
=== Saviq_ is now known as Saviq
=== dduffey_afk is now known as dduffey
cm-tI am from LoCo ubuntu-fr and I am configuring a pandaboard for our ubuntuparty this week-end10:50
cm-tIt was just to know if there is a ppa10:51
cm-t( pandaboard omap4)10:51
cm-telse I am following instruction on the wiki10:51
cm-tdamn it:  "it was tested on 11.10" →  Iam on 12.0410:57
cm-tfound a ppa11:18
Saviqcm-t, won't work on 12.04 I'm afraid11:53
Saviqwe didn't have time to port it11:54
Saviqthere's not much needed - just what changed re Unity APIs (r1003 from lp:unity-2d for sure), but there are probably more11:55
Saviqcm-t, another thing is that video.lens from 12.04 "conflicts" with our custom one for UbuntuTV12:00
Saviqbut that should be easy to work with12:00
cm-tjust finish to download 11.10 Saviq12:04
cm-tre-doing thing with it12:04
cm-tthanks for confirming :)12:04
cob-olpI see that I'm not the only one that have problems with ubuntutv and linaro12:05
cob-olpcm-t, did you manage to run UbuntuTV on panda?12:11
cm-tcob-olp: yes12:11
cob-olpI'm going to try on 11.1012:11
cob-olpSaviq advised me to try on this version12:12
cm-tI just tryed on 12.04 but nothing happening, and for manually compile I was lazy to downgrade dependency to ubity 4.0…12:12
cob-olpI tried to downgrade12:12
cm-tunity *12:12
cob-olpon 12.0312:12
cob-olpa lot of downgrades12:13
* cm-t prep sdcard12:13
cob-olp cm-t, sorry I have network problems12:19
cob-olpso, I tried to downgrade to unity 4.012:20
cm-tyes that provoc cmake error else12:20
cm-tbut I didnt get so far, I searched for ppa12:20
cob-olpbut then after building ubuntutv it still did not work12:21
cob-olpI succeeded with cmake12:21
cm-tSaviq> we didn't have time to port it12:21
cm-t13:55 < Saviq> there's not much needed - just what changed re Unity APIs (r1003 from lp:unity-2d for sure), but there are probably12:21
cm-t   cob-olp ↑12:21
cob-olptoday I asked Saviq via email12:21
cob-olpand had the same response :)12:22
cm-tok (thoug you were offline at that moment)12:22
cob-olpso, with downgrades ubuntutv did not work12:22
cob-olpand after reboot I was not able even to login using unity12:23
cob-olpso probably it is not a good idea to downgrade it12:23
cm-tif you find nothing to make it works in 12.04, maybe add a tips on the wiki12:23
cm-tclose to the line "tested on 11.10"12:23
cm-tto prevent people losing time :)12:23
cob-olpso you managed to run it on 11.10?12:24
cm-tyes, I just need it to work properly, we will have a stand for the demo at our party (usualy ~3k visitors )12:25
cob-olpwhat party?12:25
cm-tubuntu-party 12.0412:25
cm-tcommunity event to promote a new version of ubuntu to be short, with install party included12:26
cob-olphmm ubuntu-party 12.04 with ubuntu 11.10 ;)?12:26
cm-tworkship all that12:26
cm-tbut if use ubuntu-tv for having a buzz word on social network, and if we don't have a ubuntu-tv …12:27
cob-olpyes, of course12:27
cob-olpis it hard to put it on 11.10?12:27
cob-olpI'm not very experienced and I've lost some time when I tried on 12.01,02,0312:29
cm-tI allready did it, work fine12:29
cm-tbut not on pandaboard12:29
cm-tsort of,  its the board used for the canonical demo I think, so it should works12:30
cm-tits a rasperry pi in bigger, more expensive, but more perfomence12:30
cob-olpI have to deploy it on panda12:30
cob-olpto make some demo12:31
tgm4883For those interested, it looks like "Discussion of GStreamer in Ubuntu TV ( Desktop )" was moved up one hour from 10:00 AM today to 9:00 AM today14:33
tgm4883in #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-g14:33
MrChrisDruiftgm4883; UTC?14:33
MrChrisDruifWhich is in UTC? ^_^14:34
tgm4883PST is UTC-7 I believe14:34
MrChrisDruifHow late is that converted to UTC?*14:34
MrChrisDruifNvm, I'll look it up14:35
tgm4883MrChrisDruif, it's in 1.5 hours14:35
MrChrisDruifAh, just say that! ;-)14:35
MrChrisDruif4PM UTC14:36
tgm4883Audio will be http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-g.ogg.m3u14:36
robclarkjust fyi, w/ qtmobility patched to use eglImage for rendering, performance is quite ok for ubuntu-tv on pandaboard w/ gst15:42
robclarkor at least it works *much* better than xbmc :-P15:42
tgm4883"Discussion of GStreamer in Ubuntu TV ( Desktop )" about to start15:57
tgm4883in #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-g15:57
MrChrisDruifJoined and started "Radio"16:00
tsdgeos#ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-g is running an ubuntu-tv related discussio16:15
MrChrisDruifThey might as well speak in Chinese...it's not making real sense to me ^_^16:27
willcookeMrChrisDruif: I'm with you on that one :)16:29
MrChrisDruifHurray ^_^16:29
=== jalcine is now known as jacky
mellisI've just managed to compile latest ubunt-tv src on ubuntu against unity-core 5 and a libunity-2d-private copied from latest unity-2d 5.x18:08
mellisA bit of coments and hacking, now to see if ubuntu tv crashes and burns18:09
mellisDoh! It crashed and burned18:36
mellisI guess its quiet because of the Ubuntu Developer Summit - Q?18:38
ogra_mellis, very likely, given that we all run from session to session all day19:06
=== jhodapp_ is now known as jhodapp

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