
nathwillhey everybody01:06
bkerensanathwill: hi01:12
nathwillbkerensa: ordered my n40l this morning :D01:13
bkerensanathwill: cool they have a huge cluster of them here01:14
* bkerensa disappears to the keysigning party then dinner01:14
nathwilloh yeah? nice01:14
nathwillalrighty, enjoy01:15
nathwillman, wifi here at ava is the pits01:16
bkerensahi nathwill05:00
nathwillhey bkerensa05:00
bkerensakees: this was the paste from caff http://paste.ubuntu.com/981097/05:00
keesbkerensa: weird!05:18
bkerensakees: Do I need to define a keyserver for caff and if so where?05:19
keesbkerensa: try adding "keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com" to your ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf file?05:19
keesbkerensa: you read my mind :)05:19
keesbkerensa: ah-ha, try ~/.caffrc instead:05:20
bkerensacaff hates me05:22
bkerensadid both and still no go05:22
keespastebin your .caffrc ?05:22
keesnext you'll have to set up an mta to actually send the emails. :)05:23
bkerensakees: I have one setup05:23
bkerensakees: http://paste.ubuntu.com/981125/05:24
keesbkerensa: okay, good. that's usually what gets hard to fix05:24
bkerensaYeah I am using msmtp & msmtp-mta and did test mails so I know thats working :P05:25
keesbkerensa: and it still says it can't find the key?05:25
bkerensakees:  yep05:25
bkerensasame exact error05:25
keeshrm... what does "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E061E1F6" say?05:26
bkerensakees: it pulls bilals key and says nothing change etc05:27
* kees holds his face05:32
keesrandom... try 0xE061E1F6 ?05:32
keesI'm struggling to understand what could possibly be stopping caff from working :(05:32
bkerensakees: with the normal --recv-keys that works but if I do caff 0xE061E1F6 then no go05:33
nathwillyou must stand on your head and name the day of the discordian calendar while typing the commands05:38
bkerensakees: I think Bilal helped me fix05:41
bkerensahe told me to remove ~/.caff/gnupghome completely and re-run caff with the keyids05:41
nathwillyaaay... apparently the juju guys realized that their docs are terrible and commissioned someone to fix them05:41
keesbkerensa: oh-ho! excellent.05:43
bkerensakees: yeah but its prompting me for each key >.<05:46
keesbkerensa: right, you need to examine each fingerprint and decide if it's okay, say y/n then "save" at the end.05:53
* nathwill yawns17:50
nathwillcoffee coffee coffee17:50
bkerensanathwill: HP's VP of Cloud Sales is hooking me up with free HP Cloud indefinitely22:59
nathwillyou should let him know that thanks to their agreement to certify ubuntu for proliant, they made a sale23:01
bkerensa;p nathwill he isnt server sales23:02
bkerensaman my mini-fridge is stacked with cold beverages and booze23:03
bkerensanathwill: I get to have some 18 year aged rum tonight :D23:03
bkerensanathwill: its the victory drink :)23:04
nathwillbkerensa: victory?23:05
bkerensanathwill: :P idk Jorge Castro is hooking the Juju charmers team up with some private stock he has been sitting on23:05
nathwillbkerensa: sweet23:05
keesbkerensa: hp could> nice!23:49

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