
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest21295
=== Guest21295 is now known as IdleOne
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
matttup for heathrow run03:31
matttJora: yoez05:20
hoovergood morning08:07
MooDoomorning all08:19
matttmorning morning08:23
MooDooRewatched the story of Lugradio last night, wonder how much it would take to persuade popey et al to do Ubuntu UK live :)09:07
MartijnVdSUKradio Live09:27
MartijnVdSwell there's oggcamp09:27
MooDooyeah i'm guessing that's going to be it isn't it :)09:28
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:37
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Knightwisemorning everyone09:53
brobostigonmorning Knightwise09:53
Knightwisehey brobostigon  how are you today09:54
MooDoomorning morning09:54
brobostigonKnightwise: on the tired side, but ok. and you?09:54
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:54
MooDoohow are you brobostigon09:57
brobostigonMooDoo:  on the tired side, but ok. and you?09:58
MooDoobrobostigon: at work, thinking of doing something opensource related, don't know what though09:58
brobostigonMooDoo: hmm, i am sure youi will find something. i am about to do a webkit build for haiku, managed to wpa2 working inside haiku yesterday, with a new wpa_supplicant build.10:01
MooDoosounds cool.10:01
brobostigonwill likely fail, but worth trying,10:03
directhexLDAP address books are totally broken in ubuntu 12.0410:10
directhexi'd recommend not upgrading, if you need that functionality in evo10:10
directhexhuh, possibly fixed by eds in precise-proposed10:26
directhexwhich makes no sense - the precise-proposed change does not affect address book, only calendar10:29
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
* penguin42 drops a pin11:36
MooDoooi i'm sleeping11:37
jacobwldap address books are broken by design12:00
jacobwcarddav is much better12:01
jacobwthunderbird doesn't support carddav :(12:01
directhexthunderbird is a basic mail client, with some toy addins to pretend it isn't12:02
directhexi'm not deploying it in my company12:02
jacobwwhat isn't a basic mail client?12:02
brobostigonmutt ?12:03
directhexevo is in the "office" section of thegnome 2 menu, not "internet" :p12:10
jacobware these not the same thing now?12:17
MooDoojjavaholic: you missed of the /join? ;)12:28
bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)12:33
AlanBelluds starts today12:35
bigcalmOn what should be a day off12:36
AlanBellyeah, I miss a bank holiday12:36
bigcalmDo you give yourself bank holidays normally?12:36
bigcalmI say it should be a day off, yet here I am in the office :(12:42
MartijnVdSbigcalm: don't you also sleep there? :)12:50
penguin42AlanBell: Don't you just nominate another convenient day to replace it?12:50
MartijnVdShe's at uds.. doesn't that count? :)12:52
penguin42hmm that's neat - on my desktop I clicked on a link to an android app and it shows 'This app is compatible with your Orange ZTE Blade'12:52
bigcalmMartijnVdS: sometimes I wonder. Last night I was coding on the laptop in the sitting room until 1.45am. Hayley had long since gone to bed12:53
MartijnVdSpenguin42: yay on-line android market :)12:54
MartijnVdSor "play" as it's called now?12:54
bigcalmI was surprised that it took so long to get a decent web interface12:55
penguin42MartijnVdS: It's a pity - I liked the old play photo story viewer12:55
bigcalmStill geting crontab emails from logrotate12:57
bigcalmNot a happy chappy12:57
MartijnVdSdisk full?12:58
MartijnVdSpost-rotate script13:03
MartijnVdSlike.. restarting mysqld?13:03
* bigcalm shrugs13:07
bigcalmIt's whatever got installed :)13:07
christelgordonjcp: thank you <313:09
* bigcalm hugs christel silly13:13
bigcalmWell, sillier13:13
MooDoochristel, hello my love <313:15
MartijnVdSctrl+shift+u 2665 <space>13:17
bigcalmOh, that's fund :)13:25
penguin42hmm, now how long will it take us to learn Unicode?13:26
MartijnVdSpenguin42: Timer starts.. NOW13:27
