
sirriffsalotTrying to do a "make" and I get "make: Nothing to be done for `first'"00:00
actionParsnipdr3mro: interesting, I'd try the sound troubleshooting procedure page00:00
ubuntu_txomon|home, Executing 'grub-install /dev/mapper' failed.00:00
txomon|homeubuntu_, have you seen the link I mentioned?00:01
aminemerci wyld00:01
ubuntu_txomon|home, yeah, checking on it now00:01
wyldeamine: :)00:01
dr3mroactionParsnip, thank you it worked bu all it need after deleteing those files to log out00:01
Jordan_Uubuntu_: txomon|home: That guide is for mdraid, it sounds like you're using FakeRAID.00:02
spm_DragetJust installed 12.04. If I want to install additional software via the console, do I use apt-get install or aptitude install?00:02
actionParsnipdr3mro: sweet00:02
justin_anyone else have trouble with compiz after upgrading to 12.04?00:02
actionParsnipspm_Draget: apt-get is default installed, aptitude isn't00:02
txomon|homeI wanted him to make click in real raid link00:03
actionParsnipjustin_: you may do if you use proprietary drivers00:03
wyldespm_Draget: either? although you'll probably have to apt-get install aptitude if that's what you prefer.00:03
spm_Dragetapt-get it is then, thanks00:03
NfNitLoopWhat the heck.  I just minimized a window and it disappeared.00:03
KommaHHey everyone. Today I got home and found that my Ubuntu server was completely unresponsive. Neither the console nor SSH would work, so I safely restarted it. Is there a log or something I can view to see whether there was a kernel panic or something?00:03
actionParsnipBlueProtoman: i'd run:  dmesg | less      and see where the device is detected (if at all) and what happens00:03
NfNitLoop(Eclipse)   I know it's running.  It's still compiling my project.  But I can't get at it!??!?!00:03
Jordan_Utxomon|home: I din't understand your last sentence. Could you rephrase it?00:03
wyldeKommaH: /var/log/syslog perhaps00:03
ZetaRC12anyone ever get an Acer Aspire One D-250 to sleep on closing? I can sleep and hibernate and restore from both states on the laptop manually. When I close the lid the backlight turns off, but the laptop never stops running. /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state only lists the state as closed, no matter if the lid is open or closed.00:04
justin_actionParsnip: thanks, any idea how i could find that out?  my specific problem is described here:00:04
KommaHwylde: Thanks00:04
Jordan_UKommaH: How did you "safely restart" it?00:04
txomon|homeJordan_U, I pointed him to a page where he could see the link to reliable raid00:04
dr3mroactionParsnip, ok it seems not working the sound menu worked but no sound coming from the speaks00:04
BlueProtomanactionParsnip: Odd, works now?00:04
Dj_KiDDfuck it00:04
justin_actionParsnip: thanks, any idea how i could find that out?  my specific problem is described here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126117/alt-tab-in-12-04-requires-pressing-enter-to-select-app-can-i-disable-that00:04
BlueProtomanI did nothing but reset.00:04
escott!sysrq | KommaH not likely unless you synced00:04
ubottuKommaH not likely unless you synced: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key00:04
Dj_KiDDI'll just reinstall00:04
xangua!language | Dj_KiDD00:04
ubottuDj_KiDD: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:04
Dj_KiDDnow I have two login managers and neither of them work.....00:05
txomon|homeubuntu_, http://www.simplysimple.info/installing-ubuntu-server-hardware-raid/00:06
NfNitLoopF Unity.   /me installs Gnome.00:06
BlueProtomanactionParsnip: Thanks anyway!00:06
txomon|homethat seems to be more on your case00:06
actionParsnipBlueProtoman: maybe its just a bit slow today00:06
BlueProtomanap: Nope. never connected00:07
actionParsnipjustin_: maybe its the old compiz settings causing issue, if you default them, is it ok?00:07
BlueProtomanBut a new problem!00:07
BlueProtomanMy Numpad keys are taking higher priority than the letters.  E.g when I type M I get 000:07
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actionParsnipBlueProtoman: turn off numlock00:08
Jordan_Utxomon|home: That guide was written by someone who doesn't know what FakeRAID is.00:08
Dj_KiDDfn+ some f key00:08
=== BlueProtoman1 is now known as BlueProtoman
PW-toXichi - i'm copying 670.000 files via copy and paste00:09
actionParsnipNfNitLoop: Unity is a shell for Gnome, You already have Gnome installed....00:09
BlueProtomanactionParsnip: Oops, silly me.00:09
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actionParsnipBlueProtoman: yep, notice how I responded so quick ;)00:09
txomon|homeJordan_U, if he is using a true hw raid, then nothing has to be done because ubuntu just sees a drive00:09
PW-toXicI have already copied 300k files, and my computer is getting slower and slower... it is getting so slow, that i can hardly log in to the desktop00:09
txomon|homecontroller is in BIOS00:09
PW-toXicis there a system monitor like alt+ctrl+del in windows?00:10
alusionHow is gnome shell on ubuntu 12.04? Cairo-dock with unity panel does not really utilize the super key at all either btw >_< is that normal?00:10
Dj_KiDDthere is something similar00:10
