
soreauwylde: Well I downloaded xubuntu for now. This unity fiasco is simply horrid. I don't see how canonical can stamp their name on such garbage00:00
DarwinSurvivorDX099: it's very difficult for us to debug a non-working theme if we don't know what theme isn't working!00:00
wyldesoreau: lol, I felt the same way, I firced myself to use unity, it has made a LOT of progress. It still does take some getting used to.00:00
soreauwylde: Well it's upgrading now with do-release-upgrade -d. Hopefully it will JustWork00:03
wyldesoreau: only issue I ran into was reconfiguring a couple of packages on my "server" machine.00:04
soreauwylde: Oh, I configure my machines until they're almost not recognizable ubuntu installations ;) I just wanted to test an LTS->LTS upgrade and see how it pans out. My default usage is usually to always install fresh, as upgrades are problematic00:06
soreauthough I usually just tell that to people in general support00:06
DX099DarwinSurvivor, All of them, apart from Ambiance. Window themes are changing (Metacity if I'm right). But as for GTK themes and Icon themes, I can't change anything. I'm stuck to Ambiance and regular gnome icon theme. Even when trying from "Appearance" menu, Adwaita (default gnome shell) will just change its window, but the inner decoration will still remain Ambiance.00:07
wyldesoreau: I typically do fresh installs as well. I too decided to try it out this time. I only had a few minor issues, although I've heard some horror stories.00:07
soreauwylde: I assume if you don't know what you're doing, things could get messy pretty quick ;)00:07
IdleOnewylde, soreau chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please00:07
BrianHHey guys, anyone using Kazam for screen capture?00:08
wyldeIdleOne: alrighty </ot>00:08
soreauIdleOne: Excuse me sir, I am getting support upgrading from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS00:08
IdleOnesoreau: all I see is you complaining about Unity (again) and talking about what you usually recommend.00:08
DarwinSurvivorDX099: sorry, but I can't think of anything else to do to resolve your issue.00:09
BrianHTrying to find out what's causing a shadow on the top when compiz effects are recorded.  This software is incredible in comparison to recordmydesktop, but I'm still getting some Compiz recording errors.00:09
DX099DarwinSurvivor, :/. Thanks anyway for trying00:09
soreauIdleOne: Please don't start with me00:09
IdleOnesoreau: ok. I won't00:10
soreauThank you.00:10
DarwinSurvivoroh, he left. I was going to suggest trying gnome's irc channel (not on freenode though) :(00:11
k1lumin4t1I'm on AMD Phenom II X6 4 GB RAM gear. Shoud I use 32 bits or 64 bits distro?00:11
szaldef'ly 64bit00:12
BrianHk1lumin4t1, why wouldn't you use 64bit?00:12
k1lumin4t1szal, what about packaged availability?00:12
k1lumin4t1BrianH, I dunno, that's what I'm asking... What about packages?00:12
szalunless you absolutely need something that is available for 32bit only AND doesn't play nice on 64bit00:12
pibarnask1lumin4t1: 6400:12
BrianHk1lumin4t1, it's practically the same.  Is there something in particular you don't think will run?00:13
k1lumin4t1BrianH, not a clue at the moment00:13
k1lumin4t1BrianH, I work a lot with audio apps00:14
BrianHk1lumin4t1, I have the X4 and run 64 bit, never had a problem.00:14
k1lumin4t1BrianH, and software development and design apps00:14
k1lumin4t1BrianH, nice00:14
k1lumin4t1I'm on linux mint at the moment00:14
k1lumin4t1linux mint 1200:14
k1lumin4t1but.... it's not doing ok00:14
k1lumin4t1so I'm going with ubuntu 12.0400:14
szalheck, even most proprietary stuff is available in 64bit nowadays00:14
k1lumin4t1linux mint has 3 issues I cant bear hacking00:15
pibarnask1lumin4t1: ???00:15
fishcookerwhat is it k1lumin4t100:15
k1lumin4t1if I want hacking I then go with debian00:15
k1lumin4t1pibarnas, ?00:16
k1lumin4t1fishcooker, what is it what?00:16
szaland I'd absolutely recommend spending the €20 (or equivalent in other currency) on an upgrade to 8 GB RAM00:16
fishcookerhacking what?00:16
k1lumin4t1szal, I have 12 GB00:16
pibarnask1lumin4t1: what are them?00:16
mongo_heck I just got 16GB in 2*8 1600mhz dimms for $9900:16
szalk1lumin4t1: you said 4 GB above00:16
k1lumin4t1fishcooker, pibarnas: OpenGL won't work with my Geforce 7000 and it used to work00:16
k1lumin4t1fishcooker, pibarnas: it isn't doing clean restarts00:17
k1lumin4t1szal, I made a mistake00:17
k1lumin4t1in fact00:17
fishcookeragain nVidia package issue00:17
k1lumin4t1it isn't restarting at all00:17
fishcookerhhmmmm, not only on ubuntu on fed*00:17
k1lumin4t1fishcooker, I'm using the driver from the webpage00:17
=== mongo_ is now known as mongo
gallitk1lumin4t1: what versio00:18
Russ_WHello all...I'm having trouble with my Intel connections , both wired and wireless.  I have exhausted my Google kungfu so I am turning here for some help00:18
fam3anybody online ?00:18
k1lumin4t1gallit, ?00:18
gallitwhat versin00:18
k1lumin4t1version of what?00:18
Russ_WMy problem is similar too but not exactly like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/98455200:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 984552 in linux (Ubuntu) "[8086:0085] iwlwifi intermittently losing connectivity" [High,Incomplete]00:19
DarwinSurvivor!details | Russ_W00:19
ubottuRuss_W: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:19
k1lumin4t1gallit, driver or card?00:19
gallitk1lumin4t1: both00:19
k1lumin4t1gallit, 05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS] (rev a1)00:19
fam3hey ... who can help me to setup an ubuntu server ... 10.400:19
Russ_WI am using Xubuntu 12.0400:19
fam3to make a wifi connection ...00:19
Russ_WHad the same issue with Lubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 12.04 had no problem with 10.04.400:20
k1lumin4t1gallit, nvidia driver: 295.20-0ubuntu0.100:20
szalRuss_W: changing the UI isn't likely to help if the problem is w/ the underlying backend software00:20
gallitkaffien: try 295.49 just released fixes for geforce 7 series00:20
gallitk1lumin4t1: ^ messag efo00:21
BrianHanyone using an Nvidia driver with the "blue people on YouTube" bug?00:21
k1lumin4t1gallit, ?00:21
szalRuss_W: in that case you have basically 2 possibilities: either wait for a fix to be released, or downgrade to a known-working version00:21
gallitk1lumin4t1: read my message to kaffien00:21
Russ_WI was changing UI to get closer to 10.04 look-and-feel.  Xubuntu is fitting the bill00:21
k1lumin4t1gallit, ok00:21
whoeverhi all, is there a packaging issue with libreoffice? i am using version 3.52 and can not print although i can print from othe aplaications and libre office can recognise my cups printeri I asked in libreoffice, and they think that it may be a distro packaging issue00:22
k1lumin4t1gallit, but still, I'm going to switch to ubuntu00:22
DarwinSurvivor!details | whoever00:22
ubottuwhoever: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:22
k1lumin4t1gallit, the restart issue is also nagging00:22
Russ_WOK, since I see it is a known problem I will wait for a fix00:22
gallitk1lumin4t1: switch what to ubuntu00:22
k1lumin4t1gallit, linux mint00:22
Russ_Wthank you all for your help00:22
gallitk1lumin4t1: ok but ubuntu has a bad nvidia driver in its stable repo f00:22
ficarra1002Will this run 12.04 well?00:22
gallitk1lumin4t1: (as usual) for your card00:23
ficarra1002Probably XFCE or lxde.00:23
fishcookerficarra1002: running well here00:23
szalficarra1002: what the what is that URL?00:23
k1lumin4t1gallit, shall I then use the one from nvidia page00:23
kappa19Hello! I've downloaded a tar.gz file. I've extracted it and I installed according to readme. Everything ok, but how can I start the program?00:23
gallitk1lumin4t1: yep00:23
gallitk1lumin4t1: it00:23
fishcookerbut if u want to try gnome3 try fed*00:23
szalkappa19: what program?00:23
DarwinSurvivorfishcooker: xubuntu has about the same requirements as ubuntu (usually recommend 1GB), lubuntu is better for less memory00:23
ficarra1002szal Screenshot00:23
JynksHi guys... I wish to compleatly reinstall and replace my old ubuntu installation. I am at the liveCD graphical installer.. there is an option called "erase ubuntu 12.04 LTS and reinstall" .... I am using a duel boot into windows 7.. this option will ONLY erase the ubuntu install right? Windows7 will be left.. and will it also redo the grub launcher?00:23
ficarra1002fishcooker:  Same dell?00:24
gallitk1lumin4t1: will probably take months for ubuntu to get a working driver in their repo knowing them00:24
szal!info nav00:24
ubottuPackage nav does not exist in precise00:24
fishcookernope ASus here00:24
DarwinSurvivorfishcooker: you would probably be fine with regular ubuntu by adding $20 worth of ram...00:24
ficarra1002fishcooker: P4?00:24
avinashhmHi , i am using a 12.04 ubuntu .. i installed virtual box in this and then installed ubutu 10.04 in the virtual box .00:24
ficarra1002fishcooker:  I meant, would this computer run it well.00:24
linxehavinashhm: cool!00:24
linxehubuntu in a box in a box!00:25
krababbelJynks: just use the 'other' option and choose the right partition00:25
fishcookerp4 with lubuntu ficarra1002.. will be good00:25
avinashhmif i see ip in virtualbox 10.04, i can see some 10.0.x.x ; but i am not able to ping it from my 12.04 real desktop ..00:25
ActionParsnipJynks: sure, just delete the ubuntu partitions, then reinstall to the free space00:25
avinashhmany suggestions pls ?00:25
Jynkskrababbel: yeah this is what i was going to do.. but dose that re-do the grub installer you think?00:25
avinashhmlinxeh, :)00:25
krababbelJynks: it should00:25
DarwinSurvivoravinashhm: virtualbox by default NAT's everything, so the guest can connect outwards, but nothing can connect to the guest00:25
fishcookeruse host only network avinashhm00:25
ficarra1002fish Would it work fine with xubuntu?00:25
xeminohello, somehow apt-get wants to install couch potato, even though i never added a repository for that and it fails now, how can i remove that?00:25
Jynkskrababbel: ok thanks mate...00:25
rocketsAnybody managed to get KVM working with  a bridge in ubuntu 12.04, I need to have my VMs on the local network00:25
linxehavinashhm: looks like networking setup in the VM isnt quite right. I've got mine all set to bridged, and the VMs get genuine IPs from the DHCP server on the main network (eg router DHCP serveR)00:25
DarwinSurvivor!details | xemino00:26
ubottuxemino: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:26
Jynksfishcooker: if performence is an issue consider xubuntu.. it is slightly diffrent but designed for lowr spec systems.. great for outdated laptops00:26
* avinashhm playing with VM n/w settings00:26
Jynksthanks guy .. bye00:27
xeminowell, i'm under 12.04, but in this case i doubt it matters, here is the output from apt-get http://paste.ubuntu.com/977016/00:27
szalficarra1002: to run a recent OS "well" you need, imho, at least 1, if not 2 GB RAM.. XFCE or LXDE (or some other lightweight WM, for that matter) shouldn't give you too much of a headache though.. that old integrated Intel gfx chip might raise issues though00:27
xeminoi'd like to combat those errors00:27
whoeverhi all, is there a packaging issue with libreoffice? i am using version 3.52 and can not print although i can print from othe aplaications and libre office can recognise my cups printeri I asked in libreoffice, and they think that it may be a distro packaging issue . i am on ubuntu 12.04 when i File>> print(select printer, and click print), i get what i assume to be the authentication window for cups (but don't know for sure since it is00:28
ActionParsnipxemino: could force install the deb00:28
szalwhoever: since it is what?00:28
DarwinSurvivor!pastebin | whoever00:28
ubottuwhoever: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:28
DarwinSurvivorwhoever: a screenshot would probably make it MUCH easier for us to tell what is going on00:29
xeminowell, the thing is, i don't wanna install anything. i don't have the a repo for couch potato, ActionParsnip, i would like to get rid of that install dialogue00:29
ActionParsnipxemino: could pin the version and it won't be installed00:29
xeminoi did install it yet, but via LaSi a script, w/o adding a repo00:29
avinashhmexcellent .. change from NAT to Bridged and worked perfectly ..00:29
ActionParsnipwhoever: does it affect all users (make a new user if needed to test)00:30
invinciblemutantwhat is the command line to list all users on ubuntu00:30
mongocat /etc/passwd00:30
avinashhmthanks linxeh , DarwinSurvivor , fishcooker00:30
DarwinSurvivoravinashhm: on problem, had the same issue when *I* was using virtualbox :P00:30
mongounless you are using ad/ldap/nis00:30
invinciblemutantmongo: thanks.00:31
avinashhmDarwinSurvivor, yeah .. i can't believe i wasted half a day with this issue :-) .. thanks very much for helping out00:32
lestusmy pleaser :P00:32
ActionParsnipinvinciblemutant: cat /etc/passwd | cut -d":" -f100:33
xeminonvm, i just removed couch potato, for now, spent the whole day setting up sick beard  plex and sanzbd, will deal w/ couch potato tomorrow, thanks anyways00:33
invinciblemutantthanks ActionParsnip00:34
invinciblemutantActionParsnip: I thought there will be a standard command for it00:34
invinciblemutantActionParsnip: cat command is just amazing00:35
xeminoi got another issue, my hfs+ volume is read only under 12.04, even though i cleanly unmounted it under osx, disabled journaling and enabled access for everyone, in the osx permission settings :?00:35
ActionParsnipinvinciblemutant: could script it I guess ;)00:35
shinichican anyone help me here?00:36
apnshinichi: that is possible.00:36
invinciblemutantActionParsnip: are the username on the list in chronological order?00:36
Na_Klarsmw, I had to set the hda model to laptop-eapd in alsa-base.conf. Thanks for the "help"00:36
invinciblemutantActionParsnip: i have user called statd which is created after my username00:37
ActionParsnipinvinciblemutant: chronological in what way?00:37
invinciblemutantaccending order by time users are added00:37
mongoxemino: xfs write has always been iffy00:37
ActionParsnipinvinciblemutant: I guess its added as services etc are aded. I have one named dnsmasq after mine, so makes sense00:38
Catbuskrishullo chaps, I can fix my touchpad by typing some lines into terminal, but I don't want to have to do it every time I turn the laptop on; how can I automate a bash/shell script thingy?  thanks in advance00:38
xeminohmm yeah, strange thing is it worked under 11.04, before i fucked up my install by upgrading to 12.0400:38
smwNa_Klar, thanks, perhaps the will fix my computer ;-)00:38
wilee-nileeActionParsnip, hey do you have your cool addition on installs I believe to the /etc/sysctl.conf  handy.00:39
mongoxemino: check the disk in osx00:40
mongoit may be marked as dirty00:40
xeminooh right00:40
xeminoi did unmount it cleanly, but who knows00:40
mongoxemino: you could try hpfxck00:41
xeminodamn, why can't i launch nautilus via sudo?00:41
mongoerr hpfsck00:41
Whartroughhello all :D ^^00:41
* Whartrough dsdsd00:41
xeminoit says sudo nautilus00:41
xeminoCould not parse arguments: Cannot open display:00:41
mongoxemino: echo $DISPLAY00:42
mongowow, feels like the 90's00:42
DarwinSurvivor!sudo xemino00:43
DarwinSurvivor!sudo | xemino00:43
ubottuxemino: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:43
DarwinSurvivorxemino: 1) used gksudo 2) use nautilus --no-desktop00:43
xeminoyeah it says the same: (gksu:7933): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:00:43
cute_bettonghi im dual booting windows 7 and 12.04 and i have to redo windows, is this going to affect grub at all?00:44
mongoxemino: are you local on the machine?00:44
DX099DarwinSurvivor, .config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini was faulty00:44
mongoxemino: ssh in with -X00:44
xeminoah, thanks00:44
CiDhedAny ZFS experts here?00:44
OerHekscute_bettong, yes, but you can restore grub2 afterwards00:44
cute_bettongok thank you00:45
mongoCiDhed: what you you need, join #ubuntu-offtopic00:45
citrusfizzhow do i accept a flag in my bash script?00:45
citrusfizz./script.sh -f00:45
obelusI feel pretty stupid. I was modifying permissions on the files in /var/www/ and was intending to modify them on /var/www itself, I changed directory to /var and just hit up twice and enter without thinking, it executed 'sudo chmod -R o-rx *' Is there any easy way to restore the correct permissions?00:45
citrusfizzthen i could do something with that00:45
xeminowill just do it via vnc, feels dirty but who cares :)00:45
DarwinSurvivorDX099: ah. good to know!00:45
szalcute_bettong: make sure to have a Super GRUB2 Disk handy to boot back into *buntu & reinstall the Grub00:46
DarwinSurvivorCiDhed: zfs is not yet properly support on linux as far as I know00:46
shinichii'm having problems booting from my external hdd, ubuntu just goes black screen after install...any ideas how i can fix this?00:46
DarwinSurvivor!bash | citrusfizz00:46
ubottucitrusfizz: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:46
DarwinSurvivorcitrusfizz: hmm, wrong one :(00:47
CiDhedDarwinSurvivor, I've been using it for 3 years or so00:47
DarwinSurvivorcitrusfizz: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_03_02.html (special paramaters)00:47
DarwinSurvivorCiDhed: on linux? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZFS#Linux shows it as being in the porting stage, and even that was only recently. BSD has full support though00:49
apnobelus: nope00:49
apnobelus: unless you keep decent backup habbits.00:49
CiDhedDarwinSurvivor, yes, on ubuntu. Since 10.04 even iirc00:49
wyldecitrusfizz: $1 $2 $3 $4 ...  eg. if [ $1 = "-f"] then   ....00:49
shinichianyone here having issues with ubuntu12.04?00:50
obelusapn: thought so =/ god, I guess I better just back up all my configs and reinstall -.-00:50
DarwinSurvivor!details | shinichi00:51
ubottushinichi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:51
ubukouanyone knows how to create a custom action to cut a file (video or something) Create a folder and then paste it in that folder created?00:52
ubukouit should be quite simple as a command but i havent done it before .. it should use the name of the file chosen and then mkdir that..00:52
ubukouany tips before i go messing up 100 times before i get somewhere? :)00:52
DarwinSurvivorubukou: you mean "move a file to a new directory"?00:52
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, yes i think we are talking about the same action i think00:52
ubukouhas it been done ?00:53
DarwinSurvivorubukou: so you're not editing the video or anything, just moving a file from one folder to another...?00:53
shinichierm, i installed ubuntu 12.04 to my external hdd earlier using usb drive, followed some tuts on how to that on the net, so after installing it i restarted my pc and chose to boot from my external where i installed ubuntu and it's just black screen, tried waiting but nothing happened00:53
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, yes.. and i need it to go to a directory named after the files i have chosen.00:54
DarwinSurvivorshinichi: please link us to the instructions you followed00:54
DarwinSurvivorubukou: how familiar are you with the command line?00:54
whoeverDarwinSurvivor: its  near imposible to get you a screenshot of what i can bery see, but when i got to  File > print select printer and print nothing prints , no error messagee00:54
obelusIs there any command to backup all configuration files for an installed package or do I have to manually find them and copy them?00:55
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, i have been using linux for years.. not sure how complicated it can get.00:55
DarwinSurvivorwhoever: is this a local printer, shared printer, or network printer?00:55
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, im sure mkdir and mv should be some commands i need to use.00:55
DarwinSurvivorubukou: you could probably use a simple bash function to do it.00:56
DarwinSurvivor!bash | ubukou00:56
ubottuubukou: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:56
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, i was thinking of doing it via the "custom command" under thunar00:56
DarwinSurvivorubukou: I have no experience with thunar commands00:57
mongodpkg-query -L packagename will give you a list of it's installed ifles00:57
JZApplesIs there a way to change the mouse highlight color in Ubuntu 12.04 besides changing the theme??00:58
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, its not thunar commands its a simple way of adding scripts to thunar right clicks00:58
whoeverDarwinSurvivor: it is shared and , this effects all users00:59
ring0is there a way to monitor the activity of fixing bugs in a certain package on launchpad? like how many bugs have been fixed in given time00:59
whoeverDarwinSurvivor: yes other programs can print to the shared printer00:59
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, i ll check the ubuntu community and get back to you00:59
xtgyalHi, is there a way to do Google-style Boolean searches of text files on Ubuntu?  The default file search can search in file content but only one keyword at a time, I'd like to be able to cross-search for multiple keywords over a number of text files in a single folder.01:00
obelusmongo: Thanks, I'll try using that to find the files.01:01
wyldeubukou: in a file named whatever you want.sh  first line --> mkdir $1   second line --> mv $1 $101:01
DarwinSurvivorxtgyal: check grep's man page for regex searching01:01
obelusOut of curiosity, would it be bad to apply o+rx to /var/ recursively?01:02
szalxtgyal: regular expression(s)01:02
xtgyalis that I program?01:02
szalobelus: any reason to`?01:02
xtgyal*a program01:02
ubukouwylde, let me check that .. thanks a lot.. seems right. should i do mkdir $1 && mv $1 $1   ?01:02
obelusszal: To avoid having to reinstall. I accidentally did o-rx on it.01:03
mongoxtgyal: find has an --regex arg01:03
DarwinSurvivorwylde: you can't have a file and a folder and a file with the same name, so line 1 will fail01:03
wyldeDarwinSurvivor: so true, my bad01:03
xtgyalI'm not sure what that means01:03
xtgyalis that a program I need to download?01:03
ubukouwylde, DarwinSurvivor you cant ?01:04
szalxtgyal: grep is a basic system tool that should be installed on every *nix system01:04
wyldeubukou: in a file named whatever you want.sh  first line --> mkdir ./storage/$1   second line --> mv $1 $1  heh01:04
MrokiiHello. I've upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 a few days before and wanted to try out unity for the first time today. But I noticed that the entry in the LightDM-menu is gone (the one to choose Unity with all effects). I can choose Unity 2D (without the effects) though. Is there a way to correct that?01:04
ubukouwylde, DarwinSurvivor how about .*?01:04
DarwinSurvivorxtgyal: regex allows you to make more advanced searches using patterns: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/73/grep-based-on-multiple-keywords/01:04
szalxtgyal: in other words, it's already there01:04
xtgyalI tried the default Find, and also tried out Desktop Search, KFind, and Catfish, all are only one keyword at a time01:05
xtgyaloh ok that's in Terminal, is there a way to do that in GUI?01:05
AlphaPinkyDarwinSurvivor, thanks using that guide I could make it work.01:05
wyldeubukou: you can prove the concept by trying it, make a folder with name a now try to make a file in the same directory named a. It will error saying a already exists01:05
DarwinSurvivorAlphaPinky: good to hear01:06
nlionhello, I'm having an issue connecting to a webdav service using the standard Go->Location menu option01:06
xtgyalhow do I select the directory I want in Terminal?01:06
dontknowanyone here knows about firewalls?01:06
nlionI can mount it with mount -t davfs01:06
DarwinSurvivor!bash | xtgyal01:06
ubottuxtgyal: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:06
obelusubukou: you could technically do mv $1 ${1}.temp && mkdir $1 && mv ${1}.temp $1/01:07
nlionit gives me this error: "Error: Not a WebDAV enabled sharePlease select another viewer and try again."01:07
linuxfreakerI need help on Ubuntu 11.04 for UEFI mode01:07
xtgyalgimme a few mins to read this01:07
Jordan_Uobelus: ubukou: You should quote your variables. Join #bash for good advice on bash scripting.01:08
linuxfreakerI tried installing Ubuntu 11.04 on dell server which do have option of selecting UEFI mode..it showed me GRUB menu and then it is not displaying anything01:08
shinichihey guys, sorry for the late reply, here's the link http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2012/02/20/install-ubuntu-11-10-on-external-hard-drive-with-an-ntfs-partition-at-the-end/01:08
obelusJordan_U: I know, I'm just rather distracted right now.01:08
dontknowanyone here using firewall default deny outgoing, i have a question01:08
shinichii followed it except for the last part about the ntfs01:08
xtgyalok I used cd to get to the directory, what is the grep or regex command to search for multiple keywords?01:09
obelus!ask | dontknow01:09
ubottudontknow: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:09
whoeverDarwinSurvivor: almost forgot, yes it is a shared printer01:09
aJynksHi, on a fresh install.. the "additional drivers" for nvidia... what is the difference between (version current [recommended] and (post release u[dates) [version current updates] .. witch of these should I use?01:09
DarwinSurvivorshinichi: ok, can you please re-state what you are doing and seeing at boot time?01:10
ubukouobelus, Jordan_U i ll have to test and read a lot before i get back to you ( not a linux genius here), thanks a lot for the ideas. you probably saved me a lot of time01:10
wyldeaJynks: recommended01:10
DarwinSurvivorxtgyal: that's in the link I posted to you01:10
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, wylde thanks a lot too :)01:10
fishcookeri've chooese recommended one aJynks01:10
smwI just installed ubuntu 12.04. What happened to autocomplete? Nothing except the very basic autocomplete works01:11
aJynkswylde / fishcooker  - ok then.. but what is the other one out of curiosity?01:11
xtgyaloh ok yeah I see it, just a sec then01:11
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, wylde Jordan_U obelus i ll get back to you all.01:11
fishcookergo for it :p01:11
shinichicompletely black, nothing happens, but when i try booting win7 it does boot up, i installed it to my external hdd so as not to mess up my main drive...01:11
shinichii mean win7 boots up.,01:11
DarwinSurvivorshinichi: do you get the grub prompt?01:11
shinichiafter booting the external? no, it's just black screen, could it be a problem with grub?01:12
fishcookerwhen i used current one before login.. there would be a splash of nvidia at glance aJynks01:12
xtgyalok, that doesn't seem to work, the examples look like that's to search within a single file, I'm trying to search multiple keywords over multiple files in a single directory with subfolders01:12
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
wyldextgyal: I believe there's a gedit addon for that... I use it to find needed correction strings in all the files of the Ubuntu help documentation.01:13
DarwinSurvivorshinichi: ok, so you used the BIOS's "select harddrive" menu?01:14
dontknowis there a way to see actual online person number with xchat?01:14
smwWeird... when I copied /etc/skel/.* ~ --- my autocomplete started working again01:14
shinichialso tried changing the boot priority but the same thing happens01:14
hitcomo ingreso al irc en español01:14
EWBhey, so any time I install something with software center I get an error saying it was not installed successfully, but it still installs01:14
wylde!es | hit01:15
ubottuhit: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:15
xtgyalit's a collection of hundreds of stories, I'm trying to find a way to search through them using keywords, surely there is a simple program somewhere that can do Google-style searches of a large number of text files?01:15
EWBplus while it's installing a window titled "debconf" pops up and goes away repeatedly01:16
mikerextgyal: cat piped to grep (but you'd have to read the man pages)01:16
DarwinSurvivorshinichi: so the screen is black and the computer is still running. does the caps-lock key toggle the caps-lock light?01:16
xtgyalwhat is cat piped and man?01:16
aJynksGuys I have a ubuntu install and a large drive for "data" I run a duel boot so the large data drive is NTFS so windows can see it. In ubuntu the drive is working fine... "but" Is it possible to move my home dir t oa folder on this data drive... ?01:16
mikerextgyal: cat will print the contents of the file to the console01:16
DarwinSurvivormikere: why would you grep cat to grep? grep can open the files on its own!01:16
NotJimCarreytrying to upgrade ubuntu but i'm getting "Exception during pm.DoInstall():  E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules, probably a dependency cycle." any ideas on how to fix it?01:16
DarwinSurvivormikere: why would you pip cat to grep? grep can open the files on its own!01:17
mikereDarwinSurvivor: well, you learn something new every day01:17
DarwinSurvivormikere: why would you pipe cat to grep? grep can open the files on its own!01:17
DarwinSurvivorthere we go!01:17
restingcan someone explain to me what this statement is trying to do? /etc/apf/apf -f >> /dev/null 2>&101:17
xtgyalI'm not sure what that means either, I'm not an expert unfortunately :-(01:17
restingits stopping the apf firewall and then?01:17
shinichiyes, and no i don't see it toggling caps lock coz i'm using a netbook, does it have to do something with that?01:18
gh0striderhello everyone, does anyone know here if there is an adobel flash player for linux using the arm processor, specifically for people who have installed linux on their android phones?01:18
xtgyalI'll post it to Ubuntu Forums see what they come up with I guess01:18
mikereDarwinSurvivor: so can you explain to xtgyal how to use it?01:18
xtgyalI tried the grep, but that looks like searching within a single file only01:18
mjrsnyderAre there any legit Java repos for 12.04?01:19
szalgh0strider: Flash for mobile is dead, and Flash for Linux will be in the foreseeable future01:19
xtgyalwhat is the regex thing mentioned earlier?01:19
wyldextgyal: for an exapmle of piping. Let's say I wanted to send the output of cat /var/log/dmesg to pastebinit to show someone on here to get help. I would pipe 'cat /var/log/dmesg | pastebinit'   <--- pipes(or sends the output of) to pastebinit01:19
mikerextgyal: try cat * | grep "your search phrase" or something like that01:19
DarwinSurvivorxtgyal: you can search as many files as you want "grep patter file1 file2 file3 abunchoffiles*"01:19
shinichii mean there's no indicator whether i toggle caps lock in my netbook so i don't really know01:19
gh0striderszal: that may be true down the road in the future, but for now adobe flash is needed..01:19
DarwinSurvivormikere: grep "your search phrase" *01:20
xtgyallemme try the star01:20
DarwinSurvivorshinichi: are there any keys that control lights (num-lock, scroll-lock, etc)?01:20
mikerextgyal: the * means all files in the directory.01:20
xtgyalyes, give me a min, I have to restart Terminal01:20
nagetierHi, i debootstraped 12.04 but the generated root account is in no group.. is this correct, did i have to change it putting root in some other groups? I am asking because i can't using nvidia-settings where a normal user can do. I became the error message "The control display is undefined" if i execute nvidia-settings as root. (sorry my broken language)01:20
DarwinSurvivorxtgyal: if you want to search in subfolders, use "grep -R" for recursive01:20
szalgh0strider: Adobe ditched Flash for mobile a year or so ago, and Flash for Linux is EOL since February or so (still getting security fixes though)01:21
xtgyalyes there are subfolders, thanks01:21
mikereDarwinSurvivor: cool, now all I have to remember is to leave cat out of it in the future (it's almost programmed into my fingers by now)01:21
ubuntudamn, got disconnected01:21
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DarwinSurvivorshinichi: did you get my last message about trying num-lock/etc?01:22
shinichi_nope..got dc'd01:22
shinichi_what about the num-lock?01:23
ianananananCan I use unetbootin with any iso?01:23
szalnagetier: you became an error msg? :D01:23
mikereI can't seem to install 12.04 server (or any other distro for that matter) on an HP/Compaq Proliant ML 570.  It seems to lose the cdrom drive part way through the installer (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1976479 for more details).01:23
thomasdhow do i put bootable iso's on a pen drive01:23
ianananananmikere, 1) don't use 12.0401:24
szal!liveusb | thomasd01:24
ubottuthomasd: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:24
xtgyalwow! ok yes it works, a huge number of results though, it looks like it is doing OR searches "keyword1\|keyword2" how do I do AND searches instead??01:24
ianananananthomasd, download unetbootin01:24
resting>> /etc/apf/apf -f >> /dev/null 2>&1 what is this trying to do?01:24
mikereiananananan: I've tried about 20 distros including several ubuntus01:24
mjrsnyderunetbootin works01:24
mjrsnyderjust did it today01:24
ianananananwith not-linux isos01:24
ianananananlike proprietary hdd tools01:24
mjrsnyderi've had it work for windows before01:24
ianananananokay, good, thanks, all i needed to know01:25
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: are there any keys that control lights (num-lock, scroll-lock, etc)?01:25
gh0striderhmmm what adobe flash is used for android systems? since android is based on linux i was wondering if maybe it would be possible to get adobe flash to work on linux for arm processors01:25
gh0striderjust a thought...01:25
mikereThe Proliant server weighs about 120 lbs so I have to leave it at work where I have no access to IRC.01:25
KingKatariHey what is the format for adding something to the cron like a set of command to be run X min after the server is started01:25
shinichi_DarwinSurvivor: not, really, oh how about the wifi switch?it has a light indicator..,01:25
DarwinSurvivorgh0strider: android is about as close to linux as MacOS is to freebsd unfortunately01:26
tkeithAfter upgrading to Ubuntu 12.04, all my MySQL servers have an empty "test" database. Is that normal?01:26
aJynkswhat is the path to a mounted drive?01:26
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: no, that's fully hardware controlled and won't tell us anything.01:27
gh0striderDarwinSurvivor: good point01:27
aJynkslike my drive is in the unity gfx thing but what is the cd / command to ge tther ein terminal01:27
mikereiananananan: Do you dislike 12.04 in general or just desktop, btw, I was installing server01:27
NotJimCarreytrying to upgrade ubuntu but i'm getting "Exception during pm.DoInstall():  E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules, probably a dependency cycle." any ideas on how to fix it?01:27
DarwinSurvivoraJynks: run "mount" or "df -h" to find out where things are currently mounted01:27
shinichi_i see..,there's nothing then.., :(01:28
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, wylde Jordan_U obelus seems like thunar, if i understand correctly uses "%f" to use the file you are right clicking.. is there a chance i am right?01:28
ianananananmikere, desktop. totally doesn't support my graphics card. hugely obnxious as I have no native VGA port on my mobo and i don't really want to put up with tinkering to get it working.01:28
KingKatariHey what is the format for adding something to the cron like a set of command to be run X min after the server is started01:28
ianananananmikere, i'll stick to the fully functional 11.10 or earlier, thanks01:28
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: can you try the external hdd in another computer? it could be a bios issue01:28
aJynksDarwinSurvivor, neat thanks man01:28
mjrsnyderis there a legit java repo for 12.04?01:29
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wyldeubukou: possibly, the $1 we were using is for passing a variable to a bash script.01:29
mikereiananananan: that's what I do at home - wait until I absolutely have to upgrade.  I'm not a fan of the new UI, but at least for now there's a choice.01:29
DarwinSurvivor!java | mjrsnyder01:29
ubottumjrsnyder: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:29
ARORAhow do i use blender for ubuntu?01:29
ubukouwylde, cool.. that gives me something to start with . thanks01:29
xanguaARORA: sudo apt-get install blender01:30
xanguause it ;)01:30
shinichi_already tried it but i still get the black screen. could following the instructions here work (on the win7 part)? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot01:30
ARORAxangua: i said USE it01:30
xanguamjrsnyder: i believe someone did a ppa if that is what you ask01:30
DarwinSurvivorARORA: for help using blender (not installing), please use blender's support channels01:31
shiman6Does zoneminder have an IRC channel?01:31
shiman6although my problem is more with a camera than anything01:31
xanguaARORA: http://www.blender.org/education-help/01:31
mjrsnyderxangua: yeah, I just don't want to have to worry about updates and stuff01:31
DarwinSurvivor!blender | ARORA01:31
ubottuARORA: blender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro01:31
mikereIs it possible that having  scsi hdd's in raid could cause the 12.04 installer to stop seeing the cdrom drive part way through?01:31
DarwinSurvivorARORA: there is also the #blenderchat channelu01:31
xanguamjrsnyder: open jdk is already on ubuntu repositories, i have never neded oracle/sun java at least01:32
uberbdonhi all01:32
uberbdonhopefully someone can help with a simple issue01:32
mikereuberbdon: just ask the question and find out =)01:32
aJynkswhat dose it mean when an app has 2 versions GTK or QT? Dose it matter witch I should use?01:32
uberbdonits been awhile since ive used linux01:33
uberbdoni bought a netbook on the cheap and threw ubuntu 12.04 on there right away01:33
uberbdonim looking to install some new themes01:33
uberbdonwhat to download on gnomelook01:33
uberbdonor GTK01:33
FloodBot1uberbdon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:33
shiman612.04 doesnt really support Gnome natively01:33
shiman6You have to fedangle it a bit01:34
uberbdonso what would i need to do to change the color scheme etc01:34
xanguashiman6: 12.04 comes with gnome 3.401:34
shiman6I thought they ditched gnome destop?01:34
shinichi_DarwinSurvivor: already tried it but i still get the black screen. could following the instructions here work (on the win7 part)? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot01:34
AdemanWell that was pathetic... It took me a solid 15 minutes to manage to join an IRC channel in empathy on 12.04...01:34
xanguashiman6: unity is just a shell for gnome01:34
aJynkswhat dose it mean when an app has 2 versions GTK or QT? Dose it matter witch I should use?01:34
steven_aJynks: Generally, if you're running Gnome, you would use the GTK version, and if you're running KDE you would use the Qt version.  But in practice you can probably use either.  What program are you looking at?01:35
shiman6Ooh. I understand now01:35
aJynkssteven_, ok thanks01:35
uberbdonso xangua, should i use GTK 3.0 themes?01:35
uberbdonim just not sure what to browse and download on gnomelook01:35
xanguauberbdon: you can use 'myunity' to change gtk/icon themes, fonts, etc01:35
KingKatariHey what is the format for adding something to the cron like a set of command to be run X min after the server is started01:35
xangua!info myunity | uberbdon01:35
ubottuuberbdon: myunity (source: myunity): Unity configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 529 kB, installed size 1125 kB01:35
uberbdoni can get that in the ubuntu software center im guessing01:36
xanguauberbdon: you download gtk3 themes, but not everyone has unity compatibility01:36
mikereDoes anyone know why 12.04 server install would fail to find kernel modules right after succesfully starting up from cd install, setting language and locale succesfully and then just not be able to continue (cd is verified good on several other machines).01:36
uberbdonthanks for the help, xangua01:37
shiman6how do I find out the default video format for a webcam? It wont say on the box01:38
shiman6and i'm using 12.0401:38
shinichi_is darwin still online?01:38
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: yes, sorry, had to deal with something in RL :(01:39
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: so you've established that the external hdd will not work on other machines either?01:39
reinholderhi...is anyone around?01:40
reinholdercool - I'm having  a bit of a headache...I've just istalled linux for the first time in five years, chosen to install ubuntu, and it's...er...different01:40
shiman6unity takes a bit to get used to haha01:41
shinichi_oh, i see, i thought you went offline xD. well, i partitioned my external earlier because i had important files there, so the partitioned part with my file works but when trying to boot it for ubuntu doesn't do a thing except show me a black screen01:41
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: do you have any other linux machines?01:42
PeTiTa_MoNgEtAfrom barcelona good nigth for all01:42
reinholderI'm trying to install a theme, but I can't remember how the devil I access usr/themes and install the damned thing....It's asking for permissions, and properties says I can't because I'm not the owner01:42
DarwinSurvivorreinholder: use the themes folder in your own home folder, not the system one01:42
NotJimCarreytrying to upgrade ubuntu but i'm getting "Exception during pm.DoInstall():  E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules, probably a dependency cycle." any ideas on how to fix it?01:42
aJynksDarwinSurvivor, Is the "mount" point the cd\etc etc path or the /dev/ssbc1 type thing?01:42
shinichi_no i don't have any other linux machines..,this would be the first in my system01:42
reinholder@darwinsurvivor I don't...see one.01:43
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: can you boot off the live-usb drive you were using and chose "check disk for defects". if that passes, boot into the live-usb desktop.01:43
JZApplesWould something like this work in 12.04 to change the orange highlight color?  https://antecblue.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/replace-the-orange-color-in-ubuntu-11-10-active-color/01:43
DarwinSurvivor!theme | reinholder01:44
ubottureinholder: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:44
shinichi_well, i'm using the live usb drive now..,and if i restart i'm gonna have to download xchat again..so i'm asking questions now before i do anything else01:44
DarwinSurvivoraJynks: /dev/... is the physical device, /something_else is where the contents can be accessed (you want the second)01:45
reinholderyep. I have the aesthetic look, downloaded it - installing it is the issue01:45
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: ok, stay where you are then01:45
aJynksDarwinSurvivor, thanks again01:45
xanguareinholder: Control+H on nautilus to see hidden directories , search for .themes for gtk themes and .icons for icons01:45
doomroboHi, I noticed that after upgrading to precise, I have been experiencing "overscrolling" issues with both my browser and vim, odd correlation, I know. Anyway, what has been happening is that if I hold a key like 'j' for example in Vim, it moves and when I let go, it goes down one more line just one second after I let go01:46
reinholderoh my...that was awesome. o001:46
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: can you open the external drive in gparted and post a screenshot of it?01:46
doomroboAlmost the same thing happening in Firefox except with mouse scrolling01:46
shiman6Is there a way through the command line to view the default format of a usb camera?01:46
shinichi_ok, wait a moment, i'll try01:46
* nagetier ok, it's solved: i forget using kdesudo opening nvidia-settings.. now it looks good01:46
DarwinSurvivordoomrobo: is this a mouse with a wheel or a touchpad with a scroll area?01:47
doomroboDarwinSurvivor, mousewheel01:47
DarwinSurvivordoomrobo: oh, nvm, you said you were using j :(01:47
linuxfreakerI am unable to install Ubuntu 11 .04 through UEFI mode01:47
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i've mounted a network drive with the following command: "mount -t cifs // /media/Network/N8Gig" but only root has full access; rwx.  how do i give everyone on the machine 777 access?01:47
doomroboDarwinSurvivor, well this happens with both mouse wheel and j01:47
doomroboDarwinSurvivor, but does not happen in gVim01:47
felipe_Brzwhen I try and create an alias for a command like this 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem myuser@myhost.com' it doesn't work, althoutg the command itself ran with no alias works... how can this be??01:47
doomroboonly vim in a terminal emulator01:47
doomroboShagInc, hai01:48
ShagIncis there any way get full functionality with msn on empathy?01:48
ShagIncwebcam, sendfile, etc.01:49
aJynksI am trying to do this... - http://askubuntu.com/questions/123474/how-do-i-use-a-ntfs-drive-as-location-for-music-videos-etc : but I havn't run the ln -s command yet.. shouldn't I need to add the source directory in that ln -s command? Somthing like ln -s ~/Pictures /media/Data/Pictures ?01:49
hit_hi everyone,how to get IRC  command keys from a TCP  packet?01:50
CyberspaceloaaJynks: if you "man ln" without the quotes it gives you the syntax01:51
doomrobohit_, what?!01:51
CyberspaceloaaJynks: "ln [OPTION]... TARGET" is the second form01:51
shinichi_DarwinSurvivor: should i send the file to you?01:52
CyberspaceloaaJynks: the first parameter is the TARGET for the symlink, if you don't supply a LINK_NAME it will place it in the current directory with the same name as the TARGET, in my experience01:53
aJynksCyberspaceloa, ok.. i kinda read that with ln --help.. but I am not 100% understanding it... yeah but "what" is it linking? The root of the directoy you are currently in?01:53
user1Hi Guys...01:53
CyberspaceloaaJynks: ah, sorry. let me scroll through your link01:54
user1we need install bugzilla on ubuntu 10.04 for office purpose. we know how to do if we have mysql. But we need on postgresql01:55
user1pls let me know01:55
RiplokI have a question about playing movies in a DVD player using ubuntu 12.04LTS. I keep getting a message say i cant play it because it is encrypted, i have tried several application to decrypte the DVD and libdvdcss download but nothing is working. Anyone know of an application i can use to watch a DVD or rip them to my hard drive?01:55
aJynksCyberspaceloa,  I am trying to make "links" so that going into the dirs in my home directory take me to a larger different hdrive.. like.. ~/pictures .. I have a dir on a diffrent drive called pictures I want to link them so cd ~/pictures is in fact cd /media/Data/Pictures (sorry i ama noob am I making sense?)01:55
Riplok@ajynks dont worry im a noob as well lol01:56
CyberspaceloaaJynks: yes you're making sense01:56
uberbdoni installed myunity, changed the icons and now a couple of the icons in the launcher are gone01:56
sarsaeolcan anyone suggest a secure way to pass an ssh password to sshfs if i mount the remote server in rc.local01:56
xangua!dvd | Riplok did you run the installer and restarted as the guide says¿01:57
ubottuRiplok did you run the installer and restarted as the guide says¿: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:57
kantlivelonganyone here have cinnamon on 12.04?01:57
sarsaeolim using http://pastebin.com/gyTQnmuc01:57
sarsaeolwhich is pretty insecure01:57
shinichi_DarwinSurvivor: saw it yet?01:57
CyberspaceloaaJynks: the only reference to symlinks I'm seeing on your link is "ln -s /path/to/drive2/mount-point/Videos", is that to what you are referring?01:57
xanguakantlivelong: cinnamon is not supported here01:57
RiplokCool thank you xangua and ubottu :)01:57
smwxangua, why not?01:57
smwxangua, nm, not in the repos :-\01:58
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kantlivelongxangua: just asking if anyone has it.. not asking for help01:58
aJynkswell yea that was the page I read.. but I do not understand the command.. as ther is no source specified? I want a link only for pictures and latter music to go to this other drive01:58
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reinholderok...so how do you find terminal in 12.04?01:58
xanguareinholder: control+alt+t01:58
reinholderyou star01:59
reinholderthanks :)01:59
OerHekskantlivelong, no haven't.01:59
KingKatariHey what is the format for adding something to the cron like a set of command to be run X min after the server is started01:59
CyberspaceloaaJynks: the first argument to ln is always the TARGET. With no LINK_NAME argument it will place the link in your current working directory01:59
xanguareinholder: you can keep the super/windows key pressed to show you a useful guide of key combinations02:00
reinholderoh thank christ for that I never thought I'd see the day when I'd beg for my beloved command line02:00
aJynksWhat dose it call the link?02:00
CyberspaceloaaJynks: so if you run that command in your home directory, the created link will reside in your home directory02:00
paranoidphreakhi everybody, i've mounted a network drive with the following command: "mount -t cifs // /media/Network/N8Gig" but only root has full access; rwx.  how do i give everyone on the machine 777 access?02:00
hit_ I am sory,i am a new to IRC02:00
reinholderThat's handy to know xangua, thank you02:00
CyberspaceloaaJynks: it will be the exact same as the TARGET identifier02:00
sarsaeolcan anyone suggest a secure way to pass an ssh password to sshfs if i mount the remote server in rc.local02:01
sarsaeolim using http://pastebin.com/gyTQnmuc02:01
user1hi, pls help me guys...02:01
aJynksCyberspaceloa, ok, and so this command... ln -s /media/Data/Pictures will make a link called Pictures in the directory I am currently in.. what if there is a directory wit hthat name in there already?02:01
RiplokThank you ubottu that article did the trick and i showed me what i was missing :)02:01
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CyberspaceloaaJynks: that I'm not sure of offhand. I think the link will just fail, but you might want to read the manpage for it02:03
CyberspaceloaaJynks: if you're a bit nervous about running the command, you can create some test files and directories to get a feel for it02:03
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: sorry, someone came to the door :(02:04
DarwinSurvivor!pastebin | shinichi_02:04
ubottushinichi_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:04
CyberspaceloaaJynks: I often do that if I feel a bit hazy about the details of something02:04
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: use the imagebin one02:04
aJynksCyberspaceloa, yeah ok.. that is a idea! I'll do that brb02:04
shinichi_what image bin?02:04
maumI upgraded ubuntu to 12.04 and I see left menu in each dual monitor I want to set it only in main monitor. how can I fix it?02:06
shinichi_this one? http://imagebin.antiyes.com/80502:06
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: http://imagebin.org/?page/add02:07
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: http://imagebin.org/?page=add02:07
Tecanwhat ever happened to moving a window to the side and it covering half the screen for multitasking?02:07
Tecanit was in the 12.04 beta02:07
aJynksCyberspaceloa, yeah it errors - ln: failed to create symbolic link `./test': File exists - I guess I can just del the existing test dir and it worked.. so I supose I just rename the pictures dir, do the link then move all the contents into the new dir or somthing like that... thanks for the help02:08
shinichi_here: http://imagebin.org/21160202:08
user1Hi support guys, pls help me on install bugzilla02:08
xanguaTecan: are you using unity or unity-2d¿02:08
szal!details | user102:09
ubottuuser1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:09
Tecanxangua: I'm using unity02:09
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: thanks02:09
shinichi_so, what now?02:09
Tecanxangua: does it work in unity 2d?02:10
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: ok, something definitely didn't get installed right! you have no '/' mountpoint or a '/boot' partition :(02:10
OccupyDemonoidDoes anyone know how to get Minecraft to work?02:10
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:10
xanguaTecan: it does not, it doesn't use compiz :P , install compiz settings manager and check that Grid plugin is enabled02:10
zrutyHow can I force an update to a new version?02:11
shinichi_woah..so, how do i fix it then?02:11
OccupyDemonoidHow do I get Minecraft to work?02:11
Tecanxangua: it is enabled02:11
CyberspaceloaaJynks: no problem! Remember, manpages are your friend!02:12
maumsomeone can help me?02:12
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: can you mount the drives in the live session and make a pastebin of what folders exist in which partitions (specifically sdb2 and sdb3)?02:12
DarwinSurvivor!ask | maum02:13
ubottumaum: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:13
maumI see left bar menu in each monitor.. I am using dual monitor I want it to set it only in main monitor.02:13
enyawixhow can you get what selections were made when a package was compiled? or is that imposable02:13
shinichi_i'll take a screenshot of the files of sdb2 and sdb3?02:13
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: that will work also02:13
shinichi_ok, wait02:14
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: I just want to see what the installer put into each one02:14
OccupyDemonoidMaum, you should be able to do that in display.02:14
frozenlockHello gentlemen, new user here. When I open an application with my terminal, it's locked until I close the said application. When I make a shell script (.sh), how can I open multiple applications?02:14
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: we may be able to just reconfigure it to get it to work instead of reinstalling again02:14
cowboy#join #ubuntu-server02:14
maumOccupyDemonoid: ?02:14
OccupyDemonoidmaum, go to the dash home -----> type 'display'02:14
xanguaTecan: no idea then, you can try to delete compiz configuration02:14
shinichi_i see..ok..so just the sdb2 and sdb3 right?02:14
DarwinSurvivorfrozenlock: run_my_application &02:14
Tecanxangua: and then what?02:14
Tecanand how do i do that02:15
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maumOccupyDemonoid: The program 'display' can be found in the following packages:02:15
frozenlockDarwinSurvivor: you mean I need to add the ampersand between my commands?02:15
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: yes, sdb4 is swap (full of nothing) and sdb1 is probably your non-linux files02:15
xanguaTecan: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html then try again02:16
DarwinSurvivorfrozenlock: an ampersand after a command tells bash let the program continue and run in the background. you can even close the terminal and the application will continue running02:16
OccupyDemonoidmaum, sorry. It is 'displays'. I don't know what the package name for it is to open it from terminal.02:16
frozenlockDarwinSurvivor: Oh nice! Thank you very much :)02:16
bsmith0931i have that perl: cannot set locale error, how do i fix it?02:16
DarwinSurvivorfrozenlock: one note: if the application prints stuff to stdout, the text will show up in your terminal (if this happens you can redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null) if you don't care what the terminal looks like, then don't worry about it02:17
maumOccupyDemonoid: display is not what I want I think02:17
shinichi_here's for sdb2: http://imagebin.org/211604 and here's for sdb3: http://imagebin.org/21160502:17
maumOccupyDemonoid: should I look at nvidia-settings?02:17
OccupyDemonoidYou could, I don't know what nvidia-settings have. I don't have a nvidia graphics card. I always changed it from the displays menu.02:18
user1ubottu: We are at the starting stage. Please send me a proper document to install the buzilla with postgresql.02:18
ubottuuser1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:18
maumOccupyDemonoid: displays menu?02:19
shinichi_DarwinSurvivor: here's for sdb2: http://imagebin.org/211604 and here's for sdb3: http://imagebin.org/21160502:19
maumOccupyDemonoid: where is it? /home/displays ?02:19
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: ok, good. can you tell me if there is anything in the "boot" folder of sdb3?02:20
OccupyDemonoidmaum, The program labeled 'displays'. The /home/ is where all of the user documents are located.02:20
shinichi_only the grub folder02:21
DarwinSurvivorshubbar_: so that folder is empty?02:21
wormmdHey all, just here to idle and answer whatever questions I can :) Cheers!02:21
maumOccupyDemonoid: http://codepad.org/fXOppUvF02:21
DarwinSurvivorshubbar_: sorry, is is the grub folder empty?02:22
bsmith0931wormmd: ive got that locale erroe, how can i fix it02:22
DarwinSurvivorshubbar_: sorry, wrong person02:22
shinichi_grub folder's not empty02:22
SucioSanchezHi there, i just installed Ubuntu 12.04 but i have a problem with my wifi connection.. i have a rtl8188ce card and its very slow the most high speed i can get is like 35kb/s, and under windows i get to download at 700kb/s02:22
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: hmm, strange. it appears to have made 2 boot folders...02:23
solofightpeople as suggested yesterday here - i have downloaded and wrote the iso to usb disc - now when i try to boot from it the system stays on the ubuntu bg screen with the dots changing colors indiacting status for several hours !02:23
shinichi_what do i do then?02:23
OccupyDemonoidmaum, the little Ubuntu symbol at the top of your screen, click that and type displays.02:23
solofightis this normal for verssion 12 ? if not please help to resolve02:23
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: ok, in sdb3's "etc" folder, there should be a file called "fstab" can you pastebin that? (paste.ubuntu.com)02:24
wormmdbsmith0931: a specific locale error?02:24
wormmdbsmith0931: like only one locale is broken?02:24
OccupyDemonoidmaum, http://i.imgur.com/G8qkR.jpg I made a screenshot to make it easier in case you are new to Ubuntu.02:25
bsmith0931wormmd: perl: cannot set locale02:25
shinichi_the folder is fstab.d and nothing's on it02:25
restingwhere is the log files for postfix?02:25
wormmdbsmith0931: when does it occur?02:25
mardraumresting: /var/log/mail.log02:26
maumOccupyDemonoid: thanks you solved my problem02:26
aJynksHey guys. almost got this all working.. one problem.. . My "data" drive is in "devices" and I click on it and it mounts.. how can I get that to always auto mount on boot?02:26
restingmardraum: thanks !!02:26
Nach0zaJynks: fstab02:26
bsmith0931wormmd:  when ever i use bash autocomplete or try to install anything the error comes up and it keeps going on, ldconfig deferred processing now taking place02:26
bsmith0931perl: warning: Setting locale failed.02:26
bsmith0931perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:02:26
bsmith0931LANGUAGE = "en_US:en",02:26
bsmith0931LC_ALL = (unset),02:26
bsmith0931LANG = "en_US"02:26
bsmith0931    are supported and installed on your system.02:26
FloodBot1bsmith0931: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:26
shinichi_does it have to contain files?02:26
cowboyHELP....any UBUNTU SERVER FORUM..help me here??02:26
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: oh, ok, it's using the new fstab setup then02:27
bsmith0931wormmd: sorry about that, check those lines though02:27
gunouilleubuntu server is not ubuntu, someone will say02:27
shinichi_so there's really nothing on that folder?02:27
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: possibly not. Unfortunately I've basically reached the end of my knowledge here since it appears to be a grub issue and I am not familiar with the new grub2 that ubuntu is using (if it was grub1 I could do more).02:28
DarwinSurvivorif anyone else here is familiar with grub2 and/or external hdd booting, shinichi_ could use a hand.02:29
ClientAlivewhen I try to use vit-manager to create a new vm I get: "Error: no active connection to install on"02:29
ClientAlivedoes anyone know what this is about?02:29
solofightpeople as suggested yesterday here - i have downloaded and wrote the iso to usb disc - now when i try to boot from it the system stays on the ubuntu bg screen with the dots changing colors indiacting status for several hours !02:29
solofightis this normal for verssion 12 ? if not please help to resolve02:29
ClientAlivehow to fix?02:29
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: then only thing I could recommend at this point is reinstalling and using ubuntu's official install docs02:29
shinichi_i see..well, thanks for trying to help me..gonna be off for now, goig somewhere,,ok i'll try reinstalling again later when i get back02:30