penguin42bah, the fonts don't seem to have the clock face characters13:31
MartijnVdSthat's because it's (a) unicode 6 and (b) screen eats Unicode 6 chars13:33
MartijnVdS(also the emoticons)13:33
penguin42there are different version of Unicode?13:33
MartijnVdSUnicode gets upgrades every few years13:34
MartijnVdSnew characters, with associated rules ("is it a letter?" info, sort order, etc.)13:34
penguin42other than sort order, which I can understand, what rules does something that just has to enter the characters need to know about?13:35
cliftontsHi everyone. Can anyone help me with a problem installing wine?13:40
MartijnVdSWhat's the problem?13:41
cliftontsI'm running precise and whatever version I try to install it drags wine1.4 down with it.13:41
MartijnVdSsounds good13:42
cliftontsThe only version that works for me is wine1.2 though13:42
directhexcliftonts, what version do you want?13:42
cliftontssudo apt-get install wine1.213:42
cliftontsThe following extra packages will be installed:13:42
cliftonts  wine-gecko1.4 wine1.4 wine1.4-common wine1.4-i38613:42
directhexcliftonts, wine 1.2 is not in precise at all - the wine1.2 package is a metapackage which depends on wine 1.413:42
penguin42I think the 1.2 is just a dummy13:42
cliftontsOk, so how does one play pokerstars on Precise?13:43
directhex   wine1.2 | 1.4-0ubuntu4 | precise/universe | amd64, i38613:43
penguin42cliftonts: So, what happens when you try it under 1.4 ?13:44
cliftontswine1.2 is the only version of wine that works. 1.3 crashes every 3 minutes like clockwork and 1.4 or 1.5 won't allow it to connect to the remote server13:44
directhexhttp://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=2899 ?13:45
penguin42cliftonts: You can grab the wine1.2 packages out of the repositories manually if you need to - not sure if they'll actually work on PP13:45
penguin42directhex: 1.4 seems to be noticably missing13:46
cliftontsI wonder what's changed to make it not work13:46
penguin42they'll have been lots of changes13:46
directhexpenguin42, it's just down to what useful bug reports end users have filed. gaps mean people don't bother filing reports13:46
cliftontsThe natural assumption is that things should work better in later versions. I can assure you poker clients don't13:47
penguin42cliftonts: Well they should, but programmers are human, so bugs happen13:48
cliftontsNaturally. How do I go about reporting these effects to the right people?13:48
penguin42cliftonts: In a terminal, run    ubuntu-bug wine1.4    and see what happens, assuming you have a launchpad account13:49
cliftontsI'll have to do that later, it's not installed right now and I'm only on a 3g dongle with limited data. Thanks for that one though.13:50
cliftontsThanks guys. I'm off to shout at the poker client. It won't do any good but it may make me feel better!13:52
NafalloNg: when are you planning to release Terminator for Windows 7?13:58
bigcalmCan you have a split view in terminals? That is, 2 sessions in one view? I have 2 tabs but would like to see the content at the same time14:08
penguin42bigcalm: You can in konsole14:10
bigcalmPendulum: not about to run kde :)14:11
Pendulumbigcalm: tab fail :P14:12
* penguin42 swings back and hits bigcalm14:12
bigcalmPendulum: my statement still stands, even if it wasn't meant to be directed back at you ;)14:12
* bigcalm hugs Pendulum14:13
* Pendulum hugs bigcalm 14:13
bigcalmPeople complain about BigRedS and me. Yet we're not the only 3 letter similar nicks in here :P14:13
bigcalmpenguin42: no offence, but I like that Pendulum is the 1st for my pen<tab> auto-complete ;)14:14
bigcalmPendulum: how's UDS?14:15
Pendulumbigcalm: not quite started yet. And I was exhausted so last night was an early night14:15
bigcalmWah, netbeans has stopped responding14:20
bigcalmTime to play minecraft then14:20
SuperEngineera'noon folkies14:52
SuperEngineero/ MooDoo14:56
