
soreauIdleOne: What the hell is your problem?00:10
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.00:11
IdleOnebecause I am not removing the ban.00:11
IdleOnehave a good night.00:11
soreauI don't care what you do as an op. I want to know what the hell your personal problem is with me00:11
soreauI did nothing wrong, now you ban me while I'm getting support on a very critical issue00:12
IdleOneI have no personal issue with you. I have a problem with how you think #ubuntu is meant to be used. Also. I don't give a rats hairy arse what you think you know about Unity. I don't want to hear about it in #ubuntu.00:12
IdleOneNow, this discussion is over. appeal to the IRCC.00:13
IdleOneleave this channel.00:13
soreauI don't care what you think. I didn't even mention unity but one time in a very passive comment00:13
AlanBellafternoon all00:13
popeyhello AlanBell00:13
soreauYou're trying to make it seem that I was bashing unity or something, I most certainly was not00:13
soreauI am trying to get help upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04 and comprehend what a point release is00:14
AlanBellsoreau: I have no idea of context yet, take a break for a bit while I read back00:14
soreauAlanBell: ok00:14
mneptok18:00 < soreau> wylde: Well I downloaded xubuntu for now. This unity fiasco is simply horrid. I don't see how canonical can stamp their name on such garbage00:36
mneptoksoreau: you have used #ubuntu enough to know what is opinion and what is real support.00:36
mneptoksoreau: i think it's inputlines like that which are causing distress.00:37
soreaumneptok: Yes but I did not perpetuate that. It was just a passing comment in general discussion regarding upgrading from LTS->LTS00:37
soreauIt's not like I just went there to unity-bash00:37
mneptoksoreau: again, you have used #u enough to know that passing comments like that are not welcome or constructive. i know you have seen the !offtopic factoid many times.00:38
soreaumneptok: Yes, it was not constructive. But it was not the premise nor purpose of the conversation00:39
mneptoksoreau: it's not my ban. and TBH i have to go AFK in a few minutes. i'm just saying that i found at least one inputline today from you that is waaaaaaay offtopic and unhelpful.00:39
soreaumneptok: Point taken.00:39
mneptoksoreau: sorry to jump in when i can't stick around to resolve things.00:40
mneptokthink of me as a meatspace /lastlog00:40
soreaumneptok: No worries, I just don't appreciate some ops eagerness to ban00:41
mneptoksoreau: worry about the ^&%* you can fix. it's the only way my wife is still with me.00:43
soreaumneptok: It is distressing at times, but you are right00:44
mneptokand with that, i have to go and tend to pet birds because ... uhhhh ... my wife isn't here (business trip).00:44
soreauheh ;)00:45
mneptokbachelor mode ... AHOY!00:45
mneptok(and ... does anyone want to do dishes?)00:45
AlanBellsoreau: I will discuss this with the rest of the IRCC but given your long and colourful history of bans from our channels, plus the fact that your support question was in fact correctly answered in #ubuntu before you were banned I am satisifed that the ban is appropriate to remain in place at this time01:51
KindOneWhoever owns the nick "ubuntu" should really /nick it before services upgrade, so it don't get dropped, cause someone might try to register it05:30
* mrmist will look into that06:33
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Khanna_Param)09:38
mrmistfor those interested, the ubuntu GC account is held now, so won't expire and get purged.09:42
ikoniagroup contact09:44
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from marksaitis)10:15
ikoniaunder control10:16
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ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1781 users, 19 overflows, 1800 limit))20:42
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