
ScottKRiddell: Yes.00:16
ScottKAbout (now), but laggy.00:16
Riddellhmm, what did I want to talk to you about?00:17
ScottKYou wanted to tell me how the trademark meeting went.00:18
RiddellScottK: oh no, I wanted to chat about python 300:19
RiddellScottK: do you know the status of pykde with python 3?00:19
ScottKIt's supported upstream.00:19
ScottKI couldn't make the cmake magic work last time I tried though.00:20
Riddellthat's a good thing00:20
Riddellso it's a packaging issue that could do with being fixed?00:20
ScottKEven if *buntu stuff goes Python 3, we'll need python-kde4 and python3-kde4 because other things aren't ported.00:20
ScottKpackaging or cmake fiddling.  one of the two.00:20
Riddellso I can put down a WI of get "pykde packaged with python 3"00:21
ScottKcmake's python support is not ideal for what we're trying to do.00:21
ScottKAs long as you don't put my name down next it for doing it.00:21
ScottKI may do/help, but I can't commit to it.00:21
Riddelland another WI of "review pykde apps for porting to python 3" as next step?00:22
ScottKSome of them will have to be joint gtk/kde ports (like ubiquity and usb-creator)00:24
ScottKProbably others too.00:24
ScottKuserconfig is one that we'll have to do on our own.00:24
Riddelllovely thanks00:26
ScottKapport's another big on.00:26
dantti|2Riddell: about?01:52
Riddelldantti|2: yo, printer applet02:12
Riddelldantti|2: is it something we want to care about for next cycle?02:12
ScottKOr should we port the python one to python3?02:22
ScottKPersonally, I've found the python one working reasonably well of late.02:23
dantti|2Riddell: ScottK: well I'm trying my best to make that one work for kde  at least 4.1002:23
dantti|2next week my new monitor (will hopefully arive) and then I'll try to ask for a discount for the new printer, the fedora and openSuse are all considering the move, I'm about to do a 0.1 release but first I want to fix some bugs02:25
dantti|2ScottK: well the reasons I wouldn't port is: no plasmoid, eats a reasonable amount of ram (I see low fat even removes it),  the kcm module is more complicated, if you (kubuntu), and the others distros start picking up this on the unstable release I think there is a reasonable good time to get that in better shape before next relase02:36
dantti|2also the udev rule will automatically adds the plugged printers so there isn't a big regression in using it ...02:37
ScottKI'm not saying what we should use.02:40
ScottKI do think we have a reasonably working solution now (I agree about it's weaknesses) and so we shouldn't abandon it for something else that wasn't working ~as well.02:41
dantti|2ScottK: well, the only thing I have to say is that if you're going to make an effort to port it to py3 I'd said it'd be nice to instead imprive the one I'm working on, but I can't tell what's best option for you..02:48
ScottKSince I know Python and c++, there's only one I have a shot at working on.02:49
ScottKerr and NOT C++.02:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BlizzzekRiddell: here07:26
BlizzzekRiddell: has the session been moved? I saved it for later today.08:21
Ezim:( kubuntu 12.04 again not veery good review.10:52
Ezimeven if I think this review the negative part is cosmetic10:52
Ezimmaybe the only real suprise is flash10:53
Tm_TI agree that grainy backgrounds are not looking "KDE-snappy" /:11:06
EzimTm_T, +111:07
Tm_Tbut I'd blame upstream11:08
EzimTm_T, :) but then again we have a kubuntu team that should be able to make the cosmetic look nicer11:11
Tm_TEzim: but we try to follow upstream, we try keep with KDE as it is11:26
EzimTm_T, and BluesKaj can you guys/girls try to mark sentes in libreoffice and then right click11:27
Tm_TEzim: hmmm, same background, but that grain removed11:27
Ezimdoes libreofice writer crash for you guys/girls11:27
Tm_TI avoid libreoffice here, as it's crashy /:11:27
* Tm_T is on Unity currently11:27
EzimTm_T, okej. calligra is not that good so I need libreoffice.11:28
BluesKajEzim, actually I have no idea what you mean :)11:31
EzimBluesKaj, mark a sentence in writer and then with your mouse right click.11:32
Ezimdoes writer/libreoffice crash for you?11:32
EzimBluesKaj, :) does it take that much time?11:34
BluesKajnope . very quicl11:35
EzimBluesKaj, no crash?11:36
EzimBluesKaj, thx for the info. now I am more willing to go over to 12.04.11:38
BluesKajand I'm on 12.04/4,8,311:38
EzimBluesKaj, :) cool guy.11:39
BluesKajI'm about to try 12.10 , so i may have to switch drives if it breaks 11:40
EzimBluesKaj, then use x-swat driver11:43
Ezimif you ask why11:43
Ezimthe reason is x-swat team does not patch nvidia drivers like ubuntu main drivers are11:43
BluesKajx-swat is the 300 series ?11:44
EzimBluesKaj, not only bec of that.11:44
Ezimubuntu main nvidia drivers are patched to work with specific kernel release11:44
Ezimkubuntu 11.10 with kernel 3.011:44
Ezimkubuntu 12.04 with kernel 3.211:45
Ezimthats why x-swat nvidia drivers does not break nvidia drivers when you jump to newer kernel11:45
