[11:17] BOnjour :) [11:23] salut AminosAmigos [11:24] ki na3ml apt-get autoremove yetnahaw l error failed to fetch ? [11:25] elacheche_anis ? [11:26] non [11:26] c'est que le serveur est injoignable [11:26] t'as ajouté des dêpots offline ou t'es trompé en tapant l'url [11:27] check ton /etc/apt/sources.list [11:27] So i need to remove them ? [11:28] ahla Tux-Tn :) [11:28] yes [11:28] hey elacheche_anis [11:31] ok thanks :) Tux-Tn [11:33] what is the function of autorremove then ? [11:35] removing unuset packages [11:35] unused* [11:36] so it gives free space ? [11:37] yes [11:38] any other commands to free more space ? [11:40] try apt-get autoclean [11:57] who tried the new game C&C from EA ? [12:08] i don't use flash player