
Osmodivs_Hello. I keep getting this error on my Webbrowers (Chromium and Firefox) skin color is wrong, red seem like blue and blue seems like red, What could be wrong here? http://www.pasteall.org/pic/3159600:15
Unit193Looks like that may be more of a flash issue than browser, or am I wrong?00:16
Osmodivs_Unit193, I guess, is there a way to solve this?00:17
Unit193Open a terminal and paste   dpkg -l |grep flash00:18
Osmodivs_Unit193, ii  flashplugin-installer                     Adobe Flash Player plugin installer00:19
Osmodivs_ii  get-flash-videos                       1.25~git2011.09.26-2                    video downloader for various Flash-based video hosting sites00:19
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:20
Unit193Then  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin00:20
Osmodivs_Unit193, Nope, still blue, I do not know whats wrong with flash, Is this a common bug/issue?00:59
Osmodivs_Unit193, It worked!!01:04
Osmodivs_Unit193, How do you know so much?01:04
Unit193I don't know that much, many know more.01:04
Osmodivs_You have solved 2 problems in the same day01:04
Osmodivs_thx man.01:04
Unit193Glad you got it.01:05
Sentynelflash hardware acceleration seems to be unreliable as heck even on windows, for some reason =/01:12
Unit193And sadly, flash won't be going for a while yet.01:23
bioterrorEvixion, behave!04:37
Yosyo bioterror :)04:39
Yoslubuntu looks great :)04:39
stevmmmhow long shudd lubuntu take to boot on a VM ?06:19
stevmmmgot a thinkpad06:20
stevmmm768MB RAM06:20
JohnDoe_71Rusa few minutes06:23
stevmmmhow much from a VM using a live CD. Still a few mins?06:25
stevmmmor more?06:25
stevmmmcd light seems to be on all the time06:27
stevmmmand mouse is fine in host machine, but wont move on the VM06:27
stevmmm(live cd is actually a mounted iso)06:29
stevmmmok virtual box says the CD is still running half an hour later. (i assume the green light means running? whatever isgoing on is odd.06:37
stevmmmperhaps ill try again,allocate more mem to it06:38
jakob_lhave you verified the iso checksum?06:40
stevmmmi dled it from the lubuntu site06:42
stevmmmwhy need checksum?06:42
mysteriousdarrencheck integrity06:42
stevmmmill try that in a little while try a feww oter things first.06:44
stevmmmselecting the "CHECKDISK FOR DEFECTS" OPTION in the menu06:47
stevmmmwill that include a checksum?06:47
jakob_lyes, I think that is a checksum test06:50
stevmmmok - it said its fine06:50
stevmmmno errors found06:50
jakob_lcould also be virtual box settings06:55
Yoswhat template should I use for creating my own wiki page with the goal of becoming a lubuntu member ?07:25
Unit193You look at a few and pick what one you like best.07:28
Unit193https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ocean , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AnthonyHook and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/idleone are a few examples. ;)07:31
Yosyes, but I want to create https://wiki.ubuntu.com/yosef.karo and it is asking me which template to use or to use a blank one07:32
Yosah, I get it I think07:33
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership07:34
YosI got the impression it was easier to join lubuntu ;)  http://paste.ubuntu.com/981267/07:38
Unit193Yeah... Wording is always tricky, the first was a "Ubuntu Member", second is a (L)ubuntu team member.07:40
YosI just want to be part of the lubuntu team, got to start somewhere :)07:43
Unit193Cool, well welcome then!07:45
YosThank you :)07:46
YosI'm looking for ways to contribute if you know of any beginner friendly ways to get started07:46
Unit193There are many ways to contribute, doc/wiki is one good way.07:49
YosI'd also like to get involved in testing and qa07:51
Yosfailing here too07:54
stevmmmok - slitaz works in vbox just fine. lubuntu doesnt. plenty of RAM allocated. Why the fail? Any ideas?08:50
stevmmmit hangs after taking ages to load the desktop and icons08:51
bioterroryour vbox is broken. lots of people has tested lubuntu on vbox ;)08:51