SuperEngineerQ/  I'm using Feh [a cli image viewer] to replicate the old "Pictures Folder" screensaver. [using feh -rzZFYD7 /home/[me]/Pictures]15:14
SuperEngineer...anyway to set a cron job to start it automatically after x amount of time of idle kbd/mouse?15:14
penguin42isn't teasier just to install xscreensaver?15:21
penguin42^teasier^it easier15:21
cocoa117can you do soft link to the user's home directory? so it can be located elsewhere then default /home?15:22
cocoa117i keep getting permission issue when login15:23
bigcalmWhen adding a user, you can have the home directory be something other than in /home15:24
bigcalm-m I think15:24
bigcalmOr -d15:24
cocoa117bigcalm, en, it's too late for that15:25
cocoa117i guess i have to manually modify the /etc/passwd file?15:25
bigcalmcocoa117: usermod -d /path/to/new/homedir/ username15:26
cocoa117bigcalm, sure, i just realised it is one option15:27
NgNafallo: I think we should wait for WIndows 8 and make it a Metro app!15:38
NafalloNg: well, I need it yesterday. putty is just killing me :-P15:40
NgNafallo: you'd better get hacking then :)15:42
Ngit might work in some kind of cygwin stack15:42
Ngif you can get python and gnome-terminal running therein, you should be good15:42
Nafallomeh... bother.15:42
NafalloI'll just wait for Terminator Salvation...15:42
directhexgnome stuff tends to be a bit squiffy on windows. lots of daemons are expected. gnome-session-gorilla and dbus and so on15:43
* penguin42 thought Gnome was based on monkeys15:53
AlanBellhttp://video.ubuntu.com/live/ live stream from UDS16:06
MooDoocheers AlanBell16:10
penguin42that's actually impressively good quality16:11
AlanBellit is jono's introduction for 15 minutes or so then he will hand over to Mark Shuttleworth16:13
MooDooczajkowski: yay you made it safetly :)16:17
czajkowskiall good :)16:18
bigcalmWould be nice if the block would disappear if there was nothing to show in it16:18
czajkowskino slides16:19
AlanBellthere will be slides in a bit I think, they switched to sabdfl.pdf or something a sec ago16:19
bigcalmThis is amazingly good quality16:21
AlanBellslide now?16:21
AlanBellorange pangloin16:21
SuperEngineerpenguin42: sorry - I was away looking at AskUbuntu16:22
SuperEngineerpenguin42: I didn't go down the xsc route in case it fouled up unity16:22
SuperEngineer[there's also the statement : Canonical provides critical updates for Automatic screensaver for X until October 2013.16:25
unconferenceI notice that there are some issues with the nvidia drivers in 12.0416:25
SuperEngineerwhich is a clue [to me] it may be bad in 12.04 - anybody know for sure if ok or not?16:26
unconferenceI had to uninstall nvidia-current to be able to see anything coherent16:26
SuperEngineer...all I want is my photos as a screensaver, nothing else16:26
bigcalmIs that popey in the front row?16:26
MartijnVdSbigcalm: the bald patch on the left (stage right) you mean? :)16:27
* MartijnVdS runs16:27
popeybigcalm: no, i am at the back with AlanBell16:28
bigcalmpopey: ah, hiding with your laptops :D16:29
SuperEngineerwatchin the vid... oh no... he said "empoer people" - what next - thinking "outside the box"?16:30
* penguin42 assumes popey and alanbell are playing buzzword bingo16:30
unconferencecomputers empowering people these days is a novel concept16:30
unconferencemuch of the trend seems to be in the opposite direction16:31
ali1234well it depends how you define "empowering"16:31
ali1234i mean apple certainly empowered a lot of shovelware developers16:32
ali1234so really it depends how you define "people"16:32
ali1234you probably know it by the marketing term, "apps"16:33
unconferenceah yes16:34
unconferenceCentralized app stores are convenient, but they also give the mediator a lot of power16:35
ali1234it's not about the store as such16:36
ali1234except that everyone measure the appstore by the number of apps16:36
unconferencewhich is silly16:36
