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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-a to: Track: Community | Translations roundtable | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20684/community-q-translations-roundtable/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-a.ogg.m3u
stgraberEffenberg0x0: the QA team is usually providing us (installer developers) with what we need to track down a bug and fix it, though that usually takes a few days per bug so kind of hard to do at the last minute00:01
stgraberand there's only so much time for the QA team to setup their test environment for any known weird setup00:01
stgraberanyway, got to run00:01
dpm _   _ _____ _     _     ___00:08
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-a to: Track: Foundations | Python 3 only on the 12.10 desktop CD | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20318/foundations-q-python-versions/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-a.ogg.m3u
radixIs the audio stream supposed to be not working right now?15:59
NMinkerworking for me16:00
radixoh, there it goes16:00
tsimpsonradix: it resets on the hour, every hour :|16:01
radixokay, I'm listening now16:01
NMinkerCan you put a link to the blueprint in the pad or the chat?16:03
xnoxYour welcome =)16:06
NMinkerIs the python3-defaults source packaging going to be replaced with python-defaults for Quantal?16:11
dokoNMinker, no16:11
* xnox interesting16:11
radixWell, it'll be a big effort :)16:13
radixI can probably work with that GSoC student, too.16:14
radixYeah, build slaves always help16:17
radixI can help shepherd the patches and make sure they're reviewed and all that stuff.16:19
radixand generally put them through the development process16:20
radixnp :)16:20
radixI'm going to be afk. If anyone wants to talk to me more about twisted, mention my name in IRC please16:21
NMinkerDang, this Python 3 wiki page really easy to follow16:24
nxvlwhat about creating a pkg- mailing list like debian does?16:33
nxvlto center all the efforts there16:33
xnoxnxvl: ubuntu-devel?16:34
nxvlxnox: but a python-3 central i mean16:34
dokonxvl, you'll get flamed or choosing this name ... ;-P16:34
dokofor, even16:34
nxvldoko: yeah i know16:35
nxvldoko: i'm not suggesting the name, just the ML, call it however you want :D16:35
ChipaPhoneas for "python 3 only on the 12.10 cd", can we at least keep the linux kernel? then init=/usr/bin/python316:38
xnoxChipaPhone: loads of smiles in the room from your comment ;-)16:39
nxvlStill there are upstream like Django that don't have python3 in their roadmap, and most web developers will be disappointed about this16:40
nxvland don't know much about other python web frameworks but i assume that's the case16:40
ChipaPhonedjango has py3 on the roadmap, now16:41
nxvlChipaPhone: yes, but still experimental16:43
nxvlChipaPhone: not good enough for developers16:43
nxvlChipaPhone: which kinda sucks16:43
ChipaPhonebaby steps16:44
nxvlChipaPhone: yup, but with something like this we will push people to use virtualenv or compiled sources and be vulnerable to un-updated libraries and python packages16:45
cjwatsonpython (2) isn't going away any time especially soon, though - for 12.10, we're talking about dropping it from the CD, not even from main16:45
cjwatsondjango is not something where you restrict yourself to what's in the desktop CD16:45
nxvloh yeah i agree16:46
ChipaPhonewait, we16:46
nxvli'm thinking as a sysadmin/developer16:46
ChipaPhonewait, we're not shipping django on the cd?!?!16:46
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-a to: Track: Cloud & Server | Server ISO Tests Review | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20326/servercloud-q-server-iso-tests-review/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-a.ogg.m3u
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-a to: Track: Community | Getting involved with Ubuntu TV | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20338/community-q-ubuntu-tv-involvement/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-a.ogg.m3u
tgm4883if that is still valid, there is a link to the LP code there18:03
jhodappit's definitely still valid18:04
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tgm4883I hope it's going to be at least a little different18:05
tgm4883limiting it to new TV's only really limits who is going to use it18:06
tgm4883I'd rather have it installable on my own hardware18:07
tgm4883Ideally, we should be able to apt-get ubuntutv and the tv bits get added into the desktop18:08
Faqtotumtgm4883: that was exactly the point i just made18:08
tgm4883Faqtotum, my audio might be a bit behind :)18:08
Faqtotumit's why i brought it up18:08
tgm4883great minds think alike18:08
Faqtotummy typing is behind, btw18:09
Faqtotumi started to type it, but decided to say it instead when mhall119 asked for comment18:09
tgm4883an installable environment for us scope/lens builders18:11
tgm4883Ideally a daily PPA18:11
dscasselAny consideration for a quickly profile for apps/lenses?18:14
tgm4883regarding scopes/lenses, is there going to be a way to get metadata type things into a lens? If I'm looking at the right documentation then I'm only able to hand over "Uri, Icon Hint, Category Index, MimeType, Name, Comment, DND URI", which works well for regular file objects, but not so well for things like movies and episodic content18:14
tgm4883dscassel, good question!18:15
dscasselIn order to get the community interested, it's gotta run on commodity hardware somehow.18:16
bilaldscassel: let me get your question pointed out18:17
dscasselThanks, bilal :)18:18
tgm4883Lots of people still use tuners18:20
tgm4883I wouldn't be wasting my time writing a Ubuntu TV scope for MythTV content18:21
tgm4883YES YES YES whoever just said we need to add functionality for episodic content :)18:21
dscasseltgm4883: Agreed. :)18:22
tgm4883you are exactly right18:22
tgm4883open movie project stuff is good18:22
tgm4883It's important to get more than just apple trailers when testing playback. Specifically because you should test things that won't be offloaded to the GPU18:23
tgm4883eg. mpeg218:23
tgm4883Arrow buttons + on screen keyboard should be all that is necessary18:25
ejatjuju deploy ubuntutv18:27
tgm4883Something we've always had on the roadmap but never implemented is TV setup options (eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_card ).18:30
tgm4883Would be nice to see this added somewhere ^18:31
tgm4883audio testing as well18:31
dscasselQuickly! Yes!18:37
bilaltgm4883: I don't think it would help in the case of smart TVs18:38
bilalwe are past the CRT age18:38
tgm4883It's used for setting up color balance18:39
bilaltgm4883: Do you want the test card work item for making a test card app?18:44
tgm4883My audio is apparently lagging alot :/18:45
bilaltgm4883: is your lp nick the same as tgm4883 /18:45
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jhodappthanks everyone!18:49
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-a to: Track: Foundations | Improvements to the bucketing system in the crash database | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20327/foundations-q-bucketing-improvements/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-a.ogg.m3u
lifelesswe don't want to *discuss* each occurence22:22
lifelessits a poor ideal scale wise22:22
lifelessany suggestion of dicusssion with us on a particular failure -> would be a lie22:22
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=== fenris_ is now known as Guest98532
=== Guest98532 is now known as ejat
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-grand-ballroom-a to: Track: Desktop | Zeitgeist in Q | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20824/desktop-q-zeitgeist/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/grand-ballroom-a.ogg.m3u
seiflotfyZeitgeist starts logging from the time its installed. It can not dig into the past.However we have a workaround to retrieve the history out of a folder and inform Zeitgeist about it. Simply download the following scriptthen use it like this:python history.py /path/to/folder/path/to/folder being the folder you want to pull history out of example: /home/seif/Documents23:38
popeyhang on, while we get the other items on johns list23:39
pmatulisnote: i discovered that ubuntuone-syncdaemon and zeitgeist-daemon can bring U1 sync'd systems to their knees if a non-trivial amount of data is being processed over U123:39
pmatuliscpu load went off the scale on sync'd systems23:40
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pmatulisoh well23:59

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