
koolhead17hello alamo00:23
timrcalamo, https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/provider-configuration-ec2.html00:23
koolhead17SpamapS, you around?00:54
aljosawhat should admin-secret for local environment be? root password?02:18
aljosain environments.yaml02:19
marcoceppialjosa: No, just a random string of characters02:22
marcoceppiNote to myself, relation-set doesn't accept a unit-name and it may be a bug03:47
marcoceppiNote to myself, I was not reading my code right03:49
bkerensamarcoceppi: so do I get to write about your plenary in the next issue of Ubuntu User Magazine? :)05:00
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koolhead17morning all13:49
koolhead17SpamapS, around14:21
SpamapSkoolhead17: I am here on IRC. Good morning (I'm back home now though)14:49
SpamapSkoolhead17: did not have a chance to say bye yesterday. It was good meeting you and having you there at UDS. :)14:49
koolhead17SpamapS, same here sir. :)14:50
FunnyLookinHatSo - who won the charm competition?  :D14:54
SpamapSFunnyLookinHat: winners announced today at the closing plenary IIRC14:57
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_mup_Bug #998153 was filed: example passes passwords via command line arguments <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/998153 >17:05
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_mup_juju/scale-test r541 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com17:44
_mup_pep8ify ec2 provider17:44
SpamapSHow's it going in room 205 today everybody? ;)17:48
marcoceppiSpamapS: pretty good, light today17:53
SpamapSmarcoceppi: did you fix your gitolite/gluster thing yet? I want to see that stuff promulgated. :)17:56
marcoceppiSpamapS: yeah, I'm just testing the final setups17:56
SpamapSninjix: hey, are you still working on the proxmox thing?18:14
ninjixSpamapS: yes18:14
ninjixworking on improved client class18:15
ninjixwas just looking at MaaS docs18:15
ninjixgetting some more ideas18:16
SpamapSninjix: cool. :)18:16
marcoceppiany ideas? http://askubuntu.com/questions/134977/juju-tutorial-with-lxc-fail/135080#comment161056_13508018:28
SpamapSmarcoceppi: reading18:37
ahasenackquick question about default passwords for database admins. From the mysql charm: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/982179/18:39
SpamapSbcsaller: hey didn't you include a tool that users can run to gather a bunch of helpful things for debugging the local provider?18:39
ahasenackwhy store the pass in the file in the install hook? Is the install hook ever called again during the life cycle of the unit?18:39
SpamapSahasenack: yes, in upgrade-charm it gets called again18:39
SpamapSahasenack: or, it might anyway ;)18:39
ahasenackSpamapS: ah18:39
bcsallerSpamapS: misc/devel-tools/juju-inspect-local-provider but it might not be making into the package properly18:39
SpamapSbcsaller: ah yeah it would need to be added to the EXTRA_DIST in setup.py I think18:40
ahasenackSpamapS: so, that could be a best practice? That and some chmod 0600 or something I suppose18:40
SpamapSbcsaller: thanks tho, I think thats what we need for this user18:43
SpamapSmarcoceppi: I posted a comment to try and help him run the juju-inspect-local-provider tool18:45
marcoceppiSpamapS: thanks, if that works I'll edit it back in to the question18:45
marcoceppithat would be good for the docs too18:45
SpamapSYeah I think we should probably distribute that in /usr/share/docs or /usr/lib/juju or something.18:46
SpamapSperhaps even the path.. but then I think it needs a man page. :-P18:46
SpamapSand on OS X /puppies/unicorns or wherever it is they put extra program data18:47
SpamapSahasenack: the mysql charm is very old, and needs revisiting at nearly every level I suspect. But yes, I think its fine to generate a password and store it somewhere "safe"18:55
ahasenackSpamapS: ok, thanks18:55
ahasenackSpamapS: to push a charm while I'm working on it, is the lp project called "charms"?18:59
ahasenackpushing to "lp:~ahasenack/charms/openldap" doesn't seem to work, for example18:59
SpamapSahasenack: lp:~ahasenack/charms/precise/openldap/something18:59
ahasenackah, ok19:00
SpamapSahasenack: its a distro19:00