ali1234which means the owners just encourage everyone to make hundreds of identical games etc16:36
ali1234so everything about every app store is abut how easy it is to develop, how easy the apis are, how easy to upload etc16:37
ali1234but usually they are only easy if you are building trivial shovelware ie a rss feed disguised as an app16:38
ali1234hmm what's this?16:38
ali1234oh way to put a huge caption box over... whatever that is16:38
ali1234crowd does not sound like they are up for it16:39
AlanBellit is a box \o/ woot16:40
bigcalmSounds like he's reading a marketing script16:40
AlanBelllooks like a crate of raspberry pis16:41
ali1234this is the most boring surprise ever16:41
penguin42oh, the calxeda stuff16:42
bigcalmWhy do people in America applaud to anything and everything?16:42
gordonjcpcheerleader mentality16:42
bigcalmIs the goatse logo on the board behind Mark?16:43
* AlanBell gets leotard and pompops out16:43
AlanBellgah, lag16:44
penguin42you'd hope they would hold a cloud summit somewhere weater16:44
SuperEngineer_woops - lost t'internet then - I blame the conference vid ;)16:45
bigcalmczajkowski: have you been cringing each time Mark says Awesome?16:45
bigcalmThe HUD is not innovative :(16:46
unconferenceIt's a little innovative16:46
unconferenceI would like to see some natural language parsing in the HUD also16:47
AlanBellooh, that is quite interesting16:47
czajkowskibigcalm: you're such a grump today16:47
czajkowskibigcalm: it's a bank holiday get off irc and go for a walk and fresh air16:47
ali1234that's the stupidest thing i've ever seen16:47
bigcalmczajkowski: I was working to 1.45am last night and most of this afternoon so far16:47
AlanBellthat new hud is going to be even less accessible than the current hud16:48
bigcalmI want to, but this code isn't going to write itself16:48
SuperEngineer_ooo - gimp 2.8 - that's awesome16:48
ali1234is the idea to put everything in the top left corner of the screen and then just leave the other 3/4 blank or what?16:48
bigcalmThere goes the stream again16:48
penguin42the video player has an odd behaviour; if the stream drops and I hit play it restarts where it previously started at16:48
bigcalmpopey is that legend16:48
ali1234unity it probably the most cluttered desktop i have ever seen16:50
ali1234well, the top left corner of it is16:50
unconferenceThe top left is busy16:50
SuperEngineer_ali1234: you need to throw a can a can of Carlsberg at the monitor...16:52
SuperEngineer_then it'll probably be the best ;)16:53
SuperEngineer_[the best clutered...]16:53
ali1234what's he saying?16:53
popeyhe's talking about dell xps16:54
popeydell have a project to bring devops back to 'pc' from osx16:54
popeywhere 'pc' is a swishy looking laptop running Ubuntu16:54
bigcalmWhat it in a case or box? It looked very large16:57
bigcalmAre all the think pad owners now sad that they don't have the same machine as Mark?16:57
directhexa cray x5m16:57
SuperEngineer_bbs - switchin back to broadbad [BT couldn't cope with stream - had to use 3G]16:57
czajkowskigord: ping17:25
brobostigon!info vlc unstable17:26
lubotu3vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.1-4 (unstable), package size 1359 kB, installed size 3351 kB17:26
ali1234why is this thing specifically targeted at developers?17:43
ali1234i mean... what about it makes it good for developers?17:43
AlanBellUDS you mean?18:14
ali1234no... project sputnik18:16
ali1234you know the more i think about that "future hud" image the more stupid it seems18:17
ali1234how are we supposed to operate those sliders and knobs with the keyboard?18:17
AlanBellyeah, indeed18:18
AlanBellwhich means accessibility is broken again18:18
ali1234the whole argument for unity so far has been "keyboard fast mouse slow" and "i hate having to take my hands off the keyboard"18:18
ali1234but if you use a tool like gimp you hate having to take your hands off the mouse18:18
ali1234and so you probably hate unity and especially the hud18:18
