
Jordan_Ukgee: What tool? "sudo mount -o remount,rw /"?00:00
* electronics-cat fires a bitto00:01
toausdoall hail wise council of teh ubuntu!00:01
toausdoif I have a working liveCD system, but only a mouse pointer in the installed system... any hunch what that may be?00:01
mcphailtoausdo: has the unity bar auto-hidden?00:02
toausdonope. no unity, no desktop. just black and a mouse pointer00:03
toausdothanks for the time, mcphail!00:03
mcphailtoausdo: do you get as far as the login screen?00:03
toausdono, although I set auto log-in on request of the owner of the computer00:04
toausdoso, I should see no login sceen00:04
mcphailtoausdo: if you drop to a terminal are all of the usual gui programs running from "ps aux"?00:05
toausdoI'd love to check, but Im not in front of the box anymore00:06
toausdowent home to catch some sleep...00:06
mcphailtoausdo: speaking of which, 1am here. Goodnight00:07
toausdo2 am here00:07
toausdosleep tight00:07
electronics-catis this a common problem00:07
toausdoand thanks for the help, much appreciated!00:07
kgeeokay, thanks to Jordan_U, I finally have root on my server. Now why can't my user log in? there is no encrypted volume, I've removed all the files there. I have an empty home drive, and I've uninstalled the ecryptfs-utils package. Still not letting me get in00:07
electronics-cati think fglrx exploded00:10
craigbass1976I've got icecast and darkice that I'm trying to get started at boot.  Icecast starts, darkice won't.  Once I'm booted though, I can run the same script I'm calling during boot and things run fine.  Where do I find out what's messing up? Nothing in any of the logs that I can see00:11
Jordan_Ukgee: What is the name of the non-root user?00:11
Luceoelectronics-cat: What's the problem? My fglrxexplodes regularly00:12
electronics-cattold me it failed to install through ubuntu's restricted drivers thing, however it works fine...00:12
Jordan_Ucraigbass1976: How did you configure the script to run at boot? How are you running it after boot?00:12
kgeeJordan_U: false alarm; /home/<user> got removed somewhere along the way00:13
kgeefinally up and running, not for a lack of heart-attack 'omg months of work was just lost' panic00:13
craigbass1976Jordan_U, update-rc.d start-stream defaults  where start-stream is a script that restarts icecast (in case it wasn't running) and starts darkice using suchandsuch as a config file00:14
regeyaok, I finally saw the 'musical instrument' comment and chuckled.  sorry, was afk.  when you have daughters who are 3 and 7, afk happens a lot :->00:15
RichMobile12.04 server 64 | Highpoint Rocket Raid 622, 4-bay esata raid5. Got the drivers installed, Web interface is working. Disk/by-label shows up RightTower -> ../../sdb2 --------- I can not for the life of me get this to mount00:17
Jordan_Ucraigbass1976: I asked two questions. You answed only one of them.00:17
andrewb80hey guys anyone had problems with 11.01 freezing up if left idle for a few minutes. I have the same version running on 3 different machines and same problem with all three. Only way to get out of it is hold power down and force restart. Any ideas? I do frequent updates.00:17
Jordan_U!sysrq | andrewb8000:17
ubottuandrewb80: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key00:17
craigbass1976Jordan_U, Oh.  After boot I just do a /etc/init.d/start-stream00:18
Catbus_thanks to the guy who let me know that I can use GNOME with 12.04! It's savd my life00:18
FrozenMindRichMobile - Can you show us the command you are using to mount sdb2?00:18
Jordan_Uandrewb80: It's probably related to the screensaver starting. With buggy graphics drivers a 3D screensaver could cause a crash.00:18
msquarmeundergraduate projects for Ubuntu?00:19
andrewb80ubottu: thanks Ill read about that00:19
ubottuandrewb80: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:19
RichMobile•FrozenMind• sudo mount /dev/sdb2 -t cifs /mnt/RightTower | mount.cifs: bad UNC (/dev/sdb2)00:20
PePeR_anyone up for some openarena?00:20
regeyaugh, that showed up as an alert at the bottom of the screen.  thanks, empathy.00:20
andrewb80Jordan U: Im running cairo dock on all three is it possible it has to do with that? Ive noticed its buggy.00:20
Jordan_URichMobile: cifs is a network fileystem. Why are you using -t cifs when trying to mount a partition?00:21
PePeR_cairodock is amazing00:22
andrewb80Anyone found any good docks to use in Ubuntu?00:22
RichMobileguess I dont konw what fs the raid was built with, ext3 and ext4 wont wotk00:22
andrewb80PePer: I know I like it too its sick but is it better to use open Gl or the other one? Im sorry for the dumb questions Im new to ubuntu00:23
FrozenMindRichMobile - cifs you need a ip address to mount with... have you tried it without -t?00:24
PePeR_i use cairo dock w/ unity effects or whatever its called00:24
PePeR_not using cairodock now though00:24
PePeR_im on my lurking 24/7 computer00:25
andrewb80Maybe thats whats making it glitchy on my system. I got it running on some older machines, Ill try the other one.00:25
PePeR_running irssi through the terminal00:25
RichMobilemount without -t fails00:25
Jordan_URichMobile: With what error message?00:26
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )00:26
RichMobilethe help file for mount00:26
Jordan_URichMobile: What is the exact command you ran?00:26
andrewb80PePer: can you recomend any good tutorials on using the terminal. Seems so much better Id like to use it more00:26
RichMobilesudo mount /dev/sdb2 ext3 /mnt/RightTower00:27
PePeR_I'm using the book Ubuntu linux toolbox00:27
PePeR_but there are plenty of great tuts online00:27
andrewb80In digital format? Pdf?00:27
PePeR_yea prolly00:27
escottRichMobile, why dont you just mkfs on that device? Are you trying to get data off of it?00:27
m477how to cat all sub-files in directory, instead of writing cat */*...etc00:28
Jordan_URichMobile: "ext3" was part of the "-t filesystem" argument. Just run "sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/RightTower".00:28
RichMobileyes it has data00:28
PePeR_Though the ubuntu linux toolbox has pretty much every command you'll need.00:28
andrewb80Awesome thanks Ill check that out00:28
ztag100How do I change it so that wifi doesn't disable when I close the lid?00:29
RichMobileholy crap thanks Jordan_U00:29
ztag100on a laptop00:29
PePeR_prolly in the screen options00:29
regeyaabout ready to tell my wife that these kids will just have to wait.00:29
escottztag100, that may not be safe. a lot of laptops are speced to a particular thermal profile which assumes the lid is up00:29
regeyaconsidering trying the firewire card on my mythtv machine but that'll require pulling something else out of it first :-}00:29
ztag100I always want wifi on though...00:29
regeyawait!  I have that awful wifi pci card in the thing, and have it plugged into a switch these days.  woohoo!00:30
ztag100or atleast, for it to disable after 30 minutes, instead of imediatly00:30
regeyawish me luck, folks; I'm off to try to get my old dv camera talking to ubuntu.00:31
Jordan_Um477: find /path/to/directory/ -type f -exec cat '{}' \;00:32
echo083i'm sharing my internet connection from my ubuntu computer to another ubuntu but i can't ping my computer outside the sharing computer is it normal ?00:32
BFranksI installed ubuntu in text only mode.. didn't have it on the LAN when I installed.. picked 'setup networking later' and now I can't get eth0 to go dhcp or static.. DERP.. Been too long for me since I've been stuck on the shell00:33
OerHeksztag100, must be fixable in laptop-mode config >> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/intrepid/man8/laptop-mode.conf.8.html00:34
BFranks(and all my google searches take me to brilliant ass help pages that suggest I do an apt-get for a networking tool) ;p00:34
OerHeksuhh intrepid is old, >> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/laptop-mode.conf.8.html00:34
escott!ics | echo08300:37
ubottuecho083: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing00:37
echo083escott, what means ics ?00:37
ev_when i sarted my laptop up just now my tackpad doesn't work. my usb mouse does. is there anyway to restart my trackpad, or diagnose what is wrong?00:37
echo083ubottu, i was able to share my internet connection but i can't access the computer B form computer C using internet connection from A00:38
ubottuecho083: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:38
echo083escott, i was able to share my internet connection but i can't access the computer B form computer C using internet connection from A00:38
Kendallif i setup an external hard drive to boot off to install Ubuntu, do I need to copy the files on the external drive over so they don't get erased?00:40
Kendallor can there be files on the hard drive and not be wiped when i set it up for boot00:40
escottecho083, what is the network topology? How are A,B,C connected?00:40
neukadminhi, I have two  network interfaces in a domU (both by pci passthrough) one with Intel 82574L the other with 82579LM chipset the first works with my dhcp server, the second doesnt, what may be the reason for this?00:40
KendallAnd this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick will work for an external hard drive right?00:41
echo083escott, i have a router R which provide internet to computer A and C and the computer B access internet from A where i have configured ICS but I can't ping B from C i'd like to know if it is normal :(00:41
BFranksfucking LOL.. I'm even stuck in vi now.. I thought it was : w enter q enter ?00:42
bazhangBFranks, no cursing here00:42
BFranksshuzbat ... even ctrl+z doesn't take me to shell.?!00:42
escottecho083, thats expected. A acts as a NAT in the same way that R does. you wouldn't be able to ping A or C from the other side of R and you can't ping B from the other side of A00:43
curahackHey all! I resized my windows partition and now grub doesn't load windows anymore how can I update grub from Ubunu 12.04 ?00:43
BFranksOoooh ctrl+alt+del still works! YAY!00:43
bastidrazorBFranks: not knowing what you're doing is no excuse to blame the software you're failing to use.00:43
joshdevel12Hey, guys   i uninstalled fglrx last night   however, when i go to start Xorg, i get an error about fglrx not existing   what do i do?00:43
PePeR_I'm using irrsi.00:44
BFranksbastidrazor: Wait one sec.. "Man this Ubuntu is CRAP!!" .. There.. now you have a valid comment.. :p00:44
escottBFranks, might you have hit ctrl-s (I do that all the time thinking im in emacs)00:44
echo083escott, ok ok :) i understand you are right it is like a new network00:44
bastidrazorBFranks: you're still to blame for your failure to use the software.00:45
PePeR_anyone up for some openarena00:45
bazhang!ot | PePeR_00:45
ubottuPePeR_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:45
BFranksbastidrazor: Correct. What's your point? .. I'm not on here asking for help because I know the answers. ;)00:45
bastidrazorBFranks: then you're in the wrong channel. pointless banter is silly here.00:46
KendallIf I make my USB external hard drive bootable to install Ubuntu off of boot, will it still be detectable by OS's such as Windows and even Ubuntu?00:46
joshdevel12Can anyone help me?  I currently cant evenget a gui.00:46
stars69can someone help me with how to put some certain application on startup00:46
BFranksJust need to know "On the shell, how do I add eth0 to my ifconfig as auto/dhcp" .. cause I've been away from the shell too long.. Also I need bastidrazor's cosmic location.. He's having an argument with himself that's not relevant to anything on the channel. ;)00:47
escottstars69, what kind of application, when do you want it started, and what user is running this (regular user or super user?)00:47
mintdo you have to use software raid when using a ext3 partition00:48
Jordan_Umint: No, why would you think that?00:48
escottmint, no00:48
stars69escott, i want ssh runing as soon as system started, any user that be fine00:49
joshdevel12Seriously, nobody knows?00:49
escottstars69, sudo apt-get install openssh-server; thats all you need to do00:49
stars69escott, how about eggdrop, i want this run also00:50
BFranksjoshdevel12: If startx doesn't work I am useless.. ;P00:50
KendallCan someone answer my question from above please00:50
user1234567how do I make my nickname unique?  I keep having to make a different one on different computers, I'd like to have 1 single nickname on all00:50
Jordan_Ujoshdevel12: Please be patient. "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-fglrx-backup"00:50
bazhanguser1234567, register it on IRC you mean?00:51
user1234567yes bazhang00:51
escottstars69, never heard of eggdrop00:51
bazhang!register | user123456700:51
ubottuuser1234567: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:51
escottstars69, but you can put your own services in /etc/rc.local (although its not usually used for services). you might just want to write your own upstart job00:51
joshdevel12Jordan_U: ive already done that   i cant think of a reason why it still points to fglrx, but im guessing it has to do with update-alternatives.00:52
user1234567thnx bazhang00:52
stars69escott, eggdrop is a robot bots sit on the channel for you(www.eggdrop.org)00:52
Jordan_Ujoshdevel12: So you currently have no /etc/X11/xorg.conf at all?00:52
bazhangKendall, you want to make an external, removable usb hdd both an installer and a bootable live hdd?00:52
KendallI want to make it bootable so I can install Ubuntu00:53
bazhangKendall, why that , and not a usb flash stick00:53
KendallBecause I don't have one with me at the moment.00:53
Jordan_UKendall: So you want to make an external USB drive which will boot the Ubuntu installer, so that you can install Ubuntu to an internal drive?00:53
stars69escott, do you have any sample of upstart script?00:53
escott!upstart | stars69 also see /etc/init00:54
ubottustars69 also see /etc/init: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:54
Jordan_UKendall: OK, and you're asking if you can configure this external drive to boot the Ubuntu installer without losing the files which are currently stored on it?00:54
OerHeksKendall yes, your ext hdd will appear in linux/windows, and you can use the free space to make fat32/ntfs partitions, which will appear as regular partitions.00:54
stars69escott, thanks alot for your help00:54
KendallJordan_U: Yes, but I've been reading that it can't be NTFS, so I will have to backup the files and reformat it as FAT32 or something?00:55
BFranksRadical.. I just skipped 3 buses to stick around work on a Friday just to get this box online so I can remote in and all I've done is get eth0 into the interfaces list but it won't dhcp .. muuuh.. (just wimpering as I google search)00:55
KendallOerHeks: So it can be bootable, but still be recognized right?00:55
KendallOn both Windows and Ubuntu00:56
Jordan_UKendall: It can't be NTFS if you're using the easy GUI tools. If you are willing to do some manual grub-foo it can be done from USB though. It's much easier to install grub if you have another Ubuntu system on hand, installing grub from within Windows is possible but makes things even more difficult.00:57
BFranksWell no.. I don't have it setup right : ifup: interface eth0 not configured00:57
mintdoes ubuntu need some kind of driver or something to run raid00:57
KendallJordan_U: I think I'll just reformat it as a FAT32. FAT32 can be seen by Windows right?00:57
Jordan_Umint: Are you using Ubuntu or Linux Mint?00:57
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:58
Jordan_UKendall: Correct. You'll of course have to backup your files before you do that, and FAT32 has some annoying limitations like not being able to store files larger than 4 GiB.00:59
BFranksYup.. vi broke my /etc/network/interfaces file.. Isn't there a quick way to rebuild it?00:59
minti use a raid controller00:59
Jordan_Umint: FakeRAID?00:59
mintshould i reset my raid and use software raid01:00
Jordan_Umint: I don't think that Ubuntu's installer currently handles FakeRAID properly. Why are you using FakeRAID rather than linux mdraid?01:00
KendallJordan_U: Ok, I think I'll just reformat it back to using NTFS after I'm done through Windows then. So is this Linux Live USB Creator all I need in order to make the USB ext HDD bootable, or do I need more than that because it says it has the option to reformat it into FAT3201:00
Jordan_Umint: Yes, mdraid is much better than FakeRAID. You'll need to use the alternate install CD to install to mdraid though.01:00
mintcause my motherboard does not support 6 hhds01:01
=== Shojo is now known as HugsSlut
=== haruband__ is now known as haruband
BFranksWoooo! I'm just going to reinstall on Monady.. Nuking your /etc/network/interfaces file does NOT cause it to be re-built from defaults.. FWIW.. Have a great weekend #ubuntu ... thanks for all the unrelated and off point replies. :)01:02
Jordan_Umint: If it supports FakeRAID with 6 hard drives then those same drives can be accessed directly and used in mdraid as well (Once you're out of the BIOS in early boot it's the linux kernel which handles FakeRAID anyway, there's nothing really special about the hardware other than having more connections for hard drives than most).01:03
OerHeksBFranks, you didn't ask for help, you said.01:03
mintwell i am running a home server01:03
bazhangsudo dhclient eth0 BFranks01:03
alex_____I'm having an install problem with 12.04 lts is this the right place to ask that question?01:05
stars69what is the cmd to scan hard drive for error from ssh terminal?01:06
escottstars69, fsck but it must be unmounted or mounted read-only01:07
celthunderstars69: fsck alex_____ yes01:07
stars69escott and celthunder thanks01:07
alex_____I used wubi at first which installed with no problems untill boot up then I downloaded the cd and installed with no problems but its doing the same thing.  I get the login screen. Login and the system hangs.  When I load the fail safe graphics mode it says low graphics mode and my screen graphics card and input device could not be detected.  I'm running a Dell Inspiron about a year and half old01:09
msquarmeI installed my ubuntu 11.10 using wubi installer. It says error wubier when i start up my pc but it is working01:10
celthunderstars69: any useful logs01:12
stars69celthunder, yes that fsck is worked :) take sometime to scan, can i scan multiple hardrive on same time?01:14
escottstars69, sure01:14
stars69escott, what is the cmd to do that?01:15
celthunderstars69: why not?01:15
celthunderstars69: just open a new tty or vtty01:15
stars69celthunder, oh ok thanks01:16
stars69it would be nice if we can do multiple on one ssh terminal screen01:16
celthunderstars69: if nothing else send the first to the background or use tmux/screen01:16
celthunderif that wuld suite you better01:17
celthunderwhatever works01:17
stars69celthunder, thanks01:17
saryalex_____: did md5 test the iso image before bugning , you should also burn to a CD-DVD01:17
sarywith a slow speed.01:18
alex_____I didn't do the md5 test.  Do you know how to do that in Windows 7?01:18
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:18
msquarmehow to fix error with wubi installer01:20
saryalex_____: see if you can switch to a text console (tty) by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 .. if so , log in with your user name and password , and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade , then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.01:20
escottstars69, open multiple ssh sessions or use screen01:20
saryalex_____: last , reboot and see how it goes .01:20
User123Hi aLL!01:21
User123Any here?01:21
User123Who can help me plz?01:21
alex_____that sounds great.  I can certainly log in in a console I've tried it already but I'm a newbie and I don't know how to connect to the Starbucks wifi from console01:21
sary!ask | User12301:22
ubottuUser123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:22
User123ok Sarah01:22
User123What plugins Geany have for for Python?01:23
User123Any here?01:24
User123What plugins Geany have for for Python?01:24
User123Geany is IDE01:25
User123Please Help?!01:25
User123!ask | User12301:26
ubottuUser123, please see my private message01:26
bazhangUser123, what does apt-cache search geany say01:26
User123oh u bot01:26
User123who can help me?01:26
bazhangUser123, what does apt-cache search geany say01:27
bazhangUser123, I just answered you, Twice01:27
=== HugsSlut is now known as HuggleSlut
User123Please help me anybody?01:28
PePeR_with what?01:28
bazhangUser123, I answered you01:28
User123u not01:28
PePeR_not what?01:28
User123list plugins please01:28
User123ant themes too01:29
bazhangUser123, stop repeating and check with that command01:29
saryalex_____: iwlist wlan0 scan01:29
User123what u want?01:29
Fred219Hello, since upgrade, I have no top panel or left launcher in unity or unity 2D. And if I try to reset unity I get "warn failed to receive configurenotify event" and the system hangs.01:29
User123i repite my qustion just01:29
frgwebHow can I activate dual nics?01:29
User123because all time people enter in chat01:29
bazhangUser123, stop, and run the command I suggested01:30
User123run comman ? who command?01:30
frgwebI set them up through the network manager(GUI) and I can hit both locally but not all addresses work from the outside01:30
bazhangapt-cache search geany       <---------- User12301:30
User123apt-cache search01:30
bazhangUser123, in a terminal, not here01:31
Diamondcite[21:27:11] <bazhang> User123, what does apt-cache search geany say  <--- Do this in a TERMINAL WINDOW, not this chat channel.01:31
User123me on Windows now but i have on ubuntu Geany too01:31
User123just i want list of extensions01:32
User123Any Python Developer here?01:32
QualiaHello everyone respect and jah bless ya sons, cheers for the rastafari. Anyways, the Ubuntu startup loadscreen is always showing on LOW RESOLUTION. I figured this out when I changed the graphic drivers. Do you have any suggestions ?01:33
bazhang#python User12301:33
saryFred219: was the upgrade process interrupted somehow !01:33
Qualiais fglrx not worth using?01:33
DiamondciteUser123: If you actually ran that command in the terminal, it would have given you a list of plugins(extensions) for Geany which ubuntu comes with..01:33
Fred219sary: no all seemed to go well.01:33
User123What Better Eclipse+PyDev or NetBeans?01:33
bazhang!best | User12301:34
ubottuUser123: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:34
User123i want all python plugins not only in oficial ubuntu repo01:34
User123!best ide python01:35
ubottuUser123: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:35
rainfyrehi all. Is it accurate to say that Ubuntu is based on Debian Sid?01:35
User123no work01:35
bazhangUser123, #geany01:35
IdleOneUser123: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:35
User123geny its a little universal text editor and ide with no many functions01:36
bazhangUser123, /join #geany01:36
User123i on geny01:36
ev_when i sarted my laptop up just now my tackpad doesn't work. my usb mouse does. is there anyway to restart my trackpad, or diagnose what is wrong?01:37
User123Cannot send to channel: #python-unregistered01:37
bazhangUser123, then ask there.01:37
IdleOne!language | User12301:37
ubottuUser123: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:37
bazhangUser123, register and stop cursing01:37
bazhang!register | User12301:37
ubottuUser123: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:37
DiamondciteUser123: Everyone has their own prefference in IDEs/editors to use. Since what you are looking for is not officially part of ubuntu, please try asking in #geany as the users in there are more likely to have a better idea as to how to meet your needs.01:37
User123WTF? why i need registration for ask question?!?!01:38
User123its stupid01:38
JonEdneyWhat the heck is going on in here!?01:38
bazhangUser123, not an ubuntu issue. stop with the offtopic here or I will remove you01:38
DiamondciteUser123: Alot of people just join and spam, registration (with any name, even disposeable ones) makes sure bots can't just join, flood and go without a trace.01:39
JonEdneyI'll never understand people.01:39
njuettnerthumbs up01:39
Fred219thank you01:39
JonEdneyUnfortunately, maturity isn't a requirement before accessing the internet.01:39
Diamondciteev_: I am not sure how to answer your properly, but maybe the next time it happens you can atleast try an lsusb to see if the touchpad can be detected atleast?01:40
Fred219I have purged and reinstalled unity, but still have no top panel or launcher and the same error when trying to restart unity.01:41
ev_Diamondcite: thanks for the reply, my issue persits. i will look into lsusb. thanks again01:41
Diamondciteev_: Err hrm... nvm.. I have no idea how to check input x.x01:41
njuettner@Fred219 so a unity --reset didn't help?01:42
ev_Diamondcite: wireless mouse detected, no mention of trackpad. I suppose a fresh reboot may solve it but was just curious if a there was a command fix.01:42
Dougie187I'm having trouble with flash in 12.04. It crashes in firefox a ton.01:43
Diamondciteev_: Did the system sleep/suspend at any point in time?01:43
Diamondciteev_: Or how about a softkey which disabled the touchpad which most notebooks seem to have.01:43
bpcompcan someone help me track down why my sound device is busy01:43
funaneed help whit vpn server01:43
ev_Diamondcite: most likely, not 100% for sure01:44
Fred219njuettner: no, it drops all window decorations gives the "warn failed to receive configurenotify event" error and just hangs01:44
njuettner@funa what do you want to know01:44
funai installed pptpd and set it up but it wont work01:44
Diamondciteev_: Do you know which driver it uses? (wonder if something like the synaptic driver was simply unloaded)01:45
funanjuettner, i have ununtu 10.04 is there a web page that will tell me how to do it01:45
Diamondciteev_: On most laptops there should be an Fn + F# key combo which disables the touchpad and can re-enable it too, give it a shot?01:46
LoOoDDoes anyone else have a problem procps in precise? Does "service procps start" no longer work?01:46
Diamondcitebpcomp: Busy to an app or busy to pulse audio?01:46
funanjuettner, i tryed this one http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=13202901:46
bpcompbusy to pulse01:46
jduranbogeri nedd some help with my ubunto 12.04 and my modem 4g01:47
bpcompI can see the card in alsamixer01:47
ev_Diamondcite: well i use an hp laptop. i will google what they use for the trackpad. and yes i tried the key combo. if i find what service uses the trackpad is there a way to reload it?01:47
shashihello people01:47
bpcompwhen I try to play a file with aplay directed at the sound card it says busy01:47
jduranbogerwhere can i get help??01:47
shashican any one ell me why my cam is not working with skype01:48
DaDaDOSPromptanyone happen to know a good channel for discussing monitor hardware?01:48
Diamondcitebpcomp: pulse is supposed to superceed also.. how about playing a sound file from a web browser with flash? any sound then?01:48
bpcompno sound at all01:48
saryFred219: what is the configuration event complaining about ?01:48
bpcompthere was before01:48
KPGCould anyone clarify where the lastest version of Kazam Screencaster (1.3) saves recorded videos to by deafult?01:49
shashihey ms do you have a soluion?01:49
Diamondcitebpcomp: Crashed/stuck open media player?01:49
msquarmeuse cheetah and configure the cam01:49
bpcompI've since rebooted01:49
msquarmei had the same problem01:49
craigbass1976This is killing me.  I can't get a command to run at boot, but it runs fine afterward.  I can't find errors to let me know what happened either01:49
shashiwher edo i get cheetah01:49
bpcompI installed some programs01:50
bpcompafter reboot no audo01:50
msquarmeu can get it from the repository01:50
Fred219sary: sorry just running command again to see error01:50
bpcomppossibly tied to OGMrip  or skype install01:50
shashiwhat does that mean/01:50
ev_Diamondcite: thanks for your help, im out01:51
shashii dont understand.01:51
msquarmemean use apt-get install cheese01:51
Fred219sary: lots of errors, couldn't load a lot of plugins01:52
shashii did install cheese..but even afetr that i could not use it,01:52
msquarmeu can go to skype configuration and activate ur video01:53
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shashiits activated.01:53
msquarmethen what?01:54
QualiaHello everyone respect and jah bless ya sons, cheers for the rastafari. Anyways, the Ubuntu startup loadscreen is always showing on LOW RESOLUTION. I figured this out when I changed the graphic drivers. Do you have any suggestions ?01:55
QualiaThink its something with fglrx01:55
shashidont know some how i am not able to use cam anywhere01:55
DaDaDOSPromptso you've changed the graphics drivers?01:55
DaDaDOSPromptyou've got just one screen, or more than one?01:55
zyltoidthe new ubuntu is awesome !01:55
Qualiame ?01:55
DaDaDOSPromptQualia, you01:55
Qualiaone screen yeah01:56
DaDaDOSPromptbut now it's all low res?01:56
shashii like xubuntu better01:56
DaDaDOSPromptyou messed with something such as the Catalyst Control Center?01:56
Qualiacould be01:56
DaDaDOSPromptthat might a good place to try to tweak the resolution01:56
msquarmehow shashi?01:56
zyltoidi like xubuntu as well, but there's no nice integrated 3d composite01:56
Qualiait happened right after i updated ubuntu01:56
Qualiabefore upgrading to 12.0401:56
Qualiaone of the updates fixed tihs01:56
Qualiathen i realized there wasnt fglrx installed01:57
DaDaDOSPromptso it's fixed?01:57
Qualiai thought it would be a good idea to install that01:57
shashii dont know i am a new user and started using it one month ago.01:57
Qualianow its back to low res again, things are slower01:57
Fred219sorry, running unity --reset command locked my system up.01:57
msquarmehave u start the classic ubuntu01:57
shashisince then i have never been able to use my cam on any of linux01:57
shashino  i use xubuntu01:58
shashii just installed skype today01:58
shashimy cam work good with cheese.01:59
msquarmeI will meet u there buddy01:59
Fred219I get this error in Unity - libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:59
msquarmewe will have video chat02:00
shashisure you want my skype id?02:00
shashiits dr.sbp02:00
msquarmemine is msquarme102:01
shashicant find you.02:02
bpcompsound problem fixed02:02
shashisend me a request on dr.sbp02:02
msquarmeok i will02:02
zymasterhey does anyone know what the deal with "locked" files is. I insert a usb device  I check it's permissions and I have full permissions to read and write to it. When I do something to it as root it works but when I do something to it as me it does not work. Also when I look at it in files it shows up with a little lock on its icon so i dont know what this means. Also when I plugin it in it usually ends up being something like /dev/b02:05
zymasterus/usb/005/something or other02:05
bpcompzymaster: your system is mounting the usb as readonly02:06
zymasterHow do I fix that? Also its permissions are 770 and I am in the owning group02:06
zymasterthanks im such a noob02:07
bpcompwell it can be a pain to fix sometimes02:07
zymasterDo you know where I might reference a tutorial? Thanks Ive been tearing my brains out trying to solve this02:08
Fred219Just thought I would let you know. I purged fglrx-updates and rebooted and unity came back.02:08
bpcomplemme look online a sec02:08
PePeR_does the USB device have a switch on it?02:09
PePeR_or any other mehcanism?02:09
bpcompcan you write a file to the drive from the command line?02:09
shashihave you send me a request yet?02:09
bpcompzymaster: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1448092.html02:10
saryFred219: is everything working now !02:10
bpcompcheck this page02:10
zymasterok thanks02:10
Fred219sary: seems to be.02:11
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Fred219very odd, that removing a package solved the problem.02:11
nmatrix9Hey guys is there premium support for Ubuntu?02:11
saryFred219: whats the version of fglrx currently installed.02:12
nmatrix9I really need to set up a ubuntu system with Raid 10, non of the online blogs are helping as they seem to be leaving out some critical steps02:12
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nmatrix9Been stuck on this for a week now02:12
nmatrix9Just moved over from centos 5.602:13
nmatrix9premium as in paid support?02:13
Fred219sary: how do I tell02:14
bpcompyes nmatrix9 there is02:14
bpcomphang on02:14
bpcomplet me find it for you02:14
saryFred219: apt-cache policy fglrx .02:14
bpcompnmatrix9: http://www.ubuntu.com/business/services/overview02:15
PePeR_Wow. Didn't know about that premium thing02:15
Fred219sary: fglrx:02:16
Fred219  Installed: (none)02:16
Fred219  Candidate: 2:8.960-0ubuntu102:16
Fred219  Version table:02:16
Fred219     2:8.960-0ubuntu1 002:16
FloodBot1Fred219: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:16
nmatrix9thx bpcomp02:16
sarythats alright Fred219 , next time use pastebin service .. like paste.ubuntu.com :)02:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:17
fl0w3ri have never installed ubuntu. will it install on just about any computer. i would like to isntall on an dell optiplex gx520 that has windows xp (i dont need the data on it any more)02:17
saryfl0w3r: i don't see why not :)02:18
bpcompsounds good fl0w3r02:18
Fred219sary: ok, looks like no additional drivers installed now. :-)02:18
saryyou could try it brfore installing thoug , and see how things go.02:18
PePeR_if you're not running Ubuntu then I question why you're on the Ubuntu IRC channel02:18
fl0w3rwill i need to download drivers like i do after a windows install02:18
bpcompyou might need to for somethings02:19
bazhangPePeR_, to get info about it02:19
manny550I need some quick help02:19
bpcompbut probably most stuff witll just work02:19
fl0w3rPePeR_: wanted to ask the question before i wasted time on it and then i find out it's not compatible02:19
PePeR_wouldn't google work better?02:19
bazhangfl0w3r, try the live cd, first02:19
saryFred219: Right , i was just about to inform you .02:19
bazhangPePeR_, no need for that02:19
fl0w3ri was already on irc, PePeR_02:20
fl0w3ralso PePeR_ you being condescending would be better in real life then here but you're still here02:20
PePeR_are there any popular irc channels that aren't support channels?02:20
manny550so my buddy's laptop's hard drive has really bad sectors in it and theres no operating system on it, I've tried long formatting with windows xp boot CD but it shuts down 2% in the download does anyone know something I could use that can fix bad sectors on a hard drive without an operating system?02:20
fl0w3rPePeR_ google that man02:21
saryFred219: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI02:21
manny5502% in the formatting I mean*02:21
fl0w3ranyways thanks guys i will check out the online forums if i run across any issues02:21
PePeR_I did02:21
fl0w3rgoogle harder than02:21
fl0w3ryou did before02:21
sarypersona: you could use alis to search for channels in freenode .. /msg alis help list02:21
Fred219sary: Thank you02:22
saryErr, that was for .. oh well he/she left already.02:23
saryFred219: you're most welcome.02:23
ActionParsnipquiet tonight huh02:25
saryHi ActionParsnip :) .. it always good to see you .02:26
ActionParsnipawww cute, thanks :)02:27
Qualiageez. Even though i uninstalled fglrx it still detects it... I can't install new ones02:28
samdhi, i just upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and in the pannel if i click the notification icon (the little email) theres a menu that says "set up email" but i already had some email accounts in thunderbird02:28
ActionParsnipsamd: is thunderbird set as the default email app in system settings?02:29
ActionParsnipsamd: may help http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2010/10/22/mozilla-thunderbird-email-notification-in-ubuntu-get-green-indicator-and-gnome-libnotify-popup-for-new-mail/02:30
ActionParsnipsamd: http://iloveubuntu.net/integrate-thunderbird-messaging-menu-thunderbird-unity-menu-extension02:31
samdActionParsnip: yes its set as default, i already had the accounts set up before the upgrade02:32
samdActionParsnip: let me check those links, thankyou02:32
ActionParsnipsamd: may help, not somethiI use02:32
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samdActionParsnip: alright, thanks02:33
saryQualia: what are you trying to achieve exactly .02:34
Qualiasary, i have xorg radeon and fglrx drivers installed at the same time (overwritten ?)02:34
Qualiawhen i remove fglrx, everything is better even in 2d desktop02:35
Qualiaim just not sure what to do02:35
Qualiaactually, sary I want to install the opensource drivers02:37
Qualiaand i found the guide02:37
Qualiaso i dont need help i guess ^^02:37
saryRight , ATI drivers break xorg really easily and vise versa.02:41
haroldwhat would you use to find the ip of a site? whois? that doesn't give me the ip, what would?02:47
`KorvinMy external monitor is not vsyncing02:48
`Korvinhow do I enable that?02:48
`Korvinnvidia card02:48
tonyr2k8harold, network tools, then select lookup02:49
proxinixhost www.google.com harold02:49
ActionParsnipharold: You can also use: nslookup hostname.com02:51
ActionParsnipharold: or dig hostname.com02:52
sary`Korvin: can't you use " nvidia-settings " to enable it from there !02:52
Trippzhello, I  need a very light version of linux for an old notebook (2001 - 2002) someone can suggest me some versions for this use?02:57
veebullso... somehow my / partition suddenly filled up :(02:58
veebullI have a 20GB /, 47GB /home, 200GB /windows, 15GB NTFS restore, and 215GB /srv02:58
veebullearlier today I had ~11GB in /, now I'm @ 18+ GB02:59
Darkenvywhat are the side effects of updating from 10.04 to 12.04? I have to upgrade twice02:59
hashany one here go from 11.10 to 12.0402:59
DarkenvyLOL hash I will be02:59
stanigatorhow would i run command as login shell?02:59
ActionParsniphash: yes via clean install :)02:59
hashi was thinking on it but not sure yet02:59
KingKatarihow do i run a .deb file in ubuntu server 12.0402:59
Darkenvymaybe I could rephrase my question: what are the cons of upgrading instead of a fresh install?03:00
hashany thing different i should know about03:00
Logan_KingKatari: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb03:00
veebullany help?  baobab is scanning... and scanning... and scanning...03:00
Trippzhello, I  need a very light version of linux for an old notebook (2001 - 2002) someone can suggest me some versions for this use?03:00
hashyeah im to lazy to do a clean install03:00
veebullTrippz, lubuntu?  crunchbang?03:01
saryTrippz: you can try lbuntu .03:01
DarkenvyI vote lubuntu03:01
Trippzok thanks guys03:02
DarkenvyIts still quiet usable while still being very fast on old machines03:02
KingKatariis there a way to install a .deb and have it download any Deps needed03:02
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veebullhow do I find what filled up my / partition?03:03
Logan_KingKatari: sudo apt-get install gdebi && sudo gdebi filename.deb03:03
Logan_KingKatari: well, actually03:03
Logan_KingKatari: sudo apt-get install gdebi03:03
Logan_KingKatari: follow the prompts, and once it is installed:03:03
Logan_KingKatari: sudo gdebi filename.deb03:03
Trippzfrom where can I get this OS? have official site?03:04
veebulldid you try googling 'lubuntu'?03:04
Trippzawww sorry, LUBUNTU03:05
veebullyeah... first result is 'lubuntu.net'03:05
Trippzsorry my mistake typing03:05
ActionParsnipKingKatari: you may need:   sudo apt-get -f install    to get the deps of the deb03:05
saryTrippz: no , it's my ty-po .. i aologize.03:08
ActionParsnipTrippz: could install ubuntu minimal then install slim and fluxbox on it, very light even compared to Lubuntu :)03:08
sary!lubuntu > Trippz03:08
ubottuTrippz, please see my private message03:08
Trippzno problem :)03:09
saryveebull: try with Disk usage.03:09
veebullsary, running 'du -h --max-depth=1' right now... gotta go for now.03:10
ActionParsnipveebull: uninstall old unused kernels helps a lot, as well as running:  sudo apt-get clean03:10
ActionParsnipveebull: also look into bleachbit03:11
hashis there any real differences between 11.10 and 12.003:11
ActionParsniphash: 12.04 is LTS03:11
pnp_qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -cpu cortex-a8 -kernel vmlinuz -hda qemu-foo-arm.img -m 256 -append "root=/dev/sda rootwait"03:11
pnp_i need more "-m 256"03:11
hashthe only thing i know about lts is 3 years of service which i dont really know what that means03:12
maryam_anything about removing Unity from the new LTS?03:12
hashor was it 2 years03:12
saryit will be for 5 years sarting with 12.04.03:13
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maryam_removing Unity? how to link?03:13
