
gryhi! why does ubuntu have a kvirc 4.1.1 in repos if latest stable is 4.0.4?00:41
=== jay is now known as Guest66272
tsimpsongry: looks like Debian started taking SVN snapshots instead00:47
grytsimpson: No. Debian stable has a
grytsimpson: http://packages.debian.org/stable/kvirc00:55
alicia_bhi  :)04:34
alicia_bQuestion about Kdenlive- How can I move a video channel above or below another video channel?04:34
Daskreechalicia_b: I've never used KDEnlive but that's an interesting question. You mean like an Alpha channel or vertically on the screen?05:10
alicia_bDaskreech: vertically on the screen05:10
DaskreechHmm. it's a non linear video editor isn't it?05:11
alicia_bDaskreech: yes05:14
Daskreechhttp://www.kdenlive.org/forum/having-two-videos-same-time does that help? IT does seem like some work but pretty doable05:15
alicia_bDaskreech: Nah, I'm just trying to move one of the channels below the other in the program layout. Nothing to do with compositing. I appreciate your help.05:21
Daskreechalicia_b: but it's PIP right?05:24
alicia_bDaskreech: idk05:24
DaskreechPicture in Picture. Having two videos running at the same time on the screen05:27
alicia_bDaskreech: no i don't want pip05:30
alicia_bDaskreech: I want to move one of the channels below the other in the program layout05:30
=== HelenB is now known as HelenTheMelon
alicia_bI want to take Video1 and move it below Video205:31
Daskreechhow are they situated now?05:32
alicia_bDaskreech: Video1 is above Video205:35
Daskreechas I said never used kdeenlive so this may be a a stupid question but can't you just drag them into place?05:38
alicia_bDaskreech: I can drag the clips within them, but I'm trying to figure out how to move the entire channel, because one channel may have 100 clips05:41
DaskreechAh right I see05:50
alicia_byeah, it's troublesome05:51
DaskreechI presume you asked on #kdenlive already?05:53
alicia_bDaskreech: yeah, it's dead in there05:56
DaskreechYeah I've often heard that the forums are where you get help for that project06:03
asheshello. i don't know where to ask this, and google's links are outdated. i have a 1.5ghz pentium-m notebook with 1.5gb memory, and a 64mb video device. i do use swap space during normal operation. youtube HD videos play terribly... what is the most likely cause?06:11
ashesi don't want to invest in more memory if the cpu is the problem06:12
ashes2gb is probabyly the max i can have06:12
Daskreechashes: Likely your videocard06:15
DaskreechP-M is not a very capable Processor despite the M06:15
DaskreechIt's not for Multimedia. It's more for powersaving06:15
skreech_Flash is one of those bits of software that get progressively more hungry with each release.06:18
ashesskreech_: yes, i see that, but at the same time they can not allow themselves to become unusable06:19
skreech_As in noticeably more hungry. Adobe Reader used to be just as bad. You'd upgrade one version and it suddenly wouldn't be usable anymore06:19
skreech_ashes: Well they have dropped out of mobile since they can't adapt to that space so I think that your line of thinking seems flawed06:19
ashesflash has to be playable on a mobile phone, or else people simply won't use it06:20
skreech_Well Adobe killed all the future Flash on a Mobile projects06:21
ashesfrom what i see smart phones are taking over06:21
skreech_And that's with phonesgoing Dual and quad core06:21
ashesreplacing laptops06:22
* skreech_ hugs his Mer project06:22
ashesanyway. i don't want to get into what other people should do with themselves06:22
ashesi would just like to watch youtube videos06:23
ashesand it sounds like i need a new cpu06:23
skreech_ashes: For information gathering I can't imagine an office with everyone just doing work on their cellphones06:23
skreech_ashes: I just use youtube-dl but I may be a strange case06:24
ashesthe mobile phone internet market is probably the most growing market06:25
=== Mamarok is now known as Guest59350
ashesi also use youtube-dl, and then mplayer has amazing difficulty playing the mp406:25
ashesi end up downloading a massive video06:25
ashesthis problem is new as of 2012, for me06:27
Daskreechashes: how old is the laptop?06:28
ashesmy video chipset was put on market in 200006:28
alicia_bashes: What you could do is download videos locally and play the with a player like vlc06:28
ashesso about 10 years06:28