popeybut you're gonna take your hands off the kb to use those tools anyway without hud18:19
popeyso it makes no difference18:19
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
popeyits just bubbling up the ui to the hud18:19
ali1234if you are doing GRAPHICAL work you probably are not using the keyboard *at all*18:19
popeyi dont agree with that18:19
ali1234so this whole "having t move from keyboard to mouse" argument does not apply at all18:19
popeyhaving watched someone use photoshop for 4 hours yesterday18:19
popeyone hand on the mouse (actually a wacom tablet) and one hand on the keyboard18:19
ali1234so were they slowly typing "z - o - o - m" with their left hand?18:20
ali1234or were they just using the zoom tool with the mouse?18:20
popeythey were using keyboard shortcuts18:20
SuperEngineerquestion re accesibilty - is it easier to use the mouase or the keyboard - if answer is mouse - a serious rethink is needed18:20
ali1234(pointing device)18:20
ali1234the hud has nothing at all to do with keyboard shortcuts18:21
AlanBellSuperEngineer: everything needs to be keyboard navigable and focussable18:21
AlanBelllike the shortcut overlay isn't18:21
SuperEngineer....someone is beginning to understand my point18:22
ali1234AlanBell has been pushing for accessibility for as long as i can remember :)18:29
ali1234which admittedly is not very long18:29
SuperEngineerway forward [for some] = voice intrface.  say "hud", say "clear history" - oooh - would be nice18:31
SuperEngineer...also way forward for when feeling lazz ;)18:32
SuperEngineeranyway [warning, "too much info" time coming up...] me go have bath - see youz all later18:33
penguin42"hud - terminal, rm -rf /  enter"18:36
SuperEngineer "hud - terminal, rm -rfi /  enter / fall asleep"18:40
popeyhello zleap19:34
zleapare is lubuntu still an official release19:35
zleapok how do i get ubuntu to tell me how much ram I have19:36
DJoneszleap: cat /proc/meminfo Look at the top line MemTotal19:37
zleapi got it, system info in settings too19:38
DJonesOr less typing "free"19:38
zleap 1802684 kB19:38
zleapso that is 1.8 gb,  i know I have 2gb in total so i guess the missing memory is somewhere19:39
popey20:35:04 < zleap> are is lubuntu still an official release19:40
DJonesLooks right, what graphics card do you have? If its got shared memory, that would explain the difference19:40
zleapi think it has19:40
zleapi am looking at lubuntu  as a option19:40
ali1234system info claims i have 15.7GB19:41
zleapthere seems to be discrepencies somewhere19:41
zleapGIB = GB i think, i never know where to use caps and when not to these days19:41
ali1234it's doing free -m and then dividing it by 102419:42
ali1234which gives 15.67319:42
ali1234but free -m uses megabytes and not mebibytes19:43
ali1234i will report a bug19:43
zleapwhat is mebibytes19:43
ali1234unless someone else knows better what is going on19:43
ali1234mebibytes = 1000000 bytes19:43
MartijnVdSzleap: powers-of-2 megabytes19:43
ali1234megabytes = 1000000 bytes19:43
ali1234mebibytes is "the other one"19:43
zleap1024 = 1kb19:44
zleap1mb= 1024*102419:44
ali1234hmm wait, even weirder19:44
zleapso is this to make it easy for non computer users, thinking 1024 as 100019:44
ali1234free -b / 1024^3 = 15.67419:45
MartijnVdSzleap: "Hard disk" MBs = 1000000019:45
MartijnVdSzleap: "Memory" MBs = 1024 * 102419:45
ali1234so free in fact is not using megabytes like it says it is19:45
MartijnVdSzleap: "Memory" = MiB19:45
MartijnVdSzleap: HD = MB19:45
ali1234so both free and sysinfo are using powers of 219:47
zleapok according to the side of my computer i have 2gb ram19:47
ali1234so where did the other 300mb go?19:47
zleapfree -g shows Mem:             1          1          0          0          0          019:47
zleaptotal 119:48
zleapi will check in the bios19:48
MartijnVdSzleap: there's dmidecode (on PC)19:48
MartijnVdSzleap: that will usually list the memory modules19:48
ali1234because free always rounds down19:49