stevmmmSMBBUS BASE ADDRESS UNINITIALISED, upgrade bios of force add...08:53
stevmmmduring boot tolive cd in vbox08:53
stevmmmthanx bio09:00
bioterrordid it work?09:00
stevmmmnot tried yet,when i do will advise09:05
stevmmmError is caused by Ubuntu trying to load the smbus module which doesn’t exists in VirtualBox guest. It doesn’t seem to affect the function of the guest machine, but it’s kind of disconcerting having that error every time the machine starts up. <<<thats enough to tell me it doesnt matter09:06
stevmmmno need to try it - im really after understandunbg why the live cd wont work09:07
stevmmmand that clearly is the problem09:07
stevmmmthanks anyway. its anoither possible cause eliminated09:07
stevmmmok i can finally get lubuntu to load in the vm, but cant browse the web - it doesnt find web pages09:13
gonkHowdy, is the syna[ptic package manager the same as in ubuntu? can i get all the same programs?11:29
Yoslooks the same to me :)11:29
YosI just switched to lubuntu yesterday11:30
dove_g1gonk, in Lubuntu you have Lubuntu Software Center11:33
dove_g1synaptic is the same11:33
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Dago619Anyone available?17:25
bioterror!ask | Dago61917:27
ubottuDago619: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:27
Dago619what are the minimum packages needed to run ubuntu-one? I want to keep my Thinkpad X120e (AMD E-240 processor) fast but want the convenience of Ubuntu-one.17:30
bioterrorapt-cache depends ubuntu-one17:31
shandellI'm having a boot problem, can anyone help?17:33
bioterrorgive us more details17:33
shandellOf course :)17:34
shandellWhen I start the laptop (old Toshiba Satellite) I boot into lubuntu, then I get a blank screen with a blinky cursor line17:35
shandellafter about 30-45 seconds I get this:17:35
shandellBusybox v1.18.4(Ubuntu 1:1.18.4-2ubuntu2) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help for a list of built in commands (initramfs)17:36
shandellThen after a few seconds (I don't have time to read commands)17:37
shandellI get this:17:37
shandelludevd[##]: timeout: killing '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:###################### [180]17:38
shandellI few different number variations scroll17:38
shandellthen I get:17:38
bioterrorthat's a fresh installation?17:39
shandelludevd[##]: '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:###################### [180] terminated by signal 9 (Killed)17:39
shandellUmmm I installed it about a month ago17:39
shandellThat's the first time it's been shutdown17:39
shandellbut it's been restarted over a dozen times17:40
bioterrorand the lubuntu version is?17:40
shandellI think it's 11 or 1217:40
shandellI downloaded the boot and initrd files from the ubuntu distro repository and put them in the boot folder of the old system17:42
shandellThen I did a net install17:42
bioterroryou used live media to put that stuff into /boot ?17:46
shandellI downloaded the files from my computer and put them on a usb stick then I put them into /boot so that it would show up in the boot menu. The Toshiba had OpenSuSE on it at that time and my husband didn't like it at all17:49
shandellSo I followed instructions online for a net install without booting from USB or CD because his computer can't do either17:49
bioterroryou seem to have quite a mess there :P17:50
shandellAnd I couldn't get UnetBootin for it17:50
bioterrorunetbootin is not needed nowdays17:50
bioterroryou can just dd ;)17:50
shandellOh man I had problems right from the start17:50
shandellI searched for a way to get it and I wasn't getting anywhere17:51
bioterroris it possible to reinstall your toshiba satellite?17:51
shandellAfter I installed lubuntu there was no GUI at all, only command lime17:51
shandellI don't know how to do it without accessing the OS GUI17:51
shandellI still have the boot and initrd on a USB somewhere lol But I'm not so familiar with the command line to add them to /boot that way17:52
