
WOLFEYESMorning everyone...08:10
WOLFEYESSorry it has been a while but I been a bit busy.08:11
charlvnohayo WOLFEYES 08:22
WOLFEYESHeya :-)08:23
Kiloshi superfly and others08:30
Kiloslo highvoltage 08:30
Kiloshiya maiatoday 08:30
maiatodayhi Kilos08:31
bakumanhi Kilos08:34
Kilosyo bakuman 08:34
Kilosmôre inetpro 08:37
WOLFEYESHeya Kilos 08:42
Kilosgc coffee on08:42
* gc puts the kettle on08:42
Kiloshey WOLFEYES 08:42
WOLFEYESgc ? Lol. Is he an update lol.08:42
gcWOLFEYES: If you say so08:42
Kilosgc is a stanby bot for if maaz crashes08:43
gcCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:46
Kilosgc ty08:46
gcIt's a pleasure to serve humans Kilos08:46
WOLFEYESSo does this mean Maaz_ must redo his lisence if he crashed lol.08:53
Kilosno when one gets back here after being disconnected before a 256sec timeout you come back with your second choice nick08:54
KilosMaaz_, fix your nick08:54
Maaz_Kilos: *blink*08:54
KilosMaaz_, nick08:54
Maaz_Kilos: Sorry...08:54
Kiloshiya sdehaan 09:01
Kilosbbl. be good all09:08
WOLFEYEScheers all seeya later.09:26
inetproMaaz_: tell Kilos I say hi11:18
Maaz_inetpro: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode11:18
inetprogood mornings to everyone else11:46
charlvnohayo inetpro 12:06
charlvnhoe gaan dit12:06
charlvnbtw mornings?12:06
inetprocharlvn: heh12:07
inetprostill feels like morning on this side12:07
charlvnah i see, you just got up out of bed right? ;)12:07
charlvnyou work from home i see :P12:07
inetproto much to do still12:07
charlvnah yes, i know the feeling12:07
* inetpro works from work12:07
inetproand from home12:08
charlvnthese days you can work from home and telehobby from work12:08
charlvnwhere you are is pretty-much becoming irrelevant12:08
* inetpro hates MS product activation procedure12:11
inetproinstalled a copy of WinXP on a VM some time ago for testing rare stuffs in a win environment12:11
inetpronow I just tried starting the machine and can't even work on it anymore... before first activating12:12
inetproonly to find the MS numbers not working12:12
charlvni use microsoft's own IE application compatibility vpc images and i even get those warnings12:16
charlvnapparently they couldn't just disable those even for their own virtual machines12:17
* inetpro got through to Toll-free: (0) (801) 43 43 4312:23
inetprosadly after entering the key it tells me that I may be a victim of fraud12:23
inetprowhile it is a valid copy from some years ago...12:24
charlvni would have told you to Just Crack It (TM) but that is illegal and i obviously don't promote or endorse illegal activity12:46
charlvnsheesh i sound like a corporate lawyer12:46
kbmonkeyhow goes it Banlam?15:06
Banlamgood thanks, had a bit of a relaxing last week15:07
kbmonkeytoo much gin over the weekend. back at work all good15:07
kbmonkeyheh in deed :]15:09
* Banlam has never really drunk gin15:12
kbmonkeyit wasn't my fault. my sister made me do it. 15:20
kbmonkeyi can safely advise not to try it15:20
mazalEvening all16:04
superflyhi mazal16:04
mazalEveryone good this evening ?16:04
* tumbleweed waves from UDS16:06
superflyhey tumbleweed!16:11
superflymazal: yep16:11
tumbleweedanyone watching the vide ostream?16:11
superflyno, didn't know there was one16:17
tumbleweedmark's just about to start talking16:17
superflyhe still sounds south african!16:18
superflyhrm, that's not working very well :-(16:22
tumbleweedapparently there's trouble...16:23
* Kilos greets all of you17:33
Kilosyo superfly all well there?17:36
superflyhi Kilos17:36
superflyall well here17:36
Kiloszeref, you here?17:36
Mezenirhowdy everyone17:44
Kiloshi Mezenir howzit17:44
Mezenirpretty good :)17:46
Mezeniryou ?17:47
Kilosgood too ty17:47
mazalLo Mezenir17:47
superflyheya Mezenir17:48
Mezenirwhat was that about a release party superfly ?17:50
superflyMezenir: we had a release party on the 27th at UCT17:50
Mezenirah ok17:50
superflyIt was announced on the mailing list17:51
Mezeniri dont think i did that subscription quite right17:52
Mezenirwill look again sometime17:53
Mezeniri only receive digests it seems17:53
Kiloshi psydroid 17:53
superflyMezenir: ah17:54
psydroidhi Kilos17:54
psydroidhi superfly17:54
psydroidhi Mezenir17:54
superflyheya psydroid17:54
psydroidI installed the latest ubuntu on my 10 year old laptop17:55
psydroidof course I disabled unity17:55
Kilosand everything works psydroid ?17:55
Mezenirhi psydroid17:55
psydroidI have just two problems17:55
Kilosha ha17:55
psydroidKilos, the full resolution isn't supported and I can't get Flash to work17:56
psydroidbut hopefully the rest works17:56
psydroidit's not slower than 10.04 at least17:57
Kilosmust just be some things you still gotta install17:57
