
melodieif there is someone here, I would like to report a small issue while receiving a confirmation by mail after I send gpg keys fingerprint to launchpad00:59
wgrantmelodie: What's the problem?00:59
melodieI followed the instructions from this page: https://help.launchpad.net/ReadingOpenPgpMail00:59
melodievery carefully00:59
melodieI use Sylpheed, and while trying to decypher the message with the said action, I got an error message01:00
melodieI tried to remove the * at the beginning of the command, but same, an error message01:00
melodieso I tried with command line:01:00
melodiedid a "save to /tmp" and did a command line : gpg --decrypt nameofmail01:01
melodieand then a new error message that said something about the end of line not good01:01
melodietherefore I removed the text around the message and left just the message with beginning and end of message01:01
melodiethen I could read the message01:01
melodiethe "gpg --decrypt my-message" prompted me for my pass phrase and I could get to it.01:02
melodieI thought I should report it somewhere. others may not have the idea to do this way to solve the problem.01:02
melodieI would suggest to send the whole message encrypted, to avoid trouble.01:03
melodiewgrant: is that explained well enough ?01:03
wgrantWhat was the error message from within Sylpheed?01:04
melodieI check and paste it here01:04
wgrantmelodie: It'd be nice to use OpenPGP/MIME, but then anyone using a webmail or Windows mail client would be in trouble.01:04
melodieit is in French : do you mind or do I open sylpheed in english ?01:05
wgrantInline encryption lets anyone copy it out easily, to work around problems like you just had :)01:05
wgrantI can probably get the gist of it in French.01:05
melodie--- Terminé : gpg --no-tty --command-fd 0 --passphrase-fd 0 --decrypt /home/joyce/.sylpheed-2.0/mimetmp/00000009.mimetmp |01:05
melodiesh: -c: line 1: Erreur de syntaxe : fin de fichier prématurée01:05
wgrantYou had selected the whole inline message block?01:05
melodiewith the * at the beginning or without is the same error message01:05
wgrantAIUI those sylpheed operations operate on the currently selected text.01:05
melodieI had selected nothing : where is it written that I should select the text before hitting the action menu ?01:06
melodiethen maybe this detail might be added to the doc at that page ? :)01:06
melodiewhat do you think ?01:06
wgrantThe %p means selected content. I think %f runs over the whole file.01:06
melodieI am the kind of girl who doesn't know about such details. /o\01:07
wgrantSee section 13.4 of http://sylpheeddoc.sourceforge.net/en/manual/manual-13.html. Could you try with %f? Perhaps we should update the docs to use that instead.01:07
melodiewo who !01:07
melodieI would not want to hurt your feeling, but I don't fancy reading so many docs to get to one aim. I already read man gpg a lot...01:08
wgrantI'll update the help wiki to say you have to select the message.01:08
wgrantThanks for letting us know.01:08
melodiewould you know of a Debian mentor for my firt package ? ;D01:08
melodiewgrant: thank you very much ! ^^01:08
wgrant#debian-mentors on OFTC might be your best bet for that :)01:09
wgrantI've updated the docs.01:09
melodiewgrant: I have been there. I was just kidding, because I used quite some time to get to learn to make a package as fast as I could. :)01:09
melodienow I'll try to make it get to ppa, while waiting for it to get further01:10
wgrantGood plan.01:10
melodiethanks for having updated the doc !01:10
* wgrant wanders off for a while.01:12
melodiethere is still something wrong but I can't find out what01:12
melodiewgrant: I have selected the part which is crypted and I still get the same message error01:15
wgrantmelodie: Including the BEGIN and END line?01:17
melodieYes, I tried both, but now I might have a clue01:17
melodieI check and I tell you in 2 seconds01:17
wgrantDid you readd the *?01:18
wgrant"Prepending *: this will allow you to send to the command's standard input a text that you will enter in a dialog window. But in contrast to prepending >, the entered text is hidden (useful when entering passwords)."01:18
melodiewgrant: now that works. I had to close Sylpheed and reopen it for that.01:19
wgrantI've never used it.01:20
melodieonce I hit the command in the menu action, after having selected the text, including entry and end of encrypted part, I am prompted the passphrase in a small window, then I can read the message. this works in French as well as in English (if I start Sylpheed from a console with the "LANG=C" environment.01:20
melodiewgrant: it works indeed with the full command line as provided, with the * at the beginning and the | at the end of the command line.01:21
melodiewgrant: fun ! now it works even without selecting the encrypted part. I think maybe the trick would have been to close and reopen Sylpheed after having set up the new actions.01:24
melodiemaybe would you also want to advise to quit the app and restart it after configuring new actions ? :)01:25
melodiethanks again.01:28
melodiecan you do anything about the code of conduct ? there is a fault of spelling. XD01:31
melodieand there is one more error. I will try to find who can do something01:32
wgrantmelodie: "behavior" is US English, pretty much everywhere else uses "behaviour"01:33