hashok but whats the support03:13
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Trippzsorry if i ask more, this notebook is a CELERON (R) CPU 2.20ghz , 248 MB RAM, so is LOW ram spec, there are a specific version for LOW ram pc's or is all in one version and i can choose the system for low ram specs? sorry if i ask but im not english and im little lost in the site instructions :(03:14
maryam_try this03:14
maryam_LXDE or XCFE03:14
FloodBot1maryam_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:14
Trippzyes im asking because im in the lubuntu site but i dunno what version i need to download03:14
ActionParsnipmaryam_: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/     a simple 'please' goes a long way03:14
sarymaryam_ , just make sure to install a DE before removing unity.03:14
hashwhat about dsl or microbox i think was the other one03:15
maryam_a DE?03:15
maryam_like gnome03:15
SudoKingTrippz: download the ISO image,03:15
SudoKinggenerally 32-bit03:15
SudoKingyou dont have > 4 GB of RAM anyway03:15
maryam_Xubuntu or Lubuntu is better than DSL for beginners03:15
maryam_32-bit system03:15
maryam_download the 32 bit03:15
saryTrippz: make sure you md5 test the iso , before burnning to a media .03:15
sarymaryam_: please type in ONE line.03:15
maryam_they also have a utility once you run the disk that allows you to autocheck the md5 "check disk for errors"03:16
sary!md5 > Trippz03:16
ubottuTrippz, please see my private message03:16
maryam_so, when Installing Gnome for the replacement of unity; DO I INSTALL gnome first before removing unity or.... do I simply do it in the reverse order?03:17
SudoKingwasn't there an option to select interface on the login screen ?03:18
SudoKingwhy not just select GNOME from there03:18
Trippzok sary im downloading the iso from the official site03:18
SudoKingbut i haven't really looked, so03:18
sarySudoKing: right , but if Gnome is already installed.03:19
saryor any other DE.03:19
kionMaryam have you considered another Ubuntu based distro that has no Unity, like http://pinguy-os.sourceforge.net/03:19
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SudoKingselect gnome as your desktop environment then uninstall unity03:19
kionhow can I create a swap partition and use it as swap with terminal commands?03:20
kionI have a ubuntu server with no swap partition03:21
* sary got so hyped about Gubuntu .03:21
sarykion: you can use fdisk.03:21
maryam_thank you for help @kion03:22
krababbelHi, is there a way to disable the zoom function from the terminal? It seems to lock up my desktop and after a restart it gets automatically started again.03:22
kionthanks Sary, so fdisk is the command line version of Gparted?03:23
SudoKingrather, GParted is a graphical frontend to fdisk ? =p03:23
sarykion: kind of.03:24
kionSudoKing, Sorry that is what I meant!03:24
sarysee man fdisk .03:24
hashso after quick research lts  basically downloads the security updates for 3 years to help prevent bugs and what not correct?03:24
kionsary Yes I am sshing into my ubuntu box and trying man fdisk03:25
msquarmewhere can i get free oracle virtual box for ubuntu?03:25
sarykrababbel: there should be a keyboard shortcuts in terminl settings.03:25
sarykion: nice.03:26
sarymsquarme: as i recall its called virtualbox-ose .03:26
msquarmewhere could i get it?03:26
hashsoftware center03:27
ActionParsnipmsquarme: software centre as usual03:27
ActionParsnipmsquarme: or run:  sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose03:27
msquarmeActionParsnip: thanks i03:28
msquarmealways stuck installing with software center03:28
ActionParsnipmsquarme: its the same, just prettier03:28
stanigatorHow would you suggest to access the terminal settings to set the 'Run command as login shell' checkbox?03:28
msquarmeThank u buddy03:29
kionmsquarme i would do sudo apt-get install virtualbox an tab to see alternatives03:30
krababbelsary: thanks but the desktop session seems to be locked up completely03:30
msquarmeyea u can do it03:30
sarystanigator: Edit > profile > Title and command.03:31
sarykrababbel: what causing that. .. check the ~/.xsession-errors file.03:33
krababbelsary: tried logging in in gnome classic and back, it works now. Will look there03:33
krababbelsary: seemed to be: (gnome-settings-daemon:4283): color-plugin-WARNING **: failed to reset xrandr-default gamma tables: gamma size is zero03:36
krababbelsary: sorry wrong line: ** (nautilus:4322): CRITICAL **: syncdaemon_interface_get_proxy_object: assertion `SYNCDAEMON_IS_INTERFACE (interface)' failed03:37
bmck-if i have 16gb ram how much swap area do i need for the partition03:43
ActionParsnipkion: advising pinguy isn't very wise, it isn't supported here so you are restricting support for the user03:44
krababbelsary: did you get that? In case you want to know xsession errors has: ** (nautilus:4322): CRITICAL **: syncdaemon_interface_get_proxy_object: assertion `SYNCDAEMON_IS_INTERFACE (interface)' failed03:44
ActionParsnipbmck-: do you want hibernate functionality?03:44
ActionParsnipbmck-: and what is the system to be used for?03:44
bmck-ActionParsnip: no hibernate. and just to use for daily use03:45
Trippzisolinux: Disk error 10, AX = 4280, drive EF03:45
krababbelbmck-: does it matter? how big is you hdd?03:45
sarykrababbel: i can't tell whats causing the lock from on line .. you could pastbin the whole output of the file to paste.ubuntu.com  for better investigating .03:45
bmck-krababbel: no it doesnt matter, i have a 500gb hd for it03:46
ActionParsnipbmck-: then 16Gb is loads, you won't need swap03:46
ActionParsnipbmck-: as in, at all03:46
Trippzsary: are you here? i have this error :( ->   isolinux: Disk error 10, AX = 4280, drive EF03:47
ActionParsnipbmck-: if you want to play safe and have drive space to spare you could have 17Gb swap and be fine03:48
sarykrababbel: anyhow , what you try to do before the lock occur .03:48
ActionParsnipTrippz: is that during install?03:48
krababbelsary: http://paste.ubuntu.com/982836/03:48
saryTrippz: what tool you used .03:48
bmck-ActionParsnip: ok thanks03:48
TrippzActionParsnip: yes during first BOOT03:48
rahulneed help in fixing this error03:48
sarykrababbel: thanks .03:48
Trippzsary:  no tool03:49
ActionParsnipTrippz: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?03:49
rahuli'm gettin this error "The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Cannot login"03:49
krababbelsary: I had the zoom, from universal access. I use gnome-shell, nvidia driver,03:49
TrippzActionParsnip: no is from the official site, is not secure? :o03:49
ActionParsnipTrippz: its nothing to do with secure03:49
krababbelsary: I logged in into classic gnome, logged out, and it works again.03:49
Trippzhowever the instructions for the md5 checksum are for linux platforms and now i can operate only from windows03:49
rahuli re-installed power-manager.. but the problem still exist..03:50
ActionParsnipTrippz: its to make sure that the data has been mangled during transmission. The source is irrelevant03:50
rahulany one listening..?03:50
Trippzim in the dark side of the file sharing again03:50
rahulsomeone pls..03:50
Trippznow i try to check the md503:50
ActionParsnipTrippz: how do you mean 'dark side'?03:51
ActionParsnipTrippz: the data needs checking, nothing more or less.....03:52
sarykrababbel: I see.03:52
Trippzyou mean mangled from someone or something? :)03:52
TrippzBY **03:53
Trippzhowever from windows i dont know how to check the code03:53
ActionParsnipTrippz: bad ports and cables can cause bad packets. TCP does an ok job at capturing them but some do get past and cause bad files to be downloaded03:53
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:53
TrippzActionParsnip: this instrunctions are not for linux OS's?03:54
alusion_Hello I know this may not be the right channel but when mounting fans on the roof of a case should I have the sticker facing inside or outside03:54
ActionParsnipTrippz: they are for WIndows, Mac and Linux. What more can you want?03:55
ActionParsnipalusion_: ask in #hardware03:55
wm_eddiealusion_:  In general though think of the air flow of the case.  Heat does moves upwards.03:56
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TrippzActionParsnip: sorry again, impatience is making me make mistakes03:57
ActionParsnipTrippz: its all in the first link, even points you to a handy application...03:58
Trippzim calculating03:58
TrippzActionParsnip: its all ok the MD5 is the same03:59
ActionParsnipTrippz: good, please MD5 test before using images in future ;)04:00
ActionParsnipTrippz: are you using a CD to install, or are you using a USB device?04:00
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TrippzActionParsnip: wait, i have rebooted and now seems working O.o04:01
TrippzActionParsnip: probably a DVD reader with problems?04:01
ActionParsnipTrippz: i'd test your RAM using the memtest option in grub. Get fully updated asap too, may help04:01
krababbelbmck-: A Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 system will run just fine with no swap space at all as long as the sum of anonymous memory and system V shared memory is less than about 3/4 the amount of RAM.04:01
ActionParsnipTrippz: possibly, did you burn the DVD as fast as posible by any chance?04:02
Voolooanyone know the keyboard + mouse combo to resize gnome terminal? alt+mouse1 is move04:02
TrippzActionParsnip: no burned at 70% of max elocity04:02
Vooloonevermind, alt+mouse2 popped a menu04:02
ActionParsnipTrippz: burning slower helps, also not using the junky burner built into Windows helps a lot too04:03
Trippzno no fortunately i use burner Xp04:03
krababbeldvd at about 8-10x i think04:03
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krababbelshould be about most reliable according to a test04:04
john_832Hello all! So, here I am trying to watch Season 3 of Friends from Ubuntu 12.04 and while I'm not getting any codec errors in VLC I'm not exactly getting any playtime....Anyone wanna give me some insightful direction?04:04
Trippzhowever i have started the installation, the screen is totally BLACK but the DVD reader led is flashing, hoping something appear in the screen first or last :D04:04
ActionParsnipjohn_832: what is the media stored on? file? DVD?04:05
krababbelTrippz: do you have a sata burner?04:05
ActionParsnipTrippz: what GPU do you use?04:05
Trippzno, i have an old dvd burner IDE04:05
krababbelTrippz: OK04:06
john_832ActionParsnip, Yeah it's a DVD, more specifically, it's a DVD that wants to be using InterActual Player 2.004:06
TrippzActionParsnip: you mean graphic adapter?04:06
ActionParsnipjohn_832: have you tried a different video output method in the options?04:06
brandonjjohn_832: do you have libdvdcss installed?04:06
ActionParsnipTrippz: the chip on your video adapter, what is it? nvidia? Amd? intel? sis?04:06
ActionParsnip!dvd | john_83204:07
ubottujohn_832: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:07
john_832brandon j, ActionParsnip, Brandon wins! thanks guys04:07
TrippzActionParsnip: in the notebook or in the PC where i have burned the cd?? however PC tower ati hd 5850 - notebook i dont remember :(04:08
shankhsHi, i recently upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and since the upgrade there is no sound :(04:08
shankhsCan anybody please help me04:08
ActionParsnipTrippz: th system you are getting the ba04:08
ActionParsnipTrippz: getting the black screen, the system you burned the CD with is of no interest04:09
Trippzunfortunately i dont remember the GPU of the notebook, intel graphics something, i try to do little search04:10
JonEdneyWhen I upload SSH Key on LaunchPad, do I copy paste everything in the .pub (including the ssh-rsa in the beginning and the user@PC-Name at the end)?04:10
ActionParsnipTrippz: ok then try the boot option:   nomodeset04:11
TrippzActionParsnip: Intel Corporation82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device04:13
ActionParsnipTrippz: yeah try the nomodeset option, works well with intel gpus04:14
TrippzActionParsnip: how to use this mode? sorry but im totally noob with linux04:15
APouloshello folks, anyone in here remember the issue I was having yesterday with determining whether or not I should VM winxp or dual boot it?04:16
APoulosWell, to follow up, I found out a few things04:16
APoulosWhen running the installer for XP on my actual computer, not through VM - i received the notorious BSOD 0x0000004e04:17
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Trippz  sure, new to Ubuntu but I'm very sure you have used web searches to stuff out that was new. yes?04:17
APoulosor something along the lines of it04:17
ubottuTrippz  sure, new to Ubuntu but I'm very sure you have used web searches to stuff out that was new. yes?: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:17
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Trippz04:17
APoulosalong with the parameter - PFN_List_Corrupt04:17
ubottuTrippz: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.04:17
APoulosso basically that translates to Faulty Memory / RAM04:18
APoulosat this point - I think I'm going to run Memtest to see what I can find out about this issue04:18
APoulosif it ends up being just the ram, then no big deal, I guess I can just run a VM - VM's aren't as hard to get running are they?04:19
timothywcranelooing for a windows manager that will allow me to fix window sizes and positions. I want to keep VLC and other programs in line. Now in Unity with Compiz cube. Would like to retain ability to ccsm. Any suggests?04:19
pibarnasis there a ubuntu game channel? I'm having issues with my joystick, I've search around but nothing seem to solve the problem....04:20
timothywcranessl but not worth the pbin04:20
ActionParsniptimothywcrane: you can use ccsm to configure compiz with Unity, it's to be used delicately as it can screw up settings04:20
pibarnastimothywcrane: to fix?04:20
APoulosSo, people, I ask of you, would running a VM be easier on my system? or would it be harder on it because I'm running 2 OS' at once?04:20
ActionParsniptimothywcrane: you can use devilspie (and gdevilspie from google code as a gui) to set app locations and size on opening etc if that's what you want but I'm fairly sure compiz can do that04:21
alecbenzerI'm trying to setup gnome classic in 12.04. I apt-got gnome shell and logged in to the gnome classic session, but some colors seem to be messed up ("Applications" and "Places" are grayed out on the top, there's no ubuntu logo, which it seems like there should be from videos, and the color of minimized windows is off). anyone know why/fix?04:21
timothywcranealready have that configred. I am just looking for a window locking mechanism like in aero. would like to keep in as a simple Wm as going KDE kiosk would be overkill.04:21
ActionParsnipAPoulos: you will be using 2 OSes with of resources at the same time, so not really easier04:22
ActionParsnipAPoulos: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/04:22
APoulosActionParsnip: I'm using that04:22
APoulosActionParsnip: Im using gnome classic04:22
timothywcraneAction gdevilspie play nic with compiz?04:22
alecbenzerscreen shot: http://i.imgur.com/C6WOF.png04:23
pibarnastimothywcrane: pvt04:23
APoulosActionParsnip: I have 3GB of ram on a 32bit dual core AMD processors - would allowing a VM of Windows XP about 1GB of ram be alright?04:23
ActionParsnipAPoulos: could just install xfce4 package and use xfce, much easier and runs a lot like old style gnome desktop04:24
ActionParsnipAPoulos: should be fine. If you need raw usb access then install virtualbox from the virtualbox ppa04:24
APoulosActionParsnip: because the program Im trying to run within XP requires atleast 712mb of ram, so giving the VM running XP 1GB - wouldn't do much damage?04:25
alecbenzerbtw this is a fresh 12.04 install, but I had the same problems with an install I upgraded from 11.1004:25
Trippzok i think the dvd reader is DEAD, now the pc dont boot from cd O.o04:25
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krababbelAPoulos: no, it is a pc, not a bomb :)04:25
ActionParsnipAPoulos: might want to set more then, XP needs ram too :)04:25
saryJonEdney: correct.04:26
krababbelTrippz: I had three die in a row I think04:26
APouloskrababbel: hahahaha well04:26
ActionParsniptimothywcrane: no idea, i hate compiz04:26
krababbelAPoulos: the xp might sometimes be faster calculating, since it simulates a single core using your dual core I read.04:26
Trippzkrababbel: omg linux dvd killer04:26
APoulosActionParsnip Krabbabel: here's my computer - http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en&product=383767404:27
JonEdneyThank you sary I have that done, another quick question.  When I sign the CoC, to I copy and paste everything in the file, or just the PGP Signature area?04:27
ActionParsnipTrippz: could install from USB stick or SD card if your BIOS supports it. It's more reliable and faster04:27
krababbelAPoulos: just try it, you can remove it again, if you want04:27
ActionParsnipJonEdney: I'd ask in #freenode04:28
alecbenzeroh, and more importantly, alt-tab does not work04:28
ActionParsnipJonEdney: took me ages to sign, its not easy imho04:28
ActionParsnipalecbenzer: set the ALT+TAB behaviour in ccsm04:28
APoulosActionParsnip, krababbel  - well I mean I put in 3GB of ram, 1 2GB and kept the stock 1GB so altogether, I have 3GB of ram, but one stick of ram is giving me issues. thats what atleast I'm getting from the BSODs04:28
timothywcranethx Action, thx Pibarnas04:28
juanito_Why do I get "password required" when I try to install CM9 with "novacom boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller2" ?04:28
ActionParsnipAPoulos: then remove the bad stick when the power is off04:29
krababbelAPoulos: take it out, faulty ram is trouble04:29
alecbenzerActionParsnip: I thought ccsm was just for unity?04:29
ActionParsnipjuanito_: because you run the OS as user, any installs will need your password to authenticate04:29
APoulosActionParsnip krababbel I just dont want the bloody thing to burn up - I don't have anything to replace the faulty stick with.04:29
ActionParsnipalecbenzer: its for compiz04:29
ActionParsnipalecbenzer: are you using compiz?04:30
alecbenzerActionParsnip: I'm using plain gnome-classic, which I don't *think* comes with compiz, does it?04:30
ztag100what's the best desktop based email client?04:31
APoulosActionParsnip: btw, you mentioned xcfe4 - it being "lighter" so to speak?04:31
krababbelAPoulos: if you want the pc to work at all reliably, take one out.04:31
APoulosztag100: depends what type of computer do you have?04:31
alecbenzerActionParsnip: I'm having a bunch of other problems too, though (see previous comments), which made me think they were all related04:31
saryJonEdney: I've done it a long time .. can't quite remember .04:31
APouloskrababbel: then wouldn't I have to redo my swap?04:31
ztag100APoulos, what do you mean by that?04:31
krababbelAPoulos: no04:31
ActionParsnipAPoulos: yes, it uses fewer resources than gnome, it also runs a lot like 'classic' gnome04:31
APoulosztag100: well different clients take up different amounts of CPU04:32
alecbenzerhm, you know what, I should probably try a reboot, brb04:32
saryJonEdney: http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv04:32
ztag100Apoulos: this is a mid range laptop04:32
ztag100I want something that can sync calenders as well04:32
APoulosztag100: could you elaborate on your definition of mid range please?04:32
juanito_I use sudo and provide password but I still get the msg.  I get the same results from a Windows machine04:32
APoulosztag100: do you know how many gb of ram you have?04:32
ActionParsnipsary: dude, make a factoid of that please, thats awesome04:33
ztag1004GB ram, core2duo04:33
APoulosztag100: 64bit?04:33
alicia_bKdenlive Question: How can I move a video channel above or below another video channel?04:33
APoulosztag100: then Thunderbird is your best bet for best email client04:34
TrippzActionParsnip: is possible this bios recognize an external dvd writer? i have one04:34
mintwindows 8 looks like a tablet OS04:34
ActionParsnipTrippz: possibly, if the BIOS has a setting to boot one then it should be ok :)04:34
Trippzok i try04:34
ActionParsnipmint: WIndows 8 is offtopic here04:34
juanito_APoulos: I use sudo and provide password but I still get the msg.  I get the same results from a Windows machine04:34
APoulosztag100: as far as calendar goes, you may consider looking into google's calendar - instead of one on ubuntu04:34
APoulosjuanito_: what?04:35
ActionParsnipztag100: evolution can sync google calendar if memory serves04:35
pibarnasalicia_b: video channel? or X session?04:35
JonEdneysary, thank you, perfect.04:36
APoulosActionParsnip, krababbel - my swap is currently set at 2.7GB - if I remove the faulty stick of ram wont I need to reduce that?04:36
alicia_bpibarnas: A video channel in kdenlive04:36
saryActionParsnip:  :) , ill see what i can do , but am i allowed to .04:36
ztag100ActionParsnip: would you recommend it?04:36
ActionParsnipAPoulos: more swap won't hurt the system04:36
sary!fact > sary04:36
ubottusary, please see my private message04:36
saryJonEdney: you're welcome.04:36
APoulosztag100: Evolution is good for its calendar, but Thunderbird is where Email really shines04:37
ActionParsnipztag100: i use web stuff mostly, so not sure personally. I've seen people say it's ok04:37
juanito_ActionParsnip:  I use sudo and provide password but I still get the msg.  I get the same results from a Windows machine04:37
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APoulosztag100: I removed Thunderbird because of the resources it was using on my CPU, so since you have more ram and are running a better system than me, I bet you can run it just fine04:37
veebullkc, I'm back ;)04:38
veebullack.  meant that to be 'k'...04:38
ztag100It's going to sync 2 GoogleApps, 2 Gmails, and a hotmail04:38
APouloskrababbel ActionParsnip alright, now how will I be able to tell which one is faulty from using Memtest?04:38
krababbelztag100: switched from web to thunderbird again, it's ok04:38
krababbelztag100: calendar sync works too04:38
veebullis there a correct way to trim /var/log/kern.log and /var/log/syslog files back from 5.8GB each?04:39
krababbelAPoulos: you try them each in succession04:39
personamy monitor settings wont save  ati and its a laptop when i use hdmi it resets to cloning every time is there a way to make it stay at multi desktop and preferably 1080 for the hdmi screen04:39
ActionParsnipAPoulos: you won't from the test, you will need to remove a stick then boot back to the memtest to rerun the test. If you then get a clean test, you have removed the bad stick04:39
APoulosActionParsnip, krababbel - well then, The only thing I worry about now is how my system will adjust to downgrading RAM04:40
linageeis there a fix for "flash always dies on me"? (same happens in firefox, chrome, etc.)04:41
linageesometimes youtube and such work, sometimes they just randomly die...04:41
krababbellinagee: nope, no support for linux at all anymore04:41
linageekrababbel: that's kind of dumb. not everyone has ditched flash yet.04:42
ActionParsniplinagee: can you give a pastebin of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'     Thanks04:42
* linagee shakes fist at adobe04:42
krababbellinagee: adobe has, on linux, google chrome will get updates, but chromium not I think04:42
=== MLBNews is now known as Drubal
DrubalHey guys... ANyone use adobe flash plugin ?04:43
linageeActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/0Wq6rtAs04:43
Drubalmine is stuttering like crazy.... never did it before. Running of flash plugin04:43
APoulosActionParsnip, krababbel would I have to do anything to the system after removing the ram? such as adjusting it down?04:43
DrubalANyone use flash plugin here having troubles?04:44
krababbelAPoulos: no04:44
linageeActionParsnip: I had 11.10 and upgrading to 12.04 did not help. (probably shouldn't have expected it to. I was just... hopeful.)04:44
DrubalAnyone having youtube/flash issues?04:45
DrubalMy flash stutters now and it never used to04:45
linageeActionParsnip: it seems to happen less when I keep the mouse pointer within the flash window04:45
linageeActionParsnip: and by die I mean the puzzle piece guy with the "x"-ed eyes04:46
DrubalWhat is action parsnip04:46
celthunderDrubal: flash is dead...adobe has put there money into html504:46
Drubalcelthunder: tell that to the millions of site using flash for video04:46
linageeDrubal: exactly04:46
linageeDrubal: and not just youtube. many many other third party plugins used on many many sites04:46
krababbelDrubal: it is crashy04:47
ActionParsniplinagee: yes, I get the same sometimes, can you please provide the pastebin of the command I gave please :)04:47
DrubalIt totally stutters now...04:47
Drubaland my CPU usage is fine...04:47
linageekrababbel: has never been crashy in windows. (hate to say it. it pains me.)04:47
Drubalugh I'm going to reboot!!! so lame04:47
DrubalI will be back soon04:47
krababbellinagee: it is for me at least, not as much, but is04:47
linageeActionParsnip: repaste: http://pastebin.com/0Wq6rtAs04:47
celthunderDrubal: dont blame me because your webmasters suck or that youre weired enough to patronize such sites.  kind of like ie devs that moke sites that only work in ie...good luck its not worth the time to view the site then04:47
linageesometimes I get some sort of XID collision message04:48
linageenfi what that means04:48
ActionParsniplinagee: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer      then enable the partner repo (in software centre) then install adobe-flashplugin   and you will get 64bit flash for your 64bit OS04:49
TrippzActionParsnip: ok with the external dvdreader/writer the notebook boot from cd but now, after i select install with nomodeset the dvdstops working and the screen stay black flashing the "DOS cursor"04:49
personamy monitor settings wont save  ati and its a laptop when i use hdmi it resets to cloning every time is there a way to make it stay at multi desktop and preferably 1080 for the hdmi screen when i plug it in? using unity for a desktop environment.04:50
ActionParsnipTrippz: try using safemode vga option04:50
TrippzActionParsnip: there is this function i think04:52
krababbelActionParsnip: are you sure? flash is not under /usr/lib32/ for me04:53
TrippzActionParsnip: mmm i cant find this04:53
krababbelbut nvidia is :(04:53
taunoHello. Can someone tell me what is 'super' key?04:57
pibarnastauno: window04:57
pibarnastauno: windows04:57
TrippzActionParsnip: you mean the text mode interface?04:58
tauno<pibarnas>: I dont have windows putton in my laptop (ibm x41). How i can cet out Ubuntu  Keyboard Shortcut List?05:00
TrippzActionParsnip: i've tried vga=771 but the screen stay black05:03
ActionParsnipTrippz: what is teh amke and model of the system?05:05
ActionParsnipkrababbel: its how I got mine :)05:06
TrippzActionParsnip: amke?05:06
ActionParsnipTrippz: make, its a typo05:06
ActionParsnipTrippz: quite common in IRC05:06
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TrippzActionParsnip:  lubuntu-12.04-desktop-i38605:07
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=== LittleFagThatWon is now known as StevenCodes22
useri guess i need some help05:09
usersomebody please05:10
userhelp me05:10
userye hi) how are you05:11
tamirvery fast :D05:11
ActionParsnipTrippz: no, of the system....05:11
=== user is now known as prefix
TrippzActionParsnip: CELERON (R) CPU 2.20ghz , 248 MB RAM,05:12
=== prefix is now known as prototy
ActionParsnipTrippz: thats not the make and model..that's the specification of the system05:12
tamiri need zpanel help05:12
prototywhy i cant see other users05:12
prototyi need help too)05:12
tamiri installed zpanel05:13
zerovinprototy: they're hidding at your back05:13
prototybly zaebala eta her'05:13
TrippzActionParsnip: iah ok sorry, is a gericom hummer 2240e XL05:13
prototyahaah ))05:13
tamiri installed zpanel after 403 permission05:13
tamirhow i fix it?05:14
prototyi dont realy know)) sorry05:14
ActionParsnipTrippz: try the boot option: vesafb.nonsense=105:15
ActionParsnipTrippz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen05:15
TrippzActionParsnip:  ok I try05:15
TrippzActionParsnip: tell my if im doing correct, i enter this command in the line under the menu, right?05:17
n00bseekwhat's going on?05:17
zerovinwow lots of sleeping user here05:18
n00bseeki guess so05:18
n00bseekhow're you doing zerovin?05:18
Trippzn00bseek: trying to install lubuntu in a gericom hummer 2240e XL, an old notebook but have a black screen problem05:18
zerovini'm fine, u?05:19
n00bseekdon't look at me, sorry.05:19
n00bseekI'm ok zerovin. just seeing what this IRC is like05:19
Trippzn00bseek: :D05:19
zerovinwell it's just text, isn't it :D05:20
n00bseekwhat do you think of the Unity interface? I know some people hate it?05:20
grendal-primeok this is making me crazy...i have a machine with a dvd player in it..05:20
TrippzActionParsnip: i need to enter the command before or after the " -- "  ??05:20
grendal-primeon my network..what the hell do i have to do to start a movie and broadcast it so i can point to it from another machine with no cdrom and watch the damn movie05:20
zerovini use xfce05:20
grendal-primei really didnt think this was going to be so damn hard.05:21
ActionParsnipTrippz: remove: quiet splash   and in it's place, add the new option05:21
TrippzActionParsnip: now appear a list of lines with some information about cache, vpu acpi etc, and a flshing cursor omg XD05:24
Trippzi think is freezed again05:24
linageewill a 4 ohm / 5 watt resistor work for a jhead hotend?05:26
linageeshould be about 3 amps, 36 watts05:26
ActionParsnipTrippz: could use the alternate ISO, it installs in text mode :)05:27
AndChat42681Hi guyz05:28
=== HelenB is now known as HelenTheMelon
arno_Hi, if I install lts. Can I switch easily to "normal" ubuntu later ? Will I just need to change the repositories if I decide I want to upgrade in october ?05:31
TrippzActionParsnip: i give up for now, but thanks a lot  for all your support adn your patience :)05:31
Trippzprobably i try again this afternoon :)05:31
ActionParsniparno_: you can upgrade to 12.10 when it is released in October if you want..yes05:31
ActionParsnipTrippz: np man05:31
Trippzbye all05:32
alicia_bQuestion about Kdenlive: How can I move a video channel above or below another video channel? (Ex. Move Video1 below Video2)05:32
arno_ActionParsnip: ubuntu and ubuntu lts are the same (at install time) ?05:32
AndChat42681Can i do shell command with PHP ?05:32
icerootAndChat42681: yes05:33
icerootAndChat42681: #php05:33
grendal-primeis this so much like rocket science05:33
grendal-primei just want to use the dvd player from one machin on another.05:33
AndChat42681Thx for the help05:34
test1234Is there a install guide for new users?  I am looking to install ubuntu to dual boot a laptop with Windows 7 - 64 bit.05:34
iceroot!dualboot | test123405:34
ubottutest1234: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:34
test1234thank you.05:35
AndChat42681Hi guys i go :)05:36
pratzhey guys what's the best tag editor for linux ?05:36
ActionParsniparno_: the packages are more stable on purpose in LTS, the apps as seen by the lay user will be the same05:40
ActionParsnippratz: there is no best tag editor for any OS05:41
ActionParsnippratz: try easytag......it's not the best and it's not the worst, just like all the others05:42
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veebullIf I have CPU usage of less than 50%, how do I have a system load average over 1.0?05:44
ActionParsnippratz: your question is as intelligent as asking what the best colour is....05:44
RealEyesim so ready for D3 already05:46
msquarmehey What is the advantages of avast anti-virus for ubuntu05:47
arno_ActionParsnip: Are there two different isos for 12.04 if so, are packages more stable in lts or are apps the same ?05:47
waheedI wan't to completely remove LAMP, I tried this http://pastebin.com/appaNJPD but there are a problem...any help??05:48
ActionParsniparno_: there are several ISOs for 12.0405:48
ActionParsniparno_: the apps varied depending on if you use kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu or ubuntu. they will all be officially stable05:49
msquarmewaheed: to completly remove software try apt-get auto-remove05:49
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boumais there a way to integrate clementine with the unity menu05:49
boumalike rhythmbox05:50
zerovinwaheed: /etc/sudoers file in wrong mode05:50
zerovin0777 that's mean anybody can write it05:50
Bruce_WayneGuys, I tried plenty of Video Converters in past like Transmageddon, and handbrake and some others.. None of them worked good enough to convert the videos. Now again this days I need to convert videos to .mp4 format & I hate to boot into Windows just to do that... Please suggest any good mp4 video converters05:50
arno_ActionParsnip: am I assured the versions of underlying libraries are the same between all flavors (ie: same version of sqlite, gtk) or could they be differents ?05:51
ActionParsniparno_: yes that will be identical, just the default DE and apps will differ05:52
boumawill ubuntu preload work with an ssd05:52
ActionParsniparno_: and obviously you can run the gnome apps in KDE and vice-versa05:52
ActionParsnipbouma: sure, why would SSD make any difference?05:53
waheedzerovin : I changed it, but the command doesn't really remove lamp..apache is still here05:54
APoulosActionParsnip, krababbel Well guess what? I found out my 2GB ram stick is faulty.. cant believe it.. I'm pissed..05:55
jacta_mornings :)05:55
ActionParsnipAPoulos: why, ram is cheap05:55
triq6hello everyone, the wifi on my machine is extremely slow. My wifi card uses the Ralink RT2800PCI chipset. I am running Ubuntu 12.04x64. Can anyone help?05:55
arno_ActionParsnip: thanks05:55
boumaalso i want to try xen hvm with pci passthrough under ubuntu1204 dom0 with the nvidia closed driver. is this possible?05:55
pratzActionParsnip: i tried easy tags but i can not select directories at same level05:55
ActionParsniparno_: np :)05:55
APoulosActionParsnip: just a little upset because it was my latest ram chip.. brand new05:55
ActionParsnipAPoulos: then you have warranty :)05:56
APoulosActionParsnip: its about a year old.05:56
APoulosActionParsnip: I got it like last easter05:56
ActionParsnipAPoulos: i'd check how long the warranty is then05:56
triq6Here is a pastebin of 'lsmod | grep rt2': http://paste.ubuntu.com/982941/05:56
zerovinwaheed: what's the output now05:57
newbihello everybody! can someone please help me get through a shared library error. i am absolutely new to LINUX.05:57
APoulosActionParsnip - I can still use my faulty ram until I get/afford a new chip right? On Linux that is05:57
krababbelAPoulos: you will get random errors05:58
krababbelAPoulos: and maybe trash the whole installation05:59
APouloskrababbel: I havent yet - only with Windows installations05:59
ActionParsnippratz: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/puddletag-awesome-mp3tag-like-editor.html05:59
waheedzerovin : sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers.d/README: Permission denied05:59
pratzActionParsnip: downloading the same05:59
ActionParsnippratz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/16036/need-a-mp3-id3-tagger-and-cover-fetcher05:59
APouloskrababbel ActionParsnip Ive gone this long with this faulty ram and the only thing that's happened is errors with Windows Installations.06:00
krababbelAPoulos: then great, just be aware of it06:00
mikelissanybody know why sourcing .bashrc wouldn't work?06:00
newbisombody please help.06:00
ActionParsnipmikeliss: bad syntax in the file.....06:00
mikelissIt's an old .bashrc file...had it for years, suddenly on new server, it doesn't autoload, and sourcing it doesn't work.06:00
ActionParsnipmikeliss: does source have -vv powers?06:00
APouloskrababbel ActionParsnip Because Linux doesnt require everything to be perfect, in terms of ram right?06:01
mikelissActionParsnip: No idea...never heard of such a thing?06:01
ActionParsnipmikeliss: does your user have appropriate access to the file?06:01
ActionParsnipAPoulos: may have just got lucky, its is randomly accessed06:01
mikelissActionParsnip: yeah, I mean, I own it, and have rwx.06:02
APoulosActionParsnip krababbel: would Ubuntu run off of just 1GB of ram?06:02
mikelissAPoulos: It should work fine on 1GB.06:02
mikelissAPoulos: Did it myself. It's not super zippy, but it'll work, yeah.06:02
zerovinwaheed: you have some permission problem there06:03
b4ulook4meRunning 12.04 on USB vbox n e way to improve performance06:03
pratzhey guys any one has a notification script for irssi which works on ubuntu 12.04 ?06:03
alex_hammeranybody speaks portuguese?06:03
waheedzerovin : but I didn't change the permisions of each of these stuff06:03
ActionParsnipAPoulos: sure, did here for a long time, then I maxed out my board (2Gb RAM).06:03
alex_hammeri need help with power button...06:04
ActionParsnippratz: http://code.google.com/p/irssi-libnotify/06:04
waheedzerovin :is there any feature that enables me to restore my system to a fixed point?06:04
alex_hammeranybody helps me?06:04
mikelissActionParsnip: Any other ideas for the .bashrc file? I'm pretty stumped and annoyed with it.06:04
zerovinwaheed: hacked?06:04
ActionParsnippratz: http://www.pieratnine.com/libnotify-irssi06:04
newbican anybody execute a file for me?06:05
icerootwaheed: your backup06:05
ActionParsnipmikeliss: check the man page of the source command, see if it has verbose output, also check you have the right access to the file and that your user is the owner of the file06:05
APoulosActionParsnip - looking for a new stick of ram, what would I be looking for? DDR2 SDRam? or DIMM Memory?06:05
waheedzerovin : like that option in window..that lets you restore your system to a fixed past time point06:05
ActionParsnipAPoulos: find out what your system takes, then get that06:06
mikelissSigh. Can't believe I'm stumped by sourcing a .bashrc file.06:06
APoulosActionParsnip: I dont know what my system takes, I have a 2GB DD2 stick, idk what I'm looking for06:06
mikelissHave all the permissions, can't get it to load, despite it working on a different computer for years.06:06
mikelissNo errors come out...source isn't documented anywhere I can find. -h, and --help, and man source all do nothing.06:07
alex_hammerhello! anybody helps me? i cant power up my laptop with ubuntu 12.04 pressing the power button06:07
zerovinwaheed: use backup if you have06:07
zerovinwaheed: but you must run command as root or sudo06:07
waheedzerovin : I don't06:07
zerovinmaybe others can help06:09
mikelissHrm...bashrc file was copied wrong somehow...very odd, but fixed, finally.06:09
alex_hammeranybody helps me? i cant power up my laptop with ubuntu 12.04 pressing the power button06:10
oratedHello! I added a plugin - Embedded terminal to gedit text editor. The background color of the embedded terminal in the text editor has changed to white. How can I change the color back to its defaults?06:11
ActionParsnipalex_hammer: i'd ask in #hardware then06:12
ActionParsnipmikeliss: coolies06:12
alex_hammertks ActionParsnip06:12
newbierror while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:13
newbisomebody please help06:14
Optichipnewbi: did you check to see if the lib was there?  and what are you trying to open?06:14
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newbiOptichip: hello friend. I am absolutely new to linux and therefore dont know how to do so. can you please tell me?06:15
Optichipnewbi: sudo apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.206:16
Optichipnewbi: should fix your issue06:16
solofightpeople - i wanted to install the latest version of ubuntu so downloaded v12 and burned it in a disk and booted with the disc as first boot disc. the disc is not booting at all - it continously gives me the ubuntu background where the dots beneath it changes from white to orange color06:16
solofightive stayed in this screen for long time now(1 hour)06:16
solofightno progress06:16
Optichipsolofight: did you do a MD5sum on the download before burning to disc?06:16
solofighthowever when i try the same disk in someother computer it works perfectly fine06:16
newbiOptichip: Reading package lists... Done06:16
newbiBuilding dependency tree06:16
newbiReading state information... Done06:16
newbiE: Unable to locate package libstdc++2.10-glibc2.206:16
newbiE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2'06:16
solofightOptichip: md5 is correct06:17
solofighti ran it before burning06:17
ActionParsnipsolofight: did you MD5 test the ISO? Did you burn the CD as slowly as possible? Did you not use the junky burner built into WIndows?06:17
Optichipnewbi:  which version of Ubuntu?06:17
