
snadgeim trying to build a filesystem module outside of the kernel tree05:02
snadgeand im a bit confused about how the linux kernel header includes work05:02
snadge /usr/include/linux/fs.h doesn't contain a definition of blockdev_direct_IO05:03
snadgebut the headers in /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-24 and -generic do05:03
snadgethe documentation for building the fs module.. doesn't explain how to build them beyond doing this05:04
snadgemake -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/ M=`pwd`05:04
ohsixif you want to use it for a few kernel versions it'd probably be worth packaging, and to use dkms05:05
snadgeoh its nowhere near close to doing that with05:05
snadgeits actually the google summer of code hfsplus write with journalling support code05:05
snadgei was just going to play around with it in a loopback file.. and see if it corrupts data, or more likely.. how badly it corrupts data05:06
snadgeif it works okay.. it would probably be worth putting onto a github and making dkms scripts for it etc.. but its not worth getting that excited about it just yet05:07
snadgemy guess though.. since it was released on aug 15th last year, and i cant find much commentary on the subject.. its probably just crap and/or abandonware05:08
snadgebut anyway.. i was just wondeirng how i would correctly include the definition for blockdeV_direct_IO05:09
snadgeand why /usr/include/linux/fs.h differs from the kernel include linux/fs.h05:10
ohsixone has public symbols, the other has private (and public due to other includes) symbols, i think05:13
snadgeahh i see now.. its actually working05:15
snadgeie.. its getting the definition from the right kernel source05:15
snadgeits just saying im passing too many parameters05:15
snadgethis module was designed for kernel 3.0 and im building with 3.205:15
snadgefixed that.. onto the next error05:19
snadgecool well it works ;)06:00
jeshwanthhow can i access the register in linux ?08:00
brncsksforshee: can i ask you a question about bug 606238?08:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 606238 in linux "synaptic touchpad not recognized on dell latitude e6510 and others" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60623808:54
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=== hacfed is now known as hcfd
Guphi, trying to solve networking/suspend issues since kernel update, details: http://pastebin.com/QExSc5Ce any ideas were to look next?13:48
dileksyou checked with a higher mainline-kernel?13:54
Gupno, wouldn't know which to try and how to install it13:56
Gupany good guides?13:56
Gupdoes the fact that it started in 11.10 and is also in 12.04 mean anything?13:58
Gupi don't know much about how the kernel versions lines or branches work13:58
dilekssee topic (wiki)13:59
Gupso would i be best off testing on 11.10 or 12.04? or both? and do i just go for the highest version yeah?14:00
dileksdunno which toolchain prior version than precise have14:01
Gupcan see i'm going to need to do a bit of research, checking out the guides on the wiki...14:05
dileksif you built with different compiler and binutils against different C-lib14:06
Gupok thanks14:13
Gupgoing to try with v3.4-rc7-precise14:13
dileksIIRC all kernels are built on lucid-host14:13
dileksbut dont ask me about details14:13
dileksI only know precise is 12.04 :-)14:14
dileksas this is the 1st ubuntu I have ever installed yet14:14
dileksUbuntu 10.04.4 LTS (Lucid Lynx)14:16
Gupwell i'm booted up now using v3.3.6-precise so we will see if the problem persists, its done a couple of suspends no problem but only time will truly tell.14:28
Gupthanks for pointing me down this path14:28
Gupif it solves the issue do i still need to let someone know?14:29
dileksdunno with which ubuntu-release and kernel-version you saw the issue14:30

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