
bobweaverHello there I was wondering if any one had any time and if they could help me with a lintian output here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/984632/  I tried looking at http://lintian.ubuntuwire.org/precise/tags.html  maybe I missed them ?01:14
bobweavernm I have found them by googling each one01:23
tumbleweedbobweaver: lintian-info --tags debhelper-but-no-misc-depends etc.02:08
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
bobweaverThanks tumbleweed  !04:15
tumbleweedthere's also a lintian option that makes it always show the full message04:17
bobweaversweet thanks again.  I am almost getting to the point with the package that I started from scratch almost needs lintian checks.04:21
nigelbLaney: I didn't notice you leave ~not-canonical until today. Congrats sir! :)04:33
tumbleweedhe kept it very quiet :)04:33
nigelbtumbleweed: what team is he on?04:34
tumbleweeddesktop, part time04:35
vibhavtumbleweed: You work for Canonical?04:39
tumbleweedvibhav: nope :)04:40
nigelbtumbleweed: How was UDS being a local? :D04:50
tumbleweednigelb: I'm not a local, either. I live in ZA04:51
tumbleweedbut I am enjoying a nice trip to a part of the US I've never been to :)04:51
nigelbtumbleweed: Ah draft. I confused you with broder I think :P04:51
tumbleweedmost likely, yeah he's local04:52
tumbleweedbroder: didn't see you at the closing party. Did you run away? :)04:52
nigelbHe proably decided he wants to use his ears again :P04:53
nigelbUDS closing party is always so...tiring. It's more tiring than most of UDS :P04:53
brodertumbleweed: i was there for a bit, but decided that i needed to get home and catch up on sleep04:59
* vibhav is still waiting for other MOTUs to come back05:01
* tumbleweed was mostly outside for the first couple of hours, probably why I missed you05:01
* tumbleweed hopes I didn't break ajmitch in our whirlwind tour of SF today05:01
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
brodernigelb: for the record, UDS as a local was cool, but if it's ever an option to you, DON'T try to commute to UDS from wherever you live. total mistake05:34
nigelbbroder: haha.05:34
broderand with that, /me goes to continue trying to catch up on lost sleep05:34
Resistancegood luck on that, its hard to recover lost sleep05:35
* Resistance speaks from experience :)05:36
geserResistance: in case you didn't notice yet: boinc 7.0.2711:59
geseris in quantal now12:00
jtaylorwhy does clang depend on gcc-4.6 in quantal?12:42
geserprobably the DD didn't update it to build with gcc-4.7 yet12:55
geseror because it didn't get updated yet in quantal12:56
=== jalcine is now known as Jacky
eagles0513875micahg: hey15:43
Resistancegeser:  i'm subscribed to the sync request, and the bug, thanks.15:45
Resistancenext step is to backport to Precise, but i'm busy backing up data off my 11.04 to put on my 12.0415:45
* Resistance finally replaced the drive and now has to spend six hours backing up the important data15:46
eagles0513875Resistance: wanna help me with something or are you busy15:51
Resistancein the middle of BugSquad stuff, can you wait 5 minutes?15:51
Resistanceeagles0513875:  still slightly busy, but what's up15:56
eagles0513875just got my bug answered to an extent15:56
eagles0513875in kubuntu devel15:57
Resistancegeser:  jtaylor:  either of you able to assist me with a BugSquad thing?16:04
Resistanceor any other MOTU or BugSquad person?16:05
ResistanceLaney:  i know that :P16:06
Resistanceits already been brought up there16:07
Resistancei need secondary opinions16:07
Resistanceand i havent seen many people chiming in16:07
Resistancethe question's regarding validity of a bug against a package16:07
Resistancei'm just going to forward it to the BugSquad mailing list16:08
ResistanceLaney:  would a package synced into QUantal from Debian be published by now?16:14
Resistancefor Quantal16:15
LaneyResistance: probably, unless it failed to build or something16:15
Laneywhat is it?16:15
Resistanceboinc, in Universe16:17
Resistancemicahg confirmed it built in quantal prior to sync16:17
* Resistance wants to make sure its published in Quantal before requesting the backport to Precise16:18