solofightActionParsnip: yes i did - i checked md5 and ensured its the same, i burned the dvd using baristo from my earlier version of ubuntu06:17
solofightopenvoid: 1206:17
newbiOptichip: Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric i386 32-Bit.06:18
ActionParsnipsolofight: and a slow burn?06:18
solofightOptichip: v1206:18
APoulosActionParsnip: okay, so basically whats the difference between:  DDR2 PC2-6400 & DDR2 PC2-530006:18
solofightActionParsnip: nope - it was at the maximum speed06:18
ActionParsnipAPoulos: that's offtopic here, ask in #hardware06:18
solofightbut if thats the problem it should not work in any computer right ?06:18
ActionParsnipsolofight: burning SLOW is better for bootable medias06:18
solofightActionParsnip: ^06:18
Optichipnewbi: open up Ubuntu Software Center type in libstdc++06:19
ActionParsnipsolofight: all I know is burning slow helps06:19
Optichipnewbi: you'll get a list of them all, you want the on that has support for glibc06:19
=== ustreamer-058399 is now known as ustreamer-080323
solofightpeople - i wanted to install the latest version of ubuntu so downloaded v12 and burned it in a disk and booted with the disc as first boot disc. the disc is not booting at all - it continously gives me the ubuntu background where the dots beneath it changes from white to orange color. I did a md5 sum and verified its the same before writing to disc - i used the ubuntu's built in br***** burner06:20
Optichipsolofight: may be some issue with the drive, if you did burn it at the "slowest possible speed" then maybe there's an issue with the CDrom.06:20
Optichipsolofight: you don't need to repeat your issue, just wait for help.06:21
newbiOptichip: i found this while looking for the error in Google: sudo find / -iname "libstdc++*" | grep so06:21
newbiOptichip: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.6/libstdc++.so06:21
=== ludkiller|AFK is now known as ludkiller
Optichipnewbi:  error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 <-- that's the file you're looking for not the ones you posted.06:22
cordovalguys how to allow my firewall to connect someone through ssh to my box?06:23
waheedguys , any way to rollback "system restore" ??06:23
Optichipcordoval: you "port forward" from firewall to your ip on the inside.06:23
wyldecordoval: forward port 22 from your router to your computer.06:23
cordovalthat is what i have done already06:23
cordovalbut it is timing out06:24
Optichipcordoval: have you installed the openssh-server software on your machine?06:24
newbiOptichip: can i do something else?06:24
dixoncxHi all... Help needed for configuring opendns in ppp (Mobile Broadband). I added nameservers through "NetworkManager" but didn't worked. Editing "/etc/resolv.conf"  manually works fine, but need to edit it each time i connect. Tried "chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf", but it says "chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf"06:25
Optichipnewbi: did you locate the package in the software center?06:25
cordovalhow to add a user?06:26
cordovalyueah it was the ip tables06:26
newbiOptichip: i entered libstdc++ and got lots of packages. how to identify the correct one?06:26
Optichipnewbi: are you just trying to run a program or are you trying to install something?06:26
cordoval~ sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT06:26
cordovalhow to create a user06:26
cordovaladduser or useradd?06:26
Optichipadduser should work.06:27
waheedI wanna do a system restore to a previous time? otherwise I have to reinstall ubuntu06:27
solofightOptichip: when i boot from cd one black windows with a blinking cursor appears and then it says http://pastebin.com/0fN4x92006:27
icerootwaheed: as i said already, only possible with your backup06:27
oratedHello! I added a plugin - Embedded terminal to gedit text editor. The background color of the embedded terminal in the text editor has changed to white. How can I change the color back to its defaults?06:27
newbiOptichip: i need to execute an ELF file.06:27
solofightafter the final message it shows me the ubuntu screen which goes on on on06:27
waheediceroot : how to check for backups?06:27
solofightdoes that message http://pastebin.com/0fN4x920 mean anything ?06:27
icerootwaheed: you should know best if you a re doing backups06:28
icerootwaheed: by default there are no backups06:28
iceroot!backup | waheed06:29
ubottuwaheed: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:29
jacta_If i want other window apparance - (other buttons) - where is that in 12.04?06:30
Optichipsolofight: /dev/sda is your primary hard disk I take it?06:30
Optichipsolofight: has this machine worked before?  does it have an os on it now?06:30
Optichipsolofight: will it boot that os?06:30
GhantaCan anyone tell me the user/password of ubuntu live cd? Wasn't it ubuntu/ubuntu?06:30
Optichipnewbi: ELF file is kinda generic, what is the name of the program?06:30
newbiOptichip: its a stegano decoder for a challenge from HackQuest.com The name is "stegano"06:31
OptichipGhanta: thought so but not sure.06:31
sancasi have a problems with Eclipse06:31
sancasi want to update using the menu on Eclipse, Help > Check for Update06:31
solofightOptichip: yes it had worked perfectly fine before i had dual OS (ubuntu 7 + windows xp where xp was installed first and then ubuntu) - recently it gave me error saying - grub error 18; Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS for which people suggested me to install the latest version of ubuntu which is 12. so i deleted the existing partitions using windows xp boot disk and now trying06:32
sancasand i found updates, but i cant update it because i'm not an admin06:32
solofightto install ubuntu v12 for which i get that error said above06:32
GhantaCannot login in after logout. Testing live cd...06:32
newbiOptichip:  "stegano" is the file name. the readme to the file says its been compiled under Slackware (version not mentioned).06:32
solofightOptichip: ubuntu was installed in /dev/sda7 and 8 i guess (8 being swap)06:32
Optichipnewbi:  you'll need to get the source and compile for Ubuntu, otherwise find a slackware machine06:33
sancasthem i launch Eclipse as Admin and check updates again but the Eclipse not detect news updates and dont know what can i do :)06:33
dixoncxHi all... Help needed for configuring opendns in ppp (Mobile Broadband). I added nameservers through "NetworkManager" but didn't worked. Editing "/etc/resolv.conf"  manually works fine, but need to edit it each time i connect. Tried "chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf", but it says "chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf"06:33
newbiOptichip: how can i get the source and compile?06:34
jacta_If i want other window appearance - (other buttons and such) - where is that in 12.04?06:34
solofightOptichip: yes it had worked perfectly fine . Earlier* i had dual OS .......06:34
Optichipsolofight: you didn't just put the disc in and let ubuntu installer find the partition?06:34
Optichipsolofight: you can only have 4 primary partitions mate unless you have extended..06:35
solofightOptichip: it wont even boot - it gave me the same error http://pastebin.com/0fN4x920 and stays for hours in the ubuntu bg screen06:35
newbiOptichip: the challenge is about 8 years older (year 2004). it means i will need a very old version of slackware. am i right?06:35
Optichipnewbi: newer version should run it06:36
Optichipsolofight: it won't even boot XP now?06:36
solofightOptichip: so i thought may be existing grub giving problem - so lets delete the partition and do it fresh06:36
solofightOptichip: :( yes06:36
solofightam locked out06:36
solofighthelp please06:36
Optichipcan you boot into the rescue on the disc?06:37
solofightOptichip: Xp disk ?06:37
solofightor ubuntu ?06:37
newbiOptichip: would you mind if i send you the file. can you please try it on your machine? its just about 19kb.06:37
Optichipsolofight: XP disc will replace MBR06:37
Optichipsolofight: there should be some help available online for how to replace MBR with XP boot disk06:38
Optichipnewbi: I don't have slackware installed.06:38
Optichipnewbi: you could download a slackware distro iso and install it in a VM and go that route.06:38
Optichipjacta_: you running Unity?06:39
Optichipjacta_: you can use MyUnity to configure new "themes"06:40
newbiOptichip: ok. thanks for your great help. am glad to meet you my friend.06:40
dixoncxHi all... Help needed for configuring opendns in ppp (Mobile Broadband). I added nameservers through "NetworkManager" but didn't worked. Editing "/etc/resolv.conf"  manually works fine, but need to edit it each time i connect. Tried "chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf", but it says "chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf"06:41
newbiOptichip: will download slackware. or maybe will try to find someone using slackware. thanks again my friend.06:41
solofightOptichip: ok on it - after fixing MBR and then we can install ubuntu from windows ?06:41
solofightright ?06:41
Optichipsolofight: yes, better recommendation might be to get a separate disk for it if possible, but if not try installing again.06:42
mecoCan it be right that all my cpu is being used for just four apps: smuxi (irc), transmission (torrent), system monitor and firefox? It seems wrong?06:45
jameslordwhat's wrong? why i should autoremove packages?06:46
Optichipjameslord: cause they're no longer needed by programs on your machine06:47
jacta_Aint this a helpchannel? :(06:48
arejaycan anyone help me out with this error http://pastebin.com/eKpw90WD, i cant seem to remove the package, and everytime i do a package install and dpkg configure runs it trys to wget and fails06:49
arejayn/m i got it06:51
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jacta__How to change apparance on windows and suchin 12.04 :/06:52
bluefrog_jacta_, hit the super key (windows/ubuntu key) and type appearance06:54
jacta_bluefrog_, I tried there - but can't find any other buttons/styles - am I all wrong?06:54
dixoncxjacta_: Change theme from appearance.06:56
wadkarHi, I am using fetchmail to poll a remote SMTP server, user sudhi here is user sudhi there, and if I type in 'mail' on the shell on the remote server, I can see that there is a new email (a test mail which I sent to myself via sendmail) in my mail spooler06:57
wadkarmy fetchmailrc is good and it can poll the server using ETRN , but it cant find the test mail06:58
dixoncxHi all... Help needed for configuring opendns in ppp (Mobile Broadband). I added nameservers through "NetworkManager" but didn't worked. Editing "/etc/resolv.conf"  manually works fine, but need to edit it each time i connect. Tried "chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf", but it says "chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf"06:58
wadkarif I switch to IMAP protocol , the remote SMTP server tells me IMAP< 500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: "XXXXX CAPABILITY"07:00
wadkarI am not sure what am I doing wrong here07:00
ravenhow to easily give a windows machine access to directory x using password y07:02
solofightOptichip: windows is severely screwed up - i am not able to recover my windows directory from recovery console07:03
samirMy machine is in a broken state after I upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04, dpkg, apt-get etc don't work07:03
solofightso i thought let me use live cd of ubuntu and then back up files from C: of windows07:03
solofightnot the live cd itself wont load ! :(07:03
samirsome problem with GLIBC07:03
solofighthelp please07:03
samircan someone help me recover?07:03
solofightam locked out of machine with all files lying inside07:03
almoxariferaven, sftpd?07:04
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ravenalmoxarife samba07:06
almoxariferaven, and you had the answer all the time, good for you07:09
ravenhow to easily give a windows machine access to directory x using password y via samba07:09
ravenhow to easily give a windows machine access to directory x using password y via samba07:11
moose-machinehi. this is an interesting one. i wish to open an .swf file in firefox (or chrome) but directly from the command line. does anyone have any idea how this can be done?07:11
alex_hammeranybody helps me? i have a little problem with shutdown my ubuntu 12.04... first: the power button doesn't work on ubuntu... just in Windows... and, when i try use sudo shutdown 0, the system freeze @ this screen http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/5509/27671493.jpg07:15
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moose-machinealex_hammer: have you tried: 'shutdown -P now' ?07:16
alex_hammermoose-machine no, i dont... i'm fresh on the linux world... kkk07:17
alex_hammermoose-machine i will try this command now and come back07:18
moose-machinealex_hammer: hmmm. ok. that command may work. meanwhile I'm not aware of the intricacies of unity to explain how to use the power button. a good place to try it would be to check your power settings07:18
=== ludkiller is now known as ludkiller|AFK
fahmyboyHi All, anyone around to answer a newbie question07:27
SPhcTsomething is wrong with my mic and i dont now how to fix it...07:30
=== newbi is now known as LinuxNoob
oratedHello! In the latest gconf-edtitor, what is the alternative path for - Org>Gnome>Gedit>plugins>terminal - to uncheck "Use theme colors" ?07:32
matthewLGot some good advice on ubuntuforums.org about how to shut down apport07:32
=== mo__ is now known as hutu
LinuxNoobNeed to execute a binary compiled under Slackware. Please help.07:33
spiritechdoes anyone use gprenamer?07:33
r000tI have a question about xchat: Why does it default to port 9999 when I use /connect -ssl <host>07:34
r000tI haven't encountered a single network that listens on 999907:34
matthewLLinuxNoob: what permissions does it have?07:34
SPhcTHow my mic isnot working... How to fix that..? SOmething with Alsa..?07:35
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean
LinuxNoobmatthewL: It gives me a shared liberary error.07:36
LinuxNoobmatthewL: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:36
LinuxNoobmatthewL: I am using Ubuntu 11.10 Oneirir i386 32-Bit.07:37
matthewLWe can probably install the shared library, and it will run.07:38
oCeanthere is no such library under Ubuntu07:38
matthewLIn a command prompt run "sudo apt-get install libsdc++"?07:39
spiritechi have some files of this format.   FILE_NAME/THEN_ELEVEN_DIGIT_CODE.MP4.     how can i remove the ELEVEN_DIGIT_CODE.FLV07:39
spiritechand replace with .MP407:39
oCeanmatthewL, LinuxNoob no, there is no library file called libstdc++-libc607:39
mecoI'm using openbox, still Xorg is expending 43% of my cpu. Can that be correct? (I only have a 2GHz P4, but still...)07:39
matthewLLinuxNoob:  oCean: interesting07:40
LinuxNoobExactly. I tried looking for the error in Google and found a few answers, but all led me to dead pages.07:40
oCeanLinuxNoob: find the sources and recompile, that is your only option07:40
=== bsod is now known as nocap
dixoncxAnyone....? Help needed for configuring opendns in ppp (Mobile Broadband). I added nameservers through "NetworkManager" but didn't worked. Editing "/etc/resolv.conf"  manually works fine, but need to edit it each time i connect. Tried "chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf", but it says "chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf"07:41
=== joel is now known as Guest3364
matthewLLinuxNoob: I agree with oCean.  g++ should have everything you need to compile07:41
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oCean!away > md_5|away07:42
ubottumd_5|away, please see my private message07:42
LinuxNoobHow could I get g++07:42
md_5|awaymeh people dont pay attention to /away07:42
oCeanLinuxNoob: what is it that you are trying to install/run actually?07:43
oCeanmd_5|away: I do, channel policy does not allow frequent nick changes and/or auto away messages. Don't do it again please07:43
LinuxNoobIts an ELF file.07:43
matthewLLinuxNoob: what is ELF?07:43
aftman i need to sleep07:44
oCeanLinuxNoob: but *what* is it? what kind of program. Have you checked it's availability in the repositories?07:44
LinuxNoobExecutable and Linkable File.07:44
* nocap gives aft a pink pill for help07:44
oCeanaft, nocap, please stay on topic. Chit chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic07:45
aftare you trying to rape me sir lol jk07:45
nocapelf and aout07:45
LinuxNoobIts a stegano decoder from HackQuest.com.07:45
akmcan anybody tell  me a free vnc client for windows07:46
oCeanLinuxNoob: contact the maintainers find the sources or a .deb file.07:46
oCeanakm for Windows? Why not ask in ##windows07:46
aftis it normal for new linux addict to stay up till 407:47
LinuxNoobI have libstdc++6_4.6.1-9ubuntu3_i386.deb. Can this help?07:47
akm@oCean thanx07:47
pawdrohello, has window buttons changed their place from left to right side? this morning after update i have them on the right side...07:47
oCeanLinuxNoob: no07:47
LinuxNoobAnd this: libc6-udeb_2.13-20ubuntu5_i386.udeb07:48
oCeanLinuxNoob: the shared libraries your executable need are not available on ubuntu. So contact the maintainers of the package07:48
oCeanNo need to continue asking here07:48
LinuxNoobOk. Thanks.07:48
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matthewLMr.  oCean: if one were to port something compiled in c++ from slackware, why couldn't we just provide the right shared libraries?07:51
oCeanmatthewL: sure, but that is hardly in the scope of this channel. He has to contact the maintainers to find the sources anyway.07:52
matthewLoCean: ah...07:52
matthewLoCean: that would be an #ubuntu-dev topic?07:54
oratedHello! I'm not able to find Org>Gnome>Gedit>plugins>terminal option in gconf-editor. Is the path changed in the latest version?07:54
oCeanmatthewL: no, that is for Ubuntu development. There is help for building-from-scratch in channels such as #programming, ##c++ and even ##linux probably07:55
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foobArrrI just installed sdl-ball from the repos, I get this error http://sprunge.us/bWZS when starting it. I turned down the desktop resolution (using xubuntu display dialog), but the error message stays the same.07:56
matthewLoCean: ah, I should change my name to ircN00b.07:56
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fAz4Where can i find the Ubuntu System Settings source code ?07:59
nopfso do i want 64bit or 32bit for a 8gb ram notebook fresh install?07:59
Logan_fAz4: In Gnome/Unity?08:00
fAz4Logan_: Unity08:00
oCeanfAz4: if you are looking for sources of the /usr/bin/systemsettings program, use  apt-get source systemsettings (this will download the source code)08:00
oCean(applicable for every package)08:01
arejayflash audio sounds horriable with the new adobe flash plugin08:01
Logan_fAz4: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/gnome-control-center/precise/files08:01
fishcookerhow to rip video cd through vlc08:01
matthewLoCean: you mean one can edit and recompile the source?  Wow!08:01
fishcooker.. or sth else08:01
oCean!compile | matthewL sure no problem08:02
ubottumatthewL sure no problem: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall08:02
nopfand where *is* the 64bit cd iso, on a browser *without* javascript?08:02
matthewLoCean: did you just direct ubottu to direct my questions on compiling to me?  IRC genius!08:04
oCeannopf: what? javascript?08:04
oCean!bot | matthewL here is some information on how to use ubottu yourself08:04
ubottumatthewL here is some information on how to use ubottu yourself: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:04
nopfoCean: well, the download page button gives me the 32bit iso even if i select "64 bit" in the drop box08:04
oCeannopf: I normally use http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/08:05
nopfoCean: thanks... (is there a linkt on the front page to it? did not find it)08:05
inforatok, so none of you may know, but I am new to ubuntu, I just downloaded xchat gnome, and I would like to connect to the afternet network08:06
oCeannopf: I don't think there is08:06
inforatbut idk how08:06
nopfoCean: too bad...08:07
matthewLinforat: i'd suggest learning a bit about irc, first, from a google search.08:07
szerzeteshi, I have Xubuntu 12.04, i start script with #! /bin/bash and terminal say: "/bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory08:07
szerzetes" but this is exists08:07
szerzeteswhat's wrong?08:07
inforatmatthewl: I've been on irc for some time now, just new to ubuntu, so I have no idea what I am looking at08:07
nopfszerzetes: remove the ^M at the end of line. you edited that with a windows/dos machine or such it seems...08:08
oCeaninforat: I prefer xchat instead of xchat-gnome, but in x-gnome it is probably also in the "IRC" menu, then Network List... option ?08:08
matthewLinforat: I'm new to IRC, but absolutely love Linux08:09
inforatmatthewL: I like linux so far as well, just not knowing, being used to left clicking and that doesnt seem to work, its all just different and confusing to me08:09
matthewLinforat: try #!/bin/sh does it give same error?08:10
* nikolja dobar dan08:10
szerzetesoCean, thanx, is copy from win and edit with gedit, i beleive gedit convert it...08:10
matthewLinforat: Might not have bash installed?08:10
inforatoCean, thanks, that worked08:10
siva4080how to list the *.mp3 files inside a directory using command in terminal ?08:10
oCeanmatthewL: you should probably be talking to szerzetes :)08:11
oCeanszerzetes, matthewL is correct, there should be no space in the shebang, so #!/bin/bash08:12
oCeansiva4080: ls *mp3 should list all mp3 files08:12
siva4080sorry.. I want recursively :)08:12
oCeansiva4080: go in the directory where you want to start your search, then  find . -type f -name "*mp3"08:13
matthewLsiva4080 ls -R *mp3?08:13
szerzetesoCean, space is not problem, gedit not converted the format, i make a new file, and copy the text and it is solve my problem, thanx08:13
oCeanszerzetes: Oh, I just noticed the ^M characters, that is what the original problem was.08:14
matthewLszerzetes: ah utf-8 can save a lot of pain when saving with reference to character encoding.08:15
=== xXx is now known as Guest34260
Guest34260I have D945GCCR desktop using i915 driver on ubuntu 12.04 and experiencing sluggish flash performance, is this a known issue?08:17
Guest3426064bit ver08:17
Paradingquick question: can ubuntu be installed in a 1GB flash drive?08:19
mysteriousdarrenParading: yes, are you gonna boot off it?08:21
ParadingI planned to install it in the usb itself08:21
Paradingbut I guessed that 1GB is not enough08:21
Guest34260it could be painful slow to boot from it afterwards08:21
Guest34260on the one I had was very slow to read from, maybe because it was in a usb1 port or something dunno08:22
szerzetescan i color only the path in the terminal?08:22
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
pellaeonHi, I wonder why it says "It is generally recommended that users of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS wait until the first point release, due in July, before upgrading. " in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_to_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS ?08:25
ItsMeLennypellaeon, 12.04 is like a little bit unstable i guess so they say wait til 12.04.108:26
pellaeonItsMeLenny: hmmm, I'm curious of the details, is there something yet to be fixed?08:28
ItsMeLennypellaeon, i dont think anything great, but i think as a LTS the majority of people upgrade to it and then bugs are pointed out pretty quickly08:30
matthewLAside from an apport malfunction, things are OK.08:30
jdtttthi, i have 10.04 and despite 'LTS' being ticked in Software sources, it doesn't show the 12.04 available. Any thoughts?08:31
pellaeonItsMeLenny: Yes, I know that08:31
jdtttt'it'=update manager08:31
pellaeonmatthewL: oh, I got it, thanks.08:31
kapzIn ubuntu 11.10 apt-get update was "WAYY" fast than 12.04 ...just refreshing package list takes 8-10 mins with 30 kbps speed. Am I missing something?08:32
matthewLjdtttt: I think each incremental upgrade must be made08:33
matthewL10.04 > 10.10 > 11.04 > 11.10 > 12.04/08:34
jdtttthmm, according to the blurb LTS -> LTS is supported08:34
pellaeonmatthewL: 10.04 -> 12.04 should be supported. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_10.04_LTS_to_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS08:34
matthewLjdtttt: really? Wow.08:35
pnp_chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory08:35
pnp_help me08:35
magic_algood morning! i asigned my delete-key accidentally to a shortcut. i cannot find any way to reset it. can anyone help me?08:38
matthewLpellaeon: wow just click on LTS sources in Software Sources. Very coo.08:38
jdttttmatthewL: cool if it actually worked!08:39
matthewLjdtttt: Yes, I have problems upgrading whenever, too.08:40
matthewLjdtttt: I backup my files and reinstall each time, unfortunately.08:40
xCruJonesxQuestion. I have a 250gb drive, that i partitioned 200gb NTFS and 50gb for ubuntu. Can repartition the 200gb to Fat32 without messing with my ubuntu installation?08:41
jdttttgnash, ok. thanks anyway08:41
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matthewLxCruJonesx: yes. Partition resize.08:42
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pellaeonjdtttt: Yeah, in my experience things often break when upgrading ubuntu. (But I personally haven't tried upgrading 10.04 to 12.04)08:42
pnp_help  me  http://paste.ubuntu.com/983084/08:43
pnp_chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory08:43
endraCan anyone recommend a way to detect PC bottleneck in terms of performance? I feel like the operating system is a bit sluggish08:43
pellaeonjdtttt: I suggest you can backup your home directory and make a fresh Precise install then put your home directory back.08:44
pellaeonjdtttt: rsync is a great tool to do this08:45
pellaeonjdtttt: And you can use dpkg --get-selections to list all currently installed packages08:46
ShadowDogHi, could anyone help me with moving files to another server via ftp in 'Rescue Mode'? D=08:46
jdttttpellaeon: previous experience with this approach left me flummoxed with 2 home directories, one on a separate partition the other on same08:46
matthewLpnp_: why is the newroot directory a filename?08:46
ShadowDogPlease, could anyone help me with moving files to another server via ftp in 'Rescue Mode'? D=08:48
jdttttpellaeon: is there a nice way to list the packages and auto-reinstall the packages?08:48
pellaeonjdtttt: # dpkg --get-selections > installed_list08:49
pellaeonthis saves your installed packages list to installed_list08:49
jdttttpellaeon: yes, i see that gives me a list, but can i use that list?08:50
pellaeonthen you can use # dpkg --set-selections < installed_list to install packages from the list08:50
jdttttpellaeon: very nice. thanks08:51
matthewLpellaeon: wow.08:51
pellaeonjdtttt: But be aware that this can sometimes lead to trouble08:51
ShadowDogHi, could anyone help me with moving files to another server via ftp in 'Rescue Mode'? D= ANYONE D=08:51
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
jdttttPellaeon: and during install, what do i need to take care of, as my home directory is on its own partition? last time, i ended up with another home on the main partition too, and it was all a muddle08:52
pellaeonjdtttt: If a package exists in lucid repository but not in precise, you'll probably need to comment out these packages08:52
jdttttpellaeon: ok.08:54
matthewLpnp_: ?08:54
pellaeonjdtttt: Just a quick thought, after you have upgraded, you'll need to edit /etc/fstab to point your home dir to the partition you previously put it.08:55
pellaeonjdtttt: I guess during the upgrading process it overwrites /etc/fstab08:56
pellaeonjdtttt: Or maybe you can just backup your old fstab and put it back after upgrading.08:57
kangaroooHow to get backported kernel and nautilus? im on 10.04 i want fixes witch are made in 12.04 how to get them? im beeing told about installing backported kernel.08:57
ShadowDogHi, could anyone help me with moving files to another server via ftp in 'Rescue Mode'? D=?08:57
maheanuuIaOra good morning to all, back trying to wurk after a cracked vertebrae and a bruised disc...   Man its been a really rough Feb, Mar, Apr  this year08:58
jdttttpellaeon: yes. thanks. but a new /home directory is created and is populated with some things (if a previous experience is to go by). should i use that rather than the equivalent .files i have in my old home?08:58
ShadowDogThe normal ftp client is missing in rescue mode.....08:58
maheanuuI just dropped in an 1.5 TB Sata Drive and it is showing up as a 2.2 TB Drive and I cannot get it to mount??08:59
pellaeonjdtttt: Hmm, I think using the old files wouldn't make big trouble..09:00
jdttttpellaeon: ok thanks for all your help, i'll give it a go. i like your optimism. thanks09:01
pellaeonjdtttt: Glad I could help!09:02
ubottujbjbj: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:03
freijonHey there. I've read the news about the games EA has placed in the software center. however, they don't seem to be installable. It tells me "There isn’t a software package called “tiberiumalliances” in your current software sources"09:04
freijonAm I missing some software sources?09:04
=== mmlevitt is now known as matthewL
jdttttpellaeon/ matthewL: just saw 'Upgrades from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS do not work using the alternate CD or the server CD as a package repository. It is recommended that users running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS wait for the 12.04.1 LTS point release, scheduled for July, before upgrading. ' on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop09:06
matthewLjdtttt: aha!09:07
maheanuujdtttt, thanks much, I am running 10.02 LTS09:07
ParadingI'm trying to install ubuntu using wubi but I'm having a problem. After restarting the computer, ubuntu starts running, it shows a "Try (hd0,0): NTFS5: No wubildr, Try (hd0,1): NTFS5: error: "prefix" is not set." message and then just a black screen, no HD activity, nothing.09:08
pellaeonjdtttt: Yeah, "Why wait for 12.04.1?" was my original question LOL09:08
matthewLpellaeon: jdtttt: I agree.09:09
matthewLI really like irssi for irc service.09:10
jdttttpellaeon: as a linux "early adopter" i have spent too many hours fixing upgrades that didn't upgrade and installs that didn't quite work i thought i'd let the experts take the strain, and now wait for LTS - no beta, no development upgrades.09:11
ShadowDognvm. got ncftp now.09:11
maheanuuI am for the most part, a Noob and installed this version of 10.04.4 LTS  but it has been running me ragged when I try to do dome xtra stuff like having 4 or 4 external USB drives hanging off it09:11
freijonany ideas on that missing package in ubuntu software center?09:12
pellaeonjdtttt: Yeah, I totally agree09:12
maheanuujdtttt, I am having problems on mounting a couple of 1.5 hard discs USB Ext09:12
pellaeonjdtttt: I only use LTS in recent years09:13
DigiDazI now have a problem with SSH to a number of Ubuntu and Debian boxes, does anyone know of any recent problems with it?09:15
jdttttmaheanuu: yes, sometimes its annoying, and things don't work, but i'm fortunate - my system works. on that note, i'll do something different this weekend!09:15
wilee-nileefreijon, I have all the main repos open and don't see any thing spelled this way. tiberiumalliances09:15
wilee-nileefreijon, is that a actual game ?09:16
yhyI have installed hddtemp, but  command cannot find09:18
yhywho can tell me,why?09:18
ntypyhy: maybe u're not root, but have to be root09:19
yhysudo apt-get install hddtemp09:19
yhyI am root09:20
ntypyhy: what does 'command cannot find' mean?"09:21
srinivasa_Hi.. need help09:22
maheanuusrinivasa_, ask...09:22
srinivasa_i have just installed ubuntu 12.04, using laptop acer aspire 5536. Kindly help me in  installing appropriate drivers09:22
AfiefI just upgraded from 11.04 to 12.04 and I'm not getting a wifi icon in my topbar in my user account, but on other accounts the wifi icon is there. Help!09:23
yhysudo: hddtemp: command not found09:23
heresjohnnyyhy: run sudo -i09:23
heresjohnnythen which hddtemp09:24
=== a is now known as Guest67376
maheanuusrinivasa_, was that install a new or was it an upgrade and from what were you doing your upgrade?09:25
=== esm is now known as Guest10650
srinivasa_maheanuu, i can see ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics drivers ( post-release updates) and ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics two options09:26
shazzrI can not install ubuntu 12.04 on my computer. I had it running fine with 11.04. I have a RevoDrive SSD which is set up to run RAID0. My motherboard is a Asus P8P67 Deluxe. It installs fine (64 bit desktop), but in the end I get a error message: http://pastebin.com/yJE1XZyB Please help...09:26
srinivasa_maheanuu, it's a fresh installation09:26
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=== Flakk is now known as zeol
srinivasa_maheanuu, downloaded ubuntu 12.04 from official site and i have installed 32 bit (as recommended)09:27
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
freijonwilee-nilee: yes09:29
zeolhello people I have just migrated to Ubuntu (12.04) from debian and have some basic questions it would be great if someone is willing to help. 1) I would like to keep the GNOME enviromnent, but how do I change the environmemtn at Ubuntu at all??09:29
maheanuuI am running 10.04.4 LTS 64 Bit on a Toshiba Satellite and for the most part have loved being windows free, but still finding I am having to scrape, claw, dig information on how to accomplish a lot of things but I believe that it is worth the midnite oil09:29
wilee-nileefreijon, hello09:29
freijonwilee-nilee: there is a headline in the software center called "Lord of Ultima", an other EA game i suppose. If i click the headline, I get the same error09:30
freijonwilee-nilee: check this out: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/tiberiumalliances/09:30
wilee-nileefreijon, I have no idea I can only answer your question as far as the standard repos I have all open and do not see it in my setup09:31
freijonwilee-nilee: same here. But then I ask myself how others are able to install it?09:31
srinivasa_maheanuu, which one is best to install in from both options?09:31
wilee-nileefreijon, do you actually know anyone that has?09:32
beejuzeol, log out and change the desktop at the bottom panel and log in09:32
ndeehow can I find files which have lines which are longer than 200 chars?09:33
DigiDazshazzr: you have a single ssd drive?09:33
beejuzeol, if u r on Unity,then log out and click on the Ubuntu logo and select gnome classic,then login again09:34
wilee-nileefreijon, looks to me like it is a download and it is broken, if you click that orange button it opens a open with and nothing is there.09:34
freijonwilee-nilee: yes I do know of some guys who installed it09:34
freijonI thought maybe I'm missing some packages since its official in the software center09:35
maheanuusrinivasa_, I am not sure but I did a google and here is a pile of info on that, perhaps it might answer your questions  https://www.google.com/search?q=ATI%2FAMD proprietary FGLRX graphics drivers ( post-release updates) and ATI%209:35
Jordan_Undee: Try asking in #bash.09:36
zeolbeeju: i have logged out and trying to log again but there seems no way to choose whatever . clicking on the Ubuntu logo gives 2 choices: ubuntu and ubuntu2d09:36
Jordan_Undee: Never mind, it seems you already have :)09:36
deeddei used alternate cd to install raid 0. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads09:36
ndeeJordan_U: kk :D09:36
srinivasa_maheanuu, cool, i was going through it actually09:37
wilee-nileefreijon, I would ask them if you get no answers here. :)09:39
freijonwill do, thanks wilee-nilee09:39
shazzrDigiDaz: Yes. But I think the RevodDrive has two identical physical drives on it. Each containg 55 GB. Running it as RAID0 i get 110 GB.09:41
omeI have firestarter on my machine and it blocks the internet access to virtualmachines over 'bridge adapter' provided by virtualmachine.09:42
omeWhat policy should I set to allow it ?09:42
zeolhello people I have just migrated to Ubuntu (12.04) from debian and have some basic questions it would be great if someone is willing to help. 1) I would like to keep the GNOME enviromnent, but how do I change the environmemtn at Ubuntu at all??09:43
DigiDazRight, just wondered09:43
karthick87Remote Desktop viewer is very slow in ubuntu. It there any way to speed it up ?09:44
omekarthick87: speed up your connection. :)09:44
karthick87ome: LOL i mean, the application itself is taking a long time...09:45
matthewLzeol: try logging out,, and in the upper right of login screen switch environment.09:45
omezeol: if you have already migrated you should see the GNOME-shell is there. and what do you mean by changing the env. ? in run time or login ?09:45
SomelauwHey, I tried mpg123, but it can't play wav sounds, is there an utility that can play both mp3 and wav sounds at least?09:47
zeolmatthewL - there areonly 2 choices ubuntu and ubuntu209:47
=== Dorito is now known as Guest97662
SomelauwI want to make a program that makes sounds.09:47
MonkeyDustSomelauw  audacity09:47
MonkeyDustSomelauw  i mean audacious09:47
matthewLzeol: ok... you want gnome? or lxde? or xfce?  or kde?09:48
zeolome - i would like the gnome desktop environment09:48
magic_alI assigned my delete-key accidentally to a short cut and now I cannot find a way to reverse that. Can anybody help me with that?09:48
lukwhats difference on ubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent and ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent09:50
Jordan_U!alternate | luk09:50
ubottuluk: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal09:50
matthewLzeol: open ubuntu software center, then search for gnome.09:51
matthewLzeol: install gnome!09:51
SomelauwMonkeyDust: I am looking for one without an audio player popping up.09:51
mi3I am getting this error while running reactos in virtualbox http://imagebin.org/21209709:52
zeolok will try09:52
matthewLzeol: easy peasy!09:53
SomelauwSo one that just plays the sound.09:53
mi3any suggestions?09:54
MonkeyDustSomelauw  you mean play music in the terminal?09:54
SomelauwMonkeyDust: Yes, but one that also works without a terminal. So I can do play file.mp3 &09:55
SomelauwSo, nothing curses based09:55
lukthanks Jordan_U09:56
Jordan_Uluk: You're welcome.09:56
MonkeyDustSomelauw  you lost me there: no gui and no terminal?09:56
SomelauwI wanna make a soundboard09:56
lukdo you think i use alternate or desktop09:56
SomelauwMonkeyDust: like mpg12309:57
SomelauwOr like play09:58
AfiefI just upgraded from 11.04 to 12.04 and I'm not getting a wifi icon in my topbar in my user account, but on other accounts the wifi icon is there. Help!10:05
iLogicalmy screen goes black and I need to ctrl+f6, ctrl+F7 to get it back, how do I solve this?10:07
iLogicalit's really annoying10:07
alexanderhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/953960 someone pretty please fix this. 12.04 is unusable. even paying for the fix10:07
=== alexander is now known as Guest71775
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953960 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Mouse scrolling works randomly with games using DGA for mouseinput" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:07
Armageddonis there a way to restrict specific applications from showing in the tree ? as in package manager10:08
mboxhello everyone10:12
azazelloHi. sometimes when I enter menu on the launcher the colors of the top panel mix-up, and it is not possible to see any icon on the panel. This problem starter after i upgraded to 12.04, before it was fine. Anybody has an idea what is the cause and how to fix it?10:12
andrewb80Hey guys I am having problems with google since I installed Ubuntu, I use firefox with noscript and project Tor. Google will not search gives me a message that my computer is not sending automatic Queries or something. can anyone help?10:13
omeHow would one set autologin with openbox ?10:14
iLogicalandrewb80, use http://mycroft.mozdev.org/google-search-plugins.html10:15
andrewb80iLogical: is this a plug in? I opened the link in my browser and its just a blank page?10:17
iLogicalit isn't a blank page10:17
iLogicalandrewb80, you can search google with this, without captchas10:18
andrewb80iLogical: thanks. can I still use Yubnub with this plug in? sorry im a newb10:20
TokoHi there ! I was wondering why my SATA HD appears as ata and scsi in /dev/disk/by-id ...  Should i use the ata or scsi symlink now? Thank you!10:20
