[04:32] "Proprietary operating systems that are more popular, drive the cost of computers up and are not nearly as easy to use as Edubuntu." [04:32] "The truth is, you wont know how great Edubuntu is until you try it. Download Edubuntu and try it on your computer. " [04:32] Nice 12.04 feedback ^^^ http://blog.peeweepc.com/2012/05/what-is-edubuntu.html [05:40] nice [16:04] stgraber: regarding the wetab, kubuntu is planning to do much of the hard lifting, I'm optimistic about it. [16:06] k [16:33] highvoltage: how's uds? [16:45] vmlintu__: it's great. I saw your nick on the channel a few days ago and wondered how it was going. things well? [16:49] highvoltage: it's all good here.. I had a long break from work and now I'm full of ideas.. [16:51] vmlintu__: yep, breaks are dangerous like that :) [16:54] highvoltage: yep.. after some months you are actually eager to get back [16:54] highvoltage: I just noticed your "ipads in education" text.. it all sounded familiar [17:04] vmlintu__: it's happening there too? [17:04] vmlintu__: this is looking somewhat promising: http://zareason.com/shop/zatab.html [17:07] highvoltage: I just attended an IT in Education conference here in Finland (http://itk.fi/2012/info/english) and it looked like everyone was rushing to get ipads [17:08] well, some wanted "a samsung" because "those support flash" [17:09] I've never heard of ZaTab [17:09] it's soon to be released [17:11] now everyone's rushing to get wlans in schools to support tablets [17:13] the zatab looks promising [19:41] hi [19:42] We rolled out ubuntu 12.04 64bit at Customers with LTSP. [19:42] It works great :) [19:45] Anybody here? [19:48] 23 persons :) [19:49] ok, this is my first entry in an IRC [19:50] ok cool, is it always here so quiet? [19:51] People don't chat much just to chat; they only answer questions when they're asked, and if they know the answer, and if they don't work, etc etc [19:52] ah, ok, i understand you [19:53] As vagrantc said, nice to hear it's working fine for you though :) [20:05] I found this: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man5/lts.conf.5.html#contenttoc14 [20:07] But that does not work for me. To setup an Fatclient for run local applications is easy, but update, delete or add Apps ist much more difficult than a Thinclient. [20:08] So, i had the Idea, to add only this apps to the Squasfs-Image that we we should run on local hardware, for example "a CAD programm". [20:08] have anybody tested this? I cant see Menuentries [20:09] LOCAL_APPS = true [20:09] LOCAL_APPS_MENU_ITEMS = frozen-bubble.desktop [20:10] But it does not work