DarwinSurvivor!install | shinichi_02:30
ubottushinichi_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:30
wolteris anybody else having problems with lord of ultima in their software center?02:30
shinichi_thanks again man, gonna be back again if there's still problems xD02:31
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: external hdd's are not very different, so the official install docs should do it for you.02:31
wormmdbsmith0931: try "locale -a" to see if that locale is installed, and if so, run "dpkg-reconfigure locales"02:31
DarwinSurvivorshinichi_: ok02:31
bsmith0931wormmd:  whats the exact command, im useless with cmd stuff02:31
dpb_cowboy: what is your question?02:33
wormmdbsmith0931: locale -a | grep en_US02:33
wormmdbsmith0931: should see one or more lines print after that02:33
wormmdbsmith0931: if you do, then run this:02:34
bsmith0931ben@ben-laptop:~$ locale -a | grep en_US locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory en_US.utf802:34
wormmdbsmith0931: dpkg-reconfigure locales02:34
wormmdbsmith0931: hmm...02:34
cowboythis operation is a challenge here..02:35
bsmith0931en_ZM.UTF-8... cannot open locale definition file `en_ZM': No such file or directory failed en_ZW.UTF-8... up-to-date Generation complete. ben@ben-laptop:~$02:35
cowboyeveryone seems to have questions ..02:35
vindavsolofight:  hi there...I've had that symptom happen to me.  I just restarted the process up again to install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.  Does that help you ?02:35
cowboywhat is going here?02:35
bsmith0931cowboy: what do u mean?02:35
dpb_cowboy: it's an irc channel, general help with ubuntu. :)02:35
dpb_cowboy: if you have a question, best just to ask it.02:36
Cyberspaceloacowboy: throw your question out and if anyone has the knowledge you'll get an answer02:36
wormmdbsmith0931: Is that last the output of the dpkg-reconfigure locales command? You're likely going to have to install the locale you're missing.02:36
bynwsomehow i lost my sudo access. in terminal i get message that i'm not in the sudoers file and in the gui it rejects my administrative password. and i'm the only one that uses my computer of course. so two part question how does it happen and how do i get it working02:36
cowboyI need help how to configure all my server sides adapting with my webpage02:36
bsmith0931yes and how?, respectively02:36
solofightvindav: restarted the process up again ? you mean restarted and booted again ? or restarted with writing the iso to usb ?02:36
Tecananyone here use chromium?02:37
vindavsolofight: No, just restart and boot again to the boot priority item where it'll have the Ubuntu image that you want to upload.  BTW, did you do a md5sum on the iso file matching it up with the hash number to verify it's authenticity and completeness ?02:38
REK_007Tecan: I use chromium02:38
solofightvindav: nope - didnt do that02:38
solofightvindav: bvut the restart i did02:38
QuantumEggUpon booting ubuntu from a livecd, with a faulty hard drive in the system but not being booted into, udevd returns me errors.02:38
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solofightwill check the md5 sum now02:38
wormmdbsmith0931: run this: "cat /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local" and tell me if en_US.UTF-8 is listed.02:39
QuantumEggIs is possible to boot into a livecd without having it interact with the hard drive?02:39
vindavsolofight:  How did the restart perform ?02:39
QuantumEggOr better yet, what's the lightest possible linux distro?02:39
QuantumEggthat i can run gparted from?02:39
bsmith0931wormmd:  en_US.UTF-8 UTF-802:39
TecanREK_007:  can you move around the tabs positions?02:39
vindavsolofight:  I'll be here when you come back.02:40
REK_007Tecan: yeah pretty much02:40
solofightvindav: thank you02:40
wormmdbsmith0931: that looks fine, and it's weird that dpkg-reconfigure locales didn't fix it...02:40
solofightvindav: the restart perfomr the same way02:40
bsmith0931could it be UFT vs utf a case difference?02:40
k1lumin4t1hey guys02:40
vindavsolofight:  Sorry, you are there...oops.  Did the md5sum command return a number that matches up with the hash number for the Ubuntu distro you want to install ?02:41
k1lumin4t1I hace this problem with my desktop folder02:41
k1lumin4t1it's showing my home folder02:41
TecanREK_007:  they dont turn into a window in itself? because i cant move any tabs without them coming out into there own window and they wont reatach02:41
bsmith0931err i meant utf vs UTF02:41
k1lumin4t1instead of showing empty02:41
REK_007Tecan: not no such problems here ....02:41
lurracaAnyone with experience about 256 colors terminals?02:41
Tecandamn i dont get why ubuntu gives me so many problems02:42
wormmdbsmith0931: doubtful.02:42
vindavsolofight:  If the md5sum number returned is not matchable to any of the registered hash numbers for the Ubuntu distro, the load won't go good.  May I ask in more detail how the restart performed please ?02:42
TecanREK_007:  does move a window to a side make it resize to half the screen for multitasking?02:42
wormmdbsmith0931: do me a favor and paste the entire output of dpkg-reconfigure locales to a pastebin.02:42
solofightvindav: when i choose to install or boot from live - it gave be series of errors first - with code 103 something with respect to sda02:43
wormmdbsmith0931: also, if you're a little weak with cli, I suggest you make healthy use of the man command ;)02:43
solofightand then it gave me the ubuntu bg with running dots for hours02:43
lurracaI'm looking to set my terminal to 256 colors, anyone can help me with it?02:43
TecanREK_007: does clicking the mouse scroll button in chromium do anything?02:44
ClientAliveis anyone familiar with virt-manager?02:45
REK_007Tecan: yeah it closes the tab if the pointer is on the tab / else opens the highlighted link in a new tab02:46
wormmdTecan: middle-clicking is one of my favorite features.02:46
TecanREK_007: can you scroll down by clicking it and moving the mouse down?02:46
vindavsolofight:  Even by that comment, I read that the image wasn't correctly done, and not a fault of yours personally.  It just the machine.  You may want to do a md5sum check first to verify that the iso image downloaded prior to burning to CD or DVD (depending on the size of it) to conserve on the amount of discs you may be using, or better yet, use a USB stick.  Can you do this for the media you want to use to perform an accurate install ?02:46
REK_007Tecan: yes02:46
Tecandamn, thats another bug i have02:47
solofightvindav: I am using an USB stick only - i am trying a usb boot02:47
solofightwill check the sum now02:47
vindavsolofight:   Did you do a md5sum check first before the iso image was loaded on the USB card / stick ?02:48
wormmdbsmith0931: still with us? :)02:48
REK_007Tecan: try reinstalling .. remove all config before you do so .. hope that helps02:48
windbuntuis running ubuntu from a flash drive  similar in speed to running it on a ssd?02:48
dpb_cowboy: you probably need to specify more details. :)02:48
bsmith0931yes hold on02:48
wormmdbsmith0931: np02:48
vindavsolofight:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM02:49
wormmdwindbuntu: doubtful, since the bus from processor to hard drive is likely a lot faster than the bus from processor to peripheral.02:49
wormmdwindbuntu: I don't have any research to back up my claim, but it sounds legit.02:49
JZApplesWould something like this work in 12.04 to change the orange highlight color?  https://antecblue.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/replace-the-orange-color-in-ubuntu-11-10-active-color/02:50
bsmith0931wormmd: http://pastebin.com/XqB44PgL02:50
windbuntui wonder then if it even fast at all02:50
vindavsolofight:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes02:50
lestus_windbuntu, wormd is correct, the bandwidth doesn't even compare, couple that with hdd's ability to buffer, usb will always be slower, also it's not random memory write, it has to write bits serially on the chip of usb stick and then read them serially, so access times are longer just from that02:51
wormmdwindbuntu: if it's a small distro and you have a decent amount of RAM, look into loading the entire distro into ram.02:51
solofightvindav: yes it matches d791352694374f1c478779f7f4447a3f ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso02:51
restinghow do i configure postfix to sent mails to any domains?02:51
vindavsolofight:  I just have 30seconds before I lift off.  Ok good.  Did you see the hyperlink I gave you on using md5sum properly to even check the USB drive ?02:52
windbuntuhmm well i have tons of ram, just wondered as i see some of the larger flash drives coming down in price02:52
vindavsolofight:  and the link on hashes I gave ?02:52
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solofightvinda    yes i did a chechsum on my download and checked it with the link of hashes you gave02:53
wormmdwindbuntu: how often are you running the distro off of the drive?02:53
solofightvindav: ^^02:53
lestus_windbuntu, you as a user will never notice the difference in performance, i run full install of xubuntu from 16Gb flashdrive02:53
OptichipCan someone explain where the panel settings are saved for users?  I need to be able to setup default icons for users that login to the machine?  Anyone here that can help with this?02:53
windbuntui usually run ubuntu everyday02:53
vindavsolofight:  now it should work.  Pardon me...but what does:  ^^  mean ?02:53
wormmdwindbuntu: off of the flash drive? You should dual boot.02:54
trismOptichip: icons in the launcher?02:54
solofightvindav: earlier i didnt type your name properly so later i did and said the message is above with ^^02:54
Optichiptrism :> yes02:54
windbuntuwell my desktops is dedicated totally to ubunu and 2 of my lapptops are dual booters02:54
wormmdbsmith0931: haven't forgotten about you, sorry :)02:54
lestus_windbuntu, the only problem with that is that the flash drive's chip will eventually reach it's limit or read/write cycles and pretty much corrupt your data or die, so it's unreliable long term02:54
astrophilim having an issue watching videos. i upgraded to the newest version last night and when i go to youtube where the video is supposed to be is just black02:55
windbuntuahhh ok lestus_ not good then02:55
wormmdwindbuntu: so why are you running Ubuntu off a flash drive? Also, what lestus said.02:55
trismOptichip: use a gsettings vendor override for com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites02:55
vindavsolofight:  ok, you're good to go.  Gotta go...hopefully we get to chat again.   :D02:55
windbuntui never ran it off a flash just been reading about it hearing people talk about it02:55
trismOptichip: http://www.burtonini.com/blog/computers/gsettings-override-2011-07-04-15-4502:55
ericPi just did a fresh install of 12.04 on an intel box. how do i find out whether the installer decided on amd64?02:55
sparc_Hey hey.  Is reprepro still the way to manage your own apt-repositories?  I was wondering if PPAs are based on that.02:56
ericPalso, is there a ppa which would give me a newer libboost than 1.46? (i need >= 1.48)02:56
windbuntui just became curious about the speed of it run that way02:56
REK_007ericP: unam -a02:56
REK_007ericP: uname -a02:56
lestus_windbuntu, your best option here, is get an empty external hard drive enclosure - 2.5" and get the SSD drive, if you are looking for performance in an external drive, problem is, to utilize just half it's writing capability you will need to use usb 3.0, and not many motherboard BIOSes  support booting from usb 3 yet02:57
ericPREK_007, is a "x86_64" kernel amd64?02:57
REK_007ericP: it shows x86_64 for amd64 ..else otherwise02:57
ericPvoila -- tx02:57
windbuntuhmm g ood point i do not have 3.002:57
REK_007yeah ericP02:57
windbuntueven my gaiming macjine i7 is 2.0 i think02:57
ubukoumv %f /tmp/cutfiles; cd %d; mkdir folder; mv /tmp/cutfiles/%n; /home/kou/folder02:58
ubukouis there a really bad syntax in this ?02:58
Optichiptrism :> Thanks, can I export the currect settings from one setup desktop and use them?  Or do I have to hand create all the links to icons?02:58
ubukoumkdir works so the mv should work ... (?)02:58
astrophilany ideas guys?02:58
XStreamXOkay I am trying to use the Cinnamon desktop when loggin into Ubuntu server 12.04 via vnc but I keep getting the gnome-classic desktop. I have tried to modify the .vnc/xstartup file without any success. Any ideas?02:59
hephaistosXinerama is breaking Unity in 12.04, is there a solution?02:59
ShadowFioshow do i find wheter i have an HDD or an SDD02:59
ClientAlive1649 ppl here and not one person has ever used virt manager? Not one has ever used kvm?02:59
hephaistosClientAlive, this support channel actually sucks pretty bad03:00
astrophilim just trying to figure out how to fix videos03:00
wormmdShadowFios: do you know the make and model of the drive?03:00
hephaistosNot a single person here could even help me with triple monitor issues03:00
ubukouClientAlive, hephaistos  are you serious??03:00
wormmdShadowFios: or the make and model of the computer, if it's a Dell or some such?03:00
kcjWhere are my screenshots going? I press the print screen button and it makes the camera noise and what not but I don't get the normal screenshot dialog. I'm on 12.04.03:01
JZApplesWould something like this work in 12.04 to change the orange highlight color?  https://antecblue.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/replace-the-orange-color-in-ubuntu-11-10-active-color/03:01
ubukouClientAlive, hephaistos  you have not seen unfriendly channels, be patient.03:01
wormmdbsmith0931: can you paste me the output of the command "locale"?03:02
ClientAlivewell if sucks = several days trying and not making any forward progress, not even being talked to after hours being one here, then yeah!03:02
hephaistosRight, or no-one even familiar with dual or triple monitors...03:02
ClientAliveI can't use my brand new $1800 computer - how patient? (I built it over two mos ago now)03:02
ubukouClientAlive, vs the alternative of.... ???03:02
totesmuh1oatsif i update ubuntu, what will happen to things like init scripts that i made myself?03:03
ubukouhephaistos, maybe they are but they are busy. i have dual monitors.03:03
totesmuh1oatsi mean, 10.10 - 12.0403:03
bsmith0931wormmd:  http://pastebin.com/SeC7VJvW03:03
wormmdClientAlive: you built an $1800 computer and you can't figure out kvm?03:03
trismOptichip: yes, it would probably be easiest to set up the icons like you want them and then: gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites; copy the output and use that in the override file03:03
ubukouhephaistos, its not the easyiest thing dealing with xorg...03:03
hephaistosubukou well you must not use xinearama because it completely breaks unity03:03
hephaistosActually, every other DE out works perfectly with 4 or more monitors03:04
ubukouhephaistos, i dont use unity.. sorry.03:04
wormmdhephaistos: "X break Y help" is not a great description.03:04
ClientAlivefigure out? troubleshoot errors that wouldn't happen if it worked as it should? Have an intimate knowledge of a dozen technical areas as what? a prereq?03:04
astrophilanyone have any advice on videos not working with the latest upgrade?03:04
wormmdhephaistos: I think you just solved your problem: don't use Unity. I hate it anyway :)03:04
ClientAlivescrew it03:04
lurraca /join #tmux03:04
hephaistosClientAlive, Now you understand why linux sucks on the desktop03:05
ubukouhephaistos, wormmd and that is RIGHT! you need to google and take it step by step.03:05
hephaistoslol "google it"03:05
wormmdClientAlive: You're using linux.03:05
N1gg3rb8erubuntu has always worked fine for me as a desktop03:05
wormmdActually, I guess he's not :)03:05
hephaistosUbuntu Support Channel: Have a problem? Google it!03:05
ShadowFioshow do i find whether i have an HDD or an SDD?03:05
wormmdhephaistos: None of us are getting paid to do this.03:05
N1gg3rb8erwell the problem is that Cannonical uses a nigger language word for its inspiration03:06
ubukouhephaistos, wormmd im sure if you narrow it down someone THAT has the time will help you... linux takes patience and time. dont expect everything to work out of the box man.03:06
wormmdShadowFios: do you know the make and model of the drive, or the computer if it's a Dell or HP or what not?03:06
hephaistosWorking out of the box is exactly what Ubuntu advertises.03:06
ShadowFioswormmd: i dont know the model of the drive but i know its dell03:06
totesmuh1oatshi astrophil03:07
XStreamXOkay I am trying to use the Cinnamon desktop when loggin into Ubuntu server 12.04 via vnc but I keep getting the gnome-classic desktop. I have tried to modify the .vnc/xstartup file without any success. Any ideas?03:07
wormmdShadowFios: Dell Optiplex 780 or some such other thing? You need those words and numbers to figure it out.03:07
ubukouhephaistos, do you have dual screens out of the box ?03:07
wormmdbsmith0931: sorry, I keep getting distracted, I'm looking into it now :)03:07
hephaistosI have triple screens out of the box, it's not UNHEARD OF IN THE PROFESSIONAL WORLD03:07
astrophilhi totesmuh1oats do you know anything about videos not working with the new upgrade?03:07
ubukouhephaistos, im not going to argue with you. if you think ubuntu is now worth your money take them back where you got them from.03:09
hephaistosMaybe someone needs to inform Mr. Shuttleworth to stop advertising Ubuntu as a feature complete OS ready for the Desktop03:09
bazhang!ot | hephaistos03:10
ubottuhephaistos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:10
wormmdhephaistos: how many people do you know that use three monitors?03:10
hephaistosEveryone in my office.03:10
hephaistosThat's about 16 people03:10
bazhangwormmd, lets move on03:10
wormmdhephaistos: any of them use Linux?03:10
hephaistosAll of them03:10
wormmdbazhang: agreed.03:10
bazhanghephaistos, this is not the channel to rant03:10
astrophilcome on people someone has to know whats going on with my upgrade03:10
ShadowFioswormmd: how do I find the model?03:10
bazhangastrophil, blue video?03:11
kcjAnyone have any idea where my screenshots are going?03:11
mcdonc~/Pictures usually03:11
astrophilbazhang, - i upgraded last night and whenever i try to watch a video, the video box is black03:11
wormmdShadowFios: should be on the case somewhere, like Optiplex or Precision and then a three- or four-digit number.03:11
kcjmcdonc, Thanks.03:11
JZApplesNo one else here finds the orange highlight in Ubuntu annoying?03:11
bazhangastrophil, this is flash? or what03:12
kcjI'm used to the screenshot dialog.03:12
astrophilyeah. like youtube videos03:12
astrophiland i re-installed flash as well03:12
bazhangastrophil, you have other software in there such as swf player gnash etc?03:12
astrophili dont think so03:12
XStreamXOkay I am trying to use the Cinnamon desktop when loggin into Ubuntu server 12.04 via vnc but I keep getting the gnome-classic desktop. I have tried to modify the .vnc/xstartup file without any success. Any ideas?03:13
bazhangXStreamX, try using something other than cinnamon , does that work03:14
XStreamXLIke what for instance?03:14
sirriffsalotHey guys... Is there now even a temporary fix for people having bootup-freeze problems with a nvidia card having downloaded 12.04?03:15
bazhangXStreamX, like a  supported package03:15
XStreamXCan u suggest one?03:15
XStreamXI think it has to do the the xstartup file.03:15
bazhangXStreamX, what version of ubuntu are you on to have the classic desktop03:15
ShadowFioswormmd: ATA ST9120310AS03:15
ShadowFiosis that it?03:16
XStreamX12.04 but I am using server amd6403:16
XStreamXI followed this guide originally ---> http://www.havetheknowhow.com/Configure-the-server/Install-VNC.html03:16
bazhangXStreamX, so thats the gnome-panel then?03:16
csurapmy pc always goes to power save mode right after booting?03:16
bazhang!notunity | XStreamX you mean this?03:17
ubottuXStreamX you mean this?: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:17
csurapanyone know whats the problem?03:17
wormmdbsmith0931: this is a long shot, but does "dpkg -l | grep libc6" show that libc6 is installed?03:17
bsmith0931ii  libc6                                     2.11.1-0ubuntu7.10                              Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries03:17
bsmith0931ii  libc6-dev                                 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.10                              Embedded GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Hea03:17
bsmith0931ii  libc6-i686                                2.11.1-0ubuntu7.10                              GNU C Library: Shared libraries [i686 optimized]03:17
ShadowFioswormmd: ATA ST9120310AS is the drive's model can you tell from that if it's HDD or SDD?03:18
astrophilscrew it, if no one can help just tell me03:18
wormmdShadowFios: that's not an SDD, unfortunately.03:18
ShadowFioswormmd: thx03:19
wormmdShadowFios: np.03:19
ShadowFiosastrophil: if people dont know they dont reply thinking that someone else will know03:19
bazhangastrophil, I asked if you had gnash or others installed, did you check or not03:19
astrophilyes and i said no03:19
bazhangastrophil, you said you thought not. check to make sure03:20
astrophilstupid question, but where do i look?03:20
bazhangastrophil, also, what if you download the flv, and play it with mplayer03:20
XStreamX•ubottu• I followed this guide http://www.havetheknowhow.com/Configure-the-server/Install-VNC.html and now want to change it to Cinnamon instead of gnome-classic.03:20
bazhangastrophil, in your package manager03:20
astrophili dont see any of those listed03:21
astrophilalso,i havetn tried the flv where can i get it03:21
astrophilsorry, im still kinda new to this03:21
bazhangastrophil, and my second question then03:21
wormmdbsmith0931: I was following a lead that libc6 might possibly be broken, the only way I can think to check that off the top of my head is to remove and then add that package.03:21
bsmith0931is that safe03:22
bazhangastrophil, flv is flash video03:22
wyldeXStreamX: basically, if you're choosing to use 3rd party stuffs it's up to you to get support from said 3rd party.03:22
wormmdbsmith0931: I was about to ask the channel :) It probably is.03:22
astrophilok so what do i do to get it'?03:22
bazhangastrophil, download the youtube clip, play it in mplayer.03:22
bsmith0931to all, \can i safely remove lib6 and reinsall it03:23
wormmdbazhang: can you see any harm is something like sudo apt-get purge libc6 && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install libc6 to try to fix a possibly broken libc6?03:23
bazhangastrophil, there are various firefox plugins to get that03:23
wormmdbazhang: *harm in03:23
sirriffsalotNo one has any idea...?03:23
bazhangwormmd, libc6? why would messing with that ever be a good idea03:23
astrophilfound it, thanks03:24
bsmith0931bazhang: i have a locale issue03:24
XStreamX•wylde• So you are saying I should ask the maker of Cinnamon for help?03:24
bsmith0931 wormmd thought that would work03:24
bazhangbsmith0931, please describe if you will03:24
bazhangXStreamX, we hav e no idea about cinnamon. try the usual supported ubuntu packages and see if you have the same issue first03:25
=== sirriffsalot is now known as sirsitsalot
wormmdbazhang: I found a reference to a crazy edge case with a broken libc6 affecting locales.03:25
bsmith0931ben@ben-laptop:~$ locale -a | grep en_US locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory en_US.utf803:25
wyldeXStreamX: basically, I'm sure there are forums and whatnot. Is it fair to expect people (99.9% volunteer's) to know everything about every 3rd party package out there?03:25
XStreamX•bazhang• which one would you recommend?03:25
wormmdbazhang: this is closer to his problem http://pastebin.com/XqB44PgL03:26
bazhangXStreamX, just choose one and try03:26
wylde!flavors | XStreamX03:26
ubottuXStreamX: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu03:26
XStreamX•wylde• no and I didn't suggest that there was03:26
wormmdbazhang: also, here's this: http://pastebin.com/SeC7VJvW03:26
bsmith0931wormmd:  thanks i lost track of those03:26
wyldeXStreamX: not being offensive, just explaining why this channel won't support 3rd party stuffs :)03:26
bazhangbsmith0931, this is on server?03:26
bsmith0931no ubuntu lucid03:27
bazhangbsmith0931, ie a server03:27
ubukoufolk i am trying to make a thunar right click option that when you use it on a file: 1st: it moves it to a temp directory 2nd: it creates a folder named after the file i moved 3rd: move the file back to the folder i created.03:27
bsmith0931Linux ben-laptop 2.6.32-41-generic #88-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 29 13:08:43 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux03:27
ubukoumv %f /tmp/cutfiles; cd %d; mkdir folder; mv /tmp/cutfiles/%n %d/folder03:27
XStreamXIs KDE a supported package?03:28
ubukoui got this far... any ideas how to get rid of that mkdir folder and make it same as the original filename?03:28
bazhangXStreamX, of course yes03:28
XStreamXbazhang new to linux so I not familiar with all the supported packages.03:29
XStreamXI am*03:29
XStreamXOff to install KDE and see what happens.03:29
bazhangXStreamX, you were just linked to them less than a minute ago03:29
trismbsmith0931: what does /etc/default/locale look like?03:29
wormmdubukou: what is the point of that command?03:31
joseph_Is it possible to have spyware or virus running in ubuntu?03:32
ubukouwormmd,  i am trying to make a thunar right click option that when you use it on a file: 1st: it moves it to a temp directory 2nd: it creates a folder named after the file i moved 3rd: move the file back to the folder i created.03:32
javierf_Hi! for some reason, I can't leave conky sticked to my desktop. You can see a "box" around its limits and, if I use the buttom "show desktop", it will hide as any other windows. Someone has an idea why this is happening? Thanks!03:32
joseph_Everytime I boot and connect to the internet a password prompt comes up (not to connect but when it's already connected) and every time I open the browser.03:32
Floyd42joseph_: technically, yes.03:32
ubukouwormmd, basicaly take a file and place it in a folder that is named after that file.03:33
wormmdubukou: right, but for what purpose?03:33
joseph_Is there an antivirus for Linux?03:33
bsmith0931joseph_: clamav03:33
ubukouwormmd, take a bunch of files and create folders for them03:33
gunouillejoseph_, you know, some secret can't be poked like a persident's balls03:34
Floyd42joseph_: yep. clamav.  i also believe avast and avg have linux versions.03:34
ubukouwormmd, and then place them inside.03:34
wormmdubukou: and then probably populate those folders with other things later related to said files?03:34
niteshno need its so secure03:34
joseph_Hey there are like 6 different kinds of clamav, which one do I get?03:35
ubukouwormmd, maybe not sure how it will turn out03:35
ubukouwormmd, any ideas?03:36
wilee-nileejoseph_, avast and bitdefender also have linux version.03:36
trismbsmith0931: somebody is setting LANG to en_US instead of en_US.UTF-8, maybe grep for en_US in your home directory, did you add anything to ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile ?03:36
wormmdubukou: so you're just hacking to hack. I support that :)03:36
bsmith0931trism no, and no03:37
wormmdubukou: I'd have to look into those wildcards, give me a minute.03:37
bsmith0931the 12 commandment thou shall not fix what is not broken03:37
bsmith0931also careful with wildcards03:37
ubukouwormmd, you misunderstood my intention of using that command.03:37
joseph_I knew it! Give it time and Linux will be just as infected as windows. It's being used a lot so here comes the virus.03:37
bsmith0931the 11th commandment is , odf course " be excellent to each other"03:38
bazhangjoseph_, not so.03:39
bazhangjoseph_, any other support questions?03:39
andres__hi, which is the app that make in ubuntu that the fn keys work on my Asus K53TA, I have actually Xubuntu but this not have that functionality.03:40
joseph_I asked one, but no one responded. I went to Synaptic and looked up "antivirus" and the avclam showed up but there are many of them, which one do I get?03:40
bazhangjoseph_, why would you need one03:41
joseph_I think my ubuntu has an infection03:41
LinuxMonkey!antivirus | joseph_03:41
ubottujoseph_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:41
bazhangjoseph_, what leads you to believe that03:41
ubukoujoseph_, unlikely.. unless you have been REALLY CARELESS03:42
joseph_prompts for password everytime I connect to internet and each time I open a browser.03:42
bazhangjoseph_, have you been running firefox with sudo?03:42
ubukoujoseph_, try running them via the terminal and see what happens03:42
joseph_I use crome and no its' not with sudu03:43
gunouillejoseph_, is there such a thing? my 12.04 is fine so far03:43
joseph_I'm using 10.0403:43
bazhangjoseph_, its the keyring? or your sudo password that is prompted for03:43
gunouillemy 10.04 is ok too03:43
joseph_yes the keyring03:43
gunouillei run 10.04, 11.04 and 12.04. none has this issue03:44
joseph_all the time, every time I open a browser03:44
bazhangjoseph_, then just set it to blank. thats not a virus03:44
wormmdubukou: maybe I did, I was just curious as to the point of the command. Juggling like three balls at once now, which is fewer than earlier, but still, I suck at juggling ;)03:44
terry_Any recommendations for VideoCapturing (via webcam)?03:45
bazhang!info camorama03:45
ubottucamorama (source: camorama): gnome utility to view and save images from a webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19-2.2 (precise), package size 165 kB, installed size 1150 kB03:45
ubukoujoseph_, hahaha... not trying anything bad here, im sure that command could be used for many purposes..03:45
joseph_what are you talking about? what command?03:46
joseph_btw, how do I open browser via terminal?03:46
bazhangjoseph_, why not set the keyring to blank, as I suggest03:46
ubukoujoseph_, open terminal and type "firefox"03:46
joseph_I don't know how to do that, I'm new sorry, I dont even know what a keyring is, other then an annoying password thingy03:47
ubukoujoseph_, wormmd i love how a command that i am trying to make causes so much buzz..03:47
soupeeehow do I stop getting asked for a password whenever my pc boots. 12.0403:47
* gunouille disabled java, flash and emcascript03:47
joseph_ubukou, how do I open google crome? for that's what I use, firefox doesn't prompt for password03:48
GrunewaldHi there, is there a way to simply update a WUBI installed ubuntu from the outside? I updated my Ubuntu to 11.10 which killed my bluetooth drivers and now I can#t log in any more because my Keyboard and mouse aren't detected anymore. I am hoping if I update to 12.4 it might work again03:48
bazhangjoseph_, to put something in terminal? or to check in users and groups and set the keyring there; which one03:48
krishi guys, so when i type a command into terminal it works, but when i paste it into /etc/rc.local and restart, it doesn't, can anyone help with getting commands done on startup??03:48
bazhangjoseph_, open a terminal and type chrome (not crome)03:49
joseph_joseph@joseph-laptop:~$ chrome03:49
joseph_chrome: command not found03:49
ubukoujoseph_, google-chrome . Google the problem you are having. you must start understanding how linux works. if you have been using linux for 2.5 years and have these questions its very "lazy" of you :)03:50
sirsitsalotI'm trying to sudo update-grub after having modified the file a bit, but I get this message "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)" running from a livecd btw03:50
joseph_soupee, I can help you with that.03:50
joseph_in the search, look for "log in screen" and you can set it to auto log in there.03:50
ubukousirsitsalot, not sure if what im saying is correct but you must reconfigure Grub.03:50
trismbsmith0931: hmm, what does your ~/.dmrc look like?03:50
sirsitsalotubottu: I just have... I just want to run the update command so it takes effect:P03:51
ubottusirsitsalot: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:51
wormmdsirsitsalot: if I'm not mistaken you need to chroot into the filesystem you want to alter.03:51
=== Guest19082 is now known as Xander
joseph_ubukou, you are right, I've been lazy because my work and everything else uses Windows, I use Linux as a hobby and use different distros on my pcs here at home.03:52
sirsitsalotwormmd: really? No idea how to do that..03:52
wormmdsirsitsalot: I did it twice recently, drawing up a paste...03:52
sirsitsalotI'm having nvidia issues with the 12.04 release, as with everyone else, so wanted to make "nomodeset" when booting up permanently..03:53
sirsitsalotwormmd: fantastic:)03:53
joseph_so far, none of them bets ubuntu 10.04. It's the only version that doesn't have a lot of problems like them new ones.03:53
felipe_Brzcan anyone tell me how to get more dictionaries/word lists in **/usr/share/dict** ?? my directory is empty!!03:54
ubukouwormmd, sirsitsalot its likely that you need a simple configuration in your grub config file...03:55
ubukousirsitsalot, point it to the right direction03:55
sirsitsalotubukou: if no one is entirely sure I'll just configure it back:)03:55
sirsitsalotubukou: but am I am in the right directory03:55
sirsitsalotdreamstudio@dreamstudio:/media/b0c63cd1-8f57-47c0-be01-0fc9d618ab91/etc/default$ sudo update-grub03:55
sirsitsalotThat gives me /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).03:55
joseph_I need a Linux system that's easy to use and will run well on a 512 mb RAM  and 2 gig single core cpu, any suggestions?03:55
bazhang!lubuntu | joseph_03:56
ubottujoseph_: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.03:56
trismfelipe_Brz: apt-cache search wordlist; will list a bunch03:56
sirsitsalotjoakim: ubuntu isn't heavy at all if you don't use unity or gnome:)03:56
DasEijoseph_: lubuntu03:56
ubukousirsitsalot, are you running these commands on a live cd?03:56
sirsitsalotubukou: yes:)03:56
soupeeehow do I stop getting asked for a password whenever my pc boots. 12.0403:56
sirsitsalotScreen freezes at bootup since 12.04 upgrade..03:57
joseph_I tried it, but how do I get the netbook version of it? I can't fine the .iso download.03:57
bazhangsoupeee, auto log in , is that what you mean?03:57
DasEisoupeee: set to autolgin03:57
ubukousirsitsalot, you need to run them on the broken grub install...03:57
sirsitsalotubukou: meaning?03:57
bazhangjoseph_, there is none.03:57
soupeeewhere do I set it?03:57
joseph_I didn't think so. I need to learn more about the commands and how Linux works. Anybody know where I can get a download of the common Linux commands?03:58
bazhang!rute > joseph_03:58
ubottujoseph_, please see my private message03:58
sirsitsalotjoseph_: google is a good place to start:)03:58
bazhang!terminal | joseph_03:59
ubottujoseph_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:59
sirsitsalotjoseph_: ubuntu community first place to start I guess03:59
klynchi. i'm running oneric and all my terminals have this two-stage select-context-menu-copy, select-context-menu-paste. how do i change them back to traditional X select-is-copy?03:59
=== sirsitsalot is now known as sirriffsalot
ubukousirsitsalot, you need to reboot and fix grub manually. not sure if thats your problem.. you should google your problems .. its impossible to know the solution.. sorry.. not that good.03:59
rajhow do I run a .run file?03:59
wormmdsirriffsalot: sorry, got distracted.03:59
ubukouraj,  ./filename.run03:59
wormmdsirriffsalot: two minutes.03:59
felipe_Brztrism:  thanks!03:59
joseph_ok thank you03:59
sirriffsalotwormmd: boys will be boys;D03:59
rajthank you04:00
itismehi guys... I can not get my logitech USb mic to work on a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04... any ideas?04:00
sirriffsalotitisme: can you see it in your "/media" folder?04:00
ubukoucd /directory-where-file-is-in04:00
ubukouraj, cd /directory-where-file-is-in04:00
sirriffsalotitisme: open a filebrowser, go to filesystem and media, see if you see your USB there04:00
rajand then?04:00
rajjust type the filename?04:00
ubukouraj, ./filename.run04:01
sirriffsalotitisme: are you certain the USB is actually getting/sending any signals?04:01
sirriffsalotitisme: any light?:P04:01
itismethe light is on04:01
sirriffsalotitisme: hmm04:01
rajworked, thank you04:01
itismein terminal if I go aslamixer I can select it with F604:02
rajwhat's ./ mean though?04:02
sirriffsalotitisme: not that experienced in Linux to be honest, let's hope someone else has further ideas04:02
rajcurrent directory?04:02
sirriffsalotitisme: ah04:02
sirriffsalotitisme: well then it is definitely in your system. What desktop environment are you running?04:02
itismedefault fresh install04:02
sirriffsalotitisme: so unity?04:02
ubukouraj,  yes04:02
itismei guess i do not know.. it is ubuntu04:03
rajubukou, isn't that redundant if i'm in the directory anyway?04:03
sirriffsalotitisme: hang on, F6 is to select the sound card...04:03
sirriffsalotitisme: is your USB plug a sound card?:D04:03
ubukouraj, i guess in some cases no.04:03
sirriffsalotitisme: what exactly are you trying to plug in?04:03
sirriffsalotitisme: iPod?04:04
obelussirriffsalot: If it's a USB microphone, then yes, it counts as a sound card.04:04
sirriffsalotobelus: yeah; that's why I asked:)04:04
itismeno it is a microphone - http://tinyurl.com/89njkvo04:04
sirriffsalotitisme: and what would you like to do with it?04:05
sirriffsalotitisme: this explains a lot:P04:05
itismerecord audio04:05
sirriffsalotitisme: with ardour?04:05
itismewhat is that?04:05
sirriffsalotitisme: recording software. what are you planning to record with?:)04:05
sirriffsalotitisme: audacity?04:05
itismesome kind of desktop recorder04:05
obelusraj: ./ is required to run things in the current directory as it isn't in the path - the reason being that it's considered insecure to include the current directory in the path (imagine someone writes a malicious program and saves it as 'ls' in a directory, you go into the directory and type 'ls' and it runs their program instead of listing the file contents.04:05
itismeI have 3 installed04:05
JZApplesI figured out how to change the selected color scheme.  ubuntu rocks.04:06
sirriffsalotitisme: what is it called exactly? So I can help you select the right microphone for recording:)04:06
sirriffsalotitisme: the software you are going to record with04:06
rajthanks for the info obelus04:06
itismeum hang on04:06
itismekazam screencaster04:06
sirriffsalotitisme: gimme a moment:)04:06
sirriffsalotitisme: is there any particular reason you use that?04:07
itismei jus twant to record my desktop with audio04:07
obelusraj: No problem. Gotta rush off now though, just thought I'd pop in for a minute first. Also, you don't need ./ to run a command on a file in your current directory, so you can do 'nano myfile', but to run it, you need './myfile'04:07
obelusAnyway, I'm out guys.04:07
sirriffsalotitisme: record your desktop with a microphone?04:07
wormmdsirriffsalot: You do want to install grub to the MBR, rightr?04:07
wormmdsirriffsalot: *right04:07
sirriffsalotwormmd: no, I simply want to update the grub file:P04:08
itisme.... it is an applications that records your desktop to a video file04:08
itismeand also takes audio fomr a microphoe so you can make presentations04:08
sirriffsalotitisme: Ah I see lol04:08
sirriffsalotitisme: excuse my clumsiness, hang on04:08
KingKatariUmm what is the App Whoopsie on Ubuntu Server 12.0404:08
sirriffsalotwormmd: I edited the grub file so that it says "quiet splash nousermod" or whatever it was04:08
sirriffsalotwormmd: now I simply want to update it04:09
wormmdsirriffsalot: ah.04:09
sirriffsalotitisme: ok, so open up your kazam04:09
sirriffsalotitisme: you've probably done what I'm going to ask, but just in case:P04:09
DasEisoupeee: sry, being busy, have an answer for your autologin already ?04:10
sirriffsalotitisme: in the "audio source" thing, what options do you have?04:10
itismeyes... audio source is set to the correct thing but it is not making any sound..04:10
itismeoh wait.. it is just super low04:10
sirriffsalotitisme: I know the solution I think, hang on04:10
itismehow do you turn it up?04:11
KingKatariUmm what is the App Whoopsie on Ubuntu Server 12.0404:11
sirriffsalotitisme: press the dash button (top left ubuntu icon)04:11
sirriffsalotitisme: and type in "mix" and select Gnome Alsa Mixer04:11
DasEiKingKatari: software-center ? synaptic still there, too04:11
itismeI think i need to install it04:11
itismenothing is showing up04:11
sirriffsalotitisme: you can do that if you want, or go to alsamixer in terminal04:12
itismei am there04:12
sirriffsalotitisme: if you search through the options04:12
sirriffsalotitisme: you should see some record/mic options04:12
sirriffsalotitisme: I'll betcha anything one of them is turned very low04:12
sirriffsalotTry to speak into your mic while you turn one after the other up and you'll know soon enough how things should be;)04:13
sirriffsalotwormmd: how's the solution coming?:D04:13
itismeset where04:13
sirriffsalotitisme: hmm?04:13
wormmdsirriffsalot: try this: http://pastebin.com/9JzgFCdh04:14
thshelp needed04:14
sirriffsalotths: fire away04:15
thsanyone there?04:15
sirriffsalotitisme: how's it going?:)04:15
ubottuths: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:15
thswho the hell are you?04:15
itismei cna not find a way to turn it up04:15
sirriffsalotths: someone who wants to help!04:15
ubottuths: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:15
sirriffsalotitisme: hmmm04:15
sirriffsalotitisme: curious, hang on04:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:15
sirriffsalotitisme: ok, let's try the easy things first. Go to software center and install gnome alsa mixer:)04:16
wormmdsirriffsalot: as a note, you should be editing /etc/default/grub and then running update-grub, not editing the grub.conf directly.04:16
sirriffsalotwormmd: yea, did that04:16
sirriffsalotwormmd: this looks too scary for me, lol:) My system is already compromized, I appreciate your time, but I want a more temporary solution until the devs figure out something more permanent04:17
wormmdsirriffsalot: ...devs what?04:18
DasEisirriffsalot: unless your hardware isn't supported, audio is well developed04:18
sirriffsalotwormmd: developers:P04:18
sirriffsalotDasEi: I'm using nvidia atm..:(04:18
wormmdsirriffsalot: I know. With what do you need their help to update a grub config?04:18
sirriffsalotwormmd: I don't, read again:D04:18
APouloshey guys, I need some help with rsync.  I made an exclusion param to exclude any files and folders that begin with "." - but I wanted to know if there was a way I could tweak it so that it only excludes folders that begin with "." instead of files.04:18
itismesirriffsalot, ok04:19
sirriffsalotitisme: ok, open it up:P04:19
DasEisirriffsalot: I haven't followed yoour issue, audio not working ? which chipset ? using the graca's audio ?04:19
sirriffsalotitisme: what, if anything, is muted of what you see?04:19
APoulosHere's my exclusion param: --exclude .* - how would I tweak that to do to directories that begin with "."?04:19
wormmdsirriffsalot: Not entirely sure you understand your issue, if I don't. Maybe something got lost in translation somewhere.04:20
sirriffsalotDasEi: well, basically my system freezes at bootup where all the [OK] messages comes, and the screen blinks to black back to the dext displaying every 5 seconds...04:20
DasEisirriffsalot: nvidia driver installed ?04:20
sirriffsalotDasEi: I've even removed the nvidia card in my shitty computer, and yet the problem persists04:20
DasEichecked syslog ?04:20
sirriffsalotDasEi: can't remember anymore, I've spent 24 hours on this...04:20
itismesirriffsalot, ok thanks man.. there was atab for USB Mixer and I had a volume slider there.. thanks for the help04:20
sirriffsalotDasEi: gone back and fourth on everything04:20
DasEisirriffsalot: open a terminal ..04:20
sirriffsalotitisme: happy recording!04:20
sirriffsalotDasEi: alright04:21
DasEisirriffsalot: sudo apt-get install pastebinit hwinfo && pastebinit /var/log/syslog04:21
wormmdIn any case, it's time to chance another diaper and head to sleep.04:21
DasEisirriffsalot: give url from trml here04:21
wormmdSee y'all tomorrow.04:21
sirriffsalotDasEi: hang on04:22
DasEisirriffsalot: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade               while I'll look04:22
sirriffsalotDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/977253/04:22
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sirriffsalotDasEi: done04:22
sirriffsalotDasEi: I'm running from a livecd btw..:P04:23
itismehow do i automount a drive at startup? ftab isn't it but i can not find it I think i spell wrong04:24
DasEisirriffsalot: ah, that will then not bring up the right syslog..04:24
sirriffsalotDasEi: hehe...04:24
DasEisirriffsalot: sudo fdisk -l04:24
DasEisirriffsalot: which is your root partition ?04:24
bazhangitisme, fstab is what you mean?04:24
bazhang!fstab | itisme04:25
ubottuitisme: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:25
itismebazhang, yea.. I am tryingto auto mount a drive04:25
sirriffsalotDasEi:   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1   *        2048   968910847   484454400   83  Linux /dev/sda2       968912894   976771071     3929089    5  Extended /dev/sda5       968912896   976771071     3929088   82  Linux swap / Solaris04:25
DasEisirriffsalot: but one can already see some pci device not proper initalising04:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:25
sirriffsalotDasEi: sorry..:)04:25
itismethasnk bazhang04:25
DasEisirriffsalot: sudo mkdir /media/sda504:25
sirriffsalotDasEi: done04:26
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DasEisirriffsalot: sudo mount /dev/sda2  /media/sda504:26
sirriffsalotDasEi: nothing you tell me can compromize my files, right?:)04:26
DasEisirriffsalot: payment later ;)04:26
sirriffsalotDasEi: mount: you must specify the filesystem type04:26
DasEisirriffsalot: sudo mount /dev/sda1  /media/sda504:27
d00d3damn, every nickname is registered in this network04:27
sirriffsalotDasEi: done:)04:27
yakkohey guys, is there a way to download a "magnet link" from thepiratebay via command line?04:27
DasEisirriffsalot: cd /media/sda5/var/log/04:27
sirriffsalotHIGG5_BO5ON: yo!04:27
HIGG5_BO5ONI'm trying to replace a .conf file but my comp keeps telling me "permission denied"04:27
=== Apoc-GoD is now known as ApocGoD
sirriffsalotDasEi: done04:27
HIGG5_BO5ONSo, I logged in with my root passwd and it's still denied04:27
ubukoumv %f /tmp/cutfiles; mkdir %X; mv /tmp/cutfiles/%n %X     any idea why this isnt working, i am ready to explode here :S! :)04:27
DasEisirriffsalot: pastebinit syslog04:28
itismethanks bazhang that was the right info.. cheer.. rebooting ot see if it worked04:28
ApocGoDUbuntu 12.04, Gnome3, not getting any sound other than skype. Was working fine earlier.04:28
HIGG5_BO5ONany help, please?04:28
sirriffsalotDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/977256/04:28
bazhangHIGG5_BO5ON, did you enable the root account? you never want to log in as root04:29
sirriffsalotDasEi: holy hell that's a lot of text..04:29
HIGG5_BO5ONbazhang: well, how can I replace/edit the .conf file?04:30
bazhangHIGG5_BO5ON, sudo04:30
sirriffsalotDasEi: how do you know what to look for?:)04:30
DasEisirriffsalot: some bluetooth stuff seems fuzzy ; just seaarch the file for keywords like error04:30
sirriffsalotDasEi: hmm ok04:31
ApocGoDUbuntu 12.04, Gnome3, not getting any sound other than skype. Was working fine earlier.04:31
sirriffsalotDasEi: firefox crashing atm so..:D04:31
DasEisirriffsalot: you are using bluetooth at all ?04:31
sirriffsalotDasEi: not consciously no...04:31
HIGG5_BO5ONbazhang: I tried sudo04:31
DasEisirriffsalot: seems to want to initalise a bluetooth hd04:32
sirriffsalotDasEi: ok...?04:32
g00053can I track my data usage for a particular connection. Say.. my phones usb tethering.04:32
bazhangHIGG5_BO5ON, whats the exact command04:32
DasEisirriffsalot: just to see if any : sudo apt-get remove --purge bluetooth* --dry run04:32
DasEisirriffsalot: does this suggest to remove anything ?04:33
hitjoin #ubuntu-es04:33
bazhangHIGG5_BO5ON, thats not a command04:33
HIGG5_BO5ONgedit /etc/ushare.conf04:33
HIGG5_BO5ONthat lets me open it up and edit it but, not save it.04:33
sirriffsalotDasEi: E: Command line option --dry is not understood04:33
bazhangHIGG5_BO5ON, you said you used sudo.04:34
DasEisirriffsalot: just to see if any : sudo apt-get remove --purge bluetooth* --dry-run         ,minus missing04:34
HIGG5_BO5ONwell, when I use: /etc/ushare.conf04:34
bazhang!gksudo | HIGG5_BO5ON04:34
ubottuHIGG5_BO5ON: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)04:34
HIGG5_BO5ONit says permission denied04:34
DasEisirriffsalot: does this suggest to remove anything ?04:34
sirriffsalotDasEi: uhm... a lot of text, shall I pastebin it?04:34
DasEisirriffsalot: yes please04:35
sirriffsalotDasEi: one moment:) thanks for taking your time with this!04:35
* ApocGoD waits around patiently.04:35
dannyhello i am trying to stream to my xbox 360 with ubuntu 12.10 i have followed this tutorial word for word http://www.themanfromdelmonte.co.uk/2010/02/09/stream-video-to-xbox-360-from-ubuntu-with-ushare/ but i only get this output http://paste.ubuntu.com/977264/04:35
sirriffsalotDasEi: http://pastebin.com/7kvmGRze04:35
bazhangdanny, you mean 12.04 I assume. there is no 12.1004:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:36
sirriffsalotdanny: haha, I'm aving trouble with 12.04 atm like hell, and suddenly I see mention of 12.10 o.O o.O04:36
bazhangApocGoD, with what04:36
dannybazhang, yeh been with ubuntu for a wile started to get lost in the 4s and 10s but i see u on here alot u have any suggestions ?04:37
evilwombatGerrtings. Is there a reason why OMAP4 releases of 11.10 were tagged 'armel', whereas 12.04 releases are tagged 'armhf'? Does this imply that HW floating point support had not been enabled until 12.04?04:37
ApocGoDbazhang, Having an issue with Ubuntu 12.04, not getting any sound other than through skype.04:37
ApocGoD@bazhang, Having an issue with Ubuntu 12.04, not getting any sound other than through skype.04:37
dannysirriffsalot: ha im loving 12.10 had so many problems when i first installed then i updated and smooth as a babys butt now loving it04:38
sirriffsalotdanny: 12.04 right?:P04:38
dannysirriffsalot: .0404:38
sirriffsalotdanny: ;D04:38
sirriffsalotDasEi: you just as stuck as me now?:)04:38
DasEisirriffsalot: that would be an overkill, try :04:38
sirriffsalotDasEi: are you a developer?:)04:39
DasEisirriffsalot: just to see if any : sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome-bluetooth --dry-run04:39
dannysirriffsalot: i think i got confused cause wasnt 10.10 the last lts but what problems are u facing04:39
DasEisirriffsalot: no, but have my fun, too04:39
sirriffsalotDasEi: alright, done04:39
itismedose anyone here use "Guake"04:39
sirriffsalotdanny:  I can't even get to my login prompt haha:)04:39
ajahjust upgraded to 12.04 getty  is spawning rapidly and its in running state, after kil it keeps spawning, any help?04:40
itismefor some reaosn it is showing background colours on the text.. i cna change it but not remove it any ideas?04:40
sirriffsalotajah: there's a queue over there ---> ;D04:40
DasEisirriffsalot: the other thing you got is playmout troubling, I can offer you a third party script on your OWN risk, otherwise will have to fidlle with grub04:40
dannysirriffsalot: what machine are you using and fresh install or upgrade?04:40
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sirriffsalotDasEi: I'll take no risks please:)04:40
DasEisirriffsalot: additional packages listet for removal ?04:40
sirriffsalotdanny: too much to explain again... nvidia is the problem I think04:40
sirriffsalot0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 123 not upgraded.04:41
williamherryis there any way to make emacs use global menu?04:41
sirriffsalotDasEi: you meant from that last command?04:41
st3el_Man it has been way to long since I've used IRC >_<04:41
DasEidanny : (sirr..) http://paste.ubuntu.com/977256/04:41
ApocGoDHmm, now i'm getting sound in Skype and Chromium but not Firefox.04:42
DasEisirriffsalot: yes, so as we are not chrroted, also the machine needs updates/grades , rember above command04:42
ubukoumv %f /tmp/cutfiles; mkdir %X; mv /tmp/cutfiles/%n %X     any idea why this isnt working, i am ready to explode here :S! :)04:42
ubukou<ubukou> i am trying to make a custom action in thunar that will move a file into a directory in the same folder that is named after the original file.04:42
ubukouso i move the file to a temp dir , create the forlder and then move it back ... but that doesnt seem to work...04:42
sirriffsalotDasEi: Ḯ'm confused.. what do you want me to do now?:)04:42
ajahjust upgraded to 12.04 getty  is spawning rapidly and its in running state, after kil it keeps spawning, any help?04:42
DasEisirriffsalot: do you have a second machine around so you can go to commandline on the hd ?04:42
ubukoui have done mv %f /tmp/cutfiles; cd %d; mkdir folder; mv /tmp/cutfiles/n% %d/folder04:42
ubukou<ubukou> and now i need to substitute "folder" with the original filename...04:42
ubukou<ubukou> any ideas why %X isnt working ?04:42
sirriffsalotDasEi: afraid not...04:43
ubukou or any other ideas for that matter.. im running on fumes here,,, ???04:43
dannysirriffsalot: yea far beyond my knoledge haha i cant evan get a word for word tutorial to work right now but when u get it running its a real treat and this is the place to be these guys have helped me numerous times just gotta be patient with them04:44
sirriffsalotdanny: in my case they have to be patient with me haha:)04:44
DarwinSurvivorubukou: where did %X come from?04:44
DasEisirriffsalot: a bit of a hassle as my time runs out; you will have to fix for bluetooth and your plymouth (the latter causing your graphics fun), if that alone (update/grade not to be forgotten) might have to reconfigure x04:44
sirriffsalotdanny: computer I'm at is temporary, but it pisses me off that these things always happen to me04:44
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, thank you for aswering, im ready to cry04:44
ajahjust upgraded to 12.04 getty  is spawning rapidly and its in running state, after kil it keeps spawning, any help?04:44
sirriffsalotDasEi: As clueless as before I am, help appreciated it is:) I have to run as well soon anyway:)04:45
DasEisirriffsalot: from present situation will have to chroot from live into hd so changes take place there04:45
sirriffsalotDasEi: gonna save this conversation;D04:45
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, %X — Everything but the file extension.04:45
sirriffsalotDasEi: how do I do that?04:45
sirriffsalotDasEi: into HD?04:45
sirriffsalotDasEi: Oh hard disk:P04:45
dannysirriffsalot: ha get an asus hanvt had a prob with them and ubuntu yet im using the k52f model btw04:45
itismedose anyone here use "Guake"04:45
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, you understand what i am trying to do right ?04:46
Ann-MariyaCan I run windows 7 on ubuntu 10  with virtual box ose ?04:46
DasEisirriffsalot: think of it : http://paolobernardi.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/fix-plymouth-on-ubuntu-after-installing-nvidia-or-ati-proprietary-drivers-for-ubuntu-11-04-natty/04:46
DarwinSurvivorubukou: does it include the full path or just the filename? (ex: /home/ububou/somefolder/somefile or just somefile)?04:46
sirriffsalotdanny: now where's the fun in that;D04:46
dannyAnn-Mariya: yes but idk why u would04:46
sirriffsalotDasEi: cool, I'll look more closely when I get home. thank you ever so much for the help!:)04:46
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, if it included that it should be able to mkdir the folder i need... so i am guessing no .04:47
Ann-Mariyadanny: I can't install win7 seperately04:47
ryzzani can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... can someone gimme some help?04:47
DasEisirriffsalot: your facts are chroot, update/grade , removal of unneeded stuff aka bluetooth, plymouth, and if npo avail reconfiguring x04:47
dannyAnn-Mariya: why is that ?04:47
Ann-Mariyadanny: it doesn't support GUI partition04:47
DarwinSurvivorubukou: also, where did %n come from? if you start with %f, stay with %f04:47
ajahjust upgraded to 12.04 getty  is spawning rapidly and its in running state, after kil it keeps spawning, any help?04:47
DasEi!chroot | sirriffsalot04:48
sirriffsalotDasEi: no idea how to do the last, but I'll figure it out with the help of others in the end I suppose:) Cheers!04:48
ubottusirriffsalot: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot04:48
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, i have tried cd %d; mkdir folder04:48
DarwinSurvivorubukou: try "mkdir %X && mv %f %X/"04:48
sirriffsalotDasEi: cool:D04:48
Ann-Mariyadanny: That I don't know. But the fact is that u can't install win7 after installing ubuntu04:48
DasEisirriffsalot: sure , no yoda skills needed there :)04:48
DarwinSurvivorubukou: that will only work for files that have extensions though (if all of yours do, then you should be good to go)04:48
ryzzani can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... any idea?04:48
sirriffsalotDasEi: to me it is hardcore yoda this04:49
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, gimme a moment to see that.. im pretty boiled here04:49
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, thanks04:49
dannyAnn-Mariya: back your stuff up install windows then isntall ubuntu either with wubi or with the reg installer04:49
DasEisirriffsalot: still aplication, not coders level04:49
sirriffsalotDasEi: well in the end it will have to be, right?04:50
sirriffsalotDasEi: ubuntu developers are working their butts off to fix these nvidia problems04:50
ryzzan???? :(04:50
Ann-Mariyadanny: When I install ubuntu after installing win7, the windows automatically wents deleted04:50
DarwinSurvivorubukou: can you post a link to thunar's docs that describe %f, %d, %n, %X, etc? it will speed this up a LOT04:50
DasEisirriffsalot: yes, I need some time now, I could give it a try in an hour or so, before I have to leave later04:50
DasEisirriffsalot: another good place is forum or askubuntu.com, not as speedy as here04:51
sirriffsalotDasEi: Promised to meet someone soon, so perhaps we shall meet again master:) If not it has been a pleasure:) I'll manage to lift it myself some day;D04:51
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, how can i select these alt click or something ?04:51
sirriffsalotDasEi: I think I'll stick to here lol:)04:51
sirriffsalotDasEi: but yea, asked in forums too04:51
ryzzanAnn-Mariya: it wasnt automatic, u probably chose to do it...04:52
DasEisirriffsalot: common tasks like chroot from live to hd are there nice written04:52
lekuhow much disk space does the current-ish versions of Ubuntu take up?04:52
Ann-Mariyaryzzan: No i won't04:52
sirriffsalotDasEi: I'll manage it:D Preparing to leave now though;)04:52
DarwinSurvivorubukou: you mean selecting multiple files?04:52
lekuI have windows installed on a 300GB drive with 193GB free.. wondering if I shuold split the 193 aand dual boot04:52
DarwinSurvivorubukou: or the link?04:53
DasEileku: basic minimal instll a gig, dektop /w no space ~4gig,  depends on your selection04:53
ryzzanAnn-Mariya: were u installing ubuntu? whick version?04:53
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, i ll copy them sec.04:53
lekui want to do a lot of software develipment with it04:53
lekui normally wouldn't care how much it uses just want a rough idea04:53
DasEileku: I won't go below 30 gig ... time will eat it up04:53
Ann-Mariyaleku: y don't u install ubuntu along with win04:53
lekuthats what i was going to do ann-mariya04:53
ryzzanPEOPLEi can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... any idea?04:54
lekuand repartition04:54
Ann-Mariyaleku: then use wubi04:54
lekumy other choice is to use this brand new hard drive I got that is a lot bigger04:54
DarwinSurvivorubukou: nvm about the link, I just installed thunar and found the list in the application04:54
DasEi!dualboot | leku04:54
ubottuleku: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:54
lekuwhat is wubi?04:54
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe04:54
dannyAnn-Mariya: hmm for all the machines ive done it on it allways lets me choose to either deleted or isntall alongside but i have used virual box and it works pretty well if ur machine is up to par ive had no complaints with it https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads04:54
lekuman I dunno04:54
DasEileku: go dualboot04:54
lekuI want a legit ubuntu04:54
lekunot this wubi04:54
lekui dont even know if i want ubuntu04:54
lekumaybe i should go something esoteric like netbsd04:55
DasEileku: use a vm and distrowatch to decide04:55
lekugood idea04:55
