
cjohnstonDaviey: do you have a code fix for me00:20
cjohnstontsimpson: AlanBell ping00:21
AlanBellhi cjohnston00:21
cjohnstonAlanBell: how does the bot get its information?00:22
cjohnstonfor uds00:22
AlanBellreally not sure, I am guessing there is some url it polls from summit00:25
cjohnstonim wondering if its the ical00:28
AlanBellmight well be00:28
AlanBellhighly likely looking at the room_ical method00:29
cjohnstonAlanBell: I just sent you an email00:47
cjohnstoncan you look at that00:47
AlanBellI am struggling to find where that link is cjohnston00:51
cjohnstonI wasnt sure if you knew something I didnt00:57
AlanBellthe link in the channel topic is fine00:59
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bkerensagnight folks07:58
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head_victimAny extra membership board members floating around? We can do with one more in -meeting currently if anyone has spare time.10:11
s-foxhey head_victim10:12
head_victimGday s-fox10:13
s-foxi can grant ubuntu membership via forums contributions if that counts head_victim10:13
head_victims-fox: hmm, I don't actually know if that counts10:13
head_victims-fox: as we can't be sure that it qualifies we'd like to err on the side of caution. Unless someone is able to confidently say one way or another.10:24
s-foxhead_victim, as you wish.10:28
head_victims-fox: sorry mate, just being a different type of board (for example, I don't think I'd be a good judge of forum contributions). But, I do believe there is a call for applicants for the newly structred membership boards.10:29
s-foxThe regional membership boards have been restructured head_victim  ?10:31
head_victimIn the process of10:32
s-foxAh, I see. What has prompted the change?10:33
head_victimThe fact that some boards are struggling to reach quorum.10:33
s-foxHmm, I recall my membership application to a regional board was pretty seamless. I guess I was fortunate.10:35
s-foxSo you are looking for new board members?10:36
head_victims-fox: they're moving to having 2 boards, one that meets at 1200 UTC and another that meets at 2200 UTC10:46
s-foxYes I was just reading head_victim . Considering putting an application in.10:46
head_victims-fox: go for it :)10:54
s-foxhead_victim,  Thanks, I shall :-) I mean I know I am focused on forum stuff but I do other things elsewhere in the community, as well as have a pretty good relationship with most other community leaders10:56
head_victims-fox: you sound like a great candidate :)11:05
s-foxhead_victim,  I've been around for a bit, lol ;)11:05
s-foxBut hobgoblin should go for it11:06
s-foxMy mentor taught me a lot of things11:06
hobgoblinhe would say thanks - but he'd have toget up11:07
head_victimYeah, I like it because I'm the sort that has also been around a while but I can't really contribute on a technical level. So community contribution is right up my alley11:16
hobgoblinthere aremany of us like that head_victim ;)11:17
s-foxhead_victim,  started my application process \o/14:21
MrChrisDruifCanonical Community Team meeting suspended to next week I presume?15:09
Picivery likely.15:10
AlanBellyou can pop into #ubuntu-uds-room-202 nowish to find them though16:00
AlanBellicecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u for audio16:01
pleia2MrChrisDruif: where are you seeing the CC meeting?16:02
pleia2(there was one last week, not this week)16:03
AlanBellcommunity team not community council16:03
jussipleia2: Im guessing he doesnt mean... what AlanBell said16:04
pleia2oh, sorry16:04
pleia2still asleep :)16:04
jussihey, is Andrea Grandi at UDS?16:04
pleia2and it's only day 2!16:04
jussipleia2: so you just havent woken up yet then :P16:04
hobgoblincan someone tell me how to get my name on the list on the etherpad thing - put name in box and top and enter does nothing16:05
czajkowskidid you hit enter?16:05
hobgoblinczajkowski: then nothing happens16:06
hobgoblinno matter16:07