iLogicalwhat's yubnub?10:20
andrewb80its an amazing command line for the web10:21
greenithi, i want to configure exim4 to send mails via my email "mymail@host.org" .... can u help me to do that? i am a bit confused when i use dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config ....10:21
andrewb80check it out, has some great commands to save time when searching multiple items. like 5 different torrent sites at a time10:22
andrewb80iLogical: Its a little bit advanced for me but lots of documentation online10:23
Armageddonis there a way to restrict specific applications from showing in the tree ? as in package manager10:23
andrewb80ILogical: thanks btw I just installed that plug in, works great. no errors yet. respect10:24
dbtmro2hi. how about ubuntu's webcam problem with skype?10:25
andrewb80dbtmro2: I was just about to ask if skype works in ubuntu. what problems are there?10:25
dbtmro2no usb webcams work properly10:26
dbtmro2incorporated webcams work just fine10:26
greenithi, i want to configure exim4 to send mails via my email "mymail@host.org" .... can u help me to do that? i am a bit confused when i use dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config ....10:27
andrewb80is there no apps in the Ubuntu store for skype?10:27
anilthere is an app10:28
aniljust type in skype10:28
anilin ubuntu software centre10:29
greenitdbtmro1, well, my usb webcam works just fine with skype310:29
greenitdbtmro1, skype*10:29
dbtmro1what webcam do you have10:29
dbtmro1I'll get one right away10:29
Armageddonis there a way to restrict specific applications from showing in the tree ? as in package manager10:30
greenitdbtmro1, i have a logitech c525 hd webcam10:30
dbtmro1@greenit thanks10:30
greenitdbtmro1, np :)10:31
gulzarUnity developers here? I want to ask them. Why Canonical/Ubuntu are not taking efforts to port unity to other platforms? Till now only Arch has unity-5.2 package in AUR but other than that its nowhere else to hear about ...10:33
IdleOnegulzar: That is not a support related question, as for porting Unity, is it not the responsibility of Canonical to do. The source is open and other distros are welcome to port it. use #ubuntu-offtopic for further discussion/chat10:35
gulzarIdleOne: Thank You. OK will take it there10:36
Vulcanocan anyone help me so that ZNC logs everything and plays back the log from when I was AFK?10:37
IdleOneVulcano: #znc can help you with that10:38
Vulcanothere is a chan for that?10:38
=== xxx is now known as Guest88398
Vulcanonoone in #znc answer so I ask here: can anyone help me so that ZNC logs everything and plays back the log from when I was AFK?10:41
andrewb80Hey guys can anyone help me, Im trying to use a game using wine. I downloaded the package for the game and extracted it now I see the exe file but cant open with wine.10:41
VulcanoI am using the web interface so I just need help with what to activate10:42
SATopandrewb80 i think you better look i wine support area10:44
andrewb80ok thanks.10:44
Wi1dVulcano: Not sure about a log but enabling away, then msg ${statusPrefix}away may do what you wanting.10:45
VulcanoI got an answer in ZNC had to set buffer size to 010:46
MisterEwow there are a legion of you10:46
kanupatarDo i need to stop X-server while installing graphics driver from nvidia in ubuntu?10:46
omeHow can I change the Apitutde mirror from CLI ?10:46
greenitdbtmro1, np :)10:47
kanupatarhow can i search for nvidia graphics drivers by sudo apt?10:47
greenithi, i want to configure exim4 to send mails via my email "mymail@host.org" .... can u help me to do that? i am a bit confused when i use dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config ....10:47
greenitkanupatar, type apt-cache search nvidia10:47
kanupatargreenit: great10:47
kanupatarDo i need to stop X-server while installing graphics driver from nvidia in ubuntu?10:49
* Debolaz has never needed to stop the X-server for anything.10:51
DebolazRestarting it otoh..10:51
kanupatarDebolaz: sorry10:54
greenitdoes no1 know how to configure exim4 correctly?10:54
llutzgreenit: http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch31.html10:55
giggseyHow do I kill all instances of processes that are (php filename.php) without just killing all php processes?10:56
kanupatarHi Guys,From where can I find Geforce driver for Ubuntu 12.04?10:56
llutzgiggsey: pkill filename10:56
giggseyllutz: don't think that worked10:57
szalkanupatar: which one exactly?10:57
nina666hi.. what is the best tool to convert audio files (i.e. mp3 to wave) ... ((i dont mind not using GUI...))10:57
kanupatarszal: Ge force 31010:57
szal!nvidia | kanupatar10:58
ubottukanupatar: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:58
MonkeyDust!best| nina66610:58
ubottunina666: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:58
kanupatarszal: sorry, didn't get you10:58
llutznina666: lame --decode foo.mp310:58
macaI think that Europe are planing to close Piratebay. Is it true?10:59
szal!ot | maca10:59
ubottumaca: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:59
auronandace!ot | maca10:59
nina666llutz, thx10:59
giggseyllutz: using -f worked, thanks for your help :)10:59
LinuxMonkey!piracy | maca10:59
ubottumaca: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o10:59
macathanks, ubottu11:00
kanupatarszal: what is that means?11:02
mitaswhat program should I use to create hardsub on ubuntu? how to do that?11:02
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szalkanupatar: read the site ubottu gave you the link to, it contains all instructions11:04
kanupatarszal: yeah did..but i am asking what is this means >>>> !nvidia | kanupatar11:04
auronandacekanupatar: it calls the bot11:05
auronandace!bot | kanupatar11:05
ubottukanupatar: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:05
* kanupatar thinks as it is weirD!!!!11:06
magic_alevery time i trie to ftp>open a ftp connecton i get the response 'connection refused' does anybody have an idea what could be wrong?11:08
llutzmagic_al: server not running at all or not listening on default ports11:10
pawdrohello, has anyone installed Shoes toolkit in ruby? i've just installed shoes using 'gem install shoes', but ubuntu still doesn't see 'shoes'. Any help11:10
magic_alpawdro: the server is running i can connect to it with my ftp client from another windows system11:10
magic_alpawdro: how can i check the port thing?11:10
omeI am still struggling to have internet access on a ubuntu vm through the11:11
ome'bridge adapter' provied by VirutalMachine.11:11
mfaroukg1why ubuntu makes my laptop very hot ?11:11
=== PatrickMello1 is now known as PatrickMello
solofightpeople, i want to create 12 GB partition for ubuntu, how much swap space do i need to leave ?11:12
solofightthink i have 1 gb ram11:12
Ben64if you only have 1GB of ram, I'd say 2GB for swap11:13
omeWait... it's my firewall that blocks out the internet access for virtualmachine.11:13
omeWhat policy should I define for Firestarter to let virtualmachines access internet over bridge adapter ?11:14
solofightBen64: ok thank you11:14
mfaroukg1the ubuntu eats the battery ... how to know which process consume the power?11:14
fidelmfaroukg1: powertop11:15
chillidudeanyone know the shortcut in unity to display the desktop?11:15
turgonhi all, i seem to have a trouble with xkb in Ubuntu 12.04. Can anyone help me ?11:16
auronandacechillidude: hold the super key to show shortcuts11:16
turgonmy X.org keeps complaining about a syntax error on some "pc" file11:16
chillidudecool, thanks auronandace11:16
chillidudeauronandace, doesn't appear to be a shortcut just for getting to desktop. i know i could minimize all windows but i don't want to do this11:20
auronandacechillidude: in that case i don't know sorry, i'm rather new to unity11:21
auronandacechillidude: there might be an option in myunity though11:21
chillidudeok thanks anyway.,think ctr+super_d is the only way11:21
chillidudewhats myunity?11:22
auronandace!info myunity | chillidude11:22
ubottuchillidude: myunity (source: myunity): Unity configurator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 529 kB, installed size 1125 kB11:22
auronandacechillidude: no worries, its rather nifty but i only use it for 2 things11:23
chillidudewhat do you use it for?11:23
wolfric_what is this? /usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/update-apt xapian-index -q it's taking up a lot of cpu11:24
wolfric_ok i know what it is but why is it taking up so much cpu rather11:25
auronandacechillidude: making the icons backgrounds transparent and adding extra workspaces11:25
chillidudejust installed it..11:26
Ceborhi, where can i find the version of the gitosis package ????11:26
nopfum, how to disable guest account?11:26
wolfric_nopf: google "ubuntu disable guest account"11:28
Ben64!google | wolfric_11:28
ubottuwolfric_: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:28
mfaroukg1fidel, http://pastebin.com/DQGh6TYa11:29
OldOneEyehow do i access files on my windows network11:29
nopfwolfric_: no. i won't. this feature should have to be checked while installation. i consider it a bug11:29
magic_alwhere is the network folder within ubuntu11:30
ohad_is there a way to auto-mount a partition so I don't have to mount it with each startup?11:31
pawdrohas side of the window buttons changed? I have it on the right side now :]11:32
wa5qjhWhere can I find info on how to open a wubi created disk image? or for that matter re-acquire it once I've hosed up the boot process?11:32
auronandace!fstab | ohad_11:32
ubottuohad_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:32
OldOneEyehow do i access files on my windows network11:32
auronandace!samba | OldOneEye11:32
ubottuOldOneEye: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:32
LjLohad_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#Systemwide_Mounts11:33
nopfnext questio: 12.04, i tap alt, then type 'termi' <- why does this not show any terminal but some other stray things? (well, why does it not show gnome-terminal? what is the idea here?)11:34
chillidudewhat do you guys recommend as a lightweight image editor?11:35
kangaroooim using 10.04 but want to get nautilus how in 12.04 asks about file  overwriting11:35
ohad_seems very complicated11:35
magic_alhow can i access network computers via console? like 'cd ....'?11:35
chillidudemagic_al, you could use ssh11:35
magic_alchillidude: how is that working11:36
wa5qjhanybody know anything about wubi ?11:36
chillidudemagic_al, well first you need to ensure port 22 on the server you are trying to get to is open?11:37
chillidudei presume you can ping the server / machine?11:37
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ohad_LjL, why not use the Per-User Mounts with udisks?11:37
LjLohad_: if you prefer, sure. but i'm not familiar with that method11:38
magic_alchillidude: how can i check weather it is open or not?11:38
alex_hammerplz, anyone help me? my problem is on http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pt&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=pt-BR&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforum-br.org%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3D95515&act=url11:38
randomDudeohad_: oh so you know of ways to auto mount stuff then11:39
chillidudemagic_al,  you could try this : telnet <IP> 2211:40
wolfric_magic_al: is the other computer you're controling linux?11:41
wolfric_and are you on a linux machine? if so, on the machine you want to control, sudo apt-get install openssh-server and hit y to install11:41
chillidudegood point wolfric_11:41
wolfric_magic_al: then if you have an account created on the machine you want to control, type this from your other machine, ssh yourusernamehere@theipaddress11:42
magic_alwolfric_: actually it is a webserver of a friend. i added a connection to it and now this connection is shown in my 'files' beyond the header 'network'11:42
ohad_randomDude, It was all thanks to LJL11:42
chillidudemagic_al, is it a windows box?11:42
wolfric_magic_al: "added a connection to it"? what does that mean?11:42
magic_alwolfric_: i clickt on 'files' -> 'connect to server....'11:43
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wolfric_magic_al: right can you please answer my original question, is the webserver running ubuntu and are you running ubuntu11:44
magic_alwolfric_: ah ok. i am running ubuntu 12. i know that the server runs linux but not what kind of distribution11:44
wolfric_when you hit "connect to server", what was the "type" that you selected in the drop down menu?11:44
ohad_I just added to the startup applications a line like that: /usr/bin/udisks --mount /dev/sda411:44
wolfric_magic_al: the default is ftp which is just for transfering files. Do you control the webserver or is this just space that has been given to you11:45
chillidudeperhaps samba is running on the webserver machine ?11:45
HelplessPenguinNoob requesting assistance here, 10 gold coins to whoever can help me with my driver / kernel module problem. Anyone got a minute?11:46
alex_hammeranybody helps me?11:46
magic_alwolfric_: first i want to transfer files. i use that server as a webserver. and in additon to that i wanted to init a git repositorry. so no - i dont need to conrtoll it i think11:46
wolfric_chillidude: or a host of other services, best to just ask instead of guessing each one but in any case, i would doubt it. not exactly standard for a webserver. ftp or sftp seems more likely11:46
HelplessPenguinalex_hammer what's up? My limited knowledge may be of assistance, but I doubt it11:46
wolfric_magic_al: first, answer my questions please, second, you do need to control it to do git init11:47
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wolfric_magic_al: what was the "type" when you hit connect to server11:47
magic_alwolfric_: sorry: sftp.11:47
ohad_is there an indicator that can show temperatures and fan speed in ubuntu 12.04?11:48
wolfric_magic_al: and what was the address and username11:48
alex_hammer<HelplessPenguin> , thats my problem... http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=pt&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=pt-BR&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http://ubuntuforum-br.org/index.php/topic,95515.0.html&act=url11:48
magic_alwolfric_: uname: fechner_alex / adress: anarazel.de11:48
wolfric_magic_al: open up a terminal and type ssh fechner_alex@anarazel.de11:49
wolfric_type your password and then you're logged into the machine and you can execute ocmmands11:49
magic_alwolfric_: did that already. but if i type in my pw i get the response 'Permission denied, please try again.'11:50
wolfric_magic_al: then you're typing your password wrong or you have the wrong hostname. sftp works with the same system on the same port11:51
wolfric_magic_al: if it worked for "connect to server" then it'll work for ssh. Even if it's blocked on ssh instead of sftp, you won't get permission denied, you'll log in and straight out again11:52
magic_alwolfric_: might it be possible that my friend gave me wrong permission in order to conrtoll it?11:52
chillidudealso magic_al , that username needs to exist on the server11:52
wolfric_magic_al: no11:52
wolfric_magic_al: that's permission denied is for wrong passwords/usernames. not filesystem permissions11:52
cypher-neoIs there a Terminal command I can run to tell how long it's been since updating the APT repositories?11:52
wolfric_magic_al: ask your friend to check his logs11:52
alex_hammer<HelplessPenguin> i try ask for help @ the #ubuntu-br , but nobody responds11:53
jackiechan0hey there after i installed windows 7 how can i restore my grub2 so i will be able to run both Win7 and my Linux ubuntu?11:53
magic_alwolfric_: ah ok. it works now. u were right, i did a mistake with the login name... sorry11:53
HelplessPenguinI would just look for a program that can input from that  button and then get it to run shutdown 00 from terminal automatically. It doesn't seem like it would hurt to just patch over something so small.11:54
wolfric_cypher-neo: try "when last apt update" in google11:54
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HelplessPenguinseems to me like the OS just isn't picking it up11:54
jackiechan0hey there after i installed windows 7 how can i restore my grub2 so i will be able to run both Win7 and my Linux ubuntu?11:56
wolfric_jackiechan0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:56
jackiechan0wolfbyte> tnx11:56
wolfric_jackiechan0: from google "ubuntu reinstall grub"11:56
jackiechan0wolfric_> tnx11:57
HelplessPenguinCan anyone help me out here? I'm getting FATAL: Module nvidia not found. When I try to startx after trying to install nvidia drivers (nvidia-current and nvidia-glx-173)11:58
wolfric_HelplessPenguin: no idea but i googled "FATAL: Module nvidia not found." and found lots11:59
KeshiHelplessPenguin: Check you edited the config file properly.11:59
HelplessPenguinSo did I11:59
HelplessPenguinI've been googling various phrases for hours11:59
HelplessPenguinThe config was automated by nvidia-config12:00
HelplessPenguinit generates a new xorg.conf12:01
KeshiHelplessPenguin: Yeah, I am not in the situation or in front of your machine, but the error message says x cannot find the module.  My guess is that means what it says.  There may be some problem with the script whatever packager manager ran when you installed it.  If the module has a name other than nvidia for whatever reason, editing the config file might still work.12:03
KeshiHelplessPenguin: Maybe some issue caused the package manager to name it something else… or whatever… IDK.12:03
segahi, all, anybody who can install the ubuntu on toshiba satellite laptop ? already resovled the ACPI bug ?12:04
nopfum, and how do i logout (not shutdown), i.e. to change to 2d-login?12:06
wolfric_nopf: 2d-login?12:07
wolfric_nopf: your login is 3d?12:07
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nopfwolfric_: nut sure if we are miscommunicating here. i know older versions, first day on 12.04... i seem to have the composite effects on (without special hardware drivers), and 'guest login' lets me chose 'normal/2d', so i want that for my running session. have to reboot?12:09
Cantidenopf, as far as I know you'll need to log out to select it ( 2d ), but after that it will automatically boot into the mode you have selected12:11
IdleOnenopf: you don't need to reboot. just logout and select 2d.12:11
nopfCantide: yeah, i suppose so. only *how to logout*? there's only 'switch user'12:11
Cantideweird, i get the log out option12:12
MonkeyDustnopf  you can ctrl-alt-backspace to stop X, it brings you to the login menu12:12
nopfMonkeyDust: uh, i thouhgt c-a-b was disabled in newer ubuntu? doesn't work here...12:13
MonkeyDustnopf  no logout, no ctrl-alt-backspace ...12:13
MonkeyDustnopf  guess there's more to take care of12:14
nopfMonkeyDust: yeah, and i don't even see 'suspend' and such unlesse i first lock screen...12:14
nopfMonkeyDust: dunno, this is a fresh install. partly i'm confused, that's for sure, but i think most of it is because of 12.04 which changed some little things12:15
ParadingI'm having problems running ubuntu. I installed it in a usb flash drive using the universal usb installer, rebooted the pc, and then selected "run ubuntu from usb"12:17
Paradingit starts checking everything, but then it locks after a few seconds12:17
Paradingwith the last message talking about a ehci_hcd: hc died: cleaning up12:18
ParadingI can't type anything and it just stays there12:18
magic_alCon anybody help me to conect to a git pepository?12:19
magic_alI have already initalized a git repo on my server and on my computer12:19
IdleOnemagic_al: #git perhaps12:20
IdleOnemagic_al: /join #git12:20
magic_alah :)12:20
Cebori have removed my python directory, can i fix this ??  apt-get install python dont work12:20
JonEdneyIs there a way to force the update manager to open?  It says I have updates in the Unity icon bar, and there is a window open according to the arrow icon by it, but i can't get it to open.12:21
ohad_I'm looking for an indicator that can show temps and fan speed on 12.04. any suggestion?12:23
RobinJ1995can anyone tell me where the default dconf is stored on the ubuntu cd?12:23
shinichihello, anyone here can help me?i've got a problem after using wubi for 12.0412:24
IdleOneohad_: apt-cache search indicator12:25
IdleOneohad_: it lists many12:25
RobinJ1995shinichi, don't use wubi, its crap and is the easiest way to have everything collapse in no time12:25
RobinJ1995i don't know why they still include it, 90% of the problems are caused by it12:26
KeshiRobinJ1995: They include it because it allows people trying Linux for the first time to install it like software they are used to.12:26
KeshiRobinJ1995: There is nothing inherently evil about it either AFAIK.12:27
RobinJ1995Keshi, and usually scares them away from linux12:27
shinichitried using flash drive to install ubuntu but i had worse coz it wouldn't boot12:27
ohad_IdleOne, it only shows psensors which doesn't act as an indicator12:27
KeshiRobinJ1995: Yeah, maybe the older live CD idea was a better option.12:27
RobinJ1995 shinichi thats how i always do it, seeing as i have no cd drive. works like a charm if you know how to do it, if you don't know, then don't do it12:27
RobinJ1995older live cd idea?12:28
shinichiwell, the problem is that after installing wubi and then reboot, the error: "prefix" not set shows up..dunno what to do with it though12:28
IdleOneohad_: https://launchpad.net/indicator-sensors12:29
ohad_IdleOne, I wanted to use that, but it's only for oneiric and not 12.0412:30
shinichiif i install using live-usb, it messes up my system and i couldn't boot both ubuntu and windows 7, i've used live-usb trial to download boot-repair to fix my win7 and it worked, but i still have problems with ubuntu..only black screen appears12:30
chiliblueanyone use couchpotato here, I have a problem with it moving the renamed files? can't work out whats going on12:30
IdleOneohad_: file a feature request and ask them to package for precise, or get the source and compile it.12:30
joniomg i cannot disable alert sounds without muting output sound12:31
ohad_where can I learn about compiling such a thing?12:31
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ohad_is it difficult?12:31
reghina_I cannot see correct .MOV files, neither import them to my PiTiVi12:31
shinichiRobinJ1995, any ideas about what i said earlier?12:31
joniis this true or am i just noob 11.1012:31
reghina_Can somebody give me a hand?12:31
RobinJ1995shinichi, no and havent got the time to look into it now12:32
joniCan somebody give me pussy12:32
shinichiRobinJ1995, oh, ok..thanks anyway..i just hope i could fix it..i wanted to try ubuntu.12:32
IdleOne!compile > ohad_12:33
ubottuohad_, please see my private message12:33
RobinJ1995that was fast :p12:33
ubuntunobodyin gnome shell, disabling notifications doesn't prevent annoying network notifications from popping up att bottom/middle, how do you stop that?12:33
RobinJ1995shinichi, there's always askubuntu.com as well, usually you have a better chance there to get problems fixed. But i'd just use the livecd.12:34
Adlez Hi, I cannot see correctly .MOV files, can anybody help me?12:34
ohad_ok, thanks IdleOne12:35
shinichiRobinJ1995, ok, i'm trying to find some answers there now as i see i'm not the only one who had experienced the error: "prefix" is not set.12:35
RobinJ1995lol for some reason i get asked to reboot the system... i havent installed any updates so i don't see why i would.... :p12:36
=== will is now known as Guest99400
magic_alis it possible to set up a kind of variable for a git url which is only valid in one folder?12:41
Adlezcan someone help me di install codecs for pitivi?12:41
szal"di install"?12:41
Adlezto find them...12:42
Adlezto do what ever neccessary so to be able to import .MOV files and work with them in pitivi12:42
AdlezI'm new  to Linux12:43
IdleOneAdlez: you can install ubuntu-restricted-extras . Might help, won't hurt.12:43
Adlezwhere to find them12:43
IdleOnemagic_al: this is not a git support channel. please ask in #git12:43
IdleOneAdlez: in the Software Center12:43
AdlezLast question: in my pc?12:44
AdlezI'm not good in this, sorry about all stypid questions12:44
szal.oO( didn't we have a !basics factoid or something? )12:44
rdzhi all. network-manager requires keyring access authentication when launched on every boot. how can i grant network-manager access to the keyring without being asked for a password?12:48
Blarrffllrdz : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1228374&highlight=password+default+keyring Does that help (It's for 9.04)12:52
nicekiwihow do i luached the "additional drivers" app from commandline?12:55
Stanley00nicekiwi: it's called jockey-gtk12:56
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AscavasaionHello, what SMALL games come with Ubuntu 10.04 that can be played through Internet against other players?  Something along the lines of checkers on Windows.13:00
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MeMeMeMeMeI'm on Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS. which BitTorrent client can I use to download magnet links?13:00
padmanIs anyone having problems with ubuntu 12.04 rebooting while streaming music with firefox13:00
=== d__d is now known as _dd
MeMeMeMeMeFAQ on KTorrent site says that magnet links are supported since version 4. however in this distro there is an older version of KTorrent.13:01
HelplessPenguinOkay, so I've fixed my problem (kinda)13:01
REK_007MeMeMeMeMe: deluge ?13:01
MeMeMeMeMeREK_007: I'll try it, thanks.13:02
HelplessPenguinI can get into my DE via sudo apt-get reinstall nvidia-current and then rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:02
HelplessPenguinBut every time I try to generate a new xorg.cong with nvidia-xconfig I get the same problem (FATAL: Module nvidia not found)13:03
REK_007MeMeMeMeMe: if you can use whatever client you want ... most do support it .. just add the PPA for the same so that you get the latest13:03
HelplessPenguinHow can I find what the nvidia module should be called and install it or edit the xorg.conf to point to it13:04
rdzBlarrffll, thanks for the link.. i thinkn this about the wifi password.. but my problem is about the login password that network-manager requests in order to get the wifi password from the keyring13:05
bWowkWhere can I find the development tree and/or logs for indicator-network?13:06
rdzBlarrffll, i'm using fluxbox and it turned everything is ok in unity (12.04). then i also figured out why it works in unity but not in fluxbox.. i have to start gnome-keyring-daemon with the ffollowing options: --login --damonize13:07
sstabWowk: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/indicator-network/ubuntu13:07
HelplessPenguin**How do I get a list of all installed modules?**13:07
bWowkssta: thanks a bunch13:07
HelplessPenguin**How do I get a list of all installed modules?**13:07
sstabWowk: in general, to find the source tree for something: apt-cache showsrc <package>13:08
bWowkssta: thanks again13:08
Blarrffllrdz : glad you figured it out :)13:08
wookienzguys, bit of a curly one. I run davmail - an exchange email conduit to thunderbird. It is on eth1 under .2.21. On that server i also have eth0 on .3.21. Davmail calls a java instance when executed. However ti wont work if a. there si not default route defined for .2.21 OR the default route that is defined has a better metric then the .3.21 route. Davmail has been told explicity to use the .2.21 eth but to no avail. Is java the culprit here?13:09
MeMeMeMeMeREK_007: deluge from distro works well, thanks.13:10
Pupuserhi...how to mount drive /dev/sda513:10
REK_007MeMeMeMeMe: welcome :)13:10
OerHeksHelplessPenguin, list of installed packages > sudo dpkg --get-selections > packages.txt13:10
REK_007HelplessPenguin: lsmod?13:10
Z_Godanyone here who knows why ia32-libs is still not installable on precise?13:13
Z_GodI would expect the issues with it to have been solved before the release, because some packages still depend on it13:13
OerHeksZ_God, ubuntu 12.04 is multi-arch, all you need is multiarch support, which is enabled by default.13:15
Z_GodOerHeks: yes that works13:16
Z_GodOerHeks: but some old packages like acroread from the partner repository still depend on ia32-libs, so they are not installable13:16
Z_Godand multiarch seems to be very buggy13:16
OerHeksZ_God, maybe the wiki is any help > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiArch13:16
Z_GodI tried installing acroread:i386, but then I wants acroread-common:i386 even though acroread-common is an architecure independant package (all)13:17
Z_GodOerHeks: this wikipage is outdated, it still talks about ia32-libs, but this package hasn't been installable without causing huge issues on precise for multiple months13:19
OerHeksZ_God, the wiki is not outdated, i see many bugreports about acroread > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acroread/+bug/99076113:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990761 in acroread (Ubuntu) "acroread 9.5.1 is not installable on Ubuntu Precise amd64 system" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:19
Z_GodOerHeks: that page is, ia32-libs on precise is impossible right now13:20
Z_GodOerHeks: thanks but the bug, it's the problem I'm running into13:22
OerHeksZ_God, please confirm this bug, is can help13:22
Z_GodOerHeks: I already did :)13:22
OerHeksgreat :-)13:22
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neurei installed lubuntu, how do i switch to say kubuntu?13:26
OerHeksneure install kubuntu, log out ( not shut down) and change the DM to kubuntu and log back in.13:27
neurehow do install kubuntu? how do i change DM?13:27
Crypto_I upgraded my kernel on ubuntu and now I can't use my wired connection. putting the kernel back to an earlier version fixes it but I want to use the newer linux kernel, any way I could fix this?13:28
neurekubuntu-desktop package?13:28
Z_Godneure: yes13:28
OerHeksneure yes, kubuntu desktop package is the metapackage13:29
neureand how do i change DM?13:29
EternaLhi all, i try to make a symbolic link to a library in a install section of makefile but i doesn't work : http://pastebin.com/xN6BtDnz13:29
EternaLcan you help me ?13:29
OerHeksneure log out, change DM ( i think it is somewere near keyboard/language) and log back in13:29
neureoh it in the login gui? ok13:30
ohad_I'm using 12.04. Is it possible that my kernel doesn't have the new i916 enabled?13:30
OerHeksCrypto_, how did you install your wireless driver ? if you build it yourself, rebuild it for the new kernel.13:31
neurecan i somehow install kubuntu-desktop but omit some packages?13:31
neureand find out which packages take so many MB.. ?)13:31
Crypto_its ethernet, not wireless13:31
Crypto_and the eth0 interface is working, but as soon as I try to connect it fails13:31
Qalqimy tilda terminal keeps blinking like crazy13:33
Qalqishould i give it my attention?13:33
OerHeksCrypto_, oke, did you ty to reset the router, does that solve any?13:34
Crypto_I did try, doesnt solve anything, the router recognizes it as a working connection and can identify my computer13:34
Crypto_networking is enabled, if thats something you were possibly going to ask13:35
OerHeksCrypto_, no, i was thinking about network adresses, do you use DHCP?13:36
meisth0thi have a python gtk application that has a tray icon, as i understand ubuntu has indicator thing instead of tray, where can i find documentation of how can i implement indicator support?13:36
Crypto_I think so13:36
OerHeksCrypto_, there is a "for all users" checkbox at the bottom of your wired preferences, is it check on?13:37
Crypto_Yes it is13:37
i3luefireI am running 12.04LTS server and it is a headless server... when i reboot it sometimes requires me to select which kernel i want ... which is annoying bc i don't have a keyboard or monitor attached how can i make grub auto select the default kernel after a waiting period everytime?13:38
OerHeksCrypto_, odd, i can't think of any other solution.13:39
Crypto_I could show you some debug I got from terminal when trying to use network manager to enable the connection13:39
ohad_can anyone advise on how to "fix" the issue of the x220 fan that suddenly jumps to 3500 rpm when I'm doing nothing13:40
Qalqithis channel is full of questions but no answers13:41
OerHeksi3luefire, you can set time (10) to (0) >>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Timed_Display13:42
Pupuserhi......Ubuntu is not detecting my hard disk13:43
i3luefireOerHeks, the problem isnt that it is too slow the problem is that there is not a countdown at all on some boots. It just waits forever13:44
i3luefireNot figuratively13:45
i3luefireI don't want instant boot i want eventual boot13:46
i3luefireIt is giving me never boot13:47
wookienzshould i have two default routes under my route table?13:47
pielstickpls help, how i can install tar.gz in bt5 quiqly?13:47
stars69hi, can someone plz tell me how to fix this error msg13:47
stars69 sudo reboot now13:47
stars69sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0777, should be 044013:47
stars69sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting13:47
stars69sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin13:47
stars69how i fix that anyone?13:47
wookienzare you a valid sudoer13:48
stars69yes iam13:48
stars69is only one user on this system anyways13:48
wookienzcan you chmod the file to 440?13:49
stars69i try to chomd 0444 but it wouldnt let me13:49
OerHeks!backtrack | pielstick13:49
ubottupielstick: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:49
stars69 sudo chmod 0444 /etc/13:50
stars69sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0777, should be 044013:50
stars69sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting13:50
OerHeksi3luefire, i am not sure what option pushes grub to move on directly13:50
i3luefireI think it may be only happening after failed boot  or improper shutdown oerheks13:51
stars69what is the cmd to add new user from ssh terminal?13:52
sstastars69: adduser13:53
i3luefirestars69, can you do $su13:54
corsairanyone know how to install ubuntu on a netbook with EFI?13:54
stars69i3luefire, yes that work13:57
thanh_hello everybody13:57
i3luefirestars69, that should allow you to do chmod on your sudoers file13:58
stars69i3luefire, is not working  sudo chmod 0444 /etc/sudoers13:59
stars69sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0777, should be 044013:59
stars69sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting13:59
stars69sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin13:59
Stormx2ello. getting random pulseaudio crashes. here's the relevant part of my syslog: https://gist.github.com/266666214:00
i3luefireStars69, after you do su you just do $chmod    not $sudo chmod14:01
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i3luefireStars69, after you do $su you just do $chmod ...   not $sudo chmod ...14:02
stars69i3luefire, is not working  chmod 0444 /etc/sudoers14:03
stars69chmod: changing permissions of `/etc/sudoers': Operation not permitted14:03
REK_007unless i disconnect my headphone from the front jack my speakers wont work which are connected to the rear IO panel jack... any solutions?14:03
i3luefirestars69, is your cmd prompt $ or #?14:04
OerHeksCrypto_, i read some bugs, about wired network, it can take some time ( first time) to get DHCP enabled, up to a minute .. does this apply to you too?14:05
Crypto_its been like that for 4 days so I doubt it14:05
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i3luefirestars69, after u do $su and put in the root password you should be able to do anything14:06
i3luefireNo sudo needed14:07
godrinktar.gz , is this archive? how i can install tar.gz file?14:07
OerHeksi3luefire, the ubuntu way is "sudo -i"14:07
i3luefireOerHeks, but if your sudo is broken you need su14:07
OerHeksgodrink, double click on it, and fileroller will open14:08
llutzi3luefire: "su" only works with an enabled root-account, ubuntu doesn'thave by default14:08
LjLi3luefire: but su doesn't work in a default Ubuntu install.14:08
OerHeksi3luefire, oh yes, sudo is broken, that can be fixed with live cd14:08
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:08
=== Sidewinder is now known as Urulu
OerHekssee psychocats14:08
godrinki can to do that , bt5 online14:08
i3luefireThere you go stars6914:09
godrinki can not to do that , bt5 online14:09
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OerHeks!backtrack | godrink14:09
ubottugodrink: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition14:09
godrinkwhich why programm i need for open tar.gz? gzip?14:11
OerHeksgodrink, man tar14:12
godrinklooks like its not availiable for bt14:13
OerHeksgodink we can't help you with that, join the backtrack channel14:14
godrinki already there14:14
OerHeksbt has its own problems, i don't want to know.14:14
godrinkbut nobody can answer to me14:14
RyoRoningodrink: google search provides nothing?14:15
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godrinktoo much info in google / RyoRonin14:16
godrinki thought about quiqly solvation14:16
RyoRoningodrink: is it a tar.xz file?14:16
LjLgodrink: you need gunzip or just tar. those are almost certainly available. if not, you need to refer to the backtrack support venues, we can't help you here.14:16
godrinkoi sorry14:16
godrinkthis is tar.gz14:16
BlessJahare crash reports sent anonymously?14:17
RobinJ1995they can be, i think14:17
OerHeksBlessJah, yes14:18
godrinkgzip already install , i checked in synaptic , but how to use14:18
LjLgodrink: you need gunzip not gzip14:18
stars69llutz, your right i didnt enabled root account14:18
BlessJahthen, there is no possibility to check how much of them i've already sent?14:18
BlessJahoh, there is apport log file14:19
meraj@all: i wanna use mobile  dongle in ubuntu bt this deice is unrecognised..wat shilud i do??14:20
RyoRoningodrink: tar xvfJ filename.tar.xz14:21
godrinktar zxvf /root/Desktop/Downloads/flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710.tar.gz14:22
godrinkis it correct?14:22
RyoRoningodrink: you said was a xz file. so it is a gz file?14:22
godrinkno . i said gz file14:23
RyoRoningodrink: yeah that should work or go directly to the file. tar zxvf filename.tar.gz14:23
meraj@ anyone: kindly suggest me??14:23
oCeangodrink: yes, those are the options. Replace the x with t, and it will just do a dry-run (test)   tar tvfz /path/to/file.tar.gz14:23
vickingoHola, alguien sabe si le doy actualizar a la notificacion en 11.10 pierdo datos a 12.04?14:24
RyoRoningodrink: http://www.littleigloo.org/linux/how-to/uncompress-linux-files.html should give you for any other archived files.14:24
meisth0thhow can i get a @ubuntu.com e-mail address?14:24
oCean!member | meisth0th14:25
ubottumeisth0th: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership14:25
sinapsicorsair: lol14:25
oCeanmeisth0th: it is one of the benefits of membership14:25
merajblessjah: i wanna use mobile dongle.bt unrecognised?? suggest me14:25
sinapsicorsair is a troll14:25
SnowmanX11Hi Guys.14:25
oCeansinapsi: you can report in #ubuntu-ops if you think it necessary14:25
sinapsithank you14:26
oCeangodrink: apparently you downloaded it as root user, since it is in root's Download folder. Ubuntu does not have a root account enabled14:26
SnowmanX11I am not able to gain 5.1 sound on my built-in sound card: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05). Does anybody have any idea?14:26
godrinki using bt14:27
godrinkas root14:27
oCeangodrink: both not supported here14:27
merajocean:  i wanna use mobile dongle bt it is unrecognised wat shuld i do?14:27
oCeangodrink: so please, find help in the appropriate channels, not here14:27
vickingoMi ubicación: Carmen de Patagones, Argentina14:27
karparmeraj: is your mobile dongle a 3g one? what's the manufacturer?14:27
oCean!ar | vickingo14:27
ubottuvickingo: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe14:27
merajocean:  ya 3g.14:28
godrinkRyoRonin thanks for info14:28
godrinki am reading14:28
merajkarpar: ya 3g only..14:28
karparmeraj: my huawei E170 works fine in ubuntu 11.10.14:28
merajkarpar: i m using 10.04, can u say me  2 enable dis?14:29
merajkarpar: its unrecognisible..14:29
RyoRoningodrink: did it work?14:30
godrinkjust trying14:31
nuno_ can anyone help me change the categories of the main menu?14:31
godrinkneed time14:31
merajkarpar: can u suggest me dear?14:31
karparmeraj: i think you should go and google youself the proper driver.14:31
merajkarpar: is there any command to enable it?14:31
nuno_something like video players/ audio players/14:31
nuno_and so..14:32
oCeankarpar: please don't suggest google here14:32
karparoCean: sorry:(14:32
oCeankarpar: np, help is welcome, but most users that come here, already know about google14:32