alicia_bashes: I do it all the time, and the video's consume much less resources06:29
ashesalicia_b: i tried that, using mplayer, and the problem videos cause problems for mplayer too06:30
ashesmost videos are ok, but some are a serious problem06:30
Daskreechashes: do you have an example one?06:30
Daskreechcourse I'm on a super beefy machine here so that doesn't help06:30
alicia_bashes: "problem videos"? Could you link an example?06:30
alicia_bashes: Also, you can set in youtube what your default player resolution is. Mine i set at the low 320p setting06:31
Daskreechalicia_b: Ick06:31
alicia_bs/is/should be/06:31
ashesnow the video is playing well, but i recently rebooted06:33
ashesso this would be a ram issue06:33
alicia_bashes: Do you know how to check if your RAM is low?06:35
ashesi use free -m06:35
alicia_bashes: Do you see a lot of harddrive accessing while trying to play videos?06:36
ashesnot right now06:36
alicia_bYou will see the hard drive light blinking a lot if it's a RAM issue06:37
ashesbut i have fewer tabs open than normal06:37
ashesmy cpu is about 15% idle06:37
ashesi'll have to look for a 2GB stick of memory06:38
ashesbump myself to 3GB or something06:38
alicia_bashes: I have 1GB of ram in my system06:38
ashesi have 1.506:39
alicia_bashes: Are you using FF 11?06:39
alicia_bWell there is an extension for Firefox that allows you to unload tabs from memory. It keeps the tabs in your tab bar, but they only load when you want them to. It's called bartab06:40
ashesmemory seems to be my problem. i'll find a big chip of memory, and my problem should go away06:41
alicia_bashes: firefox can also be set to not load tabs into memory on startup06:42
alicia_bashes: I use an indicator applet that sits in my tray at all times, it tells me if my system is using a lot of CPU or HD input/output.06:44
alicia_bashes: If the issue is hard drive input output, then it's RAM, because the hard drive swap space is being used.06:46
alicia_bAnd hard drive swap space is super slow06:46
ashesthe video i had a problem with, with mplayer, is working fine now. that means it's ram, not cpu06:47
alicia_bashes: I would tend to agree06:47
alicia_bashes: the extension bartab will save you on ram06:48
ashesi think chrome also does that06:49
alicia_bashes: you could be right :)06:49
ashesi dropped two tabs and got about 50mb of memory back06:49
asheschrome is especially good for multicpu systems, which i do not have06:50
ashessystems which have memory to spare06:50
asheschrome puts each tab on a different cpu06:51
alicia_bI think the youtube player is different now, in that some of the videos they send only load into memory instead of being saved on disk. This could possibly also have an affect06:51
andrey_is it possible to perform the system administration of Ubuntu on the Python language?06:54
andrey_is it possible to perform the system administration of KUbuntu on the Python language?06:54
alicia_bandrey_: I'm not really sure what you mean by "system administration".06:56
andrey_administration of the system .., management of software, automation through cron, process control, etc.06:59
andrey_safety management systems Configuring Web servers, network protocols work with the system07:01
skreech_andrey_: Yes07:04
andrey_I just hesitate between what is best to learn python or C + + for this purpose ..07:09
skreech_For system Admin? Python is a much better choice07:12
skreech_You want small scripts for administration07:12
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lordievaderGood morning08:41
alkisgHi, I have a nikon coolpix camera an in Ubuntu I can automatically access it with nautilus in this url:            gphoto2://[usb:002,005]/08:49
alkisgI installed gphoto2 in kubuntu but I still can't access the camera, any help? Do I need specialized software in KDE, like e.g. digikam?08:49
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lordievaderalkisg: How does your camera connect to your pc?08:55
alkisglordievader: thank you, they answered me from #kde and I solved the problem by navigating to camera:/ from dolphin08:57
lordievaderalkisg: Ah oke, great that it is working for you :)08:57
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mokushFarlahelm: hey09:41
Armageddonis there a way to restrict specific applications from showing in the tree ? as in package manager10:13
