
Saviqjhodapp, ^22:33
Saviqdoes anyone have experience with extending DLNA?22:33
* mikhas votes to go with DLNA22:33
Saviqs/or just/and just/22:33
kenvandineSaviq, i think it would have to be both22:34
kenvandineyou could discover the device with dlna but perhaps use that info to provide access to a RESTful API22:34
Saviqthere's other APIs we need to look at22:37
SaviqRVU and stuff22:37
mikhasRVU := ?22:37
MrChrisDruifDid my idea arrive?22:37
mikhasMrChrisDruif, repeat it?22:37
Saviqit's used by DirecTV, AFAIK22:37
mikhasSaviq, thanks22:38
Saviqbut dunno about TVs that are RVU-enabled22:38
MrChrisDruif<MrChrisDruif> Alright, a suggestion for "remote" and even "profiles": every smartphone (yes, also Android and iOS) with the ubuntu-remote app has it's the ability to start movies or series on U-TV and also gets it's own recommendations.22:39
SaviqMrChrisDruif, already in the pad22:39
MrChrisDruifAlso the part about pausing something for you personally or for everyone?22:40
SaviqMrChrisDruif, yes22:40
SaviqMrChrisDruif, I believe you mean saving a bookmark of sorts?22:40
MrChrisDruifYou pause it for you personally on your own device, so you can get started to leave for work and continue watching on the tube/metro22:41
MrChrisDruifIt's kind of like "bookmarking", but with your own personal copy22:41
SaviqMrChrisDruif, let me add that22:42
mikhasMrChrisDruif, we dubbed it "roaming" I think22:42
Saviqmikhas, I think it's a bit more than roaming22:42
Saviqmikhas, but yes, same idea, only spanning not just your TVs, but also mobile devices (you "roam" to a mobile device)22:43
MrChrisDruifWhat do you mean with roaming? Just streaming to your uPhone/uPad?22:43
SaviqMrChrisDruif, he meant going from room to room and have the content "follow" you22:43
MrChrisDruifAh, well then that idea sounds pretty similar, but then also to your personal device. Not just the devices in your house22:44
tgm4883How do you determine where you are at in your house?22:45
Saviqtgm4883, bluetooth, for examble22:45
tgm4883your computer determine what room you're in?22:45
mikhastgm4883, gps?22:45
MrChrisDruiftgm4883; wifi22:45
mikhasare, *in* your house22:45
mikhasnot at :-)22:45
tgm4883linuxmce has been attempting that, last I checked it isn't very reliable22:45
tgm4883bluetooth has a range of ~30 feet22:46
MrChrisDruiftgm4883; that was manually?22:46
Saviqmikhas, based on bluetooth strength you can assume you're closer to one or the other22:46
Saviqanother possibility - face recognition22:46
tgm4883MrChrisDruif, that was automatically IIRC22:46
tgm4883Saviq, so you just can't have any pictures on the wall?22:46
mikhasface recognition by the tv set itself?22:46
mikhasthat would help with profile management, too22:46
MrChrisDruifSo it seems tgm4883: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ufVBOf1ir822:47
tgm4883Saviq, instead of automatically, could you have different "rooms" on your touchscreen and switch it there?22:47
tgm4883you could, I mean is that acceptable?22:47
Saviqtgm4883, I think we should try making it automagical22:48
Saviqtgm4883, and only fall back to manual when that doesn't work22:48
Saviqtgm4883, another way could be NFC22:48
tgm4883Saviq, can that be low priority then?22:48
Saviqyou'd come in to a room and touch a tag somewhere to "log in" to the room22:48
tgm4883this would require the user have multiple Ubuntu TV's22:49
MrChrisDruifSaviq; nfc is about 1m?22:49
SaviqMrChrisDruif, more 1cm22:49
SaviqMrChrisDruif, RFID should be 1m22:49
Saviqwhich NFC is a subset of22:49
MrChrisDruifSo I think RFID would be better?22:49
MrChrisDruifIn our case?22:49
tgm4883MrChrisDruif, no, you need something more widespread22:50
SaviqMrChrisDruif, yes, but RFID is not as easy to get by22:50
SaviqMrChrisDruif, you could have a passive sticker somewhere on your coffee table or wherever22:50
SaviqMrChrisDruif, but sure, RFID would work just as well22:51
tgm4883How are you handling content on one tv and not another?22:52
SaviqI'd say the broadcast technology won't allow you to have your tv more than 5 years old anymore22:52
Saviqtgm4883, ideally that should be seamless22:52
tgm4883so if you have multiple Ubuntu TV's, each with separate content, what does the remote see?22:52
Saviqtgm4883, ideally, all22:53
SaviqNO please22:53
tgm4883Saviq, Ok, so I bring home a 2nd Ubuntu TV, it needs to zeroconf with the first TV22:53
Saviqtgm4883, zeroconf or UPnP, yes22:53
tgm4883which is beyond the scope of this session, but worth mentioning22:53
Saviqtgm4883, yup22:54
mikhasblueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-tv-control22:54
udsbotuuds-room-202: 5 minutes left in this session!22:55
mikhasbut it's pretty empty :-(22:55
MrChrisDruifIt's totally inaudible what was just said22:55
udsbotuuds-room-202: 4 minutes left in this session!22:56
Saviq*** another work item: determine whether it's worth extending DLNA (or any proposed successor) or just go with custom API22:56
Saviqjhodapp, willcooke ^22:56
willcookeSaviq: Got it22:56
udsbotuuds-room-202: 3 minutes left in this session!22:57
tgm4883There needs to be a local authority for metadata22:57
Saviqat least some metadata needs to come from the TV, matched with online data afterwards22:57
tgm4883that way you can deal with overrides22:57
udsbotuuds-room-202: 1 minute left in this session!22:58
tgm4883eg. The office US vs the office UK22:58
Saviqtgm4883, sure, the ID should ideally come from the TV22:58
tgm4883Saviq, the primary TV22:58
Saviqtgm4883, and any data that the tv actually has22:58
tgm4883since there could be a secondary TV22:58
udsbotuuds-room-202: This session has ended.22:59
Saviqmore should be retrieved by the device itself22:59
Saviqtgm4883, whichever one "holds" the data is authoritative for it22:59
tgm4883Saviq, I disagree, the TV should retreive all the metadata22:59
Saviqthanks all22:59
tgm4883no reason for my phone to go to the internet to get additional data23:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/room-202/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-room-202.log
Saviqtgm4883, not if the metadata is "other movies/shows with person X from the show I'm watching now"23:00
Saviqor social network feeds etc.23:00
tgm4883Saviq, ah, so metadata not directly related to the content23:00
tgm4883yes I agree then23:00
Saviqor related directly, but not available / making sense on the TV23:01
Saviqok we're overtime, thanks all23:01
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Track: | canonical private meeting - boot technology | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20692/canonical-private-meeting/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u

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