
magespawnEvening all15:28
kbmonkeyhi hi16:44
Maazkbmonkey: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell kbmonkey dont forget you are chairing on the 21st hey laddy. 1930" 2 days, 22 hours, 28 minutes and 14 seconds ago16:44
Kilosevening superfly kbmonkey inetpro nuvolari and all you other lovely peeps17:40
kbmonkeyhi Kilos 17:41
kbmonkeyand all you friendly geeks17:41
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 17:42
nuvolariare you well this evening?17:42
Kiloshead thumping some but i be alive ty and you?17:43
kbmonkeygood good 17:43
kbmonkeythere is a new gimp out!17:43
nuvolariI'm good thanks oom. Here, but not awake yet :P17:43
Kiloswhat was wrong with the old gimp kbmonkey ?17:44
Kilosworked well17:44
nuvolariye, I've been hearing about it. Not as excited to get the latest one yet :P17:44
nuvolariwill wait for it to be upgraded in ubuntu17:44
kbmonkeybeen waiting for it for a while, nice updates17:44
Kiloswhat else can it do?17:45
kbmonkeyit has a single window mode now XD17:45
nuvolarithe most ++ feature IMO is the layer groups17:45
kbmonkeyso no more wrong-focus-shortcut hell17:45
nuvolariI don't mind the multiple windows17:45
Kilosah i didnt delve that deep into gimp i spose17:45
nuvolariisn't there some more gegl integration too?17:46
kbmonkeylayers can be grouped, the new cairo engine is used for drawing tools, on cavas text editing, you can even use math equations in size entries. its a major release XD17:46
Kiloshows the job going kbmonkey 17:50
Kilosi wish irc was as data frugal as mxit17:51
kbmonkeyirc is more frugal, its just you can type and read faster on the pc ;)17:55
kbmonkeywell let us see if we can compile gimp. this should be interesting... 17:57
kbmonkeyjob is fine Kilos. the work is kak maar we get paid either way, eh? ;)17:57
Kilosthats what keeps one going laddy17:59
Kiloshou moed17:59
kbmonkeyi'm 'on-site' throughout the entire week, so I doubt I can chair the next meet.18:01
kbmonkey.. wonder when that is by the way..18:01
Kilosmeet only the following monday the 21st18:02
Kilosread the topic18:02
Kilosinetpro, added the meet date18:02
kbmonkeyKilos, you are too birght for me today ;)18:02
kbmonkeyoh, happy mother's day, by the way18:02
Kilosim not a mother i got a dingietjie18:03
kbmonkeya hoender? no.. what's the other one... hmmm. let's leave it at that ha ha18:04
kbmonkeybig brother watches18:04
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:06
* Maaz puts the kettle on18:06
KilosMaaz, coffee for all18:06
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already18:06
KilosMaaz, hurry18:06
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed18:06
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:10
KilosMaaz, ty18:11
MaazYou are welcome Kilos18:11
Kilosnight guys . sleep tight and warm. me hates winter18:11
kbmonkeynite Kilos 18:12
superflyhi Ki<tab>19:09
kbmonkeyhe's gone to club duvet19:10
kbmonkeyhow are you superfly 19:12
kbmonkeygood mothers day?19:12
superflyhey kbmonkey19:12
superflyI think so, mrs_fly hasn't had to do much today. And she even got to phone her mom (her family is from the USA)19:13
kbmonkeythat is good to hear19:16
magespawnHowdy all19:19
kbmonkeyhi magespawn 19:20
superflyhey magespawn19:20
magespawnHey superfly, long time no chat kbmonkey19:21
kbmonkeyi've been away on the coast during the week. going back tomorrow19:22
kbmonkeyworking in Umdloti/Gateway19:22
kbmonkeyhey ill be in the region, we can have a ubuntu hour...? :D19:23
magespawnIf I can get down there, but nuvolari is in Ballito isn't he?19:24
superflykbmonkey: you can also ask nuvolari19:24
magespawnkbmonkey you seem to travel a lot, by choice or circumstance?19:25
kbmonkeyi got a job on the coast, but don't have my own place yet, so i have to go back and forth... :/19:27
kbmonkeyi just got back from CT, so need to find a place again19:27
magespawnLots of driving then.19:27
kbmonkeyi stay in durbs during the week, try minimize how often I have to drive. fuel is pricey19:27
magespawnDo  a Hackers and just pitch up at somebodies house19:28
magespawnWhere you working?19:28
kbmonkeyits a new company started by a guy i knew from a previous job. no name yet... 19:29
magespawnCool, doing what if I may ask?19:30
kbmonkeydoing some dev, setting up the system... in the process of implementing to some clients, when that is approved then it is good-to-go19:30
kbmonkeyphone insurance system in C# :p19:30
magespawnOkay, so exciting stuff then.19:31
kbmonkeyand oh my... word. how sucky is windows after using Debian for so long. I don't believe the updates so often XD ha ha, we are so blessed19:31
magespawnThe latest one that they keep trying to push is Bing desktop.19:32
magespawnWhy on earth anyone would want that who knows?19:34
magespawnHave started officially studying.19:34
kbmonkeyits okay, I ask contractor rates, it's fine to get me setup :D19:36
kbmonkeystudying lpi?19:36
magespawnNo and don't shoot me for this okay? MCITP19:37
magespawnMay  ask what contractor rates would be?19:38
kbmonkeylol I wont shoot at you ;)19:39
kbmonkeyi did the previous version of that cert, the mcsd19:39
kbmonkeywell I googled rates in UK, the avg is ~R600 a day19:40
kbmonkeyso I proposed that, accepted, and going to review and raise it in about 3 months19:40
kbmonkeywow, that mcitp has a lot of exams XD19:43
kbmonkeydone any SQL before? (ms/sqlite/mysql)19:44
kbmonkeyokay. well you can always bug me if you need tips :)19:46
magespawnStarting with A+ and N+ then MCITP and they have given me two free addons Exchange and sql19:46
magespawnApparently it also gets me access to whole load of other course material.19:47
magespawnSo pretty cool. The only thing not included is the international exam prices.19:48
magespawnThen of course then main thing missing will be experience.19:49
magespawnLike a boomarang19:51
kbmonkeythis guy told me he needs to take on more people in the near future, if you would be keen magespawn ...19:55
kbmonkeyah no this is driving me nuts. compiling gimp19:57
kbmonkeywould be best to upgrade/do this on a sid release, with all the latest stuff on it.19:58
magespawnHey I would be very keen kbmonkey20:08
magespawnBut I am an extreme noob.20:09
kbmonkeythats fine20:09
kbmonkeydo you want to do tech, dev, or a bit of both?20:10
magespawnAt the moment I am easy, what ever brings in money20:10
magespawnI am a bit more comfortable with the tech side at the moment I suppose.20:11
kbmonkeyreporting involves SQL, what you will be learning too20:12
kbmonkeyreeoprting is good to have experience in20:13
magespawnYup that would be good experience20:13
magespawn Night all I off to bed.20:32

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