
LLStarksthis is going to be fun.10:58
LLStarksgoing to put a quantal iso on my usb stick. give it 4gb of persistence. and then shove prime kernel and latest woring drvmodelv3 xserver commit on it.10:59
LLStarksjust on the off chance that the drvmodelv3 intel ddx compiles.10:59
LLStarksi imagine this would be easier if i knew how to package and chroot properly11:09
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
tjaaltonLLStarks: excellent, please post your findings to ubuntu-x@ as well :)16:09
dzragonsolution to 120hz was easy, just disabling nvidias "force gpu-scaling" and poff! 120hz16:12
=== ara is now known as Guest39400
LLStarkstjaalton, didn't get very far: http://pastebin.com/9bLJpNSP20:07
LLStarksif a prime preview ppa is to be feasible for qq, airlie needs to publish stable commits for every component20:08
LLStarksbuilding the kernel and xserver is the best i can do with zero instructions20:08
tjaaltonLLStarks: thanks, it's a rocky road I bet20:09
LLStarksall the patches floating around on the mailing lists and git trees aren't much help. this is going to be test upon landing.20:11
LLStarksfor the xserver, commit d381abf2655bd6752469567570e0afa572f0f0a7 is stable to build, but the ddx won't build against even with heavy cherry picking. i can't build drvmodelv3 master because airlie keeps breaking randr over and over20:14
tjaaltonthe log looks weird20:14
tjaaltonthe format20:14
LLStarksthe drv stuff is supposed be the magic that attaches gpus to the screen20:15
tjaaltonok it's not that weird anymore20:15
LLStarksjust gonna have to sit until he pushes more commits. xserver and the intel ddx are active again after weeks of silence.20:17
LLStarksnot sure when the 1.13 window is, but he looks determined to make20:18
tjaaltoni think the merge window closes by midsummer or so20:20
tjaaltonso maybe six weeks from now20:21
bryce_Sarvatt, would you add mlankhorst to xorg-edgers?20:51
bryce_Sarvatt, also make me admin of that team too20:51
=== ara is now known as Guest22943
RAOFbryceh: Yo!  Time for mlankhorst's induction?22:13
RAOFbryce_: We're in the bar on level 2.22:14
bryce_ok.  lemme extracate myself from this session22:14

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