bioterrordo you have important stuff in your home directory?17:53
shandellNot really.... It's my husbands computer, I think he's got a few seasons of ER seeding17:53
bioterrorbut ER is important, if it has George Clooney episodes17:54
shandellThat's right, he said that he's only got 2GB of space left on his HDD17:54
shandellIndeed :D17:54
bioterroror those noah wyle17:54
shandellIt does lol the first 4 seasons I think17:54
shandellI know right :)17:54
shandellAnyway, would the limited space have anything to do with the startup?17:54
bioterror2GB is enuff17:55
shandellI thought so....17:55
shandellI'm guessing that from your question, I have to try and reinstall?17:55
bioterrorit would be easiest way...17:56
shandellI will learn anything I have to, so as to prevent that17:56
Listen1Lubuntu 12.04 with PCManFM 0.9.10, unable to connect to Windoze shares17:56
bioterrorListen1, smb://ip.add.ress./share/ does not work?17:56
bioterrorshandell, I'm thinking if that could be saved with chroot somehow17:57
shandellbioterror, what specifically could be saved?17:58
Listen1bioterror: Yes, that works, but it worked without that before -- just by clicking17:58
bioterrorthat computer should then broadcast it shares to "network"18:00
shandellafk 5 min :)18:00
Listen1bioterror: In any case, thanks! it is really nice to have the workaround.18:01
bioterrorListen1, if you type just smb:///18:01
bioterrordoes it show you what?18:01
Listen1bioterror: 'Failed to retrieve share list from server'18:02
bioterroris it windows machine or linux which is working as the samba server?18:03
Listen1bioterror: It is a Qnap NAS (Linux based)18:04
shandellback, but I can wait while you work that share problem out :) Want to roll a smoke anyway lol18:04
bioterrorListen1, can you restart the samba service?18:04
Listen1bioterror: and there are a number of Windoze machines on the lan18:04
Listen1bioterror: I'll give that a spin. Back later. Thanks.18:05
bioterrorshandell, are you sure that the hard drive is not failing?18:08
shandellOh yeah, I almost forgot :p After the udevd things stop, I can type commands like reboot. I don't know any others though.18:09
bioterrorI would consider running some disk checks18:09
shandellwould the memcheck in the boot menu do it?18:09
shandellI think it's memcheck...18:09
shandellHow do I run a disk check?18:11
bioterrorshandell, I believe that the hard drive is failing18:16
bioterrorand Is uggest to run some surface scans for it18:16
shandellOkay, how do I do that?18:17
shandellI've never had to do anything like this before...18:17
shandellIt's currently displaying the boot menu18:18
bioterrorsudo badblocks -v /dev/sdb118:18
bioterrorsomething like that18:18
shandellWill I be able to do that if I hit 'c' and the <grub> shows up?18:19
shandellI'll give your command a shot, hold on a sec...18:20
bioterroror if you can boot a usb or cd with ubuntu/lubuntu/xubuntu or what ever linux distribution18:22
shandellNot possible:(18:23
bioterroras what I checked that your proble, there has been disk failures18:23
shandellI can't check from anywhere right now18:24
shandellI tried after the errors stopped and nothing, I also tried from the grub command line and I couldn't from there either18:25
bioterroryou really need to boot into a working environment18:26
shandellThat would help a lot :) Any ideas?18:27
bioterroruse another computer to fix yourself a working ubuntu installation media, for example18:28
shandellOkay, I have the help commands for initramfs18:30
shandella couple look promising, chroot, mount, unmount, test....18:31
shandellThe Toshiba can't boot from CD or USB, we've tried :( That's why everything so far has been net installed18:32
gordonjcpshandell: take the disk out, install lubuntu on it, put it back18:33
shandellYou mean the HDD?18:33
gordonjcpif the target machine is being a bitch take it out of the equation18:34
shandellOkay I'll try, brb and thanks bioterror and gordonjcp :D18:36
bioterrorgordonjcp, it's a laptop18:39