merajocean: can u suggest me?14:32
oCeanmeraj: sorry, I have never used those dongles14:33
chsadoshey guys... so i downloaded the newest versions of tails and used the usb installer to put it on thumb drive.  in bios i have the thumb drive as first boot and it just boots straight to windows - any ideas?14:33
rootHey hey14:33
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oCean!wireless | meraj maybe this documentation can help you14:34
ubottumeraj maybe this documentation can help you: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:34
merajocean: ok...hw can i chek my services for these things?14:34
oCeanmeraj: see ubottu's link14:34
JonathonWhenever I try to start up ubuntu, It goes alright, But right before the login screen comes up, it freezes14:34
karparmeraj: tell us your dongle's manufacturer?14:34
cpuwolfwhy my xubuntu 12.04 takes so long time before splash screen shows up14:35
karparubottu: 3g dongle is different from wifi wireless network card.14:36
Urulu!rootirc | Jonathon14:36
ubottuJonathon: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.14:36
oCeancpuwolf: just so you know, there is a specific #xubuntu channel too14:36
JonathonUrulu, Yea, I forgot :P14:36
ayubai cannt install my printer driver14:36
chsadosdo i need to install my 16gb usb drive to FAT32 ?14:36
JonathonBut if I get help quick I'll be right out14:37
ayubapleaseee help14:37
UruluJonathon, Sometimes, I think, that IRCing from LiveCD "might" show up here as 'root', but I'm not certain about that..14:38
JonathonWhenever I try to start up ubuntu it freezes right before the login screen14:38
JonathonUrulu, I'm on an install, not a livecd14:38
JonathonUrulu, I was in root because I was running fsck, and just forgot to unroot14:39
lootI have a question, about a live cd14:39
bazhangayuba, what printer, make and model14:39
loothow do I get a 2D game that requires opengl to run in a live cd14:39
bazhangayuba, what does linuxprinting.org say about your printer, check the database first14:40
ayubacanon mp28714:40
zykotic10loot: a 2D game that requies OpenGL - is actually a 3D game...14:40
jamesbeebopHello all, happy Saturday.  :)14:40
UruluJonathon, I certainly hope that you were NOT trying to fsck on/to a mounted file system.14:40
lootwell maybe it's a problem with SDL, but I think my live cd has SDL14:40
ayubai already download the driver from the canon support14:40
ayubabut i dont know how to install14:40
JonathonUrulu, No, I ran fsck on an unmounted partition14:40
UruluWhew, that was a close one..14:41
JonathonUrulu, I'm not that newbish :P14:41
lootWhen I run the game from the live CD it's very slow, but when I run the game in Ubuntu OS installed on an HD, it's smooth14:41
jamesbeebopI'm running 12.04 with xbmc, and have two fiddly little issues.  I've created an xbmc session in lightdm, and when I sign in there, I get no sound on my external speakers.  I do get sound on the laptop when the external speaker wire isn't connected, and I do get hdmi sound, but not the external speakers.14:41
lootThe game is 2D and doesn't consume much resources, so what could be wrong?14:42
Jonathonloot, anything run on a livecd is going to be a lot slower14:42
ayubai have cnijfilter-mp280series-3.40-1-deb.tar.gz14:42
jamesbeebop2 - When I close the laptop lid, both the laptop screen and the external monitor go blank, even though I have set "do nothing".14:42
ayubahow to run cnijfilter-mp280series-3.40-1-deb.tar.gz14:42
lootJonathon: My problem isn't because it's on a live cd, but because it's using OpenGL14:42
UruluJonathon, It is an easy thing to overlook; especially for those coming from the win environment. I'm not, by any means suggesting that about you. :-)14:42
Jonathonayuba, extract it14:42
ayubaok than14:43
lootCould anyone recommend a live C Dfor gaming if this one doesn't work14:43
lootsomething that has OpenGL14:43
JonathonUrulu, Yea I know, I haven't been on windows in nearly 2 years though, So I'm getting most of these basic tips memorized14:43
Jonathonayuba, What files do you have after you extract it?14:44
zykotic10loot: there are some game livecds out there (or where at one point).  But gaming and LiveCDs is going to be sub-par for sure.14:44
jamesbeebopjonathon, if it's similar to the mg5200 series, he should be left with cnijfilter-mp280series-3.40-1-deb\install.sh14:45
oCeanJonEdney: why would you send that to every channel you enter?14:46
lootReally... I like ubuntu... and I like Live CDs... but really this program only needs something like opengl14:46
lootI wish there was an Ubuntu or linux version of filemon.exe for Windows14:46
Jonathonjames, That's what I was expecting, Either a deb or sh file14:46
ayubai have folder named packages, resources and install.sh14:47
Jonathonayuba, alright good14:47
sandprickleHas anybody else had problems installing desktop i386 from cd?14:47
Jonathonayuba, now just open your terminal, cd to that directory, and type ./install.sh14:47
zykotic10sandprickle: can you supply some details?  blackscreen?14:48
Urulusandprickle, Did you md5sum the ISO image prior to burning at the slowest speed?14:48
sandprickleit hangs trying to load the b43 firmware14:48
sandprickleno i md5sumed after :)14:48
PePeR_does anyone know how to substitute the freedoom music for the orignal doom music14:49
Urulusandprickle, And, I presume that the hashes agreed?14:49
sandprickleI was i windows and didn't have an md5sum program installed. and i only saw one speed to burn. checked the disk for errors.14:49
JonEdneyoCean, I like to spread greatings everywhere I go!14:50
JonathonWhenever I try to start up ubuntu, It goes alright, But right before the login screen comes up, it freezes14:50
ayubano such directorry14:50
sandprickleI'm gonna boot it again to get the message...14:50
ayubaim sorry this is my 1st using ubuntu14:50
oCeanJonathon: please don't do that in our support channels. Imagine every single user here doing so14:51
oCeanJonEdney: ^14:51
Jonathonayuba, Try surrounded the directory in quotes14:51
oCeanJonathon: sorry, message was not for you14:51
JonEdneyNo problem oCean14:51
Jonathonlike cd "/this/is/a/directory"14:51
JonathonoCean, I was like, What'd I do O.o14:52
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UruluJonathon, I wish I was more adept at trouble shooting the type of problem you're describing, sorry. Have you searched and or posted at ubuntuforums.org?14:52
JonathonUrulu, No, But I don't have an account there yet, And just figured this'd be faster. I should go search real quick though14:53
studioI need help.  I can't seem to access my home dir through thunar.  I can ls /home/me and see all my folders/files in the dir, just fine, but I can't open the dir in a GUI14:53
PePeR_does anyone know how to substitute the freedoom music for the orignal doom music14:54
studioWhen I click on the 'me' icon in thunar's left panel, it says 'rror when getting information for file '/home/me/.gvfs': Transport endpoint is not connected.14:54
studioany ideas what's up?14:54
UruluJonathon, I don't think you need an account to "search", that being said you really should register, it's a fantastic resource and, the one I used almost exclusively, until I discovered 'here'. :)14:54
sandprickleok, want that message?14:55
Jonathonstudio, I used to get that message to sometimes, Have you tried rebooting?14:56
spike3000112.04 is looking good so far, need to read whats new14:56
Urulu!pastebin | sandprickle,14:56
ubottusandprickle,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:56
studioYes, I've logged in and out several times and rebooted twice.  No avail.14:57
studioI'm in the terminal browsing my /me/downloads folder as we speak.  It's not an encryption problem, as far as I can tell, but I don't know what it is, either.14:57
ayubacd home/ayuba/Downloads/driver: No such file or directory14:57
ayubainstall.sh: command not found14:57
jimmy_birerwhere is your tarball ayuba?14:57
sandprickleah, thanks14:57
dpacHow does ssh maintain a connection even after my computer is suspended and resumed?14:58
Jonathonayuba, Alright, Just try right clicking the .sh file, there might be Execute in Terminal14:58
jimmy_birerdpac: it doesnt14:58
JonathonOr run, Then Execute in terminal14:58
Urulusandprickle, My pleasure; just hope someone can help. :)14:58
Urulusandprickle, Not only that, but I wanted to save you from the floodbots..14:59
dpacjimmy_birer: That's what I had thought. And you wouldn't believe the sorcery  that happened just now. There was a power cut, right? So no internet for me. So I suspended, I resumed after power came back, and lo and behold ssh was still there.14:59
meekwarriorHey guys, Ive got a weird problem. I have 2 diffrent flavors of Linux installed. When i boot my PC everything works fine intill i get to GRUB. And my Keyboard stops working. so i cant change which OS to boot. as soon as OS boots Keyboard works again, Any ideas?14:59
jimmy_birerdpac:did the remote machine you ssh`d have the same IP?15:00
ayubai want to try print test15:00
studiomeekwarrior, are your directional keys broken?15:00
Urulumeekwarrior, Update grub?15:00
meekwarriorNo my keys work fine15:00
dpacjimerickson: Same IP? It's my web server, so yes it has a static IP, if that's what you mean15:00
meekwarriorMy lights on my keyboard goes out. so it doesnt even have power15:01
dpacjimmy_birer:  Same IP? It's my web server, so yes it has a static IP, if that's what you mean15:01
dpacjimerickson: Oops, sorry.15:01
pawdroIs it safe to install ruby using apt-get? Or is it preferable to install using rvm ?15:01
meekwarriorUrulu, grub has worked fine for me. i just recently switched out PSU's15:01
jimmy_birerdpac: then ssh must have been reconnected15:01
sandprickle... typing it in.......15:01
Jonathonstudio, so Terminal works fine, but the File manager doesn't?15:01
dpacjimmy_birer: My private keys are protected by a passphrase15:02
dpacjimmy_birer: ssh-agent wasn't running15:02
Jonathonstudio, Have you tried a different File Manager?15:02
studioI haven't actually tried to open the files, but I can browse them.15:02
kelvinellahow to connect usb in virtualbox?15:02
jimmy_birerdpac: your ssh must`ve not send a disconnect event to your remote host15:02
ayubaok thanks15:02
Jonathonstudio, from terminal they should open fine, this is just a file manager problem15:03
Urulumeekwarrior, Not sure how/why a new PS would cause the symptoms that you're describing; not very helpful on my part, I know, sorry..15:03
kelvinellai am using ubuntu 10.1015:03
jimmy_birerdpac: and when you suspend your computer it saves anything on the RAM (including all the passphrases)15:03
studioRight, that's what I thought.  I had trouble with it not mounting windows fils sys or external hdds or dvd drive earlier...15:03
jimmy_birerso when you resumed everything was good15:03
dpacjimmy_birer: That's possible, but it was a power cut. So my router turned off. There's no way my router can resume connections even after a power cut. And there's no way remote host would keep a connection active without keep-alive packets from me.15:03
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studiolol this stupid update to 12.04 has broken this system in 35 ways over the course of the last two weeks.15:04
meekwarriorSorry i Xed out.  who ever pingned me please resend15:04
Jonathonstudio, you should use terminal for mounting anyways :P15:04
ayubahello world15:04
jimmy_birerdpac: ahh,didnt read the power-cut part.15:04
Urulusandprickle, Use copy/ paste to pastebin or.. this..15:04
jimmy_birersaint iGNUcius must`ve helped you15:04
Urulu!pastebinit | sandprickle15:04
ubottusandprickle: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com15:04
ayubabravo can print already thank a lot15:04
Jonathonayuba, good good, glad to hear ^^15:04
studioJonathon, I am pretty decent with terminal, but this pc is a recording studio with ubuntu studio used by a bunch of other people not so linux literate.15:05
Urulusandprickle, Saves you from all that nasty typing. :)15:05
noxybonjour a tous15:05
Jonathonstudio, ahh, I see15:05
dpacjimmy_birer: It's mindboggling. I'll try asking on stackoverflow or something15:05
studioand I can't get jack to work to record music and can't access the home folder where all my recordings are, except indirectly through other programs, i.e. opening a file through a program..15:05
sandprickleUrulu: thanks. this is happening during boot on a live cd tho...15:05
jimmy_birerdpac: yeah15:06
studioso it's basically useless until I get it fixed.15:06
Jonathonstudio, Could you possibly try another File Manager to see if you get the same issue? Like Nautilus or PCmanFM15:06
neo___I tried to change the ssh port in ssh_config on my vps and restarted ssh but it still working on port 2215:06
studioLet me check.15:06
Urulusandprickle, That's right; sorry I forgot. :(15:06
sandprickleUrulu: np :)15:06
dvanamstA question about the do-release-upgrade : I got a disk space error that's quite a weird. I got over 5 Gb free on my root partition and 222 on my /boot partition. Then I got the error saying I need to free about 1.1 Gb extra disk space to get the necessary 1.3. Looks like do-release-upgrade confuses my "/" with my "/boot" partition. I'm doing this remotely over SSH. Any suggestions ?15:07
studioI just tried another file manager, and it automatically gave the error 'transport endpoint is not connected'15:07
lootIt seems that the non-nVidia XServer for my computer goes slow for this 2D GL app, but with a hard drive nvidia xserver, it goes fast and normal15:08
neo___I tried to change the ssh port in ssh_config on my vps and restarted ssh but it still working on port 2215:08
Jonathonstudio, atleast it's consistent...15:08
studiobut it shows the files >.>15:08
lootmaybe reburn the live CD with the xserver15:08
Jonathonstudio, yea? Good, try running one?15:08
studioumm.. all the files are empty.  I think this is a problem I heard about when I was googling..15:09
studiowell, it was showing folders.15:09
studionot files15:09
PePeR_does anyone know how to substitute the freedoom music for the orignal doom music15:09
Jonathonstudio, could you possibly boot a liveCD and run fsck?15:10
studioI got a .txt saved in /me dir to open, but can't see files in other folders15:10
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studioI have a knoppix live dvd on usb if that would do it, but don't have a ubuntu distro on hand atm.15:10
studiowould that work15:10
JonathonIf it has fsck, it should work fine15:10
Jonathonjust make sure your Hard Drive is UNMOUNTED when you run it15:11
JonathonOtherwise bad things happen to good people :(15:11
studiook.  I think the problem may have just solved itself, though.15:11
studioI heard that when the encryption/whatever fixes itself that it makes duplicates of all the standard /home folders and they take priority over the encrypted ones and the original encrypted ones aren't shown until you delete the duplicates.15:12
studioand that the new duplicate folders are empty.15:12
JonathonMmm, So you think that you were trying to access the Dupes then?15:13
studioAnd I have an few folders I've created that still show my files, so I;m thinking that's what happened.15:13
studioNo, I think that the system derped out and just now created the dupes while we were talking and fixed itself, because I couldn't even see the files before.15:13
JonathonAhh ok, So now you can see the files?15:14
studiowell, actually, I guess it did happen before, because thunar still won't show the files, but the other will.15:14
JonathonOk, Well try running the fsck if you can, I gotta run for a couple minutes15:14
zykotic10studio: do you have "x" permission on the directory?15:14
neo___I tried to change the ssh port in ssh_config on my vps and restarted ssh but it still working on port 2215:15
studiox?  what do you mean?15:15
zykotic10studio: actually rx really - what is the permission on teh directory in question?  "ls -ld /path"15:15
dvanamstSorry to ask again but has anybody a thought about my "do-release-upgrade" problem ? It's occuring between a 11.10 and a 12.04 release ?15:16
studiodrwxr -xr -x 5 root root 4096 is what is returned15:16
zykotic10studio: root:root15:17
zykotic10studio: but you should be able to enter and list the directory as anyone15:17
studioso it's owned by root?15:17
zykotic10studio: yes15:17
zykotic10studio: only root currently has write permission15:18
studiohmm.. weird.  I had to change root password and enable root login earlier for some stuff.  I wonder if that caused it.15:18
JonEdneyI'm taking a look around Barnes & Noble, but I thought I saw something on the Ubuntu site, as far as books for learning the system..?15:18
sandprickleah, looks like this might work: http://bit.ly/KSRGrn15:18
studioIt also threw my NVIDIA drivers all outta whack and stuck my lappy screen to a 64x480 res.015:18
m_bissonQuestion... I have a htpc and want to run Ubuntu on it. Is there a way to make Netflix work?15:19
studioI'm thinking about installing 12.04 from scratch  This update has ruined this system.15:19
zykotic10m_bisson: (possibly out-of-date info) no, use a VM perhaps?15:20
mikeh_anybody running mysql 5.0.96 on ubuntu 8.0.4?15:20
zykotic10mikeh_: you might want to try #ubuntu-server (i'm assuming you are on server)15:22
mikeh_recommendation on mod_sec install on 8.0.4 or alternative?15:22
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mikeh_yup, ok thanks zykotic1015:22
mneptokmikeh_: FYI, Ubuntu version numbers are dates. 8.04 was released April of 2008. so it's not 8.0.4. ;)15:24
mikeh_thanks mneptok15:25
kapzwhy my prints from firefox are always slow? Even when there are no jobs pending. Changing job priority does not help either. On the contarary programs like libreoffice and gedit print almost instantly..15:28
mneptokmikeh_: you will want to upgrade to 12.04 at some point. 8.04 -server will go EOL this time next year. 12.04 is the only LTS version that will be available until then.15:28
mneptokkapz: print an image from LibreOffice.15:29
kapzmneptok, did that, prints instantly.15:31
Jonathonkapz, I used to have that same problem with firefox in windows, Never could figure out why it did that15:32
Jonathonkapz, try possibly disconnecting the printer then reconnecting it?15:32
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kapzJonathon, well it's going on since long time..15:33
Jonathonkapz, Ahh15:34
ohad_my wireless indicator disappeared from the systray (12.04). restart doesn't help///15:34
Jonathonkapz, And when you try to print, what exactly do you mean by slow? Like the printer prints slowly, or it takes a long time for it to begin?15:34
kapzon a note, printing from epiphany too is sloooww15:34
msgubuntuhi there! I'm having trouble with my very first build and ubuntu. Can someone help?15:35
kapzit takes long time to begin15:35
Jonathonmsgubuntu, be specific :)15:35
msgubuntuI've got it running from a DVD right now, and it's fine15:35
Jonathonkapz, so only with browsers, but not image programs?15:35
msgubuntubut when I install it to my HD, it doesn't run correctly15:35
msgubuntumight be the os, might not be... I'm not experienced enough to know the difference15:36
Jonathonmsgubuntu, how so? does it not boot, or does it have graphical errors?15:36
msgubuntugraphical errors15:36
msgubuntuit looks like it's magnified 1000x15:36
Jonathonmsgubuntu, you'll probably need to DL the driver for your video card then. If you can, after you install, look for a program called Additional drivers15:37
msgubuntuthat seems likely -- is it something I can just grab off of the manufacture's site?15:37
mca_i need helpp15:38
Jonathonmsgubuntu, If you know exactly which card you have, You might be able to15:38
Jonathonmca_, be specific15:38
msgubuntuJonathon(yellow) thanks!15:38
Jonathonmsgubuntu, np15:39
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ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:40
mamece2hello i have some problems setting VLC remote in my iphone, does anyone how to configure it?15:40
Kaleidoscopemamece2, is the problem with VLC on your Ubuntu, or the remote program in your phone?15:41
mamece2Kaleidoscope: with the ubuntu settings15:41
mca_I have 11.10 and i can't upgrade to 12.04 because my computer doesn't support pae but what do i do on april 2013 when 11.10 expires my computer is a hp dv600015:42
msgubuntuif I'm running Ubuntu from a DVD, can I install system drivers to my HD?15:43
Kaleidoscopemca_, pae?15:43
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zykotic10!pae | Kaleidoscope15:43
ubottuKaleidoscope: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info15:43
Kaleidoscopemsgubuntu, Not really, There is possible ways, but it's very very difficult15:43
Kaleidoscopezykotic10, thanks15:44
Kaleidoscopemca_, and you can't use a 64bit Ubuntu?15:44
mamece2Has anyone set VLC remote on his ubuntu?15:44
Qualiaguys my video drivers are completely messed up, can somebody please help me, im frustrated15:44
Qualiai installed the opensource and fglrx cant seem to understand which one is active and uninstalled... i cant completely uninstall them. i want the opensource to be active and the unity desktop is working in 2d nao15:45
Qualiawill anybody volunteer to help ?15:45
mca_how do i upgrade 32 to 64 bit15:45
oCeanmca_: not possible, re-install is only option15:45
Kaleidoscopemca_, and you have to be sure your laptop supports 64bit15:46
mca_it can run win7 64bit15:46
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Kaleidoscopemca_, then good, so what you can do is back up your important files, and re install Ubuntu after Downloading the 64bit version15:47
msgubuntuI see. I'm having graphical problems with running Ubuntu from my hard disk, and was recommended to install the correct drivers for my Graphics card; any potential solutions?15:47
zykotic10msgubuntu: what card?  "lspci | grep -i vga" will show you, if you aren't sure.15:48
mca_i installed a lot of packages in terminal15:48
msgubuntuamd radeon hd645015:48
Gneamsgubuntu: well that all depends which video card you have15:48
Kaleidoscopemca_, You'll likely have to reinstall all of them15:48
Gnea!radeon | msgubuntu15:48
ubottumsgubuntu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:48
mca_whats i38615:49
Kaleidoscope64bit programs differ from the 32bit ones, and 1386 is 32bit15:49
Gneamca_: it's the architecture type15:49
spike30001I did install the ubuntu 11.04 64bit before but found a lot of apps games would not run in 6415:49
spike30001Linux does not seem to have moved forward enough as Win7 on 64 bit from what I can see. Win7 64 is superb.15:50
Kaleidoscopespike30001, I would beg to differ, I've never had a problem with any program on my 64bit install15:51
cq75I have a question about ssh and ubuntu server -- I started some services on my server through ssh, and they terminated when I ended the session, why is that? Can I change that?15:51
spike30001Maybe I needed to give it more time, I don't have the most patients15:51
mca_i tried that earlier and i386 didn't work15:51
zykotic10cq75: you might want to look into screen (i take it your services are not system services)15:51
Gneaspike30001: such discussion is not within the parameters of this chat channel15:52
Kaleidoscopespike30001, Linux always recquires patience :P15:52
cq75hmm... screen... and no they are not system services15:52
mca_but ill try 64bit15:52
zykotic10!info screen15:52
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu8 (precise), package size 582 kB, installed size 1044 kB15:52
Qualiai dropped if anyone answered me please repost15:52
Qualia!info screen15:53
spike30001your right, but im getting 3.9 gig memory reading on 32bit Unbuntu ver 12 so happy enough. May install  64bit again in the future15:53
cq75zykotic10 - so using this will keep my programs running after I disconnect?15:53
zykotic10cq75: yes15:53
spike30001Hi Gnea what was I not supposed to talk about?15:53
cq75thanks, I'll give it a try15:54
spike30001Thought it was free chat.15:54
Gneaspike30001: I haven't had a problem with 64 bit Ubuntu running anything. what programs are you referring to, exactly?15:54
Gnea!guidelines | spike3000115:54
ubottuspike30001: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:54
Kaleidoscopespike30001, He means keep it related to ubuntu questions, Not idle chit chat :P15:54
der_Onsince an update to ubuntu  12.04 sometimes network manager won't see my wlan-router after a startup. I then have to reset my router to make it work. However on a windows machine the router works fine all the time and it also did on 11.1015:54
der_Ondid anyone know this? and maybe a solution?15:54
Gneaspike30001: and, most certainly, not an OS flamewar :P15:54
spike30001did have a few games nothing major not run I could give it another try15:55
spike30001may have been Open Arena15:55
Gneaspike30001: what kind of games? windows-based?15:55
spike30001no linux15:55
GneaI have played OA on 64bit Linux perfectly15:55
spike30001have you15:55
Gneahad to make sure 3D video drivers were setup correctly first15:55
Allandrickhi folks - does anyone here have any experience using nictool with ubuntu?15:55
spike30001maybe I did something wrong15:55
Kaleidoscopespike30001, Also you could've possibly had a bad install15:55
spike30001I have a newer graphics card now maybe it was a hardware issue15:56
KaleidoscopeCould've been15:56
spike30001could have been a bad install15:56
spike30001got a hd6770 so things are running better now15:56
KaleidoscopeGood to hear, Should you get the chance, You should give 64bit a try again15:57
mamece2have anyone try to set vlc remote on his iphone?15:58
KaleidoscopeWhenever I try to start up ubuntu, It goes alright, But right before the login screen comes up, it freezes << Still unsolved :(15:58
Qualiais xserver-xorg-video-radeon and ending with radeonhd the same thing ?15:58
KaleidoscopeQualia, not exactly, no15:58
Qualiahow can i activate this radeonhd...15:59
Kaleidoscopeclick activate?15:59
BsimsQualia: install the raedon drivers?15:59
KaleidoscopeThat too15:59
spike30001I should, but just installed 32bit 12.04 last night, did a back up  ages ago left on auto. Only forgot the password and you can't get any reminder so just a tip to you if you use ubuntu's backup either nopassword or tattoo it on your arm .15:59
Qualiaim confused about which is which.. there's xorg radeonhd fglrx15:59
Kaleidoscopespike30001, lol, Noted15:59
Qualiai need the opensource15:59
Bsimsspike30001: ouch you encrypted it... wince16:00
DarkenvyI'm trying to use gnome classic but the Unity bar keeps coming up unless I log into Gnome classic No Effects16:00
spike30001yes encrypted 128 bit16:00
spike30001no chance not even brute force16:00
Bsimsspike30001: sorry man that data is just /gone/16:00
* Bsims grins back up the encryption key in the future to say a dvd/thumbdrive16:00
spike30001sure has lol16:00
DarkenvyAll the sources on the internet state that I shouldnt have a problem. well more of they dont provide a solution because my problem is unique XD16:00
DarkenvyIs it safe to uninstall unity altogether on ubuntu 12.04?16:01
cq75is there a way to get ubuntu's font on Windows? it looks great16:01
cq75I miss it when I'm in windows actually16:01
Darkenvywindows blinds?16:01
DarkenvyI believe your in the wrong channel for that though my friend16:02
spike30001Kaleidoscope how do i run gnome on ubuntu 12.0416:02
BsimsDarkenvy: heh apt-get install kde... or lubuntu and not select it16:02
cq75ah, sorry16:02
DarkenvyBsims I dont want KDE or LXDE16:02
Kaleidoscopespike30001, wish I knew, But I'm a Lubuntu guy16:02
mneptokcq75: Ubuntu fonts are freely redistributable. you can find the TTF files easily.16:02
BsimsDarkenvy: then install gnome panel16:03
mneptokDarkenvy: why GNOME classic exactly?16:03
GneaDarkenvy: make sure you install something, otherwise you will have no gui16:03
mguycq75: They'll look differnet (slightly) because of the way each OS renders fonts16:03
OerHekscq75, http://font.ubuntu.com/16:03
Kaleidoscopespike30001, after Ubuntu started using Unity, I switched to Lubuntu :P16:03
ravenffmpeg 12.04 unknown encoder libfaac - any ideas?16:03
cq75awesome, thanks16:03
DarkenvyBsims, I have gnome-panel installed. I get the correct gnome classic as it looks in ubuntu 10.04. However the Unity bar ALSO appears16:03
spike30001i see ok no prob16:03
Gnea!e17 | Darkenvy (another alternative)16:03
ubottuDarkenvy (another alternative): Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.16:03
Darkenvyevery guide and video online shows that the unity bar doesnt appear but it does on my computer16:03
spike30001have tried lubuntu its nice16:03
zykotic10raven: use ffmpeg from medibuntu - aac is disabled in ubuntu repos16:03
BsimsDarkenvy: install gnome fallback16:04
Bsimsits the classic gnome16:04
ravenzykotic10 how to enable it16:04
spike30001also mint is nice, I have jumped to so many distros16:04
Kaleidoscopespike30001, I love that it's resource usage is so minimal, I can get it down to like 300 megs used at times16:04
zykotic10!medibuntu | raven16:04
ubotturaven: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:04
DarkenvyI have fallback installed16:04
ravenzykotic10 ffmpeg is compiled by myself with x264 i need both16:04
DarkenvyBsims classic gnome is up and running but Unity overlaps it. I have unity on top of my peanut butter16:05
Kaleidoscopespike30001, Extremely, Compared to 1.2gigs on Windows and like 800megs on Ubuntu, It's great16:05
zykotic10raven: well.. i can't suggest anything then.16:05
DarkenvyI have watched 6 videos on youtube and they all show that unity wont come up on 12. but on mine it does16:05
mneptokgoing through the efforct to try to get GNOME 2 installed is a massive waste. everyone is going to have to switch to something else at some point ....16:05
ravenffmpeg 12.04 unknown encoder libfaac - any ideas?16:05
Darkenvy(for installing Gnome classic/fallback)16:05
BsimsDarkenvy: try uninstalling it?16:05
Darkenvythats what Im asking :). if its safe to uninstall unity on 12. or if its critical to the desktop build16:06
cjaredruncurrently i am on some dedicated servers with 10.04LTS loaded on them. is there any danger in jumping directly up to 12.04 by using update-manager-core and do-release-upgrade?16:06
spike30001yes thats low. I did install a long time ago when i was confused win vista now that really eats the memory and resorces16:06
BsimsDarkenvy: try uninstalling it... it will tell you what packages it will break if any16:06
spike30001worst o/s ever16:06
mneptokcjaredrun: any LTS should upgrade directly to another LTS.16:07
Gneaspike30001: word16:07
cjaredrunok perfect mneptok. that's what i needed to know.16:07
zykotic10cjaredrun: but not until the point release (by default)16:07
Kaleidoscopespike30001, I didn't even bother with Vista after all I heard, And seeing it on my moms Computer, I was like No way16:07
cjaredrungot it16:07
cjaredrunthanks all16:07
dvanamstCould someone help me with an issue with do-release-upgrade ?16:07
ohad_the wireless indicator dissapeared from my upper tray (using 12.04). how can I bring it back? restart didn't help16:07
mneptokcjaredrun: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:07
spike30001you did the right thing its the worst16:07
cjaredrunperfect, thanks mneptok16:07
Bsimsspike30001: I will say windows 7 is actually good16:08
spike30001Win7 64bit is superb16:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:08
spike30001i have it on duel boot with ubuntu 12.0416:08
DarkenvyCCSM had an option to disable unity!16:08
mneptokDarkenvy: one last time before i go to deal with laundry. ;)  GNOME 2 is a dead end. it is not developed. you will have to switch at some point, and all this effort right now is only a delaying tactic. and a waste, IMO.16:09
spike30001do love linux16:09
DarkenvyIm not on gnome2?16:09
Kaleidoscopespike30001, I am a little annoyed with my Lubuntu at the moment, I have to do a reinstall :(16:09
spike30001hows that16:09
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:09
mneptokDarkenvy: GNOME Classic is GNOME 2. not GNOME 3.16:10
Kaleidoscopespike30001, something happened, And now I can't get to the login screen at all, It just freezes.16:10
ndairouhi all16:10
Darkenvyso by using gnome fallback I am using gnome2?16:10
MonkeyDustmneptok  looks like gnome2, but is gnome316:10
spike30001have you tried boot repair cd16:10
ndairoui have got the last of ubuntu but16:10
Darkenvy(I have before today known that gnome2 is a deadend but didnt know gnome classic was 216:10
Kaleidoscopespke30001, I'm going to after I put Lubuntu on a USB real quick, If that fails though, It's reinstall time16:10
Darkenvywait. so Gnome-fallback is gnome3 that looks like gnome2?16:11
MonkeyDustDarkenvy  I use gnome classic, it's gnome3 but looks like gnome216:11
spike30001well back up first and remember the password not like me16:11
DarkenvyYes Im using Gnome Classic right now16:11
mneptokDarkenvy: Fallback is just the panel, IIRC. Classic is the entire GNOME 2 stack.16:11
ndairoui always hav problem with this version16:11
Kaleidoscopespike30001, That's another problem I gotta firgure out...16:11
DarkenvyI have fallback installed apparently16:11
mneptokDarkenvy: you said Classic at some point, and that's what i saw.16:11
KaleidoscopeMy home folder is encrypted, So I don't know how to access my files to back em up16:12
spike30001with gaming on linux, its a pitty ID Software don't make there new engine open source it would make great compertition for directx16:12
DarkenvyI click gnome classic on my gdm16:12
spike30001think its open gl 316:12
spike30001and there working on a newer one16:12
ndairoudo anybody know about ubuntu ultimate edition 3.2?16:12
Darkenvyhold on mneptok. can I PM you?16:12
spike30001win7 ultimate edition didn't know there was a ubuntu one16:13
zykotic10!derivatives | ndairou16:13
ubottundairou: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:13
mneptokDarkenvy: does it look like this? - http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.32/figures/gnome-2-32.png.en16:13
Darkenvyno but I dont think thats a good test16:13
Darkenvylet me pm you my installed gnome related packages16:14
ndairou; thnkx for information16:14
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mneptokDarkenvy: i'm an XFCE user. these packages and what they do are not my strong point. but you need to decide if you wany Unity, GNOME 3, or some other WM/DE.16:14
Darkenvywell I will go with gnome316:14
mneptokDarkenvy: start by reading how to get a pure GNOME 3 environment in Ubuntu. then remove anything you do not need.16:15
Darkenvyso if my gnome looks like ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 then im using gnome2?16:15
Darkenvydoes gnime3 look like 10.04?16:15
spike30001isn't xfce faster for older spec pc's16:15
mneptokDarkenvy: in most cases, yes. Unity and GNOME 3 have a very different look and feel.16:15
Kaleidoscopespike30001, both xfce and lxde are better for older PC's16:15
spike30001think i ran it on a laptop once16:15
DarkenvyI have a Gnome login option btw. it looks much newer than gnome classic or unity16:15
spike30001thank's :)16:16
mneptokDarkenvy: that "newer" look is GNOME 316:16
Darkenvyso im fine then16:16
spike30001ran puppy once that was fast on a low spec16:16
spike30001runs off cd or usb handy16:16
DarkenvyI can use gnome2 till it deprecates and then log into gnome3 anyday XD16:16
KaleidoscopeI thought puppy used xfce, but I could be wrong16:16
mneptokDarkenvy: seemingly. still, read up on how to get a pure GNOME 3 in Ubuntu.16:16
spike30001could be it was fast on old spec16:17
Darkenvyokay. thanks16:17
=== quixotedon is now known as donnyqiu
ndairouis there anyone who can speak french? i hav a question but my english is very poor!!16:17
mguyI was using Lubuntu 11 but regular Ubuntu 12.04 seems speedy. 1.2GHz Core 2 with Intel video16:17
zykotic10!fr | ndairou16:17
ubottundairou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:17
mneptokDarkenvy: but those Fallback and Classic modes are a dead end at some point.16:17
spike30001not as flashy as the up market distros16:17
Darkenvyfor how long?16:17
spike30001core 2 are good16:17
Kaleidoscopespike30001, I prefer performance than flashy :P16:18
mneptok!ot | spike3000116:18
ubottuspike30001: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:18
DarkenvyI mean I only upgraded because 10.10 hit a dead end XD.16:18
spike30001true both is nice though if possible16:18
ndairouok merci encore16:18
KaleidoscopeSpike30001, Yea16:18
zykotic10Darkenvy: ask the gnome devs - they've said that fallback is only temporary16:18
mneptokndairou: de rien.16:18
Darkenvyokay okay ;)16:18
spike30001but if i have a low spec the i totally agree16:18
PePeR_does anyone know how to substitute the freedoom music for the orignal doom music16:18
DarkenvyAnother question: Alternatives for Xinerama? Multimonitor support under same X?16:19
mguyPePeR_: That has nothing to do with Ubuntu!16:19
spike30001ran lubuntu on a 800mhz 256 ram it was slow16:19
mneptokspike30001: STOP the offtopic banter.16:19
mneptokspike30001: "this is good16:19
KaleidoscopeFor those specs, Might as well just junk it :P16:19
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mneptokspike30001: "i ran this."16:19
mneptokKaleidoscope: you, too.16:19
mneptokone last time, folks.16:19
KaleidoscopeOr mess with like windows 3.116:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:20
Kaleidoscopemneptok, Fine16:20
spike30001it were talking about ubuntu and how it compares with different specs and issues how is this off topic16:20
spike30001is there a set topic then16:20
oCeanspike30001: type /topic16:20
cq75screen works great zykotic10, thank you16:20
mneptokspike30001: it is not a support question. it is not a support answer. thus it is offtopic.16:21
zykotic10cq75: glad to help16:21
spike30001ok thanks.16:21
oCeanspike30001: this channel is for technical ubuntu issues only. For discussion /join #ubuntu-offtopic16:21
spike30001ok thankyou sir.16:21
KaleidoscopeOk, I'll be back later, Gonna try and fix my install now. Wish me luck...16:22
spike30001good luck kaleidoscope16:22
killtrace guys I can't update I get some error message16:25
Bsimskilltrace: and the error is?16:25
ubottump: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:26
=== donnyqiu is now known as quixotedon
killtraceok I tried to update via Update Manager and I get "W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/malteworld/compiz/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found"16:26
killtraceW:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/malteworld/compiz/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found16:27
killtrace, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/malteworld/compiz/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found16:27
killtrace, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.16:27
killtracewtf is this?16:27
oCeankilltrace: please don't paste here, and acronyms such as wtf are not welcome here16:27
Bsimskilltrace: ah disable the ppas... then try again16:27
fl1bbl3ppa doesnt exist16:27
DarkenvyI got a wierd message "developement of precise is over…."16:27
killtracehow to do that?16:28
mneptokkilltrace: language, please. and you have PPAs in your sources that apparently are not available ATM.16:28
Darkenvybut precice is 12.04 and it just begun?16:28
tdelam"acronyms such as wtf are not welcome here", lol16:28
killtracehow to disable?16:28
oCeanDarkenvy: "development" stage is before the actual release16:28
Bsimskilltrace: are you using synaptic or the ubuntu software manager?16:28
oCeantdelam: no need to repeat that16:28
Darkenvyoh its now so clear to me XD. I misunderstood what the box was saying16:28
Bsimskilltrace: Ok look for something like repositories or sources16:28
tdelamoCean: I was laughing about that16:28
oCeantdelam: let's move on, ok16:29
Bsimskilltrace: find it?16:29
tdelamoCean: already have, I'm not sure why you need to respond16:29
ohad_no one encountered the disappearance of the wireless indicator??16:29
killtracenope I'm looking in Ubuntu Software Center?16:30
killtraceI have synaptic too,can that help?16:30
mneptoktdelam: in case you missed the discussion of offtopic-ness, this is support questions and answers only. not "paste it back and lol to show my amusement." so oCean responded to things so you are aware of the rules.16:30
Bsimskilltrace: either one will work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu then click on other software... and uncheck them16:31
dvanamstMy Update Manager gives a strange free disk space error, it says I have only 222 Mb free while my root partition has over 5 Gb free. My /boot partition instead has 222 Mb free. Does this sounds familiar to anyone ?16:31
