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knomepleia2, ?05:42
pleia2knome: yep05:44
knomehai! :)05:45
knomea few things:05:45
knomecan you get together with micahg and go through the "development" part of the website and quickly see what would need updating, and if we are being as useful as possible?05:46
knomei suppose that applies to the wiki too ^05:46
pleia2he runs quickly, but I'll see what I can do :)05:46
knomemaybe on some evening or so05:46
pleia2I'll bribe him with xubuntu stickers05:47
pleia2"hi, I have stickers for you, by the way...."05:47
knomesounds good05:47
knomeanother thing: is there any guide on how to become an (official) mirror for xubuntu?05:48
knomewould that just be syncing xubuntu images too and telling us so we can link to them?05:48
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors is all I know about, and OSU has already gone through the stuff to get an Ubuntu mirror05:49
pleia2I don't know what flavors do05:49
knomeok, in that case if you have any pointers on where to ask or if you could ask somebody in uds, that would be great :)05:50
knomei think generally we might want to know what the procedure is so we can tell people about it on our website, for example05:51
* pleia2 nods05:52
knomei think that's it for now05:53
knomei'll poke you with other things later this week since you are in a relatively good place for cooperation ;)05:54
pleia2ok, looks like I can nudge one of the canonical sysadmins to see if they know (just drilled down through ~ubuntu-mirror-admins until I found someone I know :))05:55
knomethe netherland mirror is finally up too, updating /getxubuntu05:55
knomehihi, great05:55
ochosimorning everyone06:21
knomehey ochosi :)06:21
ochosithe keyboard overlay stuff is ready for testing: https://launchpad.net/xfce4-keyboard-overlay06:22
ochosii mean initial testing06:22
ochosii looked at the code and there are still a few things to iron out06:22
ochosibut if you wanna see how it'll look/feel...06:22
knome"when i say testing, i mean initial testing"06:22
knomeochosi, pleia2 ^06:23
ochosiknome: btw, this is an example of the buttons in infobar not looking too bad imo: http://imagebin.org/21145106:23
ochosiknome: thing is, atm they don't look integrated there at all06:23
knomeochosi, i'd hope they'd be somewhat visually different06:24
micahgmr_pouit: FYI, we'll need to upload the indicator GTK2 stack soon, ted told me that the dbus API doesn't have any planned changes, so we should be fine.  If the panel is ported to GTK3 in time for quantal, maybe we can just pull that in and drop the duplicate indicator packages06:24
micahgmr_pouit: he should be letting me know when it happens, so I guess I'll take care of that06:24
pleia2knome: looks good06:24
ochosiknome: yeah, the page looks fine06:25
ochosiknome: anyway, i'll be mostly away today (work)06:28
ochosimicahg: ah, that's good to hear (no dbus api changes)06:28
knomei'm wondering if i can make the torrent-part somewhat more prominent06:30
ochosiyou could add icons ;)06:32
knomei know06:33
knomeis there a general "torrent" icon?06:33
ochosinot sure, but there is a generic download icon06:34
knomemaybe some kind of "download" icon next to the 32-bit/64-bit links06:34
knomedo we have one in elementary?06:34
ochosiin mimes/24 and mimes/4806:35
ochosithere should also be a browser-download icon06:35
ochosithis one could work06:35
ochosiit's generic and not very torrent-specific in terms of its looks06:35
knomeexcept i don't have /home/ochosi/ :)06:35
ochosibut it should be ok06:35
ochosipoor boy ;)06:35
knomeyeah, looks fine06:37
ochosiok good06:37
ochosii think that's generally a good idea, throw more icons at the page06:38
ochosipeople get disinterested so quickly with text_only06:38
ochosi(it's even like that with myself...)06:38
knomethe problem is that we don't have much classes to support that06:38
knomei mean, we need to use many inline styles06:38
knomewhat we should do this cycle06:38
ochosiyeah, that sucks06:38
knomeand what i'm marking down NOW06:38
knomedo a draft posting06:38