Ann-Mariyawindows ubuntu installer04:55
ryzzani can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... any idea, anyone?04:55
DasEiAnn-Mariya: see above04:55
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, http://pastebin.com/WyAyExcu04:55
lekuso it makes some kinda ext3 container on windows?04:55
dannyleku, thats your choice thats whats fun about linux ive tried about 6 diff distros but none can get me away from ubuntu04:55
lekuthat linux lives in?04:55
lekui've been using linux since slackware04:56
lekuand 1.2.1304:56
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, if these are the only ones i can use i really need to think outside the box04:56
lekujust haven't used it as my main desktop OS in many years04:56
lekudidn't mesh with what i needed to do at work04:56
DasEileku: no, but a container on ntfs, which defragments and causes you trouble04:56
ryzzan?????????????? help... anyone04:56
lekuyeah dont need those surprises04:56
=== Gustaf_ is now known as Guest81537
Ann-MariyaDasEi: what ?04:57
lekuubuntu is bloated04:57
DasEi!wubi > Ann-Mariya04:57
ubottuAnn-Mariya, please see my private message04:57
lekuit seems04:57
DasEileku: take a look , also classic and lubuntu04:57
DasEi!ask | ryzzan04:57
ubotturyzzan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:57
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, the only successful command was mv %f /tmp/cutfiles; cd %d; mkdir folder; mv /tmp/cutfiles/%n %d/folder04:58
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:58
lekuwhat is lubuntu?04:58
ryzzan!ask | ryzzan i can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... any idea, anyone?04:58
ubotturyzzan i can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... any idea, anyone?: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:58
* DasEi got to get some work done now04:58
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
icerootleku: ubuntu with another desktop (lxde)04:58
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:59
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest8892
DarwinSurvivorubukou: give me a mintue, familiarizing myself with how thunar does this04:59
ryzzan!ask | ryzzan i can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... any idea, anyone? tried it on ubuntu 11.10 and 12.0404:59
ubotturyzzan i can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... any idea, anyone? tried it on ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:59
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, take your time............ i need a coffe brb in 304:59
ryzzan!anyone |  i can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... any idea, anyone? tried it on ubuntu 11.10 and 12.0405:00
ubottui can access my wi-fi but internet is not working on ubuntu (tried on 3 different machines - 2 different ubuntus)... any idea, anyone? tried it on ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.05:00
TynachI'm usually very Linux savy, but this has got me stumped. http://pastebin.com/rHx0h9TY05:01
TynachAnyone know how to fix this?05:01
ryzzan!anyone |  does anyone can explain why i can access my wi-fi but internet is not working? tried it on ubuntu 11.10 and 12.0405:01
TynachBecause it's a kernel upgrade, I'm kinda afraid to reboot my computer.05:01
ubottudoes anyone can explain why i can access my wi-fi but internet is not working? tried it on ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.05:01
st3el__Can anyone tell where i should start with linux...05:01
RealEyesgzip: stdout: No space left on device05:01
ryzzan!ask |  does anyone can explain why i can access my wi-fi but internet is not working? tried it on ubuntu 11.10 and 12.0405:02
ubottudoes anyone can explain why i can access my wi-fi but internet is not working? tried it on ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:02
st3el__IRC is probably the most advance thing I can do lol05:02
icerootryzzan: please stop using the !triggers05:02
TynachOh. OH. I've got a separate boot partition. It must be full. Duh. Ok. Time to uninstall old kernels.05:02
=== jeffbailey is now known as jbailey
RealEyesLet me see some newest Ubuntu screenshots!05:03
RealEyesPreferably with conky on them...05:03
RealEyesIf not, that's okay too.05:03
wyldeDarwinSurvivor ubukou : http://paste.ubuntu.com/977286/    <--- this seems to work. I assume you can launch a script from thunar? ( I know I didn't quote my variables but I'm a bash nub anyway) :P05:03
ryzzaniceroot: thought i was missing something, cuz this ubottu bot is always telling me to ask differently05:03
icerootryzzan: with !foo you are triggerin the bot ubottu05:04
wyldeDarwinSurvivor ubukou : and I suppose the extension variable is useless but the if you wanted to extend the functioality.05:04
krababbel_ryzzan: you mean you can ping the wifi router, but for exmple doesn't work?05:05
wylde*there *functionality05:05
DarwinSurvivorubukou: ok, I GOT it!05:05
DarwinSurvivorubukou: mv %n %n.thunar_mv_tmp && mkdir %n && mv %n.thunar_mv_tmp %n/%n05:06
ryzzankrababbel_: that's the weirdest thing... i'm connected to the wi-fi ssid... but i can't ping the router05:07
DarwinSurvivorubukou: the only bug is that it does't work on empy files (no idea why, must be a bug in thunar confusing empty files with folders or something)05:07
DarwinSurvivorubukou: wait, did you need the folder to not have the extension in it's name?05:08
krababbel_ryzzan: do you use dhcp?05:08
ryzzankrababbel_: yeah05:08
wyldeDarwinSurvivor ubukou : mine should work with empty files :P and removes the extension from the directory name05:08
DarwinSurvivorwylde: mine should work with empty files as well, I find it VERY weird that it doesn't...05:09
ryzzankrababbel_: any idea?05:09
wyldeDarwinSurvivor: yeah, that is strange.05:09
krababbel_ryzzan: try static maybe05:09
ryzzankrababbel_: cuz it's working perfectly on windows05:10
icerootryzzan: you said you can access the access-point but not the router? different dievices?05:10
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, wylde WOW you ve been cracking!!!!!05:10
krababbel_dievices! /:)05:10
ryzzaniceroot: no... worse... i can access the router (the ssid, at least).... but i can't ping it!05:11
mobius420I'm having a problem not being able to access my webserver while connected to the same LAN as the webserver. Apparently a problem with "hairpin routing" or something not being supported.05:11
icerootryzzan: that is not possible05:11
ryzzaniceroot: u tell me!05:11
ryzzaniceroot: i thought the same... but it is happening05:11
icerootryzzan: can you paste the output of "ifconfig" and "route" please05:11
iceroot!paste | ryzzan05:11
ubotturyzzan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:11
mobius420I have read something about editing a hosts file and making my server visible to clients connected to the LAN.05:11
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, wylde ok , mv %n %n.thunar_mv_tmp && mkdir %n && mv %n.thunar_mv_tmp %n/%n doesnt work05:11
DarwinSurvivorwylde: yep, my script works 100% from the terminal, thunar must has some kind of issue with empty files and the %n variable05:11
DarwinSurvivorubukou: were you using real files, or empty ones?05:12
wyldeDarwinSurvivor: yep, has to be the app, I would imagine.05:12
ryzzaniceroot: since i'm not using ubuntu to talk to u, it's going to be a little difficult, but let me try something05:12
teicahhillo. how/where do I set my mouse wheel to toggle window roll up/shade?05:12
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, wylde can we take it privately all together.. its really hard to read with lines moving05:12
icerootryzzan: important is the line about wlan0 and the complete output of route05:13
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, wylde im using a "new empty file"05:13
wyldeubukou: I'm fine with that, pick a room05:13
RealEyespost some screenshots already05:13
DarwinSurvivorubukou: try it with files that actually have stuff in them (your real files will, won't they?)05:13
DarwinSurvivorubukou: even if you just create text files with "test" in them :P05:14
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, wylde #DAMNyouthunar05:14
ryzzaniceroot: pasting it05:14
icerootryzzan: to pastebin please05:14
DarwinSurvivorubukou: is it working now?05:15
ubukouDarwinSurvivor, join #DAMNyouthunar05:15
teicahhillo. how/where do I set my mouse wheel to toggle window roll up/shade? 10q's05:16
m0rn1ng5tarI feel like an idiot trying to install themes for ubuntu, can I get a little guidance? I have the file downloaded, just having a few issues05:17
icerootryzzan: sorry have to go to work now05:19
krababbelm0rn1ng5tar: shell theme extension seems to be broken.05:20
m0rn1ng5tarmakes things that much more difficult when I'm using Fluxbox05:21
st3el__!vhost test@aol.com05:21
krababbelm0rn1ng5tar: I meant gnome themes05:21
grendal-primeImportError: No module named gi05:22
grendal-primepython problem but i cant seem to find an answer on ubuntu05:23
m0rn1ng5tarkrababbel: Yeah, the guides that I was finding were just angering me05:23
jribgrendal-prime: what's your question?05:24
grendal-primetrying to run vedics...found a package install for lucid05:24
grendal-primebut i get this error...05:24
grendal-primeImportError: No module named gi05:24
NotJimCarreytrying to upgrade ubuntu but i'm getting "Exception during pm.DoInstall():  E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libdb5.1 for libpam-modules, probably a dependency cycle." any ideas on how to fix it?05:25
grendal-prime  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/vedics/vedics.py", line 24, in <module>05:25
grendal-prime    import gi05:25
ryzzaniceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/977308/05:25
jribgrendal-prime: well gi is gobject introspection.  But where did you get vedics from?05:25
ryzzaniceroot: when u get some time05:25
grendal-primetons of bugs files ans whatnot on that error. but i dont see...umm hol don05:25
InvaderAndThe unity menu and indicators has just become invisible on my computer. Do anyone know how to fix that or how to at least figure out what went wrong? It happened right after I opened a new chrome tab :S05:27
jribgrendal-prime: well you should start by installing python gobject introspection I suppose.  Are you sure this .deb is meant for your version of ubuntu?05:28
grendal-primewell the gui..front endy thing liked it?05:29
grendal-primeand ya i got pyton-gobject installed already05:29
jribgrendal-prime: well can you "import gi" in python?05:29
krababbelryzzan: your default route is empty, try 'sudo ip route add default via x.x.x.x'05:29
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
grendal-primejrib, ya that didnt do it ither05:32
jribgrendal-prime: what do you mean?  It doesn't do anything.  It gathers information.05:32
grendal-primeimport gi..05:32
grendal-primei run that ..and it doesnt import anythang05:32
jribgrendal-prime: what was the result?05:32
ryzzankrababbel: gonna try it05:33
grendal-primejust came back to the command prompt..no error..just nothing05:33
jribgrendal-prime: run "python" first.  Then "import gi"05:33
grendal-primeim wondering if its just a version problem05:33
grendal-primeImportError: No module named gi05:34
grendal-primejust like when it is called from the script05:34
jribgrendal-prime: now close python (ctrl-d) so you're back at a normal prompt.  What is the result of: readlink -f $(which python)05:34
ryzzankrababbel: it returned: RTNETLINK answers: File exists05:35
yehello!  There is an question puzzling me:  I installed Ubuntu 12.04 following Ubuntu 10.04 on VMware , and they are in different partitions. When I power on the virtual machine, then an OS choice list occurs(called GNU GRUB 1.99-21Ubuntu3).  But I'd like to  change the list for some reason, so I looked up /boot/grub/menu.lst. however it doen't exist! Can anyone tell me where the file is? Sorry for my poor english.05:35
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
TonyOk guys... I'm here to ask for help.05:36
krababbelryzzan: no ideas, try static configuration first05:36
TonyAnybody here available to help me real quick?  Trying to get my wireless card working.05:36
grendal-primewe got buckets of help05:36
TonyI was hoping so, lol.05:36
grendal-primeits falling out my youknow what right not..05:37
TonyBasically, I just installed Ubuntu Server 12.04 and am having some issues figuring out how to set up my wireless.05:37
grendal-primei had to hire a midget to follow me around and catch it...spare time as well.05:37
ryzzankrababbel: gonna do it then... ty05:37
jribgrendal-prime: are you sure you've installed the correct package for gobject-introspection in lucid?05:37
grendal-primeeeeeewwwww i hate 1204 sorry05:37
TonyOk, let me back up, maybe you have a better recommendation.05:38
grendal-primethere is something called that but has -dev on it05:38
TonyIt's an OLD Belkin card, version 4100.05:38
TonyF5D70000 version 410005:39
jribgrendal-prime: well probably the way gobject05:40
jribgrendal-prime: well probably the way gobject-introspection has changed since lucid05:40
grendal-primei installed that as well ill give it a shot05:41
grendal-primenope same error05:41
jribgrendal-prime: no, I'm telling you that your version of lucid is to old to run that software as is.05:41
jribargh, it's too late.05:41
jribgrendal-prime: the program you're trying to install expects gobject-introspection that is newer than that provided in lucid (as lucid was released about 2 years ago)05:42
jribgrendal-prime: I don't remember that being the case, but that's what it seems like :?05:44
ktwoHi, what can i do to further increase the performance on a VM? (Ive already installed LXDE, disabled effects and font AA)05:45
InvaderAndWhat log file should I look at regarding the following bug: the dock, the indicators and top panel are invisible?05:46
B|tchXadjust your ram ktwo05:47
B|tchXon the vm machine ktwo05:47
ktwoB|tchX, i mean what can i do inside the OS , the parameters of the VM are not changeable05:47
ktwois there some filesystem feature i can turn off or something05:48
ktwoi dont need journaling for example, this is purely a testing vm , performance > all05:48
B|tchXnothing I can think of05:48
TonyAnybody fluent in setting up a wireless network through command line / no GUI?05:51
wookiehkhi, can anyone tell me the difference between the scripts in /etc/init.d and /etc/init?05:53
TonyPlease PM me if you think you can help me with a basic wireless setup...05:53
TonyThrough GUI, no X server.05:53
lramondoes any body know a blueray burner that works with linux05:54
wookiehkTony, CLI or GUI?05:54
Terminus_wookiehk: /etc/init.d contains sys v init scripts. /etc/init contains upstart init scripts.05:54
ktwolramon,  for burning i dont see why there should be issues05:55
wookiehkTerminus_, so sys v scriopts are only run when called, where upstart scripts run on boot up?05:55
wookiehkTony, are you trying to connect to an AP?05:55
lramoni've looked but can't find a blueray burner that works with linux05:55
Terminus_wookiehk: no. sys v init scripts is the old method of starting services on bootup. ubuntu shifted to upstart in order to have an event triggered startup system instead. not everything has been migrated from sys v init to upstart yet.05:57
ktwolramon,  whare are you looking? basically br burning works like dvd burning , if the software supports it you're fine05:57
ktwobut you can not view dhcp bluray of course05:57
ktwoi mean hdcp05:57
atdiehmI am on 12.04, and I have an external NAS which exports smb shares… from the mac, I can just browse to it, and operate on it fine.. from 12.04 I bookmarked it through the 'places' GUI… but every read/write attempt errors the first try, but then usually works the second… any idea what I may have needed to do differently?05:57
ktwolramon, worst-case coming, you can still use a windows VM inside of linux  to burn them, but if im not wrong brasero can do it05:58
lramoni mean a blueray player model like a sony or something05:58
Qualiais it worth upgrading to 12.04 ?06:00
DarwinSurvivorlramon: do you just want to dump files on it, copy a blu-ray or create a blu-ray movie?06:00
lramonto be honest we were trying to data dump it to copy a ps3 game i heard that it is possible06:01
grendal-primei say..give peace a chance...and if that doesnt work get out of the way so the motivated people with balls can do what they were trained to do.!!06:01
grendal-primenight all06:02
DarwinSurvivorlramon: PS3 games probably have a bunch of copy protection on them, so it may not work06:02
lramonThe data dump copies every thing even the encryption so it should work were trying to do it.06:04
Qualiais it worth upgrading to 12.04 ?06:05
wookiehkTerminus_, ok so anything in /etc/init.d wont start and ill have to port them across to /etc/init ?06:05
Qualiaam i asking a stupid question ?06:06
QualiaQualia, yes.06:06
ktwoQualia, well think about it yourself, of course upgrades generally are a good thing06:06
ktwobut if you cant risk to lose time if something goes wrong06:06
ktwothen you come back to "never touch a running system"06:07
Qualiai can, i want more problems06:07
wylde!opinion | Qualia06:07
ubottuQualia: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:07
Qualiasolving problems is a good way of learning the system and i need to know more and more06:07
Guido1hello, when i start ubuntu it finds some errors, but i can't see the comandos like I for ignore. what are the comandos?06:07
Qualiaso instead of asking you i need to go research now06:07
Qualiaand stop being a hypocrite06:08
DarwinSurvivorlramon: have you heard of dd?06:08
darkhalo117Anybody know why DRM drivers might be causing my video not to display?06:08
allu2Qualia: more problems? try adding debian experimental and sid repos to your ubuntu's /etc/apt/sources.list , then do apt-get dist-upgrade and it should guranteen you problems :P06:09
Terminus_wookiehk: no. scripts in /etc/init.d will still start. things are complicated a bit by the fact that insserv is used as a hack to decide how services are started from /etc/init.d/. in any case, scripts that have been ported to upstart are replaced with a script that starts/stops the service the upstart way.06:09
aeon-ltdQualia: how much do you want to learn? if you've got time i'd suggest starting with a server/cli install then building from there06:09
chilibluehow can I adjust the geometry of my desktop, it is overscanned on my hdtv, nvidia driver?06:09
lramonyes I'm in a network security class at a tech school and we discussed a little on dd and it was said that you can copy ps3 and xbox 360 games without a mod06:10
itismewhat dose "checkinstall" do wehn doing an - - -  apt-get install <ApplicationName> checkinstall - - - ?06:10
aeon-ltdlramon: how do you intend to copy ps3 games without a bd-rw? cause they ain't cheap06:11
Terminus_wookiehk: are you trying to write an init script? if you don't care about distros besides ubuntu, you can just write an upstart script and be done with it.06:11
allu2Qualia: though i must warn you, you wont get support anywhere if you do that :P06:11
Guido1hello, when i start ubuntu it finds some errors, but i can't see the comandos like I for ignore. what are the comandos?06:11
shani0610Hello guys, I have this problem mounting my harddrive: I get this error all the time mounting -Daemon is inhibited06:11
aeon-ltdGuido1: i'm still not getting you06:11
DarwinSurvivorlramon: then try dd, if that doesn't work, chances are you won't be able to get it to (not a until a VERY smart person comes up with a solution)06:11
ktwolramon, you cant even copy x360 games to work like the original ones because of plain hardware limitations06:11
Qualiaallu2, No worries :)06:11
aeon-ltdGuido1: different applications will have different commands06:11
ktwothe original ones have areas written which NO burner can write06:11
Qualiaallu2, and thank you06:11
Guido1aeon-ltd: if you start ubuntu then it cheks for errors on the hard disk06:11
DarwinSurvivor!tab | lramon06:12
ubottulramon: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:12
lramonyea thats why i first asked what blueray burner was compat for the linux06:12
DarwinSurvivor!who | lramon06:12
aeon-ltdGuido1: you mean fsck?06:12
ubottulramon: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:12
allu2Qualia: don't thank me and really, consider what your doing that will really break your system :S06:12
Guido1aeon-ltd: it's the automatic chek. if it is fsck, then yes06:12
allu2Qualia: backups at least!06:12
aeon-ltdGuido1: you mean you want to skip it?06:12
DarwinSurvivorlramon: oh, you want *hardware*. my old laptop had a blu-ray *reader*, but it wasn't a burner06:13
Guido1aeon-ltd: i want to know the comments for it like "repair", "ignore error", ...06:13
aeon-ltdGuido1: that will be in the man pages for fsck06:14
aeon-ltdGuido1: 'man fsck' at a terminal06:14
Guido1aeon-ltd: in the screen witch shows up i can't see the comments :-(06:15
DarwinSurvivorlramon: well, it *looks* like linux support blu-ray burners (they appear to be standardized), but of course I can't guarantee anything06:15
Guido1aeon-ltd: with other computers i can, but they have no problems in the moment06:15
lramonthanks to all of you for the info i'll check with you later kind of late here06:15
wookiehkTerminus_, i have init.d scripts thaat dont seem to load at boot time, wondering if i make an upstart job whether having both of them in two diff locations is a bad thing!06:16
Terminus_wookiehk: use either sysv or upstart. don't use both at the same time.06:16
aeon-ltdGuido1: i'm still unclear, if you could get a screenshot and show the people in this channel they may be able to help06:17
wookiehkTerminus_, ok thanks06:17
Guido1aeon-ltd: i'm not sure if i can make a screenshot - it is bevore i enter my password06:18
Terminus_wookiehk: if you placed them in init.d manually, you'll have to run update-rc.d to actually get them working. putting them in init.d isn't enough.06:18
wookiehkTerminus_, true, thanks for the reminder. I think ill write the upstart ones and del the init.d ones06:18
aeon-ltdGuido1: do you remember anything else from the screen?06:18
Guido1aeon-ltd: a bit. at first it sayes it is cheking for errord and a percentage06:19
Guido1aeon-ltd: then it finds an error and stops06:19
aeon-ltdGuido1: what are you trying to achieve with this?06:19
Guido1aeon-ltd: normaly it askes what i want to do - do i want to ignore it or repair it etc. and which key i have to pres06:20
aeon-ltdGuido1: but it gives nothing?06:21
Guido1aeon-ltd: but by this computer not al the tekst is shown up - only the question "what do yoiu want to do?", but not the commants06:21
Mrokiihello. I think the LDM menu is kind of messed up (where it shows me which GUI I want to start). It doesn't show me "Ubuntu" (with Unity) as an option, only "Ubuntu 2D". But if I start that, the launcher-bar on the left appears and compiz seems to be activated. Plus when I click on the Ubuntu-Icon in the launcher bar, nothing happens (no overlay-window opens where I should be able to type something in).06:21
Guido1aeon-ltd: so i don't know which butten i have to pres. i only remember "i" for "ignore", but i want to repair it06:22
darkhalo117Any way I can boot to a live cd and disable DRM drivers?06:22
aeon-ltdGuido1: i have no idea, but if it's not pausing or waiting then it's probably not going to recieve the command (it's worth a shot though)06:23
Guido1but what is the command i have to enter?06:24
murlidharhi all while doing apt-get update i get ppa GPG authentication errors ... how can i fix them ?06:25
Guido1aeon-ltd: but what is the command i have to enter?06:25
Guido1aeon-ltd: witch letter06:26
aeon-ltdGuido1: i don't know, logically i'd guess 'r' for repair06:26
Guido1aeon-ltd: sadly not06:27
linuxfreakerHi Guys..I encountered "Page Fault error" --> rip 710FBF6 Unknown -< crash occured here No Stack Frames Found during installing Ubuntu 11.04 amd64 on UEFI mode06:27
linuxfreakerI got this link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/grub2/+bug/632775 but dont know how shall I download the fix06:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632775 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "grub-install (EFI) is not properly setting the prefix" [High,Fix released]06:28
tarelerulzThe Ubuntu they have made so simple  it makes it hard.  I'm use to menu in a program.  So if you don't get something you looking though the menus and right  click doing something06:28
aeon-ltdGuido1: you could always do fsck just not at the boot of this install06:28
linuxfreakerubottu: How shall I download and try this fix ..seems like its for Maverick06:28
ubottulinuxfreaker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:28
linuxfreakerubottu: ahhh06:29
Guido1aeon-ltd: during the chek a screen like this https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Plymouth?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=plymouth.png is shown up06:29
tarelerulzI have been using teamspeak 3 and been having problems with the sound.   It only works now  when you just speak into the mic.  Push to talk don't work.  I'm running it from a script via sudo . anyone06:29
Guido1aeon-ltd: but benethe with the information what it is doing06:29
SatishHello All, Whenever any wifi AP comes in range, Ubuntu shows a pop-up message for notifying this. How ubuntu knows that, AP is in range ?06:30
nastasGuido1: did you try to press C to skip disk checking?06:30
fidel_Satish: if it wouldnt you could never join a network in the first place or am i wrong? ;)06:30
Guido1nastas: no06:30
Satishfidel_, yes. I am more interested to know, how ubuntu deal with it06:31
tarelerulzThe big gui / layout change is the only bad thing about Ubuntu 12.04.    That its just mean it take more time to get use to things.   sound / mic  just is nice06:32
Guido1i wil try soimething06:32
Satishfidel_, I mean, is there any script/daemon running in background. which comes into life as soon as WIFI AP cames in range06:32
nastasGuido1: is ubuntu allow you to press any other key?06:33
fidel_Satish: not sure - as i am not really using wifi that much. i would assume it is reletated with the network-manager you might use06:34
fidel_but thats just a wild guess06:34
SatishIs there any way to autoconnect to wifi, if there is any [ with pre-defined credentials ] ? If wifi is absent, then system must stick with ethernet or data card06:35
Satishfidel_, network-manager do the trick. But I want the command line option plus logic/flow behind this06:35
fidel_Satish: well my laptop autoconnects to its known wireless networks06:35
fidel_in case you use keyring or similar it will get the credentials from there06:36
MrokiiOkay, I've narrowed my problem down (with the Unity-Desktop). As soon as I start compiz, the launcher-icon (the Ubuntu-Symbol) doesn't open any overlay-window anymore. If compiz isn't running, the overlay window can be seen.06:37
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Guido1it doesn't work06:38
nastasGuido1: is it just freeze?06:40
Satishfidel_, any idea, how to trace these things...06:40
Guido1nastas: no, it does not freeze. it askes for a comment, but it does not show the comments06:41
Guido1nastas: if i pres "I" i can skip it06:42
nastasGuido1: could you switch to a terminal?06:42
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nastasGuido1: so you could run fsck in this terminal06:42
linuxfreakerHi Guys..I encountered "Page Fault error" --> rip 710FBF6 Unknown -< crash occured here No Stack Frames Found during installing Ubuntu 11.04 amd64 on UEFI mode on dell server06:42
Guido1nastas: yes, but the comant lines are not shown compleatly. som parts are cut of - again the part with the comments misses06:43
nastasGuido1: i understand but is this happening in terminal also?06:43
Guido1nastas: i can give it a try, but what do i have toi enter the next time during the start up? what do i have to enter in the terminal?06:44
RealEyesso what the hell?06:46
RealEyesRhythmbox wont play my MP3s?06:46
FelinHey guys, having an issue with Mixxx and midi devices. Mixxx keeps telling me that there are no midi devices connected, but amidi -l shows my Mixtrack just fine.06:46
nastasGuido1: if you press alt+ctrl+f1, you will enter a terminal. try to run fsck there.06:46
FelinAny ideas?06:46
DasEiRealEyes: codecs installed ?06:46
Guido1nastas: what t\do i have to enter to run fsck?06:46
bashvixenRealEyes, is this the first time it's refused?06:46
RealEyesDasEi: fresh install06:47
nastasGuido1: man fsck06:47
RealEyeshow do i install the codecs?06:47
bashvixenapt-get or06:47
bashvixenyour can use softwarecenter06:47
alusion /join #theblackmatrix06:47
ratzhi folks06:47
RealEyesapt-get what06:47
FloodBot1alusion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:47
DasEiRealEyes: (bunch of other stuff, too:) sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras vlc gnome-mplayer , and have partner repos enabled06:48
bashvixenDasEi's or GStreamer extra plugins from the software center06:48
bashvixenEither will get you rolling. :D06:48
RealEyeshow do i enable partner repos?06:48
RealEyesI did install restricted extras already06:48
ratzI doing a migration of Foxpro Application which is dos based, currently working on Win2k, on Win XP client pcs, to Ubuntu. While mounting with SMBmount, the application files execute06:48
RealEyesdo I need VLC and mplayer?06:48
nastasGuido1: wait06:49
Guido1nastas: okee, i tryed, but i don't get acces, because i have no acces and it is mounted (alt+ctrl+f1 does not work resp. it shows a p\black screen without anything)06:49
DasEiRealEyes: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:49
nastasGuido1: give me 5 min06:49
DasEiRealEyes: no, but f.i.  vlc brings it's own codecs06:49
DasEi!repos | RealEyes06:49
ubottuRealEyes: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:49
CruX|hello all06:50
ratzi face a problem with the path. While in windows it executes as app1.exe in linux it gets executed with dosemu as e:\mnt\win\app\app1.exe and generates and error06:50
DasEiRealEyes: in the sources file, remove the '#' in front of that partner lines, save, do an update/grade06:50
CruX|is it safe to rm -rf /var/cache/* ?06:50
ratzcan someone please help me, how do i eleminate the extra path?06:50
RealEyesgot it06:50
RealEyesthanks DasEi06:51
CruX|When I uninstall& purge xaptian, why its cache is not removed ?06:51
TransistoWhat's the best way to make space for 12.04 ?  (by increasing parition size)  I have some problem with gParted06:51
VirtualBlacknessI would really like my laptop volume controls to be attached to alsa. I get an OSD demonstrating their usage, but they do not seem tied to any alsa controls, save that if I mute outputs in alsamixer, my mute indicator changes color. Any help would be appreciated.06:52
RealEyesWhat else do I need to install?06:52
dontknowanyone here using enabled firewall with torrent?06:52
RealEyesI have an AMD 4 core with a 5770 GPU06:53
RealEyesand an SSD06:53
RealEyesanything else I should install?06:53
Transistodontknow : No but I can't see how what can cause a problem, what firewall are you using06:53
bashvixenLots.  Is this your first Ubu run, RealEyes?06:53
FelinHey guys, having an issue with my controller, a standard Mixtrack. I'm running Mixxx 1.10 and the latest BodhiLinux (Ubuntu based). My issue is that while amidi -l shows the Mixtrack Mixxx continues to show No Midi Devices Available in the controller pane. Any ideas?06:54
RealEyesFirst one in a few years, bashvixen06:54
RealEyesI just came from Arch linux.06:54
VirtualBlackness!enter | RealEyes06:54
ubottuRealEyes: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:54
FelinArch <306:54
dontknowTransisto, actually there is no problem, using ufw06:54
bashvixenoooh, I'm an archy mostly too. if you're not a linvirgin I won't prattle on XD06:54
bashvixen<3 Felin.  <3 Arch.  <3 RealEyes.  <3 life.06:55
RealEyesWhy'd bashvixen leave? u_u06:56
DasEiRealEyes: which distr(Version)?06:56
RealEyesAm I on or did I come  from?06:56
dontknowTransisto, but at this adress http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1876124 , in the tutorial op only allows outgoing rule for transmission, not incoming. i don't understand this06:57
totesmuh1oatsRealEyes: you are here now?06:57
totesmuh1oatsso you were serious about your ubuntu usage06:57
RealEyeslol yeah totesmuh1oats06:57
DasEiRealEyes: lsb_release -a06:57
DasEiversion ?06:57
DasEiRealEyes: http://tinyurl.com/ccj5p9k06:58
DasEiRealEyes: your first experience with linux ?06:59
RealEyesBeen on Ubuntu back with 10.10 and been on ArchLinux since then.06:59
RealEyesWell, for a couple years.06:59
DasEiRealEyes: ah, fine then so if basics in terminal are known, you'll soon be fine06:59
RealEyesalready customizing my xchat07:00
RealEyesconky is next07:00
Transistodontkeknow : Dunno, don't replacing OUT by IN do the trick ? sudo ufw allow out 51413/udp07:00
RealEyesbe back in a bit, and thanks for the link DasEi07:00
Transistodontknow : either way your torrent should work without an incoming port. (slower that is)07:01
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FelinJust gonna copy-paste my question every so often if that07:04
albechmy 12.04 LTS system crashes randomly and the system become 100% unresponsive. Even soft resets wont work. I cannot get any debug information since I have to power off/on the system to get back into it.. Anyone else experience this?07:04
DasEialbech: no, but you can (fully updated/graded??) look up dmesg an syslog07:05
murlidhari am getting warning when i am updating the repos... can anyone have a look into it and help me fix it ? http://pastebin.com/kzhTs1P007:05
DarwinSurvivoralbech: when did the problem start occuring?07:05
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nastasGuido1: are you able to boot in recovery mode?07:05
albechDarwinSurvivor,  yesterday after i patched07:05
albechDarwinSurvivor, or the day before07:05
DarwinSurvivoralbech: was it a regular update, or the 11.10=>12.04 upgrade?07:06
owhSalutations. I am looking for help with grep. I can use a file with patterns to search another file like this grep -f pattern.txt mydata.txt, how do I find out which patterns do not exist in mydata.txt?07:06
DasEimurlidhar: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys C2518248EEA1488607:06
albechDarwinSurvivor, it was a clean install right after release.. the update, was just regular updates07:06
DarwinSurvivormurlidhar: please disable all PPA's and try again.07:06
Felins coolHey guys, having an issue with my controller, a standard Mixtrack. I'm running Mixxx 1.10 and the latest BodhiLinux (Ubuntu based). My issue is that while amidi -l shows the Mixtrack Mixxx continues to show No Midi Devices Available in the controller pane.07:07
DarwinSurvivoralbech: ok, can you reboot and at the grub menu chose "memtest"? unstable systems are often caused by a ram stick starting to die and is very easy to test for07:07
ubottudavide: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:07
albechDarwinSurvivor, i am on my 11.10 installation now, which works perfectly.. they are installed on two separate partitions07:07
DasEimurlidhar: did the keyserver had itt ? else either disable that ppa or go to launchpad to find out where that key is stored07:08
DarwinSurvivoralbech: you have both versions installed as dual boot?07:08
albechDarwinSurvivor, i can do that, but as i said my system has been rock solid on 11.10 for a long time07:08
albechDarwinSurvivor, grub dual boot07:08
DarwinSurvivoralbech: can you access the logs of the problematic partition? (/var/logs/)?07:09
albechDarwinSurvivor, sure.. i can mount that partition.. 2 sec07:09
davidelink lista07:09
davideciao sono davide07:09
the-newsmancan any1 tell me why i cannt find the /dev/hda ?07:10
DarwinSurvivordavide: this is a support channel, there are no files to download07:10
DarwinSurvivorthe-newsman: try /dev/sda07:10
DasEi!it | davide07:10
ubottudavide: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:10
albechDarwinSurvivor, dmesg shows nothing unusual before the crash07:10
DJonesdavide: You can't download files here, its support only, if you want to download the Ubuntu operating system, you need to go to www.ubuntu.com and click the download link07:10
DasEimurlidhar: ?07:10
the-newsmanDarwinSurvivor may i /msg u ?07:11
DarwinSurvivorthe-newsman: no, stay in the channel for support.07:11
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:11
DasEialbech: /var/log/syslog   btw. messages ?07:11
DarwinSurvivoralbech: do you know how to use pastebin?07:11
Guido1nastas: i gues so, but i had some problems with it. perhaps not al shown or i didn't know how to use it07:12
the-newsmanwhy i could not find hda in /dev although i am using real ATA drives ?07:12
pungi-mananyone know a good channel for java? I have some doubt in it??07:12
albechDarwinSurvivor, dmesg: http://pastebin.com/wJyVKiwS syslog: http://pastebin.com/4kY2yrm307:13
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:13
FelinWell, suppose I'll go grab some sleep and ask again tomorrow07:13
DasEithe-newsman: sda rather07:13
DasEithe-newsman: hdX=IDE  sdX=sata07:14
the-newsmanDasEi sda is spefi for ssi drives which i do not have. why did ubuntu see my drivers as scsi ?07:14
BrianNieI installed ubuntu 12.04. I can not use 3D interface, just can use 2D interface. Anyone can tell me why?07:14
the-newsmanDasEi do u mean my drivers r sata and not scsi ?07:15
DarwinSurvivorthe-newsman: almost every linux distro uses sdX for ata/sata drives07:15
DasEithe-newsman: prbly wrong bios setting if sata seen as scsi07:15
the-newsmanthanx guys07:15
DasEithe-newsman: what does sudo fdisk -l   tell about devicenames ?07:16
the-newsmanactually i am runnign ubuntu on VM07:16
DasEisdX ? all fine, sata , the-newsman07:16
DarwinSurvivorthe-newsman: how can you have "real ata" in a vm?!?07:16
DarwinSurvivoralbech: are those dmesg.log and syslog from the /var/log partitions?07:17
the-newsmanDarwinSurvivor i did not choose the type of the drives in VM07:17
the-newsmanit was automatially selected07:17
albechDarwinSurvivor, correct.. the syslog is only the last bit of it.. was too big for pastebin07:17
linuxuz3rwhats up man07:17
DarwinSurvivorthe-newsman: you stated (and I quote): i am using real ATA drives07:17
DasEialbech: do you run from live or the issued system ?07:18
DarwinSurvivoralbech: ok07:18
BrianNieDoes anybody faced 3D login problem? I need help.thanks07:18
DarwinSurvivor!details | BrianNie07:18
ubottuBrianNie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:18
albechDasEi, i run from my stable 11.10 system partition07:18
the-newsmanDarwinSurvivor that what i belived in. my drive is ata. 1 terra bytes. the host is win 7 and the guest is ubuntu07:18
albechDasEi, the issued system crashes too often to troubleshoot from07:19
DarwinSurvivoralbech: are both the 11.10 and 12.04 installations the same architecture?07:19
DasEialbech: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/syslog07:19
albechDarwinSurvivor, yes07:19
DarwinSurvivoralbech: 64 or 32?07:19
DasEishall give url for here, albech07:19
DasEiah, I see, so got you wrong, albech07:19
TransistoRepeat : What's the best way to increase parition size ?  I have some problem with gParted07:19
albechDasEi, cant do that from this system07:19
TransistoWhat's the best way to increase parition size ?  I have some problem with gParted07:20
DarwinSurvivorthe-newsman: then only windows would see the ata drives, ubuntu has no CLUE what actual hardware you are using, it only sees what the vm "emulates"07:20
albechDarwinSurvivor, 64bit07:20
linuxuz3rcan gparted increase partition size07:20
DasEiTransisto: was the drive unmounted (live-system?) else gparted can't work07:20
Jordan_Ulinuxuz3r: 1: Why are you trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 rather than 12.04? 2: Why are you trying to install as UEFI rather than using your firmware's BIOS implementation?07:20
DasEiTransisto: and don't forget to alter fstab accordingly07:20
BrianNieI used ubuntu 12.04. If I login use 3D, then there is nothing appears except the background. And if I use 2D login, I can access the desktop. My computer is dell inspiron 152607:21
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)07:21
TransistoThank you DasEi, I'll have to do it from elsewhere (CD)07:21
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:21
albechone interesting observation when the system do crash is that capslock and scroll lock starts blinking on the keyboard07:21
DarwinSurvivoralbech: you can "pastebinit /media/other_drive/var/log/..."07:21
Jordan_Ualbech: That signifies a kernel panic.07:21
DarwinSurvivoralbech: if the caps-lock key is blinking that is a kernel crash!07:21
albechDarwinSurvivor, shouldnt there be something in the kern log then?07:22
DarwinSurvivoralbech: did you use a usb or cd for the install?07:22
DasEialbech: right, mount the issued partition, then pastebinit that log(s)07:22
albechDarwinSurvivor, CD07:22
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DasEiTransisto: I use usb-installs mostly for such07:22
DarwinSurvivoralbech: can you boot off the cd and run the "check disk for errors" option. feel free to use another computer if you have one07:22
DasEiTransisto: or right away gparted live cd07:23
DasEi.. on usb07:23
DarwinSurvivoralbech: the *may* be something in the kernel log, but only if the kernel was able to write one before boing belly-up07:23
TransistoDasEi : Fstab, that is, even if the partition stay at the same order ?07:23
DasEiTransisto: yes, if you  resize, uuid's change, see above given links07:24
linuxuz3rBrianNie, there might be something wrong with your gnome configuration files07:24
ptmanhi! I'm having problems with nvidia drivers on lucid07:24
linuxuz3rwhat desktop manager are you using?07:24
DasEi!fstab > Transisto07:24
ubottuTransisto, please see my private message07:24
albechDarwinSurvivor, syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/977422/07:24
DasEi!blkid > Transisto07:24
ptmanit's a newer card, so I had to install nvidia-current from ubuntu-swat-x ppa07:24
albechDarwinSurvivor, dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/977423/07:24
linuxuz3rBrianNie, are you using gnome or kde or something else07:25
ptmanbut nouveau is loading even though it is blacklisted, and so the nvidia binary driver doesn't end up in use07:25
albechDarwinSurvivor, kern.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/977424/07:25
BrianNieI use gnome07:25
linuxuz3rBrianNie, what do you mean by 3d?07:26
linuxuz3rand what happens when you login?07:26
DarwinSurvivoralbech: I'm seeing 3 errors relating to sda2 in that syslog07:26
albechDarwinSurvivor, will have to reboot this machine to test the cd on.. only 64bit arch machine i have here07:26
BrianNieWhen I login , there is the interface selection: 2d or 3d.07:26
snapdataI'm running Ubuntu 12.04. On Windows my dedicated sound card (Xonar DX) had the "Wave out" and "Stereo mix" options that allow you to broadcast the audio being process by your sound card (ie. what comes out of your speakers) as a microphone output. I've been googling for a while and all I've figured out is how to record it with Audacity, which isn't really what I need. Does anyone have any tips/ideas?07:27
DarwinSurvivoralbech: you don't need a 64 bit machine to run the check I don't think07:27
linuxuz3rand you use gnome07:27
snapdataI'd greatly appreciate any input. Thank you.07:27
BrianNieif i chose 3d, then nothing can appear07:27
DarwinSurvivoralbech: can you run "sudo fsck /dev/sda2"? You'll need to unmount it first07:27
BrianNieI can just use 2d, then I can access the desktop07:27
linuxuz3rBrianNie, try this create a new user when you log in 2d then log on to 3d with the new user account07:28
the-newsmanDarwinSurvivor how to know the storage names ?07:28
BrianNieok. let me try07:28
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albechDarwinSurvivor, /dev/sda2: clean, 262481/3662848 files, 1646227/14649271 blocks07:28
DarwinSurvivorthe-newsman: how do *I* know them, or how can *you* find them?07:29
DarwinSurvivoralbech: hmm, ok07:29
the-newsmani do not think there is differene between knowing and finding. however lets say find them07:29
albechDarwinSurvivor, i see those ext4 orphans errors in the syslog.07:30
DarwinSurvivorthe-newsman: usually the easiest way to list all connected hard-drives is "ls /dev/hd* /dev/sd*"07:30
DasEithe-newsman: see above, sudo fdisk -l07:30
the-newsmanDasEi it worked fine. it showed i am using sd*07:31
DarwinSurvivoralbech: how old is the hdd?07:31
the-newsmanbut i dunno if there is other drives.07:31
DasEithe-newsman: so can draw back troops again ;)07:31
albechDarwinSurvivor, hmm im not really sure.. id guess 2-3 years07:32
DasEithe-newsman: vbox ?07:32
DarwinSurvivoralbech: ok07:32
albechDarwinSurvivor, they in a raid007:32
DasEithe-newsman: either way, by default one cd and one hd, floppy sometimes, but you set that in the -not running- vm07:33
DarwinSurvivoralbech: wait, you have a raid?!?07:33
albechDarwinSurvivor, yes, there is a raid0 configured in the bios07:33
DarwinSurvivoralbech: future reference: having a raid array is an *important* thing to mention!07:33
albechDarwinSurvivor, sorrr07:33
albechDarwinSurvivor, sorry07:33
DasEithe-newsman: install gnome-device-manager for a non-tech-gui or install hwinfo and run as root to get grey hairs :)07:34
the-newsmanDasEi can i redue the parition size without losing the installed file ?07:34
DarwinSurvivoralbech: ok, so is sda2 a real partition, or the raided combination of 2 other partitions/hdds?07:34
DasEithe-newsman: I don't understand .. you want to decrease the virtual hd ?07:34
albechDarwinSurvivor, every second installation of ubuntu have been running on that partition with no problems.. i always have a production system running and then the next one in line..07:34
the-newsmani want to split the allocated harddisk size which is 20 g to 15 and 5 drives07:35
=== totesmuh1oats is now known as totesmuhgoats
albechDarwinSurvivor, its a raid0 partition so its running on one partition.07:35
DarwinSurvivorplease create a pastebin with a list of each drive's partitions and which ones are paired up which ones in the raid07:35
albechDarwinSurvivor, its not a software raid within ubuntu..07:36
DarwinSurvivoralbech: you do know that if either drive in a raid0 dies, you lose EVERYTHING right?07:36
albechDarwinSurvivor, sorry.. its a raid107:36
DasEithe-newsman: df -h in your vm shows you usage of current virtual hd, if that is enough, close machine and use the tools provided by vmware (read their faq's, seek for support there), yes for sure possible07:36
DarwinSurvivoralbech: ok, so you have 2 hdd's raided in raid0 at the bios level that appear as only sda to ubuntu. that raided virtual drive is then split into multiple partitions. is that correct?07:37
albechDarwinSurvivor, replicated data on 2 disks07:37
albechDarwinSurvivor, correct07:37
cocolosis there a way of setting the watchdog timer to a longer delay?07:37
albechDarwinSurvivor, except its raid1 and not raid007:37
DarwinSurvivoralbech: ok07:37
albechDarwinSurvivor, confused the two07:37
DasEithe-newsman: if it's (and from your questions I assume so) it's a fresh install, reinstall might be less of hassle07:38
DarwinSurvivoralbech: does your bios support smart-checking each drive individually? If one is starting to fail and the bios isn't handling it properly, it could be causing problems if those sectors happen to be where the other ubuntu installation is07:38
albechDarwinSurvivor, im bot sure if it supports that07:38
albechDarwinSurvivor, i can check07:38
the-newsmanDasEi but i think dividing the harddisk as 2 partitions is something inside the linux itself and not related to the vmware. yes ?07:39
DarwinSurvivoralbech: that would be a good idea. since you are using hardware-raid, there is no way for ubuntu to check the stability of the drives unless it supports the hardware raid's error-report interface07:39
alkisgHi, grub in 12.04 won't work for me (it worked in 10.04), is there another boot loader I could use?07:40
appi_uppido i have separate ubuntu 12.04 iso image for amd athlon64?07:41
appi_uppido i get*07:41
appi_uppialkisg: did you choose grub option while installing07:41
linuxuz3ri guess it worked07:41
mobius420argh... I am unable to view my website while I am on my home network07:42
mobius420my webserver and workstation are on the same LAN07:42
alkisgappi_uppi: it has problems reading my hard drive, it's not an installation problem, maybe something with my hardware or with my partitions07:42
appi_uppialkisg: i see07:42
alkisgappi_uppi: I can netboot the client with the same parameters that grub uses locally07:42
mobius420I edited my hosts file to bind the webserver to it's LAN ip07:42
alkisgIs LILO still in a working state?07:43
mobius420now I can see my website's front page but if I try to view the forums it appears all broken or will not load at all07:43
the-newsmanDasEi but i think dividing the harddisk as 2 partitions is something inside the linux itself and not related to the vmware. yes ?07:43
DasEithe-newsman: lil more complicated, first need a live(virtualized) system to acces the virtual hd, then afterwards use vmw  to do the actual splitting, see my tip above07:45
BrianNieHi, I tried add a new user. But the problem is same.07:45
DasEi1) partitoning/resizing  2) splitting07:45
DasEithe-newsman: if it's (and from your questions I assume so) it's a fresh install, reinstall might be less of hassle07:46
the-newsmanDasEi yes fresh installation however i am doing that to just pratice. it seems i asked hard mission not for a beginner07:46
BrianNiewhen I login , there are 4 choices: Recovery Console,Ubuntu,Ubuntu 2D and user defined session. I can just use Ubuntu 2D session.07:47
ajfI am on 12.0407:47
DasEithe-newsman: it's fine and I'm getting tired, well much of it you can find on the FAQ of the apps you use07:47
ajfBut my notifications area(?) at top-right of screen doesn't show app icons07:47
ajfNo Skype icon for instance07:47
BrianNieIf I choose Ubuntu, then nothing can appear07:47
ajfjust messaging, wifi, sound, clock, user, power07:48
ajfaccording to my friend this is not normal07:48
jamshootHello. How to move any window from 1 desktop to an other?07:49
BrianNieMy computer is dell inspiron 1526 and OS is 12.0407:49
linuxuz3ri dont think you can jamshoot07:49
linuxuz3rjamshoot, tell me if you find a way how to move a window tio another desktop07:50
DJonesjamshoot: If you mean an open application windows, can you not just right click on it  and select move to window right/left etc07:50
abe_how to use ubuntu repository DVD 12:0407:50
abe_please help me07:51
elkngchannels are dead today07:51
DasEijamshoot: I can tell only for classic, can directly drag from the switcher, may try to install it in unity ?07:51
DarwinSurvivorjamshoot: you should be able to just click the "show all desktops" button in the launcher, then drag-drop the window around to a new desktop07:51
DasEielkng: I am soon, channel was fine07:51
DarwinSurvivorabe_: you maen the alternate iso?07:52
PlayXhi. is it possible to record from 2 sources (linein and mic) simultanesly wit pulseaudio?07:52
breaker313Issue: one userprofile works with numpad, another one not on an acer laptop07:53
jamshoot<DarwinSurvivor> yup, thx...07:53
DasEiabe_: need a d/l link ?07:53
breaker313Is there a profile file which can be copied from the working profile to the other one to get the numpad running?07:53
abe_alternate but not dvd repository of 11 pieces07:53
DasEiabe_: second, looking up07:53
DarwinSurvivorbreaker313: stupid question: did you try hitting num-lock?07:54
abe_DasEi yes i nedd07:54
DasEiabe_: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/12.04/release/07:55
alusionHow can I get a text copy of all the files in a certain directory?07:55
DasEiabe_: whatever you need ..07:55
breaker313DarwinSurvivor: yes, I did ...07:55
ksolIs anyone italian here? Please message me i need help translating07:55
DarwinSurvivoralusion: "ls path_to_directory" or just "ls" if you're already in that directory07:56
DasEialusion: you want to duplicate them to another dir ?07:56
DasEi!it | ksol07:56
ubottuksol: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:56
jamshootHave one more question... Some times windows are feezes (usually it is windows apps opened by wine). In old versions of ubuntu moving that apps to some other desktops unfreezes it... However, it doest now07:56
alusionYes I am backing up files and I realize I can't backup everything so I atleast want a text file or some kind of copy of my files07:56
alusionwithout the data07:56
DasEialusion: please put nick in replies, very simple :07:57
jamshootSomebody know how to unfreeze in 12.04 with gnome3?07:57
abe_DasEi,,, i need how to use dvd repository ubuntu 12.0407:57
DasEi!aptoncd | abe_07:58
ubottuabe_: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline07:58
DarwinSurvivoralusion: oh, so you want a list of all files (including sub-folders)?07:58
DasEialusion: so just the filenames ?07:58
DarwinSurvivoralusion: "sudo apt-get install tree" then "tree the_directory_name > list_of_files.txt"07:58
alusionDasEi,  pretty much or a screenshot(s)07:59
DasEialusion: see darwin or press print key if you (??) like a png better07:59
abe_DasEi,,, i have 11 pcs dvd07:59
DarwinSurvivorDasEi: chanses are the list will not fit on the screen at once, making a printsceen kind of pointless08:00
userhow does this work?08:00
DarwinSurvivoruser: how does *what* work?08:00
DasEiDarwinSurvivor: oh really ;)08:00
alusionThank you I am going to boot in Ubuntu now and try it out. ^_^08:00
=== manny is now known as Guest59088
Guest59088well i guess i didn't identify myself in time08:01
Guest59088i have sort of a problem08:01
Guest59088i hope someone can help me wit hit08:02
DarwinSurvivoralusion: if you would like to talk to us while running ubuntu, you can use empathy or xchat to join the irc channel08:02
Guest59088with it*08:02
DarwinSurvivor!pm | abe08:03
ubottuabe: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:03
omeIs there a preloaded tool in ubuntu like 'ntsysv' in CentOS.08:03
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DarwinSurvivorabe_: just ask your question here08:04
omentsysv:  simple interface for configuring runlevels08:04
Guest59088I'm going to give sort of a background story to lead to what I need help with for hopefully a better understanding of my current situation08:04
alvesjnrhi all. What is the name of the font used on the ubuntu terminal?08:05
omealvesjnr: depends on your dekstop envoriment and theme and also you terminal emulator.08:05
mobius420does anyone know how to enable NAT loopback on a q1000z  ADSL router?08:06
mobius420or even know if it is possible to do so?08:06
BrianNieHi, does anybody resolved this problem: login interface, there are 4 choices: Recovery Console,Ubuntu,Ubuntu 2D, and User Defined Session. If I choose Ubuntu or User Defined Session, then there is nothing appear except the background.If I choose Ubuntu 2D, then the desktop and menu appear and I can work there.08:06
alvesjnrome: I just installed and didn't changed any configuration.08:06
sirriffsalotBrianNie: if you get into ubuntu run a terminal and try to run the command "unity --reset" see if anything appears:)08:06
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alvesjnrome: So, I'm using unity08:06
manny_msg nickserv register <dragon> <blaze3961@yahoo.com>08:07
sirriffsalotBrianNie: you can start a terminal by pressing Control + Alt + T08:07
manny_that didnt work08:07
DarwinSurvivormanny_: put a / at the beginning08:07
omealvesjnr: go to edit->preference and you can see it.08:08
SuSEnoor you can press CTRL + ALT + F1 ~ F6 before login screens appear08:08
manny_how do I change my nick?08:08
SuSEnotrpe: /nick <new nickname>08:08
SuSEnotype: /nick <new nickname>08:08
=== manny_ is now known as manny550
HowDoIHi, my brand new Ubuntu install has frequent hard lockups with Ivy Bridge Intel i5-3570 using the built-in HD4000 graphics. I can't find any information on this issue...08:09
DarwinSurvivor!irc | manny55008:09
ubottumanny550: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:09
sirriffsalotHowDoI: are you pressing alt+tab when it happens?08:09
HowDoINo, I'm just viewing webpages or a music app when it happens.  Even active SSH connections time out when the crash occurs08:10
sirriffsalotHowDoI: well, 12.04 is a pretty recent release, so. I suggest you run everything in terminals and check if any error messages pop up, try to pay attention to what you do just before it happens08:10
omeDoes ubuntu come with a preinstalled alternative to sysv-rc-conf or sysvconfig ?08:11
sirriffsalotHowDoI: if it turns out to be seemingly random, contact someone through a bug report for in-depth investigation08:11
sirriffsalotHowDoI: or ubuntuforums :)08:11
manny550so now that I'm official I can ask my question lol08:11
HowDoIsirriffsalot, it almost always happens when, for example, viewing spinning Internet space ships at this site:  http://www.eveonline.com/universe/spaceships/08:11
DarwinSurvivorHowDoI: I'd also *highly* recommend running the "check this disk for defects" option when booting from the cd or usb you used to install. that will tell you if your install media was corrupted08:11
sirriffsalotHowDoI: are you sure your hardware is meant to handle it?:D08:12
sirriffsalotHowDoI: yeah, should have mentioned that too lol. If it isn't a problem, do a reinstall with a new install usb/CD08:12
sirriffsalotHowDoI: as for the spaceships, my sucky computer with nvidia running on a livecd handles it fine08:13
HowDoIsirriffsalot, This same problem happened with fresh install from USB stick and with upgrade from 10.04 via system-update08:13
sirriffsalotHowDoI: is there any sincere need for "the latest"?;)08:14
manny550So uh my friend caught something fierce in his Windows laptop and it won't startup so I figured of installing Ubuntu onto my External Hard drive to mount his hard disk and extract his files that he needs however Ubuntu did not install onto my External Hard Drive correctly even through correct methods so now I need to delete the stuff that Ubuntu created on my External so I can return it back to normal but in order to do that I need to log08:14
manny550in as the Root User, can anyone help me with this?08:14
ikoniamanny550: you don't need to login as the root user08:14
manny550ikonia: how do I get around this?08:15
DarwinSurvivormanny550: why not just use the live-cd to perform the recovery and dump everything ONTO the external harddrive?08:15
HowDoIsirriffsalot, "the latest" is the hardware I own.  The only other option is an Nvidia 8400GS, which has a completely different set of bugs08:15
sirriffsalotHowDoI: if not, install one ubuntu with something you know will work, and another with the 12.04 that is causing trouble, and while you run freely on your 11.10 or whatever it is before 12.04, you can in a relaxed manner figure out what's up with 12.04:P08:15
ikoniamanny550: what is your end goal? what do you want to do ?08:15
sirriffsalotHowDoI: I meant software-wise:)08:15
sirriffsalotHowDoI: If there is no real need for 12.04 I suggest the above, makes things so much easier when you have in-depth-no-crash-please work to do08:16
manny550ikonia: my end goal to one return my External back to normal and two Get the things out of my friends laptop that he needs but first his laptop doesn't run recovery that's why I went to this drastic measure. I don't know what he did but he caught something fierce of a virus08:16
ikoniamanny550: ok, so do you want help recovering his files ?08:17
sirriffsalotHowDoI: however, if you've never had dual-boot options done in the past, that could present other problems. If so, just go with a 11.10 until some time has passed for the most important 12.04 updates have arrived08:17
manny550ikonia: I want help with that and returning my external hard drive back to normal08:17
HowDoIsirriffsalot, The only other acceptable option to is to go back to 10.04, which now doesn't boot after installing 12.04 to another drive08:17
ikoniamanny550: back to normal ? what's not normal about it ?08:17
sirriffsalotHowDoI: have you never partitioned a hard disk before?:)08:17
DarwinSurvivormanny550: the install cd is also a live-cd that is VERY useful for recovering data. just boot your friends computer with the live-cd, then plug in the external HDD and copy his files over08:18
HowDoIsirriffsalot, I've partitioned disks before.  I installed 12.04 on a brand new SSD which I've tested for errors.  The old HDD with Lucid on it no longer boots08:18
mobius420does anyone know how to enable NAT loopback on a q1000z  ADSL router?08:18
mobius420I am starting to think it is not even possibler08:18
sirriffsalotHowDoI: do some reinstalls and get one functional and one "unsure" install going, is the bottom line here I think while you wait for some of the core updates08:19
manny550ikonia: give me a second to test something08:19