justin_actionParsnip: i tried "compiz --replace" from the command line to set things to default, but still am having SUPER+TAB troubles.  did i do something wrong?00:10
Random832PW-toXic: run gnome-system-monitor00:10
wyldePW-toXic: why would you copy/paste. gnome-system-monitor00:11
Jordan_Utxomon|home: Exactly, yet that person states " It seems to allow over riding the array setup done using the controller’s  own software. Setting up software RAID was out of question.  Why pay the performance penalty that  software RAID levies on the system when you have already paid IBM for hardware RAID?" So they clearly have FakeRAID, and just as clearly think they have true hardware RAID.00:11
actionParsnipjustin_: that doesn't reset the settings00:11
PW-toXicwylde, because i want to copy 700.000 files ;)00:11
xangua!nounity | alusion00:11
ubottualusion: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:11
txomon|homeJordan_U, you can also contribute00:11
alusionWhat does it mean when you put the ! before something?00:11
PW-toXicalusion, the bot will tell you some information about the word you paste after !00:12
wylde!bot | alusion00:12
ubottualusion: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:12
actionParsnipalusion: it makes ubottu pay attentiom, she will react if she knows the factoid00:12
alusionThat is so cool00:13
actionParsnipalusion: lots of folks ask the same thing, makes life easier00:13
ZaNeIuMhow do i restart a terminal? like im using tty1 but now when i goto it its just a black screen even after a reboot00:13
actionParsnip!nomodeset | ZaNeIuM00:14
ubottuZaNeIuM: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:14
PW-toXicThere are two processes called "locate" with my user that take about 80% of my CPU core each... whats wrong here?00:14
Floyd42Hi ubottu, are you related to HAL?00:14
ircyopanyone know why ubuntu would not accurately read my batteries power, but windows xp does00:14
escottircyop, acpi tables00:15
actionParsnipircyop: weird acpi gubbins...00:15
wyldeircyop: probably bitten by an acpi bug00:15
actionParsnipircyop: do you have the latest BIOS?00:15
ircyopit's an asus eeePC 2g surf00:15
ircyopactionParsnip, Probably not. I could updateI suppose and see what happens00:16
ubuntu_still getting the "Executing 'grub-install /dev/mapper/isw_jddjaejcg_ARRAY1' failed." error message00:16
rlwconfigure can't find libflac for edcast, libflac-dev is installed, can anybody help me please?00:16
ircyopactionParsnip, someone just gave this to me00:16
txomon|homeubuntu_, you have a true hw raid?00:16
ircyopand I doubtthat someone has updated the bios00:16
txomon|homedo you*00:16
ubuntu_txomon|home, I believe so00:17
escottubuntu_, its unlikely that even if you managed to install grub to a mapper device that it would be bootable00:17
wylderlw: what are you compiling?00:17
txomon|homeubuntu_, do you manage it from the BIOS? If you do, then you will see there just one disk00:17
actionParsnipircone: boot to WIndows and use this: http://support.asus.com/download.aspx?SLanguage=en&p=20&s=1&m=Eee+PC+2G+Surf%2fLinux&os=17&hashedid=n%2fa00:18
actionParsnipircone: make sure it's up to date00:18
ubuntu_txomon|home, I can manage them in the bios00:18
ubuntu_escott, so, what's your suggestion?00:18
txomon|homeubuntu_, and ubuntu doesn't just tell you to install in /dev/sda ?00:18
escottubuntu_, you probably have fakeraid. unless you spent a log of money on a server raid solution you just have intel fakeraid and I would not use it00:19
ubuntu_escott, true, it's the intel one00:19
txomon|homeescott, is that bad?00:19
actionParsnipfakeraid sucks bigtime00:19
escottubuntu_, don't use it. turn it off. use mdadm00:19
ubuntu_escott, how should I proceed?00:20
dagerikI can't get the ALT GR button to function in LXDE. I cant make the email symbol or the dollar symbol e.g. Halp?00:20
escott!alternate | ubuntu_ turn off fakeraid. if you want raid and ubuntu use the alternate installer00:20
ubottuubuntu_ turn off fakeraid. if you want raid and ubuntu use the alternate installer: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal00:20
txomon|homeI always use minimal + apt-cacher-ng00:21
ubuntu_escott, Do you know if I turn it off, my data will be alright?00:21
escottubuntu_, no your data will be gone00:21
ubuntu_escott, lol - no good, no can do :/00:22
NoobTuxescott, this is getting weird deleting it and within 5mins it will be back to 5GB usage of space from /var/log/apt/ creepy00:22
ubuntu_it's a 2Tb array, I won't have where to backup atm00:23
wyldeNoobTux: you got some seriously misbehaving processes.00:23
Caseyi need to make 12.04 run on a older computer00:23
ubuntu_escott, so, with fakeraid, I won't be able to boot ubuntu?00:23
KM0201Casey: how old?00:23
wylde!flavors | Casey00:23
ubottuCasey: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu00:23
FrozenMindCasey - Can you supply specs?00:23
escottubuntu_, i would strongly discourage a fakeraid "solution" its not something you want to be using. higher cpu usage, non-transferable disks (on-disk format established by the bios), no battery backup or guarantees that data is written to disk. its the worst possible combinations of anti-features from hardware and software raid solutions00:24
