=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance [02:09] Anyone have a reliable method to access a Lubuntu box remotely via Windows RDC? [02:10] Or any way, really. [02:10] Do you need GUi? [02:10] Unit193: yes. [02:10] !vnc [02:10] VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [02:10] Tried xrdp and NX, both with issues. [02:11] VNC brings its own issues: I usually access my box from a machine with a lower native resolution, making navigating even the screen difficult. [02:12] Scale the image, and those are going to be your best options really. [02:12] VNC works quite well too. [02:12] brb, changing a diaper :) [02:16] If I scale I lose some screen real estate locally because the resolution ratios are different, but that may be something I have to deal with. [02:16] I got an error with NX before: Xsession: unable to launch "gnome-session" X session === "gnome-session not found; falling back to default session. [02:17] After which the NX client quit. [02:17] Thoughts? [02:17] I normally just use SSH, but if it's a single window you need, you can use ssh with X forwarding. [02:17] I could deal with a single window. [02:17] Both would be nice, but single would be fine. [02:17] And it's been a while since I last poked at NX, but it should have session selection. [02:17] Lookup Xming [02:18] And now I'll be afk a bit. [02:18] Thanks for the help :) [02:19] Now that you mention it, I did just use an NX shortcut on the local machine that was probably for an old configuration on the remote machine, I'll have to check that tommorow. === angela-android is now known as nothingspecial [07:28] hmm it seems like this would be better than buying a chroembook [07:28] chromebook [07:28] they want 400-500 for a chromebook and i can take an old laptop and put lubuntu on it and essentially have the same thing...right? [07:39] windbuntu, chromebook just has internet facility and u will not be able to use most of ur applications except from the chrome store! [07:39] correct [07:40] what is its cost windbuntu ?? [07:40] excellent observation pungi-man [07:44] i would like to create the equivalent...buy pay nothing [09:00] I need help regarding UEFI mode installation for Ubuntu 11.04 on Dell hardware [09:00] Its not able to get install and proceed after GRUB menu during the installation [09:26] ubutnu 10.04, install lxde-common. Change gdm to lxdm and now i can't mount flash drive. Not permissions [09:27] dbus is loaded? [09:28] dbus-daemon and dbus-launch [09:28] is that flash drive okay? [09:29] can you mount it from the terminal? [09:29] yes ok. I can mount them run gksu pcmanfm [09:30] by root [09:30] it's old problem. Think is polkit [09:32] seems like someone fixed his connection ;) [09:35] 10.04 such an old release nowdays ;) [09:35] lots of things has happened [09:35] hal has vanished and other small things too [09:35] yes. I planed update to 12.04 but not solved some problem [09:41] This bug affecting to me on 12.04 to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/insserv/+bug/858122 [09:41] Launchpad bug 858122 in insserv (Ubuntu Oneiric) "incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Fix committed] [09:41] hello [09:41] hello ubottu you smart bot xD [09:44] And I'm looking for a way how to easily change the ubuntu 10.04 on lubutnu 12.04. After saving the settings. Perhaps should be removed gnome, update from the console, then install lubutnu-minimal [09:45] my cairo-dock and conky are not working properly in lubuntu. But it works properly in unity,gnome and KDE. Can anyone suggest me a way to overcome this?? [09:45] configure your conky [09:46] it shows a black box around it [09:47] 858122 [09:47] bug 858122 [09:47] Launchpad bug 858122 in insserv (Ubuntu Oneiric) "incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/858122 [09:47] pungi-man: it all work for me. Ubuntu 10.04 + lxde-common. You should setup vodeocard [09:47] JohnDoe_71Rus; he's smarter then you think ;-) [09:47] kk. I will try [09:48] MrChrisDruif: Can the bot fix beg? Then they smart :) [09:48] *bug [09:52] JohnDoe_71Rus; I meant that you only need to say bug to get that response [09:52] MrChrisDruif: i copy link from иклцыук [09:53] *browser [10:12] one help needed: please try to open in Google Chromium this site http://www.youtube.com/xl [10:12] then select and start to play any video [10:12] does it works? [10:14] dove_g; for me on gnome-shell it does [10:14] dove_g: