
sidneiis it possible to rename or even redirect  projects in launchpad?01:36
wgrantsidnei: Yes, both.01:37
sidneiok, help me pick the right one. :)01:37
sidneiwe're splitting lp:graphite in 3 projects, carbon, whisper and graphite-web01:37
sidneilp:graphite has already been split for the first two01:38
wgrantPerhaps you want graphite->graphite-web, graphite-project->graphite?01:38
wgrantAlthough the latter may be a bit confusing.01:38
sidneimostly wondering if it's worth breaking bzr branch lp:graphite01:38
wgrantWe can redirect in the webapp, but not in codehosting.01:39
sidneitechnically it's the same branch but with the whisper and carbon directories removed01:39
* sidnei ponders01:40
sidneifor graphite->graphite-web would that be a rename or a redirect? it would keep all the active branches and bugs and everything in the case of a rename?01:41
wgrantEverything is kept, and webapp URLs can be redirected from the old to the new, but bzr URLs can't be.01:42
mwhudsonunless you want to fix that bug in lp :-)01:42
sidneimwhudson, i can recognize a trap when i see one :)01:43
mwhudsoni guess that wasn't very subtle01:43
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FloSoftHi, I'm having a small question: If I download my projects bazaar branch, it'll download around 800mb, the resulting local repository then is only 140mb :/ where does this overhead come from and how can I optimize that?06:31
lifelessFloSoft: you can bzr pack it which may help; however if its the branch I think it is, the 800mb shows up when using HTTP rather than bzr+ssh06:41
lifelessbzr+ssh is much more efficient and we recommend it! :)06:41
FloSoftlifeless: ok then its a http(s)-problem with that overhead?06:42
FloSoftcan an anonymous user use the bzr+ssh-method?06:42
lifelessbut anyone can add an ssh key to LP to use bzr+ssh06:43
FloSoftlifeless: hmm its for a gentoo-ebuild script, so I don't think that every one who wants to build the package should first create a launchpad account :/06:44
lifelessFloSoft: indeed, I can understand that06:52
FloSoftHow can I "bzr pack" the remote branch?06:53
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lifelessbzr pack bzr+ssh://....06:53
FloSoftah ok :)06:53
lifelessor bzr pack lp:.... if you have logged in (and have write access to the branch)06:54
lifelessyou probably want the build script to do a bzr export too, rather than a branch, if they just want a copy of the latest code06:54
FloSoftI could have thought so ... ;)06:56
FloSoftI'll test, thx :)06:56
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chrisccoulsoncan someone please kill all of the currently running builds in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa/+packages?16:36
chrisccoulsonactually, never mind16:37
Laibschwhere can I get in contact with the admins of packages.ubuntu.com site?  frank@lichtenheld.de is listed as contact but I believe he has been non-responsive for years?  The site is malfunctioning (again).16:56
ResistanceLaibsch:  what "malfunction"?17:04
* Resistance has never seen it malfunction for basic things17:05
Laibschthe current problem is that search does not return anything anymore17:07
Laibschhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/isdnlog for example17:08
ResistanceLaibsch:  search works for me when i use the search box17:08
Laibschnot for me17:08
Laibschstill empty17:09
Resistancethat could be an individual instance17:09
Resistancerather than globally17:09
* Resistance searched 'znc', 'python3', and 'psmisc' and all 3 showed up17:09
Laibschhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=znc is still empty17:10
Resistanceclear your cache, because i dont search 'default', i search 'precise' or i use a direct-link17:10
Resistancereplace suite=default with suite=precise17:11
Resistanceor suite=natty or w/e release17:11
Resistanceit should then work17:11
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Laibschit's still the same here.  so, while this might work in some circumstances it doesn't work reliably.  It fails reliably here and used to be working up until about a week ago.  who can I inform about this?17:29
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bobweaverhello there is there a better way to get my Dependency Tree too not be so small ?18:26
bobweaverI can not even read the blueprint circles :)18:26
bobweaverThanks for your time18:27
manohello, i have uploaded a package to a ppa, but it is not showing in the ppa page?18:31
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thomiI've somehow managed to start a recipe with the wrong destination PPA selected, it's currently building. Is there any way to cancel it, or at leasst delete the packagex from the target PPA when it's finished?23:38
bigjoolsjust delete it when finished23:39
bigjoolsor hit cancel on the build page23:39
thomihmmm, OK.23:40
thomiit seems that if you click "Request build" on the recipe page the default archive that's selected in the popup is not the same as the one that's set on the recipe. This seems like a bug to me.23:41

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