wyldeCasey: lubuntu is good for that. Or even Xubuntu.00:24
Caseywell 10.04 ran fine on it00:24
wolfric_why does apt-get installing rubygems automatically try install ruby1.8? i have ruby 1.9.1 installed00:24
Casey500 mHz 256 mb of ram00:24
txomon|homeubuntu_, so yes, it will boot, but its use is discouraged00:24
Jordan_UCasey: You definitely want to use Lubuntu for that.00:25
escottubuntu_, all it has going for it is that it is dirt cheap, and it allows those OSes (like windows) that don't support software raid to have raid.00:25
wyldeCasey: personally I'd use lubuntu for that.00:25
Jordan_U!lubuntu | Casey00:25
ubottuCasey: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.00:25
NoobTuxwylde, how can i fix this thing?00:25
Caseyok ty what about xubuntu00:25
jeffmjackif i want to swap xfce to replace unity, is it necessary to kill x windows first?00:26
KM0201Casey: you'd be pushing it w/ xubuntu on that machine00:26
Jordan_UCasey: XUbuntu proabably uses too much RAM for that machine.00:26
Caseyok good so i'll use lubuntu00:26
wyldeNoobTux: you have to identify the rogue processes then fix them. What logs are filling up? Have a look at them. Odds are that will tell you what you need to know.00:26
Jordan_Ujeffmjack: You generally want to log out then log back in after selecting an XFCE session, yes.00:26
FrozenMindi wonder is DSL or Puppy would be a better choice for Casey?00:27
wyldeFrozenFire: quite possibly.00:27
Caseyit doesn't have unity on it right?00:27
actionParsnipCasey: for super lightness, you can install ubuntu minimal then install slim and fluxbox :), comes in just over 1Gb installed :)00:27
FrozenFirewylde, orly00:27
KM0201FrozenFire: well, it'possible. although DSL would be more complex than puppy.00:27
Caseywell i don't want tunity00:28
KM0201i'd go either Lubuntu, or ditch Ubuntu, and look at Crunchbang.00:28
txomon|homeCasey, you should take lubuntu. But use the lubuntu minimal installation and then install lightdm00:28
KM0201Casey: well, thats good.. cuz you won't be able to run it00:28
FrozenMindFrozenFire -- Too many cold people in here it seems :)00:28
Caseywhat is slim and fluxbox and lightdm?00:28
wyldeoop, not you FrozenFire ...sorry.00:28
NoobTuxwylde,  it's in var/lib/apt/ folder :(00:28
txomon|homeCasey, fluxbox is another desktop env. lightdm is a login screen loader (you are likely to have one, instead of having to boot x session manually)00:29
actionParsnipCasey: slim and lightdm are graphical ogin managers, fluxbox is a window manager but can run without a desktop00:29
FrozenMindwylde: tis fine :) it is a "chat box" you cant see faces :p00:29
jeffmjackAnybody know how to log out of unity if the power button icon in the top right is missing?00:29
Caseywell doesn't lubuntu come with something like that already?00:29
ubuntu_escott, I am screwed ;P00:29
txomon|homeactionParsnip, didn't fluxbox also have a desktop env?00:29
txomon|homeCasey, you should really try it00:30
txomon|homein a VM for example00:30
Caseywell really the computer is going to be used for a server00:30
NoobTuxwhat's the correct command for df -h? and the other one? df -sh?00:30
FrozenMindjeffmjack - go to terminal, --> sudo shutdown -h now <-- that will get you to shutdown... or hitting the power button :)00:30
escottubuntu_, why dont you just backup then disable the fake raid and restore your data from the backup once you have mdadm setup the way you want.00:30
txomon|homeCasey, so don't install a GUI00:30
actionParsniptxomon|home: it can, it doesn't need one though, you can run just fluxbox on it's own :)00:30
Caseywell i00:31
jeffmjackfrozenmind: thanks- but I'm trying to just end x windows, not shut the cpu down00:31
ubuntu_escott, it's almost 1,5Tb of stuff, I don't have where to store atm00:31
Caseywell i'm not really good with command promp00:31
txomon|homeCasey, so you are not having a server00:31
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Caseywell no00:31
Caseyjust i'll be runing server like peograms on it00:32
txomon|homeserver == 99% time in command prompt00:32
Caseyand won't be on it that much00:32
ubuntu_well, thx for the info, see ya00:32
FrozenMindjeffmjack: sorry, you said log off, sorry :) use --> logout :)00:32
txomon|homeCasey, whatever, use lubuntu, its the lightweightest00:32
Caseyok thats what i neede to know00:33
wyldejeffmjack: ctrl+alt+f1 then 'sudo lightdm restart'00:33
escottubuntu_, you need to think seriously about your data backup settings. disk failures are highly correlated due to environmental solutions. you may have copies of your important documents but you put them inside the same wooden box. next time theres a fire you are going to wish you spend $50 on some external hard drives00:33
txomon|homeescott, late00:33
jeffmjackwylde: thanks00:34
Caseyum one more question00:34
jeffmjackunfortunately, now i'm running into this 'checking battery state error' that has been a problem since i updated to 12.0400:35
Caseyis there a LTS for lubuntu?00:35
xanguaCasey: 12.0400:35
jeffmjackit freezes the boot sequence somehow00:35
txomon|homewell, lubuntu is part of ubuntu, so the same ones00:35
jeffmjacki've read that the problem would be resolved by updating nvidia, but i've done that to no avail00:35
