
ajmitchibeardslee: it'd be nice to bring home a nice pile of toys, but I doubt I'll be able to :)00:29
ibeardsleeCathy has mentioned that ZaEarl will be over at some stage and that she'll be off and then back as well00:31
ibeardsleeopportunity there to sneak things through00:31
ajmitchyeah, but I'm in the US this week & have the chance :)00:34
ibeardsleeheh yeah .. especially if you get to use it and that means you aren't actually importing it00:35
brendonjtgood evening all08:27
brendonjtis there anyone here?08:37
Veritaysort of, brendonjt08:39
brendonjtcool hey is there any gorups for ubuntu  for people using ppc based computers?08:39
brendonjtopps groups08:40
Veritayum, i have no idea, i'm sorry08:40
brendonjtok as i am using ubuntu 10.04 on a Imac g5 powerpc and it runs like a charm was just wondering if anyone here knew if there was a group or the likes in the ubuntu community for it08:41
brendonjtI have started my own project on wordpress for linux on ppc08:42
kcjbrendonjt, There is #ubuntu-powerpc08:45
brendonjtkcj, thankyou for that08:47
kcjYou're welcome.08:47
Atamirammm..on a ppc?08:48
Atamirasounds intriguing08:48
brendonjtno worries, it is great to be back part of the a team again lol as much as i liked mac osx it didn't give me the freedom that linux does08:48
brendonjtespecially ubuntu08:48
brendonjtAtamira, yip and works like a dream08:48
brendonjtunder mac os x on a powerpc you could only get firefox up to 3.x then it was not supported install ubuntu on powerpc and get the latest firefox go figure08:50
Atamirai switched to chrome cause firefox tho it works nicely, has too much crap on it for me08:50
brendonjtAtamira, sweet can't get that on ppc, just a silly question though in which version of ubuntu did the new fancy gui come in i cant remember the name of it now it is the default desktop08:51
brendonjtin the latest release08:51
brendonjtopps my bad unity08:52
Atamiraunity yeah, came out in 11.04?08:55
Atamiratho you could take it off easily08:55
Atamiranow its part of 12.04LTS version08:55
Atamiraand its kinda ok08:55
brendonjtok as my computer didn't like unity it just had a white screen in the middle of it and didn't display any icons so went to 10.0408:58
Atamirayeah, my older machines are the same08:58
Atamirareading the forum is a known feature that it wont run on the older hardware08:58
brendonjtso after 10.04 it went to 10.10 then 11.0408:59
Atamira10.10 was ok08:59
Atamira11.04 was a problem and i had to go back to 10.1008:59
Atamiranow ive skipped right up to 12.04 from KDE 11.0409:00
brendonjtok silly question as i havent done this in a long time with the alternative cd image how do i upgrade09:00
Atamiraheh, i burned a CD and it upgraded itself from it09:03
brendonjtok burn the image when it comes it wants to add it to the repository says yes then just apt-get dist-upgrade09:04
Atamirammm, that wasnt how i did it09:07
Atamirai booted from the CD. the option came up to upgrade..so i upgraded from the CD09:07
Atamiradidnt take as long as a full install09:07
Atamirarebooting is an issue for a couple of reboots cause it doesnt power all the way down and hangs09:08
Atamiraso i forced it to shutdown ..and it righted itself09:08
brendonjtah ok as i said haven't done that for a long time lol, forced shutdown haven't down that in a while either lol09:08
Atamiraheh. its worth while only when you need it09:11
brendonjtok dumb question how to do a forced shutdown it that turn the power off then back on ??09:12
Atamirahold down your on/off switch . it will force itself to shut down09:13
Atamirasame as you would do on a windows machine09:13
Atamiraworks for me09:13
brendonjtah ok thought as much09:13
brendonjtwas looking for ibeardslee thought he might be on was wanting some ubuntu stickers09:16
kcjHe has them?09:16
Atamirai have some older stickers09:17
Atamirai think09:17
Atamiraat oen part i stuck them on my old car09:17
brendonjthttps://www.system76.com/community/stickers/ sorry if i did wrong posting this link09:18
brendonjtpowered by ubuntu stickers they are replaces the wee windows sticker on your computer case09:19
Atamiramine doesnt have stickers on it09:20
Atamirai should get some stickers09:21
Atamirahit up ibeardslee tomorrow09:21
Atamiraor leave him a pm message09:21
Atamirahe'll see it then09:21
kcjI've actually sent away for those "powered by Ubuntu" sticker years ago.09:22
kcjI got no response though.09:22
Atamirai got mine when i got the free discs09:22
brendonjtyeah same was many years ago09:22
Atamiranow i just download the discs myself09:22
brendonjtAtamira, what discs are they09:23
Atamirathe ubuntu discs, when they were still sending them out09:23
kcjI love those things.09:23
kcjPart of me wants a complete collection.09:23
Atamiramy bandwidth wasnt the best when i first got ubuntu09:24
Atamiraso it was easier for me to use shipit09:24
Atamiramy original first version was a developers copy09:24
Atamirabefore the official release..i still have that disc too09:24
Atamiraran like a dream..til i 'upgraded' to the released version09:25
brendonjtmy first version of ubuntu was a dvd and when you booted it you typed live for the live version or install to install it09:25
Atamiralol my first version didnt have a dvd09:26
Atamirai didnt upgrade that til much later09:26
brendonjtwow memory's as just goes to show how far ubuntu has came over the years09:27
Atamirayep, most definitely09:28
brendonjtthe shipit project was awesome09:30
Atamiratook 12 weeks to arrive tho09:30
Atamiraslow..but it was nice to recieve mail from switzerland09:31
Atamiramy first ever09:31
brendonjtlol yip you got that right09:32
Atamiraheh, not alot of conversation in here at this time of night09:32
Atamiraits a first !09:32
Atamiraok wait..2nd09:32
Veritaythis is the most conversation i have ever seen in here!09:32
Atamiraheh it comes and go09:33
brendonjtlol yip my kids are in bed both preschool one 3 years and one 3 months so time to do some computer work09:33
Veritaynormally its only people saying morning :P09:33
Atamiramines grown thank goodness09:34
Atamiratho kids are adorable when they babies09:34
Atamirathey're just as adorable when they're older09:35
Atamiraand mine turns 21 tomorrow09:35
Veritayi'm hoping to start trying for one next year :)09:35
Atamiraaww nice09:36
brendonjtAtamira, oh and i have a 14 year old step daughter that i basically bought up as well09:36
Atamirahate em ..lol09:37
Atamiraim kidding09:37
brendonjtVeritay, yes good one09:37
Atamirai have neices and nephews09:37
brendonjtteens i agree with you09:37
Atamirasome are nice09:38
Atamirabut some are just sanctimonious little sods09:38
Veritayoh definitely09:39
Veritayi want to smack some of them around the head09:39
Atamiraand then i remember i was that age09:39
Atamiraand that righteous most of the time too..heh09:39
brendonjtyip that is one thing we forget and that is we were a teens once ourselves09:41
Atamiraand we're still sanctimonious..lol09:43
Atamiracupa tea time i think09:43
Veritayget me one09:43
Veritayit's too cold to leave my chair :P09:43
brendonjtlol yip might have acoffee09:44
Atamiracoffee and toasted sandwich..yum10:07
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HoggsUuh, yeah VMWare, I'm sure my mum would *love* VMWare Workstation for Mothers Day.23:12

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