
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
emHi. I would like a clear explanation for why I am banned in #ubuntu-au-chat and how long I have been banned there.02:45
bazhang /msg access #channel list and ask the ops02:47
bazhangthe ones with +o02:47
emmsg chanserv I think.02:47
Unit193You can check how long by  /mode #ubuntu-au-chat +b02:47
bazhangyeah, I missed cs02:48
emUnit193: they all say 1478954 secs ago02:49
Resistanceyeah, that's the default on channels in which your client wasnt lurking forever02:51
Resistancethe IRCd sets that unless your client has newer info02:51
Resistanceyou'd have to talk to their ops team, then.02:51
Resistanceand they're on the chanserv access list02:51
Resistance/msg chanserv access #channel list02:51
emim trying to find one who is online02:52
Resistanceyou might just have to wait or something...02:53
Resistanceand FYI: privmsgs, while i do accept them, don't immediately get looked at, since i'm active in 6 other channels right now :P02:54
Resistancebest to just mention me here :P02:54
emResistance: yes may as well since Ive been banned there for at least 6 months02:54
Resistance(I see channel pings a bit sooner than i do privmsgs)02:54
emFor no reason.02:55
AlanBellem: probably because your connection was a bit broken 6 months ago05:12
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=== Guest39396 is now known as Zic
=== LinuxMon1ey is now known as LinuxMonkey
saryI would like to request an Ubuntumember cloak.17:20
k1l_sary: can you link your launchpad profile?17:27
Resistanceyou're not listed as an ubuntu member on there17:29
Resistanceand that group would be visible17:29
Resistancesary:  ^17:30
saryRight , i will join.17:31
Resistanceyou're aware of *how* you get membership right?17:31
Resistanceyou have to be approved first, you can't just join the members group17:31
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership17:32
Resistance^ that17:32
saryNo i was not aware of that.17:33
saryThank you17:33
Resistancewell the page we linked will explain membership17:33
saryResistance: you mind a word in /query !17:43
Sidewindersary, I'm not positive but I believe you can request a non-ubuntu related cloak. I think that you just need to ask a Freenode staffer for same.. HTH18:19
sarySidewinder: correct , there is PDPC and unaffiliated cloaks.18:53
=== wylde_ is now known as wylde

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