Caseywell it says on the hompage that lubuntu will not be a LTS release00:36
jeffmjacki did some mods to unity prior and I think updating made them break stuff00:36
jeffmjackso now i'm just trying to get rid of unity and install xfce and hope that works00:36
jeffmjackanybody have any opinions on if that's a good idea?00:36
wyldejeffmjack: that should work fine. The following factoid may help you :)00:37
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome00:37
jeffmjackwylde: nice thanks00:37
jeffmjackso unity is Kubuntu?00:37
wyldejeffmjack: at the bottom of that page are instructions to get a pure Xubuntu install00:37
wyldejeffmjack: nope, Gnome3. Unoty is a shell for gnome00:38
jeffmjackah got it00:38
jeffmjackso what i'm actually doing here is getting rid of gnome300:38
jeffmjackin order to switch to xubuntu00:39
jeffmjackof which xfce is a shell?00:39
fuzyllso, i sorted my GPT partitions with gdisk, updated /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab, and rebooted00:39
wyldejeffmjack: basically, you may not want to remove all the gnome packages if you like those tools. Using the !puregnome link and info will revert your install to only the packages that come with Xubuntu.00:39
xangua!purexfce | wylde jeffmjack to remove other(s) desktop when installing xfce00:39
ubottuwylde jeffmjack to remove other(s) desktop when installing xfce: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »00:39
fuzylldumb, because i forgot to update-grub and grub-install /dev/sda00:40
ohad_does modprobe changes things permanently?00:40
wyldexangua: thanks, I wasn't sure if there was a factoid for purexfce00:40
fuzylli did that with a rescue disk, but now dm-crypt keeps trying to decrypt sda2_crypt at boot00:40
fuzyllwhen my encrypted partition is now sda3_crypt00:40
fuzyllwhere is it still getting sda2_crypt from?  it's sda3_crypt in /boot/grub/grub.cfg and /etc/crypttab00:41
jeffmjackwylde: great.  thank you00:41
escottfuzyll, you should not be using letters and numbers to identify devices. those arent guaranteed to be the same. did you run update-initramfs?00:44
fuzyllnope, that's probably it00:45
fuzyllcan i use a UUID in /etc/crypttab?00:45
fuzyllthe 12.04 alternate installer automatically used sda2_crypt as a name, although i think the UUID is in there as well00:45
nrdbI have several virtual ethernet devices setup how can I tell if there tap or tun devices?00:46
tamarosHow do I configure a smtp/imap server for mutt to use so I can send mail from the commandline?00:46
Nicolas_Leonida2hi, I'm trying to attach a new hard disk to my server, sudo lshw -C disk shows that capabilities: partitioned partitioned:dos00:47
Nicolas_Leonida2however sudo mount -t msdos /dev/sdb /media/old500:47
Nicolas_Leonida2says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb"00:47
escottNicolas_Leonida2, that just means it is using dos/mbr partition tables not gpt00:48
Nicolas_Leonida2so how do I mount it?00:48
escottNicolas_Leonida2, don't pass type arguments to mount they are seldom necessary00:48
Nicolas_Leonida2with no type it says "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"00:48
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escottNicolas_Leonida2, and what partition number are you trying to mount?00:49
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: its likely a fat/vfat or ntfs if it came from m$00:49
chicognuhow to creat a shortcut to execut a aplication as root ?00:49
chicognuusin gksudo for instance00:49
Nicolas_Leonida2it's not from m$ this is the previous hard disk I had ubuntu on , I need to copy data00:49
Floyd42Does anyone know how to change the position of the User List in XChat?  I accidentally dragged it to the left and I can't seem to move it now.00:49
escottchicognu, why do you need to do this?00:49
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: are you sure that it is the whole disk and not a partition?00:49
Nicolas_Leonida2SolarisBoy: what is the whole disk and not a partition?00:50
chicognuescott cuz the aplication needs to run as root00:50
KM0201Floyd42: i'm not sure there's a way to do that, try asking in #xchat00:50
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: /dev/sdb is a whole disk /dev/sdb1 is the first partition00:50
fuzyllNicolas_Leonida2: you probably installed ubuntu to /dev/sdbX where X is a partiton number00:50
chicognuescott i use gksudo, is it possible to make the aplication start with my theme ?00:50
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: generally the OS or whatever your looking for is installed to a partition and not a whole disk00:50
Nicolas_Leonida2so should I try to mount sdb1 ?00:50
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: so use fdisk to print the partitions and choose the proper one00:50
dagerikMy ALT GR button is not working. I can't produce symbols such as the email symbol, or the dollar symbol. Halp?00:51
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2:no guessing needed, simply fdisk -l /dev/sdb00:51
Floyd42km0201: thanks, will try that00:51
escottchicognu, thats not the right answer. usage of root in a unix system is and should be rare. you may have root services running on your behalf but if you are regularly sudoing you are probably doing something wrong00:51
