
wgrantwallyworld: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/better-createManyTasks/+merge/105422 should be pretty quick00:10
wgrantWhen you have a sec00:11
* wallyworld looks00:11
czajkowskigmb: ping00:15
gmbczajkowski, Hi00:16
czajkowskigmb: coming int san fran @ 6:3000:16
czajkowskishopping n dinner00:16
wgrantHow'd the clinic go?00:16
gmbczajkowski, Can't; too much to get done. Thanks for the invite, though.00:16
czajkowski2 people asked for help to fix bugs today00:16
czajkowskigmb: np00:16
czajkowskigmb: too much retouching to do to my pic :)00:17
czajkowskiwgrant: how tied are ppas into builds?00:17
wgrantczajkowski: How do you mean?00:17
czajkowskiwgrant: someone was sayign debian would like to have ppas00:18
czajkowskibut mentioned that they are tied into builds00:18
wgrantI believe that's Launchpad's bug with the most me-toos...00:19
wgrantBug #18856400:19
_mup_Bug #188564: Build also packages for Debian in PPA's <feature> <lp-soyuz> <ppa> <soyuz-core> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/188564 >00:19
wgrantTechnically it's easy.00:20
wgrantThe resources and social aspects are less so.00:20
czajkowskiwell its been brought up todayin session00:20
bigjoolsone of my goals is to allow people to use their own machines to build packages in their own ppas00:24
bigjoolswhich would open up the possibility of debian ppas00:25
rick_h_wgrant: so the flush() business on the createTask just isn't necessary to maintain?00:29
czajkowskibigjools: ah good to know00:29
bigjoolsczajkowski: but that's totally unofficial :)00:30
bigjoolsczajkowski: but it's a place where maas could shine00:30
wgrantrick_h_: createManyTasks uses create(), which does that implicitly -- it runs a manual explicit Insert and then loads the tasks from the DB.00:31
wgrantrick_h_: Creating with BugTask() just adds it to the list of pending add operations.00:31
rick_h_wgrant: ah, ok gotcha00:32
wgrantWe also probably should rewrite validate_new_target and validate_target to be set-based, as they can be somewhat expensive, executing a few queries per target.00:33
rick_h_wgrant: while you're in there with this can you hit lifeless's suggestoin on removing the BugTask middleman?00:34
wgrantrick_h_: I didn't see that... is it a comment on the MP?00:34
rick_h_yea, after it was merged, so was going to do a follow up branch in the moring, but while you've got changes going00:34
rick_h_it'll be more LoC reduction00:35
wgrantAh, it being post-merge would explain why I didn't see it.00:35
wgrantWill fix, thanks for the pointer.00:35
rick_h_ty much for the work, looking it over for education purposes00:35
wgrantIt can seem nice to have helpers on Bug like that, but then you end up with multi-thousand line classes like Person :/00:36
wgrantThanks for working on these damn timeouts.00:36
rick_h_yea, well consistant vs "right" so oh well, guessed wriong00:36
wgrantI might land a followup to drop Bug.addTask too00:36
wgrantThere's only a few dozen callsites.00:37
wgrantMostly tests.00:37
rick_h_heh, this is awesome, so when I looked at removing the _init_ didn't want to dupe some of the code, but by doing that you get to remove it all00:37
rick_h_wgrant: yea, that seems like it'd be the best plan, but trying to wrap this up by EOD torrow00:37
wgrantExactly :)00:37
rick_h_so wasn't goint to go all the way through the clenaup atm since we've got a full plate starting next week00:37
wgrantrick_h_: Eventually we probably want to move the nomination stuff into createManyTasks as well, but that opens a bit of a can of worms which I didn't really want just yet.00:38
rick_h_wgrant: so the next timeout issue there is on the notification subscriber stuff00:38
rick_h_it queries person 100's of times for 100's of subscribers, that's the next point after this one lands00:39
wgrantThat, right.00:39
rick_h_sec, wonder if I still have the paste00:39
wgrantThat's going to be a fun one -- I'll be surprised if you get it done this week. But worth a try.00:39
rick_h_yea, this is all for now00:40
rick_h_I've got to finish the bugtask.txt killing tomorrow00:40
wgrantGood riddance :)00:40
wgrantDeath to doctests, and all that00:40
rick_h_damn straight00:40
rick_h_http://paste.mitechie.com/show/650/ is a sucky paste of the oops post this change00:41
rick_h_the select Person seems to be the next target00:42
wgrantInserting 242 bugtasks may still be too slow, given the exponential behaviour of bugsummary. But this has to be better than before.00:42
wgrantAnd I'm rewriting bugsummary today to not be exponentially complex.00:42
wgrantAh, I misread the OOPS, there's not 242 in that case.00:43
wgrantBut we do have insane numbers like that sometimes.00:43
