
DebolazI'd like to be able to use full disk encryption + btrfs + no swap partition. All at the same time. :)00:02
MrChrisDruifAnd that isn't possible as of now? Afaik it is...00:03
DebolazLast time I tried it wasn't.00:03
DebolazBut I will admit I haven't checked the normal installer of the two last releases.00:04
MrChrisDruifAnd when was the last time you tried? ;-)00:04
DebolazIt used to be impossible to use full disk encryption in the normal installer.00:04
MrChrisDruifDebolaz; please try it again, as I think what you want is already available in the 12.04 (if not 11.10) installer00:05
DebolazDownloading the normal iso now to test.00:05
MrChrisDruifGood boi00:06
MrChrisDruifDebolaz; just ping me if it works. I'll be in channel, thou not at my computer/smartphone00:18
MrChrisDruifYou got me interested ^_^00:18
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DebolazWill do.00:35
DebolazHrmm, Empathy puzzles me. If I try to connect to MSN from someplace else, it will immediately reconnect, preventing me from using MSN anywhere else, but if it loses connection for any other reason, it just sits there without bothering to do anything.00:36
DebolazAnd Pidgin still doesn't want to play nice with the launcher.00:38
DaekdroomBad Pidgin :(00:47
DaekdroomFortunately I found a workaround for Pidgin.00:47
DebolazI made my own workaround. I made the message indicator blink instead of change color so I could see when I received a message. :)00:49
DebolazFrankly, I don't really "get" the design of the current message indicator. It seems a little bit pointless to make it change color. It doesnt draw your attention, and if you have received a message someplace, it will be indicated on the launcher.00:53
DebolazIt just seems like it was designed by someone unsure of what they wanted to accomplish.00:54
DebolazMrChrisDruif: Right, I'm in the ubuntu desktop installers partition editor now, and I see no way of doing full disk encryption.01:08
Patrickdkwasn't that always only on the alt install image?01:11
DebolazPatrickdk: That's what I thought, but MrChrisDruif said otherwise. :)01:11
Patrickdkbeen a long time since I installed a desktop image :)01:11
* Debolaz will in other words remain concerned about the alternative installer being removed in 12.1001:11
DebolazFull disk encryption is a must-have for me, so hopefully the normal installer will be able to support that if the alternate installer is removed.01:22
MrChrisDruifIsn't it at the login section that you can choose to encrypt disc or is that only the /home partition?01:34
DebolazOnly /home01:38
DebolazFull disk encryption has to be done at the partitioning stage. The /home encryption works on a per-file level so it doesn't need to be done at partitioning.01:39
Fudgeis anyone able to install something to confirm that quantal locks up please?03:21
Fudgehead_victim  are you running a quantal install?03:26
wilee-nileeFudge, install what?03:31
Fudgewilee-nilee  I use software speech to access a console, modprobe speakup_soft start=1 and apt-get install espeakup, when i switch back to a desktop and back to console with no pty video drivers installed, it locsk my machine up03:32
wilee-nileeFudge, bummer, that is a bit more then I want to risk, have you posted on the ubuntu forums?03:33
Fudgewilee-nilee  nah not yet, was hoping someone woudl be willing to test it for me first, like with a vm or something03:34
Fudgeusually if one wanted console speech to work at system boot the speakup_soft start=1 would be in /etc/modules but i start it manually so it woudl only result in one lock up without trying to track down through logs why03:34
wilee-nileeFudge, I'm not really familiar at all with these options really, sorry.03:36
Fudgeits cool wilee-nilee , thanks anyway03:36
BluesKajHiyas all13:04
penguin42Hey BK13:06
BluesKajhi penguin4213:09
BluesKajquiet day in the quantal repos13:10
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
JonEdneyIs there a 12.10 server daily build, out of curiosity?15:02
IdleOneThey haven't finished cleaning up the rooms from UDS15:13
eagles0513875JonEdney: i think you could just change the names in sources.list on a 12.04 server install and upgrade that way15:36
JonEdneyeagles0513875, I didn't even consider that.  I dont have a need for it, just for curiosity and learning.  I may try it.15:37
eagles0513875JonEdney: at this point you cannot use the do-release-upgrade -d as its very very early in the dev cycle for 12.1015:37
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
Resistanceyep, changing it from 'precise' to 'quantal' will work :P17:39
ResistanceJonEdney:  ^17:39
JonEdneyVery interesting.17:42
MrChrisDruifIt has worked for me18:03
penguin42be careful; what you get by doing that won't necessariyl eventually end up the same as what's released18:05
yooozyhey guys, don't have your hard drive overheated sometimes?18:41
Resistanceyooozy:  i have my CPU overheat more than my hard drive does18:42
Resistancewhat makes you think your hard drive is overheating18:42
yooozyResistance, I can feel it under my palm on my laptop, that's obvious18:43
Resistanceyooozy:  so can i when my CPU overheats18:43
Resistancenormally when i check the temp sensors, the CPU is 98C and the hard drive is 52C (only because of the thermal output of the CPU)18:43
Resistancedid you check your system's temp sensors?18:44
yooozyResistance, my CPU overheats when I use extensive programs like chess  engines in my case18:44
Resistancewell then assume the CPU is the problem instead of the drive, or check the sensors18:44
yooozyResistance, I got conky is precise?18:46
yooozyResistance, is it precise?18:47
Resistancemy system?18:48
yooozyResistance, no I mean conky18:51
Resistanceoh conky...18:51
Resistancenope, i dont use conky18:52
yooozyResistance, how do get Temperature info?18:52
yooozy*do you18:52
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wilee-nileeyooozy, Take a look here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto19:05
yooozywilee-nilee, thanks19:05
wilee-nileeyooozy, you can find conkies that will have the temperature stuff already.19:05
yooozywilee-nilee, ok19:06
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MechanisMHello I'm having problems on starting gnome-control-center http://paste.ubuntu.com/986115/20:34
wilee-nileeMechanisM, should open that way but what happens when you try settings? Is this in 12.10?20:42

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