bioterrorbut weird computer if it cant boot a CD18:40
gordonjcpbioterror: and...?18:42
gordonjcppull the drive, stick it in something sane, install your OS18:42
gordonjcpit may have a weirdass BIOS, Toshiba are *notorious* for that18:42
bioterroryeah, I had one back in the 2006 as a work laptop18:43
bioterrorand yes, I trashed it :D18:43
shandellI'm going to try plugging the HDD into my laptop18:58
shandellWill you be around for awhile?18:59
bioterrorwell, we put kids to in-law's, so I cant guarantee that :D18:59
shandelllol okay well if you're not, thanks for all your help :)19:01
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bodhi_zazenIs there anyone on the lubuntu team interested in documentation for lubuntu users ? ie wiki ?19:16
shandellbioterror: I switched the HDD's and Lubuntu boots up just fine on my computer Gateway something-or-other only two years old19:20
shandellAnd my HDD booted up just fine on the Toshiba19:21
bioterroreverything is now okay?19:22
shandellDon't know for sure... I haven't switched the HDD's back yet. Just wanted to let you know that his HDD isn't shot :)19:22
shandellAny idea what else could be causing the problem?19:23
shandellIs it possible for the HDD to wiggle out of place and maybe disconnect from typing too hard on the keyboard?19:25
bioterrorthere's only one way to find it out19:27
shandellYeah I guess lol I'll be back in a bit then :)19:28
murpleIn openbox, I am trying to bind the windows (super) key to open the "start menu" as I have been used to this from Windowsland. I am able to bind SUPER+z and SUPER-x, but as soon as I only use the SUPER key (W) it uses the actual W instead of SUPER. I'm sorry for the poor explanation. does anyone understand what I mean and know the solution? I am editing lxde-rc.xml and using <keybind key="W"> and <command>lxpanelctl menu</command>19:45
bodhi_zazenmurple: I think the key you want to bind is called meta19:46
bioterrorthat binding was removed actually19:47
murplebodhi_zazen: Are you sure? Because W-Z effectively binds the SUPER key + z key.?19:47
murplebioterror,: how so?19:47
bioterrorwhen you pressed windows button and like t for terminal, it flashed the menu19:47
murplemeta doesn't seem to work.19:47
bodhi_zazen"M Meta key "19:48
bodhi_zazennot sure if lubuntu changed that19:48
murpleW Super key (Usually bound to the Windows key on keyboards which have one)19:48
bioterrormeta = alt or esc19:48
murplehmm.. I'm not sure I understand, but using <keybind key="meta"> does not work as intended.19:49
murpleI think the problem is I don'19:49
murplet want to use it as a modifier, the key W and M are listed under Modifiers, but I want to bind the key by itself.19:50
murpleAfter reading that link more carefully, I think I've got to use xev to identify the physical key and somehow use the numerical value to bind it.19:52
murpleIll probably figure that out, although it wasn't quite as easy as I thought/hoped.19:53
murpleThanks for the help.19:53
shandellbioterror: Everything is A-OK :D My guess is that there was a connection issue with the HDD. I'll have to tell my husband to cool it on the keyboard stabbing lol19:56
shandellThanks again for all your help :D I would never have thought to switch HDD's, I guess now I know lol19:57
bioterrorthank gordonjcp for that19:57
shandellOh! Oops lol Thanks gordonjcp!!19:57
shandellTime to eat :) Ttyl *wave*19:58
murpleIn case anyone was interested, the correct keybind was Super_L or Super_R. The only minuscule annoyance now is that the menu cannot be hidden by hitting the Windows key once more. (i.e. toggle the menu on and off with the same key). Also, this slightly screws up other keyboard shortcuts such as Win+R for the run box. If I hit Win+R quickly, the run box is activated, but the window also shows up because I hit the Win key first.20:38
murpleIn other words, once I bind the Super_L (Left Win key) on it's one, this hotkey is fired along with all other hotkeys which use Super_L as a modifier.20:39