simplewhow do i see a packag info with apt?00:51
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: maybe as sudo =)00:51
fuzyllsimplew: apt-cache show <package>, i think00:52
chicognuescott never mind00:52
Nicolas_Leonida2it shows sdb1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 so they need to be mounted indipendently each?00:52
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: once you get the partition fix the command to mount that one instead of the complete disk00:52
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: no00:52
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: can you gist/post your fdisk -l /dev/sdb output?00:52
Nicolas_Leonida2sure, one sec00:52
Nicolas_Leonida2there we go http://pastebin.com/7SmgtpMR00:53
SolarisBoyNicolas_Leonida2: most likely /dev/sdb100:53
escottchicognu, if you want to describe what you are doing we might be able to come up with a better solution. otherwise the only option is setuid which is not appropriate for a gui00:53
SolarisBoylol why did you have so many partitions00:53
chicognuescott but in time, can you awnser to me how to use al functions of wireshark with out be root ?00:53
Nicolas_Leonida2SolarisBoy: yup, you got it! works now00:53
Orb23brHi everyone, trying to install ubuntu on HP notebook and having problem with Nvidia Gforce driver, pelase, someone could help me?00:53
Satisfiedis there a way to stop banshee from opening when I put in a CD ?   I'm in the process of ripping 1500 cd's and it's very very irritating to have to keep closing it00:54
simplewSolarisBoy: solaris?00:54
SolarisBoysimplew: at work..00:54
simplewSolarisBoy: poor one00:54
SolarisBoysimplew: i dont think so..00:54
chicognuescott all*00:54
AressIS ubuntu 11.04 better than ubuntu 10.10?00:54
SolarisBoyif it were hpux boy then yea..00:54
SolarisBoybut its not00:54
simplewSolarisBoy: so what are you doing in linux00:54
escottchicognu, do you really have frequent unattended usage of wireshark?00:54
xanguaAress: 10.10 is not supported00:54
Aresscan 11.04 be launched on gnome?00:55
fuzyllescott: i did "update-initramfs -u" in the recovery cd and it still tries to cryptsetup sda2_crypt instead of sda3_crypt on boot (which then fails and drops me to busybox)00:55
SolarisBoysimplew: i use linux based desktops, i appreciate the linux community, im also a consultant who happens to be one of the only at my company who works on solaris systems00:55
SolarisBoyget it?00:55
LinuxMonkeysimplew: apt-cache show packagename00:55
SolarisBoyits not like im bound to unix =)00:55
fuzyllam i missing something other than /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab?  they both have the correct UUID of the drive, as well as the correct /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt line00:55
SolarisBoyits just a name for me00:55
escottfuzyll, what does your busybox crypttab look like?00:56
fuzyll/boot/grub/grub.cfg is also using /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt and not sda2_crypt00:56
SolarisBoyi luv ubuntu (not so much lately but w/e)00:56
simplewSolarisBoy: im just playing with you, no need to get worried :)00:56
SolarisBoysimplew: ::whew::00:56
Aressdoes 11.04  have gnome?00:56
fuzyllescott: "no such file or directory" (i'm guessing because my root partition is inside of the encrypted partition?)00:56
SolarisBoySatisfied: you actually can stop that behaviour00:56
LinuxMonkeyUbuntu is all Gnome Based :)00:56
xanguaAress: all Ubuntu releases come with gnome00:57
escottfuzyll, the initramfs should have its own /etc00:57
Aressbut there is unity00:57
SolarisBoySatisfied: in default applications - you can select "do nothing" for the insert CD event00:57
xanguaAress: unity is just a shell for gnome00:57
godutchunity is awesome and amazing in 12.0400:57
* SolarisBoy thinks it is default applications atleast00:57
LinuxMonkey!ununity | Aress00:57
fuzyllescott: it has its own /etc, but nothing other than mtab, passwd, and a few other things00:57
AressI don't like unity :D00:57
jeffmjackanyone know how to totally wipe unity and gnome3 off ubuntu?00:57
godutchunity saves your ram00:58
xanguajeffmjack: ubbotu already gave you the instrucctions (if you wanted to install xfce)00:58
ring0Aress, install gnome-panel and choose gnome classic at the login screen00:58
jeffmjacki want to install xfce and clean up some boot problems i've been having00:58
SolarisBoyi've grown to like it00:58
AressWhat you recommend for me to do? Update to 11.04 or stay on 10.10 ?00:58
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:58
Aressunity saves RAM?00:58
jeffmjackyeah but i can't figure out how to clean off unity from them00:58
Aressnice one00:58
Floyd42jeffmjack: xubuntu , lubuntu, or kubuntu.00:58
escottfuzyll, i've never booted a mdcrypt system so I dont know cryptsetup very well. but the things to check are update-grub, update-initramfs, and make sure that the various files in /etc are the way they should be00:58
godutchAress, you can see that in top00:58
jeffmjacki've tried sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and it refuses to install a necessary dependency00:58
