[00:08] * philipballew is [00:08] * ajmitch waves [00:18] http://data.stackexchange.com/ubuntu/query/53493/top-1000-users-near-me [00:26] jrgifford: do you own the askubuntu twitter account? [00:28] cprofitt: no [00:28] Although i think someone at SE has it, i can try and get ahold of them [00:29] (and find out) [00:30] yeah, lots of bugs. [00:32] so are you putting that as a comment or as an answer? [00:32] for bugs, just link. [00:33] gotcha. [00:33] * jrgifford nods - makes sense [00:34] if the solution is the same, dupe 'em. [00:34] it will redirect [00:34] to the duplicate - and google loves it [00:35] for ubuntu+1, it's not ok until beta 2 or RC [00:37] 3K [00:37] 2K is edits [00:37] 3K is close votes [00:39] latest data dump is march [00:39] http://data.stackexchange.com/ubuntu/queries [00:39] well, the date on the site there on data.se [00:39] is march [00:39] oh, gotcha [00:41] oh, fyi - i'm going to try and make a dent in [tag:bug] tonight [00:42] oh, let me find that [00:42] http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/2817/how-to-correctly-handle-ubuntu-one-questions ? http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/942/keeping-the-ubuntu-one-tag-running-smoothly [00:42] http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/1317/what-to-do-with-questions-that-describe-bugs#comment4230_1318 [00:43] marcoceppi: oh, that one. [00:44] we're at 82.39% [00:44] and we were at like 70. [00:45] http://askubuntu.com/questions/130155/whats-wrong-with-my-opengl/130209 [00:45] example nvidia [00:45] http://askubuntu.com/questions/131508/12-04-and-nvidia-card-problem-with-nvidia-geforce-7025/131532 [00:45] cprofitt: is that the 'master' nvidia one? [00:45] one more [00:45] I did not merge them -- was not sure if that was correct to do [00:45] cprofitt: find a master and i'll merge them [00:45] now I know it is [00:46] jrgifford: merge it to this one - [00:46] http://askubuntu.com/questions/131508/12-04-and-nvidia-card-problem-with-nvidia-geforce-7025/131532 [00:46] ok, thanks cprofitt [00:47] no, thank you! [00:47] ok, merged. thanks cprofitt [00:48] thank you jrgifford [00:48] :) [00:50] marcoceppi: found your data dump thing - http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/128128/data-dump-for-the-month-of-march-2012/128130#128130 [00:50] jrgifford: thank you! [00:51] tl;dr: They're waiting to move over to aws in the nearish future [00:53] ugh, audio feed is being... not cool [00:54] uds-room-202: 5 minutes left in this session! [00:54] yay its back. :) [00:55] uds-room-202: 4 minutes left in this session! [00:56] uds-room-202: 3 minutes left in this session! [00:56] yeah, exactly. [00:56] it's all about getting people help [00:57] yeah, it's a flag, destroy and more gold watch spam [00:57] uds-room-202: 2 minutes left in this session! [00:58] uds-room-202: 1 minute left in this session! [00:59] uds-room-202: This session has ended. [00:59] ok, audio died. nice session. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/room-202/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-room-202.log === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Track: Community | Community Roundtable Thursday | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20726/community-roundtable-thursday/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u [15:59] hello [16:00] 10 seconds of lag on the audio [16:00] AlanBell, hello [16:00] ツ [16:00] Hello, ePeople! [16:00] JoseeAntonioR, \o [16:05] good morning uds [16:06] hi Jono [16:07] HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh [16:07] http://randall.executiv.es/sites/default/files/images/jono_quetzal.jpg [16:07] lol excellent, thanks daker [16:08] ツ [16:08] daker, jejeje [16:18] the ubuntu tv will be on demonstration at the party in paris [16:46] YES [16:46] 2months is not enough [16:47] YES [16:49] uds-room-202: 5 minutes left in this session! [16:50] uds-room-202: 4 minutes left in this session! [16:51] uds-room-202: 3 minutes left in this session! [16:52] uds-room-202: 2 minutes left in this session! [16:53] uds-room-202: 1 minute left in this session! [16:54] uds-room-202: This session has ended. [16:54] expensive for me ツ === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Track: Cloud & Server | Juju Integration | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20370/servercloud-q-juju-integration/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u [16:56] ~160$ for the visa [16:56] :O [16:56] :( [16:56] expensive :] [16:57] YoBoY, http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/types/types_1263.html [16:57] _. [16:57] ;=',_ [16:57] S" .--` [16:57] sS \__ [16:57] __.' ( \--> [16:57] _=/ _./-\/ [16:57] ((\( /-' -'l [16:57] ) |/ \\ I <3 Juju [16:57] \\ \ [16:58] `~ `~ [16:58] YoBoY, http://morocco.usembassy.gov/visas/schedule-of-fees.html look here [16:59] daker: i'm lucky I don't need visa, but yes it's really expensive just to travel :] [17:39] uds-room-202: 5 minutes left in this session! [17:40] uds-room-202: 4 minutes left in this session! [17:41] uds-room-202: 3 minutes left in this session! [17:42] uds-room-202: 2 minutes left in this session! [17:43] uds-room-202: 1 minute left in this session! [17:44] uds-room-202: This session has ended. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/room-202/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-room-202.log === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Track: Community | Community Council - Code of Conduct Review | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20662/community-council-code-of-conduct-review/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u [18:03] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sabdfl/ubuntu-codeofconduct/v2-draft/view/head:/MergedCodeOfConduct.txt [18:07] https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-codeofconduct/v2-draft/+merge/105369 [18:07] cprofitt, ^ [18:13] http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct [18:13] http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/leadership-conduct [18:13] http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/diversity [18:24] cprofitt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/980314/ [18:49] uds-room-202: 5 minutes left in this session! [18:50] uds-room-202: 4 minutes left in this session! [18:51] uds-room-202: 3 minutes left in this session! [18:52] uds-room-202: 2 minutes left in this session! [18:53] uds-room-202: 1 minute left in this session! [18:54] uds-room-202: This session has ended. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Track: Foundations | Upstart stateful re-exec | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20631/foundations-q-upstart-stateful-re-exec/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u [19:09] anyone participating remotely? we are using whiteboard [19:10] I was noticing the etherpad thing was very empty [19:11] you carry on designing away :-) [19:13] wookey_: do you want pictures? [19:13] we maped out what references what from upstart's *.h [19:14] wookey_: skype / google hangout? [19:15] I'll live - I'm testing dpkg aarch64 patch [19:15] wookey_: I'm scribing on the pad now [19:15] * xnox lol aarch64 - pirate architecture? [19:16] yeah stupid name [19:16] (I've just been arguing about that) arm64 to you guv [19:22] wookey_: breaks all the autofoo which checks for arm* [19:38] xnox: that's actually a good thing. In fact that's pretty much the only good thing. [19:45] wookey_: fail, fail fast, fail loud =) [19:55] uds-room-202: 5 minutes left in this session! [19:56] uds-room-202: 4 minutes left in this session! [19:57] uds-room-202: 2 minutes left in this session! [19:58] uds-room-202: 1 minute left in this session! [19:59] uds-room-202: This session has ended. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/room-202/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-room-202.log === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Track: Design | Ubuntu Mobile Use Cases | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20813/design-q-mobility-factors/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u [22:07] hi [22:07] i think we have some sound problem [22:07] can anyone test pls ? [22:09] i can't hear you :/ [22:09] the soun is very low [22:09] sound* [22:10] daker: participants are missing [22:10] daker: so nobody is speaking yet [22:10] :D [22:14] test [22:14] bilal: are you on the room ? [22:15] daker_: yes [22:15] bilal: the sound is very very low [22:15] daker_: they started speaking now [22:15] daker_: okay, I'll investigate [22:16] daker_: is it okay now? [22:16] daker_: or is the issue the same? [22:17] same [22:17] bilal: i have to set the volume to 200% in vlc, so i can hear something [22:19] daker: better? [22:19] we're trying to improve it [22:19] no [22:19] daker_: :( [22:20] i can't the hear the guy talking at the back [22:20] daker_: I did all I could [22:20] the mic won't move further, since it's wires are stuck [22:20] bilal: anyway thanks :) [22:20] greyback: thanks [22:20] and I set all volume knobs to 100% [22:54] uds-room-202: 5 minutes left in this session! [22:55] uds-room-202: 4 minutes left in this session! [22:56] uds-room-202: 3 minutes left in this session! [22:57] uds-room-202: 2 minutes left in this session! [22:58] uds-room-202: 1 minute left in this session! [22:59] uds-room-202: This session has ended. === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/room-202/ - http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-room-202.log === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-room-202 to: Track: Other | MOTU BOF Session | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20676/other-q-motu-bof/ | Audio: http://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/room-202.ogg.m3u [23:10] I can hear, but only on one side [23:11] the DEX session we just had included encouraging ubuntu devs to help reduce the ubuntu/debian delta [23:12] That might be something to mention in this session? [23:12] Right OK :-) [23:12] I'll shut up then [23:12] :) [23:13] I can't see from here... [23:13] when will we get video? [23:13] wookey_: btw, your name badge is still conspicuously waiting at the registration desk [23:13] heh. I ticked the 'remote' box. [23:13] i don't see a camera in the room [23:14] :) [23:15] Faqtotum, wookey_: No, this session won't have video [23:15] who's crinkling next to the mic :-) [23:16] bilal: I know. It would just be a big improvement for remote attendance (which is to be encouraged IMHO) [23:16] wookey_: I understand and agree, but I'm not the guy to be told about it :) [23:17] the person closest to the mic is YokoZar, but he doesn't appear to be crinkling [23:17] the mic on the crinkling side is the working one [23:17] yeah some kind of munchie bag - really load on this end [23:17] loud [23:17] yeah it was yokozar [23:18] no, much better :-) [23:18] blame canada, err, highvoltage [23:21] no, blame google and intel for jointly providing munchies [23:21] Do you have the equivalent of debian's MIA monitoring? [23:23] You still want to know who's active, even though it's not package-specific in the same way [23:25] what does MoM stand for? [23:25] yeah. debian has a load of heuristics for 'MIA' - I'm sure you could make up your own heuristics [23:37] http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20554/community-q-dev-initiatives/ [23:46] http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/meeting/20555/community-q-dev-outreach/ [23:49] i think because the MOTUs are the "invisible backend" behind Universe/Multiverse, that affects the visibility to the public of the MOTU's "living" status. [23:50] Resistance: yep, that's a factor [23:50] highvoltage: indeed. [23:54] uds-room-202: 5 minutes left in this session! [23:55] uds-room-202: 4 minutes left in this session! [23:56] uds-room-202: 3 minutes left in this session! [23:57] uds-room-202: 2 minutes left in this session! [23:58] uds-room-202: 1 minute left in this session! [23:59] heh [23:59] uds-room-202: This session has ended.