knomeand set a few styles we continuously want to use06:38
knomeand upload css for them06:39
knomesomething like .icon-left would make much sense06:39
knomefor example06:39
ochosigood idea06:39
knomehttp://xubuntu.org/?page_id=1120&preview=true <-- better?06:49
ochosiyes, far better imo06:51
knomeyeah, good06:51
knomegoing to throw this live06:51
ochosii'd even consider adding a hdd icon next to requirements06:51
ochosiand an upgrade icon next to the upgrade section06:52
knomethen we'd need a "memory" icon too06:52
ochosiyes prolly, still thinking06:52
knomewhat's an "upgrade" icon?06:52
knomei can add that if you point me to one06:53
ochosiwhat about: file:///usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/devices/48/gnome-dev-memory.svg06:53
ochosithe hdd is in the same folder06:53
knomethat's kind of oldschool06:53
ochosieither this: file:///usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/apps/48/system-software-update.svg06:53
knomethat's rather fugly :D06:54
ochosior this: file:///usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/apps/48/gnome-session-reboot.svg06:54
ochosioh well, you're a picky one06:54
ochosii don't have any more time now06:54
knomei don't think we generally should mix meanings06:54
ochositake it or leave it06:54
knomek :P06:54
ochosiyeah, i agree with that06:54
ochosithanks, you too06:54
knomewill try to06:54
knomewhat about system-upgrade?06:55
knomein the same folder...06:55
knomeupgrade == upgrade, update != upgrade ;)06:55
knomeochosi, i know you're not there, just saying: i think we should condense the memory section to one paragraph (it's stupid to say xubuntu can run with 256 or even 192 because we don't really recommend that), then lose the subheaders "mem" and "hd" and add icons next to the paragraphs07:03
ochosiknome: sounds sane, and yes, the upgrade icon looks good11:08
ochosiknome: sorry, i unintentionally linked you to the wrong one in the first place11:08
knomeochosi, np11:58
ochosiknome: what about using an icon for mirrors as well?14:16
ochosiknome: e.g. either file:///usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/categories/48/applications-geography.svg14:16
ochosiknome: or: file:///usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/categories/48/applications-internet.svg14:16
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ochosihmm, just tested geary, seems like that still has quite a long way to go14:35
knomeochosi, i was thinking just a "cd" icon...15:34
ochosihm, in that case maybe the iso-mimetype icon15:34
ochosimore consistent with the torrent-icon15:35
ochosi(if you want those two to be alike)15:35
knomemmh, shouldn't they be, don't you think?15:39
knomeotoh, i think we should leave the mirrors with no icon15:39
knometo try to give more attention for the torrent downloads15:39
knomeafaik they are backed up by canonical servers even if there was no other seedes15:39
knomei'm not 100% sure, but i think so15:39
pleia2ack, the flavors plenary is on the schedule for today16:20
pleia2today is not thursday D:16:20
ochosioh, that could be interesting16:23
ochosipleia2: do you know who of the other flavors will attend?16:23
pleia2pretty sure it's: Jonathan Carter, Jonathan Riddell, Julien Lavergne, Mario Limonciello and Scott Lavender16:25
pleia2edubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, mythbuntu, studio16:25
ochosimhm, sounds good16:25
pleia2I didn't practice :)16:25
ochosiif you don't know what to talk to them about, you could say we could join forces to make unity-greeter less gnome-dependant16:25
ochosior otherwise: make a new greeter that is desktop-independant but less ugly than the gtk-greeter we currently use16:26
pleia2we made slides16:26
ochosioh cool!16:27
ochosiwhat's it gonna be aboutß16:27
ochosinice and concise16:31
pleia2knome made it :)16:32
pleia2actually, Darkwing is going to do the Kubuntu one, he found me in the hallway and we did an "omg it's today!" :)18:25
Unit193You'll announce here right before?18:27
baizonhave you guys decided on the xfce 4.10 -> xubuntu 12.04.1?18:30