xanguaAress: is up to you, i already told you 10.10 is no longer supported00:59
jeffmjackso it doesn't work00:59
fuzyllescott: alright, thanks - i'll keep googling for possible locations it could be reading the old /dev/mapper entry from :)00:59
fuzyllappreciate the help00:59
jeffmjackFloyd: i don't know00:59
Floyd42jeffmjack: what's the dependency?00:59
AressI'll try to update00:59
jeffmjackplus i have this problem when it's booting- it hangs up on 'checking battery'01:00
Belial`Aress, 11.04 has the same classic desktop available that 10.10 does. it's supported until october of this year.01:00
jeffmjackwhich, i've read means there's problems with the nvidia drivers01:00
Floyd42jeffmjack: try this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/at-spi2-atk/+bug/981140/comments/301:00
jeffmjacktried updating those, didn't work01:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981140 in at-spi2-atk (Ubuntu) "package libatk-adaptor-schemas (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.a11y.atspi.gschema.xml', which is also in package libatk-adaptor 2.2.1-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:00
Aressso be up to date is good ?01:00
chicognuescott I use wireshark with some regularity, but do not know what you mean by "frequent usage of unattended wireshark?"01:00
AressDoes wine have a irc channel?01:01
ring0Aress, #winehq01:01
godutchyes, #winehq01:01
Floyd42aress: probably not.  people who've drunk wine are not sober enough to be on irc ;)01:01
Aressaahh Just thought maybe winehq01:01
simplewhow do i can query packages with apt?01:01
escottchicognu, i would just type your password in. you could modify your sudoers file to allow wireshark to run without a password01:02
chicognusimplew apt-cacha search ?01:02
chicognusimplew apt-cache search ?01:02
AressFloyd42 at #winehq people have drunk wine a lot :DD01:02
jeffmjackFloyd: trying, thanks101:02
simplewok thanks01:02
chicognusimplew but not sure if is that waht you need01:02
Floyd42aress: hehe was my attempt at a bad joke01:03
chicognusimplew do you need to search for a package or software name ?01:03
simplewpackage, im on it01:03
godutchsynaptic can search01:04
LinuxMonkeyyou can also look up packages at packages.ubuntu.com01:04
AressDudes I have a problem. I always think about linux when I install it I come back to windows again cuz some things I need but I want linux again. :D01:05
chicognugodutch software center too, but it is too begginer to I use ... lol01:05
Nicolas_Leonida2cp -r will move a directory right?01:06
kylefoxThat will copy it (recursively)01:06
chicognuold fashionable style own01:06
LinuxMonkeyAress I felt the same way, there are usually alternatives and worse case Wine. Drink Up :)01:06
kylefox(meaning, that directory and all subdirectories & files)01:06
Nicolas_Leonida2I have an old IDE hard disk that won't be supported by my mainboard, what's the coolest thing I can do with it other than opening it to see what's inside?01:07
AressI always had a problem with skype on linux01:07
simplewconnelly: i want to query in the isntalled packages01:07
kylefoxHas anyone tried compiling php-5.4.3 on ubuntu 12.04? I keep getting "configure: error: libXpm.(a|so) not found.", even though libXpm *is* installed.01:07
Aressquality is so messy01:07
simplewchicognu:  i want to query in the isntalled packages01:07
Jordan_U!ot | Nicolas_Leonida201:07
Aresswhy skype doesn't update version for linux ;(01:07
ubottuNicolas_Leonida2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:07
Nicolas_Leonida2ok sorry01:07
chicognuNicolas_Leonida2 you can buy a ide to usb adaptor01:08
wildman330Ok so I changed my GTK theme in ubuntu.  But now I cannot see some of the fonts inside webpages (firefox).  Is there any easy way to adjust this?01:09
Random832wildman330: what fonts, what webpages?01:10
Random832and what's it have to do with chnging your gtk theme? did you go to light on dark background or something?01:10
LinuxMonkeyAress: unsure were i read it but it seams the new owners who we shall not name in the skype are supposibly still working on updating the linux version. So only time will tell01:10
wildman330basically in firefox some of the fonts are white on white.  Cant see them.  Basically like when i am responding to a blog post, cant see the fonts I am typing at all01:10
Random832wildman330: try restarting firefox01:11
Random832also, if you're using a theme that has white text on a dark background, try not doing that01:11
cssoi acabei de instalar o linux mais minha net ta muito lenta no windows ela é mais rapida alguem sabe oque é....01:11
AressThey are working on linux version?01:11
Nicolas_Leonida2chicognu: not economical at all, I bought a 3TB and replaced it with the non-working 300GB belonging to archemidian times01:11
LinuxMonkeywildman330: in firefox go to your preferences ->content tab and there is a Font & colors section01:12
chicognuNicolas_Leonida2 u can donate it to me ...01:12
chicognuNicolas_Leonida2 it will be pretty awsome01:12
Nicolas_Leonida2chicognu: it's broken01:12
Nicolas_Leonida2I'm not gonna continue this discussion I need to not be banned from here lol01:13