sonseeHello everyone. I have recently installed ubuntu 12.04 (clean new install with new /home) and my laptop randomly freezes (not just X, I cant even switch to console). I figured that every time this happens (and there are no patterns of why this is happening, I mean, sometimes I watch a video, sometimes I´m just using Dia to draw something) I get this error in syslog, and this is the last message before a "freeze": kernel: [28081.815914] [16:32
sonseefglrx] IRQ 46 Disabled. Can somebody please help me with this?16:32
gnubiekilltrace>  with software center there is a sources selection on the edit menu on the main task bar.16:32
mguydvanamst: what is the output of 'df -h'16:32
tdelammneptok: ... moving on; a while ago.16:33
killtraceok so I'm on repository > Other Software.. now what/16:33
dvanamst/dev/sda7             5,8G  5,3G  214M  97% /16:33
dvanamstudev                  997M   12K  996M   1% /dev16:33
dvanamsttmpfs                 402M  860K  401M   1% /run16:33
dvanamstnone                  5,0M     0  5,0M   0% /run/lock16:33
dvanamstnone                 1003M  128K 1003M   1% /run/shm16:33
FloodBot1dvanamst: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:33
dvanamst/dev/sda5             291M   55M  222M  20% /boot16:33
jointsonsee... i had random freezes with 12.04 also. i just took it off completely16:33
KaleidoscopeOk, Any reason my partition is being Readonly?16:33
Bsimskilltrace: see the ppas? uncheck them16:33
mguydvanamst: you on'ly have 214 fre on root16:33
KM0201Kaleidoscope: what filesystem is the partition?16:34
KaleidoscopeKM0201, Ext416:34
KM0201!permissions | Kaleidoscope16:34
ubottuKaleidoscope: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:34
mguydvanamst: You're out of disk space16:34
dvanamstmguy ... eh no16:34
MonkeyDustdvanamst  i think you have more than one kernel installed in /16:34
killtraceso I need to uncheck all ppa?16:35
Bsimskilltrace: I'd suggest upgrading with this in a terminal " sudo apt-get install update-manager-core " " sudo do-release-upgrade -d " I've never had good luck with the gui upgrade tools16:35
KaleidoscopeYea, Problem is a little more worse than that16:35
KM0201Kaleidoscope: what do you mean16:35
dvanamstMonkeyDust : I already removed the extra kernels only keeping the last two16:35
mguydvanamst: you have 97% full on /16:35
killtraceok I will try Bsims16:35
mneptokdvanamst: /boot is not the problem. / is.16:35
KaleidoscopeNot even Sudo can access any of the files, And trying to run fsck as Sudo returns Read Only errors, It's refusing to mount as anything other than Read Only16:35
mguyThe colums go Total size, used, free, % used16:35
Bsimskilltrace: IIRC the command line one will automaticaly disable/change the PPA's for you16:35
dvanamstmneptok : yeah right... my bad.16:36
dvanamstfeeling quite stupid now :)16:36
dvanamstmisread the output16:36
mguydvanamst: Is this a real server or VM? The disk is very small16:36
BsimsKaleidoscope: Hrm... try booting of a live cd and doing a chroot?16:37
dvanamstmguy : no it's a small dual boot system16:37
KaleidoscopeBsims, Tried that too16:37
Bsimsor runing fsck from the live cd16:37
mguydvanamst: Go for 20GB + next time16:37
KaleidoscopeBsims, And that16:37
killtracecan u write that command?16:37
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killtraceso I can copy?16:37
mneptokdvanamst: 10:33 < dvanamst> /dev/sda7 {SIZE = 5,8G}  {USED=5,3G}  {AVAILABLE = 214M}  {DISK USAGE = 97%} {MOUNTED AT = /}16:37
MonkeyDustdvanamst  you the 3rd party app ubuntu-tweak to clean your system, it's not in the repos, you have to download it16:37
BsimsOuch sorry Kaleidoscope I's out of ideas16:37
KaleidoscopeI have the feeling I'm just gonna have to format and lose everything...16:38
Bsimskilltrace: in a terminal " sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; sudo do-release-upgrade -d "16:38
Bsimskilltrace: copy and paste that into a terminal16:38
killtraceI try that and I get some errors16:38
killtracewith repository16:38
Bsimskilltrace:  Hrm may have to disable the ppas then do "sudo apt-get update" first16:39
killtraceok so I need to remove all lines that have ppa in them..../16:40
BLZbubbain precise, if I move a window to the edge of the screen it moves to the next virtual workspace16:41
Bsimskilltrace: then do this... " sudo apt-get update;  sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; sudo do-release-upgrade -d "16:41
sonsee2 joint .  I think its a fglrx problem, because it does not freeze on radeon drivers. But there is no way of using them without video accel and good power managment.16:41
BLZbubbahowever, if I right click the title bar and move it to the next virtual workspace, the window just disappears forever16:41
BLZbubbais there a way to fix this?16:42
killtraceok I will let u know in few min.16:42
=== Guest19768 is now known as Aranel
jointwhen is zorin os 6 coming out.. or mint 13?16:46
bazhang!ot | joint16:46
ubottujoint: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:46
=== ludkiller is now known as ludkiller|AFK
Strav`Hi! I'm having the following issue since my upgrade to 12.04: http://askubuntu.com/questions/133770/wireless-on-an-acer-aspire-1810t-with-an-intel-5100agn-works-for-less-than-a-day/134951#134951 It forces me to reboot my laptop several times a day. Anyone knows a workaround, I launchpad bug that's related to it, anything? (this is getting extremely annoying for me).16:50
uxqis there anything I can do to capture a GPU/Nvidia freeze/lockup?16:51
DarkenvyHow can I change my subcontect-menu colours in gnome3?16:52
DarkenvyThere seems to be WAY less theme editing settings than ubuntu 10.0416:52
Matan[M]hi, i don't have libreoffice icons in dock, how can i switch on it?16:52
ohad_can anyone please help me? my network/wireless indicator has disappeared from the upper systray. what can I do to fix it?16:52
Matan[M](run/minimalized) ofcourse16:52
popeyuxq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging16:53
MonkeyDustDarkenvy  gnome-tweak-tool is what you want16:54
ohad_Matan[M], open libreoffice and right-click its icon and pick "lock to launcher"16:54
DarkenvyMonkeyDust I have this and I cannot find the additional settings I want16:54
Matan[M]ohad_: working, thx16:55
DarkenvyThe settings did exist in 10.04 for themes so idk why they wouldnt let you edit them now16:55
=== rymate1234 is now known as rymate1234_away
stars69hi anyone here run glftpd on ubuntu 12?16:56
LorraHi everyone! Has anybody ever used optical character recognition software, I was using some called tesseract to scan a document which has text on two columns but I only get the first one. Does anybody have a clue about that?16:56
=== rymate1234_away is now known as rymate1234
mister2hey, is there a nice simple bash script for wgetting youtube videos?17:00
mister2i saw something on commandlinefu but didn't reeeally want to sift through code... >.>17:00
zykotic10!info youtube-dl | mister217:00
ubottumister2: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2012.02.27-1 (precise), package size 45 kB, installed size 205 kB17:00
dave2012Hi, I have installed the latest ubuntu and also installed skanlite, scanner utility and xane, I have an epson artizan px710w but all those progs are telling me that there is no scanner attached, yet I can print from it ok....any ideas?17:00
mister2thanks zykotic :)17:01
mmehi every body17:01
mister2hi mme17:02
rabbi1pycurl.error: (35, 'gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.')17:02
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rabbi1what is the error, how to solve ? ^^17:02
mister2rabbil, what were you doing when you got it?17:02
mmehow can i install copmpizfusion in ubuntu 12.0417:02
Lorramister2, I've tried some, but apparently they didn't keep up with youtube updates and they didn't work17:03
rabbi1mister2: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa17:03
dave2012synaptic package manager?17:03
mister2open up a terminal and type in 'sudo apt-get install' and then whatever you want to install mme17:03
mister2oh, yeah, or synaptic17:03
mister2rabbil i would assume the connection to the package server was funky in some way, but i'm not terribly knowledgeable ;)17:04
mister2Lorra that's too bad, i've been using saveyoutube reliably for a while and it's being grumpy right now... not sure if it's the video or just the time17:04
zykotic10mme: if you use Unity - compiz already is installed, you might want ccsm to configure it17:04
rabbi1mister2: ok,but hw can add it GUI way in 12.04 ?17:05
mister2anybody else having errors updating package lists? i'm not sure if it's the library being funky with my network traffic17:05
mister2rabbil i'm not sure, i'm still on 11.04 ;)17:05
mister2i hated unity and just stopped updating cause i didn't feel like it....17:05
sirriffsalotFor the life of me I can't find out where the Ubuntu manuals are... anyone?:)17:05
escott!manual | sirriffsalot17:05
ubottusirriffsalot: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:05
Resistance!notunity | mister217:05
ubottumister2: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:05
mister2resistance i'm aware, i haven't bothered to deal with it17:06
Resistancemister2:  gnome-shell is okayish, but you may consider using that17:06
sirriffsalotescott: thanks...:)17:06
mister211.04 has unity too, i'm in gnome classic17:06
* Resistance uses KDE, but that's his own personal choice17:06
killtraceBsims r u there?17:06
Resistancemister2:  ah, see i installed the kde environment alongside gnome ;P17:06
mister2yeah, i'm not a fan of kde, mainly i just don't want to screw with reinstalling again17:06
mister2especially without an external hdd17:06
mmei used this in terminal sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra emerald librsvg2-common17:06
mmebut i got E: Unable to locate package emerald17:07
ThinkT510mme: emerald is no longer maintained, thus it isn't in the repo17:07
mister2mme that should do the trick, oh, well then take out the 'emerald' part17:07
killtracedid u installed it?17:07
zykotic10!emerald | mme17:07
ubottumme: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.17:07
nmatrx9Anyone know where I can purchase immediate Ubuntu technical support?17:09
mme<ubottu> what is supported alternatives please17:09
zykotic10mme: There are no known, supported alternatives17:09
nmatrx9went to the website but their telling me I have to wait 2 days sorry but I can't wait that long17:09
ASLI have a big problem with my ubuntu 12.0417:09
Resistancemme:  there are no known supported alternatives, but don't ping the bot directly, its a bot :)_17:09
Resistance:) *17:09
nmatrx9any other services that offer ubuntu support17:09
mister2wrong channel :$17:09
rabbi1us apt-get update is same as install updates under upgrade manager ?17:10
Resistancemister2:  happens to us all :P17:10
rabbi1*is apt-get update is same as install updates under upgrade manager ?17:10
nmatrx9anyone manage to install software raid 10 on their system?17:10
mmeI can install beryl and how17:10
zykotic10rabbi1: nope, the cli equivalent of update-manager is "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"17:10
wylde_rabbi1: no 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' is though.17:10
mister2zykotic10 no it's not...17:11
nmatrx9I've been struggling for over a week and none of the online documentation has been helpful17:11
ASLIm having this problem where whenever i restart or shutdown and boot backup, it just sits at a black screen with a little underscore spinning.. thats it. Ubuntu doesnt boot, but as soon as i reboot with the Ubuntu CD it reboots back into ubuntu just fine and i can login and do whatever17:11
zykotic10mister2: yes it is17:11
mister2isn't it upgrade? dist-upgrade upgrades you to the latest release17:11
zykotic10mister2: dist-upgrade is not related to going to a new version17:11
nmatrx9ASL I'm having a similar problem but for raid1017:11
rabbi1wylde_: upgrade is for next available version, right ?17:11
mister2zykotic10 then what's the difference between dist-upgrade and upgrade?17:11
a7xalt+stamp on 12.04 is bugged right? :P17:11
mmeubottu: I can install beryl and how17:11
ubottumme: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:11
zykotic10mister2: upgrade doesn't add new stuff - and the gui update manager does17:12
Resistancezykotic10:  apt-get upgrade is what update-manager does17:12
wylde_rabbi1: yes, if there's an upgrade for a package that will install it.17:12
zykotic10Resistance: incorrect17:12
mister2zykotic10 goooood to know!17:12
Resistancezykotic10:  show me the evidence then17:12
KingBeastWhat's up with this red triangle always popping up on my panel saying update information out of date?17:12
zykotic10Resistance: believe what you want.17:12
ASLnmatrx9 I dont know what the problem is.. I have never had this happen before. Its on my laptop .. not that that makes a difference but it is just wierd.. Its like there is no bootloader17:13
KingBeastapt-get upgrade does not add packages17:13
KingBeastwait upgrade does update does not17:13
mmeI can install beryl and how17:13
ASLhow can i install/reinstall ubuntus boot loader?17:14
zykotic10mme: beryl is long gone...17:14
zykotic10!grub | ASL17:14
mister2kingbeast update just downloads package lists17:14
ubottuASL: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:14
KingBeasti know that17:14
mister2kingbeast didn't notice your second comment ;)17:15
shazzrStill having issues installing Ubuntu 12.04 on my RevoDrive. It installs. It even finds the RAID setup, but the machine is unable to find a bootable device.17:15
freijonHey there. I've read the news about the games EA has placed in the software center. however, they don't seem to be installable. It tells me "There isn’t a software package called “tiberiumalliances” in your current software sources"17:15
freijonAm I missing some software sources?17:15
mecoCan anyone tell me what this 'cpu hung' error on log in means: http://pastebin.com/vEpMavc917:17
escottmeco, thats a kernel/hardware bug. basically you lost a cpu, be glad the system didnt crash on you17:18
escottmeco, in that case its the gpu that hung so your gui is/has crashed17:18
mecoescott: I thought I didn't have a gpu on this computer.17:18
escottmeco, everyone has a gpu, you have to. you just have one that is built into the cpu so its not on a separate riser card17:19
nmatrx9I'm just extremely disappointed at the moment with software raid support on Ubuntu17:19
jsdany u12 users?17:20
mecook. Does that explain why attempting to play a video in VLC only gives audio but no video?17:20
nmatrx9I've done it previously one centos in a little over a day with Ubuntu it's taken nearly a week17:20
escottnmatrx9, are you using the alternate installer?17:20
t0rx__anyone know how I can drop to a busybox shell at boot / splash?17:20
escottt0rx__, break the root= argument to the kernel17:21
cq75I'm having trouble getting my laptop to communicate over ethernet and wifi, I tried a few tutorials on setting up the internet but all that happened was I got a very slow response from computers even on the LAN, any suggestions?17:21
mecoescott: Do I report it as a bug?17:21
cq75at this time I can't get it to communicate over ethernet at all17:21
t0rx__escott, thanks where's that, grub conf somewhere?17:22
mmeplease how can i install GRUB2 Editor17:22
escottmeco, im surprised that your gui is at all functional, but yes it could very well explain things. vlc is likely using some gpu video features and the driver is doing something wrong so it is hanging the gpu. you could change the rendering method of vlc (to something other than xvideo either gl or direct x11)17:22
jsdcouple questions for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS users, wondering how to save screen positions so they open in the same spot later, also, any gui's that work for changing refresh rate, using ATI HD3300 integrated graphics, using the Ubuntu fgrlx? proprietary driver from 'additional drivers' section in system settings, I'm a new convert from XP, my first Linux venture17:22
mmeplease how can i install GRUB2 Editor17:23
escottt0rx__, or just hit shift on boot and manually edit the grub entry (which is not permanent). i'm not clear why you would want to do such a thing17:23
escott!ccsm | jsd17:23
ubottujsd: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz17:23
mecoescott: Well, the error occurred on login, so VLC wan't rnuning yet.17:23
jsdescott, ccsm doesnt seem to work17:23
rabbi1update -> updated repos, upgrade -> new version of ubunut, dist-upgrade -> upgrades the packages...... perfect ?17:24
jsdI put a script in the startup for changing refresh to 85, looking for a gui that works17:24
jsdxrandr command17:24
mmeplease how can i install GRUB2 Editor17:24
rabbi1update -> updates repos, upgrade -> new version of ubuntu, dist-upgrade -> upgrades the packages...... perfect ?17:25
wylde_rabbi1: no, upgrade just upgrades packages that have updates available.17:25
escottjsd, in what way does ccsm not work?17:25
wylde_!patience | rabbi117:25
ubotturabbi1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:25
jsdI can slide the refresh bar and it changes the rate in ccsm but doesn't actually change it17:25
jsdsec, double checking17:25
wylde_!grub > mme17:26
ubottumme, please see my private message17:26
jsdrefresh in composite doesn't even have bar to slide, just a number to enter17:26
rabbi1wylde_: thnx, i din't repeat, i had a typo in my previous msg, so resent the correct one17:26
escottrabbi1, there are 4 commands. apt-get update (downloads list of new packages) upgrade installs new packages dist-upgrade installs new packages that can't be installed through upgrade (things like a new version of apt), do-release-upgrade changes you from one ubuntu version to another (11.10 to 12.04 etc)17:26
jsdstarts up with 50hz normally and I can enter 85 and it stays 85 in ccsm, but when I check xrandr and reboot, it still shows 6017:27
kul123Hello, I need small help. How to connect internet using AT&T USBConnect Momentum 4G (AC313U) on Ubuntu/Mint?17:27
escottjsd, i was suggesting ccsm for your window placement thing. for refresh rates xrandr or modifying /etc/X11/Xorg.conf are the correct things to modify17:27
mmeubottu: Imean this one https://ksmanis.wordpress.com/2012/01/09/grub2-editor-v0-5-5/17:28
ubottumme: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:28
rabbi1escott: that's more like it, :) thx, good to learn more commands like this.... .always !17:28
t0rx__ /exit17:28
jsdalso, used brasero for a test burn of flac files, seemed to enter some pops in the final cd even using hdd for buffer...wondering if there's any really good burning software you would recommend for making mixes from flac files17:28
NewBuntuhi there, do we have any mdadm (software raid) experts here?17:29
rabbi1ubottu: lol,17:29
jsdxrandr -s 1024x768 -r 85    this is the script I put into the startup applications mgr and it seems to work so far, just for reference17:29
nmatrx9escott I'm using the live CD?17:30
kul123How to connect internet using AT&T USBConnect Momentum 4G (AC313U) on Ubuntu/Mint? -- Thanks in advance.17:30
escott!alternate | nmatrx917:30
ubottunmatrx9: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal17:30
jsdthanks escott, will look into ccsm for window saving positions, haven't been through the entire ccsm thing yet17:30
nmatrx9*sigh awe17:31
nmatrx9*sigh awesome17:31
escottjsd, be careful you can break unity with some things in ccsm17:31
rabbi1escott: do you know what nmatrx9 us using ? :)17:31
killtraceok this is nice almost for 2 days I can't do full screen on you-tube I get OW Snap error17:32
escottrabbi1, no, but alternate is the recommended way to setup mdadm17:32
nmatrx9escott anything else I should know because now there is a page with options for default installers or text-based installer?17:32
NewBuntuToday I've installed ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64 and tried out the software raid mdadm, I followed this guide to test the failover: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO-6.html (force fail by software)17:32
NewBuntuat the last step I get error like this: mdadm: /dev/sda1 reports being an active member for /dev/md0, but a --re-add fails. mdadm: not performing --add as that would convert /dev/sda1 in to a spare. mdadm: To make this a spare, use "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda1" first.17:33
jsdescott, any idea of the heading for the ccsm to save window positions?17:34
escottNewBuntu, what does mdadm --status say17:34
escottjsd, window matching maybe. dont use it myself17:34
jsdeach time I open a window it appears on left side of screen17:34
jsdkind of annoying, used to the ctrl-shift window save in xp17:34
NewBuntu@escott mdadm --status the parameter is not recognized17:35
jsdxchat brings back memories of mIRC  LOL17:35
NewBuntubut root@srvubuntu0:/tank/share# cat /proc/mdstat Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10] md0 : active raid1 sdb1[1]       19529656 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [_U]  unused devices: <none>17:35
jsdThose were the days!17:35
escottNewBuntu, /proc/mdstat then. i dont have mdadm on this machine so i dont know what the commands are17:35
nmatrx9escott I really hope this alternate cd words I'm at my wit's end with this software raid support on Ubuntu17:36
bluebirdhello everyone!17:36
kul123Hello everyone, Need small help. How to connect internet using AT&T USBConnect Momentum 4G (AC313U) on Ubuntu/Mint? -- Thanks in advance.17:36
RvdZhello bluebird17:36
bluebirdhave anyone tried using IPV6 network in the latest 1204 version?17:36
NewBuntu@escott posted a chat above you17:36
KeshiThis channel is surprisingly quiet for the official Ubuntu support channel… hmm.17:36
NewBuntumaybe Ubuntu is running stable? ^^17:37
bluebirdhas anyone tried using IPV6 network in the latest 1204 version?17:37
NewBuntuBasically I'm mirroring sda1 and sdb1 (RAID1) and on this partition I've installed ubuntu server 12.0417:38
escottNewBuntu, i need to go. sorry17:38
NewBuntuok np, thanks anyways17:38
amebaspugnosahi, I am using ndiswrapper on 12.04, everything is fine, but when I do sudo iwlist wlan0 scan the PC freezes. How could I see why is this happening?17:38
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=== Jason is now known as JSDunham
bluebirdhave anyone tried using IPV6 network in the latest 1204 version?17:39
RvdZamebaspugnosa: dmesg ? Or full freeze? -> search for a log in /var/log ? :P17:39
bluebirdhave anyone tried using IPV6 network in the latest 1204 version?17:40
_TristanI have to remove a package and then reinstall a newer version with .debs. How can I remove the package without removing it's dependencies?17:40
_Tristanor at least, without having to reconfigure them if I have to reinstall them?17:40
krababbel_Tristan: did you try just installing it?17:41
kul123Hello everyone, Need small help. How to connect internet using AT&T USBConnect Momentum 4G (AC313U) on Ubuntu/Mint? -- Thanks in advance.17:41
_Tristanthe .deb packages?17:41
amebaspugnosaRvdz: full freeze, I gonna look in /var/log thx I believe it is the kernel that was compiled with 4K stacks disabled17:41
krababbel_Tristan: yes17:41
_Tristankrababbel: for some reason the whole thing needs to be done in a very specific order... here's what I'm doing http://blog.siansiew.com/2011/08/30/installing-mysql-5-5-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty/17:41
echo083a gz file can contains two files ?17:42
quixotedonfreijon: check software center "lord of ultima"17:42
mguyecho083: no, but a tar.gz can17:42
NewBuntuor maybe I shall remove the software raid and re-add to assemble my array? because all assemble commands are not working in mdadm17:42
freijondid that. when I click it it tells me that the package doesn't exist17:42
freijonI already did "apt-get update"17:43
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krababbel_Tristan: did you try just doing the command he posted?17:43
echo083mguy, my archive size is 7G i click on it in my file explorer it shows a single of 3G17:43
_Tristanit'll remove php5-mysql, sphinxsearch, phpmyadmin, and some other things which I need17:43
echo083mguy, i tries to rename it to tar.gz but tar says it is not a valid archive17:43
krababbel_Tristan: you can more easily track package dependecies in aptitude17:43
NewBuntuI have also tried: mdadm --assemble /dev/mdX /dev/sdaX /dev/sdbX --force17:44
NewBuntuthis returns: mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sdb1: Device or resource busy mdadm: /dev/sdb1 has no superblock - assembly aborted17:44
_Tristankrababbel: I know, I'm just not sure how I can prevent it from uninstalling certain things as part of the resolution17:44
quixotedonfreijon: i'm trying update and install now.. :)17:44
freijonquixotedon: let me know if it works17:45
quixotedonfreijon: will do.. :)17:45
krababbel_Tristan: so you want to remove packages withou installing them back anymore, and expect other packages which depend on the first, to work? I doubt it will work, a package will need a depency to work.17:45
krababbel_Tristan: you can hold packages in aptitude17:46
NewBuntuI can't even stop the raid array: root@srvubuntu0:/tank/share# sudo mdadm --stop /dev/md0 mdadm: Cannot get exclusive access to /dev/md0:Perhaps a running process, mounted filesystem or active volume group?17:46
cuthberthi alll17:46
_Tristankrababbel: I'm going to remove mysql with aptitude, then install it with dpkg17:46
NewBuntumaybe because my operating system is mounted on this?17:46
krababbel_Tristan: so just remember those which got removed and you still want. :) install them again afterwards17:46
_Tristanwon't their data be removed as well? or no?17:47
FezzlerI have an old AMD K6 26^ computer that ran earlier verisons of Ubuntu fine.  It doesn't have enough power to run newer verisons.  Should I just covert it to a file server?17:47
krababbel_Tristan: nothing user configurable, though I don't know mysql installation.17:48
krababbel_Tristan: you can see in b17:48
DJonesFezzler: Have you considered lubunt or xubuntu? They're less hard on hardware requirements & might extend the life of the machine17:48
mcurranDoes anybody know how to enable the left mouse click (hold) and highlight a bunch of files/folders.  Mine seems not to be working.  Like if I'm in nautilus (gnome) and want to click and select over all the files, this is not possible...17:48
quixotedonfreijon: it's a web based game http://www.lordofultima.com/en/welcome?utm_source=%28not+set%29&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=lou_ubuntu-en17:49
mcurranI have to hold ctl and individually click every file/folder17:49
NewBuntuI'm trying to use the ubuntu disc with recovery option, maybe it will work that way to fix software raid...17:49
krababbel_Tristan: dpkg should be able to list all files of a package, but user config shouldn't be a problem, just backup it for good measure.17:49
FezzlerDJones> I have thought about them abd Puupy Linux, Slacko, Slatz, Damn Small Linux and Arch Linux...confusing17:49
DJonesFezzler: I've got an oldish machine with only 512Mb of ram, that grinds to a halt with ubuntu & unity, but flys along with lubuntu17:49
FezzlerDJones> Can I install any of those right "over" Ubuntu?  I think 11 is on there now.17:50
NewBuntuOk, I just selected "Assemble RAID array" in the rescue mode of ubuntu server, not working, it falls back to the overview option17:50
wylde_Fezzler: you can just install and use the appropriate desktop, the base packages are the same.17:50
wylde_Fezzler: eg. sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop17:51
Fezzlerwylde_> I think I had a special kernel for audio recording.  DOes that matter?17:51
Fezzlerwylde_> So will all the old Ubuntu files be removed?17:52
DJonesforzan: You should be able to, I installed the lxde desktop and just selected it at the login screen17:52
wylde_Fezzler: not if you're not changing the kernel. Installing the desktop doesn't affect the kernel or base packages at all.17:52
Fezzlerwylde_> cleaned up?17:52
DJonesFezzler: : You should be able to, I installed the lxde desktop and just selected it at the login screen17:52
DJonesSorry forzan, mis-tab-complete17:52
Fezzlerwylde_> So the desktop is what is bogging down the old CPU, not the "base" kernel etc. or system17:53
wylde_Fezzler: if you want to remove the "ubuntu-desktop" there's some links at the followinf factoid.17:53
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome17:53
NewBuntuwhen I reboot with one faulty disk, the window remains black instead showing me a message17:53
wylde_Fezzler: for the most part.17:54
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wylde_Fezzler: all the prettines comes at a cost of CPU/RAM use. :)17:54
Fezzlerwylde_> so, download and make CD of my preferred "lite" lynux and boot/install it from there17:54
jerry_li 17:55
rabbi1how to change the device name in 12.04 ?17:55
DJonesFezzler: I think this will be the same for 11.10 & onwards as well, http://askubuntu.com/questions/44062/how-do-i-install-lxde-lubuntu basically install the lubuntu-desktop package17:55
wylde_Fezzler: if you have ubuntu already, all you have to do is install the desktop. For example for lubuntu 'sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop'17:55
mecoI have a gpu that crashes on login. I was told it could be a kernel/hardware error. How do I report it?17:55
FezzlerWell, price of storage has droppd so much, it may not be worth electric bill and complexity to use Ubuntu to turn an older PC into a network server to simply store files.17:56
NewBuntuin initramfs: mdadm --assemble /dev/mdX /dev/sdaX /dev/sdbX --force  -> says /dev/md0 has been rstarted with 1 drive (out of 2), but doesn't assemble anything17:56
wylde_Fezzler: if you're just going to use it as a fileserver why have a gui at all then?17:56
ryanmcclurecould anyone help me with mimetypes on ubuntu?17:57
jerry_lii want to uninstall xubuntu-desktop ,how can i to do?17:57
Dualityi am connecting to a remote machien with terminal server thingy, and mouse does wacky it either goes real fast when i move the mouse, and it's being displaced what could be the problem ?17:57
wylde_!puregnome | jerry_li17:57
NewBuntuI think I'm lost with mdadm, I'm probably too stupid for that one17:57
ubottujerry_li: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome17:57
Fezzlerwylde_> Right!  That is what I was thinking.  So, what do I install?17:57
wylde_Fezzler: is there already data on the machine you want to keep?17:58
kul123Hello everyone, Need small help. How to connect internet using AT&T USBConnect Momentum 4G (AC313U) on Ubuntu/Mint? -- Thanks in advance.17:59
Fezzlerwylde_> Yes...but I don't think anything critical or a lot...iTunes backup and some pics and files...nothing critical17:59
kul123Has anyone even tried it?17:59
wylde_Fezzler: if so back it up, and use the server installation disk. It won't install a gui. Just be sure to add openssh-server. Then you can do all your administration from a remote desktop.17:59
Fezzlerwylde_> Or nothing I couldn't burn to CD17:59
=== joel is now known as Guest28849
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wylde_Fezzler: yeah, I'd go with a fresh server install then. Backup your stuffs, and do a clean server install. Once you can access by shh you can do everthing you need to remotely.18:00
rabbi1how to change the device name in 12.04 ?18:01
Guest28524how can i do unity lanch autohide?18:01
Fezzlerwylde_> I will give that thought.  My next complex issue is easy way to backup itunes18:01
ryanmcclure@rabbi1 what do you mean by device name?18:01
wylde_Duality: are you connected to an VBoxHeadless virtual machine?18:01
=== liam_ is now known as Guest50875
Fezzlerwylde_> Is it me or do they make that hard?18:01
wylde_Fezzler: rsync :)18:02
wylde_!rsync | Fezzler18:02
ubottuFezzler: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync18:02
rabbi1ryanmcclure: my computer name18:02
Guest28849hi #ubuntu, how do I run two unity sessions at the same time? I need to use separate X servers for the two sessions18:02
wylde_Fezzler: make what hard? sorry, not following what you mean.18:02
Fezzlerwylde_> The "Server Install" package is on Ubuntu site?18:02
ryanmcclure@rabbi1, to be honest, i have been wondering myself. im sorry that im not much help!18:02
ryanmcclure@rabbi1 i thought you meant harddrive name18:03
wylde_Fezzler: yessir, or you can get it by torrent. the follwing factoid will have links.18:03
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696918:03
Fezzlerwylde_> Is it me or does Apple make it harder than it needs to be to backup your iTunes collection18:03
rabbi1ryanmcclure: i guess its under system settings -> system -> detail18:03
wylde_Fezzler: ahh yep the do, but that's any proprietary system for you :)18:03
=== Guest28524 is now known as ruben201
ruben201how can i d unity lanch autohide?18:04
ruben201how can i make unity lanch autohide?18:04
Dualitywylde_ yes18:05
ramkamxI'm running linux on a server, in console mode, on a laptop. Is there a way to display an image on the external monitor, without loading / installing the whole KDE / gnome bazoonga ?18:05
matelotWhy was ScreenSaver setting removed from PP ?18:05
rabbi1ruben201: system settings -> appearance18:05
wylde_ruben201: System Settings > Appearance > Behavior tab and click Auto-hide Launcher to ON18:05
Hariezghello guys.. I have Question. What in Linux Ubuntu Have Virus?18:06
wylde_Duality: yeah it will be that way until you install Virtualbox Guest Additions.18:06
rabbi1wylde_: thanks, don remember, switched to gnome318:06
Dualitywylde_ i have install guest additions (but i'll check to be sure :)18:06
zykotic10!hostname | rabbi118:06
ubotturabbi1: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.18:06
wylde_Duality: once you have those installed it will be smotth.18:06
rabbi1zykotic10: what ?18:07
Dualitywylde_ it's smooth but the mouse movement doesn't correspond to my mouse movements18:07
OerHeksHariezg, nothing in Ubuntu is infected, why?18:08
zykotic10rabbi1: "rabbi1> how to change the device name in 12.04 ?" && "my computer name"18:08
iamcorbinhey, does anyone know if there is a way to "resolve" all the links in an openoffice document? (make all non clickable ones clickable without having to go to the end of each one and hit enter)18:08
wylde_Duality: hmm, yeah I had that issue with the VBoxHeadless until guest additions was installed, but that cleared it right up. Hmmm.18:08
rabbi1zykotic10: o thanks :)18:08
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zykotic10rabbi1: be careful!  doing it wrong breaks sudo18:08
Hariezg@OerHeks I'm Installing wine18:09
pat_thomasAnyone have experience with overheating laptops?18:10
Guest28849ramkamx: sudo apt-get install fbi18:10
whoeverhi all i need some help , i have i network set up, and my dns is but when i restart, i have to manulay edit resolv.conf and refresh my page. my network is set up though network manager. using ubuntu 12.0418:10
Fezzlerwylde_> Thanks for your time and expertise.  Ditto to DJones18:10
wylde_Fezzler: glad to help :)18:10
zykotic10whoever: resolv.conf get overwritten my N-M18:10
matelotWhy was ScreenSaver setting removed from PP ?18:10
zykotic10matelot: gnome decision18:11
Dualitywhy are there three floodbots?18:11
_Tristanpat_thomas: turn cpu governor to ondemand, shoot compressed air into the fan area.18:11
=== wylde_ is now known as wylde
Guest28849 how do I run two unity sessions at the same time? I need to use separate X servers for the two sessions18:12
wyldepat_thomas: what _Tristan said, and listen to be sure your fan is running :)18:12
pat_thomas_Tristan: How do I turn cpu governor to ondemand?18:12
matelotWhat to type in address bar to configure Chromium ?18:13
wylde!info cpufreq18:13
ubottuPackage cpufreq does not exist in precise18:13
pat_thomaswydle: My fan is running, most of the time actually18:13
wyldepat_thomas: alrighty, could just ned to be cleaned. However there have been some bug reports about loud fans and cpu use running at 100% on some laptops.18:14
Dualitywylde, (nice little side effect i noticed from running a virtual desktop thingy on my ubuntu install is that it heats my room )18:14
wyldeDuality: lol18:14
pat_thomaswylde: It usually only does this when I watch youtube videos.18:15
whoeverzykotic10: yes i know, my network is defined with a dns in network manager, and the quikest way to get it up on reboot is to just add nameserver to resolv.conf and refresh the webpage18:15
zykotic10whoever: sorry, i don't use N-M18:15
whoeverzykotic10: any ideas or is this a bug within 12.0418:16
mneptokwhoever: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/18:17
wyldepat_thomas: ahhh using flash I assume? There's been TONS of flash issues lately. You might want to have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs and do a couple search for similar issues.18:17
zykotic10whoever: don't know - sounds like incorrect N-M setup to me18:17
mneptokzykotic10: ^^^ URL18:17
pat_thomaswylde: Yeah I think it's a Flash thing.18:17
rabbi1zykotic10: thanks, worked like charm :)18:17
kul123How to change login screen?18:17
kul123GDM doesnt start up18:18
matelotIs NVIDIA driver safe ? I use laptop but external VGA monitor18:18
Dualityanyone know of software for ubuntu server that can controle fan speed in terminal ?18:18
zykotic10rabbi1: nice18:18
wyldeDuality: lm-sensors and fancontrol18:18
kul123yes matelot18:19
whoeverzykotic10: if it is incorrec nm setup, than it must be just the dns, but my dns is and i have allow for all users checked, and don't see the error of my way18:19
erdalkul123 can i help u18:19
erdalbut what is your ubuntu version18:19
* mneptok sighs18:19
mneptok12:17 < mneptok> whoever: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/18:19
azertyuihello there i can't find driver my tuner card18:20
zykotic10whoever: as i said "i don't use N-M" so i'm no help.18:20
matelotkul123 I did that but it would NOT output to ext monitor (laptop lid is closed) - you have an idea ?18:20
Dualitywylde i installed lm-sensors but how do i call it in terminal ?18:21
zykotic10Duality: "sensors"18:22
wyldematelot: you'll probably have to adjust your acpi settings so the laptop doesn't suspend when you close the lid.18:22
azertyuihello anyone ?18:22
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wyldeDuality: you'll have to detect your sensors first 'sudo sensors-detect'18:22
wyldeDuality: and follow the prompts. Yes should be fine for all the questions.18:22
NewBuntuI think I got it: mdadm --create /dev/md0 -v --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb118:23
NewBuntujust recreate a new raid array over the existing one18:23
NewBuntuand now it does finally start the resync18:23
NewBuntunot very intelligent tool18:23
matelotwylde: u mean  in Settings > Power ? it's all "Do Nothing" or "Do Nnot Suspend"18:23
wyldematelot: there's may be more to it. I don't have an ubuntu laptop here to test with, just trying to point you in the right direction. :)18:24
Dualitywylde, thanks :)18:24
waxstoneNeed advise setting up of gtx 680 card on 12.04 . I get "GLX missing on display" error with the nvidia proprietary driver18:24
matelotwylde: thx18:24
azertyuii can't find driver for my tuner card18:24
wyldeDuality: once you're setup just use sensors in terminal18:24
azertyuiwhat driver i have to isntall ?18:24
wyldeDuality:  'sensors'18:24
Dualitywylde, i use sensors but that doesn't give me controle over the fans :)18:25
NewBuntuhttp://kevin.deldycke.com/2007/03/how-to-recover-a-raid-array-after-having-zero-ized-superblocks/ this did the trick regarding mdadm18:25
wyldeDuality: no that just reports the sensor info, I use fancontrol for my fans18:25
wylde!info fancontrol | Duality18:25
ubottuDuality: fancontrol (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.1-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 20 kB, installed size 111 kB18:25
Dualitywylde, apperently i only have one sensor in my computer -.-18:26
mr_osShow File location in unity lens , file search, possible? or not?18:26
krababbelwaxstone: try the nvidia x-config ppa for the newer driver, seems to have support added for your card18:26
azertyuihello anyone there18:26
mr_osShow File location in unity lens , file search, possible? or not?  Any1 plz help me ////18:26
wyldeDuality: hmm, could be I suppose.18:26
azertyuineed driver for my tuner card18:26
wylde!patience | azertyui18:26
ubottuazertyui: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:26
azertyuihello need driver for my usb tuner card18:27
=== eid is now known as eid_
Dualitywylde fancontrole says it can't read configuration file18:27
wyldeDuality: that needs to be setup too :P 'sudo pwmconfig'18:27
rabbi1final config: how can i setup my nvidia 630a card on my amd 64bit and ubuntu 12.04 ?18:27