Not for me. It actually screws Chromium up pretty bad on my netbook. [10:15] yes, it works on gnome, not on LXDE [10:15] works for me [10:16] on LXDE? [10:16] lubuntu [10:16] yes [10:16] huh [10:16] jakob_l, im using 64bit? you? [10:16] doesn't work well in openbox [10:16] 32 [10:16] drlaban, 64bit? [10:16] 32 [10:16] strange [10:16] where top submit this bug [10:17] where to submit this bug [10:17] I'll test it on my not-so-netbooky other box I got, gimme a sec [10:17] P.s. I do use chromium [10:17] Did you try turning on html5 on youtube? [10:18] nope [10:18] Same horrible experience on my regular desktop, same Lubuntu-setup apart from hardware. The page becomes unresponsive and wants to crash [10:19] ok tnx drlaban [10:19] I had, however, not enabled html5. Dunno if it'll make a difference. [10:19] Nah, crashes horribly [10:20] how to enable html5? [10:20] http://youtube.com/html5 [10:21] :) [10:21] this bug is only on youtube.com/xl [10:21] it works normally on youtube.com [10:21] and youtube.com/html [10:27] drlaban you can also submit here your comment [10:27] https://bugs.launchpad.net/lubuntu-software-center/+bug/997037 [10:27] Launchpad bug 997037 in Lubuntu Software Center "Chromium freezes on play at youtube.com/xl on LXDE" [Undecided,New] [10:32] hi all [10:32] dove_g: I added myself to the affected list [10:34] tnx [10:34] could it be sound related? [10:34] im severly stuck, i just installed lubuntu and my window text is tiny but text in a web browser is fine [10:35] I use pulseaudio on my lubuntu [10:35] i have an nvidia card and the resolution is set ok there [10:36] bug 997037 [10:36] Launchpad bug 997037 in Lubuntu Software Center "Chromium freezes on play at youtube.com/xl on LXDE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/997037 [10:37] Ah, I thought it said unconfirmed... [10:37] Guest2520; what "Window text" is tiny? Title bar, field text? [10:38] all of it, the title, the menu options, even my firefox plugins, [10:38] even my taskbar is tiny [10:39] but the resolution is set right in xserver [10:39] any any webpage inside firefox is rendered fine [10:39] but anything else, i have to be an inch away form the tv too see it [10:40] normal stuff with TV [10:40] you can lift up the fonts [10:40] it works perfect on ubuntu and xubuntu [10:40] grow the size [10:40] tried that, didn't change anything [10:40] i set it to 48 and it dint move an inch [10:40] okay [10:40] just a moment [10:41] thank you [10:42] Guest2520, http://forums.bodhilinux.com/index.php?/topic/204-solved-nvidia-drivers-and-fonts-size/page__view__findpost__p__1035 [10:43] one guy had same kind of problem if I remember right [11:00] hey everyone, where can i find the ubuntu start disc creator? [11:01] hi again [11:01] it didnt work [11:02] tweaking the nvidia settings? [11:02] yeah, didnt change anything [11:03] ive been on google all morning looking at this, i think it may have something to do with the dpi settings [11:03] its just strange how it is only in lubuntu [11:03] where is the best place to dump a screenshot for you [11:04] !paste [11:04] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [11:05] http://imagebin.org/211640 [11:05] small that is :D [11:06] is text on the menu too small? [11:06] yes [11:07] ill add another with a few other apps open [11:09] http://imagebin.org/211641 [11:09] the menu failed to stay open while i took a screenshot [11:10] you can use "scrot -d 5 shot.png" [11:10] command [11:10] where -d 5 is "delay 5 seconds" [11:10] ;) [11:10] you can see there how working in the terminal can be hgard [11:10] you have enough time to open menu or do what every you want and it will then snap the shot [11:10] or even typing [11:12] Len2805, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Display_Size_and_DPI [11:12] thank you will look at that now [11:14] so you have to change DPI to 96x96 or something like that === Timo_ is now known as Guest90343 [11:29] Shutter can have delay too === PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne === holstein_ is now known as holstein === epictetu1 is now known as epictetus [17:38] What is the default editor on Lubuntu ? [17:39] leafpad [17:41] Thought it was nano or vi ;) [17:42] :D [17:42] I know bodhi, he wants GUI stuff [19:53] my laptop wakes up immediately after going in suspend. ideas? === schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm [21:23] how long does it take to boot lubuntu? [21:23] from