=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Foundations | Integrate Linaro hwpacks for arm with the Ubuntu image build infrastructure | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20499/foundations-q-hwpack-integration/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u [00:54] uds-gb-c: 5 minutes left in this session! [00:55] uds-gb-c: 4 minutes left in this session! [00:56] uds-gb-c: 3 minutes left in this session! [00:57] uds-gb-c: 2 minutes left in this session! [00:58] uds-gb-c: 1 minute left in this session! [00:59] uds-gb-c: This session has ended. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/grand-ballroom-c/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c.log === tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson === PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: QA | Platform QA Metrics | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20520/qa-q-metrics/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u === fenris is now known as Guest8617 === Guest8617 is now known as ejat [16:49] uds-gb-c: 5 minutes left in this session! [16:50] uds-gb-c: 4 minutes left in this session! [16:51] uds-gb-c: 3 minutes left in this session! [16:52] uds-gb-c: 2 minutes left in this session! [16:53] uds-gb-c: 1 minute left in this session! [16:54] uds-gb-c: This session has ended. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Cloud & Server | Package (more) AWS tools for Ubuntu | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20373/servercloud-q-awstools/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u [17:00] o/ [17:00] Ubuflu has him now [17:01] I'm always there [17:01] watching [17:01] waiting [17:02] * [17:03] Cool, good idea utlemming. Session done. [17:03] main cannot depend on multiverse [17:04] I already charmed ELB btw.. would have been slightly easier w/ apt-get instead of download, unzip, bleh [17:04] good morning [17:06] heh, openstack doesn't have any of this. :) [17:07] I agree w/ smoser. We do what we can, when we can, and are open to prioritization arguments. [17:10] we do not need to know who is going to do it, to agree that it is a good idea. We can make a plea for help from the community and/or suggest that Canonical devote resources to it *after* determining how big the effort is. [17:11] * charlieS concurs that the top of the list in etherpad (ami tools, ELB, RDS, IAM) are super important [17:16] Have we checked Debian WNPP to see if there are requests or ITP's for any of these? [17:21] * SpamapS is looking for sponsorees! [17:22] python-boto is up to date in debian isn't it? [17:23] python-boto in debian is 2.3.0 [17:24] 1.9 in lucid :) [17:25] so for python-boto, i will re-sync that. [17:25] python-boto | 2.2.2-0ubuntu2 | precise | source, all [17:25] yeah. [17:29] target precise-backports too [17:32] recipes make it really easy to have all releases covered [17:35] Daviey can ping me to sponsor in uploads. :) [17:36] #ubuntu-meeting , every Tuesday 0900 PDT [17:37] much awesomeness, thanks everybody [17:39] instead of sed, just drop a file in sourcs.list.d [17:39] _________________________ [17:39] < sources.list.d, smoser! > [17:39] ------------------------- [17:39] \ ^__^ [17:39] \ (oo)\_______ [17:39] (__)\ )\/\ [17:39] ||----w | [17:39] || || [17:39] uds-gb-c: 5 minutes left in this session! [17:39] its best if you know your mirror [17:40] but.. meh [17:40] please god don't put it in python-software-properties [17:40] uds-gb-c: 4 minutes left in this session! [17:41] That is the best hidden command ever [17:41] "how do I get this useful command?" "Oh, by installing an obscure python module" [17:41] uds-gb-c: 3 minutes left in this session! [17:41] later! [17:42] uds-gb-c: 2 minutes left in this session! [17:43] uds-gb-c: 1 minute left in this session! [17:44] uds-gb-c: This session has ended. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/grand-ballroom-c/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c.log === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Desktop | Indicator Redesign | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20790/desktop-q-indicator-redesign/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u [18:13] Hear Ya === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/grand-ballroom-c/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c.log === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Cloud & Server | ARM Server general enhancements (for ARMv7 and perhaps v8) | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20410/servercloud-q-arm-server/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u [19:05] mrjazzcat is heading down [19:23] and susceptible to intermittent failures [19:23] you don't want a bmc busy handling network packets being too busy to respond to the booting system [19:54] uds-gb-c: 5 minutes left in this session! [19:55] uds-gb-c: 4 minutes left in this session! [19:56] uds-gb-c: 3 minutes left in this session! [19:57] uds-gb-c: 2 minutes left in this session! [19:59] uds-gb-c: 1 minute left in this session! [20:00] uds-gb-c: This session has ended. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/grand-ballroom-c/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c.log === fenris is now known as Guest13390 === Ursinha is now known as Guest64056 === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Community | Review of the ARB process using MyApps | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20560/community-q-myapps-review/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u [22:00] http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20560/community-q-myapps-review/ [22:05] ajmitch is talking about https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/arb/ === fenris is now known as Guest18607 === Guest64056 is now known as Ursinha [22:20] It would be nice if "commercial" apps could get the canonical packaged source package back to save canonical effort for updates [22:21] uds-gb-c: ^^ [22:23] bilal: are you in the room? [22:23] dmj726: nope, I'm in grand ballroom H [22:23] okay, thanks [22:27] It would be nice to streamline the packaging process [22:54] uds-gb-c: 5 minutes left in this session! [22:55] uds-gb-c: 4 minutes left in this session! [22:56] uds-gb-c: 3 minutes left in this session! [22:57] uds-gb-c: 2 minutes left in this session! [22:58] uds-gb-c: 1 minute left in this session! [22:59] uds-gb-c: This session has ended. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/grand-ballroom-c/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c.log === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-c to: Track: Hardware | Defensive software for OEM installs | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20677/hardware-q-defensive-software/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-c.ogg.m3u [23:11] Was it a good picture? [23:11] no [23:19] ODMs wanting substitution of new hardware for old hardware is common [23:22] total loss of cmos/bios settings [23:29] BOM -> Bill of Materials for those who think we are planning something else [23:31] tar -> tarball, bom -> bomshell [23:43] I was having trouble determining if that was wellness versus weirdness [23:45] well, if the date is less than the release date of the current distro, set it :) [23:45] if today is before today, then it's not today [23:46] Faqtotum: well, on first boot there's not necessarily a network to figure out what the real "today" is [23:46] Faqtotum: and trusting the rtc is... risky [23:46] not what i meant [23:47] you mentioned the release date, but if you install a prerelease, the release date is "today" [23:47] Faqtotum: well, it's no less than six motnhs before today :) [23:48] Faqtotum: on OEM installs, though, we tend not to use pre-release stuff on items shipping from factories [23:48] by the time it ships, it will be a previous version [23:49] Faqtotum: point is to avoid "1970" [23:50] x86 bioses generally never supported 1970 [23:50] Faqtotum: x86 is not the only target [23:51] no, but it's the oldest one [23:51] Faqtotum: but on systems with no rtc, or a dead rtc battery, it comes up as "0" and that is Jan 1, 1970 [23:52] SoC's sometimes detect that and set it to more recent nonsense [23:54] uds-gb-c: 5 minutes left in this session! [23:56] uds-gb-c: 4 minutes left in this session! [23:56] uds-gb-c: 3 minutes left in this session! [23:57] uds-gb-c: 2 minutes left in this session! [23:59] uds-gb-c: 1 minute left in this session!