mr_osDuality   Show File location in unity lens , file search, possible? or not?18:27
appi_uppiafter install ubuntu 12.04, the system is very slow... even if i open a website... it get slow and often stuck and the proceed18:28
Dualitywylde says no pwm-cable sensor modules installed18:28
waxstonekrababbel,  who provides this ppa? I see the open source drivers in additonal drivers but they say installed btu not being used and everythign red shows blue18:28
Duality(while i can controle them under windows! :)18:28
wyldeDuality: well then :( They may not work by pulse-width-modulation though.18:29
cc11rocksI just installed Ubuntu 12.04 on a computer. I tried to boot into Unity 3D, but it shows the desktop, and then goes to black. The screen displays a mouse, which is functionable. It gives me this crap about compiz error. She has an AMD processor with a NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE graphics card. Should I boot into Unity 2D and try to install proprietary graphics drivers?18:29
cc11rocksI have updated all her system except for the kernel by the way of TTY terminals...18:29
wyldecc11rocks: you can do it at terminal by 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current'18:30
ArglaxIs it normal that I can't use alt-tab in 12.04?18:30
cc11rocksThanks...will try it...18:30
brotispricht hier jemand deutsch und kann mir kurz ne frage beantworten?18:30
wylde!de | broti18:30
ubottubroti: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:30
ArglaxI enabled the static window switcher18:31
Arglaxin compiz18:31
brotithx :D18:31
eluminxanyone know how i can successfully boot chrome os from an iso with grub2?18:31
wyldebroti: :)18:31
mcurrananyone, anyone, beuller?  left click drag in nautilus?18:31
appi_uppiArglax, you can use18:31
Arglaxuse whhat?18:31
wylde!ot | eluminx18:31
ubottueluminx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:31
=== ubuntu_ is now known as sb057
cc11rockswylde : The command returns "nvidia-current is already the newest version"18:33
amebaspugnosadoes any body can help to troubleshoot ndiswrapper freezing the whole pc when i do iwlist wlan0 ?18:33
Arglaxappi_uppi: ?18:33
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
wyldecc11rocks: seems the proprietary drivers are installed then, hmmm18:34
ArglaxI read that the alt-tab bug is common on 12.0418:34
ArglaxIS there no way to solve this but to downgrade?18:34
cc11rocksSo what do I do? Try to boot into Unity 2D and fix it from there?  I DO want Unity 3D working...18:34
wyldecc11rocks: yeah, I had to re-read your initial question, seems more compiz related then driver.18:35
cc11rocksHow can I fix the issue from Unity 2D then?18:35
wyldecc11rocks: moment, I'm not sure I've had no compiz issues for quite a long while.18:36
cc11rocksOr from TTY term. I don't care which, as long as it is fixed soon...18:36
numbertocannot install xulrunner-dev package18:36
Muelliamebaspugnosa: I think (but I don't don't know) that ndiswrapper is generally not supported. It's an ugly hack that you are only supposed to use in very very very desparate cases.18:36
wyldecc11rocks: what's the exact error?18:37
Muellinumberto: is that a question?18:37
drag0niusanyone had problems with unistd.h?18:37
cc11rocksOn reboot, error didn't come up again. But it's still a black screen with a white mouse (mouse is moving as normal)18:37
numbertoMuelli: yes18:37
drag0niusi installed build-essentials and compiler still does not find it18:37
cc11rocksWhere is the log located? I can nano it...18:37
krababbelcc11rocks: do you have advanced settings installed?18:37
cc11rocksHaven't booted into GUI at ALL yet18:38
wyldecc11rocks: /var/log is where the majority of logs are, or subdirectories there.18:38
hannes_i've got a problem with my svn repository. after an update of the server from 11.10 to 12.04 i had to reconfigure the conf file an now i get a '403 forbidden' error.18:38
cc11rocksSo if it's not by default, no. All I've done is updated repos and packages. And it wasn't even working BEFORE the updates either18:38
hannes_can annyone help me with that?18:38
Muellinumberto: alright. Well, in general please try to imagine our position. In order to help you, we need proper details and error messages. Obviously, "can't install xulrunner" doesn't have enough information to help you. What is the error message?18:39
amebaspugnosaMuelli: thx for the info. Just need to find a log to see why the PC is freezing, any idea?18:39
waxstoneNeed advise setting up of gtx 680 card on 12.04 . I get "GLX missing on display" error with the nvidia proprietary driver18:39
Muelliamebaspugnosa: well. "dmesg" or syslog in /var/log. Or any other log in there, really.18:39
krababbelcc11rocks: you haven't probably, you're right. good luck, if you card isn't supported then :(18:39
wyldecc11rocks: I know I've read a few bugs/answers about that issue, I just can't recall where heh. Looking on askubuntu.com right now.18:40
krababbelwaxstone: is you card even supported by the driver version you have?18:40
Muellihannes_: while this is not an ubuntu questoin, it might help you to know that 403 is the status code for "unauthorized". Maybe you forgot to put your credentials somewhere.18:40
el_seanowhile ubuntu was still using gnome2, most of its settings interfaces were controlled through gconf registry.  Since Unity, it looks like gconf registry is still being utilized, but to a lesser extent.  My question, where and/or how is Ubuntu storing its settings like power-management and so on?18:40
numbertoMuelli: sorry,  I am testing a program on my computer (ubuntu 12.04) and one of its requirements is xulrunner (the program is a deb file itself, not from a repo).  I did a search but couldn't find a way how to install it.18:40
waxstonekrababbel, yes18:40
el_seanoany clues?18:40
Muellinumberto: what did you do, what did you expect and what happened instead?18:41
cc11rocks"failed to load module 'nvidia' (already loaded, -1217402805)"18:41
cc11rocksThat's in the Xorg.0.log file...18:41
cc11rocksAppears multiple times18:41
wyldecc11rocks: sounds like the driver is trying to load itself multiple times. Perhaps 'sudo purge nvidia-current' and re-install will help?18:42
Resistancehow can i easily find the size for an entire folder and its subdirectories and files on the drive via commandline, for a specific directory path to start from?18:42
waxstoneIt is the the nvidia proprietary driver for linux why wouldnt it be?18:42
krababbelwaxstone: glx missing looks like missing driver, did you try https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/+packages ?18:42
krababbelwaxstone: because it is so new18:43
el_seanoResistance: du -hs $PATH18:43
Resistanceel_seano:  thanks18:43
numbertoMuelli:  I have source code to compile and in manual it say to do "sudo apt-get install git autoconf xulrunner-dev libboost-dev libpcap-dev hal libhal-dev ". It installed everything and gave "E: Unable to locate package xulrunner-dev" for xulrunner18:43
cc11rocksRemoving, reinstalling, booting...18:43
krababbelwaxstone: go to a terminal and purge 'nvidia-current' and install it again, maybe look for some errors during installation18:43
waxstonekrababbel, the driver is definitly specific to the gtx 680. ill try a fresh install of the driver after purge as you suggest18:44
cc11rocksTo change password, "sudo psswd account" correct?18:45
Muellihm numberto. According to http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xulrunner&searchon=names the xulrunner package was last seen in natty. I don't know but the contents probably went somewhere else.18:45
wyldecc11rocks: yep18:46
Muellinumberto: well. if you are tough, you install the .deb from there, but I wouldn't recommend it...18:46
rabbi1all my selections from login settings under ubuntu-tweak is disabled? how to enable it ?18:46
wyldenumberto: apt-file can be a great tool for solving dependecy issues.18:46
MonkeyDustrabbi1  unlock18:47
wylde!find xulrunner18:48
ubottuFile xulrunner found in browser-plugin-vlc, gxineplugin, libnspr4-dev, libnss3-dev, openvas-plugins-dfsg18:48
wylderabbi1: to right corner should be an "unlock" button18:48
rabbi1MonkeyDust: oops, lol ...... it's somewhere at the top  right corner, got it.... :)18:48
Muellinumberto: maybe firefox-dev18:48
numbertoMuelli: yeah, I guess that would be a better way, thanks18:49
CookieM_cc11rocks http://tnij.org/qnmj18:49
waxstonestrangely enough it says nvidia-common & nvidia-current not installed so not removed18:50
plixai'm seeing a persistent flash plugin crash on amd64 with nvidia geforce gtx260.  i've tried the various solutions out there but nothing seems to resolve the issue.18:50
rabbi1wylde: also changed the icon theme, and tried few , but din;t like any, again got back to the ubuntu-mono-dark one, but icons are not changing :(18:51
amebaspugnosaMuelli: I found something on syslog: "May 12 20:43:55 ubuntu kernel: imklog 5.8.6, log source = /proc/kmsg started."18:51
amebaspugnosaMuelli: then a couple of lines again and then I can see the reboot18:52
myersgwhats the ubuntu off topic channle18:52
cc11rocksCan anyone help me with my compiz crashing issue?18:52
waxstoneNVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  295.49  Mon Apr 30 23:46:33 PDT 201218:52
waxstoneGCC version:  gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5)18:52
myersgwhat is the ubuntu off topic IRC?18:52
appi_uppithere is no suitable driver for acer aspire 5536, AMD/ athlon?18:53
cc11rocksmyersg : /join #ubuntu-offtopic18:53
appi_uppimy system is dying, can someone please help. This has happened after installing ubuntu 12.0418:54
cc11rocksBooting in Unity 2D is successful...18:54
myersg whats a good youtube name for things about linux? I want to start making videos about linux18:56
MonkeyDustmyersg  openshot is a nice video editor18:56
myersgok, but whats a good name for a youtube channel?18:57
myersgand thanks for the openshot thing havent hard of it.18:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:57
domino14my ubuntu server says it's Sat May 12 07:43:10 PDT 201218:58
domino14i installed ntpd18:58
domino14and its running. what do?18:58
Oprtzhi all19:00
Oprtzi just install ubuntu 12.04 again, because of the wirless issue with Intel wirless adapotor 3945, now somebody  told me to replance network manager with wicd, i did, and now wifi works fine, the only issue is that i cant place wicd icon in taskbar19:01
rethussomeone here got ubuntu on asus n75s?19:01
wylde!time | domino1419:01
ubottudomino14: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)19:01
domino14i restarted the computer and the time fixed itself. i thoguht it would do it right away19:01
domino14but whatevers dawg19:01
linuxloonhello all19:02
Oprtzi just install ubuntu 12.04 again, because of the wirless issue with Intel wirless adapotor 3945, now somebody  told me to replance network manager with wicd, i did, and now wifi works fine, the only issue is that i cant place wicd icon in taskbar19:03
Almindorhey guys19:03
raptor67782hi, a question, how to simulate a joystick /dev/input/js1 wiht a simple keyboard?19:03
wylde!patience | Oprtz19:04
ubottuOprtz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:04
Almindoranyone has skype and/or alternative video/audio chat working with ubuntu 12.04?19:04
Almindormy camera and mic works, but skype and most other alternatives I tried usually mess up the mic input19:04
Almindorseems like a pulseaudio crap to me19:04
myersgwhats a good youtube name for things about linux? I want to start making videos about linux, no ones helping in the off-topic area.19:04
Oprtzwyide : okie19:04
wylde!ot | myersg19:04
ubottumyersg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:04
=== len is now known as Guest43227
battlestardoes 12.04 allow a guest to login without any credentials by default? If so, how do I fix this?19:06
totemuh1oatshi friends19:07
totemuh1oatsi just updated to 12.0419:07
totemuh1oatsi am surprised that it was pretty painless19:07
totemuh1oatswas preparing for tons of breakage19:08
cc11rocksUpdate from a fresh 11.10 to a 12.04 is the same as installing from a 12.04 CD?19:08
irconehey gang.  i've got a real stumper.  i just installed 12.04 and though the install went smoothly, after restarting, i get stuck in a reboot loop.  everytime i boot, after the bios finishes, the computer restarts.19:09
FnuggleMasterHey guys19:09
cc11rocksIf I can't get compiz working, I'll try that19:09
wyldebattlestar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1968967&highlight=disable+guest+account+unity19:09
FnuggleMasterSuppose I can find a file on my system by searching "ls -Rl filename.foo"19:09
FnuggleMasterI see the entry, but do not know the location. How might I best from command line track down the location?19:09
irconei've got a thread going (with a boot script output) on the forums here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1192945919:09
wyldeircone: sounds like grub issues.19:09
iSteedhow do i use grep to search a file for expressions and print between "x" and "y" so that xtext text texty would return "text text text" i have been looking at documentation on regular expressions, but i dont understand it well.19:09
Belial`is anyone able to actually change the dash and launcher colors and make it stick?19:10
wylde!grub | ircone19:10
ubottuircone: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:10
totemuh1oatsso I have this issue (which i think is by design and not an issue). when i boot my ubuntu box and ssh in aplay -L shows only one device called default19:10
totemuh1oatsonce i log in through the display manager it shows all my devices19:10
irconethanks wylde!  i'll explore that.19:10
totemuh1oatshow can i get it to show all my devices just by having the pc boot19:10
battlestarwylde, thanks19:11
totemuh1oatsi use my crontab as an alarm clock and the computer is headless19:11
rohit_PyLuvHi, How can I install pcntl module in PHP. Tried googling a lot, not able to proceed. Please help.19:11
cogWhat wireless card serves me best in conjunction with Ubuntu 12.04?19:11
psusitotemuh1oats, how many devices do you have?19:12
Jordan_Uircone: Please join #grub and ask there (this is not a common problem).19:13
irconewill do Jordan_U!  thanks!19:13
Jordan_Uircone: You're welcome :)19:13
cc11rocksI followed the tutorial by Alvaro Leal (Effenberg0x0) (effenberg0x0) at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/982485 ...Now NOTHING shows up in TTY7 (GUI TTY, lightdm, unity, compiz, etc)19:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 982485 in unity "[regression] Nvidia 295.40: Unity 3D does not work at all with the new nvidia driver" [High,Confirmed]19:14
FnuggleMasterNvm -- circumvented with find $filename19:14
cc11rocksHow to revert?19:14
ghost_anyone having issues with Xubuntu 12.04 and their mouse/keyboard skipping?19:16
dysocoHello, I'm using a GTX550 with the Nvidia drivers in Ubuntu 12.04, but I realized Youtube(Flash) videos load too slow for my connection... a guy told me to check vdpau. Anyone tried it ?19:16
dysocoghost_, you mean, you sometimes type and the letter does not show ?19:17
ghost_yes or the mouse cursor skips across the screen19:17
dysocoghost_, I've problems with the Keyboard, but given that my laptop's motherboard is not OK... I think it's not Xubuntu's fault19:17
ghost_I don't think so either - I'm using an older HP workstation...might be the board or the KVM switch I'm using19:18
wyldecc11rocks: you installed an older driver?19:18
cc11rocksI found this, which I'm going to try now : http://askubuntu.com/questions/125608/unity-3d-no-longer-works-after-installing-12-0419:18
cc11rockswylde : I tried to install a NEWER driver...made it worse19:19
wyldecc11rocks: alrighty, you'd have to purge that driver then .19:19
cc11rocksDo I puge <X>-common, current, settings, or all?19:20
cc11rocksOr just common and current?19:20
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
wyldecc11rocks: ..hmmm, if you're going to use the method on that page it "should" remove it for you.19:21
rethussomeone here got ubuntu on asus n75s?19:21
douglis there a way (command) to restart firefox and restore the tabs (no prompt) without intervention after a crash?19:21
cc11rocksrethus : I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 on an Asus EEE PC 1005HAB...Runs perfect, no issues19:21
cc11rocks"Version '295.33-0ubuntu1~precise~xup1' for 'nvidia'current' was not found"19:23
totemuh1oatspsusi, quite a few because I have onboard sound and a graphics card with hdmi, it usually produces multiple devices for every card, playback / recording / devices for multple channels19:23
cc11rocksOn the askubuntu page : sudo apt-get install nvidia-current=295.33-0ubuntu1~precise~xup119:23
sipgate_ekiga_odsomewhere out there who can help me to configure linphone/ekiga with sipgate?19:23
rethuscc11rocks: thanks. i've readm on asus n75s should appear some problem19:24
totemuh1oatspsusi, i only need to access the one i actually use, but basically any audio player will fail because the devices aren't accessible unless i login through the window manager19:24
wyldecc11rocks: you added the ppa and did 'sudo apt-get update' ?19:25
trismcc11rocks: the package was updated 14 hours ago, so that old version is gone19:26
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
cc11rocksSo what can I do now?19:26
trismcc11rocks: try 295.49-0ubuntu1~precise~xup1 ?19:27
bobweaverHello there my GF just asked me a real good question. She goes to work with her computer and has no internet connection  there. she likes to work on libre office gedit and write stuff ect. I just taught her how to file a bug and she loves it and asked "how can I do thins at work with not internet connection and or how do I save apports stuff for later when I do have internet connection"  I am stumped  any help would be great thanks.19:27
Strav`Anyone here having a unstable wifi connection (the wlan interface is in deep sleep) with the iwlwifi driver (more specifically: with intel 5100AGN)?19:28
cc11rocksThe 295.49 is installing now...Thank you!19:28
wyldebobweaver: that's a really good question. I believe I read something regarding that somewhere. I'll see if I can find it again.19:28
bobweaverthanks wylde  I know I was like wait that is a great question .19:29
wyldebobweaver: yeah I know 100% I read about that being possible, the hard part is remembering where I read it heh.19:30
cc11rocksAfter installation of the package, restart correct?19:31
trismcc11rocks: yes19:31
trismcc11rocks: may want to check dkms status first to make sure the module was updated19:31
cc11rocksI got some warning and BUG messages...Is that okay?19:32
psusitotemuh1oats, hrm... I thought aplay still worked directly with the alsa kernel driver, it it looks like it now goes through pulseaudio, which I think normally is only started when you log in... you'd need to get it running as a system wide daemon instead of per session19:33
wyldebobweaver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing_bugs_when_off-line19:33
cc11rocks"forcing reinstallation of /usr/lib32/libOpenCL.so because...19:33
cc11rocks"skip creation of /usr/lib32/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 because...19:33
cc11rocks"warning : skip creation of19:33
cc11rocksand more...19:33
FloodBot1cc11rocks: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
battlestarare there system-wide shortcuts keys for rythmbox? I'd like to skip without having to open rythmbox or use the sound menu.19:33
bobweaverThanks wylde :)19:34
cc11rocksI think it's because of that newer driver I tried to install...19:34
wyldebobweaver: now I know where I read it, I found that while searching for a documentation bug to fix lol19:34
totemuh1oatspsusi, yea i had a suspicion that was it, but I can't seem to figure out how. i changed daemoniz = no to daemonize = yes in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf19:34
totemuh1oatsbut it didn't work19:34
psusitotemuh1oats, I still don't really understand pulseaudio either19:35
=== authenticated is now known as Uprising
totemuh1oatspsusi, could i just remove pulse? or will it break things?19:35
psusitotal-clueless, maybe tru running pulseaudio --start?19:35
totemuh1oatspsusi, well thanks anyway, i will have to continue to look into it19:36
iSteedhow do i use grep to search a file for expressions and print between "x" and "y" so that xtext text texty would return "text text text" i have been looking at documentation on regular expressions, but i dont understand it well enough not to "x" and "y" in the result19:37
Dualitywylde, can i have a link to your site again :)?19:38
Dualitywylde, ps i installed guest additions  and works great!19:38
wyldeiSteed: #bash or maybe #sed could help with that. I'm not good with regex myself heh19:38
wyldeDuality: http://jplate.servehttp.com19:39
cc11rocksYAY! Unity 3D is working. THANKS GUYS!19:39
opentojoinhi I am looking a project to join but I do not know how to find one19:39
cc11rocksLove you (no homo)19:39
phenriquehow i can do to show the eclipse icon in there place of interrogation, in beside menu?19:39
* cc11rocks Dances around19:39
bobweaveriSteed,   awk '/start/,/stop/' name/of/file.txt19:39
phenriquei already puted the icon in the executable, mas in the beside menu when i open, it continues with interrogation19:40
wyldeopentojoin: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved19:40
wyldeopentojoin: lots of things to get involved with :)19:41
bobweaveropentojoin,  there is also something called harvest http://harvest.ubuntu.com/19:42
iSteedawk have a code for whitespace?19:42
bobweaveriSteed,  can I pm you so we dont flood channel ?19:43
wyldeDuality: btw, I have seriously neglected that site heh, I need to seriously update some of the info.19:44
opentojoinI am c++ programmer so I want to find a field where I can develop myself, improve19:44
Dualitywylde, i can't seem to get a internet connection -.-19:45
wyldeopentojoin: you can always start out with helping to fix bugs, or write new software. http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved/developers19:46
wyldeDuality: moment, might be my fault.19:46
zivesterdoes ubuntu server default to not upgrade the kernel with an `apt-get upgrade` its showing the linux-server packages as being held back19:47
zykotic10zivester: you probably need "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" for new kernel stuff19:47
trismzivester: upgrading the kernel requires installing new packages generally, so you need to use apt-get dist-upgrade19:47
Daekdroomzivester, they are held back because they require to install new packages19:47
Dualitywylde, at the moment i am reinstalling windows19:47
zivesterjust shows "linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server" which I think are normal kernel packages.. does it always do that?19:48
wyldeDuality: it should work now19:48
trismzivester: those are only the metapackages, the actual kernel packages look like: linux-image-3.2.0-24-generic19:49
wyldeDuality: the W3C validator can hit my site so you should be able to connect.19:50
LorraHi everyone! Has anybody ever used optical character recognition software, I was using some called tesseract to scan a document which has text on two columns but I only get the first one. Does anybody have a clue about that?19:50
Dualitywylde, uh i ment no internet connection from inside my virtual install :)19:50
Dualitybesides that wylde, this on your site:VBoxHeadless startvm Win2k should be VBoxHeadless --startvm Win2k ?19:51
wyldeDuality: Win2k = whatever you named your VM.19:51
Dualitywylde yes i know :)19:51
wyldeDuality: oh another typo? lol19:52
Dualitybut i can't start it with just startvm i need to type --startvm :)19:52
dualmacHi!, im planning on dual booting OSX and ubuntu on my mac. I have rEFIt installed and everything, just wondering what partition the bootloader goes on.19:52
DualityVBoxHeadless --startvm "Win7" is mine19:52
wyldeDuality: yeah I'll check on that typo here heh.19:53
rcmaehlHow do I change my screen resolution for this monitor. I have the restricted drivers installed and everything but it won't let me do higher than 1024x76819:53
rcmaehlI can set it higher than 1024x768 on Windows 719:53
dualmacrcmaehl, google is your best friend. I belive the wiki has a page on how to edit it manualy19:54
rcmaehlSecondly, I have chromium launched but the taskbar doesn't recognize taht is it19:54
wyldeDuality: typo corrected :)19:54
rcmaehland lastly, Xchat won't let me connect to multiple networks19:55
rcmaehlonly freenode19:55
=== eid_ is now known as eid
ubottuSpiritGuida: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:59
guntbertrcmaehl: what version of xchat are you using? xchat-gnome or xchat?19:59
lg188hi, i want to bridge my internet (via wifi) over my laptop to another pc (via ethernet)19:59
lg188what do i do to fix that?20:00
Zemoubuntu latest release install allow to install with encrypted partitions?20:08
ThinkT510Zemo: i believe so20:13
ZemoThinkT510: i need to be sure20:13
Zemobecause last time i tried ubuntu didnt had20:13
ThinkT510Zemo: full disk encryption is on  the alternate cd20:14
ZemoThinkT510: alternate cd?20:14
ThinkT510!alternate | Zemo20:14
ubottuZemo: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal20:14
ZemoThe text-based installer is for computers that can’t run the graphical interface-based installer, either because they don’t meet the minimum requirements for the live CD or because they require extra configuration before the graphical desktop can be used.20:15
Snoop/timer 0 1 setlayer $rand(0,255)20:16
Snoopoops excuse20:16
ZemoThinkT510: my machine isnt old20:16
ThinkT510Zemo: the alternate cd is for more advanced features, like full disk encryption or raid and lvm setup20:17
ThinkT510Zemo: it isn't just for old computers20:17
sirriffsalotHey.. For some reason, on a very recent install of ubuntu 12.04, my usb keyboard and mouse stop working almost immediately after login..What can this be cause by?20:17
ZemoThinkT510: why isnt there a graphical installer like in debian?20:17
ThinkT510Zemo: there is, it just doesn't have those features20:17
ZemoThinkT510: debian does20:18
ThinkT510Zemo: thats nice dear20:18
ZemoThinkT510: isnt ubuntu debian based?20:18
ThinkT510Zemo: yes20:18
Zemoso why isnt ubuntu using the debian installer?20:19
Zemoand still uses an old one?20:19
ThinkT510Zemo: ask canonical why they don't have those features in the gui20:19
Zemowhos canonical20:19
ThinkT510Zemo: the maker of ubuntu20:19
Zemoi dont know that guy20:19
ThinkT510Zemo: canonical is a company20:19
Zemoso its several guys20:20
ThinkT510!canonical | Zemo20:20
ubottuZemo: Canonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/20:20
kurtwp_I just started to download the .tar file from installing wubi.exe and noticed that it is dowmloading a amd64.tar but my pc is 32 bit intel - is that normal20:22
Zzzssssi wanted to ask about UFW..20:22
Zzzssssi have add few rules in UFW.. but now i have doubt that it will get clean on server reboot ? is it20:23
Zzzssssso tell me that either ufw command save to rules or they just add temporarly ?20:24
FGC415Hello all. Can someone point me to a good uninstallation guide for ubuntu 12.04 LTS? I installed it using the windows installer.20:26
cc11rocksFDC415 : Boot into Windows. Go to Add and Remove Programs (or an equivanent). Find Ubuntu or something like it. Click it, and click "Uninstall"20:28
FGC415After some exploring on my hard drive I found the uninstall option.20:28
FGC415Thank you all for your helo!20:28
FGC415Especially you ccllrocks.20:28
cc11rocksNo problem :D20:29
FGC415Ubuntu is a great OS, and I plan to install it on my laptop after the brief demo on my desktop!20:29
cc11rocksSounds great!20:29
positr0nix_yeah :)20:29
hans2i have some problems with wifi driver20:29
positr0nix_this is normal :S20:29
Zzzssssany one ?20:30
Zzzssssufw command by default save its new rules or not.. after reboot hav to again insert rules ?20:30
hans2i read i have to use windows drivers but I failed20:30
positr0nix_search driver wifi on internet20:30
hans2I done but it still dont workas20:31
hans2I had an wiki manual for a quite similar hardware20:31
ZemoThinkT510: in the alternate cd i can isntall kde?20:36
ThinkT510Zemo: not sure, hang on20:37
Zzzsssshmm people.. it save rules in ufw .. even it works after reboot.. so let it know :)20:39
ThinkT510Zemo: i think you might need a kubuntu alternate cd in that case, just checking now20:39
ThinkT510Zemo: yeah, you'd need kubuntu alternate20:40
ZemoThinkT510: why are they recomending 32 bits?20:41
ThinkT510Zemo: a lot of people still use 32bit, if people are in doubt over either then 32bit will work20:41
ZemoThinkT510: what?20:42
ThinkT510Zemo: 64bit will not work on a 32bit processor20:42
ZemoThinkT510: of course not, but why are you saying that?20:42
LuceoIf people don't know what to pick, 32bit is safe20:43
ThinkT510Zemo: because people can get confused as to whether they have a 32bit processor or not20:43
nmatrix_9 /join #somerandomchan12320:43
virtuapostahi all... hope all is well20:47
PW-toXichi, i am using back in time for hardlink backups. I'd like to "copy" all of my snapshops to a new hard drive, while keeping the hard links for the same files. How could i do this?20:47
PW-toXicone snapshop has about 800.000 files and about 70GB20:47
llutzPW-toXic: rsync -H.....20:47
virtuapostayeah PW-toXic, llutz's suggestion will work... rsync again rocks!! :)20:48
PW-toXicvirtuaposta, but i dont understand it ;( what am i suposed to do? ;)20:49
virtuapostado rsync for backups PW-toXic :)20:49
PW-toXicvirtuaposta, back in time uses rsync20:49
PW-toXicvirtuaposta, thats not the point20:49
virtuapostaPW-toXic, i meant for copy with guarantee :)20:49
virtuapostalol PW-toXic can you describe more... all I collected is about copy the things :-/20:50
PW-toXicvirtuaposta, the question is how do i tell rsync, that it is supposed to use the files that are found in a previous snapshot20:50
llutzPW-toXic: rsync -Hax /path/to/old-snapshots /path/to/new/snapshotdrive20:50
PW-toXicllutz, "dont cross file system boundaries" what does this mean20:51
llutzPW-toXic: if your sources includes different filesystems, it won't copy those20:52
PW-toXicllutz, so why use this option?20:52
llutzPW-toXic: if you don't need it, don't use it20:52
PW-toXicthe old backups are found on a 5TB Raid (6*1TB)  and i want to copy them to a new EXT4 3TB single drive20:53
PW-toXicsorry if i ask too many questions, but what exactly does archive mode mean? :d20:53
llutzPW-toXic: man-page tells you20:53
MusicJunkieK1hey, guys. i need help. after i upgraded to 12.04, the keyboard on my laptop only half-works. can someone help me out?20:54
cc11rocksMusicJunkieK1 : What keys do not work?20:54
MusicJunkieK1half of my F keys, 1-4, g, h, backspace...a few others20:54
MusicJunkieK1cc11rocks: half of my F keys, 1-4, g, h, backspace...a few others20:55
NoobTuxwhat will happend if i'll use apt-get upgrade!? which one will be upgraded? thanx for the help20:56
virtuapostaMusicJunkieK1, which laptop?20:56
hans2can someone help me with ndiswrapper?20:56
sirriffsalotCould someone tell me what packages need be installed to run the commands "qmake" and "make"?:P20:56
MusicJunkieK1virtuaposta: it's a Compaq Presario CQ6120:56
virtuapostasirriffsalot, install make first ;)20:56
ohad__I'm using 12.04, could it be that Intel i916 RC6 isn't enabled here, and so does ALPM20:57
sirriffsalotvirtuaposta: uhm, you do that when you've done the previous...20:57
invinciblemutanthello, how to map the keymap in synergy so that alias sign (@) is not converted to ohm sign20:57
zykotic10sirriffsalot: you might want to start with the build-essential package?20:57
wyldesirriffsalot: install build-essentials to start with :)20:57
llutz!find bin/qmake20:58
ubottuFile bin/qmake found in qt-x11-free-dbg, qt3-dev-tools, qt4-bin-dbg, qt4-qmake20:58
llutzsirriffsalot: ^^20:58
invinciblemutanti am getting ohm sign when i type alias20:58
wyldesirriffsalot: if you want to make solving dependecies easy you can do 'sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename>' too.20:58
invinciblemutanti mean in synergy keyboard and mouse sharing software20:58
sirriffsalotwylde: no idea what those packagenames would be...20:58
wyldesirriffsalot: the package you want to build = <packagename>20:59
NoobTuxwhat will happend if i'll use apt-get upgrade!? which one will be upgraded? thanx for the help21:00
cc11rocks!disable guest-account21:00
pawdrois anyone experienced in Ruby/RoR using repo version of ruby? Or is it always recommended to install it using rvm ?21:01
wyldecc11rocks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1968967&highlight=disable+guest+account+unity21:01
cc11rocksThanks :)21:01
virtuapostaNoobTux, try man apt-get.. will tell you that : upgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system21:01
hans2If I try to install  USB-WIFI  (ID 1286:1fab Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. 88W8338 [Libertas] 802.11g) windows driver Iget this FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.  Why?21:02
dmtameyhello i have just installed lastest ubuntu on a new acer aspire and i can get the sound to play in Rythambox but it does play out of headphones.21:03
EvilResistanceanyone ever run into an error in Precise in where you try to login, and it just fails, and goes back to the main login screen, with an error relating to "broken pipe: cannot write bytes" output to the tty?21:03
EvilResistancenote i have no web browser, i'm on via a TTY and irssi21:03
EvilResistanceso i need walked through fixing that21:03
virtuapostadmtamey, is dkms-ndiswrapper installed over the system?21:03
wyldehans2: because you're trying to install a windows driver? It's telling you that you don't have the ndiswrapper module installed that may allow you to do that.21:04
MusicJunkieK1so can anyone help me with my defective keyboard?21:04
virtuapostaohh sorry dmtamey that wasn't for you...21:04
virtuapostahans2, is dkms-ndiswrapper is installed over the system?21:05
hans2wylde: I installed ndiswrapper using synaptic on my lubuntu system21:05
wyldeEvilResistance: I've had the kicking me back to the login page. But not the error. In my case apt-0get update && apt-get upgrade solved it. I never actually figured out the cause >.>21:06
hans2there was no error message21:06
OerMusicJunkieK1, half of the keyboard defective ... is say hardware issue, not a config. or does it work properly on an other OS ?21:06
MusicJunkieK1Oer: I only have Ubuntu on it, but i did try a Live CD version of Ubuntu 11.04, and it wasn't working there, either21:07
EvilResistancewylde: yeah, just noticed there's 110 updates from the ISO version, i'm running apt-get update / apt-get upgrade right now, i'll reboot then see if that fixes it, because it didnt error out in LiveCD.21:07
cc11rocksHow to enable parental controls on Ubuntu 12.04 accounts?21:07
wylde!ndiswrapper | hans2 -- all I have. I've never actually had to use it.21:07
ubottuhans2 -- all I have. I've never actually had to use it.: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:07
EvilResistancei might have to yell at the dev team eventually for failing to thoroughly test the LiveCD installation to make sure that doesnt happen21:07
EvilResistancecc11rocks: parental controls in what sense?21:07
cc11rocksLike for a kid...To be able to control the system...21:08
EvilResistancecc11rocks: need more context on this, control in what sense?21:08
EvilResistanceprevent installation?  block website accesses?  etc.21:08
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hans2k im reading21:08
wyldeEvilResistance: oh, I also manually installed my proprietary video drivers before trying to log in again, so it's possible that too fixed it.21:08
cc11rocksPrevent installation > There is a password...Yes, blocking website access I guess21:08
EvilResistancewylde: might need to find my proprietary drivers, then, but without a web interface i cant do that :/21:09
* EvilResistance is stuck in CLI21:09
cc11rocksChromium is the preffered browser...21:09
LuceoEvilResistance: Which driver?21:09
EvilResistanceLuceo: you should be asking which card :p21:09
EvilResistanceLuceo: standby21:10
EvilResistanceyou'll have to wait for the apt-get upgrade to finish :P21:10
wyldecc11rocks: I suppose you could set up a locla proxy server to do that. I used to use an old pc with ipcop and addons that worked great! Even notified me when the (at the time) teen boys was trying to get to pron sites heh.21:10
LuceoEvilResistance: You should be able to download the driver from apt21:10
wyldeEvilResistance: hmmm links? Find the website and get it with wget? :)21:10
cc11rocksThe person I am installing for only has one computer...21:11
cc11rocksThey don't know crap about computers either21:11
robrechtHi guys, I just installed ubuntu server 12.04 but whenever I try to install a package I get `E: Unable to locate package x`. I have a connection(checked with ping), also did `sudo apt-get update`. It didn't change anything. But the update command did output something strange though: https://gist.github.com/2669083 . Does anyone kno how to solve this problem?21:11
EvilResistancewylde:  Luceo:  card info @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/98432521:12
virtuapostarobrecht, which package you trying to install?21:12
LuceoEvilResistance: So you want the nvidia proprietary blob?21:12
StryKaizerI installed a custom app (in /opt/myapp),  how can I add this app, so I can launch it by pressing the win-key and typing part of the appname?21:12
EvilResistanceLuceo: i'll need the nvidia drivers21:12
EvilResistancealways have had to install before21:12
EvilResistancelemme reboot though, first...21:12
EvilResistancei need to see if the apt-get update && apt-get upgrade worked21:13
Luceosudo apt-get install nvidia-current afaik21:13
robrechtvirtuaposta: I get it the same message for any package I try to install21:13
cc11rocksWhen I'm taking notes, sometimes I will use a TTY terminal and nano to do so. I haven't found a way to shut off X.org or lightdm or whatever resides on TTY7 (GUI)21:13
wyldecc11rocks: 'sudo service lightdm stop'21:14
cc11rocksThanks :)21:14
hans2ok, here i found some kind of soulution http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/aquip-wlan-stick/#post-182927321:14
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hans2 i first installed ndiswrapper21:15
virtuapostarobrecht, I hope your internet connection is not dropping the packets... anyways.. can you pastebin the output for package...21:15
Furritusguys i need help getting ubantu installed on my flash drive21:15
LuceoEvilResistance: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current afaik21:15
LuceoWithout the afaik lol21:16
EvilResistanceLuceo: i can get into the guest session without incident21:16
EvilResistanceand i know that part ;P21:16
EvilResistanceits glitching on the normal login part though21:16
Furritusi got to the part where you have to use virtual box21:16
* EvilResistance has no idea why21:16
Furritusand now im lost21:16
cc11rocksI just restarted lightdm from a TTY terminal...The screen is black and has been for awhile. I can't get into any TTY terminals (including TTY7)21:16
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LuceoEvilResistance: What happens when it glitches?21:16
wyldeEvilResistance: thats what I had as well, I could login to guest just not my own account.21:16
EvilResistanceLuceo: black screen, TTY screen, login screen21:17
cc11rocksScratch that...I just restarted...21:17
LuceoCan you login to your account on tty?21:17
EvilResistancethat loop occurs when i try to login with password21:17
EvilResistanceLuceo: how else was i able to talk to you guys on the TTY pre-reboot?21:17
wyldeEvilResistance: and I was going old school on you with "links" as in links the cli browser :)21:17
robrechtvirtuaposta: https://gist.github.com/266911821:17
EvilResistancewylde: i will need a fix for this, i cant do packaging in a guest account :/21:17
wylde!info links21:17
ubottulinks (source: links2): Web browser running in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-1 (precise), package size 448 kB, installed size 1087 kB21:17
LuceoEvilResistance: So to clarify, you cant login to your account in X but can on tty?21:18
cc11rocksafk for lunch...Thanks for all the help21:18
virtuapostarobrecht, is this the recent output? means after requesting for pastebin output? and on the same system you connected to internet?21:18
hans2first installed ndiswrapper ,than i took the driver for my hardware from this site http://www.marvell.com/support/downloads/search.do, than tryed to install .inf but just got an error21:18
LuceoAnd can log into guest session in tty?21:18