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kpochaHello !10:59
kpochaTher's someone whos speak spanishe there ?10:59
szal!es | kpocha11:00
ubottukpocha: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:00
natmanwhen im printing i am getting pages that look like QR codes across the page, yet other times the document prints fine, can anyone help12:21
kbroulikis there a way to find out which hardware/program is blocking Suspend To RAM?12:24
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BluesKajhey all13:44
kg_slHi all, is there a permission system in Linux, where we can have differnt group permission for same file?14:00
BluesKajkg_sl, yes14:03
kg_slreally.. mmm any reference ?14:03
BluesKajusers and groups , read and/or write permissions as a user or group14:04
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:04
kg_slthank you for the info BluesKaj, but if we have two groups like admin and root and I want to have differnt permission for those two groups.. is that possible?14:07
kg_slor do I need to read more on FilePermission ? :)14:08
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:09
BluesKaj!info admin14:09
ubottuPackage admin does not exist in precise14:09
kg_slno nope no.. I took an example.. lets say we have a file called.. test.. and it belongs to user:user.. I need group1 to have read permission file, group2 can only write into it?14:11
BluesKajkg_sl, I'm an ordinary home user , so I'm not well versed in the various levels of permissions used in workplace situations'14:11
kg_sloh ok.. but I really appreciate that u tried to help me :) thank u14:12
BluesKajkg_sl, are you running kubuntu ?14:12
kg_slconnecting thru Quassel14:12
akoma1sI'm kinda confused by http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.3 . Is 4.8.3 going to hit the Precise repos?14:15
BluesKajok , open the kmenu >computer>system settings>user management , there are options and settings there for users and groups and their various permissions14:15
BluesKajkg_sl, ^14:15
kg_slok .. I'm looking into that14:15
qbitkg_sl: I don't know much of anything about this, but what you're looking for might be ACL (access control lists) - man acl might be a start14:16
qbitkg_sl: and I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to use - just aware it exists14:17
BluesKajakoma1s, it's in the backports , sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports , then update  and dist-upgrade14:17
akoma1sBluesKaj: thanks for the fast reply :)14:18
kg_slBluesKaj: maybe I would look at what qbit suggested, the default permission scheme seems not to support my requirement. Thanks for the suggestions qbit14:18
akoma1sI wanted a clarification on the "...until the packages are available in the official repositories." bit though14:18
akoma1sDoes it referring to Quantal or Precise official repos?14:19
akoma1sIs it*14:19
BluesKajkg_sl, ok , I'm glad qbit came up with that suggestion ..never heard of it14:19
BluesKajakoma1s, both , 4.8.3 is default in quantal14:20
kg_slyes.. I have heard.. but haven't used it.. time to read .. hehe.. thank you so much guys..14:20
akoma1sBluesKaj: right, thanks :)14:22
=== thiago is now known as Guest94987
Voodooalguien sabe como instalar el draftsight en presice 6414:47
BluesKaj!es | Voodoo14:48
ubottuVoodoo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:48
BluesKajVoodoo, de nada14:50
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone14:55
phoenix_firebrdkg_sl: hi14:56
kg_slhi phoenix_firebrd14:57
=== Guest94987 is now known as xth1
Peace-anyone knows ho to get  this ? http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-ubuntu214:58
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: hi14:59
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: hei14:59
kg_slPeace-: right click on the dolphin tool bar and go to configure tool bars14:59
Peace-kg_sl: ok but i can't put them on the right15:00
Peace-no way15:00
kg_sldoes drag and drop of icons works..?15:02
kg_sldo it while u are configuring tool bars15:02
Peace-kg_sl:  can you do it ? like in the screenshot?15:02
Peace-kg_sl: wtf it works15:03
Peace-damn it15:03
kg_slyeap.. looks like I can do it..15:03
kg_sldid it worked?15:03
kg_slhehe ok15:03
Peace-kg_sl: it's a strnage way to do it15:04