Unit193He didn't like that idea.18:30
pleia2baizon: it's a goal on our roadmap: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Goals/Quantal18:33
pleia2Unit193: I'll try, will be busy getting prepped :)18:33
baizoni see 4.10 -> xubuntu 12.1018:34
baizonbut not 4.10 -> xubuntu 12.04.118:34
pleia2oh, sorry18:34
pleia2no, we won't be going to 4.10 in 12.04.118:34
Unit193Cool, thankie.18:34
pleia2very major version changes like that don't happen after release18:35
pleia2just bug and security fixes :)18:35
pleia2(there are a few exceptions, like firefox, but it's not at all common)18:35
baizonand what about launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/xfce-4.10 ?18:36
pleia2Unit193: it's in 3 hours, plan accordingly :)18:36
baizonwhen we can expect to see them there?18:37
pleia2I don't know18:37
mips1911baizon, if you want 4.10 there is always mr+pouit's ppa but there is no official support for it. works fine though18:37
baizonmips1911: i know )18:37
baizonim not in hurry so i can wait :)18:37
Unit193I should check "where"18:37
mips1911mr+pouit's ppa will be moved over to the official one you just mentioned as far as I'm aware18:38
mips1911I must say I really love xfce18:38
mips1911just wondering how long it will be before it goes the way of gnome3/unity/kde4, hopefull it sticks to it's roots18:41
baizoni think it will18:41
mips1911my 7yr old celeron lapto is about to get the lubuntu 12.04 treatment, I might try xfce on it but I reckon the old girl is just to tired.18:42
cc_INCGive the old girl a few extra RAM's :) in case she still has room for some.19:00
mips1911She has 1.25GB of RAM and I've overclocked her little celeron motor from 1.4Ghz to 1.87Ghz with asimple pin mod. She is still in immaculate condition as she I never let her out of the house and she was confined to my desk for tasks like downloads at night. She's a nice girl :)19:03
pleia2I'm at UDS with my 1.6ghz netbook w/ 1G of ram ;)19:06
pleia2it's super!19:06
cc_INC:) Sounds like a keeper dude.19:06
pleia2doesn't play flash well though19:06
cc_INCSame as my trusty T60. It never leaves my side :)19:06
mips1911cc_INC, yeah she's a real gem19:06
cc_INCDoes overclocking makes that much of a difference?!19:07
pleia2this all might be better over in #xubuntu-offtopic19:07
cc_INCI have read some stuff about it and haven't really given it much thought, but now that you mention it.19:07
mips1911pleia2, mine actually plays flash ok. even 720p video is ok, 1080i croaks though19:07
cc_INCOops... terribly sorry pleia2 you are so right!19:07
cc_INCSincerest apologies.19:08
mips1911cc_INC,  I got a 30% boost in performance. When I did the mod I also replaced the thermal paste with arctic silver 5 and it runs cooler afterwards than it did at stock :D  let me find that link of mine19:09
pleia2mips1911: can you join #xubuntu-offtopic and take the discussion there?19:09
mips1911sorry, will do19:09
pleia2thanks :)19:09
knomei don't understand anything about this, but: http://igulkan.blogspot.com/2012/05/xubuntu-1204-hassas-pangolinde-konuk.html?spref=tw21:24
pleia2plenary happening in 7 minutes or so21:25
* pleia2 preps21:26
knomewhat space?21:29
knome"hall east" ??21:30
Unit193I had to guess #ubuntu-uds 21:30
knomewent well ;)21:35
knomenice joke ;)21:35
* knome fixed http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20539/ubuntu-derivatives/21:38
knomesomebody is not paying attention21:38
knomethey wrote21:38
knome"xubuntu is outdated"21:38
knomeawwwh, no stgraber21:43
Unit193Using VLC is far better than the crazy flash interface.21:44
knomei only wanted to stare at pleia2 anyway.21:44
Unit193Yeah, and hear her.21:45
knomethe soft voice21:46
pleia2knome: thanks :)21:46
knomei had hoped i made you uncomfortable21:47
knomeyou know what somewhat sucks in wordpress?21:47
knomethe files are uploaded to year/month even with pages21:48
pleia2yeah :\21:48
knomethat's a minor annoyance21:49
knomei'm sure one could write a plugin to *not* do that21:49

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