
=== bryce_ is now known as bryce2
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kayveI've just upgraded my Ubuntu and now my Classic Gnome is refusing to send app instances to other workspaces15:08
kayveCan someone please help me get my Classic Gnome behavior to where I can organize my apps between workspaces?  Thank you in advance.15:09
kayveI move them, they momentarily flash on the workspace navigator and return to the current worspace15:10
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chrisccoulsonpitti, bug 97925117:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 979251 in linux "Compiz hangs every time when undocking or changing display configuration" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97925117:08
seb128pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zenity/+bug/99543517:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 995435 in zenity "Zenity --list uses 100%cpu and does nothing" [Critical,Fix released]17:09
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rwbHi, I just upgraded to 12.04, and panel and desktop switcher is broken.  I was using 11.04 in fallback mode.  Now, my menu is grey (not black) the alt-right click on the panel does nothing.  and my desktop switcher won't remember settings.  Also when I click on a workspace in the switcher, it hides all the panels...  Any advice?18:54
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=== fenris_ is now known as Guest98532
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