HowDoIsirriffsalot, I'd much rather get 12.04 working on my current hardware, but it crashes so hard that I can't get any error messages from it to report bugs08:19
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ikoniamobius420: contact the hardware vendor, it' snot an ubuntu issue08:19
ikoniamanny550: sure, no rush08:19
drake01I have same libraries installed in /usr/local/lib as well as /usr/lib directories. How do I ensure that /usr/local/lib gets preference when I use the library in some program's source.08:20
mobius420so yeah, if anyone knows if that is possible,  def send me a PM please08:20
mobius420got a bit coin I can drop for the fix08:20
DarwinSurvivormobius420: this is an ubuntu sopport channel, unless your adsl router is running ubuntu, you will need to contact whoever made your hardware/firmware08:20
PooSkinYou can download Chimpout Radio's 70th episode here! http://www.chimpout.com/forum/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fchimpoutradio.com%2Fuploader%2Fuser_uploads%2FDJStoopnig933c%2Fadafd1_co70.mp308:20
mobius420was that *support08:21
mobius420but yeahhhhh08:21
Betrugi need a timestamp08:21
HowDoIsirriffsalot, I know that's what I'll have to do, but I can't find any bug reports related to this issue, so I have no idea if these bugs will ever get fixed08:21
Betrugthis shit's08:21
DarwinSurvivor!ot | mobius42008:21
ubottumobius420: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:21
mobius420so if anyone knows if it's possible to enable NAT loopback on a q1000z router,  which btw does actually run ubuntu as it were08:21
mobius420let me know08:21
wiseguysonlyI'm looking for a good command line FTP client that has the following features: synchronised browsing, bookmarking.08:21
reelsHi, I have a bridge device, br0, that contains eth0, vlan2 (vlan on eth1). After the bridge is shutdown and deleted, I need to remove and create vlan2. Once that is done, the bridge device is automatically created ! How can this auto-creating of br0 be prevented ?08:21
ikoniaBetrug: tone down the language please.08:21
manny550ikonia: ok so heres the part where I explain my stupidity cause you're right and I could have used the boot cd as a live cd but that didn't occur to me until after I messed up my external. I tried installing the Ubuntu OS onto my external so now I need to be the root user to do anything to my external08:22
DarwinSurvivor!polls | wiseguysonly08:22
ubottuwiseguysonly: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:22
ikoniamanny550: ok, 1.) don't worry about the mistake, evernyone makes them08:22
ikoniamanny550: 2.) you don't need root to fix things, tell me what you want to do and I'll help you put it back08:22
wiseguysonlyDarwinSurvivor: did it look like a poll, I specified features08:22
DarwinSurvivormanny550: is there anything other than the botched ubuntu install currently on the external drive?08:23
DarwinSurvivorwiseguysonly: this is a support channel for fixing problems, if you would like software recommendations, please use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel08:23
BrianNieWell, I tried unity --reset. The problem is same. There is nothing appear except the background. No desktop and menu appear. And I use Ctrl+Alt+F1 change to console, login as another user. and I used Ctrl+Alt+F7 to switch back, I saw a error:unity.glib-gobject<unknown>:0 g_object_unref: asserti on 'G_IS_OBJECT(object) failed.08:24
wiseguysonlyDarwinSurvivor:  ok will do - thanks08:24
manny550ikonia: my movies and anime but I backed that up somewhere else so I'm not worried about that plus I think it got erased when I tried installing Ubuntu on it08:24
manny550ikonia: so far the only thing the External has is the botched Ubuntu OS08:24
BrianNieAnd there is still nothing I can do08:24
snapdataI'm running Ubuntu 12.04. On Windows my dedicated sound card (Xonar DX) had the "Wave out" and "Stereo mix" options that allow you to broadcast the audio being process by your sound card (ie. what comes out of your speakers) as a microphone output. I've been googling for a while and all I've figured out is how to record it with Audacity, which isn't really what I need. Does anyone have any tips/ideas?08:24
SuSEnofolks, I installed both Java 6 and Java 7. And I make Java 7 as default. But whenever I checked my Java plugin on http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=1 it says Java 6. My questions is how to make Java 7 works on firefox?08:24
DarwinSurvivormanny550: are they on a separate partition?08:24
ikoniamanny550: ok, that's fair enough, so what do you want to do ?08:25
DarwinSurvivorBrianNie: what video card do you have? if ubuntu-2d works, but not ubuntu, chances are it's a video driver problem08:25
sirriffsalotHowDoI: they will get fixed as some point, they are working on it now I bet:)08:25
PlayXanyone an ideo how i can record from line-in and mic on the same time with pulse?08:25
sirriffsalotPlayX: what are you using to record with?08:26
manny550ikonia: I want to be able to use it as before put stuff in and out as I please but I can't currently I have no power in it. And since it no longer has NTFS it doesn't work in Windows08:26
ikoniamanny550: what OS do you want to be able to use it with ?08:26
sirriffsalotPlayX: oh, I didn't know that was possible, haha:) can't help you there08:26
DarwinSurvivorPlayX: what software are you using to record with?08:26
ikoniamanny550: I'm assuming Windows ?08:26
manny550ikonia: well both Ubuntu and Windows08:26
PlayXDarwinSurvivor, ffmpeg08:27
manny550ikonia: I should say both linux and Windows08:27
BrianNiemy computer is Dell inspiron 1526.08:27
ikoniamanny550: ok, easy solution, boot into windows, use the partition tool to delete the partition, put a new partition with NTFS on it, and job done08:27
SuSEnodoes IcedTea Plugin 1.2 only works for Java 6 ?08:27
DarwinSurvivorPlayX: sorry, I'm not familiar with ffmpeg, but there may be an option to simply have ffmpeg grab both inputs and do the mixing itself (instead of getting pulse to do it)08:27
DarwinSurvivor!java | SuSEno08:28
ubottuSuSEno: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.08:28
SuSEnoalready installed that08:28
PlayXis there a way to create an virtual device in pulse that takes linein and mic togehther?08:28
manny550ikonia: wow you are a genius08:28
ikoniamanny550: just approach things simpley,08:28
SuSEnoI installed both Java 6 and Java 708:28
SuSEnoand set Java 7 as default.08:28
manny550ikonia: I do over think things -___- I owe you a beer or something but before I get too hyped I'm going to see how this plays out08:29
SuSEnomy Java worked by the way ;-)08:29
alankilaSuSEno: just uninstall the jdk6 browser plugin package08:29
BrianNieHow can I know the Graphics card model?08:29
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sirriffsalotPlayX: in my experience, recording with pulseaudio makes things more complicated than need be.. very controversial subject! Anyway, consider trying JACK which is a great router like pulse, but more for recording than pulse08:29
alankilaSuSEno: I imagine it's called icedtea6-plugin, install icedtea-7-plugin instead08:29
lindsayI have an hp pavillion dv4-1428dx with no mic support in Ubuntu 12.04. Can anyone help me?08:30
SuSEnodo I need to uninstall 'icedtea-plugin' ?08:30
ajflindsay: Do you have sound?08:30
lindsayajf, Yeah I have sound and everything else works great08:31
PlayXmaybe i buy a 4 port hardware mixer. then plug it in line in and it is good ;-) then i can record all i want08:31
ajfgo into audio settings08:31
lindsayajf, ok08:32
ajflike, click the speaker icon then sound settings08:32
ajfyou might have several sound inputs, might need to boost mic volume08:32
ajfsome mics are very weak08:32
manny550ikonia: so in the meantime I'm actually repairing my power jack in my gateway laptop just waiting on my soldering supplies.08:32
lindsayajf, well it lists the mic in there08:32
ajfclick on it08:32
PlayXor i buy a third sound card08:32
ajftry boosting the volume08:33
ajfmake sure it's the default mix08:33
FloodBot1ajf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:33
HowDoIsirriffsalot, Nice optimism, but I've seen Bryce Harrington's responses to past bugs about Intel graphics.  Most of the bugs that affected me in past releases never got fixed.  I had to buy a separate video card to have a stable system, and now the drivers for that in 12.04 are also causing problems.08:33
lindsayajf, well it's selected, not sure if it's the default. but the little bar doesn't move when I speak08:34
sirriffsalotHowDoI: hmm, if you do consider yourself this unlucky, and insist on using ubuntu, it would be sensible to pay attention to what video cards and other hardware ubuntu easily works with and get a hold  of some of that;)08:34
PlayXhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7IKuaT1jpU test record. line out of soundcatrd1 in line-in of soundcard208:34
HowDoIsirriffsalot, I tried to find Ubuntu-friendly hardware when putting together a new system, but https://friendly.ubuntu.com/ only appears to have information about expensive pre-built systems08:35
linuxfreakerUEFI + Ubuntu 11.04 + Dell Poweredge =  Page Fault error08:35
linuxfreakerTried this http://www.linuxfloat.org/content/cannot-install-through-uefi but no fix08:35
sirriffsalotHowDoI: why are you so obsessed with awesome equipment anyway? You're the first I've met that makes life much harder by getting advanced gear08:35
HowDoIsirriffsalot, All the reviews about Ivy Bridge on Linux and Ubuntu said it worked flawlessly08:36
sirriffsalotHowDoI: right?08:36
manny550ikonia: oh also I'm having trouble with my flash in Ubuntu it doesn't play like 90% of the videos on youtube I don't know what's up with it08:36
ikoniamanny550: how did you install it ?08:37
manny550ikonia: software center08:37
ikoniamanny550: should be fine (or as good as it could be) from that source08:37
manny550ikonia: ah08:37
ikoniamanny550: being honest, there are a lot of problems with flash on linux, it's a hard pill to swallow08:38
robertzaccourin windows sound recording quality is perfect, but is horribly staticy in ubuntu. Is there an easy fix?08:38
manny550ikonia: oh, and it probably doesn't help that every bit of hardware on my desktop that's running Ubuntu is from 0408:38
HowDoIsirriffsalot, I needed new hardware and the newest processors had just come out.  I don't even use a discrete $25 graphics card if I can help it.  I hardly call that "advanced gear".  I just want to see where or IF the bugs I'm having have been reported, or if I should RMA my new components08:39
ikoniamanny550: really doesn't matter08:39
sirriffsalotHowDoI: well if google makes you none-the-wiser you're pretty stuck my friend. Or dig deeper. Since no one has struck a chord with your problem I suppose no one here has experienced it either:/08:39
sirriffsalotHowDoI: be the first to put it out there? ubuntuforums.org :)08:40
BrianNieHow can I know the video card model? My computer is Dell inspiron 152608:40
lindsayajf, yeah this is strange. Mic is there, turned up but still nothing.08:40
HowDoIsirriffsalot, Ok, then my question shifts to a more general one:  How do I report a bug in a situation where I can't run any commands or gather any data about the crash when it happens?08:40
it-bitsanyone having crashing problem with ff12?08:41
manny550ikonia: I recently just started using Linux so all this stuff is new to me but I like it. I'm enjoying learning about it,08:42
ikoniamanny550: good luck08:42
manny550ikonia: thanks, my XP CD acted up so I have to start all over again to get to the Partition menu -_-08:43
matt\BrianNie: try 'lspci -v |less' and you should be able to see VGA compatible drivers in this info.08:43
matt\i can't scroll in my "pork" terminal ;/08:44
ajflindsay: can't help you much I'm afraid :(08:45
DarwinSurvivor!pm | BrianNie08:45
ubottuBrianNie: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:45
lindsayajf, Ok thanks anyway08:45
lindsaycan anyone else help me get my mic working?08:46
DarwinSurvivorBrianNie: please pastebin the output of "lspci"08:46
DarwinSurvivor!pastebin | BrianNie08:46
ubottuBrianNie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:46
vidbHello, how can I open a file with the .MID extension please ?08:46
BrianNieATI RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]08:46
cromaglindsay: i believe i made a post for that on the forums once - hang on08:46
apavlov_Hey folks. I've installed the weather indicator in 12.04 but it does not appear in the Unity panel. Any ideas?08:46
lindsaycromag, ok thanks08:46
DarwinSurvivor!ati | BrianNie08:46
ubottuBrianNie: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:46
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BadCodSmellIs there a standard TUI application provided by ubuntu to configure iptables from bash?08:46
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DarwinSurvivorBrianNie: please follow the instructions at that link to install the drivers, then tell us if the problem persists (You will need to log out and back in after installing them)08:47
HowDoIapavlov_, search for "weather indicator" in the dash, then run it.  It will appear in the indicator panel after you run it the first time08:47
cromaglindsay: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1625359 - it's the closest i get08:47
lindsaycromag, thanks08:47
SuSEnothanks folks, I manage to set my default plugin using08:47
SuSEnoupdate-alternatives --config mozilla-javaplugin.so08:47
it-bitsapavlov_, you can add that to  panel too!08:47
robertzaccourin windows sound recording quality is perfect, but is horribly staticy in ubuntu. Is there an easy fix?08:48
apavlov_HowDoI: thanks, it works! it-bits: how do I add it manually?08:48
BrianNiethanks all. I will try and tell you08:48
vidbanyone know how to open a file with the .MID extension please ?08:48
DarwinSurvivorrobertzaccour: please open the sound mixer in ubuntu and try enabling/disabling different inputs. chances are one of them is being noisy (internal mics are notorious for background noise)08:48
cromaglindsay: it might be hardware specific, but give it a try :)08:49
DarwinSurvivor!midi | vidb08:49
ubottuvidb: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo08:49
vidbDarwinSurvivor, its a .mid image not a .midi file08:49
vidbah sorry its a .MDI , not .MID08:50
apokalepsysЭтой русккий канал?08:51
matt\is there a problem with VPN solution in ubuntu 12.04?08:51
Blarrffllvidb : That's a MS Document Imaging file08:51
manny550ikonia: how big should I make the NTSF partition?08:51
DarwinSurvivorvidb: oh, hold on08:51
vidbBlarrffll, is there any way to open it in ubuntu ?08:51
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DJones!ru | apokalepsys08:52
ubottuapokalepsys: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:52
matt\apprently: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1654623.html08:53
matt\very strange that this hasn't been fixed in a LTS release.08:53
Blarrffllvidb : hmm...I'm not sure - I know you can open it in MS Office and save it as a TIF/JPG08:53
DarwinSurvivorvidb: how old is it? I don't think mdi's have been used since 2008...08:53
DarwinSurvivorvidb: if you don't have a windows machine (but do have a copy of MS office), try running office in wine and opening it with that08:54
vidbDarwinSurvivor, Blarrffll :  ok i will try it, thank you08:55
apokalepsysHow i can install  /join #ubuntu-ru? In ubuntu 10.0408:59
apokalepsyslibgtk 1.2)09:00
manny550ikonia: Thanks for everything the partitioning worked like a charm It's formatting right now . Thanks again.09:00
MonkeyDustapokalepsys  type /join #ubuntu-ru09:00
DarwinSurvivorapokalepsys: was that a typo?09:00
manny550good night everyone09:00
apokalepsysHow i can install libgtk 1.2 in Ubuntu 10.04?)09:00
DarwinSurvivorapokalepsys: why do you need it?09:00
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it-bitsmanny550: how many partition have you created?09:01
DarwinSurvivorit-bits: he's gone09:01
vidbok merci à tous, je vais essayer avec windows09:01
MonkeyDustapokalepsys  what's the exact name?09:01
apokalepsysI will be able to install the game)09:01
it-bitsDarwinSurvivor: Thanks!09:01
DarwinSurvivorvidb: pas de problem, may pour fançais, si'l-vous plait, utilisé #ubuntu-fr09:02
apokalepsys1 minute. I'll tell you exactly the name of the error09:02
it-bitsapolalepsys :use apt-get for package09:02
apokalepsysi now, but this fail not have09:03
MonkeyDustDarwinSurvivor  i like the errors in that french comment :)09:03
vidbDarwinSurvivor, lol desolé, j'ai cru que j'ai tappé ça sur #ubuntu-fr ... merci en tout cas :p09:03
DarwinSurvivorMonkeyDust: yeah, I only use my french ocasionally, been a while since i've had a full conversation :(09:03
lpapp|toughbookHey! Does anybody have any experience with touchscreen support for toughbooks with Ubuntu ? It does not work at my end for some reason(s). :-S09:05
apokalepsysEror^ error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:05
apokalepsysWhat should I do to fix this error?09:06
lpapp|toughbookapokalepsys: install the so09:06
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DarwinSurvivorapokalepsys: what game is it?09:06
lpapp|toughbookor fix the linkage, etc09:06
apokalepsysUFO - name game09:06
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BadCodSmellIs there a standard TUI application provided by ubuntu to configure iptables from the shell?09:14
RealEyesDasEi, here?09:15
mvvhi again.09:16
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chandru_inI'm unable to turn bluetooth on in my laptop after installing 12.04! What could be wrong?09:17
mvvi'm not able to scroll in the terminal i use irssi. if i scroll i only scroll within the "typing" field?09:17
chandru_inWhen I turn it on in the indicator, the icon turns to active but the laptop is neither detected by other devices nor am I able to change any bluetooth settings09:18
chandru_inrfkill list says it's not blocked09:19
laxandruhello to all09:21
laxandruI have a question ab Ubuntu Community09:22
wilee-nileelaxandru, in a support channel?09:22
laxandrubut where?09:22
laxandrubut where?09:23
wilee-nileelaxandru, #ubuntu-offtopic09:23
DarwinSurvivorhey guys, sorry about that my internet went down. if anyone said anything to me recently, please re-post it09:23
laxandruwilee-nilee thnx09:23
chandru_inany help?09:23
wilee-nileelaxandru, no problem09:23
Khanna_ParamI have problem enabling my ethernet card.  Any suggestions09:23
reinholderHi, sorry about this - I was here earlier trying to install a theme, but I'm still having issues; I'm running ubuntu 12.04, and the folder in usr/share/themes is telling me that I'm not the owner, and so I can't just drag and drop - how do I access the folder so that I can drop a theme in there, or is there a way to install via terminal?09:24
MonkeyDust!details| Khanna_Param09:24
ubottuKhanna_Param: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:24
wilee-nileeKhanna_Param, can you post the card it should show if you run lspci09:24
DarwinSurvivorreinholder: I'm pretty sure someone told you to use the ~/.themes/ folder instead09:25
DarwinSurvivorreinholder: did that not work?09:25
chandru_inHas anyone got bluetooth to work correctly in 12.04?09:26
reinholderI'm literally only seeing 1 .themes folder when I run a search09:26
DarwinSurvivor!details | chandru_in09:26
ubottuchandru_in: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:26
DarwinSurvivorreinholder: and where is that .themes folder?09:27
chandru_inDarwinSurvivor, I'd described it before.09:27
chandru_inWhen I turn it on in the indicator, the icon turns to active but the laptop is neither detected by other devices nor am I able to change any bluetooth settings09:27
chandru_inrfkill list says it's not blocked09:27
DarwinSurvivorchandru_in: please be more specific than "i am not able to".09:27
DarwinSurvivorreinholder: what did you use to perform the search (if done via command line, please provide the *exact* search paramaters)09:28
chandru_inDarwinSurvivor, What other detail are you looking for?09:28
DarwinSurvivorchandru_in: did you get an error, does the menu not appear, is stuff greyed out, do the dialogs not open, etc09:28
MonkeyDustchandru_in  errors?09:29
reinholdernot via command (I'm still remembering my terminal lingo), but in the search bar "themes"09:29
MarKsaitisHELP. I am using deb http://inverse.ca/ubuntu-nightly oneiric oneiric and I want to switch to ubuntu precies sources only on my ubuntu precise distro. How do I achieve this?09:29
DarwinSurvivorreinholder: ok, that probably won't find hidden files and ~/.themes is a hidden file09:29
DarwinSurvivorreinholder: ok, that probably won't find hidden files and ~/.themes is a hidden folder09:29
ga3381hi there, is there any simple (security) way to avoid having someone in my browser when I browse the web ? 12.04 desktop amd64 . any help appreciated09:29
jhchabranhi guys, I'm looking to install https://launchpad.net/~no1wantdthisname/+archive/ppa but after updating, it don't find the packages cairo / freetype. Any idea ?09:29
DarwinSurvivorreinholder: please tell us what "ls ~/.themes*" outputs09:29
chandru_inno errors. Menu appears. Bluetooth is greyed out initially but is active when turned on. the settings dialog opens but continues to show bluetooth as off and when I click to enable it, it remains off.09:30
MonkeyDustga3381  ppas are not supported here, contact the maintainer09:30
MonkeyDustjhchabran  (wrong nick, sorry)  ppas are not supported here, contact the maintainer09:30
reinholderjust opened another command prompt09:30
jhchabranMonkeyDust: It's not really about an issue about the ppa itself, but just how to install these two packages09:31
m0rn1ng5tarreinholder: are you still around?09:31
DarwinSurvivorchandru_in: alright. I am personally not experienced with bluetooth, but at least now someone may be experienced knows *exactly* what you are seeing09:31
reinholderI am09:31
Khanna_ParamI have problem with in-built Ethernet card.09:31
Khanna_Param[Ubuntu Version 11.10]  The Ethernet card works fine in Windows, but somehow it is not detected in ubuntu. Following is the output of the command09:31
Khanna_Paramlspci | grep eth :- No output09:31
Khanna_ParamBut  lshw -C network :- gave following output09:31
Khanna_Param*-network DISABLED09:31
FloodBot1Khanna_Param: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:31
Khanna_Param   description: Ethernet interface09:31
DarwinSurvivorjhchabran: the instructions on that PPA do not look very safe. for instance, they tell you to mess with the system fonts instead of simply using ~/.fonts. I personally would not trust the software in their PPA after reading that page09:32
reinholderls ~/.themes garners no results09:32
Khanna_ParamI have problem with in-built Ethernet card.09:32
Khanna_Param[Ubuntu Version 11.10]  The Ethernet card works fine in Windows, but somehow it is not detected in ubuntu. Following is the output of the command09:32
Khanna_Paramlspci | grep eth :- No output09:32
Khanna_ParamBut  lshw -C network :- gave following output09:32
Khanna_Param*-network DISABLED09:32
FloodBot1Khanna_Param: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:32
Khanna_Param   description: Ethernet interface09:32
gwelterhi, does anyone know if openssl support aesni in 12.04? openssl doesn't list an engine for it09:33
jhchabranDarwinSurvivor: that's true, but I'm not sure they can achieve what they aim to do from ~/.fonts09:33
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: Khanna_Param try "lspci | grep Eth" with a capital or "lspci | grep -i eth" to remove case sensitivity!09:33
Khanna_ParamI have problem with in-built Ethernet card.09:34
Khanna_Param[Ubuntu Version 11.10]  The Ethernet card works fine in Windows, but somehow it is not detected in ubuntu. Following is the output of the command09:34
Khanna_Paramlspci | grep eth :- No output09:34
Khanna_ParamBut  lshw -C network :- gave following output09:34
Khanna_Param*-network DISABLED09:34
FloodBot1Khanna_Param: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:34
Khanna_Param   description: Ethernet interface09:34
MonkeyDustKhanna_Param  please stop that, use http://paste.ubuntu.com09:35
SpacePoetwhy can't i find pygame in ubuntu universe repository??09:35
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: I already told you your lspci command was wrong, please use "grep -i" instead of "grep" since it's most like referenced as Ethernet with a capital e09:36
MarKsaitisHELP. I am using deb http://inverse.ca/ubuntu-nightly oneiric oneiric and I want to switch to ubuntu precies sources only on my ubuntu precise distro. How do I achieve this?09:36
Khanna_ParamI have problem with in-built Ethernet card. Using [Ubuntu Version 11.10]  The Ethernet card works fine in Windows, but somehow it is not detected in ubuntu.09:36
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: for the 3rd time, please run "lspci | grep -i eth"09:37
Khanna_Param Following is the output of the command lspci | grep eth :- No output09:37
=== cypres_ is now known as cypres
Khanna_ParamBut lshw -C network :- gave following output *-network DISABLED09:38
Khanna_Param   description: Ethernet interface09:38
Khanna_Param product: RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller09:38
Khanna_Param vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.09:38
FloodBot1Khanna_Param: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:38
SpacePoetwhy can't i find pygame in ubuntu universe repository??09:38
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: and please use paste.ubuntu.com for multiple-line output09:38
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: to make it easier, install pastebinit by running "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" , then run "lspci -vvv | grep -i eth | pastebinit"09:39
DarwinSurvivorthen paste the url it spits out into the irc channel09:39
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MonkeyDustKhanna_Param  that's 4 times you pasted in the channel09:39
kapzhow do i change the default purple background while booting ubuntu 12.04...09:40
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SpacePoetwhy can't i find pygame in ubuntu universe repository??09:41
MonkeyDustSpacePoet  maybe because it isnt there?09:41
DarwinSurvivorSpacePoet: please run "apt-cache search pygame" it should be in there09:41
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kapzok not purple but that pink/mow colour background...how do i change it?09:42
SpacePoetk thx its called python-pygame09:43
kapznobody has changed boot background??09:43
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: ok, can you please now run "dmesg | pastebinit"?09:43
DarwinSurvivor!patience | kapz09:44
ubottukapz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:44
MonkeyDustkapz  ubuntu-tweak (not in the repos) does the trick09:44
kapzthanks MonkeyDust09:44
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DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: realtek has linux drivers for that cart (last updated in November), so they *should* be in the repos09:50
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: once you've run the dmesg command, I'll be able to help you further09:50
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=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
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linuxfreakerHow shall I use this fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/63277509:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632775 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "grub-install (EFI) is not properly setting the prefix" [High,Fix released]09:56
MonkeyDust!maverick| linuxfreaker09:57
ubottulinuxfreaker: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.09:57
linuxfreakerMonkeyDust: I am encountering the same issue on Natty?09:58
linuxfreakerMonkeyDust: No idea if this wil apply for 11.0409:58
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: ok, no errors in there, can you run "ifconfig | pastebinit" and "sudo apt-get install rfkill" the "rkfill list | pastebinit" and "lsmod | pastebinit"?09:58
=== AgentSpock is now known as Sharath
MonkeyDustlinuxfreaker  doesnt ring a bell09:59
railsraideranyone knows how to read these AIF:UNPRIV connect attemp ? i'm trying to understand if its a d-dos attack09:59
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: feel free to post the paste urls one at a time, I can review the first one while rfkill is installing09:59
linuxfreakerMonkeyDust: ?09:59
MonkeyDustlinuxfreaker  that was an elaborate way to say 'no'10:00
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: while rfkill is installing (with the apt-get command) can you do the "lsmod | pastebinit" command in another terminal?10:01
linuxfreakerMonkeyDust: Any idea where i need to seek for help10:01
DarwinSurvivorlinuxfreaker: if there was a fix release for Maverick, the fix would already be fully integrated into Natty so applying the patch would be pointless since it would already be applied10:02
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: But if its fix, why am I facing the same error which this bug reports10:03
DarwinSurvivorlinuxfreaker: it may be the same error, but it's probably caused by a different bug10:04
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: All I see the prefix error and it shows me GRUB menu and once I select "install option" it goes blank10:04
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: almost everything same like summary talks about in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/63277510:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632775 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "grub-install (EFI) is not properly setting the prefix" [High,Fix released]10:05
aJynkshey guys.. I have a automounted partition though fstab.. but ther trahs bin dose not work.. any ideas how to fix it? I have tried the thigns google tells me (or so i think)10:06
aJynksit is a NTFS drive10:06
MarKsaitiswhere is onelpdap ubuntu server guide for precise?10:07
icerootMarKsaitis: openldap or what should onelpdap be?10:07
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: hmm, interresting. let me research the driver, it looks like some people on fedora found it to be buggy. give me a minute10:07
MarKsaitisiceroot, ? what? What do you what it should be?10:07
heatxsinkyou can't make this kind of drama up ... http://socialcam.com/v/JC5f7iZg10:08
readyonelpdap oO10:08
MonkeyDustMarKsaitis  it's open ldap, you mistyped10:08
icerootMarKsaitis: dont know what "onelpdap" should be10:08
MarKsaitisoh ok ;] openldap10:08
iceroot!ldap | MarKsaitis10:08
ubottuMarKsaitis: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer10:08
MarKsaitisso where is the ubuntu server guide for it on precise?10:08
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: What u suggest ?10:09
MarKsaitisbasically, iceroot , I cant create givenName attributes in my ldap.. am I missing something? it says this attribute is not allowed10:09
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linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: Will building Ubuntu 11.04 with kernel 3.0 solve this issue?10:10
kapzMonkeyDust, I installed ubuntu-tweak but cannot find the option to change it....you sure it changes the boot screen background colour?10:10
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: what version of ubuntu are you running (11.10, 12.04, etc)?10:10
linuxfreakerAny idea how can I build own Ubuntu 11.04 with 3.0 kernel?10:11
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: did the issue recently start happening, did it never work, or is this the first time you've tried to use the wireless?10:12
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: did the issue recently start happening, did it never work, or is this the first time you've tried to use the wired?10:12
Khanna_ParamHi DarwinSurvivor, this is the first time after installing Ubuntu i have tried to use the wired. wireless works fine10:13
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: so this is the first time you've used ubuntu on this machine?10:14
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: ok, it sounds like the r8169 driver (which is the one you are currently using) was very buggy in pre-12.04 releases. if this is a fresh install, you may have more luck by installing 12.04 instead10:15
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: otherwise you may need to custom-compile the previous ethernet driver (r8168) which is not very hard but must be done after each kernel upgrade10:15
MarKsaitisIS THERE A NORMAL OPENLDAP GUIDE I CAN FOLLOW? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer this one is a bog bunch of different crap brought together, with loads of stuff old and superseeded by other shit it points to.....10:15
ikoniaMarKsaitis: STOP WITH THE CAPS PLEASE10:15
DarwinSurvivor!language | MarKsaitis10:15
ubottuMarKsaitis: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:15
ikoniaMarKsaitis: that is the official ubuntu ldap guide, if you don't like it, there are others on the web, although they may/maynot be compatible with ubuntu's setup10:16
MarKsaitisgive me a normal guide instead and I will not even write here at all10:16
MarKsaitisit isnt official, it's community10:16
ikoniaMarKsaitis: no, you find a normal guide as the ubuntu one "is normal" but you need find one you like10:16
=== StudioWorks is now known as kInOzAwA
fernigwelter: hmm.. thats weird, there is a aesni patch for oneiric for libssl1.0.0, but its missing from precise and openssl seems not to have aesni support in 12.0410:17
Khanna_ParamDarwinSurvivor: custom-compile would be difficult for me as i am new to Linux itself. I will try to upgrade to 12.04.  Thanks for all your help buddy.10:17
ikoniaMarKsaitis: look in the server docs in https://help.ubuntu.com too, may have some stuff you like10:17
MarKsaitisikonia, no it isnt normal. Some sections it says are superseeded, and I am wondering what percentage of this document doesnt work and document doesnt say that it's superseeded too10:17
MonkeyDustkapz  had to reinstall it, it's in Tweaks - Login settings10:17
ikoniaMarKsaitis: look in the server docs on https://help.ubuntu.com see if that fits your needs any better10:18
Khanna_ParamDarwinSurvivor: Apologies for pasting multiple line. i installed this irc as my last option to resolve the Ethernet issue10:18
kapzMonkeyDust, you talking about login screen(lightDM)? coz I want to change bootsplash screen colour..10:18
Khanna_Param DarwinSurvivor: will again log-in after installing 12.04 and let you know the result.10:19
MonkeyDustkapz  yes lightdm10:19
DarwinSurvivorMarKsaitis: superseeded may simply mean "applies to previous versions of ubuntu"10:19
kapzok...how do I change bootsplash?10:19
DarwinSurvivorKhanna_Param: alright, let me know if it works. if not and I'm gone by then, please tell the next person that helps you that http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1022411&page=11 has some useful information10:19
MarKsaitissection "Creating a DIT with the RTC System" .... whoo needs this one!!! apt-get install on oneiric and precise comes already with this configured10:20
MonkeyDustkapz  explore 'login settings'10:20
MarKsaitisits just misleading for the first starters who dont know it10:20
ikoniaMarKsaitis: update the community docs then10:21
MarKsaitisikonia, unfortunatelly I am just the user. There should be easier mechanisms in the doc pages where users can click like or dislike on some doc sections or have options like "dotn apply anymore" whatever.... so that everybody would be able to see a bigger picture. It seems that current methods dont crack the mustard well enough10:22
ikoniaMarKsaitis: it's community documentation, you can maintain it if you see improvements10:23
ikoniaMarKsaitis: moaning about it won't get anything done, especially if you can see a problem, fix it10:23
MarKsaitisikonia, I can see the problem, but I cant see the resolution because the reason I follow these docs is so I know how do configure it properly.10:24
ikoniaMarKsaitis: if you create a wiki account you can login and update the docs to fix any issues you see10:24
MarKsaitisanyways, canonical should do that10:24
ikoniaMarKsaitis: it's community docs, as you pointed out, not canonical docs10:25
ikoniaMarKsaitis: worth looking in the server guides in https://help.ubuntu.com10:25
MarKsaitisI barelly have time to config stuff for myself :)10:25
MarKsaitisikonia, canonical doesnt have doc for openldap precise. And anyways, that old community crap should not be called official by any chance, dunno who is responsible for that10:25
ikoniaMarKsaitis: no-one is responsible for that10:26
ikoniaMarKsaitis: canonical doesn't have a document, and you don't like the community doc and you are unwilling to fix it, so you need to find another document outside of ubuntu that you do like.10:26
MarKsaitisikonia, I bet this should be official then https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openldap-server.html not to mislead people10:28
omeSo I installed a new machine with full disk encryption using the ubuntu mini. How can I remove it ? I am the encryption.10:29
ikoniaMarKsaitis: that's in the server guide section I suggested you look at10:29
mecoI moved the swapfile to the NTFS partition and now CPU usage seems very high. And VLC crashes when I try and play a video. Is there a conection?10:30
ikoniameco: putting swap on ntfs is not a good idea10:30
DarwinSurvivorMarKsaitis: if the server guide has better information, consider moving/copying some of the relevant parts over to the community docs or at least putting a note below the outdated sections with a link to the server docs10:30
mecook... I figure..10:31
DarwinSurvivormeco: does the problem go away if you run "sudo swapoff"?10:31
DarwinSurvivormeco: if so, then swap is most likely to blame10:31
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omeno words of wisdom for me ?10:32
DarwinSurvivorome: you want to change from full encryption to no encryption?10:32
omeDarwinSurvivor: yup.10:32
DarwinSurvivorand by "ubuntu mini" you mean "ubuntu minimal installer"?10:32
mecoDarwin4Ever: No, actually it remained. VLC crashed with a segfault10:33
mecoDarwinSurvivor even10:33
omeDarwinSurvivor: yes.10:33
DarwinSurvivormeco: did you restart vlc after running swapoff? if not, it probably just moved already-corrupted memory back into main RAM10:33
sirriffsalotI'm on a livecd and deleted some files inside my actual install by accident, where do they go by default?10:33
DarwinSurvivorome: if it's a fresh install, the fastest method is most likely to just re-run the installer10:33
mecoDarwinSurvivor: It was restarted, yes.10:33
DarwinSurvivormeco: please pastebin the output of "free -m"10:34
omeDarwinSurvivor: well, I have done some customization and installed extra packages and tools. but even for the sake of learning I would like to be pointed to a direction where I can remove the encryption.10:35
sudoHello World!10:35
DarwinSurvivorome: removing the encryption will require de-crypting the *entire* system, copying it to a new partition and then changing the boot paramaters to no longer attempt decryption of the old partition10:36
djszapiHey! Anybody having any ideas how to get touchscreen support work with tablets etc in case 12.04 ?10:36
djszapiCannot seem to be able to sort that out.10:36
DarwinSurvivorome: is there a particular reason you want to disable it?10:36
linuxfreakerHow shall I build a complete fresh Ubuntu through CVS Repository or other way with Linux 3.010:37
JacruthEy guys, do you know any auto clicker for Ubuntu?10:37
ikonialinuxfreaker: you don't do that10:37
linuxfreakerikonia: Why ?10:37
ikonialinuxfreaker: because you install ubuntu using the ubuntu media provided,10:37
mecoDarwinSurvivor: http://pastebin.com/N373CUb610:38
omeDarwinSurvivor: unless I really need GUI -- which is very rare --, I run virtualmachines headless and SSH into them. and having an encrypted system makes it imposible unless I use something like dropbear.10:38
linuxfreakerikonia: But I dont want to compile the new kernel after installation from DVD/CD but I need to create a new custom ISO with linux 3.010:38
omeSo I thought I would just decrypt the system and 'fix it10:38
ikonialinuxfreaker: ubuntu comes with a 3.X kernel10:39
omeand learn more about encryption.10:39
ikonialinuxfreaker: so you don't need to compile a kernel10:39
DarwinSurvivormeco: hmm, it hard to tell how much was swapped on before. if you had used 500MB of 4GB, then i'd dismiss it.10:39
linuxfreakerome: I am talking about Ubuntu 11.0410:39
soa2iiHi. I installed OpenLDAP on Ubuntu 12.04 Server using this doc: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openldap-server.html Now I issued "ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:/// -b dc=example,dc=com dn" (Postinstall, 3.) and just got  "No such object (32)". Does this mean I got no admin user? I got asked for a password during installation though.10:39
sirriffsalotI'm on a livecd and deleted some files inside my actual install by accident, where do they go by default? :P10:39
ikonialinuxfreaker: upgrade to a current ubuntu version10:39
ikonialinuxfreaker: then you have no need to do anything10:39
DarwinSurvivormeco: at this point, i'd recommend permanently disabling the ntfs swap and rebooting in case any system stuff got corrupted in it10:39
mecoDarwinSurvivor: I'll do that10:40
linuxfreakerikonia: I need to run Ubuntu 11.04 on UEFI mode ..and issue could be due to old kernel. New kernel supports that10:40
DarwinSurvivorome: which has the encryption, the host or the guest machine?10:40
omeDarwinSurvivor: Guest machine. and I can't boot it up headless cause I have to type in the token.10:41
nico_Bonjour je suis nouveau aidez moi10:41
DarwinSurvivorome: ah, that makes sense10:41
DarkStar1soa2ii: Welcome to the war. Setup your /etc/hosts as per: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/openldap-server.html10:41
soa2iiDarkStar1: OK, let's see.10:41
DarkStar1soa2ii: then run a dpkg-reconfigure slapd to add the correct details as per: http://www.debuntu.org/ldap-server-and-linux-ldap-clients10:42
djszapiso how does ubuntu work on tablets without touchscreen support ? :o10:42
mecoDarwinSurvivor: Is there a significant difference between swapoff and swapoff -a ?10:42
DarwinSurvivorome: it's probably faster and easier to reinstall. configs are fairly easy to back up and you can backup the list of installed apps with "dpkg –get-selections > mypackages.txt10:43
aJynkshey guys.. I have a automounted NTFS drive though fstab.. but the trash bin dose not work.. any ideas how to fix it?10:43
Jacruthdo you know any automouse for Ubuntu? I mean, any program to click automatically in some region10:43
mecoDarwinSurvivor: Since I have both partin and file swap currently...10:43
DarwinSurvivorome: it's probably faster and easier to reinstall. configs are fairly easy to back up and you can backup the list of installed apps with "dpkg –get-selections > mypackages.txt" and then get them back with "sudo dpkg –set-selections < mypackages.t; sudo apt dselect-upgrade"10:43
omeDarwinSurvivor: I guess I will do that.10:44
DarwinSurvivormeco: your "free -m" output showed that you no longer had anythin in swap, but it did show that swap did exist10:44
DarwinSurvivormeco: either way, swapfile on ntfs is a *bad* idea. in fact, swap on any external device is bad unless you can *guaratee* it won't get unpluged before being swapped off (and usb is WAY to slow for swap anyways)10:45
mecoDarwinSurvivor: I'm unable to delete the swapfile on the NTFS partition...!10:46
DarkStar1soa2ii: after that you should be able to use the server. I went through this hassle too as I am learning the tech. If you need to improve your understanding: http://www.davidpashley.com/articles/ldap-basics.html and http://sites.google.com/site/openldaptutorial/Home Currently on number 210:46
soa2iiDarkStar1: Cool, thanks. I now reconfigured everything … let's see if it did something10:47
mecoDarwinSurvivor: sudo rm swapfile10:47
ikonialinuxfreaker: sorry, I disagree10:47
DarwinSurvivormeco: make sure you take it out of your fstab as well or ubuntu will try loading a non-existant swap file!10:47
mecoDarwinSurvivor: Already did that!10:48
soa2iiDarkStar1: Though it looks like dpkg-reconfigure creates a HDB database and does not use this new ldif based cn=config method?10:48
soa2iiOr do I get this wrong?10:48
mecoDarwinSurvivor: I guess I'll reboot. Maybe I can delete the unused swapfile then.10:48
DarkStar1soa2ii: you will need to re-populate after the re-configure10:49
DarwinSurvivorikonia: did linuxfreaker says something after "I need to run Ubuntu 11...."? I've had a funny feeling I'm missing messages every so often....10:49
chiliblueanyone made a custom edid.bin file to force nvidia driver to use modes that aren't being detected properly?10:50
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: You dont have any suggestion on this :)10:50
sirriffsalotSeriously I can't find the files...:D10:50
DarwinSurvivorlinuxfreaker: If you are simply looking for a more up-to-date kernel, you should upgrade to the next release10:55
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: I am trying out 12.04 to see if UEFI works or not?10:55
DarwinSurvivorlinuxfreaker: sorry, the last comment I'd seen from you said you wanted to run it on 11.04. I think I'm losing messages in my irc client somehow :(10:59
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linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: Okie..let me brief  you11:00
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: I tried installing Ubuntu 11.04 through UEFI mode on Dell 12G server11:00
DarwinSurvivorlinuxfreaker: ok, i had gotten that part11:01
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: Now when I am selecting UEFI mode..the first thing it display is "Error:prefix not set"11:01
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: Then it shows The GRUB menu11:01
DarwinSurvivorlinuxfreaker: ok, and now you are trying it with 12.04?11:01
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: And then it get blank11:01
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: I read somewhere that it is due to kernel < 3.011:02
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: Since the new kernel has fix..I am checking if 3.0 solves that11:02
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: 11.04 has 2.6.x kernel11:02
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: If it works ..then my idea was to build Natty with custom kerneled-Ubuntu Natty11:03
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: I recently did this for FreeBSD successfully11:03
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: I read couple of bugs but I am not able to find the right way of fixing it11:04
DarwinSurvivorlinuxfreaker: is there a particular reason why you want to stick with Natty instead of just using a later release?11:05
obelusCan I ask why not just use 12.04?11:05
DarwinSurvivoreven 11.10 had kernel 3.0.411:05
drvanonhey guys, my laptop is becoming slow, is there any way to make it faster?11:08
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: please use paste.ubuntu.com to post the output of "free -m"11:09
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:09
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fidel_the last annoying issue i have right now with 12.04 (basically with gnome-shell) is a pretty old one. If i want to resize a window with the mouse the area where the mouse-cursor transforms from normal-mode to "window-grabbing-mode" is still way to small. Is that related with the gnome-shell theme i use or where is that based on?11:09
fidel_background: it makes resizing a window harder then it need to be11:10
fidel_havent found a setting so far where i might be able just to define a pixel-based radius or similar to edit that behaviour11:11
drvanonDarwinSurvivor: https://gist.github.com/264379211:11
DarwinSurvivorfidel_: try alt+middle_click_drag to resize a window easier11:12
DarwinSurvivorfidel_: at least until the fix the issue (you did file a usability bug report right?)11:12
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, that is just after startup, does it mean i have a problem?11:12
fidel_DarwinSurvivor: not until now as i am not sure which package or setting might be the relevant one11:13
fidel_DarwinSurvivor: thanks for the alt-middle-click hint - but i am really focused on finding a real solution. in case i would know the relevant package i would love to report a bug - while i am pretty sure it might end up in a duplicate ;)11:13
linuxfreakerDarwinSurvivor: I tried with Ubuntu 11.10 having Linux 3.0 kernel but the same issue11:14
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: no, it means you have LOTS of ram still11:14
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: ram is not your problem11:14
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, then what does make it slow?11:15
DarwinSurvivorfidel_: just file the report against unity11:15
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: i'm not sure, ram is just one of the most common things. what type of hardware are you running on (quad-core, desktop, netbook, dual-core, atom, etc)?11:15
drvanonnetbook intel atom11:16
drvanonI know it is not that good, but it worked at first11:16
olividirhello,,, this is the support channel11:16
DarwinSurvivorolividir: yes11:16
olividirsorry, bit of noob, but I was upgrading to 12.04 from 11.10 and was half way through when my comp got disconnected from the power11:17
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: can you install pastebinit "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" and then run "top | pastebinit"?11:18
olividirnow I cant upgrade to 12.04 and the upgrade manager asks me to use part upgrade even if it does not work... any idea what I can do?11:18
DarwinSurvivorolividir: please pastebin (paste.ubuntu.com) the entire terminal session (or the error message if you are using a GUI)11:19
Dr_willisolividir,  safest thing would be to backup yoyur imporntant files and do a clean install.   but the system might be fixable. Id suggest backing up stuff   in case its not.11:19
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drvanonDarwinSurvivor, it throws an error: Traceback (most recent call last):11:20
drvanon  File "/usr/bin/pastebinit", line 43, in <module>11:20
drvanon    import configobj11:20
drvanonImportError: No module named configobj11:20
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plmHi all11:20
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: holy cow, pastebin crashed?!?11:20
olividirDarwinSurvivor: The first error says "It was not possible to get all updates, Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible. this can be caused by etc"11:20
plmpeople, How I change in unity (12.4) for alt+tab works just as gnome?11:20
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DarwinSurvivorolividir: you stopped right before the important part :(11:21
DarwinSurvivorolividir: please paste the "etc" part!11:21
plmI would like alt+tab show just all windows, and not group its when is the same application. How I do that?11:21
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, is that a problem?11:21
Dr_willisplm,  perhaps check the ccsm tool and its  settings/plugins.11:21
fidel_DarwinSurvivor: well i doubt unity is the matching package as it affects gnome-shell here. not using unity at all11:21
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: were those 3 lines the only output?11:22
olividirDarwinSurvivor: If I select partial upgrade it says "cant upgrade, An upgrade from 'precise' to 'oneiric' is not supported with this tool11:22
plmDr_willis: yes. In this moment I'm with ccsm opened, but I not found the option for that. Could you help me?11:22
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, yes11:22
Dr_willisplm,  i have no idea how 'gnome's alt-tab' is differnt .  so not really11:22
Dr_willisi sort of like how unity does the alt-tab stuff.11:22
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, is that the only thing i can do?11:22
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: do you have any PPA's installed?11:23
plmDr_willis: gnome is just a example. I want not groups (in same applications) in alt+tab11:23
railsraiderhow can i check for a possible d-dos attack?11:23
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, a what?11:23
Dr_willisplm,  perhaps check askubuntu.com or the forums or the webupd page for tweaking the alt-tab.  or explore the differnt alt-tab altenatives in ccsm.11:23
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: ok, lets start with step 1. what version (11.04, 11.10, 12.04) are you running?11:23
olividirDarwinSurvivor: The parts I skipped " This can be cuased by : 1 Aprevious upgrade wich didnt complete. 2 Problems with some of the installed software. 3 Unofficial software packages not provided by ubuntu. 4 Normal changes of a pre-release version of ubuntu"11:23
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: alright, can you please run "sudo apt-get update" and tell me if there are any errors (if there are, copy/paste them to paste.ubuntu.com)11:24
olividirDarwinSurvivor: So far I have chosen close instead of partial upgrade, cause that way I can still upgrade somethings11:24
railsraideris there any way to see from the logs if there was an attack?11:25
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: actually, just paste the entire output to paste.ubuntu.com !11:25
Dr_willisrailsraider,  the logwatch program is handy tool to summarize log data11:25
plmDr_willis: ok11:25
DarwinSurvivorolividir: if "partial upgrade" is an offered solution, chose it.11:25
Dr_willisand hope it works.. ;)11:25
olividirDarwinSurvivor: but it can complete11:26
olividirDarwinSurvivor: *cant11:26
DarwinSurvivorolividir: of, sorry, nvm, you said that errored out.11:26
it-39ciao a tutti11:26
hayshow do I upgrade from the command line?11:26
olividirDarwinSurvivor: hope I dont need a clean install, but can this be because I am running 64 bit ?11:26
DarwinSurvivor!upgrade | hays11:27
ubottuhays: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:27
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DarwinSurvivorolividir: no, it has nothing to do with which architecture you are using, failed/partial upgrades between release are *always* messy :(11:27
olividirDarwinSurvivor: so maybe my best bet is to wait a bit and then do a clean install?11:28
DarwinSurvivorolividir: if you are able to install pastebinit, please do so (sudo apt-get install pastebinit)11:28
haysDarwinSurvivor: how do I update ubuntu from the commandline, I guess I should say11:28
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, sorry really slow internet connection11:29
olividirDarwinSurvivor: at least I am getting it now11:29
DarwinSurvivorhays: oh, sorry, i thought that link had cli instructions11:29
the-newsmancan i shrink the size of the ubuntu partion inside the vmware ?11:29
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drvanonDarwinSurvivor: https://gist.github.com/264379211:30
olividirDarwinSurvivor: got pastebinit, anything else?11:30
haysDarwinSurvivor: do I just use apt-get?11:30
DarwinSurvivorhays: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Upgrades#Server_.2BAC8_Command_line_Upgrade11:30
DarwinSurvivorolividir: ok, run "sudo apt-get update | pastebinit"11:30
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: reading it now11:30
fuskJust installed some updates, now keys for ajusting brightness doesn't work, fn + arrow up or down. ideas ?11:31
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ubottuGuest82900: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:31
haysDarwinSurvivor: hmm i don't appear to hav aptitude11:32
olividirDarwinSurvivor: when I do "sudo apt-get update | pastebinit" the next line says "http://paste.ubuntu.com/977693/11:33
DarwinSurvivorhays: then use "sudo apt-get install update-manager-core"11:33
ServerCrashhi i have got dual screen installed on ubuntu, i made a vga screen as primary and DVI-D screen as secondary. How can i restrict all the windows and popups from showing up on secondary screen11:33
DarwinSurvivorolividir: ok, now "sudo apt-get upgrade | pastebinit"11:33
ServerCrashi use Twin view mentod]11:33
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: you appear to have an issue with your package manager11:33
ServerCrashfor me as of now many popups like file shutdown, logout etc show up on second screen11:33
ServerCrashwhich i want to see on primary screen11:34
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: can you pastebin "/etc/apt/sources.list"?11:34
haysDarwinSurvivor: hmm still nothing11:34
Dr_willisServerCrash,  compiz has some plugins to force specific windows/apps to appear on  specific monitors..  - You have restarted X since enableing twinview?11:34
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, Does gist annoy you?11:34
haysDarwinSurvivor: screwit, I will just go over to my desktop i guess11:34
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: not at all11:34
ServerCrashDr_willis, yes i have restarted X11:34
DarwinSurvivorhays: please define "nothing"11:35
Dr_willisServerCrash,  i used twinview a lot over the years (not recently) and dont recall  those things showing up on the secondary monitor.  but both my monitors were DVI not sure if thats an issue or not.11:35
fusk_God disconnected. Question. Just installed some systemupdates, now my shortcut keys for ajusting screen brightness stopped working. fn + arrow up and down.11:35
haysDarwinSurvivor: I installed that software (update-manager-core) which was already installed and still no aptitude11:35
Dr_willisServerCrash,  if you maxamize a window - it stays on a single monitor?11:35
DarwinSurvivorhays: ok, now just run the "sudo do-release-upgrade" one :)11:36
haysDarwinSurvivor: maybe its some weird difference since this started out as kubuntu or something11:36
DarwinSurvivorhays: I had you use apt-get *instead* of aptitude11:36
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, gist.github.com/264379211:36
haysDarwinSurvivor: release upgrade? i just want to update my 12.1011:36
olividirDarwinSurvivor: I did upgrade, now it seems to be doing nothing, just an empty line, maybe it takes time?11:36
haysor.. 12.0411:36
mohtadihi everyone , i've installed 12.04 and since then , i can't use my 3G key anymore :\11:37
fusk__okay, why does xchat close every time i change focus to another program ?11:38
haysDarwinSurvivor: it says I am on the current releae11:38
DarwinSurvivorolividir: 12.10 isn't out yet...11:39
DarwinSurvivorolividir: 12.04 is the current version11:39
haysDarwinSurvivor: based on google, I think I just use apt-get updgrade11:40
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, what should i do now11:40
olividirDarwinSurvivor: still this pastebinit upgrade seems to be doing nothing, just a empty line in my terminal11:40
DarkStar1hays, the .10 refers to the month of release. so anything .10 won't be out until………..11:40
DarwinSurvivorolividir: sorry, those were meant for hays11:40
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DarwinSurvivorhays ^^11:41
hays<hays> or.. 12.0411:41
DarwinSurvivorolividir: ok, now try "sudo apt-get install update-manager-core" and "sudo do-release-upgrade"11:41
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olividirahh comon11:42
olividirwhy did all those ping out now11:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:42
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* Dr_willis hangs on for the netsplit rollercoaster.11:42
IMBECILGood morning11:43
IMBECILanyone here?11:43
Dr_willisseveral hundered people here..11:43
haysIMBECIL: nope11:43
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: do you know how to edit files from the command line?11:44
IMBECILwell I just get to the point11:44
olividirDarwinSurvivor: The "sudo apt-get install update-manager-core" gave me "sudohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/977720/"11:44
DarwinSurvivorolividir: chose yes11:44
olividirDarwinSurvivor: The "sudo do-releaseöupgrade" gave me, "no new releases were found11:45
IMBECILI'm trying to install 12.04 and the option to encrypt my home is checked by default and I can't uncheck it11:45
DarwinSurvivorolividir: just hit enter11:45
IMBECILI was wondering if thats ubuntu's default behavior or something in particular of my setup.11:45
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, gedit The.File11:45
DarwinSurvivorolividir: oh11:45
drvanonor better: vim file.typoe11:45
fuskJust installed some system updates, now shortcut key for screen brightness stopped working, fn + arrow up and down, volume key still work tho.11:45
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: alright, nvm. can you open "software sources" (it's in the application lense)11:46