wgrantThe Ubuntu kernel team always manages to find new ways to break LP :(00:43
rick_h_right it was taking 240ms per insert, now it's one inesrt to hopefully this helps a ton00:43
wgrantMost of that's likely to be bugsummary, but we'll see.00:44
wgrantwallyworld: Thanks.00:44
wgrantrick_h_: Ah, can't actually remove addTask, since it's exposed on the webservice.00:53
StevenKreturn None!00:55
rick_h_wgrant: booo, oh well02:10
wallyworld__wgrant: did you have a pre-impl with anyone re: the sample data change? it sounds reasonable05:38
wgrantwallyworld__: I polled lifeless and StevenK in -ops and nobody complained.05:39
wgrant15:05:17 < StevenK> wgrant: When I last used it, which was yesterday, I expected it to write to current{,-dev}.sql.05:40
wallyworld__wgrant: ok, thanks. r=me05:40
wgrantwallyworld__: Thanks05:40
lifelesswgrant: I suggested a larger sample size...06:16
wgrantMy sample size covered a third of the active team.06:17
wgrantThat's sufficient.06:17
lifelesswgrant: so, I've just mailed the list in reply to curtis; I may be confused on some stuff... feel free to unconfuse me :)06:31
wgrantlifeless: I can't disagree with anything you said.06:33
=== wallyworld__ changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
=== almaisan` is now known as al-maisan
adeuringgmb: would something explode if I increase the version number for testresources in versions.txt to 0.2.5?09:25
stubadeuring: I think everything using testresources is using the package or buildout, so bumping the version is pretty much a requirement before anything can see your changes.09:36
adeuringstub: right09:38
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
stubwgrant: We should be able to write a script to generate the bugtaskflat indexes by now :)10:16
wgrantstub: Indeed.10:17
wgrantI'll hopefully drop 2/3 of bug and bugtask's indices next week.10:17
StevenKAnd hopefully DROP COLUMN bug.private soon after10:18
stubwgrant: r=stub. Does this go live now?10:18
stubOr staging first?10:18
wgrantstub: I've tested them on DF, so live would be nice. Nothing will use them until Monday.10:18
stubI'll apply it live now, assuming everything is quiet.10:19
wgrantShould be.10:19
wgrantGiven that we killed everything 20 minutes ago10:19
wgrantI'm surprised BugTaskFlat inserts are still performing OK, with 63 indices.10:24
wgrantAlthough I guess most of them are very partial.10:24
stubLaunchpad is very low write.10:25
stubAnd PG has been optimized over decades :)10:25
wgrantSpeaking of which, when can we upgrade to 9.2? :)10:25
wgrantIndex-only scans ftw.10:25
stubIt will take a while with librariangc and apache-log-parser running10:26
stubwgrant: Sometime after it is released I think.10:26
wgrantLive a little.10:26
gary_posterwgrant, hey.  it looks like the sampledata change breaks a lot of tests.  The parallel runner shows 197 errors (http://ec2-23-20-37-133.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/waterfall) and the standard one shows 6 so far (https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/waterfall)10:51
gary_posteractually the errors seem very different10:56
gary_posterhttps://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_lp/builds/2054/steps/shell_6/logs/summary (which is, wow, hard to read)10:56
gary_posterlp.codehosting.puller.tests.test_scheduler.TestPullerMasterIntegration causes everything to fall over in the official buildbot10:58
wgrantgary_poster: Odd, I've had two ec2 runs with those revs without a problem.10:58
wgrantThe production thing looks unrelated.10:58
wgrantIt's just normal flakiness10:58
wgrantLooking at parallel10:58
wgrantThat looks unrelated as well10:59
gary_posterwgrant, agreed.  sorry for bothering you; I saw the seeming correlation and assumed.10:59
wgrantQuite a reasonable assumption... it's a more spectacular failure than we normally see spuriously :/11:00
gary_posterheh, yeah11:00
gary_posterwe'll look into the ones we encounter on parallel.  As you probably saw, I forced a build on parallel, so hopefully that will show a green build11:01
wgrantTBH I hope it fails the same way :)11:01
wgrantHaving 200 spurious failures like that is ungood.11:02
gary_posterWell, we generally file a bug and try to fix them anyway, if we can.  Sometimes it's harder to dupe than others.11:02
wgrantstub: Thanks.11:14
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring,bac | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
bacmorning adeuring12:14
bacadeuring: i'm going to start on wgrant's review12:23
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adeuringbac: ok (and good morning :)12:25
wgrantThanks bac.12:25