Kilosthats good to here17:57
Kilosbut 10.04 was a bit slower than 10.1017:58
Mezenirfor low end machines lubuntu is nice17:58
Mezenirare you trying to use flash with firefox 17:59
Kilosif you got uncapped ya Mezenir 17:59
Mezenirits the same size as ubuntu18:01
Mezenirbut yes probably more than upgrading18:01
Kilosyeah only you have to download the iso as well18:01
Kilosubuntu one can get cds18:01
Mezenirhow much are the cds18:03
Kilosthey get sent to the different centres and you pick one up18:03
Mezenirthats cool18:04
Kilosyeah just about everything about ubuntu is cool18:04
Mezenirread a funny comment about the rasspberry pi today18:05
psydroidit doesn't work in Chrome either18:05
Mezenir"now you can get a full pc and os cheaper than a microsoft windows license"18:05
Kilospsydroid, have you looked in synaptic or software centre and typed in flash18:06
Mezenirwell psydroid long story short i had to download the latest version from the adobe labs18:06
Mezenirand i used a flashaid plugin for firefox to do it18:07
Mezenirthe version that came with ubuntu didnt work for me18:07
psydroidMezenir, I see, I will do that too18:11
psydroidI just didn't realise the normal release version wouldn't work18:12
charlvnflashplugin-installer is the name of the package18:12
charlvnif you selected to install 3rd party software during the installation that should also have done it18:12
Mezenirthat being said i had this problem in 11.1018:13
Mezenirnot sure if it applies to 12.0418:13
charlvnnever had problems with either myself18:13
charlvnare you using 64-bit?18:13
Mezenirbut i did use the flashplugin-installer package18:13
Mezeniryes it was18:14
charlvnstrange, never had issues18:14
charlvnyou're not using a proxy server or something weird are you?18:14
charlvnthe package is actually a nonsense package because all it does is it downloads flash using wget18:14
charlvnthe package itself doesn't include flash18:14
charlvnit's just a script really18:15
charlvnwhich is also why it's so small18:15
charlvni think they have to do that due to legal reasons or something18:15
Mezenirbut since updating flash fixed it18:15
charlvnand as much as i hate flash, i need it because i play a ton of online video on various websites18:15
Mezeniri guess its a problem on their side18:16
charlvnyeah flash had some major security hole or something recently18:16
charlvnwho knows18:16
Mezenirthou it does not apply to everyone it seems18:16
charlvnyeah definitely doesn't apply to me in any case18:16
charlvnnever had trouble with the package on either debian or ubuntu18:16
Mezeniryeah hopefully html5 will replace flash soon18:16
charlvnon debian it's a slightly different name - flashplugin-nonfree or so18:16
Mezeniri heard mac doesnt even support flash18:16
psydroidyeah, hmtl5 works fine18:16
Mezenirgo steve jobs18:17
charlvnyeah i really hope html kicks flash's butt18:17
charlvnthat's the one good thing that apple did for all of us - resist flash even though it might have some somewhat hypocritical on their part18:17
charlvnbut even adobe is creating "html5" authoring tools18:17
superflyWith browsers' very patchy support for "html5" it's pretty much a moving target at the moment18:24
superflyInconsistent implementations, incomplete implementations, and no actual standard yet either makes it very difficult to implement something that comes close to flash18:25
psydroidbut Adobe has already decided to stop support for anything related to Linux, so there is not much of a choice, anyway18:26
Kilosthats not nice of them18:28
Kilosthey will be the losers in the long run18:28
psydroidI think they know it too18:29
Kilossomeone else will design something for linux thats better18:29
charlvnwell there's gnash but i've had mixed results with that in the past18:31
Kilosadobe was always convenient because it was already done but when there is no option the linux peeps will get together and sort the prob out18:31
charlvnbut at this point the only thing i still use flash for is playing videos so as long as it supports that, i couldn't care less about the rest18:32
charlvnlets face it, that is about the only truly useful feature of flash these days, and that's also getting slowly replaced with html video18:32
charlvnyoutube has already implemented it and it works really well18:32
Kilosmmm isnt there something with medibuntu that helps with video watching18:33
Kilosah so there is an alternative going already18:33
charlvnhold on a second, let's get some context here18:34
Kilosis that a clean text blog page charlvn or are there pictures and things18:35
Kilosoh i can wget it hey/18:35
charlvnpretty much just clean text, why?18:35