SpamapSahasenack: if 'something' is 'trunk' then the charm store will publish that charm19:00
SpamapSahasenack: and will not re-publish it until you increment the 'revision' file.19:00
ahasenackSpamapS: but only after approval, right?19:00
ahasenackwill it publish19:00
SpamapSno it will be published as cs:~ahasenack/precise/openldap19:00
SpamapS'trunk' is special, its like a PPA19:00
ahasenackok, but this is really not ready for consumption19:01
ahasenackI just want it somewhere in lp as a backup mainly19:01
SpamapSahasenack: then call it 'inprogress' or something else other than 'trunk'19:01
ahasenackSpamapS: thanks19:01
SpamapSahasenack: and btw, thank you for doing openldap. Do you have a bug open for it?19:03
ahasenackSpamapS: and yes, the docs mention all this, sorry for not paying more attention19:03
ahasenackSpamapS: no19:03
SpamapSahasenack: Kees was considering doing LDAP so make sure you open a bug to avoid duplication19:03
ahasenackSpamapS: I have never done a charm before, he would probably do a better one and I wouldn't want to prevent him from doing it19:04
ahasenackmeaning, I won't mind if monday comes and he has one ready, what I'm doing is not wasted work, it's learning :)19:04
SpamapSahasenack: no you guys can collaborate on it though. :)19:04
SpamapSahasenack: anyway, that sounds good. :)19:05
SpamapSBTW, reviews guys! rreeeeviews!19:12
SpamapS9 ready for action19:12
ahasenackthe logs can be a bit worrying at first: 2012-05-11 12:20:30,400 unit:slapd/2: hook.output ERROR: + open-port 38919:21
ahasenackbut that's just stderr19:21
ahasenackbut being used in the same place as you see DEBUG, INFO, it can make you think it's actually an error19:21
SpamapSahs3: thats only because you're running with set -x :)19:31
SpamapSahs3: sorry that was for ahasenack19:31
ahs3SpamapS: heh.  that's what i figured :)19:32
nathwillmarcoceppi, added comment on that askubuntu question.19:52
Destreyf_Is it currently possible in juju to provision multiple services to a single machine?20:18
Destreyf_using MAAS as the infastructure.20:18
Destreyf_Am i still connected?20:20
Destreyf_Looks like it.20:20
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Destreyfthere we go, corrected my nick.20:20
SpamapSDestreyf: can you provide an example of where you would want to put multiple services on one machine?20:50
_mup_Bug #998238 was filed: local provider should setup ufw to accept connections to zookeeper from containers <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/998238 >20:56
SpamapSnathwill: ;) good find!20:57
nathwillpfft. someone in here helped me with it before... i suspect you...20:58
nathwillall i did was remember the answer.20:58
marcoceppinathwill: you should make that an answer (though if it's the case, that question should be closed as a duplicate)20:58
SpamapSit wasn't me, but its still very cool. :)20:58
SpamapSmarcoceppi: I think its quite likely20:59
marcoceppimm, I'll wait to see if the author responds21:00
nathwillmarcoceppi, it's exactly what had happened to me.21:02
nathwillalso, i tried looking for how to close it as a dupe... couldn't find it, don't believe i have the privs21:02
SpamapSnathwill: flag it, but lets make sure thats the problem first21:27
nathwillSpamapS: okey doke21:38
SpamapSm_3: are you guys going to do a lightning talk about your bazillion node hadoop cluster?21:48
nathwillwoot hadoop!22:19
m_3SpamapS: nope22:28
m_3SpamapS: good idea though... didn't think of it22:28
hazmatm_3, greetings almost done22:57
SpamapSmarcoceppi: congrats!23:01
SpamapSjames_w: you too23:01
marcoceppithanks SpamapS!23:03
marcoceppinow to polish23:04
bkerensagrats marcoceppi :)23:08
nathwillSpamapS, just remembered, hazmat was the one who helped. notchoo23:16
m_3jamespage: the "provisioner"... can some of that be handled by running charmtester against maas?23:37
m_3I guess it's a little different b/c of ISO testing23:39
m_3still seems like there's something there23:39
jcastroSpamapS: yo yo debian new queue?23:56
SpamapSjcastro: just now retitled the ensemble ITP to juju23:56
SpamapSjcastro: need to fix some things, deps and such, to work in Debian23:57

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