wyldeEvilResistance: the it must have been the drivers that fixed my issue. All I have sorry :/ I never did dig to find out the cause once I got in.21:18
totesmuhgoatscould i remove pulseaudio from ubuntu? or would it cause major breakage?21:18
LuceoEvilResistance: You can log into guest on tty and X, user account on tty but not X21:19
robrechtI didn't do anything in between21:19
virtuapostarobrecht, check the message21:19
Jordan_UFurritus: Do you have more than one flash drive, or can you burn a CD with Ubuntu's installer? The most straightforward solution is to just install Ubuntu how you would to an internal drive.21:19
EvilResistanceLuceo: i dont use guest on CLI.  I can get into my own user via TTY, and into guest via X, but cannot get into user via X21:19
LuceoEvilResistance: What WM/DE are you using?21:19
Furritusalright jordan u ill try that21:20
EvilResistanceLuceo: basic Ubuntu, clean install from the LiveCD (did i not mention earlier its a clean 12.04 installation?  could have sworn i did)21:20
monsterripper00hi there .. how do i get a public key , again ??21:20
LuceoEvilResistance: I walked in halfway through :P21:20
EvilResistancebleh, i've got a dinner-date, i have to go deal with that first21:21
EvilResistancewhen i get back i'll google this21:21
grahame_love ubuntu. think it's great but I have a load of itunes movies and tv shows that I'd still like to watch. Anyone know how I can do this on Ubuntu ?21:21
codingmanuse nightingale or somethin'21:22
LuceoEvilResistance: Try moving all the default X settings files from your home directory21:22
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ThinkT510!itunes | grahame_21:22
ubottugrahame_: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee21:22
LuceoEvilResistance: By memory that's ~/.gnome2, ~/.gconf, ~/.local and ~/.compiz21:23
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ZemoThinkT510: can i use dd to save into a usb stickP21:23
EvilResistanceLuceo: .Xauthority was write-protected, i'm removing that and restarting (but those other files you specified don't exist)21:24
ThinkT510Zemo: save?21:24
ZemoThinkT510: save the kubuntu iso21:24
LuceoEvilResistance: Apparently .Xauthority is a common issue, if you remove that should work21:24
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ThinkT510Zemo: you can dd 11.10 upwards to a usb, yes21:25
ZemoThinkT510: no, version 12.0421:25
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ThinkT510Zemo: my answer remains valid, notice i said upwards21:25
EvilResistancehah, i'm in, removing .Xauthority (which was write protected) fixed it21:26
ZemoThinkT510: sometimes using dd to burn into s usb doesnt put the usb bootable21:26
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EvilResistancenow time to install the rest of the crap i need21:26
ThinkT510Zemo: starting from 11.10 the isos are bootable via dd21:26
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Zemoah ok21:26
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TLyngeJATI proprietary driver went mad and would not render 3D  after last update. Anyone? I used the one from the Ubuntu repository before update, but I also tried to install the one from AMD's site but still no luck.21:29
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escott!gksudo | Evixion21:35
ubottuEvixion: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:35
escottsorry meant for evilresistance but he left21:35
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hans2installaiton of ndiswrapper fails :sudo apt-get install ndisgtk>ok , but than sudo modprobe ndiswrapper FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found. why? (i have lubuntu from harddrive)21:38
urgodfatherhello, is anyone willing to help me figure out why plymouth (splash screen) isnt showing during boot/shutdown?21:39
escotturgodfather, nvidia?21:40
ThinkT510urgodfather: plymouth is very flaky, never worked right for me either21:40
urgodfathernope, just been making some changes to the boot displays and broke plymouth some how21:40
escotturgodfather, any chance you could tell me what you did. breaking plymouth would be splendid21:41
urgodfatherescott, i used super-boot-manager to change grub to burg and also change the theme for both burg and plymouth21:42
ThinkT510burg isn't supported here21:43
jmwpcI'm trying to remove the print-server task from a 12.04 server. 'tasksel remove print-server' does nothing, and 'apt-get remove print-server^' wants to remove a bunch of unrelated packages (mysql, apache). What is the cleanest way to remove the print-server role?21:43
urgodfatherThinkT510: guess its a good thing its working fine :)21:43
escotturgodfather, maybe you just have a broken theme21:43
urgodfatherescott: ive tried reverting to the original too...21:43
bluefox83ok, for whatever reason when i put in my password the screen goes black, then i get dumped back into the login screen. only way for me to get a desktop is to log in as a guest user...and i can't seem to get su to let me change to my own username :(21:45
bluefox83h crap, and now i can't get gnome-terminal out of fullscreen mode D:21:46
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bluefox83fffffffffffff unity makes no sense D:21:47
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escottbluefox83, you've probably broken some of your gui config files. can you login to a tty? ctrl-alt-f121:49
bluefox83btw i can't see the screen right...give me a sec21:49
ThinkT510bluefox83: when you fullscreen an app the window buttons move to the top bar, you need to mouse over the top bar to see them21:50
bluefox83i got that sorted...wheat i need help with is fixing my login >.>21:50
NfNitLoopTrying to install from a (verified) 12.04 liveCD and it's been on the "Ubuntu ....." loading screen for like 5 minutes.   Hrmmm.  I hear the CDROM doing something every now and then but ...21:51
QuitSmokingwww.fdastore.com 30% OFF coupone ---> 0POFF <---21:51
QuitSmokingwww.fdastore.com 30% OFF coupone --->  30POFF <---21:51
QuitSmokingwww.fdastore.com 30% OFF coupone --->  30POFF <---21:51
FloodBot1QuitSmoking: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:51
bluefox83NfNitLoop: i just used the same thing...it took me a while too :/21:52
NfNitLoopbluefox83: OK, I guess I'll wait some more.21:52
NfNitLoopThank goodness I brought my laptop to entertain me while I wait. :p21:52
NfNitLoopOOH!  Progress!   "Waiting for network configuration."21:52
bluefox83sooooo....any ideas on how to fix my login?21:52
NfNitLoopbluefox83: I just joined.  Mind pasting your history to me in a /msg?21:52
bluefox83eh, how bout i just restate...21:53
NfNitLoophehe.  'k21:53
bluefox83basically when i try to log in, it kicks me back to the login screen21:53
NfNitLooptried logging in to a shell instead of X?21:53
bluefox83and i know the password is right, because it doesn't give a password error21:53
naxilis possible install ubunti without gui?21:54
bluefox83yeah, but i don't know what to do once i get to the shell21:54
wyldebluefox83: you may need to remove your .Xauthority file.21:54
bluefox83naxil: i think so...21:54
bluefox83oh :)21:54
naxili need for vmware21:54
naxili need that linux for compile libxenon21:54
bluefox83would that be in my home dir or in /etc/X11?21:54
NfNitLoopbluefox83: home dir.21:54
bluefox83thanks :)21:55
wyldebluefox83:  your home /home/$USER/.Xauthority21:55
wyldenaxil: use the server install, it doesn't include a gui be default.21:55
wyldenaxil: the alernate installer probably let's you do that too.21:56
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:56
wyldenaxil: or ^^ the factoid auronandace put up :)21:57
uxqdoes anyone know how to fix this bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dict-st/+bug/99588021:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 995880 in dict-st (Ubuntu) "package myspell-st 20070206-4 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso instalado el script post-installation devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,Fix released]21:57
uxqmyspell-st ?21:58
hans2hello, sudo apt-get install ndisgtk works   >  but than i can not load the moudule  >  sudo modprobe ndiswrapper . Why?22:00
NfNitLoopwow, still stuck at that screen.  Hrmmmm.22:00
NoobTuxhow can i delete my log files in /var/log ? it uses 84% with 14.6GB22:02
trismhans2: ndiswrapper is not included by default on 12.04, install ndiswrapper-dkms (if you are on 12.04 that is)22:02
bluefox83thanks everyone for helping me :)22:04
mcphailNoobTux: how on earth can you have log files so large???22:04
wyldebluefox83: that did it for you then?22:04
NoobTuxi dunno mcphail22:04
bluefox83deleting the .Xauthority file22:05
wylde!info logrotate22:05
ubottulogrotate (source: logrotate): Log rotation utility. In component main, is important. Version 3.7.8-6ubuntu5 (precise), package size 34 kB, installed size 180 kB22:05
NoobTuxim using disk usage analyzer22:05
bluefox83then i had to go in and change my resolution, it was pretty awesome22:05
wyldebluefox83: good stuff :) Glad it worked.22:05
bluefox83er, aweful >.>22:05
R0n[[Y]]hello what is the page for ubuntu in spanish plase?22:05
bluefox83my resolution was set at like 400x300 or something...just plain terrible22:05
wyldebluefox83: that would be awful heh.22:05
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:05
mcphailNoobTux: my old debian box (which has been up for > 5 years) which runs multiple services has < 8M in /var/log22:06
bluefox83it was so bad i almost couldn't change the resolution because the "apply" button was missing22:06
msquarmeMy tool bars in openoffice are changed in to different language how could i fix it to english?22:06
mcphailNoobTux: you need to explore further to see what is creating such ridiculously large files22:06
NoobTuxcan u help me how to get rid of this?22:07
bluefox83and the pointer wouldn't move below the bottom of the screen...somehow there must have been *just* enough button there to make it work22:07
mcphailNoobTux: what is the output of "sudo du -sh /var/log" ?22:07
NoobTuxmcphail, 15G/var/log22:08
shazzrHas anyone tried installing Ubuntu 12.04 on an SSD RevoDrive? I am struggeling big time with installing the bootloader.22:09
bluefox83well, upgrading to 12.04 certainly was not a painless experience...and i'm disapointed in the nvidia drivers :(22:09
bluefox83shazzr: no, i'm sorry :/22:09
bluefox83shazzr: is it taking a long time?22:09
mcphailNoobTux: run "ls -lh /var/log" and see if there are any very large files. Then run "sudo du -h /var/log" (without the "s") and explore the largest directories22:10
NoobTuxwhat do u mean without the s?22:12
mcphailNoobTux: the first time the command was "du -sh". This time it is "du -h"22:12
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Jordan_U!details | shazzr22:13
ubottushazzr: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:13
NoobTuxdoing the du -h it's displaying all files wew22:13
NoobTux8gb for doing the du -h22:14
mcphailNoobTux: ny directory should be no more than a couple of megabytes. Anything more needs investigated22:14
virtuapostasorry but mcphail, what's the issue? sorry my terminal is damn small :(22:14
virtuapostamcphail, for getting the info about space utilization (on short notes) please user : du -h --max-depth=122:15
msquarmedoes anybody can help me to change the language of my tool bar in openoffice?22:16
mcphailvirtuaposta: there shouldn't be much to recurse into in /var/log...22:16
NoobTuxi just wanna delete this log files that causes much space on my hd22:16
virtuapostaNoobTux, which files you want to delete? or you want to collect the info before deleting them?22:17
mcphailNoobTux: If you have a process which has dumped gigabytes of log files into /var/log it will only come back after deleting22:17
NoobTuxin disk analyzer it show /var/log/ using 14GB under lib folder / apt / but i can't find that lib folder / apt / in /var/log/ :'( creepy22:18
NoobTuxnow my laptop hangs22:19
NoobTuxcan't do alt tab i'm stuck in xchat lmao22:19
shazzrbluefox83: It does not work. I try to install 12.04, but it fails when installing GRUB. It does not seem able to find a place to put it. I have a RevoDrive which does not exactly show up as /dev/sda or /dev/sdb....more like /dev/disk/by-id/xxx-xx_xx_1234567890 And since I don't know _that_ much about what goes on behind everything, I'm sort of stuck.22:19
NoobTuxbe right back need to reboot22:19
MrYogijust made my usb installer22:20
MrYogilets see how painless this install goes22:20
NoobTuxnow it working22:21
NoobTuxso can someone tell me how to delete this logs?22:21
uxqHow do I tell the NVidia driver version I am using?22:21
uxqNoobTux, rm -rf?22:21
NoobTuxuxq,  rm -rf? what's that?22:22
wazer14Can you translate your questions in french please ?22:22
uxqrm -rf /var/log/whatever22:22
wazer14I'm sorry22:22
MrYogiman rm22:22
virtuapostaNoobTux, lol22:22
wylde!fr | wazer1422:22
ubottuwazer14: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:22
uxqhow do I tell driver versions?22:23
wazer14Oh, i'm sorry , bye !22:23
MrYogigo to settings 3rd party drivers etc22:23
virtuapostawylde, I wasn't knowing this :) that's fr :)22:23
wyldeuxq: apt-cache policy nvidia-current22:25
NoobTuxim getting a screenshot hope this will help22:27
wyldeuxq: np, I suppose 'nvidia-settings --version' would work too22:27
NoobTuxuxq,  virtuaposta22:28
llutzNoobTux: thats /var/lib/apt and you don't want to  use "rm -rf" on this directory22:28
uxqNoobTux: cd /var/log; rm -rf *22:28
NoobTuxso which command is it? llutz  or uxq ?22:28
escottuxq, giving commands like rm -rf * to someone who doesn't know what rm does is really irresponsible.22:28
uxqescott: how should I know22:29
spm_DragetJust installed 12.04. If I want to install additional software via the console, do I use apt-get install or aptitude install?22:29
llutzNoobTux: don't use "rm -rf" in /var/log either22:29
escottuxq, because he asked you earlier what rm -rf was.22:29
uxqI thought he was joking22:30
escottNoobTux, use rm filename. don't use -rf22:30
NoobTuxwhat does -rf means? remove force?22:30
escottNoobTux, recursive force. ie rm -rf in the wrong directory immediately deletes EVERYTHING22:30
uxqNoobTux: :(){ :|:& };:22:31
llutzuxq: STOP22:31
RavenslockHi, how is it that in Ubuntu the wireless just works, but when I tried setting it up in Arch Linux it does not work on my Acer Aspire 1 Netbook? The wireless uses ath5k driver. While reading up on  the ArchWiki, its a whole big issue: something to do with recompiling wpa_supplicant, downloading the latest ath5k drivers, getting the kernel headers??? ??? ???22:31
llutz!ops | uxq22:31
ubottuuxq: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!22:31
NoobTuxso i'll do cd /var/lib/ then rm -filename ? but in apt folder it says list old but what will happen if i'll delete those?22:32
uxqit's a smiley face22:32
llutzuxq: you're an idiot22:32
uxqthanks for harassing me22:32
llutz!ops | uxq spreads forkbombs22:32
ubottuuxq spreads forkbombs: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!22:32
Priceyuxq: Please don't :)22:32
NoobTuxllutz, ? so i'll do cd /var/lib/ then rm -filename ? but in apt folder it says list old but what will happen if i'll delete those?22:33
newb100How do reach an external hard drive in command line22:33
llutzNoobTux: /var/log contains 14GB of files, you should be safe to remove those *.gz22:34
WalexRavenslock: for stupid reasons many chip designers create many slightly incompatible variants of the same chip, so drivers have to have a lot of special case handling, Some distros keep adding the special cases...22:34
newb100How do I reach an external hard drive in command line?22:34
escottnewb100, you have to mount it with either sudo mount /dev/sdX# /media/mountpoint or udisks --mount /dev/sdX#22:34
Walexnewb100: 'mount -t ... -o ... /dev/... /mnt/...22:34
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newb100escott, its mounted already22:35
escottnewb100, then cd /media/mountpoint22:35
virtuapostanewb100, why you want to reach via commandline if you can reach directly... lol ... else follow escott !! :) aah crazy weekend!22:35
NoobTuxllutz, in the ss it's in var log but when i open the folder it ain't 14GB but in /var/lib/apt/ i got the much higher GB weird22:36
newb100virtuaposta, because I want to learn to use bash22:36
llutznewb100: "du -sxh /var/log"22:37
llutzNoobTux: ^^22:37
virtuapostaNoobTux, have you tried du -h --max-depth=1 ?22:37
llutzsry newb10022:37
RavenslockWalex: Oh, I see, so thats why it works in Ubuntu.:-S22:37
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Jordan_Unewb100: "sudo blkid" to find the device name then "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/" and it will be available in /mnt/.22:39
WalexRavenslock: probably either you are using a 'backported' kernel, or 'backported' modules. Ubuntu has specifically sets of wireless backported modules with more variants covered.22:39
NoobTuxvirtuaposta, http://paste.ubuntu.com/984465/22:40
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NoobTuxi got 2 different output22:41
NoobTuxfisrt in var/lib/ i got 1GB something in /var/log/ i got 15GB22:41
llutzNoobTux: see line 26/51  "15G ."  thats /var/log sum22:42
RavenslockWalex: Can these Ubuntu modules work in Arch Linux?22:42
newb100Jordan_U, tks22:42
mrgthello. trying to play itunes movies in ubuntu. anyone know how?22:42
Jordan_Unewb100: You're welcome.22:42
WalexRavenslock: no, both because as a rule modules are "signed" by the distro, and because they are usually compiled for specific kernel versions and configurations.22:43
NoobTuxllutz,  so what will i do?22:43
llutzNoobTux: pastebin "ls -l /var/log"22:43
WalexRavenslock: but Arch usually has very recent kernels, so you should not have huge issues there. But I don't actually use Arch, and this is not the right channel.22:43
AthanasiusI think I just discovered a weird bug in 12.04. Tap alt, press ctrl+r22:44
Walexmrgt: for decoders look for the 'Medibuntu' repository22:44
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Nick_KaedalusCan anyone help me22:44
NoobTuxllutz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/984472/22:45
wyldeAthanasius: and what is that suppoed to do ( I don't do random keypresses just because someone on irc said to). :)22:45
Nick_KaedalusI am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 alongside Windows 7 on my computer. Both are 64-bits. I wanted to install without modifying partitions, but I haven`t found anything about how to do this.22:45
llutzNoobTux: sudo rm /var/log/*.122:45
Athanasiuswylde: A unicode-ish box character appears in the search box, says "00\n12" in a box where \n is a newline22:46
llutzNoobTux: check your ufs-settings and reduce/stop logging22:46
llutzufw* NoobTux22:46
AthanasiusNot any big deal but I'm pretty sure it shouldn't work that way22:46
escottNick_Kaedalus, buy another hard drive22:46
wyldeAthanasius: yep, worth I bug report I suppose.22:46
NoobTuxllutz,  how?22:46
wyldea* not I22:46
llutzNoobTux: read the documentation :) i don't know, i don't use it22:47
Nick_KaedalusIf I install while resizing partitions, will this cause any trouble when running Windows22:47
escottNick_Kaedalus, usually no22:47
Nick_Kaedalus(I`m trying to type the question mark, but it doesn`t seem to be working...)22:47
NoobTuxnow i got 5GB llutz22:47
NoobTuxthank you22:47
FloodBot1NoobTux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:47
llutzNoobTux: you also want to check logrotate-config, syslog/messages should be rotated earlier, it becomes to big (imho)22:47
escottNick_Kaedalus, you should always take backups before anything that messes with partitions, but most of the time you can safely resize and windows wont care22:48
Nick_KaedalusI see. Thanks.22:48
NoobTuxhow and where can i see those stuffs?22:48
llutzNoobTux:check  /etc/logrotate.conf or /etc/logrotate.conf.d/*22:49
Nick_KaedalusAh, if I use the WUBI, the one that downloads it again when in windows.22:49
Nick_KaedalusIt shouldn`t resize partitions, right22:49
llutzNoobTux: i have no idea about ufw, but someone here should know where the configs are22:49
escottNick_Kaedalus, wubi creates a disk image inside ntfs and loop mounts that. i would recommend using vbox over wubi22:49
escottllutz, /etc/ufw22:50
Nick_KaedalusHm... Ok. Thanks for all the info. =322:50
llutzNoobTux: [00:50:06] <escott> llutz, /etc/ufw   <- so check that too22:50
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.22:50
NoobTuxllutz,  im in logrotate.conf in gedit22:51
NoobTuxwhat now?22:51
llutzNoobTux: check the settings affecting /var/log/syslog (messages and kern.log)22:52
llutzNoobTux: most likely in /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog22:53
NoobTuxllutz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/984486/ <--- that's the only thing inside22:53
llutzNoobTux: most likely in /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog22:53
newb100whats wrong with cp -r ~/media/Expansion Drive/x1/Documents/Linux ~/home/y1/Documents ?22:55
newb100cp the linux folder to documents22:55
escottnewb100, too many twiddles (~)22:55
llutznewb100: "~/home/y1"  would mean /home/you/home/y1/Documents"   use either "~" for home OR "/home/username"22:55
zykotic10newb100: spaces are tricky use "double quotes" or escape\ the\ spaces22:55
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wyldenewb100: the space will break cp22:55
rlw_I have a M-Audio Fast Track Ultra USB soundcard and want to record data from line in  but none of the 8 channels working22:56
NoobTuxescott,  how can i edit .conf? it seems gedit can't22:57
escott!gksudo | NoobTux22:57
ubottuNoobTux: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:57
Guest53387Is there any intuitive text to speech programs anyone would suggest?22:57
wyldeNoobTux: gedit will, you probably need root privs 'gksudo gedit /pth/to/file.conf'22:57
hashis there any negatives to doing a dist-uprgade over a clean install22:58
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rlw_+ the card ist connected over jack22:58
zykotic10hash: please don't use dist-upgrade to refer to updating your ubuntu version.  dist-upgrade is not related to upgrading to a new version23:00
serokiwhy bother doing a dist-upgrade anyways?23:00
TigerboyAnyone know how to get the drivers for USB3 ports to work properly.23:01
zykotic10seroki: if you want to upgrade everything on your system - that's the method23:01
hashzykotic10 i thought that was the apt-get way to change versions23:02
TigerboySeroki: also dist-upgrade allows you to get the fullest upgrade-- oft times you see the entry at the end of apt-get upgrade 5 items ignored or something like that -- to get those you must do apt-get dist-upgrade23:02
hashi dont wanna do a clean install23:02
zykotic10hash: it's a common misconception23:02
NoobTuxwylde,  escott  llutz  http://paste.ubuntu.com/984492/ <--- this is what's inside my logrotate.conf pls help me how to edit to lessen my logs23:03
KommaHHey everyone.23:03
KommaHMy ubuntu server stopped responding to anything. No SSH and the physical console wouldn't respond at all.23:03
hashzykotic10 what is the proper way to upgrade other then a clean install23:03
KommaHSo I restarted it (safely).23:03
Tigerboyyou might need to do apt-get dist-upgrade once a week depending upon packages you have installed. I find kernel upgrades require a dist-upgrade to finish completely23:04
newb100How do you rename files in command line?23:04
KommaHHow do I check if my server had a kernel panic or not?23:04
escottNoobTux, rotations are on a schedule, so just keep fewer of them, but if you have many gigs it is because you are logging too much or you have some error that is generating a large number of repetitive log events (ie kernel messages multiple times a second)23:04
zykotic10hash: sorry that's a question for someone else to answer (i personally think updating ubuntu to new versions is a bad idea)23:04
wyldenewb100: 'mv filename newfilename23:04
hashim still a bit unsure about upgrading anyway23:05
ring0hash, which version are you using right now?23:05
TigerboyI find Ubuntu 11.10 to be stable enough with some work23:05
DjKiDDGreetings! My friend updated her ubuntu to the newest version and now she can't login to the desktop... everything work fine up to the login screen, after entering the password it looks like it is about to switch to desktop but then it goes back to the login screen.... You have any idea how to fix this?23:05
newb100If you have 2 users say a1 and a2 both with admin level. How can you copy files from a1 to a2?23:06
zykotic10hash: notice DjKiDD issue above ;)23:06
NoobTuxescott,  how can i set a sched on my logs?23:06
pie_How do I make it so that I can open links from bash without firefox popping up a session already running error and telling me to close it?23:06
wyldeNoobTux: that's what I have in my logrotate.conf. Possibly you disable logrotate somehow? My /var/log is only ~21MB on all my systems.23:06
escottNoobTux, the logrotate.conf is fairly intuitive. im not sure how else to describe it23:07
DjKiDDso I'm not the only one?23:07
ring0hash, i'd always do a clean install. upgrading usually involves problem till the first point release, 12.04.1 f.e.23:07
Tigerboypie_: I would guess put a delay of some time so you don't open the links too quickly23:07
DjKiDDzykotic10, I'm not sure what you are refering to23:08
newb100if you copying a number of files with cp and you want to see the progress can you tack somthing?23:08
wyldeDjKiDD: delete the ~/.Xauthority file23:08
hashring0: the original install was a pain did it on an external that i had to partition manually and the other half is files23:08
zykotic10DjKiDD: i was just pointing out to hash that you where having issues after upgrading - sorry not really related to your issue, just using you as an example ;)23:08
pie_Tigerboy, I have an already running firefox sessioni want to add them to23:09
DjKiDDwylde, ya?23:09
wyldeDjKiDD: you'l probably have to adjust you x settings but that will get you logged in.23:09
mrgtokay. still having issues playing itunes movies. anyone got any ideas?23:09
wyldeDjKiDD: yep, you're the 3rd today I've seen with that problem.23:09
DjKiDDok thanks I will give that a try from command line23:10
Tigerboypie_: i think the problem occurs because you are sending the commands to fast23:10
pie_i sent ONE command :/23:10
wyldepie_: firefox -new-tab <url>23:11
NoobTuxescott,  is it safe to copy paste the config file from man logrotate?23:11
DjKiDDWhat exactly does the ~ mean in the directory? User home folder?23:11
wyldeDjKiDD: /home/$user yes23:12
ring0hash, well, you've got time till 2013-04-11 to upgrade or reinstall. that's how long you'll receive updates/security-fixes23:12
DjKiDDok just making sure23:12
Tigerboypie_: are you sending just the link or ordering a new firefox-- well you can set that in firefox to have it open links as new tab and set firefox as the default system for html files et al23:12
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kbrosnanpie_: sounds like the session of firefox you lanuched used -no-remote or the MOZ_NO_REMOTE enviroment variable is set23:12
mrgtmaybe I should just go back to windows if I can't play itunes movies. grr.. :'(23:12
escottNoobTux, maybe. its sure to be a valid config file, but it may or may not do what you want23:12
pie_kbrosnan, my ba, yes i forgot to say tat23:13
pie_so i used -P to specify which profile to use23:13
wyldemrgt: have you install ubuntu-restricted-extras?23:13
pie_(the currently running one)23:13
kbrosnanpie_: you need one instance of firefox lanuched without -no-remote23:13
brendonjtmrgt, have you also tried vlc player?23:13
kbrosnanpie_: that will be the instance that gets links launched in it23:13
newb100How do view another users files if they also an admin23:14
newb100but I control both of them23:14
wylde!restricted | mrgt23:14
ubottumrgt: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:14
x0gDoes anyone know the max amount of RAM ubuntu server x64 supports?23:14
mrgtnot installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. what's that? will try vlc.23:15
zykotic10x0g: amd64 x86_64 supports more RAM then you have ;)23:15
ring0mrgt, just read what ubottu linked you23:15
kbrosnanx0g: http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?p=4428160&sid=dca6cf461b10655a342ef5ee122bb8d3#p442816023:16
pie_kbrosnan, thanks23:16
kbrosnanTheoretically, 16 exabytes23:16
x0gwell ill put an order right into newegg ;p23:17
Dualitywylde, are you still online?23:18
Tigerboywait I have 32 exabytes-- so I just wasted 16-- just great.23:19
wyldeDuality: yep, semi afk...23:20
NoobTuxescott, i got this apt folder in /var/ stating a 5GB of usage in my hd what's the command to rm again?23:23
DjKiDDwylde, I don't see any file called .Xauthority in /home/$user/23:23
DjKiDDwylde, I don't see any file called .Xauthority in /home/$user/23:23
zykotic10NoobTux: "sudo apt-get clean" i think23:24
DjKiDDoops sorry for the double post23:24
escottNoobTux, rm is the command line "remove" command23:24
TigerboyDjKiDD: turn on view hidden files in nautilus.23:24
DjKiDDls -a would show it wouldnt it?23:25
Tigerboydjkidd: or else ls -l -a23:25
zykotic10NoobTux: sorry, escott is correct - if it's /var/cache/apt that's using the space, i think my command will work23:25
Dualitywylde, do you have any idea why i can't activate windows but can google or go to any other website ?23:25
NoobTuxzykotic10,  it works tho thanx mate23:25
DjKiDDthe only file I see that would even seem related is .Xdefaults23:26
TigerboyDjkidd: try to view as root23:26
NoobTuxi got 1GB but this 1 folder lists.old is still there im afraid if i remove it might cause error23:26
wyldeDjKiDD: $user is the username of the account you can't get into.23:26
TigerboyDjkidd: it might not have user perms-- which you should set23:26
wyldeDuality: I honestly don't know.23:26
DjKiDDgood idea23:26
TigerboyDjkidd: yes be sure to go to /home/username folder23:27
Dualitywylde, on the virtual machine that is :)23:27
NfNitLoopUhm.  How do I add a binary GUI app to Unity's menus?   (I'm googling and seeing out of date info...)23:27
virtuapostaDuality, can you please describe more about the issue?23:27
DjKiDDI know what a variable is...23:27
wyldeDjKiDD: .Xautority is a protected file yes. You'll need to use sudo rm to remove it23:27
Dualityvirtuaposta, i don't know any more then that windows can't connect to the internet while i can surf the interwebs23:28
NfNitLoopI can't just drop it in the bar.  I tried running it and telling Unity to keep it in the launcher, but it doesn't launch properly if I do that.23:28
DjKiDDsudo ls -a doesn't show it either....23:28
x0gwhat do you use to run a virtual enviroment?23:28
wyldeDuality: I don't know, unless it's a recent version...hmm which you said it is? If it's been activated on a "bare metal" install then it's associated to that hardware and will see the vm as trying to active it on another machine. I would think anyway.23:29
Dualityx0g yea23:29
DjKiDDno such file23:29
zykotic10!virtualizers | x0g23:29
ubottux0g: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications23:29
wyldeDjKiDD: for example my .Xauthority is at /home/wylde/.Xauthority23:30
DjKiDDright... I am in /home/misty/ and there is no such file23:30
TigerboyDjKidd: try to run mkxauth -c in the home folder or the user as you said /home/misty23:30
Tigerboythen check again to see if it is there23:31
wyldeDjKiDD: ls -a | grep .X23:31
Dualitywylde, i don't know if i understood that23:31
phillyjhey everyone, i just build my first PC and now I'm goin to install ubuntu 12.04 on my 60gb ssd but no HDD yet so what is the best way to partition the ssd for bootup and storage23:32
DjKiDDcommand not found...23:32
phillyji'd like to add win7 dualboot later on this ssd also23:32
wyldeDuality: I don't use windows at all, I havent for the past year, and only ever used win7 getting my mother's new PC setup. AFAIK, windows authentication is now done against the hardware it is installed on, and only allows it to be used on that hardware(at least without calling MS support). SO, the authorization agent will see your VM as it being installed on a separate machine altogether.23:33
virtuapostaphillyj, depends over the future perspectives... else you can dedicate any kind of partition schema and can modify accordingly :P23:34
mrgtokay installed vlc player, tried restricted formats but still no luck with .m4v files.23:34
Dualitywylde i see, but how does that affect windows activation? (i used this key on several machines in the past, and i tried a few now, still says that it can't connect, while i can surf on the internet)23:34
DjKiDDare ports forwarded?23:35
DjKiDDI dont think authentication is done over port 8023:35
wyldeDuality: that, I honestly don't know. I'm not familiar at all with the current windows activation proccess.23:35
phillyjvirtuaposta: will ubuntu ask me to specifiy partition app-files are stored on or will it use the boot partition?23:35
Dualitywylde, it's windows xp :)23:36
ring0mrgt, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?23:36
mvrechanybody here is brazilian?23:36
DjKiDDactivation requires TCP/IP connectivity (port TCP/1688 default)23:36
Dualityit activated! and do you know what was wrong! the firewall was up! :S23:36
DjKiDDcalled it23:36
wyldeDuality: lol, I'm still not sure, only windows I put in a VM was win2k lol.23:37
TigerboyDuality: if it is made for a certain machine like an HP it might not work whereas if you bought the copy of windows as a stand alone copy it should work on a vm just fine23:37
wyldeDuality:  /facepalm23:37
DjKiDDwylde where is this mkxauth located?23:37
Tigerboyjust run mkxauth -c in the home/username folder to recreate the xauthority file23:38
mrgtring8, yeah. no luck though.23:38
wyldeDjKiDD: the only file you should need to touch, is the /home/username/.Xauthority file. Or follow what Tigerboy is suggesting :)23:38
DjKiDDCommand not found23:38
Dualitythis windows is running in a virtual machine, on ubuntu server, and it runs with nice performance! :)23:39
ubuntu_Hello, I got a question about installing 12.04 on a Dell XPS 8300 with a Raid setup, will grub be able to boot from it23:40
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist and !alis - See also !Guidelines23:40
txomon|homeubuntu_, sure23:40
txomon|homeif you set up it correctly23:40
ring0mrgt, have you tried opening your m4a-file with totem? totem looks for missing codecs itself23:40
ubuntu_yeah, that`s where I am worried about, hehe23:40
DjKiDDSo I dont have the program called mkxauth23:40
txomon|homeubuntu_, is it bios raid?23:42
Tigerboyer djkidd: are you using lightdm23:42
DjKiDDi have no idea what that is23:42
txomon|homeDjKiDD, a loader, the login screen23:42
DjKiDDim logged into the console23:43
Tigerboytry to run this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm23:43
ubuntu_I got 2 NTFS partitions and a blank space on my disk, if I choose to Install Alongside Them, only the blank space will be used?23:43
DjKiDDlightdm is not installed23:43
wyldeDjKiDD: ps aux | grep dm23:43
DjKiDDthere is one process matching that23:44
wyldegdm? kdm? xdm? ....23:44
DjKiDDits grep --color=auto dm23:45
Tigerboydjkidd: sudo apt-get install aptitude  and then sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm23:45
wyldeDjKiDD: yeah that's just your grep....23:45
Tigerboythen aptitude show lightdm23:46
wyldeDjKiDD: what's the output of 'lsb_release -rc'23:46
BlueProtomanHelp!  I can't get Wi-fi on my Ubuntu 11.10 laptop!  It was working fine earlier today, I've done nothing to it!23:46
actionParsnipBlueProtoman: what is the wifi chip?23:47
BlueProtomanIt's a Broadcom.  It's worked just fkne before, though.  I didn't even screw with the drivers or  config23:47
actionParsnipBlueProtoman: if you reboot, is it ok?23:48
NfNitLoopHow do I add an application to the laundher panel?  This isn't working:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToAddaLauncher  :(23:48
DjKiDD11.04  natty23:48
ubuntu_txomon|home, should I go with /dev/mapper ?23:48
BlueProtomanNo.  Gonna see if it works on Windows23:48
actionParsnipNfNitLoop: add a .desktop file to run it in /usr/share/applications   and it will be there23:48
DjKiDDwhat is the command for ifconfig to grab an IP via DHCP23:48
txomon|homeubuntu_, have you tryed booting?23:48
txomon|homeor installing*23:49
NfNitLoopactionParsnip: There's no way to do that from the GUI?23:49
ubuntu_txomon|home, I am on the bootmanager installer, not sure yet23:49
actionParsnipDjKiDD: sudo dhclient eth023:49
assoumgood evening, i have  a problem concerning the sound on my laptop, it doesn't work on ubuntu 10.0423:49
assoumwhat shall i do?23:49
ubuntu_txomon|home, should I set to install on /dev/mapper ?23:49
DjKiDDBlueProtoman, are you sure there is not a switch or button/combo of buttons you can press to turn on and off the wireless card23:49
ubuntu_txomon|home, would it be the /dev/sda similar ?23:50
BlueProtomanDjKoDD There is, Im' gonna play with it in Windows and try again23:50
actionParsnipNfNitLoop: not that I know of, it may exist but I fine the file easy. If you copy on from ~/.config/autostart   it will have fewer lines and still work, making it easier to edit23:50
BlueProtomanBut no luck so far23:50
Floyd42assoum: does the sound work on windows?  are you using a usb sound card?23:50
Tigerboydjkidd: when you go to recovery pick from the menu-- drop to root shell with networking or something similar23:50
DjKiDDi dont want to have to restart23:50
DjKiDDi didnt have it hooked up to the internet when I started23:51
assoumyes it works on windows23:51
actionParsnipNfNitLoop: alacarte may do it, not used it in AGES though23:51
TigerboyI dual boot win 7 and linux but I seldom use windows anymore23:51
mrgtAnother load of software installed and still no luck playing these m4v files. Damn Apple :(23:51
txomon|homeubuntu_, I have never done a install in a raid, but I suppose it is prepared to work. You can ask #ubuntu-server, where I am pretty sure they will know more about that23:51
actionParsnipBlueProtoman: be sure to set the device to not be able to wake the system up and disable power management in Windows device manager23:51
BlueProtomanactionParsnip Doesn't work on Windows.23:52
actionParsnipBlueProtoman: do you have a swuitch to enable / disable wifi?23:52
BlueProtomanYeah, but it doesn't register.23:52
ubuntu_txomon|home, thanks buddy for the input, I will give it a shot23:52
BlueProtomanIt's a button with a LED, not a switch23:52
actionParsnipBlueProtoman: I'd check in BIOS, make sure the wifi is enabled etc23:52
assoumFloyd42 what does it mean usb sound card!!23:52
Tigerboymrgt: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:53
txomon|homeubuntu_, you can google23:53
dr3mrohello , I am using precise with all updates and today my audio not work anymore .. plz help?23:53
Floyd42assoum: I don't know how to make it clearer.  Type "alsamixer" in terminal, and see if the volume is suffciently high and that the right sound card is selected.23:53
ubuntu_txomon|home, Sorry, I use DuckDuckGo :)23:54
mrgtTigerboy, already tried that. No luck.23:54
txomon|homeubuntu_, whatever23:54
NfNitLoopactionParsnip: seems pretty silly that I can't just drag an executable to the launcher and have it work.23:54
Tigerboymrgt: try to rename to .mp4?23:54
NfNitLoopactionParsnip: but thanks for the help.23:54
Tigerboymrgt: make sure vlc is installed23:55
assoumFloyd42 , yes the volume is high23:55
txomon|homeubuntu_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID23:55
actionParsnipNfNitLoop: i agree, it should have some gui goodness.23:55
dr3mroplz my audio today dont work any help23:56
actionParsnipNfNitLoop: you could make  on in python ;)23:56
mrgtTigerboy,  tried renaming it just now and that didn't work. I installed vlc and it couldn't open them either.23:56
actionParsnipdr3mro: try:    killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*     wait 10 seconds then try sounds23:56
aminejoin #ubuntu.fr23:56
dr3mroactionParsnip, ok I will try23:57
wyldeamine:  /join #ubuntu-fr23:57
justin_Hey #ubuntu, has anyone else noticed a change in how the shift- or ring-switcher works in 12.04 after upgrading?  I'm thinking about filing a bug report because the behavior changed a lot for me...23:57
Tigerboymrgt: can you play dvds?23:57
BlueProtomanactionParsnip Fine in BIOS.  I can't even change it, no option23:58
Dj_KiDDWhy did I install aptitude for?23:58
dr3mroactionParsnip, no  it dont work23:58
Dj_KiDDdefault display manager gdm or lightdm?23:58
dr3mroactionParsnip, actually pulse audio fail to start23:59
Floyd42assoum: see https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/no-sound-ubuntu-10-04-hp-mini-110-a-798751/23:59
assoumok just a minute23:59

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