
DrivenMadI am looking for any information on ubuntu for android. I saw the ubuntu website for it. Have they set a release date?? or are theere any ohter resources or betas out there?06:04
twbIf you're talking about that press release thing, it's not something you -- an end user -- can get.06:06
twbIt either comes with your device, or it doesn't.06:06
DrivenMadi see.. i did see it was a call out to companies... that sucks.. I was hoping there would be a ubuntu based os that an android device would boot to.. no android :)06:09
DrivenMadi currently have a droid x and a hp touchpad running backtrack in a chrott enviroment... was hoping for something that you could just boot to like a pc :)06:10
twbDrivenMad: it was IMO a misleading press release06:11
twb"look how cool we are!... btw you can't have this"06:11
twbWhat do you expect from a company-run distro :P06:12
DrivenMadright !!!  waht a bummer.. after seeing the demo.. i was drooling!!06:12
DrivenMadI need to learn more about how the android devices handle there boot process and figure out how to boot an arm based distro natively :)06:13
twbIIRC it's ubuntu's version of a technology that already existed for some other oS06:14
twbI can't remember the name though06:14
DrivenMadi have a bunch of old droids, droidx 's laying around.. would love to put them to use :)06:14
DrivenMadvery cool :)06:14
twbIf they're armv7 you might be able to flash ubuntu onto them and just not have android on there at all06:14
DrivenMadthat is the goal, i started working on long ago getting monitor mode on a original droid. i got kismet running 3 or 4 times, then monitor mode stopped working... i thought about itagain with the newer faster devices i have now06:16
DrivenMadhummm render farm, or lolz.. a droid cloud :)06:16
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angelocrsalveti: as said some days ago, I'm intrested in keeping rootstock alive and fixing bugs.16:08
angelocrsalveti: so I made a branche and started fixing lp:~angeloc/project-rootstock/project-rootstock/16:09
angelocrsalveti: i added a new intresting feauter, on commandline and gui, -u / --ubuntu-core to use ubuntu-core as base insted going into full rootfs biulding16:10
GrueMasterangeloc: Cool.  That will come in very handy.16:12
angelocGrueMaster, rsalveti: i'll do a PPA as soon as possible, so it can be easily installed on precise16:14
marcosx86hello, anyone can help me creating a uboot image (mkimage) for ARM?19:30
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mahmohdoes anyone know if qemu-system-arm can be called via libvirt in precise (on x86)?23:36

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