kg_slyeah.. first I thought.. he might have put some space between it.. empty area.. kinda thing.. but drag and drop is the way to do it.. KDE rocks..15:05
Peace-kg_sl: it doesn't work15:10
Peace-kg_sl: you can do it right but when you close dolphin you get the old config15:10
kg_slreally.. ?15:10
kg_slwait till I check it myself..15:10
kg_slaww.. pain.. hehe15:11
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: i found a way to do it, but its not the proper way, because of the absence  spacer tool item.15:14
kg_slI think we have to untick 'lock toolbar positions'15:17
Peace-let me check15:17
kg_slyeap.. it works..15:18
kg_slkinda foolish.. not to notice it..15:18
Peace-here doesn't work15:18
kg_slworks for me.. need a screen shot ;)15:18
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: http://imagebin.org/21212515:19
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: ok close and reopen dolphin15:19
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: nothing happened, remains the same15:20
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: kde  version ?15:20
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: i have done it in a different method15:20
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: 4.8.215:20
Peace-kg_sl: here i have phoenix_firebrd http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-el411415:21
Peace-but after15:21
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: how did you do that?15:22
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: right click on tool bar  and then i moved the buttons15:22
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: let me try15:23
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: => http://simplest-image-hosting.net/png-0-wq411415:23
kg_slhmm looks like my method is bad..15:24
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: oh, ok, going to tryu that15:24
kg_slwhen we open a new dolphin window... the changes are gone..15:24
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: how did you do that ?15:25
Peace-ok i have to go but i will leave pc here answer me so i will read after15:27
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: instead of a spacer tool item i used an item called "editable location" tool item and edited its text with space characters. the disadvantage is the prefix and suffix charectors should be a visible one, i used a colon and a dot15:28
Peace-phoenix_firebrd: got it but it is very very nerd way15:37
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: ya, its a bug in dolphin, we should file one15:37
phoenix_firebrdPeace-: either dolphin should retain the location of the tool items or it should offer a spacer item15:38
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=== administrator is now known as Guest69348
kami84grI might sound silly but I just wanted to thank the Kubuntu team for bringing me back to the *buntu family after 6 years ...I've been through Debian, Fedora and Arch but now thanks to the 12.04 release it is Kubuntu all the way!16:13
ASLCan anyone give me some assisstance with a ubuntu 12.04 problem?16:39
DarthFrog!question | ASL16:39
ubottuASL: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:39
ASLSorry.. New here. Im having this problem where when i restart ubuntu it just stays on a black screen and doesnt boot, as soon i restart with the ubuntu CD it boots right up and i can login and use it.16:40
ASLI can also suspend and power right back up but as soon as i shutdown/restart it just sits16:40
=== Guest19768 is now known as Aranel
BluesKajstrange , I've relabled the external drive with the parition manager , but the UUID string stiil appears on the icon , rather than the label name. It seems like I'm stuck in cycle ...all tutorials describe the same procedure for renaming the UUID as a label, which isn't working , any ideas?16:45
xixorYo, how does one change the audio playback device in kde/kubuntu?  Cheers17:56
phoenix_firebrdxixor: system settings-> multimedia->phonon->audio hardware tab18:00
xixorphoenix_firebrd: ok, thanks18:02
phoenix_firebrdxixor: yw18:02
xixorhm... so, I have a M-Audio Fast Track USB audio device that I am trying to use.  It shows up in kinfocenter, and in the Phonon system settings, as "M-Audio Fast Track Analog Stereo", but when I "Test" the play back, no sound18:04
=== che is now known as Guest8284