a turned off computer? [21:25] windbuntu: depends [21:25] windbuntu: i would choose lubuntu for LXDE.. for something light, but not too light if you know what i mean [21:26] I trying to fully quantal Quetzal Ubuntu 12.10 and gives me a good impression even if else is still much work [21:26] windbuntu: for fast boot, i would just not reboot.. [21:26] just suspend or leave it running [21:27] windbuntu: about 20-30 sek [21:27] for ubuntu: 30-40 sek [21:27] i may attempt to create a machine that has similar charicteristics to a chromebook...but use lubuntu instead. [21:27] if you have SSD then you get for sure cca 10sec [21:27] just buy SSD [21:27] what about lubuntu on a flash drive [21:28] ssd is more fast [21:28] buy SSD [21:28] AngelForget; 12.10 will practically only be updated kernel and updated core packages from 12.04 [21:28] about 100$ [21:28] yes MrChrisDruif [21:28] a hundred bucks is a lotta dough [21:28] Hmm, dough ^_^ [21:29] i have an empty 8 gig flash drive [21:29] that is staring at me [21:29] MrChrisDruif, but still is not very stable as Lubuntu 12:04 [21:30] AngelForget; that's to be expected from a pre-alpha release [21:31] are you saying 12.10 is out already? [21:32] windbuntu; PRE-ALPHA!! [21:32] omg 12.04 is just out [21:33] windbuntu; we start working on the next release right after the previous...we've only got about 5 months [21:33] MrChrisDruif, this is the fact I'm testing, but some packages are completely new [21:33] 12.10 is "out" but it's still basically on fire [21:34] aw man, spamassassin, why are you not learning from this spam corpus? [21:35] gordonjcp, is true [21:35] I'm awfully tempted just to write some naive pattern matching [21:35] anything that mentions "prescriptions" and has a dollar sign in it, 100% spam [21:36] But to conclude, 12.04 is the current release for 6 more month, after that (20)12.10(October) will be the new release [21:36] the spammers are going apeshit at the moment with "FLOWERS FOR MOM! BUY NOW FOR MOTHERS DAY" [21:36] wtf, mother's day was months ago [21:36] the 13th [21:36] it was 11 months ago ;) [21:36] if I buy them now they'll be all wilted by the time it rolls around again [21:36] that's a stupid idea [21:37] i do not see all this mothers day stuff? where is it? [21:39] regardless... dont forget mom... 4 more days! [21:40] lol [21:50] holstein: four more days until...? [21:50] gordonjcp: mothers day [21:50] windbuntu: I'm getting insane amounts of spam at the moment, spamassassin *is* looking at it but not classifying it [21:50] holstein: that was two months ago [21:51] gordonjcp: i dont think so [21:51] gordonjcp: may 13th [21:51] nope, it was in march [21:51] I even took a long weekend so I could travel up to visit my mum [21:51] and not have to rush off at sunday teatime [21:52] gordonjcp: cool.. in the US, its may 13th [21:52] gordonjcp: thats why im saying its coming up, and explains the spam [21:52] May want #ubuntu-offtopic. [21:53] i thought this was it since i say the cursing [21:53] holstein: aha, maybe it's a US thing then [22:42] how do I remove all different sound systems and their configuration files? [22:44] HoNgOuRu: what systems? JACK? pulse? [22:45] I removed alsa-common alsa pulse esound etc... [22:45] just wanna get rid of everything to install only pulse or whatever that handles right the 5.1 [22:45] HoNgOuRu: pulse uses alsa AFAIK [22:46] HoNgOuRu: how about this.. what are you trying to do? [22:46] just play the 5.1 right. [22:47] I config something last time that enabled me the 5.1 but just for the first song after starting the service [22:47] HoNgOuRu: sometimes that just cant happen... you can try newer alsa revs, or different kernels.. i usually try that with live CD's [22:47] the second one only played in the front spks [22:47] ... I have 2 soundcards [22:48] one onboard, and the other one is a audigy sound blaster [22:48] Im really pissed off on how it is so hard to get a stable configuration [22:48] from ubuntu 7.04 to now [22:48] 12.04 [22:49] HoNgOuRu: yeah. i sucks.. you should be sure to complain to the hardware vendor [22:49] HoNgOuRu: i usually try live CD"s.. i would also look at pulse with pavucontrol.. and consider going down to only one card [22:50] I have headphones attached to the front panel of my box, that's the onboard one. but 5.1 plugged to the second soundcard [22:54] Im following a guide over here, I'll tell you after robooting [22:57] rebooted