LinuxMonkeyAress: yes they are continuing the work on it, there is a linux version right now but unsure when it will get updated again01:13
wildman330LinuxMonkey, I know done tried it.  Oh well, guess I will just have to use the default theme.  No way to change it without screwing up fonts01:13
chicognuNicolas_Leonida2 them open it, play with the magnets, look you self on the disk, it is a very polishe surface, better than most of mirros01:14
wildman330Only thing I hate about Unity -- you can't change the theme..01:14
Nicolas_Leonida2cool, will do that01:15
wyldewildc4rd: I'm sure that will change in time :)01:15
wyldeerr wildman33001:15
LinuxMonkeylol wylde im gonna start calling you the coyote!01:16
chicognuif I hate the hole unity, it will count as "only one thing i hate in unity" ?01:16
wildman330is there an easy way to just get rid of unity and use gnome-3?01:16
wyldeLinuxMonkey: :P01:16
LinuxMonkey!nounity | wildman33001:16
ubottuwildman330: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:16
wyldewildman330: ^^01:16
wildman330will that method leave the unity bar?  I sorta like the bar01:17
LinuxMonkeyThey need to update that so say 12.04 .lol01:17
wildman330I just want to change themes.. Impossible with Unity01:17
athleekhi all01:18
athleekdoes dropbox (http://db.tt/WRAbat2) work with ubuntu?01:18
wyldewildman330: ubuntu-tweak lets you have a little more freedom with the themes. It's not perfect but does provide a few more options.01:18
actionParsnipathleek: dropbox is in the repos as dropbox-nautilus or nautilus-dropbox I forget which way around01:19
athleekah ok thanks01:19
LinuxMonkeyathleek: nautilus-dropbox01:19
X_SuBz3r0_Xhi all01:21
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LinuxMonkeyMr wylde coyote you know the command for ubottu to give package name in channel?01:22
wylde!info foobar01:23
ubottuPackage foobar does not exist in precise01:23
LinuxMonkeyhehehe k01:23
pippijnhi all01:24
LinuxMonkey!info gimp01:24
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.12-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 4611 kB, installed size 12814 kB01:24
LinuxMonkeyok just making sure it worked :)01:24
pippijnthe cd I downloaded does not boot01:24
X_SuBz3r0_Xcan someone please help me?....i downloaded 12.04 today...but i have problems launching the live cd/usb...it hangs every time at install screen01:24
pippijnI get the splash screen for a few seconds, then I get an underscore blinking, that's it01:24
wylde!nomodeset | X_SuBz3r0_X pippijn01:25
ubottuX_SuBz3r0_X pippijn: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:25
wilee-nilee !nomodeset | pippijn01:25
LinuxMonkeywylde: you beat me to it01:25
pippijnI think it's about the kernel. I have the same issue on any kernel newer than 3.2.001:25
jroI installed from a usb drive via unetbootin to a desktop with intel raid/nvidia.  Install seems to have worked but while the system is booting there is no grub menu etc, it just eventually shows the login.01:25
jroIs this a nvidia issue?01:25
pippijncan I make it more verbose so I can see where it stops?01:25
wyldejro: is ubuntu the only OS installed?01:26
LinuxMonkeypippijn: read above information01:26
cvprogi just recently updated to 12.04 and i noticed that it updated a package that i installed manually, from git and then compiled from source, is this right ?01:26
jrowylde: ya01:26
X_SuBz3r0_Xok i'll try that thx01:26
pippijnI don't get a corrupted splash screen01:26
wyldejro: that's why. If tUbuntu is the only OS it won't show the grub screen.01:26
pippijnit shows fine, for a few seconds, and then it's a _ blinking01:26
wyldejro: hold shift after the bios passes if you need to see it.01:26
jrowylde: any way to force it?01:27
LinuxMonkeypippijn: it will probably still fix your issue01:27
wyldejro: you can remove the splash quiet line in uhhhh..... /etc/default/grub? <-- anyone? then run 'sudo update-grub'01:27
pippijnok, I'll try, but I can boot kernel 3.2.001:27
pippijnand I can not boot any more recent kernels01:28
jrowylde: I also get a error:spare file now allowed (press enter to continue)01:28
wyldejro: bah hang on, I'm confusing my self. lol01:28
jroany fix for that?01:28
jroit is01:28
jroyou had ti right :)01:28
wyldejro: I'm not sure about that error tho. Sorry.01:28
jro*sparse file that is01:29
jronp tnx01:29
cvprogin 12.04 the logging screen lags, but unity does not ... ?01:29
jroyou had ti right :)01:29
LinuxMonkeypippijn: also could be pcie_aspm=off01:31
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ring0wildman330, for adjusting unity, there's a package called myunity, too01:36
meLonI have no /dev/video*.  What am I missing? >_<01:41
actionParsnipmeLon: for a webcam?01:42
meLonUhm, well, I'm trying to netcat mplayer :P01:42
nmatrix_9Hey guys anyone know the command to copy the file system from a device to a mount point?  Is it cp /dev/sda /dev/<mountpoint>?01:43
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meLonnvidia0 I have that01:43
actionParsnipnmatrix_9: that won't work01:43
actionParsnipnmatrix_9: you will exither need to use rsync or rsync to copy the files, or use dd to copy the drive to the new drive bit by bit01:44
