
=== ara is now known as Guest66847
CarlFKI have 6 used  boxes - need to wipe the drives (  dd /dev/zero is fine) and install - does the installer have something to make this easy?16:13
tsimpsonCarlFK: do you really need to wipe the drives? you could just remove all partitions and start over18:10
tsimpsonunless, I suppose, you're selling the boxes after18:11
CarlFKtsimpson: worse:  being donated to a hacker space :)18:11
CarlFKand mainly because I promised I would.  and wondering what's available18:12
tsimpsonah, well I don't think the installer has a "burn my disk" option18:12
tsimpsonI don't even remember seeing that on the alternate installer18:12
tsimpsonCarlFK: it does have an "Erase and use the entire disk" option, but I think that just deletes the partition table18:16
CarlFKI use the alt - I'll hit a console right before the setup partition step and see what is there.  guessing dd18:17

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