xixorbut when I do the speaker placement test, "Front Right", "Front Left", it works18:05
xixoranyone know what is up?18:05
BluesKajxixor, in the terminal , aplay -l18:05
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: hi18:06
xixorBluesKaj: Yeah, it shows the device: card 2: Track [Fast Track], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]18:06
BluesKajhi phoenix_firebrd18:07
xixorBluesKaj: It's very strange.  In the "Audio Hardware Setup", testing the speaker location sounding, playing the front left/front right sound, it works18:08
xixorBluesKaj: But in the "Device Preference" tab, playing the Test sound, nothing plays, and I can't get it to output sound with any program18:09
BluesKajxixor, ok , do you have pulseaudio installed18:11
BluesKajxixor, also pastebin the output from , lsmod | grep snd18:12
xixorBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/CjWXPpN018:13
xixorBluesKaj: yes, pulseaudio is installed... gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio, libpulse-mainloop-glib0, libpulse0, libpulsedsp, pulseaudio, pulseaudio-module-x11, pulseaudio-utils, vlc-plugin-pulse, a few others18:14
BluesKajxixor, install pavucontrol as well18:15
xixorok, installing now18:17
BluesKajin the terminal type ' alsamixer ', make sure the Master, PCM,  Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key'18:17
BluesKajthen turn those controls up to the max18:17
xixorhm... in alsamixer, the device only has a PCM, nothing else18:18
BluesKajunmuted= 00 in the box at the bottom the ctrl slders18:18
xixorso does that mean the device can only play uncompressed audio I wonder?18:19
xixorah, apparently I need to reboot for pavucontrol, brb18:20
BluesKajok xixor I'm not real familair with usb audio cards , I also have a m-audio card, and I also have only pcm ctrl , because I have no speakers connected to it18:20
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: if i remember correctly, you dont like pulseaudio18:21
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, no I don't , but I have to use it for webaudio content18:23
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ya, i remeber you saying that, you said there will be a solution soon18:24
BluesKajok xixor I'm not real familair with usb audio cards , I also have a m-audio card, and I also have only pcm ctrl , because I have no speakers connected to it , or any breakout cables . It feeds my audioamp .is your setup similar?18:24
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ya right about the html5/webm thing18:24
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: are you asking me?18:25
BluesKajalsa and flash don't link on websites , phoenix_firebrd18:25
xixorBluesKaj: I have built in motherboard audio, which works fine, it just "crackles" when the volume changes.  I also have an M-Audio USB device, one of their lower end models, the FastTrack USB18:25
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ya18:25
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, no , I was asking xixor18:26
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: ok18:26
BluesKajxixor, does the usb audio device connect to a speaker system or an amp or both ?18:27
xixorBluesKaj: It is directly connected to some powered speakers18:27
xixorBluesKaj: I can get sound out of them on this device... in the "Audio Hardware setup", I can hear the front left/front right voice, and in pavucontrol, when I change the slider on the device, I can hear the little "Blip" sound when you move past 100%, but that is all, I can't get the other test sounds to work, or audio apps to play to the device18:29
xixorBluesKaj: I notice that when I run alsamixer, the USB deivce isn't the default, but the mobo soundcard is the default18:30
xixorBluesKaj: I use F6 to select the sound card, and I see that the PCM is unmuted on the M-audio card18:31
BluesKajxixor, ok , unless you want to use the mobo soundcard , best to would disable it in the bios , then if possible enable the usb soundcard18:33
xixorBluesKaj: when I cat /proc/asound/cards, It shows the M-audio card as the last card, http://pastebin.com/GRFPwXx518:33
BluesKajxixor, sudo modprobe snd_usb_audio18:35
xixorBluesKaj: So, I downloaded and installed Audacity, and if I specifically select the Fast Track USB Audio Device, I can play a file and hear the sound18:36