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
rick_h_deryck: ping for stand up party time13:32
deryckrick_h_, yup, on the way, thanks13:32
noodles785Hi! Do the production LP updates happen at specific times during the day?13:57
=== noodles785 is now known as noodles775
rick_h_noodles775: no, they occur as they're ready to go usually14:02
noodles775k, thanks rick_h_14:03
rick_h_noodles775: has some info https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/FastDowntime14:04
abentleyrick_h_: I'm getting "ImportError: No module named convoy.meta" http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/981754/14:07
rick_h_abentley: your download cache is up to date?14:09
abentleyrick_h_: yes.14:09
rick_h_sorry, mean your deps, it's in the lp ppa14:09
abentleyrick_h_: I'll check.14:11
rick_h_abentley: yea, looking for the -deps14:12
rick_h_abentley: looks like it's in apt-cache show launchpad-developer-dependencies14:12
abentleyrick_h_: Not seeing convoy listed by apt-get upgrade.  I do see other LP deps.14:12
rick_h_abentley: it's listed as python-convoy if that helps at all14:13
abentleyrick_h_: looks like I had uninstalled launchpad-developer-dependencies.14:23
rick_h_abentley: ah ok. Yea, debugging here, I've got some many copies floating around with dev version, pypi versions, etc14:23
abentleyallenap: How does with-xvfb compare to xvfb-run?14:51
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=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: bac | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
rick_h_jcsackett: ping, so is the issue with the dupe banners a matter of cleaning up the creators of banners is a pita?16:45
rick_h_jcsackett: one other way to do the single method is to stick a variable in the module file and to store the $node so you don't have to query again.16:45
jcsackettrick_h_: oh, i like the idea of just storing the node.17:00
jcsackettalthough, come to think of it, that won't actually work.17:01
rick_h_jcsackett: yea, I started thinkering in a branch but it's a bit messier17:02
rick_h_you'd have to store a dict key'd by the class.NAME17:02
rick_h_but then it looks funky when you pull it out and .set(text)17:02
rick_h_and I don't have a full view of the scope so I'll just shush17:02
jcsackettrick_h_: well, and there's still the problem of what happens if a banner object is created in another module.17:02
jcsackettlike, there's a banner created in the js in base-layout-macros on any private page.17:03
rick_h_right, but this is tracked in the YUI.add() so there's only one17:03
rick_h_you can stick 'private' vars inside that .add() code17:03
rick_h_just how var ns = Y.namespace... each module has that ns. and it's a single value for all of that module definition17:03
rick_h_no matter where it's used/messed with17:04
jcsackettrick_h_: ah, got it.17:04
jcsacketti think when i read "in module" i thought "in class".17:04
rick_h_but yea nvm...forget me. Ugh on the need to deal with it, but understand17:04
rick_h_right, no I mean in module17:04
jcsackettrick_h_: yeah, it's still not perfect, but it's better.17:04
jcsackettsometimes i'll take better. :-)17:04
rick_h_a module can contain private stuff, mutliple classes, etc17:04
* jcsackett nods17:04
rick_h_anyway, sorry I stuck my nose in it, my curiosity got peaked17:05
jcsackettall good. you didn't happen to read enough of the MP to vote "approve" on it, did ya? :-P17:05
rick_h_yea, I guess I'm there might as well eh17:05
jcsackett*i* certainly wouldn't mind. :-)17:05
jcsackettand i'm sure bac would be happy to let someone else help clear out active reviews. :-P17:06
rick_h_k, sec, will do17:06
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rick_h_jcsackett: ok, approved with comments17:13
jcsackettthanks, rick_h_.17:13
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sinzuibac ping17:34
bachi sinzui17:35
sinzuibac , have you looked at https://code.launchpad.net/~dooferlad/launchpad/upcoming_view_show_all_work_items/+merge/105495 yet17:36
bacsinzui: no17:36
sinzuibac: I just investigated it. I will take it17:37
bacsinzui: ok.  do you know what happened to wgrant's branch?17:37
sinzuiThe one replaced methods to create fast queries of new bugs?17:38
bacsinzui: ah, i see you got to it.17:38
baci got tied up before lunch.  thanks for handling it17:38
sinzuiI did. He made some changes for me and merged it 30 minutes later17:38
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rick_h_jcsackett: thanks for giving that a shot, sucky it didn't help18:18
lifelessflacoste: ping; any chance of a quick call ?20:18
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2

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