Icehawk78Is there an equivalent to /etc/network/if-up.d/ for networks that require authentication (ie a web login screen, not just a password to connect)?11:46
olividirDarwinSurvivor: I did update again and now i worked11:46
DarwinSurvivorhays: what version of ubuntu are you *currently* using?11:46
olividirDarwinSurvivor: but still no upgrades11:47
DarwinSurvivorolividir: oh, good11:47
DarwinSurvivorolividir: let me know if you get stuck11:47
DarwinSurvivorolividir: hmm11:47
DarwinSurvivorolividir: please run "uname -a"11:48
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, yes, and then?11:48
olividirDarwinSurvivor: that gives me "Linux olividir 3.0.0-17-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 8 20:45:39 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:48
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: ok, look through the tabs for something with "partner" in the name and un-check the tickbox next to it11:48
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, (scource code) too>11:49
drvanon> = ?11:49
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: you should have a window with about 5 tabs at the top, one of them will have a list in it and one of those list items will have the word "partner" in it11:50
DarwinSurvivorolividir: well that shows that you are still on 11.10's kernel :(11:50
marsfligthHi, I'd like to install ''Precise'', but I can't understand wick version to install, I mean, 32 or 64 bit. Please, can you help me? This is my hardware: Pentium 4 CPU 3.20GHz (32/64 bit) ---  ATI 1 GB Memory ---  RAM 4 GB11:51
DarwinSurvivormarsfligth: 64 bit11:51
olividirDarwinSurvivor: yea... for some reason it just wont upgrade to 12.0411:51
olividirbut the part upgrade works now :D11:51
DarwinSurvivorolividir: how customized is your system (excluding user-specific customizations)?11:51
haysDarwinSurvivor: 12.04. I just used apt-get update/upgrade11:52
JohnnyricoMCtry apt-get dist-upgrade11:52
DarwinSurvivorhays then you are already running the most recent version. the next will be 12.04 and it is still in VERY early alpha (even *I* won't try installing that)11:52
olividirDarwinSurvivor: the partial upgrade works now, and it is running :D:D11:52
DarwinSurvivorolividir: but you may run into problems very soon since you are half-way between to releases11:53
olividirDarwinSurvivor: so thank you very much for the help, I'll come back if I get stuck11:53
DarwinSurvivorolividir: at this point I'd *highly* recommend a reinstall11:53
plmNo sucess with ask ubuntu or ccsm to config the alt+tab to no group the when is the same application. Are there a ubuntu plugin taht has a Switcher TAB and option "Automatically grid windows on timer in switcher" enabled. I disabled that and really grid not show more, but the same application continuit in just on icon that I can't to choice. any other alternative?11:53
Icehawk78DarwinSurvivor: I assume you meant the next will be 12.11?11:53
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, yes, unchecked it and now?11:53
Icehawk78Or is it 10, I always forget which month the fall releases are11:53
olividirDarwinSurvivor: it is a bit too much hassle to do a reinstall, if this does not work, I will reinstall11:54
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: ok, close the window and re-run "sudo apt-get update" and see if you still get that error11:54
olividirDarwinSurviver: this seems to be working though, thank you11:54
DarwinSurvivorolividir: beware! you may not be receiving security updates in your current situation. it's not an immediate show-stopper, but you have been warned11:55
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DarwinSurvivor!away overby[away]11:55
marsfligthDarwinSurvivor: what happens if I install the 32 bit? I saw on Ubuntu site that it is recommended11:55
DarwinSurvivor!away | overby[away]11:55
ubottuoverby[away]: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»11:55
olividirDarwinSurvivor: noted11:56
overby[away]DarwinSurvivor: thanks for the heads up, I'll attempt to do that from now on. set /away also11:56
DarwinSurvivormarsfligth: the 32 bit version is only needed if you A) have 32-bit only hardware which you don't or B) you have VERY specialized software you need to run that is 32 bit only (very rare these days)11:56
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, Yay, no errors11:56
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: ok, now use the update manager and get yourself updated11:57
Dr_willismarsfligth,  'reccomended' as a way of idiot-proofing things for users that have no idea what 32bit vs 64bit means.11:57
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, accidentially i did already, thats why it took so long11:57
Dr_willismarsfligth,  if you got 64bit hardware. use 64bit.11:57
DarwinSurvivordrvanon: once you are fully updated, do a reboot and let me know if your performance issues have been resolved11:59
drvanonDarwinSurvivor, brb11:59
NobbyHi guys12:01
snapdataOn Windows my sound card (Xonar DX) has a Wave Out 'input' device that can be used as a microphone to playback whatever's being transmitted to the Line Out. This is not available in Ubuntu. After many hours on Google and a few inquiries here I have yielded no results - not even a hint at whether or not it can be done. If anyone has any information they can share I would be very grateful.12:01
Dr_willisa microphone to playback... err.. you mean it echos out whatver the mic is hearing?12:02
SocrateAfter 12.04 installation grub2 doesn't show up during the boot process. I get only a purple screen. I tried to reinstall grub through grub-install and then give the update-grub command. However the situation stays the same12:02
Dr_willisSocrate,  but the system boots?12:02
kandinskidudes, what is a process called whoopsie doing in my ubuntu?12:02
SocrateDr_willis, yes perfectly12:02
kandinskiI have no x right now, trying to diagnose it, run htop, find whoopsie12:03
snapdataNo, Dr_willis, say for example I'm talking with a friend on Skype and want to play an audio file for them. I would simply change my input to Wave Out and open the audio file in Windows Media Player.12:03
marsfligthDarwinSurvivor: seen that you are expert and kind, I'd ask you another question about the 3,4 GB barrier in Intel 32 bit architecture. What does Linux 32-bit when works on a pc with 8 GB for instance? Is it able to manage all the 8 GB or, it uses only the quantity under the 3/3,4 barrier? Thank you for the patient12:03
Dr_willisSocrate,  theres options in /etc/default/grub to set the differnt res/modes and even set a old-fashioned grub text menu - that may show up12:03
Socratehowever i'm planning a double boot with windows and having grub "hidden" isn't good12:03
stefgSocrate: The 'official' method of intercepting grub during timeout is holding <left shift>. You might want to modify /etc/default(grub if you want a visible timeout12:03
snapdataDr_willis: essentially the same as taking an auxiliary cable and plugging my "Line Out" into my Microphone jack.12:04
Dr_willissnapdata,   the various pulse audio tools. and/or jackd can do fancy tricks like that.   I belive creative called such a feature 'what you hear' in their windows tools.12:04
Socratestefg, i tried with the left shift and infact i get "Grub Loading", however just after that the purple screen show up12:04
SocrateDr_willis, i'll try to set my monitor resolution12:05
SocrateDr_willis, thank you12:05
Dr_willisSocrate,   it could be grub is using some res the monitor cant handle.  - i always set mine to low res text mode.12:05
Nobbywhy can't i find Sun java in the software center of 12.04?12:05
Dr_willis!java | Nobby12:05
ubottuNobby: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.12:05
snapdataDr_willis: I was actually using jackd for about an hour trying to figure out how it worked. The documentation provided no insight for someone with little expertise nor did any of the 'tutorials' I found that pertained exclusively to audacity/onboard audio and could not be adapted in any way that I know of.12:05
stefgSocrate: nvidia card? these tend to have problems with reso's over 800x600 in grub12:05
Dr_willisNobby,  because oracle changed the licenses12:05
Strav`Hi. Anyone here having troubles with iwlwifi on 12.04?12:06
Nobbyah.. thanks!12:06
Socratestefg, ati card a mobility 5850. However i got the same issue with both opensource drivers or fglrx12:06
snapdataDr_willis, thank you for the information though. I appreciate it.12:06
Dr_willissnapdata,  jackd is complex.  ive only toyed with it.   you may want to check the askubuntu.com site to see if anoyne has a guide on 'playing music through skype' if skype is what you  plan on doing with it.12:06
gweltermarsfligth: Linux 32-bit can manage up to 64 GB if the kernel use the PAE functionality of the hardware. But there are still limitations like 2GB per process12:07
Socratestefg, however thank you first i'll try to set a proper resolution12:07
snapdataDr_willis, alright. Thank you very much!12:07
Dr_willissnapdata,  if using webcam and web-cam type chats. the 'webcamstudio' program (not in the repos i think) can let you do some amazeing tricks with a webcam,12:07
Dr_willisnot sure if it works with skype properly or not.12:07
gweltermarsfligth: unless you have specific requirements I would recommend 64-bit if the hardware supports it, even if you have 4 GB or less12:08
Nobbyits messing with my minecraft :P12:08
snapdataDr_willis, I'll check it out, although it's not quite what I was looking for. None-the-less it's relieving.12:08
Dr_willissnapdata,  ive used webcamstudio to 'reroute' videos and stuff to my webcam (well it emulates a webcam) so people in chat rooms see videos, or other funny things i send12:09
marsfligthgwelter: thenks for the suggestion. I find strange, that on download page, Ubuntu suggests the 3 bit. I think that a lot of people are using the wrong OS version12:09
snapdataDr_willis, what about audio?12:10
gweltermarsfligth: yes, apparantly they decided 32 bit would be a safe bet12:10
marsfligth**sorry not 3 bits, but 32-bit12:10
Dr_willissnapdata,  it has all sorts of plugins and tricks.12:10
drvanonDarwinSurvivor: I have done it but my netbook still cant  handle df spotify writer xchat and chromium12:10
meraj@all,can any one help me?12:11
Dr_willissnapdata,  i just used it mainly to send  videos of the grandkids  during chats12:11
snapdataDr_willis, ah, okay. Sounds great. I'm checking it out now.12:11
meraji installed skype in ubuntu bt nt able to get any skype option on my pc,so can u tell me ,how to get  chat option?12:12
gweltermarsfligth: although 64 bit software might take up a little more memory, there are slight speed gains due to double number of cpu registers and security can be enhanced due to the capabilities of the processor12:12
bcuraboyhi.my screen goes black after a while of non use.i had installed the xscrensaver but i've removed it.the energy settings are ok12:12
bcuraboywhat could be the problem?12:13
meraji installed skype in ubuntu bt nt able to get any skype option on my pc,so can u tell me ,how to get  chat option?12:13
Dr_willismarsfligth,  its suggested that way - to  make sure people get somthing that at least works..  its a known 'point of debate' and  its mainly a form of idiot-proofing.12:13
lelamalpatience | meraj12:14
stefgDoes anyone in here have experience with setting up a 64bit kernel in a 32bit system? I'm putting together a rescue system and need both flavors b/c with a 32 bit kernel i can't chroot to my actual sstem, but 64bit won't run on my Atom based machines.12:14
merajdr_willis:i installed skype in ubuntu bt nt able to get any skype option on my pc,so can u tell me ,how to get  chat option?12:14
Dr_willismarsfligth,  theres talk of changeing it to 64bit reccomended..12:14
lelamal!patience | meraj12:14
ubottumeraj: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:14
Dr_willismeraj,  i havent used skype in years.12:14
aJynksdose anyone use code:blocks here?12:14
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:14
aJynksI have installed a recent SVN form the Pegui ppa .. but the contrib-plugins did not install.. anyone know how to install them?12:14
DarwinSurvivormarsfligth: I don't know, I haven't run 32 bit on high-ram computers myself. The only 32-bit machines I work on are netbooks with 2G or less12:15
Dr_willisHmm. I have to wonder why the 'Lord Of Ultima' Game takes so long to install when aparently its just a link to a web-based game..12:16
meraji installed skype in ubuntu bt nt able to get any skype option on my pc,so can u tell me ,how to get  chat option?12:16
Dr_willismeraj,  you could at least correct your spelling and puncation and be more clear if you are going to repeate every 30 sec. ;)12:16
Dr_willis'not able to get any skype option' means what exactly?12:17
Dr_willisand Skype on Linux is Not as featured as the windows version.12:17
DarwinSurvivorbcuraboy: did you log out and back in after removing xscreensaver?12:18
skramer_meraj: You need to start skype first, else you will not be able to chat using Skype12:18
bcuraboythe only thing that remains installed is wallch12:19
Strav`Anyone else experiencing this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/575492 ?12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 575492 in linux (Ubuntu) "Intel 5100 AGN wireless connection bug" [Medium,Triaged]12:19
merajdr-willis: installation is completed  for skype but how to get connected with skype in ubuntu?12:19
Dr_willismeraj,  err.. run skype..  and use it?12:20
railsraideris there a way to make xfs partition on a live server with one partition on it?12:20
marsfligthDr_willis: thanks for answering, but, I don' think that is an idiot point. to choose the right OS version it is the base, I think. so, I hope that Ubuntu makes a note close to the download button, that advise people with more than 3 GB of memory in total (RAM + video adapter), choose the 64-bit for a better Ubuntu experience. Do you agree?12:20
Dr_willismarsfligth,  they are 'idiot proofing'  not an idiot point...12:20
marsfligthDr_willis: sorry, I'w wrong12:21
Dr_willismarsfligth,  most of the chats on the topic agree that  they should put forthe the effort to 'educate' the users - but people seem to get scared by 'techy terms and stuff like that'12:21
gweltermarsfligth: what a about: 32 bit cpus with more than 3 GB? it is possible...12:22
Dr_willis The Move to a PAE kernel by default is also a supriseing change in the policy.12:22
Dr_willisthat makes the  'you got lots of ram - be sure to get 64bit' a bit of a less requirement.12:22
Dr_willisbut i still suggest using 64bit os on your 64bit hardware12:23
gwelterDr_willis: yes, that was more controversional, but they didn't remove the non-pae, did they?12:23
DarwinSurvivorbcuraboy: can you create a new user account and try logging in with that and see if the problem persists? that will tell us if it's a system-wide or user-specific issue12:23
Dr_willisgwelter,  the default installer for ubuntu is pae. the lubuntu cd - uses non-pae it seems.12:23
Dr_willisgwelter,  theres unofficial ubuntu-non-pae cds out also.12:23
gwelterDr_willis: hmm, only lubuntu?12:23
Dr_willisgwelter,  just skimmed an artical on it on webupd8 blog site. or omgubuntu!12:24
DarwinSurvivorweird, usually the only difference between fresh ubuntu/xubuntu/lubuntu/kubuntu is which DE packages are installed. very weird for the kernel to be modified....12:25
gwelterDr_willis: i'll have a go in a few days on a non-pae laptop and see if ubuntu will install/run12:25
tarelerulzI can't get push to talk working in teamspeak on Ubuntu 12.0412:25
buddha_no one der12:25
Dr_willisDarwinSurvivor,  the default kernel differs now it seems.12:25
aJynksI have installed a recent SVN form the Pegui ppa .. but the contrib-plugins did not install.. anyone know how to install them?12:25
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merajskramer: can u tell me how to run skype??12:25
buddha_nyone here using zenix live cd?12:26
gwelterDr_willis: thanks for the link12:26
Dr_willisDarwinSurvivor,  it could be they come with both.. the artical is a little vague ---> "You can also install Xubuntu or Lubuntu since both come with non-PAE Linux kernels,"12:26
marsfligthDr_willis: I'll use 64, absolutely. i was just speaking about the confusion that a new user finds when is choosing what to download. to me, close to the download button, should be a hyperlink or a note, that in few words helps the new Ubuntu user to choose for the better12:26
DarwinSurvivormarsfligth: the problem is that a lot of users don't even know the difference between ram and hard drives12:27
gweltermarsfligth: users who don't have a clue about their hardware, will have the highest chance of a working system with 32 bit12:27
Dr_willismarsfligth,  with that logic everything would have 1000+ notes. :) and the company is trying harder and harder to make things as simple.. BEST would be for the installer to decide. :) but the move to pae-kernel makes it less of an actual issue.12:27
skramer_meraj: press Alt+F2 and type skype. Skype window should open & you have to give your skype user name and password to connect12:27
OerHeksbuddha_, zenix is not ubuntu. seek support in a zenix irc channel.12:27
Dr_willisI rember the days befor installing Linux was a 'click next a few times and go!'  type setup12:27
DarwinSurvivormarsfligth: see http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/3336 for the brainstorm discussion.12:28
BrianNieI am come back. I tried reinstall the driver for VGA.But there are many problems.12:28
sunil_looking for an IRC channel for discussions on tools for software defined audio/video reception12:28
=== sunil_ is now known as AgentSpock
BrianNieThe driver AMD supported for my computer can not install on ubuntu 12.0412:29
buddha_how do i get to zenix irc channel?12:29
dlentzBrianNie, what version of the AMD driver?12:29
marsfligthDr_willis: should be interesting to put a java applet or some exe to check the system before to download, assuming that the new users come from m$. asus has something like that in his driver download page12:29
Dr_willisbuddha_,  the zenix homepage may suggest some.12:29
AgentSpockRF interfacing12:29
fidel_AgentSpock: maybe #ubuntustudio for the audio-section12:30
DarwinSurvivorbuddha_: please use zenix's support forum for help with zenix. since zenix is *not* ubuntu, we will be unable to help you here12:31
merajskramer: thax12:31
BrianNieMy computer is DELL inspiron 1526 and the VGA card is X1200. The card is not supported in the new driver.12:31
gweltermarsfligth: actually, the vmware esxi installer disc (atleast on v4.0) did a check for a 64 bit capable cpu, so it can be done12:31
DarwinSurvivorbuddha_: their forums http://forums.zenix-os.net/ they also have a channel at #zenix, but it looks pretty empty (i'd recommend the forums)12:31
marsfligthanyway, this is not the right place to treat this question. i'll try to send an email to the Ubuntu team12:31
buddha_zenix doesn't have a similar channel?12:31
dlentzBrianNie, you don't need the proprietary AMD driver, open-source default driver works fine12:32
marsfligththanks for the suggestio to all and for the links as well12:32
BrianNieThen I uninstalled the driver from ATI , reboot the computer. It worked.12:33
DarwinSurvivordlentz: BrianNie was in earlier with unity problems (unity-2d worked so I suspected driver issues)12:34
BrianNieBut now , It can work only 2D12:34
DarwinSurvivorBrianNie: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/05/09/%23ubuntu.html (timestamp: 7:20)12:34
BrianNieyes, I think it maybe the unity problem.12:35
DarwinSurvivorBrianNie: what happened when you had the driver installed?12:35
parth_Can any one help me knowing whether my nvidia card is used by ubuntu or not12:35
DarwinSurvivorparth_: the most effective way to find out is to try the live-cd.12:36
fouchangevous parlez francais12:36
dlentzBrianNie, have you looked at /var/log/Xorg.0.log (pastebin it)?12:36
gwelter!fr | fouchange12:36
ubottufouchange: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:36
BrianNiedlentz, let me see12:37
parth_DarwinSurvivor   what's the procedure12:37
brickteaso with the installation of 11.10 and the installation of gnome-shell and gnome-panel the gnome panel won't start12:37
brickteathe unity thingy works fine12:38
brickteathe gnome2 fallback doesn't12:38
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:38
brickteaand if I run gnome-panel manually this error arises (gnome-panel:5299): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_style_context_get: assertion `priv->widget_path != NULL' failed12:39
brickteaadditionally one of my monitors is completely off12:39
bricktealike there is background (sometimes) but usually a grey background12:39
gwelterparth_: do you want to check the running installation or a possible new version?12:40
bricktealike a window failing to open up properly12:40
parth_i want to running installation12:40
DarwinSurvivor!livecd | parth_12:40
ubottuparth_: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.12:40
gwelterparth_: check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see which driver is loaded12:40
DarwinSurvivor!liveusb | parth_ (in case you have no cd's)12:41
ubottuparth_ (in case you have no cd's): For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:41
arnprohello, how can I change root password in recovery mode??12:41
BrianNiedlentz, where can I paste the Xorg.0.log file?12:41
DarwinSurvivorarnpro: you *can*, but you shouldn't have to. why do you need a root password?12:41
DarwinSurvivorBrianNie: paste.ubuntu.com12:41
BrianNieI saw many output like [   327.023] (EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOPUTCMAP: Invalid argument12:42
arnproDarwinSurvivor: I really don't know, but today when trying yo log into my server, in some hosting, the root password failed, telling "access denied" and the hosting provider asked me to put into recovery mode and change it...12:42
DarwinSurvivorarnpro: you should't ever need the root password in an ubuntu installation, just use sudo instead12:42
arnproDarwinSurvivor: sorry I'm not following, but I need like to change it and then put my server back online, without reinstalling anything12:43
Dr_willissome hosting sites do not follow the ubuntu reccomendations and use root. :()12:43
jetienne_q. i downloaded 12.04 iso from the site, now i would like to copy it on usb key and then install it on my PC, is there a link explaining how to do that ?12:43
Dr_willisjetienne_,  use a tool like unetbootin, or other tools from the pendrivelinux site.. is one easy way12:44
Dr_willisjetienne_,  they got tutorials also and other docs.12:44
jetienne_Dr_willis: thanks looking12:44
DarwinSurvivorarnpro: what kind of access do you have to it (it's remote right?) ex: can you access grub?12:44
arnproDarwinSurvivor: this is what they say Recovery enables you to restart your server at any time in recovery mode, granting access to the data on your server which is no longer accessible over the internet using normal means. Thus, you can modify the system configuration and repair your server, making it fully available again.12:44
parth_what to do after doing live CD12:44
Dr_willisjetienne_,  if your pendrive is large enough - you can have several differnt disrtos on it :) and try them all.12:44
DarwinSurvivorparth_: run it and see if 3d stuff works :D12:45
captinehi all.  am pretty desperate.  my 12.04 laptop is working great, but every now and then, the screen seems to flicker.  need help on determining if this is refresh rates of sync issues?  am pretty new to linux, but did read something about v-synch on the weekend12:45
DarwinSurvivor!liveusb | jetienne_12:46
ubottujetienne_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:46
parth_can you provide detail I m also new to ubuntu12:46
DarwinSurvivorparth_: how much ram do you have?12:47
parth_6 GB12:47
abhinav_singhi am using ubutnu 11.10 ..when ever i try to update it says "Warning You are about to install software that can't b authenticated! Doing this could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control of your system"..how do i fix it?12:48
DarwinSurvivorarnpro: ok, so your hosting provider's recovery mode gives you basically root access to the entire drive?12:48
xangua!gpgerr | abhinav_singh12:48
arnproyes DarwinSurvivor , it's a dedicated server...12:48
ubottuabhinav_singh: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »12:48
DarwinSurvivorparth_: ok, then run the live-usb stick and open software center and install "gltron" it's a fairly small download (and will install into ram) and should give you an idea of how well your video card is supported12:48
DarwinSurvivorparth_: chances are it will either work VERY well or VERY badly12:49
djszapi|tbHey! I have just installed the stock ubuntu 12.04 LTS, but I cannot seem to find the "wacom" packages after executing the "apt-cache search wacom" command. How shall I extend the default sources.list I have right after the installation ?12:49
Dr_willislibwacom-common - Wacom model feature query library (common files)12:49
bmckenna[Fark]after a bad upgrade to 12.04 (after logging in after restart, couldn't run any applications, icons missing from launcher/dash, general corruption) i have a pretty fresh install of 12.04 (i'm still learning :)). i'm having some issues with audio. i'm using the optical port on the motherboard to my speakers, which seems to work ok...front audio not so much.12:49
djszapi|tbthese packages: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=wacom&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all12:50
Dr_willisi just see some libwacom packages12:50
DarwinSurvivorarnpro: ok, http://www.microhowto.info/howto/reset_a_forgotten_root_password_using_a_live_distribution.html and start with "chroot into the partition"12:50
jetienne_q. what is the difference between "desktop" and "alternate" ?12:50
djszapi|tbDr_willis: how can I see them ?12:50
bmckenna[Fark]not sure that it worked with the old version...if i play around with the mixers, i can get the microphone input from the front audio jacks to play in the headphones, but that's it. :/12:50
djszapi|tbthe current sources.list is incapable for that12:50
parth_why there is a need of live cd  I can do it without it12:50
arnproDarwinSurvivor: thanks! I'll get on it12:50
Dr_willisi got every repo enabled  - dont recall needing to add many. but i do have a  lot of ppas enabled.12:50
sirriffsalotMy USB isn't popping up anywhere I know of on a livecd... any ideas as to how to get access to it?12:50
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: run "sudo apt-get update" first12:50
djszapi|tbdone that quite a few times12:50
djszapi|tbthis is the sources.list currently: http://paste.kde.org/473450/12:51
Dr_willissirriffsalot,  see if its in the left side pane of the file manager, or mount it by hand12:51
sirriffsalotDr_willis: how do I mount it by hand?:)12:51
bmckenna[Fark]if i change the output on the "output" tab of sound settings to "headphones" (there is an option) it just plays REALLY LOUDLY out of my speakers, like one click of volume is near-deafening full volume.12:51
Dr_willissirriffsalot,  with the mount command.12:51
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:51
ryzzaniceroot, r u there?12:51
sirriffsalotDr_willis: cheers12:51
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djszapi|tbany ideas guys ?12:52
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: run "sudo apt-get update" first12:52
bmckenna[Fark]works in windows so i know it's not a connection issue (also the fact that it will play microphone audio if i unmute the mic)12:52
djszapi|tbdone that quite a few times12:52
djszapi|tbany ideas guys ?12:52
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: sorry, wrong person12:53
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DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: nvm, right person, it appears you asked 2 questions :P12:53
djszapi|tbDarwinSurvivor: huh ?12:53
omewith the same spec virtualmachines, CentOS works like a charm but Ubuntu 12.04 can't access internet over a 'bridge adapter' that is provided by virtualbox. any ideas please ?12:54
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: you asked about wacom *and* audio stuff :P12:54
BrianNieDarwinSurivor, I pasted the Xorg file at http://paste.ubuntu.com/977809/12:54
djszapi|tbaudio ??12:54
sirriffsalotDr_willis: When I do the "mount" command, I can't find my usb device (san disk) in the list...12:54
bmckenna[Fark]audio is me ;)12:54
omeI have to not that if i use a NAT instead of 'Bridge' it would work fun, but then I can't SSH into the machine. :|12:54
tmhi! does anyone here know about voice-recognition in ubuntu?12:55
DarwinSurvivorome: please tell us what shows up when running "ifconfig" on the guest machine12:55
djszapi|tbanybody willing to paste the sources.list after an Ubuntu 12.04 installation while having access to the wacom packages ?12:55
dlentzBrianNie, (EE) Failed to load module "ati" (module does not exist, 0)12:55
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: did you run "sudo apt-get update" before running "apt-cache search wacom"?12:56
BrianNiedlentz, yes I saw it. But there is no any ati driver I can install12:56
dlentzyou're missing the ati driver, make sure xserver-xorg-video-ati package is installed12:56
BrianNielet me try12:56
djszapi|tbDarwinSurvivor: like I wrote many times, yes, quite a few times...12:57
djszapi|tbdo you ignore my replies, but not the questions ? :-P12:57
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: sorry, my bad12:57
Atharielhallo =)12:57
omeDarwinSurvivor: tl;dr: I need to wait before I can use shell.   Real thing: I will do it in a second, cause I have to wait for the installer to finish and it's now downloading the packages using the 'NAT'.12:57
brickteais there a way to restore gnome-panels to default ?12:58
brickteaI know I had some custom panels12:58
brickteawhich might be the problem of it not being able to start12:58
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Atharielsalve sono nuovo12:59
Atharielc'è qualche italian o?12:59
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: have you tried using the tablet without installing anything? I think it's been embedded into the kernel now12:59
xanguabricktea: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html may help¿12:59
gwelter!it | Athariel12:59
ubottuAthariel: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:59
djszapi|tbDarwinSurvivor: yes of course13:00
djszapi|tbit did not work13:00
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: it does help to prefix your message with the other person's name since most irc clients highlight messages with the persons name in it13:00
djszapi|tbit is not tablet, btw13:00
DarwinSurvivor!who | djszapi|tb13:00
ubottudjszapi|tb: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:00
gwelterAthariel: prego13:00
railsraiderhow do i resize a partition, my hard drive is 160GB with available 90GB space I want to resize the partition to 50GB so that i can create a 90GB xfs partition13:00
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: then what type of wacom is it?13:00
BrianNiedlentz, I installed radeon and ati package.I need reboot and make it take effect. Thank you, I will try13:00
railsraiderwhen i try :  resize2fs /dev/xvdb1 50G i get resize2fs: New size smaller than minimum (13524297)13:01
xanguarailsraider: use gparted in the live cd13:01
railsraiderI'm on rackspace via rescue13:01
bmckenna[Fark]any advice or information for my audio issues?13:04
railsraiderthanks i'll try parted13:04
bmckenna[Fark]i'm totally lost.13:04
djszapi|tbDarwinSurvivor: what do you mean ?13:05
djszapi|tb(I pasted the toughbook link earlier fwiw)13:05
DarwinSurvivordjszapi|tb: ok, lets start from square 1. why do you need a wacom package? what is the *original* problem you are trying to solve?13:05
julien__oin #gtk13:07
OerHeksdjszapi|tb, if it is any help, latest wacom package > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom/LatestDriver13:07
simplesdoes ubuntu installer allows to install encrypted partitions?13:08
railsraideri need help resizing down a partition parted doesn't work :( says incompatible feature error (using ext3)13:09
OerHekssimples yes, whole drive or your /home13:09
xanguasimples: only your home, if you wich to encrypt all you'll have to use the alternate installer wich is basically debian's13:09
DarwinSurvivorsimples: you can, but it's not terribly easy. if you just need to encrypt you personal files, use home-folder encryption on each account which is VERY easy to set up13:09
p1l0tlets go!13:10
xanguaOerHeks: really all¿ thought only home13:10
VictorCLhow can I change all the images that are ona a folder from a .jpeg to a .jpg ?13:10
abhinav_singhi am using ubutnu 11.10 ..when ever i try to update it says "Warning You are about to install software that can't b authenticated! Doing this could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control of your system"..how do i fix it?  i am not getting any gpg key error..  i am tried to fix missing gpg key error using launchpad-getkeys13:10
foobArrrDarwinSurvivor: what's not terribly easy about it? the alternate installer pretty much does everything automatically13:10
_Matze__I'm running Ubuntu im VMware player andd it suddenly doesn't want to start anymore13:10
monaDeveloperrecently I've upgraded to 12.04 but I get busybox built in shell instead of launching the system13:11
jribVictorCL: you can use the "rename" command (see man page for examples; feel free to ask for more detail)13:11
simplesDarwinSurvivor: i asked to encrypt partitions and not jut home, i want to have all system encrypted13:11
fidel__Matze__: any error-output?13:11
monaDeveloperwhat should I do?13:11
VictorCLyes I need the rename command but for a batch of images13:11
DarwinSurvivorfoobArrr: the alterneate installer is not terribly easy for the average user13:11
jribVictorCL: yes, the "rename" command works on batches of images.13:11
xanguaabhinav_singh: what's the output of sudo-apt-get-update ¿13:11
foobArrrhm k13:11
DarwinSurvivorfoobArrr: it's not problem for you or I, but most users basically need the gui installer13:12
fidel_VictorCL: batch-renaming works pretty good with pyrenamer13:12
ironhalikif using TwinView, is it possible to set the workspaces to change independently of eachother, on both monitors?13:12
fidel_VictorCL: free tool - useful ui13:12
_Matze__fidel_: at first the sceen keeps black for a long time13:12
VictorCLok , i dont know much , I think will be faster if I rename them 1 by 113:12
jribVictorCL: that's up to you I guess13:13
Dr_willisironhalik,  they dont work that way. its one WIDE desktop/workspace  basically13:13
simplesso isnt possible to install ubuntu with encrypted partitions, who call it a great distro?13:13
DarwinSurvivorVictorCL: are all the .jpeg's lowercase (the extension part)?13:13
Dr_willisironhalik,  you could pin an app to the 2nd monitor,  and have it show on all workspaces if you wanted13:13
foobArrrsimples: it is. use the alternate installer.13:13
simplesfoobArrr:  the alternate installer for what i see only allows to use LVM13:14
monaDeveloperrecently I've upgraded to 12.04 but I get busybox built in shell instead of launching the system what should I do?13:14
DarwinSurvivorsimples: it is possible, it's just much easier to use encrypted home folder which will protect the user's personal documents just fine13:14
DarwinSurvivor!encryption | simples13:14
ubottusimples: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory13:14
ironhalikDr_willis: and what about different configuration? two x servers with xinerama?13:14
foobArrrsimples: it allows full disk encryption13:14
foobArrrsimples: lvm in luks, iirc13:14
Dr_willisironhalik,  2 x se4rvers - you have a totally seperate X session on the 2nd monitor. could run whatever you wanted.. i never use that setup13:14
simplesfoobArrr: that only possible through LVM, and i dont want LVM13:14
_Matze__fidel_: before these problems my Ubuntu said it had not enough disk space but there is more than enough13:14
simplesDarwinSurvivor: i dont want to just encrypt home13:15
ironhalikDr_willis: and probably wouldnt be able to move windows around, right?13:15
foobArrrsimples: if you partition manually, you can set it up without lvm13:15
simplesfoobArrr:  you can not13:15
Dr_willisironhalik,  xinerama is basically a lesser version of twinview.13:15
abhinav_singhthis is error http://pastebin.com/ERF6n81K  xangua13:15
foobArrrsimples: yes, you can13:15
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simplesfoobArrr: tha installer does not allows it!13:15
simplesfoobArrr:  like i said, the installer only allows through LVM13:16
ironhalikDr_willis: hmm, ok. So is there any way to make seperate workspaces on two monitors? moving everything around kinda beats the purpose of dual displays for me13:16
_Matze__\msg fidel_13:16
simplesi was just asking to see if that was already fixed, but seams not13:16
foobArrrwhat do you mean "allow"? feature not there? feature not working?13:16
DarwinSurvivorVictorCL: "for i in `ls *.jpeg`; do mv $i `echo $i | sed 's/jpeg/jpg/'`; done13:16
simplesfoobArrr: why dont you go check it13:16
jribDarwinSurvivor: don't use ls like that13:16
_Matze__\MSG fidel_13:17
fidel__Matze__: try to answer in 1 block if possible13:17
simplesthe installer is a crap13:17
Dr_willisironhalik,  i dont know how your workflow is.. I  move whatever window i need on the 2nd moniotr and pin it there if i want it to appear on eveyr workspace13:17
fidel__Matze__: what happens after that black-screen phase during boot?13:17
DarwinSurvivorjrib: oh yeah, forgot about that13:17
Wiz_KeeDwhat does "allowing non authenticated users to relay email using the mail server." relay mean?13:17
Wiz_KeeDrelay email13:17
DarwinSurvivorjrib: oh well, he left before I posted it anyways13:17
fidel__Matze__: and are you sure there is enough space free on the system-disk ubuntu is using?13:17
Dr_willisironhalik,  i normally set up vlc video on moniotr #2. and do my work on #1 ;)13:17
ironhalikDr_willis: hah, same here ;D I guess that should work for me, too ;)13:18
fidel_Wiz_KeeD: that you dont need knowledge of user&pw to send mails over that box most likely13:18
DarwinSurvivorsimples: is there a problem with using home folder encryption? the regular installer makes that dead-simple to set up.13:18
Dr_willisironhalik,  flash used to have issues going fullscreen with multi monitors.. i havent tried it lately13:19
fidel_!pm > _Matze__13:19
ubottu_Matze__, please see my private message13:19
Wiz_KeeDfidel_, i meant the actual term relay13:19
Wiz_KeeDor is that it?13:19
DarwinSurvivorfidel_: use | instead of >13:19
ironhalikDr_willis: well, it wont resize, for me :>13:20
fidel_DarwinSurvivor: why?13:21
vkarpyukhi people13:21
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fidel_DarwinSurvivor: like that i spam less to the chan13:21
simplesDarwinSurvivor: i dont get, you do understand english, right? i said encrypt all not just home13:21
vkarpyuki am a new one here13:21
fAz4How to set command like "java -jar" for running jar files in gnome ?13:21
fAz4i'm new to unity13:21
DarwinSurvivorfidel_: oh, does > send it to them as a pm?13:21
fidel_DarwinSurvivor: yep13:21
DarwinSurvivorfidel_: learn something every day :D13:22
fidel_DarwinSurvivor: afaik ;)13:22
fidel_lets doubletest13:22
fidel_!pm > DarwinSurvivor13:22
ubottuDarwinSurvivor, please see my private message13:22
xanguaabhinav_singh: just open the update manager, go to preferences and change the download sources to the Main Server (in the very first tab) or whatever server you like13:22
DarwinSurvivorfidel_: yep, works :)13:22
vkarpyukhave anybody ever develop any file system?13:22
vkarpyukto be specific ext213:22
OerHekssimples, see the note from xangua > if you wich to encrypt all you'll have to use the alternate installer13:23
abhinav_singhi am trying to chose best server.. it is showing me some server in india..when i chose the server ..nothing is happening xangua13:23
DarwinSurvivorvkarpyuk: you mean like *written* a filesystem specification?13:23
simplesOerHeks: seams you dont read what i say, the alternate isntaller will allow only to encrypt through LVM13:23
foobArrrsimples: I just did check, works flawlessly, without lvm.13:23
xanguaabhinav_singh: how ab out you choose your country server or main then13:23
OerHekssimples, so it can be done.13:23
vkarpyukno i mean to develop a kernel module13:23
abhinav_singhit is already set to main server xangua13:23
DarwinSurvivorsimples: and you aren't answering my question.13:23
simplesfoobArrr: foobArrr first you didn not had time for it, and second is not possible13:23
xanguaabhinav_singh: you have to run the update manager again13:23
fAz4any idea, how to run jar files on unity ?!13:24
simplesOerHeks: can not, and by the way, debian haves a more recent installed, and ubuntu is still with a older one13:24
foobArrrsimples: first I did, in a vm, second it is, third go troll somewhere else13:24
fidel_fAz4: in theory: having java installed - double-click it and answer the question of your file-manager to execute it13:24
vkarpyukand it has to be a remote file system13:25
OerHekssimples, it can be done. i read you don't like the answer.13:25
simplesfoobArrr: well yes, ubuntu continues using a crap isntalled and does do any to improve it13:25
DarwinSurvivorvkarpyuk: do you have a support question, or is this just research?13:25
simplesOerHeks: can not!13:25
fAz4fidel_: i used to set command in gnome13:25
fAz4fidel_: "java -jar"13:25
simplesOerHeks: i was yesterday on it13:25
jetienneq. if i install ubuntu 12.04, can i switch to a non unity desktop ?13:25
fAz4fidel_:  but unity want's to install it's own java (openJDK)13:25
DarwinSurvivor!notunity | jetienne13:26
ubottujetienne: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:26
vkarpyukit's a research13:26
jetienneDarwinSurvivor: i guess you means yes13:26
DarwinSurvivorjetienne: you can also install the kde, xfce or lmde desktop environments from the software center.13:26
simplesbetter to to distros that proven to be in a higher level: Mageia, Fedora, Oepnsuse13:26
jetienneDarwinSurvivor: what is "!unity" in the bot message13:26
DarwinSurvivorvkarpyuk: #ubuntu is used for support only, if you are doing basic research or getting opinions, please use #ubuntu-offtopic13:27
jetienneim considering xubuntu too13:27
vkarpyukactually its a practical work13:27
vkarpyukfor my university13:27
DarwinSurvivorvkarpyuk: if you have a problem that you need help fixing, #ubuntu is the right place. if not, please use #ubuntu-offtopic (non-support questions about ubuntu should be in #ubuntu-offtopic)13:28
vkarpyukok , thank you!13:28
FelinHey guys, having an issue with my controller, a standard Mixtrack. I'm running Mixxx 1.10 and the latest BodhiLinux (Ubuntu based). My issue is that while amidi -l shows the Mixtrack Mixxx continues to show No Midi Devices Available in the controller pane.13:28
xanguaFelin: bodhi linux is not supported here13:29
_Matze__Heyho! My VMware player Ubuntu doesn't boot anymore! At first the sceen keeps black for a long time... before these problems my Ubuntu said it had not enough disk space but there is more than enough... now some error-messages appear: http://i.imgur.com/gR7Vv.png but nothing else happens and I can't do anything..13:29
johnSo, I'm trying to set up my extra monitor but it's telling me that I'm trying to exceed virtual screen size. This happens both in displays panel and xrandr....13:29
FelinWell I was sort of hoping I could get a bit of help here since it's Ubuntu-based and both the Mixxx and Bodhi irc's are dead. Ah well.13:29
DarwinSurvivorFelin: every "derivative" of ubuntu likes to change a lot of stuff and since we have no idea WHAT they have changed, we cannot help you. please use bodhi's support channels for help13:30
DarwinSurvivor!ask | monaDeveloper13:33
ubottumonaDeveloper: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:33
johnSo, I'm trying to set up my extra monitor but it's telling me that I'm trying to exceed virtual screen size. This happens both in displays panel and xrandr....Anyone know a common fix?13:33
irkinosorhi there. I am having this strange problem and I couldn't get help on the beginners channel. I cannot connect over the internet with my browsers (Firefox and Chromium) on my personal session, but when I can connect in the guest session using the same settings.How to resolve this?13:36
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: if you type "ping google.com" into a terminal, do you get an error or a list of ping times?13:37
outHi !!13:39
_Matze__Heyho! My VMware player Ubuntu doesn't boot anymore! At first the sceen keeps black for a long time... before these problems my Ubuntu said it had not enough disk space but there is more than enough... now some error-messages appear: http://i.imgur.com/gR7Vv.png but nothing else happens and I can't do anything..13:39
_Matze__Heyho! My VMware player Ubuntu doesn't boot anymore! At first the sceen keeps black for a long time... before these problems my Ubuntu said it had not enough disk space but there is more than enough... now some error-messages appear: http://i.imgur.com/gR7Vv.png but nothing else happens and I can't do anything..13:41
irkinosor@Darwin I get a list of things13:41
ikonia_Matze__: you asked that less than a minute ago13:41
ikonia_Matze__: we saw you the first time13:41
irkinosorI down know if that's what you refer to as ping times13:41
_Matze__sorry, my internet broke down and i didn't know, if the message got sent13:42
fidel__Matze__: can you boot into recovery mode?13:42
_Matze__how can one boot into recovery mode?13:43
irkinosor@Darwin: are you there?13:43
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: yes, i'm here13:43
fidel__Matze__: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/recovery_modus13:43
ThinkT510_Matze__: select it from grub, hold shift to make grub show at boot13:43
irkinosorI think it is a list of ping times indeed13:44
irkinosorit keeps running13:44
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: what exactly does firefox and chrome show when trying to use them?13:44
BadCodSmellDo I need to do anything special to get NOPASSWD to work in sudoers on ubuntu?13:44
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: it will run forever (it's what it does)13:44
ThinkT510BadCodSmell: you don't want nopasswd, it is a security risk13:44
irkinosor@darwin: it looks like. it is still running13:45
BadCodSmellI don't care, it's an internal thing and I don't have all day, plus the script does a lot of complex stuff with hardware and networking, chown/mod is not an option here.13:45
irkinosor@Darwin: this is the error from firefox: Error Code: 407 Proxy Authentication Required. Forefront TMG requires  authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is  denied. (12209)13:46
BadCodSmellI definitely want NOPASSWD, it just isn't working though.13:46
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: ok, well that's not "no internet", that's a proxy issue13:46
ThinkT510BadCodSmell: show us what you got so far13:46
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: do you use a proxy ever (at work, school, etc) that you may have forgotten to disable?13:47
_Matze__I don't get to see any grub when I press shift13:47
OerHeksBadCodSmell, did you logout & login after change ?13:47
johnCan anyone walk me through adding a new modeline in Xrandr to enable a dual screen setup with a 2560x1440 and 1920x13:48
BadCodSmellhw ALL=NOPASSWD: /scripts/update.sh13:48
snapdatagstreamer (gstlaunch pulsesrc ! pulsesink) works fine, but my browser doesn't show up in the 'recording' tab. Any ideas?13:48
irkinosorDarwin: What do you mean. I use the rpoxy at school where I am actually. But I mention that it works when I connect via guest session.13:48
ThinkT510BadCodSmell: is hw a user?13:48
irkinosor@darwin: btw how do I stop that ping thing?13:48
johnCan anyone walk me through adding a new modeline in Xrandr to enable a dual screen setup with 2560x1440 and 1920x1080 monitors? I'm currently getting an exceeds virtual screen size error when I try to just switch my monitors to that size.13:49
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: just close the terminal window13:49
OerHeksBadCodSmell, i think you need to use FULL path /home/$USER/scripts/update.sh13:49
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: it sounds like your proxy is misconfigured. what type of proxy is it and what are the settings you used in firefox and chrome?13:49
BadCodSmellI figured it out, and it is outrageouly trivial, no +x.13:49
BadCodSmellSudo just doesn't react in the way you would expect.13:50
monaDeveloperrecently I've upgraded to 12.04 but I get busybox built in shell instead of launching the system what should I do?13:50
_Matze__ThinkT510:        I don't get grub if I press SHIFT13:50
hwildejohn you would have to make it 1920x2 = 3840x108013:50
snapdataI'm fairly certain Flash is not using PulseAudio. Any ideas?13:50
ThinkT510_Matze__: i've never used vmware, not sure if that would intercept the shift. are you holding it or just pressed once13:51
irkinosor@Darwin: what do you mean? I use the proxy provided by the university IT tech13:51
_Matze__ThinkT510 :   I tried bot options13:51
johnhwilde, how would I go about doing that? Right now I just get an exceeds virtual screen size for anything over 2560x2560, which is a little larger than where I like my primary monitor.13:52
adambI have a question if someone has a moment. Is there a way to download the Ubuntu upgrade (12.04) via the upgrade tool without continuing on until later?13:52
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: how do you log into the proxy? do you have to change settings in the web browser, or are you just presented with a login page when you try to load the first website?13:52
ThinkT510_Matze__: not sure what to suggest sorry13:52
DarwinSurvivorikonia: basically, what information did IT give you for connecting?13:53
PiciDarwinSurvivor: wrong person13:53
hwildelast spoke >> alphabetical!13:53
_Matze__ThinkT510:     thats bad.. who might be able to help me?13:53
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: ^^13:53
johnhwilde, reading over what I've found online I get adding modelines to single monitors, but it doesn't look like it will help me exceed virtual screen size for both.13:53
irkinosor@Darwin: I was presented with the login window when I first try a page and I put my username and passord13:53
ThinkT510adamb: i don't think so, you'd have to download + upgrade at the same time, don't think you can download and save for later13:53
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: basically, what information did IT give you for connecting?13:53
hwildejohn idk13:53
irkinosor@Darwin: I head you13:54
adambThinkT510:  curse. Ok. thanks!13:54
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: ok, so there was nowhere that you had to enter proxy information into firefox's settings?13:54
monaDeveloperrecently I've upgraded to 12.04 but I get busybox built in shell instead of launching the system what should I do?13:54
ThinkT510_Matze__: you are in the right place to ask, many tend to use virtualbox rather than vmware13:54
irkinosor@Darwin: There was and I did before trying to connect to the first page where I change it to automatic proxy13:55
_Matze__ThinkT510:    A collegue recommended VMware to my so I took it..13:55
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: and you *didn't* make those changes in the guest account?13:55
irkinosor@Darwin: I used Oneric like yesterday and these same setting was working jsut fine!!!13:55
irkinosor@Darwin: had problems after I upgraded13:56
ThinkT510_Matze__: if i can i stay with open source solutions where practical, thats why i've only used virtualbox, sorry i'm not much help13:56
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: I'm trying to figure out what is different between the firefox in your regular account and the firefox in your guest account13:57
_Matze__ThinkT510: okay, VMware-player is for free but not open source?13:57
DarwinSurvivorif there were settings you put into your user account but not your guest account, try taking those settings out13:57
ThinkT510_Matze__: yes13:57
ThinkT510_Matze__: virtualbox is free and open source, also in the ubuntu repos13:58
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: is there a link you can post that points to your university's proxy connection instructions?13:58
irkinosorPlease do. Note that there are not network setting for the system in my guest account. I tried that earlier,  I changed Network proxy to none but that also didn'twork13:59
irkinosor@Darwin: What do you mean?13:59
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: i'm assuming your university has some kind of website with instructions telling students how to connect to the proxy. can you give us a link to it?14:00
BrianNieHi dlentz, I am back here. I installed xserver for radeon and ati, but when I login, the desktop and menu all dissapeared like before. and I installed fglrx, now I can reach the desktop but when I execute fglrxinfo the errors are:X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)14:00
BrianNie  Major opcode of failed request:  135 (GLX)14:00
BrianNie  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)14:00
BrianNie  Serial number of failed request:  1214:00
BrianNie  Current serial number in output stream:  1214:00
FloodBot1BrianNie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:00
monaDeveloperrecently I've upgraded to 12.04 but I get busybox built in shell instead of launching the system what should I do?14:00
Kristophwado I need toclean install to go from 10.4 to 12.4?14:01
=== CoM|Disconn is now known as CoM`oFF|Disconn
ThinkT510Kristophwa: clean installs are usually better but you can upgrade directly from 10.04 to 12.0414:01
xanguaKristophwa: you will have tu wait untill 12.04.1 releases in a couple of months i've heard14:02
DarwinSurvivorKristophwa: no, you can upgrade to 10.10, then 11.04, then 11.10, then 12.04. but a reinstall may be faster depending on how much customization you've done14:02
fidel_12.04.1 is playnned afaik to july 19th14:02
Kristophwanot much customization14:02
irkinosor@Darwin: let me check if it's there because the proxy I have I had to ask them via email. The give a flyer at the beginning of the year with instruction, I don't recall seeing it on their website that's why I had to emailed them14:02
=== koro_ is now known as koro
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: can you tell us which university it is?14:03
irkinosor@Darwin: Cape Town14:03
irkinosorSouth Africa14:03
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: in africa?14:04
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: copy/pasting the e-mail into paste.ubuntu.com would also work14:06
johnLooking for help with xrandr. I need to exceed it's stated maximum screen size to get my dual monitor setup to work. Going for a 3840x1080 setup, stated max size is 2560x2560, which is the max x value for my primary monitor.14:06
irkinosor@Darwin: Don't you know Ubuntu founder is from South Africa??? Bcz you asked whether is was in Africa.... :)14:08
Sidewinderfidel_, July 19th, eh; I had heard sometime in June, but I forget where I heard it, prolly here. Are you reasonably certain of that date 'cause I'm currently 10.04. TIA.14:09
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: yes I knew that14:09
fidel_Sidewinder: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule14:10
Sidewinderfidel_, Many thanx. :)14:10
astevewhere is pure-ftpd.conf on 10.04?14:11
Sidewinderfidel_, I notice all the entries have (?) after them; guess they're not etched in stone.14:11
astevethere is /etc/pure-ftpd/conf but it is filled with multiple files named after directives with answers inside14:12
astevesuch as NoAnonymous as a filename and "yes" as the contents14:12
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: i believe http://www.icts.uct.ac.za/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3196#wireless_connect_ubuntu_HH would be the appropriate information14:12
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fidel_Sidewinder: not the 19th14:12
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fidel_only one around that area without question mark14:12
_Matze__[15:41] <_Matze__> Heyho! My VMware player Ubuntu doesn't boot anymore! At first the sceen keeps black for a long time... before these problems my Ubuntu said it had not enough disk space but there is more than enough... now some error-messages appear: http://i.imgur.com/gR7Vv.png but nothing else happens and I can't do anything..14:12
compdocasteve, ever use the locate command?14:12
fidel_but yeah you never know14:13
my-technohy ..14:13
astevecompdoc: do you know the answer to my question?14:13
Sidewinderfidel_, You're, of course, correct; I was reading too fast..14:13
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: haha, you guys are on eduroam. That's the same system BCIT, SFU and UBC use in Canada'14:13
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: if you can get connected to the eduroam connection, you shouldn't need to worry about proxies, eduroam handles all that for you14:14
sab0i installed glassfish2.2 ESB including netbean 6.7.1,but i cant run it on my machine(ubuntu 10.04).The installation filename "glassfishesb-v2.2-full-installer-linux.sh".I used "chmod +x filename" and "sudo ./filename" to install it.can any one please tell me what can be the problem and how can i solve it?14:15
my-technoindonesian people14:15
my-technoindonesian people ..??14:15
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: hmm, actually, you *may* need to set proxy settings (they must have eduroam configured MUCH differently down there)14:15
BrianNieHi Darwin, I am back here. I installed xserver for radeon and ati, but when I login, the desktop and menu all dissapeared like before. and I installed fglrx, now I can reach the desktop but when I execute fglrxinfo the errors are:X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)14:15
irkinosor@Darwin: Yes those are the correct settings. I tried edurom earlier but still not working that when I change to wired.But let me try again see14:15
DJones!is | my-techno14:16
DJones!id | my-techno14:16
ubottumy-techno: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:16
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: if you can get eduroam working, that is a MUCH easier way to go, *trust* me (but eduroam *can* be very finicky to get set up the first time)14:16
BrianNieI pasted the Xorg file here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/977927/14:16
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: just consider yourself lucky that UTC was nice enough to give step-by-step instructions for linux. at BCIT (a technology college) you say linux and get a funny look :(14:17
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=== delki8_ is now known as delki8
Kristophwahi guys14:18
OptiWorkcan you pass a username variable inside a dconf setting?14:18
VarsuchiDarwin: I dont think I would attend that college....14:18
Kristophwaneeding to install a jdk on my 10.4 anyone got a good liner I can use14:18
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elijahIs there a way to make a window transparent in Ubuntu? I want to overlay a transparent window over CSS, PHP, HTML files and practice typing.14:19
irkinosor@Darwin: Lol :-D, The IT department here have a lab sponsored by Mark so I guess they have to return the favour right? Ok. let me try that eduroam...14:19
rottiwhen i boot ubuntu 12.04 on my hp pavillion i need to hit f3 each time to brighten my display.  is there a fix?14:20
DarwinSurvivorVarsuchi: it's actually a fairly decent college, they just don't have much of an IT department14:20
sab0i installed glassfish2.2 ESB including netbean 6.7.1,but i cant run it on my machine(ubuntu 10.04).The installation filename "glassfishesb-v2.2-full-installer-linux.sh".I used "chmod +x filename" and "sudo ./filename" to install it.can any one please tell me what can be the problem and how can i solve it?14:20
DJonesrotti: Give me a minute, I have the same bug with my HP laptop14:21
Varsuchiwhat IRC client is everyone using in Ubuntu?14:21
DJonesrotti: This what I used to fix the problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/79983/screen-brightness-resets-to-minimum-after-every-reboot14:21
elijahnever mind, I will use VIM and a transparent background in terminal14:21
DarwinSurvivorsab0: please do NOT use .sh and .bin installers in ubuntu. more often than not they just break stuff *horribly*. instead, please use the glassfish package in the repository14:21
jrib!polls | Varsuchi14:22
ubottuVarsuchi: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:22
DarwinSurvivor!polls | Varsuchi14:22