pleia2hobgoblin: forestpixie is in the list16:07
pleia2you won't see it16:08
hobgoblinI don't see me then16:08
* hobgoblin assumes it's IRC 16:08
hobgoblinthanks pleia2 - I was going mad16:08
czajkowskiit's day 2 and the crazyness has already thought about16:10
jussiSo how is UDS going for all - anything interesting I need to be updated on so far? (saw marks keynote, been out/asleep most of the rest :/16:21
balloonsjussi, I would say it's in full swing :-)16:27
balloonsyou can see the schedule -- not sure what may be interesting to you.. blueprint watching is always fun16:27
* cjohnston assigns work items to jussi 16:37
IAmNotThatGuyHey bilal16:57
IAmNotThatGuydaker_, idk why the US embassy is acting that way :[16:57
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daker_IAmNotThatGuy: :/19:12
IAmNotThatGuySup daker_ ?19:13
daker_IAmNotThatGuy> daker_, idk why the US embassy is acting that way :[19:13
czajkowskidaker_: what reason were you given?19:13
IAmNotThatGuyMine is Low salary :|19:14
czajkowskiwas it possibly a red falg for them to see a new passport and then a visa application ?19:14
daker_yeah maybe19:14
daker_czajkowski: he told me where i am going, and if it's the first time to travel19:15
daker_and gave him the letter19:15
daker_then he starts typing on the keyboard19:16
daker_i think he looked at the website u.u.c19:16
daker_czajkowski: then he told me that they don't delivere visa at this time, and he gave a letter.19:18
JanCdaker_: my guess is that you coming from the "wrong" part of the world is also relevant...19:18
daker_i don't know :) first and last time to apply for a us visa19:19
czajkowskiand a new passport19:19
daker_czajkowski: well everything is new :)19:20
JanCczajkowski: if you or I had a new passport they wouldn't care so much19:20
JanCinternational politics certainly play a role19:21
JanCwhich is somewhat understandable, but still not fair19:21
JanCdaker_: does Morocco exchange intelligence info about its citizens to the US?19:22
daker_JanC: not sure, but i think 99% they do :)19:23
daker_JanC: my opinion VISA # Freedom19:23
JanCof course visa aren't about freedom19:25
JanCthey are about the exact opposite  ;)19:25
JanCit's like a password19:26
daker_yeah maybe19:26
JanCif you have the secret sign, you may enter  :P19:26
JanCI guess it's one of the disadvantages of having UDS in the US...19:27
daker_100% right19:28
daker_JanC: the other disadvantage is TZ19:28
daker_i can only attend the sessions of the morning19:29
JanCI heard it's 50% cheaper than in Europe, and they get better service from the venue for that price, which in current times is also relevant of course19:29
hobgoblinwas more or less what I heard too JanC19:29
JanCprobably there are too many conference venues in the US so they have to fight for customers  ;)19:30
JanCin many parts of Europe there aren't enough (large) conference centers, so they can almost ask what they want19:32
JanCthat's why FOSDEM is so lucky to be able to use the ULB university infrastructure19:33
czajkowskidaker_: JanC same can be said when uds is in EU folks otuside of there find timezones hard19:34
czajkowskinever going to please everyone19:34
JanCtimezones will always be an issue of course19:35
JanCand are more or less unsolvable19:35
czajkowskiso dont know why people always give out about them19:35
JanCwell, if UDS rotates between locations, that makes things easier for different people around the world19:36
JanCso that complaint is valid, but it's not something you can change about 1 particular venue19:37
hobgoblindisappointment at missing things perhaps czajkowski - who knows without asking19:37
czajkowskihobgoblin: yes but nothing can be done either19:37
czajkowskiuds does rotate19:38
czajkowskibar this time19:38
JanCto some degree19:38
czajkowskibut it does usually but the olympics has messed up a lot of the EU with flights and costs19:38
czajkowskialso don't forget a lot of planning goes into a uds19:38
