
johnny|Anyone have any ideas as to how to get this to record? I tried arecord -vv -fdat piano.wav still no good00:21
wxltry arecord -d 10 test.wav00:24
wxlthat should use the default device00:24
wxlif you're trying to set format with -f you need to do -f [format] not -f[format]00:24
johnny|yeah no good00:28
johnny|**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****00:29
johnny|card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]00:29
johnny|  Subdevices: 1/100:29
johnny|  Subdevice #0: subdevice #000:29
johnny|card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 2: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]00:29
johnny|  Subdevices: 1/100:29
johnny|  Subdevice #0: subdevice #000:29
johnny|I did a -l and thats whats there00:29
johnny|Everything should be set up right00:33
johnny|Though this is what Pavucontrol looks like00:36
johnny|trying something out00:43
johnny|not having any luck :(01:00
KM0201johnny|: i take it you have no sound?01:03
johnny|No microphone01:03
johnny|it says its there but its not capturing01:03
KM0201i can only speak from personal experience, but when i've had sound/mic problems, i install pulseaudio and pavucontrol, configure it, and it works01:04
johnny|I did that and pulseaudio says theres no mic there01:04
johnny|Well pavucontrol01:05
johnny|I wrote this before, this is how everything looks01:05
johnny|johnny|> Everything should be set up right01:05
johnny|<johnny|> http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=381301:05
johnny|<johnny|> Though this is what Pavucontrol looks like01:05
johnny|<johnny|> http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=381401:05
johnny|<johnny|> trying something out01:05
KM0201hve you tried making some adjustments on the configuration page? (try some different configurations in the dropdown)01:05
johnny|Yeah did that. I went into Audacity and tried to record under all the settings I could.01:06
johnny|That didn't work nor did arecord01:06
johnny|The mic a.k.a keyboard is plugged into the front mic input.01:07
johnny|I tried the rear input though as well as the line in.01:08
johnny|Neither worked01:08
johnny|If the piano keyboard makes a sound when I press a key I'll know it captured sound01:08
rolandbwhats a good graphical network mapping tool for lubuntu?01:09
johnny|I suspect in general the realtek card doesn't work at all.01:09
johnny|Not for output or input audio01:09
johnny|Something isn't working with it01:09
johnny|Yet Alsa and Pulseaudio sort of see it01:10
johnny|ahh I see01:29
johnny|The NVIDIA is using the wrong kernel module or rather01:30
johnny|Both devices are using the same kernel modult01:30
johnny|I would have to figure out how to change one of them01:30
johnny|Though the NVIDIA card is not supposed to be snd-hda-intel01:30
johnny|Its supposed to be another one01:33
johnny|The NVIDIA should be snd_hda_codec_hdmi01:39
johnny|I don't know how to get it to be that01:39
johnny|instead of snd-hda-intel01:39
johnny|Tried this01:42
johnny|sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec_hdmi01:42
johnny|No output01:42
johnny|How do you load a module. I tried using modprobe and it didn't seem to work02:07
johnny|Plus its not showing the Kernel module for the device under it.02:07
johnny|It should be showing snd_hda_codec_realtek listed by the device02:08
johnny|But it only lists snd-hda-intel02:08
johnny|and it shouldn't02:08
johnny|tried everything02:18
johnny|It won't load the right module02:18
johnny|Even if I put it in /etc/modules02:18
johnny|The module should be snd_hda_codec_realtek02:20
johnny|Thanks for the help. I guess I could do trial and error to figure this out02:30
johnny|Hopefully I can.02:30
=== head_v is now known as Guest48210
SAKKEDif i install lubuntu 12 to my computer does it automatically install Grub?07:15
SAKKEDi want to have option what OS to use07:16
SAKKEDwhen i boot07:16
jakob_lyes, it installes grub207:16
dove_ghow to check if sound card is working on Lubuntu, dont have any speakers :)07:21
dove_gvolume control is grey07:21
dove_gcant move volume slider UP07:22
=== Guest48210 is now known as head_victim
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=== wxl_ is now known as wxl
wormmdAre there any known xrdp bugs in lubuntu 12.04? I successfully installed xrdp locally, but when I connect remotely I get either a connection error quickly (a few log messages print and then it errors out), a connection error less quickly (more log lines, then connection error), or it seems to connect but all I get is the gray screen with the X.17:33
gilirfor interested people, uds session for lubuntu in on irc chan #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-h, in 10 minutes17:51
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
milen8204I have installed Lubuntu 12.04 and now my flash player do not work, any ideas ?18:07
pmatulismilen8204: install flash i guess18:25
yoggis it possible to make the font on the desktop bigger?18:27
yoggI can't read anything on the tv18:27
smilebye :)18:30
yoggthe only thing i have found is the font size for the window title. But i need an option to get everything bigger18:30
yoggby the way lubuntu 12.04.    Or is this not possible yet?18:34
bioterroryogg, yes. lxappearance and obconf are your tools for growing the size of fonts18:35
yoggbioterror: thank you.  have found the option18:40
yogghmmm  but this did not work for the login screen. And also the task bar is small as bevore :/18:42
mips1911I'm busy doing my first ever download of lubuntu to try on my 7yr old celeron laptop18:45
pAt_mips1911: so please report your experiences :)18:53
mips1911pAt_ I'll do that tomorrow some time, I only have 384kb/s link and the download is about 5hrs away from completion19:05
pAt_ok, I see, no prob  mips1911  :)19:06
kristian-aalborghi ppl19:33
kristian-aalborgdoes anyone know if fixing LXpanel is high priority?19:33
kristian-aalborgI'm getting to it :)I19:34
kristian-aalborgIt disappears... gradually19:34
kristian-aalborgI changed it to a "solid" color, instead of transparency.... I hope it will help19:35
kristian-aalborgfor instance, it went crazy today so I could not minimize programs (in the dock)... they just disappeared19:35
kristian-aalborgthey went out of view, to be exact... so I ended up with 4 instances of Chromium19:37
Unit193Weird, I've never hit that.  Can't you alt+tab to them?19:38
MkaysiDo you mean bug #403135 ?19:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403135 in wine1.2 (Ubuntu) "Notification area icon wrongly rendered/uses bg_color as a background (multiple apps)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40313519:39
MkaysiLaunchpad says that  that is in lxpanel19:39
zleapah,  i all19:47
zleaphi all19:47
kristian-aalborgUnit193, I don't have the box turned on19:48
kristian-aalborgMkaysi, will look at that bug19:49
kristian-aalborgalso, when I clicked, the wrong programs opened19:50
kristian-aalborgfor instance, when I clicked for the main menu (the Lubuntu logo) some program started19:51
zleapi get that with unity  usually when i try and click the back button the launcher pops out (but that is different)19:52
kristian-aalborgthere's no Unity on Lubuntu, right?19:59
kristian-aalborgI just wanted to heard if things are progressing, but they seem to be :)20:00
kristian-aalborg*to hear20:00
mips1911where you from, I'm guessing Sverige20:09
* gordonjcp stabs spamassassin21:44
gordonjcpY U NO CATCH SPAM?21:44
n-iCehello, is there a way to disable the crash reporter?22:17
MrChrisDruifn-iCe; I think it's apport? Uninstalling it should "fix" that22:36
Unit193sudo update-rc.d -f apport remove22:38
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