DJonesrotti: My laptop is a HP Pavillion G72, which sounds like the same problem14:22
elijahVarsuchi: I use Pidgin, however I wish when I switch to it with alt+tab that both the buddies window and the channels would focus, it just does the buddies window, then I have to close it and it works fine.14:22
negritoHi guys, got a problem today with Unity in 12.04, used to das this with 11.10 so I decided use Windows and wait for 12.04. My Unity completelly disappeared...14:23
richardlxcwhen i use webhttrak in ubuntu14:23
richardlxcthere is an error14:23
fizk_Is anyone looking to share a dedicated server? I'm thinking of sharing mine.14:23
richardlxcanyone can14:23
sab0DarwinSurvivor, can you please tell me how can i find and uninstall the installed glassfish which is not functioning,because its using almost 540mb of space14:24
richardlxcanyone can help me?14:24
jrib!ot | fizk_14:24
ubottufizk_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:24
LuizAngiolettiI'm using Ubuntu 11.10. I have a network printer configured through the GUI, but when I try to access it through the command line, using the lpstat command, nothing shows up. Why is that?14:24
_Matze__[15:41] <_Matze__> Heyho! My VMware player Ubuntu doesn't boot anymore! At first the sceen keeps black for a long time... before these problems my Ubuntu said it had not enough disk space but there is more than enough... now some error-messages appear: http://i.imgur.com/gR7Vv.png but nothing else happens and I can't do anything..14:25
rottihow to i find /etc/rc.local14:26
jribrotti: why?14:26
rottiScreen brightness resets to minimum after every reboot14:26
jribrotti: /etc/rc.local is itself a path.  If you're sure there's no better way, you can edit it with: gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local14:27
H3HlpHi, whatr distribution is the best for linux gaming?14:27
DarwinSurvivor!polls | H3Hlp14:27
ubottuH3Hlp: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:27
WhereIsMySpoonH3Hlp, linux isnt really that good of a gaming platform in general14:27
WhereIsMySpoonmostly cause not many big games are written for it14:27
DarwinSurvivor!ot | H3Hlp14:28
ubottuH3Hlp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:28
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DarwinSurvivorirkinosor1: is your problem resolved yet?14:28
WhereIsMySpoonHi - why when I check for open connections on /dev/tty does the process that's doing so freeze?14:28
H3Hlpyea I know, but my counter strike works best on backtrack than in ubuntu14:28
* overbythere hopes DarwinSurvivor doesn't hit him again14:28
icerootH3Hlp: at the moment there are not so many games but steam will come to GNU/Linux and then i guess ubuntu is a good choice14:28
WhereIsMySpoonit doesnt freeze when checking on /dev/ttyX or /dev/ttySX14:28
mneptokH3Hlp: aside from polls being off-topic and unwelcome, choosing #ubuntu for such a question is puzzling. do you think anyone will say "Fedora!"?14:28
DarwinSurvivoroverbythere: I hit you before...?14:29
H3Hlphmm ok14:29
DarwinSurvivoroverbythere: oh, the away thing :P14:29
overbythere[12:55:42] <DarwinSurvivor> !away | overby[away]14:30
WhereIsMySpoonHi - why when I check for open connections on /dev/tty does the process that's doing so freeze? It doesnt when I check on /dev/ttyX or /dev/ttySX =/14:33
DarwinSurvivor!detail s| WhereIsMySpoon14:33
DarwinSurvivor!details | WhereIsMySpoon14:33
ubottuWhereIsMySpoon: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:33
BrianNieHi, does anybody can help me ?14:33
BrianNieI installed ati driver but something wrong14:34
satrionicsthe proprietary driver?14:34
irkinosor@Darwin: I lost my connection. did you get my messages?14:36
BrianNiemy computer is dell inspiron 1526 and video card is Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]14:36
mneptokBrianNie: did you install the proprietary FGLRX driver from AMD?14:37
BrianNieI installed from ubuntu reposotory14:37
mneptokBrianNie: installed *what*?14:37
BrianNieAMD did not have the proprietary driver now.14:38
BrianNieI installed xserver-radeon, xserver-ati, fglrx14:38
mneptokBrianNie: "lsmod | grep adeon"14:39
satrionicsradeon mneptok ^note the typo14:40
satrionicsgrep radeon14:40
mneptoksatrionics: grep returns partial strings. "adeon" will match "Radeon" and :radeon" both.14:40
BrianNieI executed but no any output14:40
mneptokBrianNie: then you seemingly are using the proprietary FGLRX driver. there's not much help that can be offered, as it is proprietary.14:41
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: no i didn't get it, send it again14:41
gaston_what is the quickest way to install ffmpeg?14:42
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: btw, if you type "d" and hit <tab> it should auto-complete my name :)14:42
jpdsgaston_: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg -y14:42
BrianNieI pasted Xorg.0 file here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/977927/ ,can you tell me where is the problem?14:42
gaston_jpds: thanks, found several commands but none made it.14:42
gaston_reboot required?14:42
jpdsgaston_: No.14:43
gaston_jpds: thx again!14:43
DarwinSurvivorirkinosor: did you cut out again?14:43
elijahHow do I set the Gnome Terminal from a block to a cursor, I can't seem to find it in profile preferences?14:43
gaston_jpds: for 12.04 as well?14:44
jpdsgaston_: Yes.14:44
RyoRoninelijah: its under profiles general, under cursor shape : Block Underline Ibeam14:44
gaston_jpds: i get http://pastebin.com/BiCvTzSF when transcoding with vlc14:45
UICTamalehey all, I'm frustrated at the lack of responsiveness in Ubuntu 12.04 running unity and the open-source radeon drivers.  I tried fglrx, but dual-monitor support is completely broken, let alone triple monitor.  Is there any hope of having a snappy, responsive ubuntu 12.04 system with 3 monitors?14:45
elijahRyoRonin: lol, thanks, I glossed right over that at least 5 times14:45
RyoRoninelijah: yeah it happens to the best of us.14:46
elijahUICTamale: Yeah, use proprietary drivers - :)14:46
jpdsgaston_: You probably need something else like gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg installed.14:46
gaston_going in :)14:46
negritoIs there a terminal command to start the USB Disk Creator?14:46
sivanghi all14:46
antnashHey guys. Anyone able to tell me why my partition doesn't show up on lvm manager under uninitialized entities? Tried unformatted, formatted, no joy14:46
sivangI've upgraded to 12.04, and I lost all the window decorations and effects. How to re-enable them?14:47
elijahUICTamale: otherwise, living with the pain will cause you to a) figure out how improve it, b) suffer miserably, c) something else I won't mention14:47
sivang(I'd say compiz is not running or so, but what do I know? ;)14:47
gaston_jpds: hm newest version already installed. no need to reboot, you said?14:47
jpdsgaston_: Yes, this isn't Windows.14:47
negritoIs there a terminal command to start the USB Disk Creator? 214:47
gaston_negrito: sudo usb-creator-gtk14:48
negritogaston_ thanks a lot!14:48
gaston_negrito: google is your friend14:48
auronandace!gksudo | gaston_14:49
ubottugaston_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:49
gaston_auronandace: thanks for the info14:49
killemallhey guys, trying to setup a classic gnome session on 12.04. I have older intel 8xx gpu, and when I logout, I can not see the login screen or switch any vts, though I can hear the login sound so I think it's working, I just can't see it14:51
w1jpaudio? I want to disable the AGC (automatic gain control) of the audio input. Where do I do that  PulseAudio or ALSA?14:51
killemallis there a way to select default session from CLI?14:51
killemallfirst time I log in it works ok but logging out doesn't work14:51
gaingain... lol14:51
ironhalikhow is it that lspci shows 256MB of addressable memory, and xorg logs show 512mb (same as nvidia-settings)14:52
w1jpgain: lol to you have an agc?14:52
w1jpanyway can't use skype or voip with the system automatically adjusting the gain (background noise)14:52
u53rhello. does anyone know how to translate this into a proper query: SELECT Ämne.ÄmneText FROM Ämne,Bok WHERE COUNT(Ämne.ÄmneNr=Bok.ÄmneNr) = 014:52
snapdataHi. My browsers (through html5 or direct input) work with PulseAudio just fine. However, when Flash utilizes a microphone I do not see a recording source in pavucontrol.14:53
gainw1jp: no, sry... but my irc client blinks cause you write my nick (not for calling me, of course) ^^14:53
Piciu53r: Thats not really on-topic for this channel, try #sql14:53
snapdataAny input is greatly appreciated.14:53
DarwinSurvivoru53r: please use the #sql channel for database questions14:54
u53rcannot send to that channel14:54
u53rit seems dead14:54
auronandace!register | u53r14:54
Pici!register | u53r14:54
ubottuu53r: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:54
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Sidewinder!enter > u53r14:54
ubottuu53r, please see my private message14:54
=== CoM`oFF|Disconn is now known as CoM|Disconn
=== CoM|Disconn is now known as CoM`oFF|Disconn
w1jpsnapdata: When I use gtalk, the input gain keeps adjusting between pauses in speach and cranks the gain to the point where I am pikcing up every room noise and outside NYC noise14:55
UICTamaleelijah: I tried the fglrx drivers.  Upping the virtual desktop size so I could do multiple monitors caused a segfault in the driver.14:55
zozo_có ai là người việt nam không14:55
gainw1jp: good to know ^^14:55
zozo_I don't know14:56
Pici!vn | zozo_14:56
ubottuzozo_: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ14:56
gainwrong chan, sry :S14:56
snapdatawljp, that's a peculiar problem but I don't see how it's relevant. If you're asking me for help I've no expertise in this area. I wish I could help you.14:56
linelevelHi guys. Given a bunch of binary data in hex, is there any command (via a bash shell) by which I can pipe in those hex codes to create a file that contains that binary data?14:56
zozo_thanks Pici14:56
no-name-I got this from sensors-detect. I found the driver I need on that link, but I can't figure out how to install it. It's a c file and a make file -- it makes but doesn't sudo make install14:56
CubuntuIn the network indicator it says 'device not ready. Firmware missing' on a old laptop I'm trying to get to work. It's a broadcom wifi. There's no driver for it in the 'Additional drivers' application.14:56
w1jpmostly just throwing it out there.14:56
=== u53r is now known as staticvoid
no-name-I got this from sensors-detect. I found the driver I need on that link, but I can't figure out how to install it. It's a c file and a make file -- it makes but doesn't sudo make install (sorry, forgot url: http://bpaste.net/show/wk1nVwcrLEHn5d8xxyxf/ )14:57
Guest48170hello, I have nvidia geforce 9600gt, ubuntu 12.04 and I'm dealing hue problems in my videos and also on youtube. Tried some stuff online but no luck. Any ideas?14:57
killemallhey guys, any way to select classic gnome session? I have old gpu and if I log out, my screen goes black and wont come back but I can hear the login sound14:58
penreturnsGuest48170 : search for ubuntu restricted extra at USC14:59
omelinelevel: xxd should do the trick.14:59
killemallim using 12.0414:59
linelevelome: I looked at that but I just have the data formatted as \x31\xC0\x50\x68 ...14:59
omekillemall: if it's that old, you better off going with somethin like openbox or xfce.15:00
linelevelome: xxd needs a hex dump format (with offsets, etc.)15:00
penreturnskillemall,  refer this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/classicgnome15:00
killemallome: I think this will not solve the problem15:00
killemallpenreturns: I need to select without gui login screen15:00
omekillemall: that is true though. think of my message as a sidenote. :)15:00
omelinelevel: I am not good with machine code but I am pretty sure there is a few hex standards and how they should be converted to a 'binary file'15:01
omebut you can always use hex2bin to just create a 'binary' file.15:01
Dualityhow could i turn on wlan0 from terminal ?15:01
killemallpenreturns: ome: yes I just can't see the login screen to do it. I need to select classic gnome from cli method15:01
xrfanghi, I am now in Fedora 16, I want to burn ubuntu 12.04 iso to a usb disk so that I can boot it, how can I do that?15:01
guest123you must use unetbootin15:02
penreturnsxrdodrx, search for startup disk creator15:02
auronandacexrfang: you can dd it to the usb15:02
OerHeksxrfang, use unetbootin > http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/15:02
linelevelome: Wouldn't hex2bin just give me an ASCII file containing '0's and '1's?15:02
penreturnskillemall, im sorry, cant help :(15:02
killemallok :P15:03
dev-nullCan I add ppa's in Xubuntu? Like in Ubuntu...15:03
xrfangauronandace, I searched the net lots of posts said dd'd copy don't boot ...15:03
omelinelevel: http://www.keil.com/download/docs/7.asp15:03
xrfangOerHeks, I will take a look , thanks15:03
auronandacexrfang: its meant to work with dd from 11.10 onwards15:03
auronandacexrfang: apparently you can cat it too15:04
omeDuality: you can use ifconfig/iwconfig to manage the interfaces and use 'nmcli' to connect to networks.15:04
RingZer0trying to switch fron win to ubuntu - when booting off the cd (dvd) all i see is a blinking horizontal cursor.  But I hear the infamous startup sound that plays after initial load.15:04
RingZer0but no visual other than blinkign cursor.15:05
omelinelevel: sorry, that is DOS based, but I am pretty sure you can find a similar tool based on the type of binary you looking for.15:05
Dualityome i tried but it won't put up the interface15:05
RingZer0I tried to install linux mint as an alternative to ubuntu, but it froze on firewire fw0 detection/initialization15:05
woolalaRingZer0, don't use mint?15:05
RingZer0from the second I boot from the CD, i see nothing.15:06
omeDuality: "won't put up' is vague. do you get an error ? what did you try ?15:06
RingZer0woolala: yeah, i was thinking maybe related so I was mentioning.15:06
RingZer0woolala: i'd prefer ubuntu.15:06
omeRingZer0: what is you machine ?15:06
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
tableshow do i rerun ubuntu update?15:06
RingZer0ome: custom build.15:06
RingZer0i will go pastie specs if it helps15:07
notNicolasI just upgraded to 12.04 on my laptop... The boot time is absolutely unacceptable. I need to wait over 5 minutes to be able to enter my password.15:07
=== Guest7770 is now known as Dorito
notNicolasany idea what could cause this?15:07
notNicolasIt was fine in 11.0415:07
omeRingZer0: so, I assume it's good enough to run ubuntu. then I specs wouldn't help much.15:07
woolalamy 12.04 is like to open a tv15:08
RingZer0amd-fx 6100 :: asus sabertooth 990 FX :: 16G ram15:08
RingZer0ram is ddr315:08
AaronDCampbellI'm having problems with DNS.  I think a site is somehow "stuck".  My laptop and desktop both run Ubuntu 12.04 and are connected to the SAME router.  However, on my desktop there is a specific host that when pinged says "unknown host" and it works perfectly on my laptop15:08
AaronDCampbellIs there a way to clear out whatever it's got cached?15:08
Dualityome, says no such device15:08
snapdataHi. My browsers (through html5 or direct input) work with PulseAudio just fine. However, when Flash utilizes a microphone I do not see a recording source in pavucontrol. Any input is greatly appreciated, I've been searching the forum and googling for hours and have yet to find any information at all.15:09
RingZer0so, its so weird tho, its like the monitor isn't working, cause I hear the bootup sounds ... but i see a blinking cursor15:09
omeRingZer0: did you try to restart the 'xorg' from a a tty terminal ?15:09
woolalaubuntu 12.04 spams ping packets15:09
RingZer0ome: i have windows currently installed15:09
RingZer0i JUST downloaded ubuntu15:09
woolalayou might get jammed internet15:09
RingZer0just trying to boot from CD15:09
RingZer0to install15:09
RingZer0but cant15:09
LinuxMonkey!enter | RingZer015:10
ubottuRingZer0: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:10
tizzoanyone else having trouble with the precise apt servers?15:10
omeRingZer0: ok, when you bootup and hear the startup sound, press ALT+F1. and let me know if you can see a terminal. I will help you further.15:10
RingZer0LinuxMonkey: sorry, i hate when ppl do that too.  my bad :P15:10
jpdstizzo: No?15:10
tizzoapt-get update keeps flaking out on me15:10
RingZer0ome: okay, i tried ctrl+alt F1-F815:10
RingZer0and nothing happened, but I will go try again now.15:10
penreturnstizzo, what ur problem?15:10
jpdstizzo: That really depends on which mirror you're using too.15:11
madurax86my machine does not shutdown after a hibernate, but if i shut it down manually then it resumes ok whats the problem?15:11
tizzoand yesterday I was getting server errors on the package pages15:11
RingZer0any other keystroke ideas?15:11
tizzo(on the website)15:11
* tizzo wonders what could be wrong on his side15:11
xanguamadurax86: is this a notebook¿ do you close the tape¿15:12
xanguatizzo: if you could share the pat-get update output15:12
madurax86xangua: yes it is a notebook, tape meaning?15:12
woolalaXander, you typed reversed question marks15:12
penreturnstizzo, try this sudo apt-get clean | cd /var/lib/apt | sudo rm -rf lists.old | sudo mkdir -p lists/partial | sudo apt-get clean | sudo apt-get update15:12
Xanderwoolala, heh?15:13
xanguamadurax86: as in close it15:13
omeRingZer0: did you try the same 'CD' in some other machine ? I am not sure but it could be that you graphic card is bit exotic.15:13
Xanderwoolala, I think you meran xangua :-P15:13
madurax86xangua: the lid? nope I did not do I have to?15:13
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RingZer0ome: yes, and worked.  actually burnt 6 coppies lmao15:13
jpdspenreturns: Erm, have you actually ran that command?15:13
RingZer0ome: with different burners too.15:13
rr3is it safe to install a PPA?  I want to install python2.7 on 10.04 and askubuntu says I should install a PPA from Felix Krull?15:14
xanguamadurax86: take it with your hands, and close it; it goes to suspension and then it doesn't turn off...happened to me a few times XD15:14
xanguarr3: you use ppa at your own risk, it's up to you15:14
omeRingZer0: haha. ok then google " [Put your graphic card name here] problem with ubuntu linux". maybe that should help if you have tried yet.15:14
jpdspenreturns: Then you'd know that it doesn't work as you've put in a load of pipes (|).15:14
madurax86xangua: how to fix it? im hibernating by pm-hibernate15:15
DJonesrr3: some ppas work well, others can ruin a system, it depends how much you trust the ppa creator15:15
RingZer0ome: I will try that, i appreciate the fact that you tried to help man.15:15
omeRingZer0: not a problem. :)15:15
penreturnsnope... use without | <-- just separate the command line15:16
xanguamadurax86: so you close the tape after selecting the turn off menu¿ it goes to suspension instead¿15:16
rr3okay thanks guys, I am going to resist install the ppa on my 10.04 box, just going install a VM with 12.04 for what I need to get done, I believe 12.04 comes with python 2.715:16
omerr3: 2 and 2.7.15:17
madurax86xangua: ah no no thats not the case(it has happened to me too) this is not that after hibernating theres a black screen nothing happens no blingking lights15:17
fAz4how to add authenticated proxy address to system ?! (ubuntu 12.04)15:18
tizzoanyone have any idea what would make apt-get update take like … 10 or 20 minutes?15:19
madurax86fAz4: go to the network dialog in settings15:19
tizzo(it's not failing this time (so far) but taking FOREVER)15:19
tizzoand I have like 20 Mb down right now...15:19
madurax86fAz4: select proxy settings from there15:19
fAz4madurax86: i see, but there is not place for adding username and pass ?!15:19
auronandacetizzo: slow network?15:19
tizzoauronandace: not for the rest of the internet15:20
auronandacetizzo: overloaded mirror?15:20
gnubietizzo>  repo choice?15:20
jpdstizzo: Yes, which mirror are you using?15:20
tizzohrm, maybe, at the moment I'm setting up a stock precise server and haven't made any changes to any of that15:21
tizzoI keep getting things like this:15:21
tizzoGet:53 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com precise-updates/restricted i386 Packages [4,034 B]15:21
tizzo32% [53 Packages bzip2 0 B] [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com]                                                                                                                                                               3,407 B/s 42sbzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.15:21
FloodBot1tizzo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
madurax86fAz4: set http_proxy to http://user:password@address15:21
tizzosorry, should pastbinned that, sorry15:21
madurax86fAz4: should work havent tried tho15:21
fAz4madurax86: yeah, i'm checking ...15:22
BlindedCannibalHello do you know in which channel I get technical assistance?15:22
tizzoit also keeps spitting out "website-unavailable"15:22
DJonesBlindedCannibal: As long ast its Ubuntu assistance, ask here15:22
tizzojpds: how do I determine (or change) the mirror I'm using?15:22
anon_Hi there. I am tired of not finding images and videos in my large collection. Categories don't seem to make sense anymore. A picture can be under category vacation or under category family or under the names of the persons on the picture. I am looking for some tagging software to organize my personal images and videos. Can anybody recommend a good software (if one exists)? I am using Ubuntu/Kubuntu 12.04.15:23
jpdstizzo: You're using us.archive.ubuntu.com, which is probably overloaded.15:23
tizzojpds: blargh15:24
tizzomore of my output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/978059/15:24
jpdstizzo: Open the Software Centre and go to Edit → Software Sources.15:24
tizzothe text keeps updating inline from us.archive.ubuntu.com to www.website-unavailable.com15:24
tizzojpds: uh, I'm on server15:24
BlindedCannibalIt's a flash problem, I think it's related with my graphic drive.. Well, I've installed all versions of Flash and Gnash, and update my drives, etc. but it's still ocurring, I updated to 12.04 but had the same problem in the previous versions..15:24
tizzoso that'd be /etc/apt/sources.list ?15:25
jpdstizzo: OK; a proxy appears to be redirecting you.15:25
RingZer0Hey! I tried the other dvi port on my video card at at least that time it flashed a logo of a man + keyboard at the bottom of the screen on boot D:15:25
tizzojpds: wtf...15:25
RingZer0... but now I am stuck with the blinky cursor again15:25
jpdstizzo: Try: $ GET http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/15:25
AaronDCampbellI'm having problems with DNS.  I think a site is somehow "stuck".  My laptop and desktop both run Ubuntu 12.04 and are connected to the SAME router.  However, on my desktop there is a specific host that when pinged says "unknown host" and it works perfectly on my laptop. Is there a way to clear out whatever it's got cached?15:26
AaronDCampbellThey both use the same nameservers because they're getting them from the router (both have as the nameserver you see in connection information)15:27
chris__could anyone running gnome3 send me there gnome-shell.css file, its located at /usr/share/gnome-shell/themes/gnome-shell.css15:27
shaneohey guys is there a way to mount wbfs(NTFS) partitions in ubuntu15:27
fAz4madurax86: it didn't work out15:27
AaronDCampbelldig stucksite.com doesn't work, but dig @ stucksite.com does...even though that's supposed to be the name server I'm already using15:28
tizzojpds: weird, yeah it's just hanging15:28
jpdstizzo: Well, something's redirecting you.15:28
tizzo(I'm using wget because I don't have perl installed (and can't install it without apt, yay)15:28
snapdataHi. My browsers (through html5 or direct input) work with PulseAudio just fine. However, when Flash utilizes a microphone I do not see a recording source in pavucontrol. Any input is greatly appreciated, I've been searching the forum and googling for hours and have yet to find any information at all.15:28
madurax86fAz4: oh did you try googling? this is quite direct15:28
tizzojpds: where can I find a list of mirrors?15:28
BlindedCannibal It's a flash problem, I think it's related with my graphic drive.. Well, I've installed all versions of Flash and Gnash, and update my drives, etc. but it's still ocurring, I updated to 12.04 but had the same problem in the previous versions..15:29
OptiWorkanyone good with glib compiling questions/errors?  getting can not parse as value of type `as'.  Ignoring override for this key. (attempting to standardize my unity launcher favorites.15:29
fAz4madurax86: I've googled alot, nothing especial15:29
jpdstizzo: /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.mirrors15:29
tizzojpds: Ah. it's opendns15:29
tizzofailing to resolve and then sending me a redirect, I guess?15:29
tizzothat doesn't really make sense15:30
jpdstizzo: Lovely.15:30
tizzoand it's only happening on this box.15:31
auronandace!wtf | tizzo15:31
ubottutizzo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:31
elijahwhat is the keyboard shortcut to switch between windows in a group?15:31
MonkeyDusttizzo  no profane language here please15:31
thomasdhow do i make a bootable pen drive with disk iso's?15:31
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bazhangthomasd, unetbootin15:31
tizzosorry, didn't realize that was considered profane, I'll be nice15:31
MonkeyDustthomasd  there's unetbootin and multisystem15:31
tizzolet the frustration get the better of me15:32
thomasdcan i put konopiks and ds on unetbootin15:32
RingZer0Is there any magic keystrokes i can press when i see the little man in the circle + keyboard to see something else like a console?15:32
bazhangBlindedCannibal, remove gnash and reinstall flash. whats the exact problem with flash: blue video?15:32
MonkeyDustthomasd  whats konopis?15:32
bazhangthomasd, knoppix and dsl, ask in their forums, this is ubuntu support15:33
auronandacethomasd: why don't you ask in knoppix and dsl channels?15:33
MonkeyDustthomasd  wrong channel15:33
OptiWorkcan anyone help please?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/978092/15:34
auronandace!here | OptiWork15:34
ubottuOptiWork: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com15:34
OptiWorkauronandace: as stated prior and feeling that repeating ones self just upsets people more.  anyone good with glib compiling questions/errors?  getting can not parse as value of type `as'.  Ignoring override for this key. (attempting to standardize my unity launcher favorites.15:35
BlindedCannibalbazhang, No, I solved the blue video issue, now It just appears a error-screen, Gnash is removed and Flash I have the recent version15:36
bazhangBlindedCannibal, what is the error/issue exactly15:36
BlindedCannibalbazhang, It just says Shockwave flash plugin error15:37
BlindedCannibalbazhang, Can't even display the vid.15:38
av8rdoes anyone know how to disable the AGC (automatic gain control) for pulseaudio15:38
bazhangBlindedCannibal, what website/websites; what happens when you download the flv and play in mplayer15:38
tizzojpds: yep, looks like opendns was sending me off to the wrong place for that url, I replaced it with a mirror and everything is working15:38
tizzoseems less than ideal, but I guess it'll work15:39
jpdstizzo: Cool.15:39
tizzojpds: thanks for the help15:39
shuhaibI have big one doubt on ubuntu15:40
shuhaibany one help?15:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:40
auronandaceshuhaib: we cannot read your mind15:40
BlindedCannibalbazhang, basically every flash video does it, I've installed basically all versions of Adobe flash Player, and for some times it plays cool, but after a while it starts again to show the error , I'll try to download the flv , 1min15:41
tSecthe cups package in 12.04 (1.5.2) is broken with my printer. Can anyone explain to me how to get an older cups (1.5.0) package installed so I can print while this is beeing fixed?15:41
auronandacetSec: it would just be an older ppd you want rather than replacing the whole of cups15:42
MonkeyDustshuhaib  start with asking a question15:42
Dualitywould it be possible to run a virtual box under ubuntu server, and then have run windows image or something ?15:42
wyldeDuality: yes15:43
Dualitywith graphics and everything ?15:43
shuhaibI wanna block all the sites even google ,I need to allow only my company email and company sites ,Do we have any simple method to impliment this15:43
shagoyjoI have some files that I untarred. They show up in ls, and tab autocomplete, but commands cannot find them. What is the process to rectify this?15:43
shuhaibPlease help ........15:43
wyldeDuality: that's what I have to run my lame printer that doesn't support linux at all :)15:43
shagoyjoshuhaib: you can us iptables15:43
Dualitywylde did you follow a tutorial to setup ?15:43
eddytvAnybody familiar with grub on a RAID1 root disk and "mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid on /root failed: Device or resource is busy" error? (Ubuntu 11.04)15:44
shagoyjoshuhaib: *use, sorry15:44
shagoyjoshuhaib: you can set the default network action to block and then allow only your corporate IP adresses15:44
shuhaibHi shagoyj15:45
shuhaibHow it can be the command15:45
wyldeDuality: nope, snippets of stuff to get the vm going (it was headless) so I had to setup my vm on the command line.15:45
shagoyjoshuhaib: the easiest way for the beginner to deal with IP tables is with something like iptables-persistent, which I think comes standard in ubuntu now?15:45
shagoyjoshuhaib: let me look it up really quick15:45
eddytvServer boots fine if both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb are physically present, but if I disconnect /dev/sdb, the server doesn't boot and gives the above error.15:45
Dualitywylde, is it hard to do?15:46
shuhaibthey told me to impliment tommorrow15:46
BlindedCannibalbazhang, Flv with Mplyayer works just fine...15:46
shagoyjoshuhaib: here's your tutorial on iptables use in ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:46
eddytv(this is even after I mdadm --fail and then mdadm --remove /dev/sdb)15:46
wyldeDuality: I didn't find it hard. Not everyone has the same amount of patience tho! lol :)15:47
bazhangBlindedCannibal, so its an issue with the flash plugin for firefox, or whatever browser you are using15:47
shagoyjoshuhaib: basically you're just going to set the default filter to "all" and then create allow entries for all of the ip's or ip ranges you wish to let through.15:47
Dualityi got a lot of patience, i tried getting a linux image to run on my pda toke me three days15:47
Dualitytwo of them were without sleep :S15:47
eddytvAny suggestions? Spent several hours trying to get this resolved with no luck.15:47
neokyaHello everyone15:48
wyldeDuality: http://jplate.servehttp.com/  <--- click on pages  then click on Win2k VM Print Server. Nothing fancy the basic steps I took. Was a while ago.15:48
neokyaI have dual boot, windows 7 and Ubuntu15:48
neokyaI am using ubuntu for a while15:48
neokyaToday I saw that my file system is NTFS instead of ext415:48
bazhang!enter | neokya15:48
ubottuneokya: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:48
shagoyjoAnyboddy got any clues about my filesystem issue? I have files that show  up for ls and tab autocomplete, but cannot be found by programs or run (where they are executable). Anybody dealt with this before? They came from a tarball, so I assume that has something to do with the issue.15:49
neokyaNow I want to change it, how should I go?15:49
neokyaShould I format it all and reinstall Ubuntu, as I don't want windows anymore15:49
Dualitythanks :)15:49
shuhaibThanks shagoyjo15:49
BlindedCannibalbazhang, Oh, strange it happens with every browser,  thanks D:15:49
tSecauronandace: the ppd hasn't changed as far as i can see.15:50
shagoyjoshuhaib: np. iptables is a robust and useful tool. Become proficient and you can sue for a pay raise :-)15:50
auronandacetSec: then it should work the same, i'd have thought15:50
bazhangneokya, wubi install? ubuntu won't be on an ntfs15:50
tSecauronandace: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/99298215:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 992982 in cups (Ubuntu) "Network printing fails. Worked before upgrade to 12.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:50
vp18has anyone on here heard of Pear os?15:50
AlphaGuyyAnyone familiar with gpen 340?15:50
Picivp18: #ubuntu-offtopic probably has.15:51
bazhangvp18, yes, its offtopic here15:51
tSecso while this is beeing worked on, i'd like to be able to print anyway :)15:51
wawoweneokya: assuming you installed using something like wubi, in windows. yeah, format and reinstall.15:51
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Dualitywylde you made that website ?15:51
tdelamcan anyone recommend me a terminal for Ubuntu 12.04?15:51
tdelamor do most people use the default Terminal15:51
wyldeDuality: yeah, nothing fancy just my hobby site15:51
tdelamI am used to OS X where I was enjoying iTerm2 :) was wondering if there is something similar15:52
bazhangtdelam,  a dropdown one like guake?15:52
neokyaOk. My query in one line: I have dual boot up, windows 7 and ubuntu. I just noticed that my filesystem on Linux is NTFS which is making it slow to read and write data/files. Now I want to change it. How to change from NTFS to EXT4? Should I format everything and reinstall Ubuntu? PS> I don't want windows anymore.15:52
wyldeDuality: it's been seriously neglected for a while now too lol15:52
RingZer0i know i can do nousb with vilinuz, but what about no1394 ?15:52
Dualitywylde, nice site :)15:52
RingZer0e.g. no firewire, how would I do that?15:52
bazhangneokya, thats a wubi install then?15:52
wyldeDuality: thanks :)15:52
neokyaYes, it's wubi15:52
tSecso noone can help me installing an older cups version?15:52
tdelambazhang: not necessarily, just something simple like this: http://www.iterm2.com/#/section/features15:53
tdelambazhang: an equivalent I guess :)15:53
bazhangneokya, and you want only ubuntu, and get rid of windows completely?15:53
bazhangneokya, then get the cd and install, choose use entire disk15:53
tdelamI'm slowly weening ourselves from Apple to PC's with Ubuntu15:53
rocketsHas anybody gotten a bridged (not NAT) interface working with KVM on Ubuntu 12.04? I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it properly.15:54
neokya@bazhang, Can I do that without formating these two OSs?15:54
bazhangtdelam, you can check in the package manager/software centre, not familiar with iterm2, sorry15:54
tdelamthanks :)15:54
compdocrockets, works the same way as in older versions15:54
tdelami'll poke about15:54
rocketscompdoc, yeah, but this is my first time setting it up :)15:54
rocketscompdoc, I'm trying to follow tutorials I've found for older versions but I just can't get it to work.15:55
compdocrockets, is bridge-utils installed? that should be default if you install qemu-kvm15:55
bazhangneokya, dual boot? sure. the installer will see windows and tell it to install side by side15:55
rocketscompdoc, yes it is installed.15:55
rocketscompdoc, there is a working NAT bridge15:55
rocketscompdoc, but I'm trying to create a bridge that allows my guests access to the local network15:55
MonkeyDustrockets  it's either NAT or bridged15:55
compdocrockets, how many network cards in the system?15:56
wawoweneokya: if you're only using about half of your disk you could download something like the gparted live-cd and resize the ntfs to half the disk then dual-boot and copy your windows stuff to the ubuntu ext4 from ubuntu15:56
rocketscompdoc, two15:56
DeltaHeavyDoes editing a file with sed not marked it as changed for svn?15:56
rocketscompdoc, MonkeyDust, I set up this http://pastie.org/388491315:56
rocketsAnd then I set my guest OS to use br015:56
llutz!info terminator | tdelam    take a look at this15:56
ubottutdelam take a look at this: terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 256 kB, installed size 1775 kB15:56
rocketsvia virt-manager15:56
wawoweneokya: after that remove the ntfs and expand ext4 into it15:56
rocketsbut they can'15:56
compdocwhats your /etc/network/interfaces file look like? Also, did you add a network card later, or was it there when you installed?15:56
rocketsbut they can't get dhcp15:57
eddytvSo no grub / mdadm wizards around, huh?15:57
rocketscompdoc, there when I installed15:57
rocketscompdoc, full interfaces file: http://pastie.org/388491815:57
rocketsI then set the guest to use br0 via virt-manager's "Details" pain15:57
Praxihmm so 11.10 is working fine, linux is very fragile if you don't know what your doing (like me), how hard is the upgrade to 12.04?15:57
abrotmanDoes Ubuntu have an equivalent of snapshot.debian.org? where prior versions of packages are stored?15:58
abrotman(versions not listed on packages.ubuntu.com)15:58
auronandacePraxi: if you used ppas then expect stuff to go wrong15:58
fidel_Praxi: run a backup - then start the upgrade. in best case it just works without issues - but you never know (backup)15:58
auronandacePraxi: a fresh install will always be more straightforward15:59
compdocrockets, I think its that file - let me show you mine. just a minute...15:59
foolsheddytv: I usually mount /boot on a small 100~200mb partition at the beginning of the first drive and set the boot flag there, then I raid the rest of the drive15:59
Dualitywylde, ubuntu server keeps surprising me with stuff it can do15:59
irvso i tried doing an 'upgrade' from 11.10 to 12.04 and one of hte packages threw an error during the 'cleaning up' phase. i had to hard reset and now the install is broken. I've now booted into the 12.04 live cd and i just want to recover the documents from the home folder. it's not encrypted, so do i just take ownership of the home folder recursively and then give myself read access and copy15:59
Praxihmm not sure on the ppas, any way to check if I've done that?15:59
fidel_auronandace: using tons of ppas here and never had upgrader issues based on that fact15:59
neokyabazhang, I mean I want to get rid of both the OSs and want a fresh Ubuntu. Can I do it without first formating?15:59
wyldeDuality: you're only limited by your hardware really :)15:59
rocketscompdoc, greatly appreciated15:59
eddytvfoolsh: yeah, no separate /boot on this server15:59
Piciabrotman: You might be able to find earlier builds on http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/15:59
foolsheddytv: Since you are way past that point I can't really help15:59
irvif so, what's the command to recursively take ownership of an old home folder from a livecd and give myself read access15:59
jribirv: just mount your install an go to the folder.  You don't need to take ownership15:59
Praxitook me like 3 days to get this setup how I wanted, really don't want to reload hehe.15:59
tSecah, managed to do it.15:59
bazhangneokya, the installer will format it for you, if that is what you choose16:00
auronandacefidel_: the amount of people i've seen with dependency issues thanks to ppas is amazing16:00
wawoweirv: how broken is the install? will it boot?16:00
irvjrib: it says permission denied since i'm booted from the livecd16:00
jribirv: use sudo16:00
eddytvfoolsh: thanks for taking the time to reply at least :)16:00
jribirv: gksudo nautilus    for example16:00
irvit boots, but once it gets the the login screen i can't type16:00
irvahhhhh silly me :D16:00
irvthanks man16:00
neokyabazhang: Wow that's exactly what I am looking for. I just wanted to confirm it from here. Thanks a lot. I will do fresh single install.16:00
wyldeDuality: oh, one other thing about vbox headless, if you connect with RDP you're mouse is going to be jumpy as heck until you install guest additions.16:01
fidel_auronandace: must be heavy luck then here with 3 boxes ...but yeah i'll ack at that point that ppas might rise the risk16:01
DanielConvissorwhen running "adduser <user> --encrypt-home", i want to have a bunch of symlinks set up to say /var/mail/<user>.  don't think one can do it in /etc/skel since it's just copying files.  tried to do it in adduser.local script, but it's not flying.  adduser.local acts upon the non-decrypted directory.  adding an "ssh <user>@host <command>" to adduser.local doesn't work either because the user creation process hasn't completed, so16:01
DanielConvissorlogging in via ssh at that point still sees the non-decrypted directory.  any ideas?16:01
jribirv: once you backup your docs, you can ask for help troubleshooting yo,ur intsall16:01
wawoweirv: boot into single user mode and run apt-get -f install16:01
Dualitywylde, RDP ?16:01
shuhaibIs it possible to hack  the locked wifi network16:02
auronandacefidel_: no doubt you are one of the few people who knows what he installs and the impact it has on your systems16:02
bazhangDuality, remote desktop?16:02
compdocrockets:        http://pastie.org/388494316:02
jribDanielConvissor: don't know if there's a better way, but you could create a script that runs automatically and deletes itself once it runs :P (this is probably a bad idea; look for a better way)16:02
bazhangshuhaib, thats not ontopic here16:02
wyldeDuality: Remote Desktop Protocol, once you have your vm running (using VBoxHeadless) you can connect to a "desktop" using an RDP client(it's independent of the OS)16:02
rocketscompdoc, whoa, what does inet manual do? I've never seen that before16:02
Dualitybazhang, not really good at recognizing words that are shortend16:03
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compdocrockets, means do not assign an ip address to the bridge16:03
irvjrib: turns out it may have actually been encrypted lol16:03
irvdamn it.16:03
jrib!encrypt | irv16:03
ubottuirv: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory16:03
=== AhmedHashem1 is now known as prog1
jribirv: there should be info there on accessing it16:03
shuhaibIs it possible to hack  the locked wifi network16:03
rocketscompdoc, you can just do auto eth1 and not actually set an inet, and it still brings it up i think16:04
bazhangshuhaib, stop asking.16:04
bazhangshuhaib, I told you its offtopic here16:04
irvyeah, i tried clicking the 'access you rprivate data'16:04
irvalso running ecruptfs-mount-private and it says it's not setup properly16:04
OptiWorkcan anyone help with a glib-compile-schema error?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/978092/16:04
irvthis is from the livecd16:04
sirhenrikI am experiencing choppy window movement in Ubuntu 12.04. How can I make it better? :)16:04
compdocrockets, I dont think your interfaces file is using the standard way, but it might work that way16:04
irvfrom the elevated nautilus window16:04
jribOptiWork: ENOCONTEXT16:04
wyldeshuhaib: /msg alis list *backtrack*16:04
shuhaibwhat I am soory16:04
rocketscompdoc, well my way currently doesn't work, so I'll deign to try yours :D16:05
DanielConvissorjrib: maybe.  only thought i have at this point is creating my own script for adding users that calls the adduser command and then runs my symlink creation commands.16:05
reelsHi,  I want to understand the bridge settings in my /etc/network/interfaces because I have some unexpected behaviour of this bridge device. Where can I start ? Neither man 5 interfaces nor the example configs mention bridge  or bridge_ports. The bridge configuration of my box is here  http://paste.ubuntu.com/978144/16:05
jribDanielConvissor: can you do that if the home directory is encrypted?16:05
compdocrockets, seems the main difference is that I define eth1 and eth2 before making them bridges16:05
DanielConvissorhave my script ssh in as the user and16:05
DanielConvissorjrib: ^16:05
OptiWorkjrib: ?16:06
jribDanielConvissor: oh.  I guess that works too.  Both are a bit kludgy16:06
shuhaib I wanna to disable all the sites even gooogle16:06
jribOptiWork: you should provide context16:06
OptiWorkprovide context to what?16:06
shuhaibneed to provide only two sites16:06
bazhangshuhaib, you were told to use iptables for that16:06
DanielConvissorjrib: yes. surprised there's no way to have adduser act upon the decrypted directory either before or after encryption.16:06
jribOptiWork: your question, your error...16:06
rocketsOk compdoc, how's this look: http://pastie.org/388496316:07
wylde!ufw | shuhaib16:07
ubottushuhaib: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.16:07
wyldeshuhaib: ^^ read :)16:07
nischayHi ! guys I am using Ubuntu 12.04 on my Inspirion Dell Laptop and i facing problem .When i locked my screen by ctl+alt+l and try to unlock it nothing happend and my display does not work so i unable to unlock it .I unlock it via restarting lighdm with sudo service lightdm restart via login into tty how can i fix this problem16:07
compdocrockets, looks good16:07
shuhaibI'll try and get back you If I have any doubt16:07
jribDanielConvissor: probably bug-worthy if adduser.local doesn't work16:08
OptiWorkjrib: glib-compile-schema (compiles the user environment) mine is erroring hence the pastebin which shows the error and in what part of the schema it errors at, the context is there.)16:08
irvhow do i get a root terminal from the 12.04 livecd?16:08
bazhangirv sudo -i16:08
nischaynot using ctl +alt + f116:09
WhitorHi all.  During a 'Move to - Desktop' operation, my system locked up. -power cycled, - No OS found.   Booted with Live CD... fdisk options x then d   shows my partition table is almost entirely 00000000  (zeros)  Any ideas ? Im in crisis mode here.. and wtf is letting anything overwrite the partition table ?!?!?!16:09
Dualitywylde, says unknown option --port016:09
nischaywhen i try to unlock it it does not show login scrren16:09
wylde!msg | shuhaib16:09
ubottushuhaib: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:09
irvwhen i try to type ecryptfs-mount-private from the root terminal in my home dir i get the msg "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly"16:09
wyldeDuality: moment sorry16:09
irvany other ideas? :D16:10
Dualitywylde no problem :)16:10
WhitorI've got an identical system right next to me... i'm wondering if I can copy the partition table from one machine to another.... any ideas ?16:10
fratermWhitor, that's a moment of not niceness to experience with a move operation.16:10
OptiWorkWhitor: drive making strange noises?16:10
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WhitorOptiWork, SSD no noise16:10
shuhaibhere all the messgaes are meesed up16:10
OptiWorkWhitor: firmware on drive updated?16:10
fratermbuggy SSD firmware...16:10
fratermis possible.16:10
* OptiWork nods16:11
shuhaibno problem I can text it here16:11
wyldeDuality: typo on my part. I should fix that it should be '--port 0'16:11
OptiWorkmost common cause of SSD issues.16:11
WhitorOptiWork, how the heck do I do that in linux ? Its a drive, I don't normally update firmware on drives.16:11
Dualitywylde, ok lol :)16:11
shuhaibOne of my machine I am getting initram fs error16:11
wyldeI'll do that now16:11
shuhaibHow can I solve the problem16:11
OptiWorkWhitor: go to the manufacturer website, usually they'll have firmware in an ISO you can boot from and update the firmware.16:12
* fraterm nods... sometimes firmware updaters are merely downloadable images that could be USB booted in theory... run their update on a drive and go.16:12
Dualitywylde same for attaching iso image also port0 ?16:12
fratermor ISO booted yeah.16:12
shuhaibplease some one16:12
wyldeDuality: probably, I'll get those fixed hehe doing it right now.16:12
antihc3anyone know if PF_RING works on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS  i am trying to compile but looks like i am missing linux/pm_qos_params.h16:12
OptiWorkshuhaib: did you run memtest?16:13
WhitorOptiWork, I don't like automatically  blaming everything other than the os. Its like... Until I prove it is otherwise.. it is assumed to be otherwise.16:13
OptiWorkshuhaib: verify your ram is functioning properly16:13
shuhaibWindows loading properly16:13
fratermyou'll have to find out your SSD vendors commitment to support.16:13
shuhaibits dual boot machine16:13
WhitorOptiWork, fitst things first. the partition table is zeroed out... I need to restore it, if possible, (It must be possible) After that, I'll recreate the bug... if it does recreate... then I'll look at firmware and such16:14
OptiWorkshuhaib: Windows loading properly doesn't really mean that the ram is good, might just mean that Windows doesn't hit the bad chip, did you run a full ram test with memtest?16:14
fratermif you did have a big time failure that did wipe the boot sector... you would then still probably need to do some grub work to rebuild your systems ability to boot to a selected OS.16:14
abcdefanyone knows what happend to es.archive.ubuntu.com? the packet repository is not working, and in #ubuntu-es looks like no one knows about... (btw, it is throwing 504 to all browser petitions)16:14
shuhaibNad i done one more step16:14
wyldeDuality: fixed, hover over Pages and click the link again and those references will be fixed :) (refresh will take you back to the index page)16:15
shuhaibI put live cd of ubnutu and mount the / partion and done  fsck against16:15
OptiWorkWhitor: you can try to run some disc recovery tools and see if you can locate the issue with the partition table.  Hopefully you can recover it.16:15
shuhaiband it worked couple of days16:15
shuhaibBut after some times it started again16:15
bazhang!enter | shuhaib16:15
ubottushuhaib: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:15
shuhaibokey ,did you got my problem Optiwork?16:16
nischayHi ! guys I am using Ubuntu 12.04 on my Inspirion Dell Laptop  and i facing problem .When i locked my screen by ctl+alt+l and  try to unlock it nothing happend and my display does not work  so i unable to unlock it .I unlock it via restarting lighdm  with sudo service lightdm restart via login into tty how can i  fix this problem16:16
Dualitywylde cool  :)16:16
abcdefanyone knows what happend to es.archive.ubuntu.com? the packet repository is not working, and in #ubuntu-es looks like no one knows about... (btw, it is throwing 504 to all browser petitions)16:16
Tabalugawhats going on in this channel16:17
wyldeDuality: you're connected to a computer in my basement lol. It's just an ssh away lol :)16:17
israelnischay: try just writing the pass16:17
bazhangTabaluga, ubuntu support16:17
WhitorOptiWork, yeah, I guess I'll come back when I have proven it is a repeatable bug .16:17
OptiWorkabcdef: did you traceroute to the site?  Maybe they're down for maint, maybe someone plowed into a fiber box.16:17
OptiWorkWhitor: good luck, also do check the drive's site for firmware16:18
Dualitywylde, lol :P16:18
abcdefOptiWork: ping is working fine.... will look into mtr, just in case16:18
Whitorthe files an't so much of an issue... I have most (maybe all) already on an external HD.16:18
OptiWorkWhitor: I had a machine that would dump everything after 2 days of working great until I updated firmware, no problems since.16:18
Walther_Computer shut down during an update. As a result, graphical interface doesn't start. I ran dpkg-configure -a and have updated&upgraded everything again, still no luck16:19
Walther_From clean install of Ubuntu 12.0416:19
shagoyjoI'm still hunting for info on my unfindable files problem, but if anybody has any advice, that'd be great. I have a folder that came out of a tarball, all of the files exist for ls and tab autocomplete, but every other program gives me a 'file not found'16:19
FreeRunafter upgrade to 12.04 my custom launchers from gnome2 gone, how to find it? there are present in unity panel but i cannot edit them (i have there some custom scripts to control fans)16:19
otojoin NotLarry16:19
=== Walther_ is now known as Walther
FreeRunand what is the TGTV in sensors?16:19
OptiWorkshagoyjo: are you trying to execute the files?  Is there a flag set on the partition that the files are in that doesn't allow you to execute or something?16:20
abcdefOptiWork: mtr is also fine for es.archive.... dunno if it is a plain mirror of archive.ubuntu.com so I could get packages from it.....16:20
OptiWorkFreeRun: what are you trying to do?16:20
abcdefhowever some admin at the es repo should look into it16:21
OptiWorkabcdef: could be in process of mirroring over.16:21
theadminabcdef: All the CC.archive.ubuntu.com are the same as archive.ubuntu.com, mostly (CC = country code)16:21
Dualitywylde, hmm seems i don't have a .iso file, alright time for dd to get busy with it (ubuntu/linux got so many nice tools for doing things in terminal)16:21
shagoyjoOptiWork: LS shows all of the permissions are set properly. I can neither run nor open any of the files, but I can navigate throught the folders, which were also in the tarball. Every command (including attempts to execute) returns "file not found"16:21
abcdefok, will try to get manually my packages from the main source then, thanks16:21
WaltherUbuntu 12.04, no graphical desktop16:22
irvokay, this doesn't appear to be working16:22
wyldeDuality:  :) yep16:22
irvpehraps it'd be more productive to troubleshoot my failed 12.04 upgrade16:22
OptiWorkirv: O.o16:22
theadminWalther: That'd be the server edition or the minimal install. Or do you mean your X (GUI) fails to load?16:22
* OptiWork came here to get a question answered, ended up fielding a few fly balls.16:23
irvboth recovery mode and regular mode get me to the login screen but i can't interact with it and there are two x's at the top16:23
jribOptiWork: by context, I meant you could explain for example why you are running this command  (is it part of something larger that you are trying to accomplish?  Is it being run by some other program?).  Also, you should mention your ubuntu version16:23
wyldeDuality: I keep all my install media as an iso on my "server" as well as my physical disks.16:23
Walthertheadmin: as I said above, after an update failed, cannot get to desktop16:23
OptiWorkjrib: trying to standardize the Unity Lauch bar16:23
OptiWorkjrib: 12.0416:24
FreeRunOptiwork: i need a custom script from old gnome2 launcher16:24
irvjust noticed the old kernel is still listed under 'previous linux versions' gonna try booting that16:24
irvomg HURRAY16:24
FreeRunit does'nt .desktop extension16:24
irvkeyboard/mouse working16:24
OptiWorkFreeRun: did you try to create a custom launcher?16:24
rocketscompdoc, alright, booting a VM now. Here goes nothing.16:24
irvlogging in now.. hopefully i can just grab my documents now :P16:24
compdocrockets, good luck16:25
FreeRunOptiWork: nope coz i don;t know what is that important string16:25
irvhmm, i just have a blue screen that says 'ubuntu desktop' at the top16:25
FreeRunwithout them i have about 80% of CPU16:25
irvwith a clock and my user name16:25
rocketscompdoc, DHCP SUCCEDED. YOU ARE MY GOD.16:25
FreeRunan 120% on TGTV16:25
compdocrockets, I love kvm16:25
riyonukHow can I connect to Ubuntu that's loaded on vmware? I've tried everything. Just installed openssh-serer16:25
irvlooks like all hte images are gone16:25
FacedeProutI get black screen after 20-30 minutes on ubuntu 12.04. Can't log in terminal or do any shit...just restart!! any ideas?16:26
theadminWalther: Sorry, I joined just a while ago. Upgrades aren't too reliable in Ubuntu, unfortunately, a clean install normally works better.16:26
jribOptiWork: what package provides /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.gschema.override ?16:26
theadmin!find /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.gschema.override16:27
ubottuPackage/file /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.gschema.override does not exist in precise16:27
theadminjrib: Doesn't seem like anything in the repos, or maybe something from an older release, it would seem16:27
OptiWorkjrib: it's customization that I've done to the launcher with all the apps that I want the users to access.16:27
jribOptiWork: so you've created this file?16:27
Walthertheadmin: ...and if you had read what I said, I did a clean install, I was talking about a sudo apt-get install && sudo apt-get upgrade16:28
shagoyjoOptiWork : Back, sorry, for the sudden departure, emergency staff meeting.16:28
OptiWorkFreeRun: check http://paste.ubuntu.com/978196/  for an example of one of mine.16:28
OptiWorkjrib: yes.16:28
Walther...anyway, I'll try and continue on my own16:28
jribOptiWork: the file contents would also be good context to provide :)16:28
OptiWorkjrib: in dconf-editor I can see that the "Type" is set to "as"16:28
theadminWalther: Ah, sorry. Well... I have no idea how to help without any idea of what might have really happened, sorry16:28
Kage-Does anyone know how to add an _existing_ Intel Matrix RAID array to a Linux installation?16:29
shagoyjoOptiWork : It seems like I can mv the files and CP them, but not do anything else?16:29
OptiWorkjrib: but I never changed it I just used what was there.16:29
FreeRunhmm... ok, but i know how to add new, but i need to RESTORE old16:29
jribOptiWork: I'm confused because you just told me you created it16:29
OptiWorkshagoyjo: then check how the partition that those files are located on is mounted, sounds like you've got some flags set for it that are incorrect or you don't have the right permissions to do them.16:29
FreeRunOptiWork: i have custom launcher called "fan1" how to find them in system?16:30
FacedeProutanybody can help me with this : I get black screen after 20-30 minutes on ubuntu 12.04. Can't log in terminal or do any shit...just restart!!16:30
FreeRunFacedeProut: check sensors... my laptop burning with new install with compiz, better is under gnome16:30
FreeRunbut the same problem...16:30
shagoyjoOptiWork: it's on the same partition as /, so I'm not sure I follow. And the permissions are fine. I can move, delete, copy the files.16:31
auronandace!language | FacedeProut16:31
ubottuFacedeProut: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:31
FreeRunthe worst is when i'm using unity + compiz16:31
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FacedeProutlol sorry16:31
OptiWorkjrib: I created the file which is a txt file that gets compiled into the schema by running the command, my file lists all the favorites aka icons on the launch bar that I specify.  The error comes from the location of the "favorites" (key for the lack of a better word) that I didn't set.16:31
auronandaceFacedeProut: checked the screensaver settings?16:31
FacedeProutFreeRun: sensors?16:31
FreeRunit's bot16:31
shagoyjoOptiWork: also, wouldn't I be getting "permission denied" not "no such file or directory"?16:31
FreeRunyes, CPU, GPU temp.16:31
FreeRunCPU GPU temp16:32
theadminFacedeProut: Sounds ridiculous, but if your keyboard has num/caps/scroll sensors (all or any) check if they're blinking. If they are, it's a kernel panic, which gives some more information16:32
FreeRunanybody know how to manually set up fan speed?16:32
FacedeProuttheadmin: no it looks like it still running...its just a black screen and doesnt respond to any keyboard entry16:32
OptiWorkshagoyjo: well in some cases a drive can be mounted as a folder and not given execute permission for example.  This doesn't seem to be the case for you though as you've said the folder is right on the root.16:32
FreeRunactually fans working only with 2000rpm16:33
OptiWorkFreeRun: which card?16:33
FreeRuneven if CPU has 80 degress :|16:33
shagoyjoOptiwork : Hence my puzzlelation XD16:33
OptiWorkFreeRun: and do you have the drivers for it installed?16:33
theadminFacedeProut: I see... hm.16:33
snapdataHi. My browsers (through html5 or direct input) work with PulseAudio just fine. However, when Flash utilizes a microphone I do not see a recording source in pavucontrol. Any input is greatly appreciated, I've been searching the forum and googling for hours and have yet to find any information at all.16:33
jribOptiWork: so if you remove this .override file and compile your settings again, does the file get recreated?16:33
FreeRuni think yes... i have upgraded from 10.04 lts16:33
FreeRunwhen everything works fine16:33
FacedeProuteverything worked fined in 10.04...16:34
FreeRunand maybe important thing is that i'm running it on mac book pro 3.116:34
theadminsnapdata: methinks Flash uses ALSA directly, I have no idea if they have any pulse support16:34
OptiWorkjrib: it would just compile without error but also with the "standard" launcher items16:34
=== jiugantangmaiwu is now known as bycwsxd
OptiWorksnapdata: does pulseaudio show that flash is trying to use the correct "recording" device when the flash is running?16:35
jribOptiWork: pastebin the contents of the relevant .override file please16:36
woolalabecause the flash in 12.04 doesn't let you to change and block settings16:36
bakarati had a hd die on me and i took it out of the pc, now i'm trying to boot the pc without a harddisk, just from live cd, but the computer doesn't budge, do you _need_ a harddisk just to boot?16:36
OptiWorkjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/978213/16:37
OptiWorkjrib: was already doing that when you asked ;P16:37