czajkowskiyou need a venue {              } large19:38
czajkowskiand available for accommodation and hosting usually availabe for 1-2 weeks19:39
JanConly once in Australia and never in Asia or Africa (which has reasonable reasons too)19:39
hobgoblinall of which shut it more or less all away from me :)19:39
czajkowskihobgoblin: the same could be said if it goes to X 100 people may say no can do cost/flights/visa et19:40
czajkowskinobody is every happy19:40
czajkowskibut it has come on a long way to make remote particpation good19:40
hobgoblinI know - I'm not complaining - can understand why others do :)19:40
JanCI know almost for sure we can get a cheap, large venue and no issues with venues when UDS is in Vietnam...  ;)19:40
daker_czajkowski: right now remote particpation is not good (TZ)19:41
hobgoblinczajkowski: I agree with that - this yeat I can hear :)19:41
JanCno issues with visas19:41
daker_JanC: right19:41
daker_in north africa too19:41
JanCbut then travel gets expensive probably19:41
czajkowskiand long19:41
czajkowskiI've to get back to other stuff19:42
JanCdaker_: how easy is it to get visa for a conference in Morocco?19:42
JanC(for those who would need one)19:43
daker_i have no idea but i don't thing it's like the US19:43
JanCI know in Vietnam you buy a visum at the airport when you arrive  ;)19:44
daker_JanC: http://www.learn4good.com/travel/morocco_visa.htm#req19:46
JanCso basically, you just have to show a reservation in a hotel?  ;)19:48
daker_JanC: just your passeport19:49
JanCI mean, for visitors from those countries that aren't exempt from a visum19:50
JanChaving a hotel reservation for the period involved seems to be enough to get a tourist visum19:50
daker_and return Ticket i think19:51
JanC(which is probably easiest to get)19:51
JanCyeah, probably19:51
JanCif it's that easy in practice too, that should be easy19:52
JanCcost 16 GBP though19:52
JanCdaker_: I'm not sure if Morocco is known as an international conference venue?19:54
daker_JanC: Morocco = Tourism19:55
JanCyeah, sometimes that goes together19:55
JanCbut are there many conference centers available?19:57
JanCand don't forget, UDS has become *big*   ;)19:57
daker_yes, we can find :)19:58
JanCI wonder how many people are at UDS right now  ☺20:01
daker_about 300, not sure...20:03
JanChm, I think there were more in the past?20:03
JanC(and I think the Linaro conference is also there?)20:04
JanCanyway, I'm gone for an hour or so...20:05
AlanBellIt seems bigger than it was a couple.of years ago20:43
JanCAlanBell: I seem to remember a number of around 300-400 for UDS-M, but I might be wrong20:57
* MrChrisDruif is envious of everyone @ UDS20:59
daker_AlanBell, czajkowski  is the plenary streamed http://video.ubuntu.com/live/ ?21:00
daker_JanC: at leat we are not this list http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/08/slowest-internet-countries_n_1475397.html#s=93718421:08
daker_so the internet connexion is good :)21:09
s-foxHello :)21:14
JanCdaker_: actually, I remember 3G being much cheaper in Morocco than in Belgium 5 years ago or so21:14
daker_the internet here is unlimited21:14
JanC(we used that to put pressure on our local telcos  ;) )21:14
daker_8mega 3G 80euro per month21:15
JanCthat sounds quite more expensive than it was back then  :P21:16
JanCmight have been more thanb  5 years actually21:16
daker_JanC: awe sorry it's ~37.5euro21:19
daker_for 7,2 Mbps21:20
daker_22euro for 3.6 Mbps21:20
JanCwell, 2.5G & 3G with 2 GiB data is available at 12 € (data only) or 15 € (data + voice) in Belgium right now (thanks to 1 price-breaking company)21:20
JanCno speed guarantees21:21
JanCby 3G I mean gsm wireless tech21:21
JanCI remember back then they basically charged you 5 € / 100 MiB or so  ;)21:23
JanCso nobody used it, unless your company paid for it21:23
JanCnowadays things are much better21:25
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