charlvnor just lynx/links it18:35
Kilosno data to waste on stuff thats not relevant to working machine at the mo18:36
charlvnah i see ok18:36
superflycharlvn: Kilos uses GPRS and doesn't have money to download lots of stuff18:36
charlvnlynx/links ftw18:36
Kilosisnt wget even better?18:36
charlvnon a related note, for those not on gprs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akjR40_-ev418:36
Mezenirlynx is a minimal browser18:37
charlvna small project i had a bit of involvement in actually18:37
superflyKilos: lynx/links is a browser, wget is not18:37
Kilosyip superfly  but i mean data use wise18:37
charlvnshould be the same i believe18:37
charlvnit only renders text right?18:37
Kilosthen i can open it with epiphany when offline18:37
Mezenirshould i paste you the article ?18:38
Mezenirits about 5 paragraphs18:38
Kilosi can wget it if its of importance Mezenir 18:39
Kiloswget is very frugal18:39
Mezenirthe url says it all18:39
Kiloslol i have used links and lynx but need to think a while to get going everytime18:40
charlvnlast time i used a text only browser i was in gaborone on a dysfunctional 128kbps link18:40
charlvnthat cost 7000 pula per months even18:41
charlvnshameful honestly18:41
Kilos18 kB with wget\18:41
charlvnalthough i hear it's improved since then, dunno18:41
charlvnsuperfly: coming back to your earlier point, what is this about there being no actual standard for html?18:42
superflycharlvn: it isn't a standard yet, W3C is still working on the standard.18:42
charlvnbasically there are two "flavours" of html at this point18:44
charlvnon the one-side, you have the whatwg-driven "html"18:44
charlvnon the other side, you have the w3c driven "html5"18:44
superflycharlvn: uh, no18:44
charlvnit started with the whatwg, then the w3c adopted it and called it html518:44
charlvnat this point, the two sets of specifications are not 100% equal18:44
MezenirIt is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (created in 1990 and standardized as HTML4 as of 1997)[2] and as of May 2012 is still under development.18:45
Mezenirsays wikipedia18:45
Mezenirwhat he said18:46
charlvnread under history18:46
Kilosnight guys have a good one and sleep tight18:47
charlvnhere is the living standard: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/18:49
charlvnthere are a huge amount of separate specifications that are classified under "html5", many of them have different statuses18:50
charlvnfor user agent support on the individual specifications, you can consult sites such as this: http://caniuse.com/18:50
charlvnin addition: http://www.smartcompany.com.au/information-technology/049382-w3c-finalising-html5-starting-work-on-html6.html18:53
superflycharlvn: except the browsers generally implement what w3c says18:54
charlvnyes, but the idea of there being "no actual standard" is clearly not true18:55
Mezenirinteresting read18:56
charlvnfor the record, i have been involved with the whatwg from before the w3c adopted html518:57
Mezenirlooks like it will be recommended by w3c by 201418:57
charlvnnot that it's my intention to brag but just to "qualify" myself http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/acknowledgements.html18:57
charlvnMezenir: yes but the full recommendation date at this point is irrelevant because none of the browser vendors are going to wait until then18:58
charlvnfor an idea of adoption, check caniuse.com18:58
Mezenirso as long as everyone looks at caniuse19:00
Mezenirthings will hopefully stay compatbile19:00
charlvnwell it's just one site out there, at the end of the day it's just a guide19:00
charlvnnothing is 100% compatible, but it's a problem we will have to deal with and work together with browser vendors to fix19:00
charlvnfor example, see this case: https://gist.github.com/2384288 and https://gist.github.com/238448219:01
Mezenirsounds like wpa vs wpa219:01
Mezenirpeople were unhappy with the insecurities of wep19:01
charlvnyou can read the irc log here: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/2012041419:02
Mezenirbut unwilling to wait for wpa219:02
Mezenirso they grabbed what was available19:02
Mezenirhence wpa19:02
charlvnonly helped for a while until wpa2 was cracked http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=cracking_wpa19:04
Mezenirso much for that19:04
charlvnat least when you use a pre-shared key19:05
charlvneduram has a better certificate-based system http://www.eduroam.org/19:06
charlvnbut, it's a pain to configure under ubuntu sadly :(19:07
Mezenirand the enterprise variants require a server19:08
Mezenirim turning off my access point :P19:11

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