bakarat(the power goes on, it makes a vain attempt to start -the fan spins for about half a turn- then it stops, it does not show any initial system information)16:37
* woolala pulls out webcams and microphones rapidly16:37
jribOptiWork: oh so is this favorites thing something you manipulate through the interface?16:38
irvany way to run a terminal command to make nautilus show hidden files by default?16:38
irvctrl-h and the view menu is borked16:38
alesanhi is there a "silverlight" plugin for Ubuntu?16:39
apan_hm is there any command in netstat or whatever, to see which ports are open/active?16:39
jagginessanyone knows what i can look into a problem i'm having- my mouse is registering two click instead of 1..16:39
theadminalesan: moonlight16:39
irvalesan: last i saw, moonlight16:39
OptiWorkjrib: this is just the Unity Launcher, and the favorites is the order in which the buttons appear on the launchbar.16:39
bakaratapan_, netstat -tn?16:39
alesantheadmin, irv so I install it in apt-get?16:39
auronandace!moonlight | alesan16:39
ubottualesan: For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.16:39
irvor perhaps a way to tell nautilus to go to a particular path by specifying the path?16:40
alesanE: Unable to locate package moonlight-plugin-mozilla16:40
apan_bakarat: no, thanks anyway16:40
alesanauronandace, that command does not work16:40
theadminirv: That one is possible, just "nautilus /opt" (replace /opt with your path)16:40
bakaratalesan, just searching for moonlight in synaptic should do the trick i assume16:40
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auronandacealesan: hmm, must be outdated sorry16:41
alesanbakarat, it only finds a library16:41
trismOptiWork: I don't believe you should quote the favorites list16:41
bakaratalesan, o, i'm sorry i've never actually used moonlight or silverlight for that matter16:41
jribOptiWork: try getting rid of the "16:42
alesanbakarat, nor me, I hate the mono stuff, the developers are traitors that want MS to have success16:42
hareldvdno right click menu on launcher. Any idea?16:42
bakaratalesan, that's the spirit! :)16:42
jribOptiWork: both of them obviously :P16:42
GeoGeekI need some help installing termpkg in ubuntu 11.10 server. Can anybody tell me how to add an appropriate repository so I can use apt to install it? Actually all I really need out of that pkg is ttyd.16:42
alesanbakarat, but I need to see a shitty website that uses silverlight16:42
bakaratalesan, that sucks, i've never actually been on a site that has needed silverlight before16:43
OptiWorkjrib: /me feels like a fktard now16:43
auronandace!language | OptiWork16:43
ubottuOptiWork: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:43
theadminmash__: You want /quit16:43
bakaratdo you need "a" harddisk just to boot a pc? (i know it's a stupid question, but my pc ain't doing much of anything atm)16:43
OptiWorkjrib: every other setting was in "" and this was the ONLY thing that didn't require them, go figure.16:43
alesanOK thanks bye!!!16:44
jribOptiWork: heh16:44
auronandacebakarat: no16:44
OptiWorkjrib: thanks for haning in there with me on it16:44
theadminbakarat: Not really, you can successfully boot a PC from just a CD/USB stick.16:44
jribOptiWork: no problem16:44
bakaratauronandace, theadmin crap, then i guess i got bigger problems16:44
OptiWorkok now to test and see if they all work with a new user16:44
Si2100Hi GUys, i have a problem with Ubuntu Server 12.04... The Static IP keeps dropping connection on Reboot16:44
OmaRgood afternoon16:45
theadminbakarat: what is your problem exactly?16:45
auronandacebakarat: elaboration requested16:46
OmaRfirst time here installed ubuntu 11.10 on a usb and it doesnt want to shut down16:46
wyldebakarat: you can boot without a hard disk using a few methods. A CD/USB using a live system, or booting from a remote server LTSP/PXE boot.16:47
theadminOmaR: Happens from time to time, appending "reboot=bios" to the kernel line should help16:47
bakaratauronandace,  theadmin, well, about a week ago, my hd died. the pc could still boot (i could access bios etc). i took the hd out to another pc to recover data as much as possible. now -after a week of doing nothing- i'm trying to boot the old pc without a hd (to check if it supports usb-based boot) but when i fire it up, the fan spins for about half a turn, you hear it doing something for a millisecond, then it just does nothing. there is no16:47
bakarat output at all, i can't access bios or anything16:47
me-1hi... can Ubuntu 12.4 iso fit on a CD...?16:48
jpdsme-1: Of course.16:48
Tuxbakarat, that most likely suggests complete hardware failure then16:48
OmaRsweet it seems to save changes fine I want to set it up to recover windows16:48
theadminme-1: Surely, it's intended to.16:48
bakaratTux, that's what i'm starting to think as well, though i find it odd that it did boot even after the hd was dead, but now does nothing at all anymore16:48
wyldebakarat: if you had the case open fiddling with things check to make sure everything is still seated correctly (can I assume you took proper static precautios?)16:49
theadminme-1: Pretty much all Linux distros fit on a CD, and if they don't they usually do say it's a DVD image16:49
me-1jpds, theadmin  but its 701 mb where cds only have 700 mb capicty16:49
jpdsme-1: Where did you get the image from?16:49
bakaratwylde, ye, i think i'll need to take it apart and put it back together again (i "think" i take proper static precautions)16:49
irvso it appears as though unity is broken in my failed half 11.10/12.04 install. is there a way to launch a diff window manager from the login screen?16:49
mafiaboycan anyone help to install bcm4312 chipset (wireless drivers)16:50
me-1jpds,  ubuntu.com downloading now and DAP telling me its 701.29 MB16:50
wyldebakarat: just make sure you touch the case before touching any cards if you don't have an anti-static strap.16:50
theadminjpds: Confirmed: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso - Chromium says "701MB".16:50
theadminNevertheless I think it's supposed to fit on a CD anyway %)16:50
bakaratwylde, that's pretty much what i do (don't have the strap :))16:50
Chuck_Norrismafiaboy: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer16:50
bakaratwylde, out of curiosity, do you feel like a jolt or something if you mess up? or does it just die silently?16:51
Chuck_Norrismafiaboy: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter16:51
Chuck_Norrismeinwhile Chuck Norris... http://i.imgur.com/gZe3p.jpg   http://i.imgur.com/qTJHK.png   http://i.imgur.com/TRn2K.png16:51
wyldebakarat: good stuff then :) If you here/feel a "shock" (like rubbing your feet on a carpet and just touching someone) then worry. heh16:52
bakaratwylde, k :)16:52
wyldebakarat: if you're touching a card.16:52
bakaratwell i guess i know what i'll be doing tonight....16:52
Chuck_Norrismafiaboy: paste it on http://paste.ubuntu.com16:53
bakaratthanks for the feedback everyone! gonna go get my hands dirty :)16:53
Tuxmafiaboy, then use apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer16:54
mafiaboyTux :hope that it's better than broadcom-STA16:55
Chuck_Norrismafiaboy: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer16:56
mafiaboythanx Tux and Chuck_Norris16:56
peppermint_i'm not the only one that can't get a wireless connection eh?16:56
TuxPersonally, I have an Atheros wireless card that works "out of the box" on my Ubuntu machine16:56
Tuxpeppermint_, can we get the output of lspci16:57
TuxI badly need to hook my machine to the internet with Ethernet then I can (possibly) run 100% open source on it16:57
mafiaboythe only thing that was keeping me away from ubuntu was broadcom-STA16:57
peppermint_could anyone help me with connecting with my wlan in peppermin 2? I installed the additional (broadcom) driver16:58
mafiaboygoing to reboot now16:58
mafiaboyhope it will work16:58
theadminpeppermint_: Peppermint is not a supported Ubuntu derivative, sorry, please try searching for their channel.16:58
peppermint_I did, and no one was there and they said you guys might be able to help16:58
auronandacepeppermint_: its not supported here16:59
cremetortei have problems using autotools to create makefiles and stuff.. can anyone recommend a good channel for that?16:59
auronandacepeppermint_: it may be based on ubuntu but that doesn't mean we can support it, we don't know what changes have been made16:59
kennyngstonhi, i'm using ubuntu 12.04, just switched to gnome 3.4 from unity, and wanted to install the gnome3-globalmenu program, though it seems its somehow not working. is this common or am i doing something wrong?17:00
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OmaRthank you for the help17:00
peppermint_cool, thanks anyhow. have a good one17:00
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digimanTesting irc ubuntu17:01
auronandace!test | digiman17:01
ubottudigiman: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )17:01
digimangot it!17:02
TraumatizerFucked up OS. Install ubuntu they said... It will be easy they said17:02
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auronandaceTraumatizer: what problems you having?17:02
mafiaboythanx guys got .......wireless working first time (not broadcom-STA this time)17:03
Traumatizerauronadace what problems am I NOT having is a better question. I'm booting it from USB, half of the times it just exits with some vague error. Sometimes sound-card than USB-Hub ext_2 error or something and when it starts. In stead of installing to the HDD it wants to install ubuntu on the USB drive!17:04
TraumatizerI even checked the disc using the buil-in tool and it is fine.17:04
jagginesscremetorte, dpkg -L automake -- there's a imfmk/ or something like that to parse IMakefiles17:04
TraumatizerAgain, it just says it failed "Starting restore sound card mixer state" has failed. It continues doing it's other stuff and than just stops at: 'Stopping System V runlevel compatability' even though it is reported [OK]17:05
=== ultrixx_ is now known as ultrixx
econdudeawesomeHowdy all. Running Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome Classic. The Alt+right click trick to bring up alternative options for the quick launch bar is not working. How to remove items from the quick launcher?17:06
jagginessecondudeawesome, i'm not sure about that.. but i suspect it may have something to do with /etc/xdg/autostart17:08
TraumatizerYea apparently these are known problems auronandace, well it's clear to me that ubuntu doesn't want more users. It really looked like a great linux distro i'll just go back to debian at least that works17:08
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Chuck_Norrisjagginess: you wanna see all your start up aplications?17:08
jagginessChuck_Norris, econdudeawesome.17:09
auronandaceTraumatizer: its good we all have a choice of what to use17:09
Chuck_Norrisme no comprender jagginess17:09
jagginessmafiaboy, apt-get install xw:i386 ?17:10
TraumatizerYea auronandace, i'm happy I do. So I won't be forced to use an OS that advertises itself as 'user friendly' but is the exact opposite17:10
matrizhi all, how can i run a script or program when i insert an usb stick?17:10
jagginessmatriz, has to do with udev, it's not for the faint of hearted17:11
auronandaceTraumatizer: couldn't be more opinionated to volunteers who have nothing to do with the development eh?17:11
matrizjagginess: thnks i'll google it, is it the only way?17:11
balhauHello people. Somebody here familiar with the bluetooth stack?17:12
jagginessmatriz, probably not, there's also dbus, but I don't know if its possible to bind scripts to hal/dbus policy files17:12
nomiz Does anyone share my problem with Unity's Launcher, which doesn't show the active instances of an app when clicking on its icon?17:12
jagginessmatriz, the keyword for dbus, is dbus policy when doing a google17:12
matrizjagginess: thnks again, just found the UsbDriveDoSomethingHowto docs17:13
Traumatizerauronandace the problem is. Ubuntu is screwing ya all over. On their website they even put a guide on how to install it specifically on my laptop, while it's clear they haven't even tested it. Because by using google i found it this is a problem with a graphic card, so they know the graphic card in this laptop gives a bug at start-up yet they still claim it works on it.17:13
TraumatizerIf i were you I would distantiate yourself as far away from this stupid distro as possible auronandace.17:14
econdudeawesomejagginess: not so much. Any other ideas where the settings might be stored/17:14
econdudeawesomejagginess: figured it out. Now its super+alt+rightclick....17:14
auronandaceTraumatizer: thats my choice, i'm sorry your experience has made you bitter17:14
jagginessecondudeawesome, it can be something with a directory called "autostart" somewhere in ~17:14
econdudeawesomewhat a strange way to go about it17:14
jagginessecondudeawesome, what does that do?17:15
irvis there a command line flag to launch nautilus with the 'show hidden files' option turned on?17:15
jagginessirv, probably you can make a desktop link to a script that calls gconf, and have gconf enable/disable that feature17:16
econdudeawesomejagginess: brings up the alternative menu to remove icons from the gnome classic quick launch menu17:16
Chuck_Norrisecondudeawesome: you wanna see all yours star up applications?17:16
Traumatizerauronandace, bitter? There are no words to describe how enraged I am at Ubuntu. I spent 5 hours downloading this distro, because I knew it was going to work. Only to be prompted with an error because my graphic card isn't recognized17:16
econdudeawesomeChuck_Norris: no, not start up. Quick launch in Gnome Classic.17:16
econdudeawesomeChuck_Norris: but I found the solution17:16
Chuck_Norrisecondudeawesome: ok17:16
irvjagginess: i'm trying to just launch it once17:16
eddytvGonna ask once more: any grub/mdadm experts in the channel? Have a server that won't boot to md0 after one of the mirrors has failed.17:16
auronandaceTraumatizer: graphics cards can be problematic, what card do you use?17:16
irvjagginess: for some reason in my broken install the nautilus doesn't have a menu bar and ctrl+h doesn't work for hidden files17:17
jagginessirv, try apt-get install gnome-shell .. dunno if that can help (or maybe apt-get --reinstall install gnome-shell , which may take a long time)17:18
Traumatizerauronandace, Intel GMA series.17:18
jagginessirv, try running nautilus from an xterm box, and see for any error/warning messages17:18
irvwill do.17:18
jagginessirc, (a more immediate avenue)17:18
irvit's so broken that i can't even interact with the terminals17:18
irvbut i just found a workaround i think.. launched nautilus as root and i was able to navigate to the path17:19
auronandaceTraumatizer: hmm, i've not seen many problems from intel cards (i don't use them, just not seen many others with trouble)17:19
irvand the menus show up as root17:19
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jagginessthat's no good, go to tty1, and try apt-get --reinstall install gnome-shell17:19
auronandaceTraumatizer: how new is it?17:19
Traumatizerauronandace it's in a laptop that is ~2 years old17:20
jagginessirv, is this supposed to be 12.04 or you using mixed repos?17:20
auronandaceTraumatizer: is the intel card the only graphics card in there?17:20
khaoshi guys how to enable unity bar icons animation?17:20
TraumatizerQuoted from the ubuntu forums: "System V runlevel error can only occur when your graphic card isn't recognized"17:20
Traumatizerauronandace yes it is17:20
abhinav_singhwhen i am trying to update using apt-get update ..i am getting this errors..how do i fix it?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/978295/17:20
mr_louIs there any way I can work directly on/with files located on a network drive?17:20
auronandaceTraumatizer: most strange, what is the exact model?17:21
Chuck_Norrisi use gnome shell in a intel 128 with dual core 2.0 ghz and works fantastic17:21
dragonflyTraumatizer, have you tried plugging an external monitor into the monitor port on the back of the laptop, I had a laptop once that didn't recognize the builtin monitor by default, but an external monitor worked and I was able to configure it from there17:22
gaston_does someone know how to install vlc 1.1.9 on 12.04?17:22
Traumatizerauronandace, Asus EEE PC 1005HA17:22
auronandaceTraumatizer: sorry, i meant the intel card17:23
MrokiiHi all. I have installed indicator-multiload (to show CPU load), but it doesn't show up in the upper bar. What could be the problem?17:23
khaoshi guys how to enable unity bar icons animation?17:23
dragonflygaston_, looks like it might be a connection issue...or, are you using the default settings for the repositories17:23
Traumatizerauronandace, my bad: GMA 95017:23
AyaneForeverkhaos, have you tried poking around in myUnity17:23
AyaneForeverOr Ubuntu-Tweak or ccsm17:24
dragonflyTraumatizer, I have that exact model of comptuer Eee 1005HA...I use an old version of netbook remix on it and it works flawlessly :S17:24
Traumatizerdragonfly: Let me try that. But if i Install it than, won't it still not recognize it?17:24
khaosAyaneForever, is this an app?17:24
rocketsIs there a way to open a "run" box in Ubuntu 12.04 to run a single terminal command?17:24
Traumatizerdragonfly, really strange.17:24
AyaneForeverYes. You are referring to changing the animation options of the panel on the left, right? It's my USC17:24
khaosin my one pc the animations works ok but in the other not17:24
AyaneForever** It's in Ubuntu Software Centre17:24
khaoswithout any additional package AyaneForever17:25
irvrockets: alt+f217:25
rocketsirv, thanks d00d17:25
khaosAyaneForever, thanks17:25
irvrockets: np, it actually saved me in recovering these documents juts now17:25
dragonflyTraumatizer, I haven't upgraded it because I like the way the launcher is for netbook remix for that small screen it works great for what I use it for. I haven't tried a newer version on it but don't see any reason 12.04 wouldn't work17:25
irvhandy lil shortcut17:25
auronandaceTraumatizer: and you are trying 12.04 right?17:25
Traumatizerauronadace 11.10, because that was the version they used in the guide on the ubuntu website17:26
TraumatizerI thought the newer version might not be compatible17:26
irvTraumatizer: probably haven't written new documentation yet17:26
irv12.04 only came out a few weeks ago17:26
gaston_dragonfly: i am trying to install old version, i have 2.0.1 already17:27
gaston_but a functionnality i need is broken17:27
auronandaceTraumatizer: i'd expect 12.04 may work better, lts releases tend to get better testing17:27
Traumatizerauronandace, ok than I will try that. I'm at school they have ridiculously fast internet. It will probably be downloaded in like an hour :)17:27
dekukedhey, what does this mean?: https://gist.github.com/264695417:28
auronandaceTraumatizer: awesome17:28
auronandaceTraumatizer: hope it works for you17:28
jiltdilis there any channel for mba preperation or cat or finance17:28
Traumatizerauronandace Thanks for your help, sorry for my temper problems17:28
Traumatizerauronadace, should've never let myself act that way to people that help me for no gain17:28
auronandaceTraumatizer: no worries17:28
=== ben__460 is now known as bennidhamma
intraderon 11.10 - I have installed conpizconfig-settings-manager and rebooted. I don't see any difference in the appearance setting app. What should I see there?17:29
foolshdekuked: it means just what it says, the file or folder debian/changelog does not exist17:29
gaston_dragonfly: and yes, i am using the default settings.17:30
rocketsirv, I wish I could figure out how to remap that shorcut - it's not in the shorcuts section of the keyboard control panel17:30
jiltdilAny channel for MBA?17:32
irvrockets: sudo apt-get install gconf-editor17:32
jagginesshey, anyone knows of what i can use to re-map my left and right mouse buttons?17:33
irvApps-compiz-1-plugins-unityshell-screen0-options execute17:33
rocketsirv, yeah, that's going to probably have a lot of gnome deps I don't want. I'll leave it as is.17:33
zykotic10!alis | jiltdil17:33
ubottujiltdil: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:33
irv*shrugs* only way to find out is to check :]17:33
kgeeI have an encrypted home drive. When I log in locally, ~/ contains my user data. When I ssh in, my user data is still encrypted. How do I access my data from an ssh connection?17:33
irvkgee: are you ssh as your user?17:34
kgeeirv: yes I am17:34
jribkgee: what ubuntu version is this?17:34
zykotic10jagginess: if you just want the left and right swapped, isn't there an option for a left handed mouse somewhere?17:35
kgeeirv: ubu12... in my 'replacement' home drive is what looks like the encrypted volume, a .Private folder, and what seems to be a desktop launch icon called 'Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop'. Can I launch this without a desktop>17:35
joseph_join #fa17:36
irvkgee: read the README.txt17:36
irvthere's a way to do it via cmdline17:36
kgeeirv: D'oh. Thanks. I'll RTFM17:36
billybigranyone here on the -doc team?17:36
irvi literally just had a very similar issue 30 mins ago :D17:36
kgeeirv: worked like a charm17:37
irvkgee: perfect17:37
jribkgee: pretty sure that should happen automatically with pam...17:37
kgeeirv: would there be a login script/hook I could use to automate this?17:37
intraderon 11.10 - I have installed conpizconfig-settings-manager and rebooted. I don't see any difference in the appearance setting app. What should I see there?17:37
kgeeirv: in therory, yes. In practise, I imagine it has to do with my ssh public key not having my local user password17:38
zykotic10intrader: try running "ccsm"17:38
intraderzykotic10, sudo?17:38
zykotic10intrader: no17:38
irvwell yeah, if you're trying to have it persistently mounted like that then that's probably not what you want17:38
irvi'm not sure how to map your home dir to that encrypted one17:39
intraderzykotic10, aha - is that available via gui?17:40
zykotic10intrader: unity?  i have no idea.17:40
kgeeirv: it seems I just have to run the command line option in the readme, but I'd like to have a script automatically run on login. It could check for the encrypted volume on login, and only run the encrypted system mount option if the system was still encrypted17:40
krababbelkgee: put it in autostart?17:40
irvrun on login to your ssh session?17:41
irvor your local session?17:41
khem_How do I make each logged in users shared by Samba, as well as sharing a 'shared resource' to three users with read and write?17:41
kgeekrababbel: that was the question; I know what I want, but I'm used to slack/arch style systems so the 'where to put it' on ubuntu is the next step17:41
irvyay! all the docs are copied. fresh install of 12.04 shortly :D17:41
krababbelkgee: for a local desktop login, there is the app 'startup applications'17:42
intraderzykotic10, thanks I will run it from the terminal17:42
fattobpeedoes anyone know why I wouldn't be able to ssh into my Ubuntu 12 box, even after adding my connecting IP to /etc/hosts.allow?17:42
kgeethanks, krab!17:42
fAz4i can't change the Brightness of the screen after suspending the laptop ? any idea ?17:42
LiquidGuidefattobpee, did you install openssh-server?17:44
fattobpee^^ anything i need to modify in /etc/ssh/ssh_config?17:44
Scarra3In ubuntu 12.04 how do I sync my music on my iphone without deleting the old music on it17:45
kgeehmm, catch 22... When my user logs in, I want to run a script that mounts their encrypted home drive. The most common place to put this would be in ~/.bashrc, which unfortunately is located in the encrypted home drive. Help?17:45
dragonflykgee, can you relocate .bashrc and just put a ln -s to it in the home directory...then u can call it directly from the secondary location but it's still in ~ for when it is needed there?17:47
dragonflyfattobpee, what is the error message that you get?17:48
kgeedragonfly: yes! good idea. I would still need to have the operating system look for the login script at a place rather than the default ~/.bashrc though. How do I change this default?17:48
bluefrog_fattobpee, have you done a NAT in your adsl box?17:48
dragonflykgee, you're talking about an ssh login, correct?17:48
llutzkgee: .bahsr17:48
emrebune la17:48
deper29in 10.04, is there a way to share a folder(say music) between local users on that machine?17:48
Kage-Does anyone know how to add an _existing_ Intel Matrix RAID array to a Linux installation?17:48
kgeedragonfly: I am17:48
kgeellutz: .bahsr?17:49
llutzkgee: .bashrc is read everytime a user opens an interactive shell, i doubt you want to run your stuff from it17:49
abhinav_singhwhile updating system I am getting error 'you are about to install software that can't be authenticated ..here is the screenshot http://tinypic.com/r/mkulu0/6 and here is my sources.list  http://paste.ubuntu.com/978354/    ..how do i fix it?17:49
bluefrog_abhinav_singh, sudo apt-get update first17:49
abhinav_singhbluefrog_  i am getting these errors while apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/978357/17:51
kgeellutz: I just might. The script I'm adding would basically say "If %user has no encrypted home drive, attempt to mount encrypted home drive (via password prompt)". I can't think of a case where I wouldnt want this logic applied to a newly opened shell17:51
xanguaabhinav_singh: so you were using third party repositories after all¿17:51
xanguaabhinav_singh: naah ignore what i said, already added the ubuntu repositories gpg keys¿17:53
bluefrog_abhinav_singh, fix your sources.list and it'll be ok17:53
dragonflykgee, I think I found a solution for you..../etc/bash.bashrc17:53
abhinav_singhcan you please point out which third party repo i were using xangua?17:53
dragonflykgee, http://superuser.com/questions/355029/linux-how-to-automatically-run-commands-on-ssh-login17:53
bakkerthehackerhello. my ubuntu is crashing on boot.  I get a cursor on top of the loading screen but it is frozen.  Also my Xorg.0.log is empty.  I can boot into recovery.  Anyone have any ideas?17:53
abhinav_singhwhats wrong in sources.list bluefrog_17:53
bluefrog_abhinav_singh, ubuntuarchive.hnsdc.com looks dead17:54
kgeedragonfly: ah, I see. Decoupled from the user. I like it.17:54
dragonflybakkerthehacker, anything in /var/log/messages?17:54
bakkerthehackerdragonfly: that dir doesnt exists...17:54
dragonflybakkerthehacker, the directory is /var/log/ the file you are looking for is messages17:55
bakkerthehackerits not there17:56
bakkerthehackerno file17:56
trismdragonfly: there is no /var/log/messages by default in ubuntu anymore17:56
trismdragonfly: look in either /var/log/syslog or /var/log/kern.log17:56
foolovehow in linux can i search for files using a wildcare as such proxylogsHTTP*monthdaytime*.gz17:58
foolovelike its not liking muliptle wildcards17:58
llutzkgee: i'd place your script into /etc/profile.d17:59
theadminfoolove: find / -iname 'proxylogsHTTP*monthdaytime*.gz' -print 2>/dev/null17:59
abhinav_singhso will i have to comment out all the lines having ubuntuarchive.hnsdc.com in my sources.list bluefrog_18:00
abhinav_singhhey i forgot to do that..can you please provide me that command again xangua18:00
xangua!gpgerr | abhinav_singh18:00
ubottuabhinav_singh: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »18:00
seiryu89is the servers of ubuntu software center down? I can not install anything18:00
tarrant1Is there an "offical" way in ubuntu to add ulimits to a daemon? Other than overwriting the init.d script?18:01
abhinav_singhi have run this command "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 437D05B5" ..still i am getting error18:02
xanguaabhinav_singh: did you run apt-get update after it¿18:02
abhinav_singhyes xangua18:02
xanguaabhinav_singh: and did you already change to main servers as i told you like hours ago¿18:03
xanguaor your country servers18:03
abhinav_singhno i am using Server for India now xangua18:03
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dragonflytrism, my bad...I guess the only machines I ever really have reason to look at log files on are my servers which run Debian....never seem to need the log files on my Ubuntu machines (laptop and desktops)18:04
tdelamllutz: thanks man18:05
Captain_ProtonHave a stupid problem. I install ubuntu one music app for android, but I can not figure out how to login to my account18:06
eddytvUgh. This sucks.18:06
bananapiejoin #ubuntu-server18:06
llutztdelam: ahem... for?18:06
dragonflyeddytv, what's up18:06
malkaunswhy cant i select a different profile in the network manager in 12.04? it just ignores me18:06
dragonflykgee, how's it comin'?18:07
sirriffsalotIs there some debugging website for people with nvidia problems for 12.04?18:09
=== tarrant1 is now known as tarrant
kgeeso this entire 'mount home drive on login thing' is a moot point when I look at the big picture: X11 forwarding needs the ~/.Xauthority before the /etc/profile.d/ or /etc/bash.bashrc scripts are run18:09
luc4_macHi! I don't know if I'm in the right place but, has anyone noticed wired connection loss of the system randomly? It immediately automatically comes up if I plug the mouse in again.18:11
abhinav_singhwith main server also i am getting same errors xangua.. any idea what should i do now?18:11
gizmoI have a dual boot Ubuntu/Windows . Will I need a linux driver on the PC to use my windows printer18:11
trismdragonfly: it was a fairly recent change, 11.04+ I believe, so understandable18:12
debrisgizmo:  it's not a WINDOWS printer...just a printer18:12
* woolala remembered windows modem18:13
apnmalkauns, gizmo most like. what make is it?18:13
xanguaabhinav_singh: no idea then, just upgrade/install the packages if you want18:13
tenerhello, is there any bluefish expert here? or just a simple user?18:13
malkaunsapn, huh?18:13
abhinav_singhi have repeat the process with main server .. i am getting these errors again http://paste.ubuntu.com/978412/18:13
gizmodebris: ok m,y slip but will I need a linux driver18:13
maurizioHi, how  could I make a bck of my programs to reinstall them easily after a system upgrade? (11.04 ->12.04)18:13
apnmalkauns, an error while tabbing. I'm sorry for disturbing peace.18:13
Dualitywylde, i try to start vm but says: VBoxHeadless: error: Invalid parameter: startvm18:14
TraumatizerHoly shit, what just happened? When I insert my earphones I hear white noise. Than when I start copying files to my USB stick i can hear the files getting copied trough my earphones. Also mouseclicks make a noise too really strange18:14
intraderIs upgrader from 11.10 to 12.04 possible without install?18:14
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apngizmo, yes, most likely.  Who makes your printer?18:14
abhinav_singhshould i ignore the warning that  'software can't be authenticated' xangua18:14
Mrokiiintrader: I have done that.18:14
prashantcan somebody tell me does ubuntu have xcb(X protocol c-language binding)?18:14
apngizmo, them probably not, as long as you have cups installed.18:15
debrisgizmo:  yep....what kind?18:15
Zentaurcould anybody help me with my sdb1?18:15
apnZentaur, what happened to your partition?18:15
intraderMrokii, through the update manager?18:15
xanguaabhinav_singh: so if you changed to main servers why are you still updating from ubuntuarchive.hnsdc ¿¿ looks like it's down18:15
Zentaurit is an internal ide HD. sdb1  in ext4. mounted as /DATA.18:16
Mrokiiintrader: Yep.18:16
Zentaurthe problem is that i can't write, only read18:16
tdelamllutz: for the terminator suggestion earlier18:16
apnZentaur, can you paste your /etc/fstab ?18:16
Zentaursorry i'm tottally newto ubuntu18:16
intraderMrokii, I will do a save and try it, thanks18:16
tdelamllutz: I'm delayed in my responses :) (working)18:16
Zentaurwell, i'm in a separerte computer, one moment...18:17
abhinav_singhi just change the server to main server and then did apt-get update but it is still updating from  ubuntuarchive.hnsdc    xangua18:17
apnZentaur, that's ok. I don't use ubuntu.18:17
Mrokiiintrader: Was about to suggest a backup, heh. Just in case. But I didn't have problems with the last two or three upgrades, so maybe Ubuntu is getting better at it.18:17
SidewinderMrokii, Back-ups never hurt, regardless.18:18
intraderMrokii, thanks18:18
Dualitywylde, i found that this command works VBoxManage startvm WinXp --type headless18:18
MrokiiSidewinder: very true.18:18
Mrokiiintrader: yw18:18
DrShoggothare there any known issues with ubuntu 64bit desktop?18:18
DrShoggothi'm getting ready to redo my laptop and wonder if its worth moving to 64bit18:19
Zentaurthis is it: /DATA       ext4       defaults     0       018:19
zykotic10DrShoggoth: how much RAM do you have?  <4GB it's probably not worth running 64bit.18:19
israelDrShoggoth: it depends of your hardware18:19
apnZentaur, can you do fsck on your disk?18:20
DrShoggothI have 4GB exactly18:20
Zentaurhow do i do that apn?18:20
abhinav_singhcan I change it to some other server xangua?18:20
llutztdelam: ah ok, glad it helped18:20
Traumatizerhey auronandace ubuntu 12.04 works just fine18:20
auronandaceTraumatizer: awesome18:21
TraumatizerIt even asked if I wanted to 'upgrade' my currently installed ubuntu 10.2418:21
xanguaabhinav_singh: no idea if you change to main repository why you still get that ubuntuarchive.hnsdc18:21
apnZentaur, sudo fsck /dev/sdb118:21
TraumatizerIt recognized backtrack as a previous ubuntu installation since it's ubuntu based haha; auronandace18:21
auronandaceTraumatizer: haha, you would certainly have issues upgrading that to official ubuntu18:22
sirriffsalotWhat does "reconfiguring x" entail/involve doing?18:22
Zentaurwarning!!! it is mounted18:22
apnZentaur, hehe, sorry.18:22
Traumatizerauronandace, i figured that. Chose for the erase ubuntu 10.24 and reinstall :)18:22
apncan you apply this: "sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb1"18:22
nsdHi, I've got a printer I'm trying to use that since upgrading to 12.04, does not print color. I have tried the Gutenprint drivers, and I've now just tried the TurboPrint (non-free) drivers, and neither work. There is no option to print greyscale as far as I can see in the Gutenprint driver, but there is such an option in TurboPrint, and I've set it to color. Anyone have any ideas? Anything I can try? Google isn't helping me on this one18:23
apnZentaur, you can also unmount it before fsck "sudo umount /dev/sdb1 ; sudo fsck /dev/sdb1"18:23
auronandaceTraumatizer: wise indeed, fresh installs are more straightforward and less error prone than upgrades18:23
gaston_does someone know if i can install vlc 1.x on 12.04?18:23
nsdIt's a Canon i850 using the parallel port18:23
Traumatizerauronandace glad I made the right decision. Gotta give credit to ubuntu though, the installer is ridiculously easy to use once it works haha and it looks great.18:24
Zentauri tyed this "sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb1" but no difference18:24
apnZentaur, can you write on it as root?18:24
auronandace!yay | Traumatizer18:24
ubottuTraumatizer: Glad you made it! :-)18:24
gaston_does someone know if i can install vlc 1.x on 12.04?18:25
Zentauryes, i can write as root apn18:25
llutzZentaur: you want to check permissions/ownership of the filesystem and adjust them using chown/chmod18:25
apnZentaur, so it is mounted as rw :-)18:25
apnjust one moment.18:25
auronandacegaston_: whats wrong with the 2x series?18:25
TraumatizerGonna make some windows 7 users in class jealous tomorrow with my fresh ubuntu installation tomorrow. "Ok students are you on the electronic learning system yet?", everyone: "Nooooo. slow laptops!!!" me: "Yes!" haha18:25
apnZentaur, try this "sudo mount -o remount,rw,user /dev/sdb1"18:26
llutzapn:  makes no sense18:27
apnllutz, why? user is not part of default, and it will append it.18:27
gaston_auronandace: mosaic functionnality is broken18:28
llutzapn: still makes no sense, read "man mount" what "user" option does18:28
gaston_and i need it working by tmrw18:28
auronandaceapn: what were you trying to accomplish there?18:28
gaston_so tested tonight...18:28
auronandacegaston_: mosaic? new one on me18:28
gaston_auronandace: i don't mind installing 10.04 if that solves it.18:28
gaston_auronandace: mosaic? or that it's broken?18:29
llutzapn: to let users acces unix-filesystems like ext4 you use chown/chmod. thats what unix-permissions are for18:29
auronandacegaston_: never heard of it in connection with vlc18:29
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auronandacegaston_: only the little tiles in art18:29
gaston_auronandace: it allows you to put multiple videos in one18:29
Zentauri can't with rw,user18:30
KaustubhGhanekarI am having a problem configuring network interfaces inside VM on 12.04. I have two interfaces eth0 and eth1. eth0 configured as "Bridge" between host and guest. and eth1 configured as "Internal" adapter. eth1 is static. when I run #ifup eth1 I get error RTNETLINK answers: File exists18:30
llutzZentaur: you want to check permissions/ownership of the filesystem and adjust them using chown/chmod18:30
gaston_auronandace: but maybe you have another working solution: i need to import a stream, capture from a device, put both vids side-to-side, and stream the whole thing online.18:30
apnllutz, chmod doesn't change enything for partition characteristics18:30
tacirusHello, people18:30
Zentaurwhat do you recomend me? chown 777 /dev/sdb1?18:31
dragonflyhello tacirus18:31
tacirusI have trouble with setting  $PATH18:31
llutzapn: you also want to read how filesystems and ownership/permissions work18:31
TraumatizerTacirus, i know how to do that/18:31
dragonflyZentaur, is sdb an internal or external drive?18:31
TraumatizerWhat are you experiencing trouble with?18:31
KaustubhGhanekarcan someone read my above query18:31
auronandacegaston_: sorry, i'm not quite that advanced18:31
apnllutz, please, read what acl has to do with partitions.18:31
llutzZentaur: is it just you or are there more users accessing the /DATA filesystem?18:31
tacirusI put a line into /etc/profile  but it doesn`t work as it is expected18:31
Zentaurdragonfly: it is internal ide18:31
gaston_auronandace: and about installing vlc 1.x?18:32
llutzapn: nothing, all this stuff applies to filesystems not partitions18:32
dragonflyKaustubhGhanekar, I read it, but I am not familiar enough with vms to of any help18:32
Traumatizertacirus 1 sec.18:32
KaustubhGhanekarthanks dragonfly18:32
auronandacegaston_: i think you mentioned your best bet: use 10.04 (in a vm if you want)18:32
Traumatizertacirus, I18:32
KaustubhGhanekardragonfly still if you know about the error18:32
TraumatizerTacirus, I18:32
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TraumatizerTacirus you can use shellscript easily18:33
Nach0zjust finally pinned down the way to get ATI Catalyst 12.4 working on Ubuntu 12.0418:33
gaston_auronandace: auronandace and then, simply apt-get install vlc will be the correct one?18:33
dragonflytacirus, can you pastebin your .profile?18:33
Nach0zand now my hybrid gfx works <318:33
TraumatizerJust make a new shellscript and begin with 'printenv $PATH'18:33
antnashHey guys. How do I find out what my system is trying to tell me by beeping every 8 or so seconds?18:33
gaston_or simply find a package for 10.04?18:33
auronandacegaston_: yes18:33
Zentaurwhat if i try this in fstab? /DATA      ext4      defaults,rw,user    0      018:33
TraumatizerTacirus than do like $PATH = whatyouwantittobe and than printenv again18:33
TraumatizerTo see if it worked18:33
auronandacegaston_: it is in the repos18:33
llutzZentaur: is it just you or are there more users accessing the /DATA filesystem?18:33
gaston_1.x is in the repo?18:34
gaston_or 2.x?18:34
Zentaurit is me right now but there will be a couple more18:34
soupeeeanybody using lirc?18:34
llutzZentaur: so chgrp it to a group, all users needing access are member in and make it group-writable18:34
llutz!permissions | Zentaur18:35
ubottuZentaur: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:35
xangua!info vlc | gaston_18:35
ubottugaston_: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-4 (precise), package size 1361 kB, installed size 3370 kB18:35
Zentaurok, let me try18:35
gaston_xangua: but i could eventually find a package of 1.x18:36
dragonflygaston_, with all the effort you are going through to try and downgrade, why not just try and fix the problem or find a work-around for the newer version?18:37
gaston_dragonfly: because i need it working tmrw, and tested tonight18:38
spyvsspyhi, i just installed libapache2-mod-php5 on ubuntu 11.1018:38
spyvsspyand php isnt working, I dont have a .conf or .load in mods-avaliable/enabled18:38
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spyvsspyis there a shortcut to get them in there?18:38
apan_spyvsspy: create them yourself18:38
spyvsspyor do i need to track them down somewhere and create them18:38
gaston_dragonfly: and it seems it is something in the new version that broke what i need. talked about it on #videolan, no chance there.18:38
spyvsspyapan_ is there an example of what they should look like somewhere?18:38
Picispyvsspy: You shouldn't need to create them.18:39
spyvsspyfor whatever reason they arent in /etc/apache2/modes-avail18:39
gaston_dragonfly: and i just formatted my drive to have a singleboot ubuntu on my macbook, so i have nothing important on it.18:39
gaston_i just really really need this working asap18:39
gaston_so if that is the solution, i will take it18:39
antnashI've added blacklist pcspkr to my blacklist.conf and it's still beeping. What's going on?18:40
spyvsspybut there is a file /usr/lib/apache2/module/libapach318:40
Zentaur ready, it was easyer than i initially thought! :)18:40
Picispyvsspy: Are you sure that the libapache2-mod-php5 package was actually installed?18:40
dragonflywell, you could run it in a live environment of an older Ubuntu version18:40
gaston_i just don't want to reinstall linux to find it doesn't work again.18:40
csgeekwhere are the logs for a failed tasksel stored in.  Is that /var/log/installer ?18:40
spyvsspypici yes18:40
Zentaurthanks guys, you are better than ubuntu-es :)18:40
gaston_dragonfly: i understand mosaic is quite cpu-consuming, and i will be streaming live18:40
xanguaZentaur: telling that is not helpful18:41
hwildegaston_, why can't you test with a livecd18:41
gaston_hwilde: elaborate, please ;)18:41
hwildegaston_, umm why do you have to reinstall to test?  just test on the livecd ?18:41
dragonflygaston_, what version of vlc were u looking for?18:41
Picispyvsspy: /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.load and /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf are both part of the libapache2-mod-php5 package. Does it say 'ii' on the far left when you do: dpkg -l | grep libapache2-mod-php518:41
gaston_ok. so basically burn 10.04, boot from there, install vlc 1.x, do my tests, if it works reinstall?18:42
hwildegaston_, ja18:42
gaston_hwilde: vielen dank18:42
gaston_i will do that18:42
gaston_brb ^^18:42
hwildegaston_, what was the codename of 10.04 ?18:42
zykotic10!lucid | hwilde18:42
ubottuhwilde: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)18:42
Zentaurby the way... could you install flash player in 10.4 properly?18:42
hwilde!info vlc lucid | gaston_18:43
ubottugaston_: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-1ubuntu1.8 (lucid), package size 1598 kB, installed size 3792 kB18:43
hwildegaston_, so the bot says you can have vlc v1.0.6 in 10.04 no problemo18:43
tacirusFolks, who can explain to me why I can`t set $PATH. It seems to me that I do all right but it doesn`t work18:44
hwildetacirus,   export PATH=/blah/blah;  echo $PATH18:44
Zentauri tryed installing every flash in synaptic and they are recognized by firefox but none of them work18:44
ZentaurI can't see any youtube videos18:44
t0rx__anyone know how to drop to a busybox shell at splash?18:44
xanguaZentaur: so you installed a bounch of flash plugins¿ adobe's, gnash, etc¿ what way none will work18:45
dragonflytacirus, are you trying to set the default path for when you login or the path for right now?18:45
xanguaZentaur: you can use html5 player to see videos in youtube also18:45
PrudhviHi Guys, using upstart is it possible to run a same daemon multiple times parallelly?18:45
bob_anyone besides me having trouble seeing the launcher panel when booting off live cd 12.04?18:45
Prudhvilike i want to have 5 queue draining daemon processes running?18:45
tacirusI want a permanent path18:46
dragonflytacirus, for just your user?18:46
tacirusyap that`s enough18:46
Eastwoodwhat is the best way to learn to program in c18:46
Zentaurbut there are a lot of pages that us flash. i don't want to be restricted18:46
dragonflytacirus, you need to edit the file /home/<your username>/.profile18:46
llutztacirus: "export PATH=/home/you/mystuff:$PATH"   in ~/.bashrc   to add directories to an existing path18:46
tacirusI`v put the export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin  into /etc/profile for having wide but it doesn`t work18:47
xanguaZentaur: so do you or do not have diferens plugins installed at once¿ you didn't answer18:47
hwildetacirus, you have to reboot for that to take effect,  or you have to   source /etc/profile18:47
Picitacirus: You need to relogin after you make a change like that.18:47
bob_anyone besides me having trouble seeing the launcher panel when booting off live cd 12.04?18:47
Zentaurjust one18:47
tacirusPici, means reloading the system?18:48
Picitacirus: it means logging out and logging back in.18:48
t0rx__anyone know how to drop to busybox at splash?18:49
tacirusThank you all who answered18:50
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tacirusI was said to use source command which made all right18:50
batlocki come here in search of assistance, #vbox and #debian can't seem to help me.   I run Debian Squeeze, when i open a vm, all host audio is stolen, i.e. can't play youtube in firefox until the vm is closed.   what do?18:51
Picibatlock: Ubuntu and Debian are not the same thing. We cannot help you here.18:51
itawsHow to become a good programmer  and which programming  langauage are the best because i want to involve in developing Ubuntu !18:51
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bhermze_Zentaur: I have mixed results with flash in Firefox, even when I do get it to work. Chrome has flash packaged with it and I have no problems on any site with that browser. Not sure if using Chrome is an option for you.18:52
tiny_fan_batlock:  Pici is being sarcastic18:52
bob_anyone besides me having trouble seeing the launcher panel when booting off live cd 12.04?18:52
GhostFacehey i would like to know how would i run a mirc bot on a vps?18:53
Zentaurmmm i'd rather use chromium18:53
GhostFaceusing ubuntu18:53
krababbelbatlock: do you use pulseaudio?18:53
bhermze_I haven't used the latest version of Chromium, I'm not sure if it also has flash installed. Maybe that would work too18:53
Picitiny_fan_: I'm not. we do not support debian here.18:54
batlockkrababbel, no.18:54
batlockkrababbel, it's all setup to use alsa18:54
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krababbelubuntu uses pulse by default, it handles mixing of audio from different apps18:55
krababbelbatlock: I'd try pulse18:55
foolovewhen scping a file without shared keys is there a way to input the password in the scp command?18:55
llutzfoolove: no18:55
Picibatlock, tiny_fan_, krababbel: Debian support is offtopic for this channel. If you want to help him, feel free to join #debian. Otherwise, I'm going to have to ask again that we stay on-topic here.18:55
llutzfoolove: ssh/scp won't allow that. if you could do it, your plain password would be readable in processlist and you don't want that18:56
sevardHello.  libchatbot-eliza-perl is in the hardy but not lucid repo.  How do I get software that's missing?18:56
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Picisevard: It looks like the entire source package was removed from debian (and subsquently Ubuntu) for being unmaintained and unpopular.  If you really need it, you may want to look for a PPA or attempt to build it from source.19:00
ArS0show to burn ubuntu.iso un USB ?19:00
ArS0son usb19:01
tiny_fan_Ars0s:  USB what?19:01
ArS0sUSB flash19:01
xangua!ubs | ArS0s19:01
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:01
sevardPici: What's a PPA?19:01
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erick_i need help D:19:01
zykotic10!ppa | sevard19:01
ubottusevard: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:01
erick_where am i19:02
xangua!ask | erick_19:02
ubottuerick_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:02
Picisevard: A personal package archive, it lets developers create their own packages for distribution.19:02
ArS0sxangua I need this program (usb-creator program)19:02
sigwhiteI updated my Ubuntu desktop inside VirtualBox from 11.10 to 12.04 and now it won't resolve domain names anymore. Connectivity is there, just the lookup is broken. Help?19:03
erick_wow you guys are cool:) how do i use xChat! M86 is blocking all connections right now19:03
zykotic10ArS0s: is it's a 12.04 ISO you can just cat it "sudo -i" then "cat ubuntu.iso > /dev/sdX" (no parition number)19:03
ArS0sxangua how to get it19:03
xanguayou can use unetbootin also ArS0s19:03
ArS0szykotic10 now I am by windows719:04
erick_use multisystem 3 for a multi boot usb! its what i use19:04
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ArS0syes it is 12.04.iso19:04
erick_setting up a chat room in cryptocat?19:06
tiny_fan_ArS0s:  do you want to boot from USB?19:06
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Picierick_: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?19:06
ArS0stiny_fan_ yess19:06
erick_no :S allright well i get the idea of this now19:06
Pigr8just an ask, why if I try to write into the www root of Apache2, even if I have root privileges, system says "Accessdenied"? I am also member of groups www, sudo and admin19:06
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tiny_fan_Ars0s:   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:07
sigwhitePlease. This has already cost me the better part of two days. Can anybody tell me how to fix my DNS resolution in my 12.04 Ubuntu guest of VirtualBox? This worked just fine in 11.04 and 11.10.19:07
Pici!resolvconf | have you seen this sigwhite19:07
ubottuhave you seen this sigwhite: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/19:07
ArS0stiny_fan_ can you provide me a correct link to get usb creator?19:09
sigwhitePici: Seen that. I tried adding google's DNS to the top of resolv.conf, I tried disabling dnsmasq, I tried using "DHCP (addresses only)" and adding the DNS servers there, ... I'm really at a loss.19:09
ArS0sis it a problem?19:10
bob_having trouble seeing the launcher panel when booting off live cd 12.04, its kind of hard to try 12.04 with it, any help?19:10
tiny_fan_Ars0S: usb-creator is a linux app, are u on win7?19:11
Picisigwhite: Settings in /etc/network/interfaces are used now. Editing /etc/resolv.conf manually will result in issues.19:11
sigwhitePici: The strange thing is: it worked at some point. I tried fiddling with "sudo dhclient" right after the update and it worked for a while. But then all of a sudden in the middle of a ping, it stopped working. And now it's gone.19:11
llutzsigwhite: add "nameserver" to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base   then run sudo resolvconf -u19:11
Picisigwhite: llutz's suggestion works too.19:12
sigwhitePici: I tried adding domain-name-servers in /etc/network/interfaces, but that didn't work.19:12
llutzhaving a local resolver on every machine is a stupid idea imho19:12
Pigr8does anyone know why i'm not able to write ad user with root privileges on /var/www?19:12
Pigr8*as user19:13
llutzPigr8: how did you try to write?19:13
Pigr8being logged as user with sudo privileges19:14
llutzPigr8: "sudo touch /var/www/testfile123 && ls -l /var/www/testfile123"19:14
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sigwhitellutz: Tried that, Didn't work. Ping still says "unknown host google.com" and I can ping just fine.19:14
ArS0stiny_fan_ yes, I am on win719:14
llutzsigwhite: grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf19:15
ix_how many packages are there in the 12.04 repos?19:15
Pigr8llutz: ok, it worked19:15
xangua!usb | ArS0s19:15
llutzPigr8: so you can write. your question is?19:15
ubottuArS0s: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:15
sigwhitellutz: still after resolvconf -u and the change19:15
OfficeITGuy149Hi #Ubuntu, does anyone have any experience making a Lenovo U300s "Clickpad" work properly under 12.04?19:17
ix_how many packages are there in the 12.04 repos?19:17
llutzix_: a lot19:17
gwinbeeon upgrading to 12.04, firefox now says that the proxy server I use is refusing connections. Any ideas why?19:18
OfficeITGuy149or can send me in the right direction?19:18
EvilResistanceOfficeITGuy149, "Clickpad"?19:18
sigwhitellutz: In fact, even if I replace with, ping still fails on the name.19:18
ix_llutz: you could open synaptic and see exactly19:18
ix_I'm curious19:18
FfoOHave you tried its driver, OfficeITGuy149?19:19
Pigr8llutz: the problem is that I cannot modify index.html, and cannot understand why19:19
OfficeITGuy149Yes, I think that's the proper name of a trackpad that is also a button19:19
tiny_fan_ArS0s:  you'll have to burn the ubuntu iso to CD and boot off of it...then use the ubuntu installer to install to usb stick19:19
Picisigwhite: does dig google.com @ work?19:19
OfficeITGuy149how do I find the correct driver for it?19:19
llutzix_: so open synaptic and see exactly (i'm neither on ubuntu (yet)nor using synaptic)19:19
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: Touchpad driver on the fabricant website19:19
ix_llutz: well, I'm not on ubuntu either, I'm on debian19:19
OfficeITGuy149What's a fabricant?19:19
sigwhitePici: strangely, no.19:20
llutzix_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/allpackages19:20
sigwhitePici: No, wait. It does.19:21
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: install System Profiler and Brenchmark, on the Software Center application. There you may find the name of all the components of your lappy19:21
ix_ok, then can anyone give me the main repo for ubuntu, you know, the deb http://archive.ubuntu. whatever19:21
OfficeITGuy149interesting. I'll do that right now!19:21
OfficeITGuy149with that information, I can find the driver?19:22
sigwhitePici: okay, that's just weird. It worked once.19:22
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Picisigwhite: you typed 'dig google.com @' exactly?19:22
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: Once you have the name of the touchpad, paste it on Google for driver. You may find something19:22
OfficeITGuy149I think I have that info already, hold on19:23
sigwhitePici: Yes. And it worked. Exactly once.19:23
Picisigwhite: That is very weird.19:23
OfficeITGuy149it is a "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"19:23
sigwhitePici: Now I'm just getting timeouts19:23
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: Driver must be Linux based, favour the .deb package. I couldn't guide you through another way.19:24
ix_you people are useless, it's deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main19:24
OfficeITGuy149Who would make this linux driver? Lenovo? I'm googling now but finding only forums19:24
Pigr8thanks and bye19:25
sigwhitePici: same with and other servers19:26
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tiny_fan_sigwhite:  u can ping them directly just not resolve with them?19:26
sigwhitetiny_fan_: Yes.19:27
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: Yes, it's possible to find it in Lenovo's Website, searching for the model of your lappy19:28
OfficeITGuy149even for linux?19:28
OfficeITGuy149let me see if I can find that19:28
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: Even for Linux.19:28
sigwhitetiny_fan_: Could this be a firewall issue?19:29
OerHeksOfficeITGuy149, this post #53 sounds prommissing >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11757442&postcount=5319:29
tiny_fan_sigwhite:  shouldn't be...your creating the connection...the firewall should leave it open inbound19:29
sigwhitetiny_fan_: I tried disabling the firewall on the VM host and even the anti-virus, didn't change anything.19:30
tiny_fan_sigwhite:  what is the error when you do:  dig google.com @
sigwhitetiny_fan_: Timeout.19:31
paviHi My DVDRW is unable to mount any content . I checked the SATA cable etc . Dmesg doesnt give any errors . eject command works .  Actually I am wondering if the kens is gone ?19:31
sigwhitetiny_fan_: connection timed out; no servers could be reached19:31
pavialso when I mount the device I get mount: /dev/sr0: unknown device19:32
tiny_fan_sigwhite:  what "default" route?   type: route <enter>19:32
sigwhitetiny_fan_: default Gateway Genmask Flags UG Metric 0 Ref 0 Use 0 Iface eth019:33
alex2222is there a way to disable apport?19:34
nexiumI've been experimenting some very slow logout times (the windows are not closing properly etc) Is there any good way for me to troubleshoot this, like logs?19:34
tiny_fan_sigwhite: can you ping ?19:34
sigwhitetiny_fan_: Yes.  < 1 sec19:34
tiny_fan_sigwhite:  and ?19:34
sigwhitetiny_fan_: ~ 18ms19:35
tiny_fan_sigwhite: since dig is unresponsive how about:  host google.com19:37
sigwhitetiny_fan_: same error as dig19:37
tiny_fan_sigwhite:  r u DHCP or static?19:38
sigwhitetiny_fan_: DHCP.19:38
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tiny_fan_sigwhite:  subnet mask ?19:39
sigwhitetiny_fan_: Where would I find that?19:40
OfficeITGuy149FfoO: I've seen that post before, it's a fix for one thing but not for all the problems the trackpad has19:40
OfficeITGuy149I'm hoping that someone out there is dealing with this and posts their settings19:40
tiny_fan_sigwhite:  what is in /etc/resolv.conf ?19:40
OfficeITGuy149FfoO: This driver is useless to me on linux, right? http://i.imgur.com/uTE0i.png19:41
hidHi. Will I have a choice at boot screen if I decide to install mate ?19:41
sigwhitetiny_fan_: nm-tool says DNS tho19:41
tiny_fan_sigwhite:  that's not good19:41
emorrishi, I'm trying to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, but Update Manager and do-release-upgrade aren't suggesting it. Any ideas?19:42
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: I'm afraid so19:42
krababbelsigwhite: what does 'ip route' say for default route?19:42
emorrisOfficeITGuy149, yes, but you shouldn't need it19:43
sigwhitekrababbel: default via dev eth0  proto static19:43
OfficeITGuy149emorris: The trackpad (SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad) works under linux, it's just terrible to use19:43
OfficeITGuy149I'm trying to figure out how to make it usable19:44
emorrisOfficeITGuy149, how do you mean terrible to use?19:44
tiny_fan_sigwhite:  lets edit resolv.conf and have the only line say: nameserver
OfficeITGuy149no two finger scrolling, no palm identification, very sensitive, etc19:45
sigwhitetiny_fan_: Tried that before. Didn't have any effect.19:45
tiny_fan_sigwhite:  I hate NetworkManager...I don't know where the configs are.19:46
krababbelsigwhite: so network manager at the top says ? You'll have to edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head because resolvconf package overwrites /etc/resolv.conf19:46
efazatiplease help | tcpdump - How to capture images transferred via HTTP? - Unix and Linux - Stack Exchange -> http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/38203/how-to-capture-images-transferred-via-http19:48
emorrisOfficeITGuy149, fair enough. Was about to say I don't have problems but I don't use those features. Can sensitivity not be adjusted in the mouse and trackpad settings? By the way, I would have thought it's more likely that there just isn't the config options for it rather than a driver issue19:48
sigwhitekrababbel: nm-tool says "Gateway:". Network Manager is on DHCP, so it says nothing. And I already went through mucking with resolv.conf to no avail.19:48
OfficeITGuy149it might be config options, yes. I'm just looking for the solution19:49
sigwhitekrababbel: And resolv.conf.d/head and ./base and resolvconf -u19:49
krababbelsigwhite: are you sure the dhcp server is allright?19:49
OfficeITGuy149very surprised someone hasn't posted their settings somewhere yet19:49
nehiiiwent to the #rhythmbox and no one there so i ask it here, no love button in my last fm plugin, what should do to take it back. 12.04 laptop 64bit19:50
sigwhitekrababbel: Nothing changed. I updated Ubuntu from 11.04 to 11.10 just fine last year and now 12.04 refuses to work. I'm still talking about a Ubuntu guest inside VirtualBox on Windows, btw. Latest version, etc.19:50
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excelsio1I need to back up a MS software DVD to a thumbdrive (kudos if I can then install it on Windows from the thumb drive) Can Ubuntu do this? How?19:51
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nehiiiwent to the #rhythmbox and no one there so i ask it here, no love button in my last fm plugin, what should do to take it back. 12.04 laptop 64bit19:52