EzimBluesKaj, will log out. take care. maybe log in back later on.11:50
BluesKajEzim, , but the ppa may be ignored since it's precise 11:52
shadeslayerrbelem: they do? Huh, weird, I got a email from a user who told me the time displayed was wrng12:12
shadeslayerI have no idea what this abomination is : http://i.imgur.com/NebR7.png12:40
apolshadeslayer: I've had this one too, fwiw13:03
apoland i don't think it comes from muon13:03
apoli haven't had it for some days, though13:03
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: bug 99367213:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 993672 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "Ships malformed interactive upgrade hook" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99367213:09
JontheEchidnaall the localised name fields in the .desktop file are on one line x(13:10
shadeslayerderpity derp 13:19
Ezimwb BluesKaj (devil) :P15:13
BluesKajEzim, ok ,running Kubuntu 12.10 , worked well with the nouveau , DiR and 3D were working , but I went for the x-edgers new ppa with the nvidia 302.07 , and so far so good ...very quick and clean 15:14
EzimBluesKaj, :) good for you. but then again you are cool, and I am not.15:14
EzimI play save, and you like take risk :P.15:15
BluesKajthe x-swat 295.49 failed to build ...it has a bug15:15
EzimBluesKaj, I no, I had same problem. 15:15
BluesKajoh c'mon ..linux users are "cool " ..well most are 15:16
EzimBluesKaj, :).15:16
EzimBluesKaj, I can imagine that kubuntu 12.10 is stable.15:16
BluesKajeven some of the correction trolls have their "moments"15:17
Ezimhow big is our forum(kubuntu)?15:17
BluesKajseems fine , for the ast half hour , anyway :)15:17
BluesKajEzim, there's a rather complicated patch I had to follow to get the nvidia 302 to work , and I think i got lucky and it worked 15:19
EzimBluesKaj, really good. 15:20
BluesKajEzim, well, we'll see how this stability lasts , as the saying goes , "it's early days" 15:22
EzimBluesKaj, haha true. :).15:22
RiddellBlizzz: sorry I've lost my scheduling privilages and it's now a random number generator and constantly changing, I find this very annoying15:53
RiddellDarkwingUDS: we have a "Ubuntu Derivatives" plenary, could you take care of it?  I don't feel able15:54
macoRiddell: so, are we still kubuntu?15:54
DarkwingUDSRiddell: Aye, you coming up to room 210-211?15:54
Riddellmaco: yes15:54
RiddellI hope15:54
macoyou hope?15:55
macothe trademark stuff got all worked out?15:55
Riddellnot yet but it's closer15:55
Ezim:) I wish some how we would become rolling release. based directly on debian testing/sid.15:55
DarkwingUDSRiddell: You coming to the 9a future session?15:59
nixternalgood morning kubuntu-land!16:09
nixternalwhat's going on in there?16:11
BluesKajrbelem, what goes on there ?16:11
nixternaloh, derr, uds is going on16:11
nixternalmy guess is that there is a kubuntu meeting at uds going on16:12
rbelemnixternal, kubuntu future session16:13
nixternalrbelem: so, this is a session that will take place in the future, or is it about kubuntu's future? :p16:29
nixternalanything good going on thus far?16:30
rbelemnixternal, :-D16:37
rbelemi'm not that good in english16:38
nixternaleither am I. i was raised in Chicago :p16:38
rbelemnixternal, and me in brazil, much worse16:39
nixternalare they video streaming the plenaries at all? i want to see the 'ubuntu derivatives' one16:54
nixternalor at least hear it16:54
rbelemnixternal, at least there are cameras in the plenaries room16:57
nixternali swore i read yesterday that they were, but i can't find where & what i read16:57
=== jalcine is now known as jacky
BlizzzRiddell: yes, plus there was not even a notification by the system. Do we have some kind of log? Or only the notes on the pad?17:52
txwikingerRiddell: Sorry to have missed the meeting this morning. Had an important meeting in Toronto18:34
RiddellBlizzz: yo, what work items should we have for owncloud?21:10
BlizzzRiddell: what exactly do you mean? which actions are required by the three items written in the pad?21:29
RiddellBlizzz: yes21:51
RiddellBlizzz: can you remind me again what the sync client is called and where the current packages are?21:51
apacheloggerRiddell: dude, I like can hear you on the icetubes :O22:05
BlizzzRiddell: yes, are you ok if i sent you an email with that tomorrow? Afaik there are also some issues with the Client and SSL in 12.04 (worked before), I'd dig it up. 22:06
EagleScreenthere is an old bug with Quassel and Kubuntu. When I set Quassel in full screen, X server freeze22:15
EagleScreenI think I already saw this in lucid or maverick22:16
EzimEagleScreen, sorry I am using xchat.22:27
ryanakcaHmm, any suggestions on how to get python-poppler-qt4 rebuilt whenever python-sip changes?23:16
Riddellryanakca: depend on the strict python-sip version so it doesn't install when there's a new python-sip version I think23:42
Riddellor there's a python-sip-abi field that some packages use?23:43
* apachelogger walks into channel wall23:51

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