
DarwinSurvivorwillwh: haven't used byobu in a long time. but you can do it in tmux using "tmux attach" very easily.05:45
willwhcool thx05:45
dscasselbyobu uses tmux by default in 12.04.14:56
dscasselSo I'm assuming tmux commands apply.14:56
BobJonkmanTalking to Ade about Team Reports17:32
BobJonkmanI think we'll see him at the next Ubuntu Hour17:33
DarwinSurvivordscassel: oh, so they finally switched over! awesome18:29
willwhhey guys - another random question18:56
willwhis there a simple lib for displaying a terminal on a webpage18:57
willwhI'd imagine not18:57
genii-aroundwillwh: The terminal of the machine the webserver is on?19:04
genii-aroundwillwh: At any rate, there is ajaxterm19:13
willwhgenii-around: yeah19:14
willwhjust so I can easily show people what I'm doing19:14
genii-aroundwillwh: A really simple way would be to do something like: script -q /some-file-apache-can-access          then display the contents of the file on a page19:40
genii-around( the actual command is called "script" here )19:42
willwhgenii-around: swwwwwwwwwwwwweeeet :)19:55
genii-aroundwillwh: Caveats: Doesn't play well with apps that format text on the screen, like editors19:59
willwhhmm genii-around maybe I'm not understanding you20:02
willwhscript -q /apache_accessable_path20:02
willwhdon't I need something more than that?20:03
willwhit just comes back to my prompt after a couple of seconds20:03
genii-aroundwillwh: On the webserver side you need a little bit of code to display the contents of that file inside a webpage20:04
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willwhye but I'm confused, am I piping something to script -q /blabla20:11
lubotu1Launchpad bug 206547 in gnome-shell "Open (but do not raise) new conversation windows automatically" [Undecided,New]20:34
willwhthat is horrible haha20:35
willwhwhat is lubotu1 ?20:35
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dscassellubotu1 is an ubuntu bot that looks for launchpad link and reads the summary. :)21:09
lubotu1dscassel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:09
dscasselIndeed. :)21:10
dscasselwillwh: Do you use Gnome Shell?21:10
willwhdscassel: terminator, yup21:15
willwhso gnome term based :)21:16
dscasselI'm actually kind of jealous of Gnome Shell's IM notifications.21:32

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