melodiewgrant: then I need to find one more dictionnary for Firefox01:33
melodiewhat about minimises ?01:33
melodieit says it should be written with a z inside01:33
wgrantz/s is again US vs world01:33
melodieoh oh §01:33
melodiemy dictionnary is us then01:34
melodieok, never mind.01:34
wgranthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences#-our.2C_-or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences#-ise.2C_-ize_.28-isation.2C_-ization.2901:34
melodieI installed the English UK addon for Firefox01:36
melodiethis way I can check with both01:36
melodiethis is a good addition. there are way too many things to learn in file. :D01:37
melodiesorry. :D01:37
melodiewould you advise me on a name for a ppa ?01:38
melodiethanks again, and good night01:44
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alo21hi all15:41
alo21I would like to fix bug... could you tell where I can find easy one?15:42
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ondrejhi, can somebody moderate: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/876387/comments/40 (haven't found where to report directly in launchpad)20:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 876387 in psmisc (Ubuntu Oneiric) "fuser forking uncontrollably in cron job" [High,Triaged]20:11
pavolzetorhi guys,21:17
pavolzetoris there any way to track ppa downloads?21:17
pavolzetordemographics, stats21:17
pavolzetorso I will know, who and where uses my app, and how many users I do have21:17
lifelessthere is an API that will give you aggregate download statistics21:22
lifelessdue to UK/EU regulation we can't disclosure personally identifying information21:22
pavolzetorthnkas going to explore,21:24
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thumperlifeless: hey hey, you around?22:19
thumperso... personal bug lists22:19
thumperwas talking with the lp peeps22:19
thumperand they said you wouldn't likely block it as long as I deleted enough code22:20
thumperlifeless: what are your thoughts?22:21
lifelessI've a great deal of interest in seeing LP become more powerful :).22:21
thumperand by that you mean what?22:21
lifelessI mean that I like features being added, as long as we can maintain them - which is what deleting code is about, keeping the total codebase size under control22:22
thumperfor me this is the ability to have a single priority list of bugs22:22
thumperwhich people can then attack from the top22:22
lifelessThere are a few conceptual discussions around personal bugs lists22:23
thumperand having shared write access to the list22:23
lifelessfrom the very simple to the radically different22:23
thumperI have a relatively defined set of criteria I need22:23
thumperand happy to actually write and mentor things through22:23
lifelessyou want a work queue for a team22:23
thumperalthough I'd like some help22:23
thumperlifeless: yes I do, priority queue :)22:23
lifelessteam maintained and team executable, right ?22:23
thumperwell, the team doing the work isn't the same team setting the priority22:24
thumperneed write by distro, design, tech team lead22:24
thumperto have a common agreed priority bug list22:24
lifelessso, if you had (task, team, priority)22:25
thumperwrite by a few distro people (not everyone )22:25
thumperyeah, that is about as complicated as my schema goes :)22:25
lifelessas a generic thing, with a editing facility and a view facility22:25
thumperthat's about it22:25
lifelessyou could model your ACL by having a team 'ubuntu-desktop-bugs-priority', anyone in that team can edit it, and as its a public team, anyone can see it.22:26
thumperthat is pretty much what I thought too22:26
thumpernot too complicated22:26
lifelessthat in itself wouldn't support rich integration (e.g. showing a priority on regular bug listings) [because of performance and UI issues: 1:M on task means you may have many priorities to show]22:27
thumperperhaps we want the possibility of multiple priority lists for a team22:27
thumperwhich would imply another table22:27
lifelesswhy ?22:27
thumperallowing a name, and display name22:27
* thumper shrugs22:27
thumperright now, I only need one22:27
thumperbut what about later?22:27
lifelesssimple is good, folk can build up their own things on top of it.22:27
lifelessjust add another team, make the first one a member, and you've got another list.22:28
thumperI guess if you want more than one list22:28
lifelesswith the same ACL.22:28
thumpermake another team22:28
lifelessright, you can say its a workaround, but its one that if people are doing we can address by adding a name facility.22:28
lifelessbut doing named lists would be a 33% increase in data to process (and a corresponding decrease in performance)22:29
thumperso... we would address this later if needed?22:29
thumperI'd even be fine with just a web view, and rest write interface22:31
lifelessso, I suggest you do a minimal LEP, don't worry about implementation stuff there, try to make sure that you have enough functionality listed that it would be usable22:31
lifelessfor your needs22:31
lifelessI'll review on a technical basis, mrevell can identify any product issues, and then we can get rolling22:31
thumperI'll try to get to it soonish22:31
thumperok, cool22:31
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