Laneyboinc-client | 7.0.27+dfsg-3 | quantal/universe | amd64, armel, armhf, i386, powerpc16:19
Laneylooks ok16:19
ResistanceLaney:  the same package will need ubuntu-only changes16:52
Resistancehow do i propose those?16:52
Laneyjust for the backport?16:52
Resistanceno, in Quantal as well16:52
* Resistance is double checking that this wasnt fixed upstream, as the bug linked to the sync request for boinc includes information that a specific patch breaks things16:53
Laneywell, request sponsorship in the normal way then16:53
Laneyand make sure it goes to Debian if appropriate16:53
Resistancethe patch works in Debian, the debian developer confirmed  that, it just causes crap in Ubuntu :P16:54
Resistancerefresh my memory about Ubuntu sponsorship again16:54
* Resistance hasn't had to get packages that have ubuntu only changes sponsored in a while16:55
Laneyattach debdiff, subscribe ubuntu-sponsors16:55
Resistanceoh like it normally would be :p16:55
Resistancei thought y ou meant upload a package for consideration :P16:56
* Resistance chuckles16:56
Resistancethe normal methodology then.  that makes life easier16:56
Laney!sponsoring is For more information about the process for sponsoring uploads in Ubuntu, visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess16:57
LaneyI wonder if you can alias commands.16:57
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
Resistanceyou can16:59
Resistancesyntax is: !factoid is <alias>command17:00
Laneydo it for me plz17:02
Resistance!sponsor is <alias>sponsoring17:02
Resistance<ubottu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail17:03
Resistanceso now convince them to do it :P17:03
ResistanceLaney:  join #ubuntu-ops, tell them to approve "sponsoring"17:05
Resistancebecause they won't approve the alias until your factoid is approved17:06
Resistance(and you probably have a bigger say in things than I do)17:06
ResistanceLaney:  is there an easy way to remove a patch in a package with quilt?17:15
Resistancethe manpage isnt loading on my system17:15
Resistance(probably because the manpage db on here is being updated by dpkg)17:15
Resistancenevermind, i pulled the manpage from manpages.u.c17:17
bobweaverhello there I have a question that I can not seem to find the correct answer. So As many of you know i am making a package that is a WHCP and for this I am using virtual box well too of them. one is for "clean install of ubuntu server" other is called "right after build server"    I build on well I am sure that you can guess which on I build on I then make a clone after build and try to install if something goes wrong I start all over a17:38
bobweavergain. Is there a better way to do this. I am sorry if there is a odd-ve-es  anwser too this I googled for a full day before I asked thanks for your time17:38
bobweaverI have a built in repo in /usr/local/mydebs and a script that uses dpkg-scanpackage to add .debs17:39
bobweaverAlso if this is a question for a different channel I am super sorry plz just ask me to ask somewhere else and I will do that happily :)17:41
Resistancei'd just recommend patience :)17:41
Resistanceit may take a while to get an answer :P17:41
bobweaverResistance,  patience is something that I have alot of thanks for the tips :)17:42
highvoltagegood morning18:29
tumbleweedhighvoltage: you also slept in all morning? :)18:42
bobweaverYou guys are still in SF ? have you thought of going to santa cruz ? its only a hour away and worth the trip18:48
bobweaverthere is the boardwalk and all sorts of cool stuff it is a collage/server town well 8 years ago when I lived there18:49
bobweavercollege/surfer *18:49
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ajmitchtumbleweed: I'm only mostly broken, flight back wasn't a lot of fun :)21:53
tumbleweedajmitch: :/21:58
ajmitchcould have been worse, it was probably less than half full so I could move to an exit row by myself21:59
ajmitchyeah it was good being a bit less cramped22:01
* ajmitch is debating whether to just give up & sleep now22:01
lifelessajmitch: wh22:12
ajmitchlifeless: thanks22:15

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