bioterrorFri22:47 <bioterror> that binding was removed actually20:41
bioterrorFri22:47 <bioterror> when you pressed windows button and like t for terminal, it flashed the menu20:41
murplebioterror: I don't understand what you mean?20:48
murplebioterror: When I do Super_L + t, the menu launches as well the terminal. Both hotkeys fire.20:49
bioterroras I said, that's why we removed that binding where super key opens lxde menu20:50
murpleOh, now I think I understand where you're coming from. You mean the keybinding Super_L to launch the menu was originally a default value, but it was removed to avoid the problems I'm now experiencing.20:51
murpleI see.20:51
murpleI'll have to find something else to bind the menu to, but I prefer a single key and I had gotten quite used to Super_L. Perhaps Super_L + Alt, but it's not quite as elegant.20:53
murplebioterror: Is there a way to hide the menu?20:53
bioterrorI would use ctrl+esc for bringing up the menu20:53
murplebioterror: That way I could perhaps code my own little bash/Python script to toggle the menu's visibility with the same keybind.20:53
murplebioterror: ctrl+esc seems to be the default as it works on my setup but I have certainly not configured it. I think it's a horribly difficult keybind. I don't have particularly small hands or short fingers, but to reach from Ctrl all the way up to Esc is just not going to happen.20:55
bioterrormy left hand fingers can easily reach on 25.5" scale guitar from 1st fret to sixth, if I really stretch, it will make it 7 but wont sound clear ;)20:58
bioterrorso not a problem that kind of small reaching out20:58
murplebioterror: Well, let's just hope for my sake that some of the other individuals involved aren't quite as dexterous as you :)20:59
murpleI think A-Super_L to bring up the menu is a good alternative.21:01
bioterrorbut honestly21:01
murpleI also really appreciate the fact that I can use openbox --restart to test the configuration quickly as opposed to having to log in and out which is what many unseaoned users do.21:01
bioterrorfor what you need that menu?21:01
murplebioterror: he. To appease my old habbits, also, I'm relatively new to Linux in general, but I generally appreciate being able to customize things "just-so".21:03
bioterrorreplace "lxpanel run" with gmrun, and you get ten times better application launcher for super+r or alt+f221:03
murpleBeing able to access and navigate the menu quickly from the keyboard is a nice feature.21:03
bioterroryou can then easily tab complete applications you want to execute21:04
murplehmmmm "Software Center" says no packages found.21:04
bioterrorand choose with up and down arrows already used commands21:04
murplewhat's gmrun?21:04
murpleapt-get install did the trick...21:05
murpleit's minimalistic.21:05
murplethere's no auto-completion, how is this better than the standard lxpanelctl run?21:06
bioterroruse the tab21:07
murpleI'll give it a try, I've binded it to Super+G : ) Any other good advise for an enthusiastic lxde newcomer?21:10
murpleAnother small annoyance is that the mute button only mutes, it does not Unmute. (amixer -q sset Master toggle)21:13
bioterrorshould unmute21:13
murpleI agree, but it doesn't. I've tried to run the command from the terminal/run box but with the same result.21:15
murpleI can still adjust the volume slider with the other keys, (+/- 3%), but as long as it stays muted that doesn't change anything.21:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 883485 in xfce4-volumed "Pulse Audio don't get unmuted when XF86AudioMute is used" [Undecided,Won't fix]21:17
murplebioterror: Thanks again for your help, I'm off!21:50
salamander_hi there, Im having problems with flash. Im runing lubuntu 12.04, just installed it. I have installed also firefox and flashplugin-installer but when I go to youtube there is a black window instead of a video21:54
ElchzardUnder SEH Team21:54

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