
evmpt lifeless: I'm going to skype robert in, ted will skype matthew00:08
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brodercjwatson: interested in spot-checking a backporter-executed backport upload? (bug #994424)00:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 994424 in Precise Backports "Please backport gnome-do 0.9-1 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99442400:53
broderHmm...backportpackage should probably generate an LP closer00:56
brodertumbleweed: ^00:57
tumbleweedpatches accepted... :)00:58
brodernot sure what cmd line option to use. -b and -B are both taken already :)00:58
broder-c, --close?00:58
tumbleweedor rename -b to --test-build00:59
tumbleweednaah, maybe that's horrible00:59
broder...oh right. closer doesn't help because backports bugs aren't filed against ubuntu01:09
broder(still kind of want one, though)01:09
tumbleweedfix launchpad, clearly01:12
broderi can make ajmitch do it, right?01:12
ajmitchbroder: *cough*01:27
psusiso who's having beers over there in california right now? ;)03:03
psusiand more importantly, is anyone who was at the event based initramfs talk here?03:03
psusiguess everyone is having fun drinking the free beer03:20
tjaaltonno free beer tonight :P03:26
psusinow I don't feel so bad I couldn't make this one03:38
foursixnineHi guys, i have a question, currently at the company where i'm working, we need to add support to a Intel Cedarview VGA chip... This chipset is supported on a 3.3.x series of the kernel, but we need it on ubuntu 11.04 >=04:06
Sarvattfoursixnine: install newer kernel on 11.04, X will use fbdev and be just as supported as it is in quantal, ???, profit?04:44
Sarvattthe gma500 kernel driver changes are way to huge to ever remotely get backported to 11.04, it doesn't even work in 12.04 outside of OEM contexts with the proprietary drivers  where it will be pushed in the 12.04.1 timeframe and will never work in 12.10, i have some proprietary driver drops here if it helps but they assume 12.04 X and mesa - http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~sarvatt/cdv/drops/04:48
foursixnineSarvatt: we would love to use just the module... recompiling the kernel would have some impact on other hardware we use (since we develop our own drivers)04:50
foursixnineThat then changes the scenario04:50
lifelessSarvatt: linux finally got open gma500 support?04:51
macoa week after my boyfriend rebaselined to windows after his failed experiment with gma500+ubuntu? dang04:52
ionUnless i have old information, it lacks video and 3D acceleration. :-\04:54
Sarvattlifeless: only completely unaccelerated support, but at least you get a native resolution now :)04:54
lifelessan improvement04:55
foursixnineSarvatt: well.. we're on the urge for that.... and backporting the module was one solution... the other one was trying to get someone from the inside (like Alan Cox) getting to work on the driver...04:56
macooh. yeah, he wouldnt consider unaccelerated to be worth it04:57
foursixnine'cause of the support thing for our own hardware :/04:57
Sarvattfoursixnine: if its cedarview, intel has been making us drivers with acceleration made to work for 12.04 that havent been uploaded yet but its guaranteed they will abandon them with 12.04 and 12.10+ wont work. 2d or 3d acceleration in the gma500 module is pretty much guaranteed never to happen (but video acceleration might) because of imagination who makes the sgx 54505:03
foursixnineSarvatt: by "us" you mean ubuntu? or linux in general?05:05
Sarvattyeah sorry, us as in ubuntu05:05
foursixnineI saw alan cox its working directly on it05:05
Sarvattthey make cedarview drivers for meego also05:05
Sarvattwhich is basically ubuntu 10.10 userspace, with a 3.0 kernel05:05
foursixnineHmmm... very interesting that would work05:06
pp7how do u control the change of the top panel in my theme?05:07
foursixnineSarvatt: do you have any links?05:07
Sarvattto the meego stuff?05:08
Sarvatti can dig them up, its public05:08
foursixnineSarvatt: more like the intel dropping support and so...05:11
foursixninejust to cover my back before i fire up an email saying they did wrong in picking up such hardware 2 months before project delivery LOL05:12
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doctorpepperhi guys!!!14:22
doctorpepper is anyone from appmenu/libdbusmenu  team in here ?14:23
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mptmvo, hi, #ubuntu-uds-room-204 could benefit from your presence :-)16:11
mptThey're wondering how the "Updates provided:" text in USC is generated16:12
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mvompt: hi, thanks! I was at dinner16:54
dokoinfinity, do you plan to show up at the x32 session?17:06
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PaoloRotoloHi all!17:57
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dholbachasomething, let's see how much new blood we find this way: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2012/05/uds-is-a-great-time/ :)18:20
asomethingdholbach, looks good!18:23
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faginbaginIs this the right place to ask questions about ubuntu development. I've got questions that aren't answered on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment19:52
slangasekit's a good place to ask such questions, yes19:53
slangasekthough not a great time, since this is the last day of UDS and many people are not paying attention to the IRC channel ;)19:53
faginbaginOK, so when is a good time to come to IRC channel?19:54
Resistancenot during UDS :P19:54
Resistanceprobably tomorrow at the earliest19:54
slangasekfaginbagin: well, you're here now so you might as well try to ask your question :)19:54
Resistanceyou're still allowed to ask ;)19:54
faginbaginOr, Any time of the day? Or are certain hours better?19:54
Resistanceyou're here now, so just ask :)19:55
faginbaginMy first question is whether I can do anything useful with the machines I already have, which are running 10.04 and 10.10 (mythtv boxes)19:55
Resistance10.10's EOL btw19:56
Resistanceso with that, not really19:56
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.19:56
faginbaginOr should I find sppace to install 12.0419:56
faginbaginI realize 10.01 is EOL, but what about 10.04?19:57
faginbaginOK, guess I'll spend some time installing 12.04 somewhere and check back here early nest week (after Mother's day weekend).20:07
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mirabilosis there a package that is in ubuntu but not (and never will be) in debian, with low footprint, so I can do something like 'packagethatisonlyindebian | dummydependsforpackagethatisonlyinubuntu' in build-depends? kinda like type-handling21:56
mirabilossomething officially usable for this purpose, that is (otherwise i could just pick, say, language-pack-en)21:57
* mirabilos is a bit surprised this doesn't pop up more, save for the one mention in buxy's blog21:58

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