BluesKajxixor, you can try editing the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf with root permissions, add this line to bottom,  options snd-usb-audio index=0, then make any other snd modules =-218:38
BluesKajpavucontrol also can direct the sound for you if you set it up to use the usb device18:40
xixorwhat do you mean direct the sound?18:41
u19809HI all, what do I need to compile a 32bit qt 4.8.1 app under precise pangolin 64bit ?18:41
BluesKajfrom alsa to all installed media , players xixor18:42
xixorBluesKaj: This is interesting... I have pavucontrol opened, and it has like a VU slider below the audio device whenever it receives a signal.  In the phonon control module, if I play the "front left"/"front right" sounds, I can see that VU meter move, and I can hear the audio.  When I play the "Test" sound, I can see the meter move, but there is no audio being played18:43
BluesKaju19809, build-essential , and perhaps cmake18:43
u19809Hmm ... the problem is not the build chain but th qt32 bit libraries  They seem to be in a different location and I do not know what the proper packages to install are18:44
BluesKajxixor, what default device do you have chosen in phonon device preferences?18:44
xixorBluesKaj: I have the Fast Track setup as default.. by default, I mean I have "prefered" it over the other devices, and moved it to the top of the list as the device for music and video18:45
BluesKaju19809, if you have arch support installed , 32 bit should compile18:45
xixorBluesKaj: ahhh, I got it instead of being on the Music/Video/Games subselection, I had to change it under Audio Playback18:45
BluesKajxixor, have you tried editing /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf with root permissions , as I suggested above ..then you may have to reboot18:46
u19809Blueskaj : that is the problem ... I have upgraded from oneric to precise ... what is this 'arch support" ? ia32-libs ? that is installed but it only points to transistional packages ..18:48
xixorBluesKaj: so now, I can get audio out of VLC, but not amarok18:49
xixorfun stuff18:49
BluesKaju19809, it's like ia32libs , but my understanding is it's a better system18:49
BluesKajxixor, Iasked you a questio above about alsa-base.conf .. did you see it ?18:50
xixorBluesKaj: yes, I have edited that file, but haven't rebooted yet18:50
BluesKajok , time to reboot xix18:50
BluesKaju19809, archsupport should be default in precise , you can check for yourself18:51
u19809Blueskaj : how can I check for this ? Packages ? Files ?18:53
BluesKaju19809, hang on , i don't see it , unless it's renamed18:54
xixorBluesKaj: Hm... after rebooting, the M-Audio device doesn't show up18:54
BluesKajxixor, lspci -nn | grep -i audio19:01
xixorBluesKaj: yeah, it's no longer listed19:02
BluesKaju19809, look for multiarch in your package manager19:02
BluesKajwhat is listed xixor ?19:03
xixorBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/vm6iW6Zd19:03
xixorBluesKaj: it shows my motherboards audio device, and apparently my video card has an HDMI audio device or something19:03
BluesKajxixor, yes , did you disable the onboard audio in your bios ?19:04
xixorBluesKaj: nope19:05
u19809Blueskaj : i do have ia32-libs-multiarch:386 installed but a dpkg -L on reveals no libraries just some docs19:05
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* BluesKaj shrugs ...xixor , that's probly why your usb isn't showing19:05
u19809I also have mulitarch-support installed but that seems a transistional package19:05
phoenix_firebrdu19809: are you using qt sdk?19:07
BluesKaju19809, yes I suppose it will remain so 'til there are no more 32 bit aps19:08
u19809on oneric I used getlibs to download appropriate libraries ... so no I use the standard qt packages ... I think19:08
BluesKaju19809, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec19:10
u19809blueskay ... that clarifies things  I do have these subfolders but the link paths in the compile step refer to the old /usr/lib32 ...19:16
u19809I need to find out why ... thanx19:16
genii-aroundPerhaps someone may know offhand: Is there a way to prevent kdm from blanking the screen before it shows the background which has been set in it's theme? ...I have same background now set for grub, plymouth,kdm, ksplash, and main desktop. I'd like it to appear continuously from grub menu until desktop is loaded.19:16