sp___Hello. Would this be the correct channel to ask a question regarding how the directories of C/C++ headers are organised in ubuntu for *-dev packages?19:52
krababbelsigwhite: sorry, I haven't got problems in virtualbox in windows with ubuntu 11 or 12.19:52
krababbelsigwhite: you can try a new vm to check the host config.19:53
krababbela simple livecd boot should work19:53
FfoOOfficeITGuy149, please try on terminal: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics.19:54
sigwhitekrababbel: Have the exact same problem with another VM I updated from 11.10. sudo dhclient usually fixed it whenever I had network issues in 11.10.19:54
birchlooks like I'm having a problem with the proprietary nvidia drivers, just started acting up, anyone else experience this?19:54
birchcompiz crashes on login19:54
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: if it shall not work, type this same 'xserver-xorg...' in synaptiks package mannager19:55
GroNazhi there19:55
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: Gotta go afk now. Good luck, dude.19:56
krababbelsigwhite: don't know, maybe purge networkmanager and resolvconf and install again, or keep them out.19:56
OfficeITGuy149thank you!!19:56
OfficeITGuy149can you tell me what i'm installing?19:57
sigwhitekrababbel: How would I reinstall the networkmanager when after uninstalling it?19:57
navidsigwhite: isn't it disturbing if i repeat my question in channel if no answer received?19:57
excelsio1I need to back up a MS software DVD to a thumbdrive (kudos if I can then install it on Windows from the thumb drive) Can Ubuntu do this? How?19:58
sirriffsalotCould someone please help out with my bootup-freeze-screen-blinking problem after upgrading to 12.04... I've been at this for two days and I've just about had it19:58
OfficeITGuy149FfoO left me with something that looks right… can someone tell me what xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is?19:58
OfficeITGuy149link is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics19:59
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: you're probably installing the packet which makes the touchpad work fine19:59
OfficeITGuy149hooray! after that command you think it's fixed?19:59
navid0fficeITGuy149:  isn't it disturbing if i repeat my question in channel if no answer received?20:00
sigwhitekrababbel: Great. After rebooting a couple of times, it suddenly works again. So it's not completely broken, just really unstable and weird.20:00
sigwhitenavid: What are you on about?20:00
FfoOOfficeITGuy149: Let's hope so. I have the same version of touchpad myself, here, and it works properly20:01
navidsigwhite: my rhythmbox doesn't have the love button for last fm20:01
GroNazhi , anyone knows opencv ? having trouble with an osprey 100 card !20:01
OfficeITGuy149wish you didn't have to go, I feel close to the solution20:01
sigwhitekrababbel: Thanks, though.20:02
excelsio2excelsio1: hey20:02
excelsio2quit using my name20:02
emorrisexcelsio1, creating an iso of a dvd (which could be stored on the thumb drive then later burned to a dvd) is easy. Making a bootable drive is a pain20:02
Screwed_SamHello everybody20:03
Screwed_SamI need help20:03
excelsio2emorris: I don't need it bootable, I'd like to be able to install the software from it, it's not Windows, it's Visio20:03
Screwed_SamI wanted to update to 12.0420:03
Screwed_Sambut my computer crashed20:03
Screwed_Samnow I cant start ubuntu anymore20:03
Screwed_Samexcept in command line20:03
Screwed_Samdunno how to fix the system20:03
emorrisexcelsio2, can you not just copy the files?20:04
excelsio2I wouldn't think so, but maybe I'm wrong.20:04
dzocrnanulaWhat could be a reason for my intel p6200 processor temperature to be constantly over 50C? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and when i switch to windows 7 it cools down.20:04
guv 20:04
emorrisexcelsio2, in my experience, stuff like that usually works20:04
emorrisexcelsio2, just make sure you get any hidden files etc20:05
navidmy rhythmbox on 12.04 scrobbles but not comes with the love or ban button. 64bit lenovo laptop20:05
excelsio2would a simple cp work?20:06
emorrisexcelsio2, yeah20:06
dragonflyScrewed_Sam, do you have a good recent backup of all your important data?20:06
Screwed_SamI can format20:07
Screwed_SamI am downloading 12.04 iso right now20:07
dragonflywhile there is probably a way to recover and fix your system, if you have a good recent backup, I'd say just go ahead and do a clean install20:08
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Screwed_Sambut isnt there a "fix system" option when you have a bootable ubuntu usb version?20:08
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Screwed_Samor isnt there a "resume upgrade" option if your PC crashes20:09
Screwed_Samwhile updating to a newer version20:09
michaelawhere in the linux file system is wallpapers20:09
Just#j/ linuxac20:09
trismmichaela: /usr/share/backgrounds/ for the packaged ubuntu wallpapers20:10
michaelathanks trism20:11
GapeHello, is it possible to update ubuntu using live CD_20:11
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GapeI upgrade my computer CPU (and motherboard + RAM) and my ubuntu (i think 11.10) wont boot anymore, so im using this live cd and id like to just upgrade20:12
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neokyaHello everyone, I had ubuntu dual boot with windows. Since, I hated NTFS filesystem, I am now reinstalling only Ubuntu replacing the dual bootup. But it is taking so much time. I guess I am in trouble. Can I cancel it now?20:14
GapeIs this correct channel for ubuntu help?20:14
bytemanI installed ubuntu 11.10 via HTTP directory, but now when I run apt-get update I get errors about files not being on that same server?  how do I configure apt to look in public web mirrors as well?20:15
escottGape, yes, but its not clear what you would like us to say20:15
navidmy rhythmbox on 12.04 scrobbles but not comes with the love or ban button. how can i fix it? 64bit lenovo laptop20:15
bytemanHTTP directory = private http server serving the ubuntu-11.10-server-amd64 ISO20:15
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ichbinderhello. I'm looking for a repository to include that installs me texlive 2010... or is installation via the iso and the script the only way? Thanks!20:17
escott!info texlive-base | ichbinder20:17
ubottuichbinder: texlive-base (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: Essential programs and files. In component main, is optional. Version 2009-15 (precise), package size 14355 kB, installed size 27323 kB20:17
Gapeescott: sorry, I just couldn't see anyone else chatting because of all the people joining / quitting channel. Anyway as I said, is it possible to update (upgrade) ubuntu using liveCD .. I had ubuntu 11.04 or 11.10 installed, but it stopped working after hardware upgrade (going from AM2 motherboard + cpu to Ivy bridge CPu + motherboard), while LiveCd works fine. I assumed normal install stopped working because it doesn't yet have suppor20:18
b4ldrhello im wondering if anyone knows how to start `initctl start serial` after a server is booted.  when the server was booted it did'nt have the  neccesary grub incarnation and i dont want to reboot the box20:18
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ichbinderescott: thanks. It's not 2010... still interesting that here it says 2009-15 while I just upgraded to 12.04 and I have 2009-13...?20:19
escottGape, anything is possible. what do you *WANT* to do?20:19
navidmy rhythmbox with the last fm plugin enabled on 12.04 scrobbles but not comes with the love or ban button. how can i fix it? 64bit lenovo laptop20:19
GapeI want to upgrade/update/repair (however it would be called) my existing Ubuntu install20:20
GapeUsing LiveCD20:20
escottGape, so what happens when you boot normally?20:20
megalinuxcomu posso instalar meu roteador wi fi?20:20
escott!br | megalinux20:20
ubottumegalinux: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:20
escott!it | megalinux20:20
ubottumegalinux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:20
ericPi have a brand new, fresh, crispy copy of 12.4 with an old home directory. the spellcheck which underlines things in firefox doesn't recognize words in any language i recognize20:21
ericPhow do i find out what language it is and fix it?20:21
neokyamy ubuntu installation is taking hell lot of time20:22
neokyaseems I am in trouble20:22
Gapeescott: Almost instantly it shows up console with the last line being kernel thread helper error20:22
ericP(as a diagnostic, i created another user, logged in on the console, did $(startx -- :1) and ran firefox to see what a fresh user saw for spellchecking. they apprently don't get any spellchecking20:22
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escottGape, so you get a kernel panic. can you be more specific what it says prior to that panic?20:23
neokyaCan I cancel during cancellation?20:23
neokyaCan I cancel during installation?20:24
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ralf_whats going on?20:25
kiois there anyway to detect a service status change and automatically restart, beside writing such thing myself?20:25
neokyahey guys help please. Can I cancel while installing?20:26
neokyaIt is taking so much time20:26
Gapeescott: I guess I can try rebooting again20:26
ralf_who likes unity?20:26
icerootralf_: #ubuntu-offtopic20:26
AyaneForeverI love the concept of Unity but it needs work still imo. It needs better integration and more polish.20:27
AyaneForeverneokya - can you show more details? There should be a terminal windows. What's it stuck on? You might have to do a hard reboot.20:27
neokyaIt just says : Retrieving 55 of 117 files. It's been half an hour with same message20:28
AyaneForeverDo you see blinking lights on your computer ethernet port?20:29
neokyaThere is no such lights20:29
ichbinderescott: so, do you know if using the install-tl is the recommended way? Or is there a "nicer" way to install a more recent texlive version than in the default ubuntu repositories?20:29
escottichbinder, there is no other supported method20:29
AyaneForeverMaybe it's downloading a really big file? It shouldn't get stuck on downloading a file.20:29
AyaneForeverand you are saying there are no physical lights, right so there's no way of knowing20:30
Nach0zhey guys, got a question for y'all. I got a set of USB headphones, and when they're plugged in the headphones light up and whatnot, but I can't seem to get any sound out of them. any ideas?20:30
neokyaI downloaded iso file and used unetbootin to install from USB20:30
ichbinderescott: ok, thanks! Sad that the texlive version in ubuntu is so old... :(20:30
go8765Hello. i have strange bug - i cant type i and o letters sometime(in onboard - too) any ideas how to fix this?20:31
AyaneForeverneokya well you might have to do a hard reboot. Hope you won't lose any mission critical data20:32
neokyaAyaneForever: Can I cancel it now?20:32
AyaneForeverGo ahead.20:32
neokyaAyaneForever: There is nothing to lose20:32
neokyaI just want up and running ubuntu20:32
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AyaneForeverNach0z, Go to your sound panel applet, click sound settings. Can you select a USB sound device?20:32
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escottneokya, alternately you could try and login to a terminal and see if wget is running and kill it20:33
neokyaAyaneForever: Yes I can do that20:33
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b4ldrsorry i should say for the archives that my problem was solved with `initctl start serial DEV=ttyS0`20:34
normanderim searching a clipboard manager20:34
Nach0zAyaneForever: where's the sound panel at exactly?20:34
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:34
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normanderthat writes the list of the clipboards to a file20:34
=== Lyekka is now known as Lyekka-NPC
normanderI need it for get a list of urls in a page20:34
Nach0zhuh. my panel's missing the sound thing.20:34
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AyaneForeverNach0z it should be in your top bar? A sound looking icon.20:35
AyaneForeverNach0z ok hit the windows (super) key and type in 'sound'20:37
eutheriais it me or has skype for linux development pretty much stopped?20:37
reonfussince I have updeted ubuntu to 12.04 my pidgin crash every time when I am trying to log in to gadugadu protocol. How can I fix it? Also when it crashed the program is open and I cant close it - how can I do this in ubuntu (im newbie and on windows ctr+al+del was the best way to shut program)20:37
Nach0zAyaneForever: sorry, forgot to mention. I'm on ubuntu but I use the LXDE window manager, not Gnome/unity20:37
AyaneForeverI'm on xfce20:37
llutzeutheria: had it ever really started?20:37
AyaneForeverOK does lxde have a settings manager or menu? Go to your sound settings20:37
eutheriallutz, well there used to be fairly regular updates20:38
go8765reonfus: xkill, htop20:38
llutzeutheria:always the same story with proprietary stuff...20:38
EricAndrewswhat is LTS?20:38
EricAndrewsIs 12.04 the stable desktop version so far?20:39
Nach0zAyaneForever: can't seem to find it, no20:39
AyaneForeverEricAndrews it's Long Term Support20:39
Nach0zEricAndrews: LTS = Long Term Support20:39
EricAndrewsthanks Nach0z  and AyaneForever20:39
AyaneForeverOK hold on20:39
EricAndrewswhoa, netsplit?20:39
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Nach0zAyaneForever: If this means anything, lsusb shows the headset20:40
Nach0zand it shows up in pavucontrol20:40
reonfusgo8765: thank you for the answer. but i'm newbie and don't get what does xkill and htop mean20:40
AyaneForeverNach0z Perhaps this might help out? http://askubuntu.com/questions/80384/where-are-the-lxde-sound-preferences20:40
AyaneForeverYou might have to apt-get install zfce4-mixer20:40
Nach0zalready installed xfce4-mixer20:41
Nach0zcoincidentally the headset shows up there too20:41
Nach0zjust has no controls associated with it20:41
AyaneForeverIs it selected as the sound card?20:41
neokyaAyaneForever: Thanks for reply. Seems it was stupid dual boot up that caused problem20:41
Nach0zAyaneForever: yes. it is20:42
Nach0zbut mplayer's not putting any sound through it20:42
neokyaNow installation on process20:42
AyaneForeverIs there a configuration tab20:42
Nach0zAyaneForever: nope. no config tab.20:42
AyaneForeversudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol20:43
go8765reonfus: synaptic -- xkill20:43
Nach0zalready have both AyaneForever20:44
AyaneForeverthe configuration tab should be in pavucontrol20:44
Nach0zah yes20:44
AyaneForeveryou can open it using alt+f2 I believe20:44
Nach0zyes there is one there20:44
Nach0zand the headset is visible there20:45
Gape_escott: http://tinypic.com/r/2rei80n/6 this is the error I get20:45
AyaneForevergo to the config tab, set the profiles of the other sound cards to off20:45
AxsuulHow do I figure out what's using my swap?20:45
AyaneForeverand set the USB headphones to stereo or whatever options are available20:45
Nach0zalright. there's no save button or anything20:45
Nach0zis that relevant?20:45
reonfusgo8765: thank you20:45
escottGape_, unfortunately thats the later bit of the stacktrace so its not clear what the purpose is20:45
AyaneForeverNah it should be immediate20:45
go8765Axsuul: htop mb20:45
Nach0zAyaneForever: thanks hombre20:46
Nach0zthey work now20:46
escottGape_, i'm not sure what would cause it to not boot with a motherboard change20:46
AyaneForeversweet! glad I could help out :)20:46
Nach0zjust wish the SoundBlaster drivers were available for *nix20:46
Axsuulgo8765: htop, is that part of a package?20:46
Nach0zthey got Windows and Mac support but no nix :F20:46
escottGape_, have you tried booting to recovery mode?20:46
Gape_escott: I don't think I can get the earlier part :/20:46
Gape_escott: How do I do that20:46
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OfficeITGuy149Hey #Ubuntu, I'm new to troubleshooting Linux issues and could use a confirmation on my process. I have a Lenovo U300s with a troublesome Synaptics touchpad, and this looks like the right driver, but it's still buggy: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics20:47
OfficeITGuy149Can someone more experienced tell me if I'm on the right track?20:47
OfficeITGuy149It's hard to know the difference between "I found the right thing but it's still buggy" and "This isn't the right thing"20:47
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escottGape_, you would have to hit the pause break button at the exact moment. you likely won't be successful. try to boot to recovery20:47
Gape_escott: and how do i do that?20:48
go8765Axsuul: yes. this is pakage20:48
khaoshi i want to know how to enable/disable animations in unity bar icons20:48
Gape_escott: nvm I used google, thanks, i'll try20:49
escottGape_, hold down shift before grub comes up and then you can select recovery mode from the boot option20:49
Gape_escott: yeah, thanks, sorry for asking before I tried searching :/20:49
go8765Axsuul: and i thin k that gnome -system-monitor have some hde colums that show ths info too20:49
itawsi want to write c++ program and execute it . How to do it ?20:53
AreckxHow can I make sure my graphics drivers are working and up to date?20:53
DMMattHi there! Can anyone recommend to me a "Network Monitoring" console that works in Ubuntu. I'm looking for something that I can configure network host and ports and be alerted to issues. Something I'd like to put  on the monitor on my wall.20:54
AreckxMy direct3d is displaying WoW in crazy rainbow colors20:54
DMMattI used nagios but I'd love some sort of a dashboard that was awesome20:54
itaws<Areckx> u can see it in system details  ! here u will get all the details !20:54
Areckxitaws::  what do I type in terminal?20:55
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itaws<Areckx> system settings -> details  or window key and type details !20:56
khaosis there any way to enable effects of the icons animations etc20:57
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:57
Areckxitaws::  How do I do that in Fluxbox?20:57
Areckxitaws::  Is there a simple terminal command?20:57
itaws<Areckx> sorry ,  but will u plz tell me which OS u r using ?20:58
AreckxUbuntu 10.0420:59
Areckxitaws::  Ubuntu 10.0420:59
itaws<khaos> compiz20:59
khaositaws in my netbook icon animations are on but in my desktop are off21:00
khaoswith default installation no other apps21:00
lledeti need a new command line ftp client. i have a bunch of bookmarks in ncftp, but i can't symlink it to share with other users because it unlinks the file when writing. any suggestions on a client that supports bookmarks ?21:01
llutzlledet: lftp maybe21:01
itaws<Areckx>lspci | grep VGA21:03
xevetsanyone have any experience getting quake3 running on ubuntu?21:03
anathema__how to install snort21:04
foolovewhen one scps a file it does not show up on the server until the scp is complete correct??21:04
Gapeescott: I get same error with recovery .. is it possible that 3.0 kernel doesn21:04
=== mrmist_ is now known as mrmist
Gape3.0 kernel doesnt support ivy bridge z77 chipset21:05
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Gapeescott: I get pretty much the same error as guy in this thread: http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?t=1026408 ..21:05
llutzfoolove: no21:06
sarsaeolhey all -- i have an ISO in my "places" menu i cannot get rid of after i tried mounting with 'mount -o loop name.iso /mnt/loop'21:07
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sarsaeolthe mount fails... but i cannot get rid of the iso in places21:07
sarsaeoli tried losetup -d /dev/loop0 with no luck21:07
llutzfoolove: or better: wrong, it'll created when scp starts and grows until scp finishes21:07
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
Areckxitaws:: http://paste.ubuntu.com/978722/21:07
Gapeescott: Sorry but are you still here?21:08
muh2000can i add a user with an encryptes home with a gui tool after installation?21:09
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:09
jesse__Can someone help me out here. Im using xchat but everything i switch to a different window xchat just dissapears. Im using unity, it doesn´t appear in the alt-tab window and it doesnt have the pointy arrows next to in the taskbar21:09
jesse__But it´s still connected to IRC since i can see it here in the userlist21:10
jesse__Where is xchat going?21:10
jesse__I´d love to run the PS command to see if it really is still running, but im afraid this window will close as well as soon as i go to the shell21:10
GapeIs it possible to upgrade/update Ubuntu using live cd21:10
GapeMy ubuntu install stopped working after CPU/21:11
GapeMy ubuntu install stopped working after CPU/Motherboard upgrade, I'm suspecting because kernel 3.0 doesnt have much support for z77 chipset ... So I'd like to update it using ubuntu live cd21:12
NumberJis this an english speaking chat?21:12
jesse__numberJ yes21:12
jesse__numberJ but there are ubuntu channels for almost every language21:12
jesse__Can anyone solve the dissapearing xchat window problem?21:14
NumberJi need some help with ubuntu 12 on my lenovo z61m laptop please21:14
jesse__Im not so familiar with unity. Whenever i go to another window than xchat, i can´t find the window back...21:14
jardelboa tarde pessaol21:16
LinuxMonkeyjesse__: alt+tab21:16
itaws<Areckx>sudo apt-get  install hwinfo and after that type -  "hwinfo"  and u will get all the info21:17
GapeHello, is it possible to upgrade Ubuntu using LiveCD. After upgrading motherboard and CPU my old ubuntu install won't boot anymore and i think it's because of the old kernel not having support for the new Z77 chipset.21:20
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
T|ASKwhich is the UDS channel?21:22
T|ASKHI ,)21:22
Areckxitaws:: http://paste.ubuntu.com/978739/21:22
OerHeksT|ASK, see http://ubottu.com/ircc/2012/05/03/uds-q-irc-channels/21:23
OerHekswich one?21:23
sarsaeolha foudn the damn metadata and trashed it21:25
marmotNumberJ, You can go ahead and ask a question21:25
jardelalguem sabe me dizer um app que funcione tipo tweak, quero troca a imagem da tela de login21:25
jardelou um tutorial21:25
Dr_willis!info snort21:25
=== 92AAAWB5V is now known as kevinisexploiter
ubottusnort (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.2-3ubuntu1 (precise), package size 680 kB, installed size 1752 kB21:25
=== jesse__ is now known as 15SABPMEW
jesse__I need help really, im unable to work with unity. Whenever i alt-tab away from this xchat window I can´t find it anywhere. It´s not in the alt-tab window anymore and in the launcher if I click it will just start another instance of xchat21:25
jesse__But I know the old xchat windows are still running because I can see they too are still connected to this channel21:25
jesse__Anyone know where my xchat windows are going and how to bring them back?21:25
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=== kbrosnan_ is now known as kbrosnan
LinuxMonkeyjesse__: unpin xchat from unity21:26
itaws<Areckx> type only - ' hwinfo ' in terminal and all the information of your system will come out !21:27
T|ASKOerHeks: thx, I thought there is one for theHall East, but the general one is also ok I guess21:27
=== jesse_ is now known as 92AAAWBHA
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:28
=== Chris_ is now known as Guest98543
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crash1hdhey everyone, after updating to the latest version of ubuntu I am no longer able to access my ubuntu home directory via windows network? Samba is installed and looks to be running and configured yet when I try to connect it wont let me in?21:41
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sary!samba > crash1hd21:42
malkaunswhy cant i select a different profile in the network manager in 12.04? it just ignores me21:43
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:44
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=== Blond is now known as StormTrooper
Zuhaitzpseudonymous, you are anonymous!21:45
pseudonymousJust switched to LXDE, any way to disable the *buntu sound theme ?21:46
pseudonymousZuhaitz: no, I'm masquerading under a pen name :O21:46
ZuhaitzWhat is masquerading? xD21:47
blank__Hello. I'm downloading ubuntu now so i can put it on a USB drive. 1) Does anyone know if the USB drive install will be bootable ? 2) And does it come with an option to install dual boot software?21:51
blank__Hi Lupian ;)21:51
wildwillycan anyone give me some insight into why an installation would hang at "stopping CPU interrupts balancing daemon"?21:51
lupiani installed ubuntu 12.04 and with wine 1.4 i get this error when im going to install photoshop cs2 "An errore has been detected with a required application library and the product cannot continue.21:52
lupian Please reinstall the application"21:52
xangua!appdb | lupian21:52
ubottulupian: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:52
pseudonymousZuhaitz: well, masquerading is - in that context quite simple, wearing a mask. Shoving something in between yourself and the onlooker.  I guess it derives from the practice of 'masquerade', balls of sorts where people wore masks.21:53
lupianok thanks21:53
pseudonymousAnyway - I'm using LXDE and I'd *love* to disable the darned bongo-drum sound theme :P Anyone know of a reasonable way to accomplish this ?21:53
blank__Good morningz. I'm downloading ubuntu now so i can put it on a USB drive. 1) Does anyone know if the USB drive install will be bootable ?21:53
krababbellupian: you can also try windows in virtualbox21:55
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alusion Is there an app to effeciently package all of my installed apps as if I were moving machines?21:59
Zuhaitzpseudonymous, Well, I am an ignorant.22:01
Zuhaitzpseudonymous, I am a journalist and linux user, not programmer neither I have advances knowledge. :-)22:01
Zuhaitzpseudonymous, That things sounds me to "hacker" :-D22:01
ZuhaitzDont hurt me, please :D22:02
pseudonymousZuhaitz: my name you mean ? I guess, due to all that anonymous stuff.. Well, the resemblance is incidental :)22:02
diverdudeWhen will php 5.4 be in the official ubuntu repo?22:03
JonEdneyI've been wondering the same22:04
xangua!latest | diverdude22:04
JonEdneyNot out of need, but curiosity.22:04
ubottudiverdude: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:04
diverdude5.4 is not experimental or anything22:04
diverdudeits stable software22:04
pseudonymousdiverdude: not the point. Just because the PHP package is stable does not necessarily mean the upgrade will not cause issues with other pieces of software (such as Apache, Nginx or any one of the MANY php modules)22:05
Zuhaitzpseudonymous, hehe, ok...22:06
diverdudepseudonymous: so when will it be stable enough for ubuntu?22:06
JonEdneyI THINK (don't quote me) you could compile it yourself, but thats way over my skill level.22:07
OerHeksdiverdude, this ppa is populair, but my advice is to wait >> http://www.king-foo.be/2012/01/php-5-4-whats-new/22:07
mattbillensteinanyone have any suggestions on correcting the setuid bit on /usr/bin/sudo ?22:07
diverdudeOerHeks: i already have a good ppa22:07
bodobobwhy is no easy way for a peristence file in LiveCD distro. and why does the "handmade" (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence) peristence file will not wil find alone at booting ubuntu, like puppy linux *.2fs file or like salix and so on? itś angry to lose after some hour "setup" this and not able to realy work with the distro!22:07
pseudonymousdiverdude: usually, most distributions adopt a "feature freeze" of sorts where packages, as mentioned beforehand, only get updated if they contain security fixes deemed necessary and worth the time. Otherwise, around the next distro release ? :) (I'm not so much a *buntu user)22:07
diverdudeOerHeks: and php 5.4 is running smoothly...which is also why im wondering why its not in the repo22:08
OerHeksdiverdude, oke, maybe the info below the ppa is any value too.22:08
OerHeksdiverdude, me 222:08
diverdudeI considered switching to fedora actually...they have a bit more sane approach towards software in the repo :)22:09
JonEdneyIt's possible for the same reason many web hosts aren't using Apache 2.4 yet and are still running 2.2.2; while it's available and stable, it's not "production ready", even though it may seem like it.22:09
OerHeksJonEdney, true, but 4 months ..22:10
JonEdneyOerHeks, I agree.  A couple months?  Sure.  4, pushing it.22:11
diverdudeOerHeks: i think its only 3 months by now22:11
JonEdneyHello trung_22:13
TimRNot to interrupt, but does anyone know much about dual monitors? I'm having an interesting problem I can't search the Internet for because I'm not sure how to phrase it.22:13
bodobobdead room?!?  - and no Forum! is this "UBUNTUT"22:13
trung_hi JonEdney, it's an absolute party in here!!!22:13
=== mamica is now known as razzz
OerHeksTimR, ask away, and name your GPu22:14
razzzHello, I am using ubuntu  10.10 and the theme, with the drop down menu, I have to hold down the mouse else the drop down dissapears22:14
razzzhelp me22:14
TimRAlright, I'm on an Asus Radeon HD6800 series GPU. It has two DVI ports, and I use a primary monitor with a DIV cable and a secondary monitor with a HD15 connector and a DVI adaptor.22:15
razzzHello, I am using ubuntu  10.10 and the theme, with the drop down menu, I have to hold down the mouse else the drop down dissapears22:16
OerHeksrazzz,10.10 is EOL22:16
TimRI've not had problems with it until recently when I moved the computer from one location to another. When I plug the secondary into the bottom (arranged top and bottom), the monitor shows no signal.22:16
razzzOerHeks, that is the same problem with newer ubuntu with classic gnome22:16
dr_willis! eol22:16
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:16
TimRHowever, when I plug the primary monitor into the secondary spot, and the secondary (adapter) monitor into the first spot, they both work.22:17
OerHeksTimR standard trick, try to reset the monitor with build in factory reset?22:17
dysocoanyone is having Youtube/Flash "lag" in Ubuntu 12.04 using the Nvidia drivers ?22:17
devurandomI am just trying to install 12.04, but have an issue with the installer and the internet connection: The Kubuntu installer says I have no internet connection, which is not surprising as it never asked me for the credentials. nm-tool lists the accesspoint I have to connect to. How to I actually create a wifi connection?22:17
dysocodevurandom, that's weird, you don't need to be connected in order to install Ubuntu22:18
bodobob:____why is no easy way for a peristence file in LiveCD distro. and why does the "handmade"  peristence file will not find alone at booting ubuntu, like puppy linux *.2fs file or like salix and so on? itś angry to lose after some hour "setup" this and not able to realy work. UBUNTU?22:18
OerHeksdevurandom, maybe you need additional packages before that, try to make a cable connection to install22:19
devurandomdysoco: It says  I should ensure an inet con, and I assume I can only check the "download updates during installation" box if I have one (it is currently grey).22:19
dysocobodobob, make a suggestion in Launchpad then22:19
dr_willisbodobob:  ubuntu uses a casper-rw file like that22:19
dysocodevurandom, just don't check that box and keep going in the install, it should work22:19
anderson2shi everyone22:19
devurandomyes, but I would like to get the updates right now.22:20
TimROerHeks I will try that, thank you. :)22:20
=== trung_ is now known as trung
devurandomI have bad experiences with broken packages in the prepared installation media, so I would like to avoid that.22:20
dr_willisi use ubuntu livecd with persistant save all the time bodobob22:20
dysocodevurandom, Oh OK22:20
devurandomthe adapter is a standard intel thing - I doubt I need any special package.22:20
dysocodevurandom, are you installing via Live or Install ? Do you see the KDE desktop ?22:21
devurandomNo KDE desktop, but I guess I can go there if I dont click "install ubuntu"22:21
devurandomI'll try that... Maybe I can get to the networkmanagement plasmoid.22:22
razzzunder ubuntu, drop down menus dont work as before in new version22:22
ShagIncme and a friend of mine both use Empathy to connect to my ejabberd server, but 'Share my Desktop' is greyed out?22:22
razzzunder ubuntu, drop down menus dont work as before in new version22:22
FloodBot1razzz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:22
nikitakitubuntu-bug is telling me that 12.04 development has ended and it doesn't want my bugs anymore. Is there any point in asking people to make it more user-friendly?22:22
killemallhi. I upgraded to 12.04 from 10.04 on an older computer but now the audio is acting strangely.. it works to play shell-fm but if I try aplay to some wav file, it gets 'stuck' and doesn't play. It might play much later if I leave it and seems to play a bunch of past audio sounds all at once22:22
OerHeksdevurandom, one way to test if you really have an internet connection after install without additional drivers, try live mode22:22
killemallis there any way I can fix it?22:22
razzzunder ubuntu, drop down menus dont work as before in new version22:23
diverduderazzz: in mint its nice;)22:23
razzzin ubuntu on some applications if I right click but don't hold menu dissapers22:23
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: nikitakit that doesn't sound right, can you post a link?22:23
razzzin ubuntu on some applications if I right click but don't hold menu dissapers22:24
a7xhi, how do i know which version of nvidia drivers am i running?22:24
Resistance!repeat | razzz22:24
ubotturazzz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:24
Resistance!help | razzz22:24
ubotturazzz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:24
dvguyI have an older video camera that uses FireWire 400 connected to my computer. I have tried to import video using Kdenlive, but that didn't work. Anyone have any suggestions for what I can use?22:24
OerHeksno need to repeat that often, razzz and 10.10 is out of date, no longer supported.22:24
razzzOerHeks, try any version of ubunt, it's a theme change22:24
razzznothing to do with old verison22:24
DarwinSurvivorrazzz: you were already told that your release (10.10) is no longer supported, please upgrade to a newer release and see if the problem persists22:24
razzzDarwin4Ever, it's a theme thing, not a version22:25
razzzthe them is different22:25
razzzwindows changed22:25
devurandomThanks for the idea to enter live mode first! I setup the inet connection and then returned to the installer later. Now it behaves as expected. :)22:25
DarwinSurvivorrazzz: I have multiple ubuntu machines on both 11.10 and 12.04 and neither of the show that problem. what method did you use to test the other versions?22:26
nikitakitDarwinSurvivor: link? It says "Since development is completed... contact tech support instead" Answer choices are "Redirect to askubuntu.com" x2, "I know how to fix my own bug", and "I was referred here by support"22:26
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: please post a link, I think you may have selected "12.04 beta" or something.22:27
nikitakitbest part is that when I hit cancel it goes ahead and reports the bug22:27
anderson2sDoes Ubuntu has a good support for bluetooth headsets?22:27
trungHi all, i want to use ubuntu at work and i want to keep the packages updated.. the internet connection there is horrible. Is there a way where i can reposync at home and copy the files to work physically?22:28
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: is that message on the ubuntu bugtracker website or in a GUI bug-reporter running on your machine?22:29
OerHeks!offline | trung22:29
ubottutrung: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD22:29
wilee-nileeanderson2s, I have never used bleutooth but I found this wiki  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup22:29
nikitakitDarwinSurvivor: GUI tool on my machine22:29
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: are you able to post a screenshot?22:30
OerHekstrung how bad connection ? you could go for an own mirror, updates over night.22:30
nikitakitone moment22:30
trungi get about 100kb/s probably, its shocking22:30
wilee-nileeanderson2s, here is a wiki for compatibles https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsBluetoothUsbAdapters22:30
Jordan_Unikitakit: I can't reproduce this. ubuntu-bug seems to be working normally for me.22:30
trungi can do unto 10Mb/s at home!!!22:30
nikitakitone moment...22:31
trungOerHeks: what do you mean !offline ? :)22:31
DarwinSurvivorOerHeks: commands starting with "!" trigger auto-messages by ubottu (saves helpers a LOT of typing)22:32
DarwinSurvivorOerHeks: you'll notice there was an immediate post by ubottu right after (ubottu is a bot)22:32
dvguyI have an older video camera that uses FireWire 400 connected to my computer. I have tried to import video using Kdenlive, but that didn't work. Anyone have any suggestions for what I can use?22:32
anderson2swilee-nilee: i found it too, but i was wondering if enyone uses it and found some problems, or it works fine22:32
DarwinSurvivor!details | dvguy22:33
ubottudvguy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:33
wilee-nileeanderson2s, probably depends on the device and manufacturer, so name them if you want help, details are important. :D22:33
OerHeksDarwinSurvivor, i know, that message could be any help for the issue of trung22:33
DarwinSurvivorlol, sorry, put the wrong name:(    trung:  ^^22:34
dvguyI am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit. I attempted to capture video using Kdenlive's capturing method, but it failed to do anything at all. I am searching for a way to capture my DV video from my 1394 device on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I am not familiar with the software available.22:34
nikitakitDarwinSurvivor, Jordan_U: http://tinypic.com/r/13zmhdv/622:35
wilee-nileedvguy, captue video from the web?22:35
dvguywilee-nilee, the video is on mini-DV tapes in my video camera.22:35
yuriIs there any way to get a channel list on here? I need Freebsd now. :(22:35
khmerogi am trying to format/erase my USB thumb drive with disk utility but it never works22:36
OerHekstrung https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Use_apt-offline22:36
wilee-nileekhmerog, howdeeee, :D22:36
DarwinSurvivoryuri: ##freebsd22:36
khmerogis there a better apps for ubuntu that will format usb thumb drives, dvd-rw, etc22:36
goyairnew MP4-12C mclaren just arrived22:36
yuriThanks, Darwin. :)22:36
khmeroghey wilee-nilee22:36
wilee-nileekhmerog, install gparted and try that22:36
khmeroggparted partition editoer ?22:37
wilee-nileekhmerog, you will see the thumb in the dropdown on the far right, if you are not familiar with gparted22:37
wilee-nileekhmerog, yeah just run sudo apt-get install gparted22:38
Jordan_Unikitakit: That message certainly seems to imply that bugs existing before release but only found and reported after release should not actually be reported. That is a very odd stance and I don't think that's actually the intent of the Ubuntu project (and *if* it is I would file a bug report asking that this concept be reconsidered as it seems absurd to me).22:38
wilee-nileedvguy, ah would not know myself I believe, just guessing, if tapes you need a converter.22:39
dontknowi installed gnome shell through software center and it is supposed to be 3.4 but "gnome-session --version" says me it is 3.2.1. Why?22:39
a7xand actually how do i install cuda on ubuntu 12.04 without breaking X?22:40
dvguywilee-nilee, I would normally use Adobe Premiere Pro to capture my stuff, but I'm not at my main workstation for some time and need to get this video captured. I found something about a program called dvgrab, but it looks way to complicated for me.22:40
OerHeks!info gnome-shell22:40
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 329 kB, installed size 901 kB22:40
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: all I can think of is that you are still running the Beta and haven't upgraded to precise-final and the bug reporter is detecting that. try running a full update/upgrade and see if the problem persists22:41
dontknowi installed gnome shell through software center and it is supposed to be 3.4 but "gnome-session --version" says me it is 3.2.1. Why?22:41
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: did you install 12.04 as a beta before its official release?22:41
nikitakitDarwinSurvivor: no. I only used liveusb a couple times22:42
DarwinSurvivor!patience | dontknow22:42
ubottudontknow: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:42
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: liveusb? Is this not on an installed system?22:42
=== HelenTheMelon is now known as HelenB
nikitakitDarwinSurvivor: I upgraded from natty after the official release.22:43
OerHeks!info gnome-session22:43
ubottugnome-session (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu8 (precise), package size 11 kB, installed size 205 kB22:43
OerHeksdontknow, sounds oke22:43
=== batrick_ is now known as batrick
kieppiehi all. anyone else experiencing issues with remmina on 12.04?22:44
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: alright, then that's probably not the problem. as weird as it sounds, you should file a bug report against the bug reporter (using the online bug tracker)22:44
dontknowOerHeks, isn't it suppose to be 3.4?22:44
Jordan_Unikitakit: Interestingly I *can* reproduce this if I specifically use the package xserver-xorg-input-wacom.22:44
DarwinSurvivor!ask | kieppie22:45
ubottukieppie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:45
kevin^^hi all. i am currently on natty. when i use do-release-upgrade, it looks like it is trying to upgrade me to oneiric (console says: authenticate 'oneiric.tar.gz' against 'oneiric.tar.gz.gpg'). do i have to upgrade to oneiric before i upgrade to precise?22:45
OerHeksdontknow, i think session manager number does not affect the working of the shell22:45
kieppiehi all. anyone else experiencing issues with remmina on 12.04? | DarwinSurvivor22:45
wilee-nileedvguy, Yeah looks like cli version I googled that with a gui and found this. http://dvgrabgui.sourceforge.net/22:45
DarwinSurvivorkevin^^: yes22:45
kieppieremmina throws a core dump22:45
kevin^^DarwinSurvivor: alright. thanks22:46
DarwinSurvivorkieppie: please state the *problem* you are having and include a full output of any errors22:46
dontknowOerHeks, i see, thanks22:46
wilee-nileedvguy, never used it though I'm just the messenger. :D22:46
nikitakitJordan_U: a package can ask its own questions in the bug report process. The question is who to contact: wacom project or apport?22:46
dvguywilee-nilee, Thanks for the help. It looks like I'm just gonna have to wait until I get back to my workstation. Sure would be nice to have Premiere Pro on Ubuntu.22:47
kieppieupgraded/new install of 12.04, install remmina, transferred old configured nodes, run remmina, bomb - "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"22:47
Jordan_Unikitakit: I don't know. Maybe someone in #ubuntu-bugs can clarify the situation.22:47
RingZer0i know i can do nousb with vilinuz, but what about no1394 ?22:47
Bushi86hello everyone, I am trying to fix my wifi on Ubuntu 12.04x64. I can connect to my home network, but Internet does not work. Also, the connection drops every now and then. My wifi card uses the rt2800pci chipset. I have tried many of the suggestions on ubuntuforums.org, but I haven't had any luck yet. I don't know what to do next, so I would really like some help!22:47
BLZbubbawhat app do I use to connect to a precise desktop for "remote sharing" ?22:48
wilee-nileedvguy, Yeah, I suspect there is a compatible or close, but it may be a cli thang at this point, I have never used the adobe version, so just guessing22:48
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: can you do an "apt-cache search xserver-xorg-input-wacom" and tell us if the package even exists anymore? it could be triggered by the fact that there is no longer a wacom package in precise to file the bug report against22:48
goddardhow do i connect a bluetooth device in kde?22:49
dvguywilee-nilee, Yeah, I heard that Kdenlive was able to do it, but it just sits at 'initializing' and never does anything beyond that. Not a big deal, just love Ubuntu and wanted to be productive while I'm away from home. :)22:49
trism_Jordan_U: DarwinSurvivor, it is just the generic xorg apport package hook22:50
trungOerHeks: Thank you for that link!22:50
OerHekstrung have fun22:50
nikitakitDarwinSurvivor: output is "xserver-xorg-input-wacom - X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver"22:50
SarmenHBi am a haxor22:50
SarmenHBis this ok?22:50
bjoessiis anyone in the mood to help me setting up my laptop as internet gateway (internet sharing)22:50
DarwinSurvivornikitakit: ok, nvm then22:50
SarmenHBi are elite haxor22:50
SarmenHB<-- haxor22:51
* SarmenHB haxor22:51
Jordan_U!ot | SarmenHB22:51
ubottuSarmenHB: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:51
SarmenHBno its !op SarmenHB22:51
BLZbubbais this called remmina maybe?22:51
* SarmenHB slaps Jordan_U around a bit with a large trout22:52
bjoessii just installed 12.04 and now all my settings for internet sharing from my previous install is lost... I would really appreciate some help restoring my gateway22:52
kieppieBLZbubba: sorry, huh? not following train of thought re remmina.22:53
lostogrecan anyone tell me what package (for precise) contains idmap_rid.so ?22:53
DarwinSurvivorbjoessi: do you remember (or have a copy of) how you set it up last time?22:53
bjoessiDarwinSurvivor: I am afraid not... if I did I believe that I would be able to solve it on my own...22:54
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smil3yhey is there a known issue that im not seeing on release notes for 12.04 with network browsing on nautilus?  times out everytime, or screen blacks out, then says cant retrieve list from server22:55
BLZbubbakieppie: i am looking at a dialog in precise called "Desktop Sharing" and I'm trying to figure out how to use it.  i.e. can i connect to this machine with rdesktop?22:56
BLZbubbalooks like it is "vino" not remmina22:56
DarwinSurvivorloop-: what do you need the library for?22:56
BLZbubbakieppie: ok looks like VNC.  better than nothing.22:57
DarwinSurvivorloop-: sorry, he left and auto-complete changed :(22:57
Bushi86hello everyone, I am trying to fix my wifi on Ubuntu 12.04x64. I can connect to my home network, but Internet does not work. Also, the connection drops every now and then. My wifi card uses the Ralink rt2800pci chipset. I have tried many of the suggestions on ubuntuforums.org, but I haven't had any luck yet. I don't know what to do next, so I would really like some help!22:58
bjoessiOk, perhaps I should get to the point what I need trouble shooting for: I have set my wlan connection as "Shared with other computers", but when I connect the eth2 where the client is, I loose internet access22:59
kyrionhey whats the best irc client for ubuntu22:59
bjoessithe eth2 is connected to a router on its wan port23:00
BLZbubbakyrion: i use the text mode irssi23:00
Reborgkyrion, i like irssi23:00
kieppieBLZbubba: the default "desktop sharing" protocol for POSIX (Ubuntu, Linux, Mac) is VNC. RDP is a windows protocol (more efficient than VNC IMHO). but if you don't need the whole desktop & only a single app, then remote-X is a great solution23:00
BLZbubbathat is going to be a personal preference23:01
BLZbubbakieppie: after i enable desktop sharing, how do I get it to start listening on 5900?23:01
DarwinSurvivorbjoessi: please describe your routing (ex: client computer wan => ubuntu wan -> ubuntu lan => router lan -> router wan => internet)23:01
kieppieBLZbubba: not sure under new OS, sorry - I make use of remote-X, since it's one less protocol/damon pulling my machine/network down23:02
kyrionBLZubba, Reborg, thanks23:03
bjoessi*the internet* -> router -> this computer wlan2 -> this computer eth2 -> router23:03
DarwinSurvivorbjoessi: so you are connnecting 2 routers together?23:04
DarwinSurvivorbjoessi: using your ubuntu box?23:04
kieppieso? anyone else here have anything on remmina, please? want to check if its an issue or just me. `sudo apt-get install remmina && remmina`23:04
heoaE: Package 'libmagick9-dev' has no installation candidate23:04
bjoessiDarwinSurvivor:  I am trying to extend the wifi another building, but the signal is weak from the first router23:05
heoa<--- getting this kind of err and did "$ sudo apt-get update" but still not found, which is new version?23:05
bjoessiso behind the second router is where I plan to connect the clients in this building23:05
kieppiebjoessi: DarwinSurvivor: look at repeater - dd-wrt23:05
alusionHello I was wondering if crashplan is supported in 12.04 LTS23:05
alusionI had some bugs installing it before.23:05
kieppiebjoessi: every repeat/hop will add latency & halve speed, but better than nothing23:06
DarwinSurvivorbjoessi: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Repeater_Bridge may work, but I don't think you'll get wifi off the third router23:07
krababbelbjoessi: I'd disable nat on the second router23:07
bjoessiDarwinSurvivor: But the annoying thing is that it worked just fine before23:07
bjoessiand I haven23:08
kieppieDarwinSurvivor: bjoessi: also, google cantenna & printable shield23:08
DarwinSurvivorbjoessi: you would either need 1) a router with dual antenas, which are not that expensive 2) a third router to plug into the second 3) just use wired clients on the second router23:08
bjoessiand I havent changed anything in the router23:08
HoNgOuRunow I lose the subwofer after the first song23:08
DarwinSurvivorbjoessi: do you need wirelss at the secondary location?23:08
HoNgOuRuis I switch souncards with pavucontrol and come back to the previous soundcard the subwoffer activates again23:08
alusionDropbox is having some issues in 12.0423:09
Resistancealusion, such as?23:09
kieppieDarwinSurvivor: bjoessi:  http://www.freeantennas.com/projects/template2/23:09
bjoessiDarwinSurvivor: not crucial, but since I did have it before I kind of got used to it23:09
krababbelDarwinSurvivor: does it really matter, if ubuntu acts as a switch between them. I had no problems with such a setup23:09
alusionResistance,  I had an OSError when installing the proprietary  daemon and it is unable to open23:10
alusionAlso it just keeps closing unexpectedly23:10
Resistancealusion, might talk to their support about that, or run it via terminal to see detailed error outputs and the likes23:10
K350I'm visually handicaped and need help to see a verification image - anyone?23:10
krababbelbjoessi: I'd bridge the interfaces on ubuntu and disable nat on the second one, to avoid double nat, which is said to cause problems. Although it worked for me23:10
DarwinSurvivorkrababbel: with kieppies suggestion of using dd-wrt, it would eliminate the ubuntu laptop23:11
alusionMkay I sent in an error report and I'll check with em to see whatsup, do they operate on IRC btw?23:11
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krababbelDarwinSurvivor: laptop? I'm not sure of the setup here :) a direct connection between the two routers would be easier, but maybe he wants to use the ubuntu box as a firewall between them?23:12
DarwinSurvivorkrababbel: if you know enough networking to get him going with his old configuration, i'll leave you to it. dd-wrt is just the way that *I* know how to do it :P23:12
bjoessikrababbel, and when you say disable nat on the second one, you mean in the second router? or on my nic?23:12
krababbelbjoessi: the second router23:12
bjoessiI guess you mean in the router23:12
bjoessiok. I believe I have already done so, but I will check again.23:13
krababbelbjoessi: do you need the PC in between as a router?23:13
krababbelDarwinSurvivor: I had a second router behind the first, and both gave wifi access to the internet.23:14
kieppiebjoessi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUTT8wdN_VA23:14
Bushi86can anyone help me? I am trying to fix my wifi on Ubuntu 12.04x64. I can connect to my home network, but Internet does not work. Also, the connection drops every now and then. My wifi card uses the Ralink rt2800pci chipset. I have tried many of the suggestions on ubuntuforums.org, but I haven't had any luck yet. I don't know what to do next, so I would really like some help!23:14
bjoessikrababbel, the router I have is to far away to connect to the first router with a cable and it only has a ethernet wan (not wlan wan)23:14
JeruvyI'm trying to enable 2 monitors on the recommended nvidia drivers, but when I do the system becomes unresponsive until it expires and reverts to previous settings.  Any solutions to this?23:14
bjoessior dual antennas or whatever...23:15
bjoessibut ill go back to tinker on my own... see you around!23:15
krababbelbjoessi: yes, that's what I had in mind. If you wanted a wifi connection then it would be different. ethernet lan of the first goes to wan on the second router23:15
HoNgOuRuwhere can I see what's happening with the soundcard after changing songs? any log?23:16
MorganJarlHey, need some help. I updated 12.04, installed some apps from the software center, changed my home folder to a separate file partition according to this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving and rebooted. Now I can't log in to my main account. I get to the log in, can write my password (which is accepted, if I write the wrong one it says so), go to a black screen for half a second with some text o23:16
MorganJarln it, then back to the login. Currently logged in as a guest on the same computer, so it is working. Any takers?23:16
HoNgOuRuIm using audacious, if I manually change the song then the subwoofer dies, if I leave it playing it doesn't23:17
krababbelDarwinSurvivor: I assumed a wired connection between the routers.23:17
DarwinSurvivorkrababbel: ah :P23:18
MorganJarlAnyone have any idea?23:20
krababbelMorganJarl: maybe create a new user now and use that23:21
bACktRaCk5hello to all. i`m beginner on linux.. and i want to ask if is possible to see a crypted file..23:25
GoldenPocketssimple question: when trying to apt-get install xubuntu-desktop i get the following message23:26
MorganJarlI am logged in as a guest and don't have admin rights. Seems like I can't create new users. The text i get when trying to login says this:23:26
MorganJarl*Checking Battery State23:26
GoldenPocketsE: Unable to locate package xubuntu-desktop23:26
=== tizzo_ is now known as tizzo
MorganJarl*Stopping System V runlevel Comparability23:26
MorganJarl*Starting CUPS Printing spooler/server23:26
FloodBot1MorganJarl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:26
MorganJarlThen it chraches back to login page.23:26
Resistance!paste | MorganJarl23:27
ubottuMorganJarl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:27
=== Octane is now known as Guest4575
bACktRaCk5Resistance can u help me pls ?23:27
MorganJarlbacktrack5: Yes, but only if you decrypt it. Give more detail.23:28
krababbelMorganJarl: You can hit alt+f1 to get a text login, maybe that works. I'd try rescue mode next.23:28
JeruvyI'm trying to enable 2 monitors on the recommended nvidia drivers, but when I do the system becomes unresponsive until it expires and reverts to previous settings.  Any solutions to this?23:28
ResistancebACktRaCk5, the only way to see that file is to decrypt it, and if you dont know how or dont have a passcode, you're sort of SOL23:28
bACktRaCk5hm.. what details do u want?23:28
bACktRaCk5but gfor decrypt a file. what are the motods?23:29
GoldenPocketswhy my ubuntu cant find xubuntu-desktop package?23:30
ResistanceGoldenPockets, what version are you using of Ubuntu?23:30
ResistanceGoldenPockets, did you apt-get update first?23:30
GoldenPocketsjust installed on vmware player23:30
GoldenPocketsill try that23:30
bACktRaCk5so Resistance what are the motods of decrypt a file ?23:32
alusionMy super key won't work for some reason (gnome-shell 3.4)23:32
ResistancebACktRaCk5, please don't highlight me :P23:32
Resistanceif i knew the methods (or wished to tell you them if I did know) i'd tell you23:32
Resistancebut meh23:32
bACktRaCk5:)) ok but if not highlight u, u don`t see what i asking you :D23:32
* Resistance doesnt actually know the circumstances of what you've got, its type of encryption, or anything else about the circumstances23:32
bACktRaCk5ok.. but where can i found a tutorial.. or something like this ?23:33
anlaryejust did a fresh install of 12.04 .... and i get no splash screen as it boots up. just my monitor telling me it cannot display this video mode.23:34
* tMH is gone. nsf23:35
skydevildo you know a java help chan ?23:35
skydevilbillybigr: can't access23:36
IdleOneskydevil: ##java23:36
skydevilIdleOne: can't access too :/23:36
skydevilmaybe it is a port problem, I aam in student residence23:37
IdleOne!register | skydevil23:37
ubottuskydevil: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:37
IdleOneskydevil: you need to register your nick to access ##java23:37
=== jedney is now known as JonEdney
skydevilIdleOne: ok23:38
anlaryeany ideas on why that is happening to my display at boot up?23:38
skydevilIdleOne: how long does the mail take to arrive ?23:39
IdleOneskydevil: probably there nowe23:39
skydevilIdleOne: nope :/23:40
IdleOneskydevil: ask in #freenode23:41
IdleOnethat is the network help channel23:41
u19809hi all, I run 3.3.4 kernel on precise pangolin. I have this wireless logitech keyboard that after a few minutes goes 'offline'. Only a off/on can reactivate the keyboard. this did not happen in 3.0 kernel of oneric. Help !23:43
skydevilIdleOne: do you know if there is a french java chan ?23:44
Resistance!crosspost | u1980923:48
ubottuu19809: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.23:48
BiterOfTrianglehow do i run the archive manager from the command line? I would like to run it in sudo from time to time23:49
BiterOfTrianglei just need the command which i couldnt find23:50
forkdBiterOfTriangle, apt-get install mc23:51
J2Kind of a strange question. Resizing partitions caused my Ubuntu GRUB to tell me error: Unrecognized Filesystem and puts me into grub rescue. I am able to boot through SuperGRUB2 however. Is there any way i can restore my GRUB?23:52
frequentlyaskedqjoin #mysql23:53
Resistancefrequentlyaskedq, prepend with a /23:53
txomon|homeanyone knows when upgrading to 12.04 will be safe?23:54
CaseyI don't really like the new desktop how can i get the old desktop?23:54
txomon|homeI upgraded to 12.04 one computer and it was... horrible result. For example, the terminal was not refreshing correctly23:55
Resistancetxomon|home, define 'safe'23:55
txomon|homecustom keybindings where not working23:55
J2Casey, what old desktop?23:55
Resistancetxomon|home, my habit is to wait about a month or two, but that's me :P23:55
Caseyi normal desktop23:55
Caseylike in 10.0423:55
J2There is no such thing as a 'normal' desktop23:55
anlaryeI have fresh install of 12.04 - But on boot I don't get the Ubuntu splash screen. Only a message from my monitor that it cannot display the current video mode. Any help in getting this fixed please.23:55
J2That was gnime23:55
txomon|homeCasey, just install gnome-shell and put "Gnome classic" one23:55
J2what txomon|home said23:56
txomon|homeanlarye, try with nonvesa etc.23:56
J2sudo apt-get install gnome-shell23:56
J2Casey, ^23:56
txomon|homeand btw you can also try gnome-shell ;D23:56
Caseyok and then how do i switch it over23:56
J2Then when you login23:56
J2It will have a dropdown23:56
J2select it from there23:56
anlaryetxomon|home: how would i go about that  the nonvesa thing?23:57
Caseyok and what is the new one soo i can remove it23:57
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:57
ubottuscreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen23:57
bACktRaCk5is possible to edit an "executable" file ?23:57
ResistancebACktRaCk5, in what sense?23:57
J2Unity Casey23:57
ResistancebACktRaCk5, if its already a compiled binary, then no, you'd need to edit the source.23:57
txomon|homeanlarye, !x23:57
^Mike\bMy HUD doesn't ever return any results. At all. For any application. What is going on?23:57
txomon|home!x > anlarye23:58
ubottuanlarye, please see my private message23:58
krababbelCan I use OpenJDK for Libreoffice and Oracle Java for Firefox?23:58
Caseyok ty23:58
txomon|homebACktRaCk5, well, you _can_ edit it, but very few chances of getting it working23:58
txomon|homekrababbel, I suppose so23:58
txomon|homecan you?23:58
bACktRaCk5txomon|home and how can i open that fille ?23:59
krababbeltxomon|home: I'll try, just installed oracle java from a ppa23:59
txomon|homebACktRaCk5, with any text editor, but if you really want to see something, try with a bin editor23:59

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