MartijnVdSwell "things" get used19:49
MartijnVdSlike the first MB is "Special"19:49
ali1234kernel uses 300mb these days?19:49
MartijnVdSdepends on the kernel19:49
ali1234i didn't think ubuntu kernel was that bloated...19:50
zleapthat command is useful19:50
zleapnow why can't sysinfo just display the output from that19:50
MartijnVdSdirecthex: mebibytes19:53
MartijnVdSEgg McMooby Muffin?19:54
DJonesTribbles ?19:55
SuperEngineer[free -g lies,  free on its own has a more honest description, free nelson mandela returns "done"]19:56
ali1234the only one that actually maches what the man pages says is free -b19:57
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Come to OggCamp 12 - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2012/05/07/come-to-oggcamp-12/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=come-to-oggcamp-1220:03
MooDoohello all20:07
zleapanyway that dmidecode command is great20:09
Azelphursuddenly, canonicalproductsprint everywhere21:29
bigcalmGuess why :)21:31
Azelphurbecause your sprinting towards products? :D21:31
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
gordactually not seen any uk loco people here yet21:32
* Azelphur has no idea what's going on21:32
czajkowskigord: where are you21:41
czajkowskiI found a gord :)22:18
czajkowskiI gave him tea bags and bickies and showed him my issue with hud22:19
czajkowskiI wasn't going mad!22:19
directhexhave you found Laney yet?22:21
czajkowskiyup had breakfast with him22:25
popeyi saw him walking around with an ubuntu user magazine22:26
daftykinsare you all out and about at an event?22:29
ali1234daftykins: UDS!22:38
daftykinsah that time again22:38
czajkowskidaftykins: yeah 6 months comes around fast22:42
czajkowskiI can see aquarius popey gord and Pendulum all from here22:42
directhexOracle v. Google jury returns partial verdict, favoring Oracle22:57
directhexA unanimous jury found that Google infringed on Oracle's Java, but failed to say whether Google had made "fair use" of the material. Google called for a mistrial.22:57
daftykinsstrange biz22:59
directhexsomewhere in googleplex, someone checks out xobotos from git and scratches his chin...23:01
ali1234what happens if oracle buys msft?23:02
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ali1234also, can xobotos rebuild existing android apps?23:08
ali1234i'm not really clear on what it actually does23:08
=== sandy is now known as ucstaa
directhexali1234, it's a proof of concept port of all android's java sources to c#, using a massively improved foss tool, in order to show off mono's jitter versus dalvik's jitter23:28
ali1234so pretty much useless for google then?23:28
ali1234also if it automatically converts the java to mono, doesn't it also infringe on oracle's... whatever23:29
directhexali1234, it's academically interesting, given google originally considered using c# instead of java23:30
directhexali1234, it doesn't implement any of oracle's APIs, it specifically rewrites existing source to no longer use the APIs. which are apparently copyrightable23:30
ali1234only the implementation is copyrightable?23:31
ali1234or rather, only the act of implementation infringes?23:31
directhexi don't think the court has defined things that far yet23:32
ali1234if it makes the code run, it could be considered an implementation23:32
directhextop - 00:32:33 up  1:12,  1 user,  load average: 19.65, 15.34, 11.8823:32
ali1234but i guess if it is only used once, maybe not23:32
ali1234but then that's always been my problem with both mono and java: you need a huge amount of code to make anything run23:33
ucstaai was just reading groklaw, she says that has not yet been decided23:33
ucstaathe jury said you could, but the judge said that question wasn't part of their remit to decide23:33
directhexpower cycled, keeping an eye on load...23:38
directhexit's going crazy again23:48

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