=== Guest89727 is now known as AD
phoenix_firebrdu19809: search for "universal binaries" topic in qt documentation19:18
tsimpsonuniversal binaries are a feature of Mac OSX19:20
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: does putting "CONFIG+= x86" in the .pro file create a x86 exe?19:22
BluesKajgenii-around, install grub2-kde-config-grub2 , then you can configure grub appearence in a handy gui, with better options . It installs in system settings>startup and shutdown by default19:23
BluesKajoops genii-around , kde-config-grub219:23
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Does it eliminate the screen refresh which seems to happen when kdm loads?19:24
BluesKajhmm, genii-around , no i don't so :(19:25
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Right now I have a background which gets loaded during grub... it appears continuously until kdm starts... screen then blanks 3-6 seconds until the same backgound reloads. Which after login stays again until desktop is up. So it sort of looks like a hiccup19:27
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: how to find the arch of a biniary?19:28
genii-aroundfile binaryname19:28
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: "ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV)" in this what does x86-64 mean?19:31
phoenix_firebrdgenii-around: sorry that was a dumb question19:35
Wizardphoenix_firebrd: Some people say there are no stupid question, there are only stupid answers. :P19:36
phoenix_firebrdWizard: :)19:36
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* Wizard yawns.20:12
WizardDoes anybody know if I can offer kubuntu to my customers?20:13
WizardI mean, install it for cash and so?20:13
phoenix_firebrdWizard: i think you cannot sell kubuntu20:14
phoenix_firebrdWizard: you can charge for the service , but not for the distro20:15
WizardAnd if the service is "to burn it on CD"? :>20:16
phoenix_firebrdWizard: you can charge what ever for the burning thats upto you, but anyway you cannot charge for the distro. You better read the license agreement20:18
WizardI have to :)20:18
phoenix_firebrdWizard: you have to what?20:19
WizardRead the license.20:19
phoenix_firebrdWizard: ya20:19
Wizardapt-cache search battle20:22
IdleOnepermission denied20:23
WizardSorry, I forgot to enable focus follow mouse.20:24
=== felipe__ is now known as Guest74269
JuanKHi all !!!!22:02
roscoeHello, everyone. I'm new to ubuntu and kde. I'm trying to install clamav and kde won't recognize my sudo password. Anyon have any advice for me?22:07
BluesKajroscoe, any reason other than you're connected to windows pcs to install clamav?22:18
roscoeyes, I have windo$ machines on network22:20
roscoeMainly concerned about KDE not recognizing sudo passwd22:21
Walexroscoe: the 'sudo' password is your own account password.22:30
Walexroscoe: many people configure 'sudo' to request again the user's own password before enabling it for a time. For the case when a 'sudo' user account has been hacked.22:30
roscoeyup. however, KDE won't recognize it. Eviedntly, KDE is looking for the user to be root?22:31
Walexroscoe: no, 'sudo' specifically allows a non-'root' user to issue 'root' commands.22:36
Walexroscoe: if 'sudo' cannot match the password you type in with your password there can be one of several issues.22:37
Walexroscoe: just to make one check, try to 'su - $USER' to see if 'su' can do it.22:37
roscoeWalex: 'su - $user) returns su: authentication failure22:45
Walexroscoe: that's not very good news at all.22:48
Walexroscoe: unless you typed it literally as you typed it here.22:48
Walexroscoe: try again with 'su - ...' with your username in lieu of the ellipsis (without the single quotes)22:49
Walexroscoe: the environment variable '$USER' has the value of your current login name, but '$user' is not a standard one22:49
roscoeWalex: Understood $USER to be variable. I typed: 'su - g-001'. I am finding info that I may need to add user to the wheelgroup to have KDE recognise current user (g-001) as having su priviledges?22:51
u19809hi all, I cannot find a 32-bit version of the libQtUiTools.a library anymore ... where could I find this ?22:51
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Guest70327anybody from pl??23:58

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