actionParsnipmeLon: http://blog.schmitt.io/entries/netcatwebcamstreaming/  may help01:44
nmatrix_9actionParsnip: ok?01:44
y0om4i am having difficulty configuring my port triggering for my router. I want to allow identd. For outgoing trigger ports, I put server ports 6660-7000 -> 6660-7000  , and incoming open ports to 113-> 113 ... is that correct?01:45
wyldey0om4: AFAIK you only need 113 open for ident.01:46
godutchsome buggy routers are opened on port 11301:47
godutchand it doesn't tell you01:47
wyldegodutch: that's why I like grc.com shieldsUp :)01:47
actionParsnipnmatrix_9: you can make an iso of /dev/sda using dd too01:48
linuxjoneshello everyone, i just bought an ati tv wonder hd 750, and when i plugged it in i got nothing at all, im pretty new to linux so any help would be appreciated01:48
wylde!tv | linuxjones - best I have. Haven't used capture cards in Linux yet myself.01:49
ubottulinuxjones - best I have. Haven't used capture cards in Linux yet myself.: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out and !UbuntuTV01:49
Nick_KaedalusHey guys!! Ubuntu installed succesfully. :301:49
LinuxMonkeyCongrats Nick_Kaedalus01:49
y0om4well, i simply cannot get identd to work01:50
Nick_KaedalusNow, I'm pretty new to this, so... may I ask something? >_<01:50
y0om4no way aroudn it01:50
LinuxMonkey!ask | Nick_Kaedalus01:50
ubottuNick_Kaedalus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:50
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Nick_KaedalusOh, alright. Sorry. So. I'm trying to install LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio), and I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 64-bits. When I try to install it, it says it has some dependencies that are not satisfiable.01:52
reflexrgwhat's the name of the package for add remove software? cause I don't like lubuntu software center...01:52
LinuxMonkeyreflexrg: synaptic?01:53
wylde!apt | reflexrg01:54
ubottureflexrg: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)01:54
wylde!find software-center01:54
ubottuFound: software-center, software-center-aptdaemon-plugins, lubuntu-software-center01:54
wylde!info software-center01:54
ubottusoftware-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing software. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2 (precise), package size 602 kB, installed size 4264 kB01:54
koppeunity crashed and couldn't be restarted properly, so I started icewm as back-up wm to continue (my x-clients and X didn't crash).  However most programs are missing the menu-bar, and global menu-bar is not available.  Is it possible to turn on menu-bar on a per-application basis?  Is it possible to manually start the/a global menu-bar under icewm?  I know I can reconfigure and restart unity, but not without killing my running x-clients.01:55
LinuxMonkeyNick_Kaedalus: does it specify what dependencies are not met01:57
hashso anyone here good with servers01:58
hashi was thinking of turning an old pc into a proxy server01:58
Blackbiird|2Hi folks01:58
Nick_KaedalusI think so. I'm using the Brazilian Portuguese language here, so I'll try to translate properly. lmms: Depends: lmms-common (= 0.4.10-2ubuntu1) but 0.4.13-stable.git.225-2~precise1 is to be installed.01:59
Nick_KaedalusE: Impossible to fix issues, you kept (hold) broken packages.01:59
escott!pinning | Nick_Kaedalus did you pin it?02:00
ubottuNick_Kaedalus did you pin it?: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto02:00
Nick_KaedalusI don't think so. I just tried to install it through (sudo apt-get) and also through Synaptic. Will read the article.02:00
hashits a Pentium 4 with 256mb would that be good with a light linux system02:01
escotthash, yes02:01
reflexrgyes I am not dumb I already know how to use synaptic and apt but its nice to only get the graphical apps with the icons wylde LinuxMonkey02:01
escotthash, although you will spend more on electricity to keep that running than it would cost to buy a new one in a few months02:01
MarckHi everyone - I'm having some issues with my ubuntu install, could someone help me? When I run it from a DVD, it's fine - but when I run it off my HD, it GUI is messed up. I think I have to install my graphics card driver, but I can't figure out how to do that when running from disk.02:01
Floyd42marck: what graphics card do you have?02:02
Marckfloyd42: AMD Radeon02:03
BertoHi - I have 12.04 and my wireless remote's volume settings work but I NEVER set it up.  Where do I config my remote in Ubuntu?02:03
hashescott, u think it would be that power hungry with no display just handling proxy traffic02:03
Bertolirc is not running so i have no clue what's operating my remote!02:03
Nick_KaedalusShould I try pinning the install?02:03
wyldereflexrg: I don't recall anyone calling you dumb. We were simply answering your question.02:04
Floyd42marck: see this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI02:04
Floyd42marck: and this one http://askubuntu.com/questions/79416/black-screen-after-installing-ubuntu-11-10-amd-64-altenate-radeon-graphics-card02:05
Marckfloyd42: ok02:05
escotthash, rasberry pi is $25 and as powerful as your old machine and uses <5watts02:05
hashescott, nice im gonna have to look into that, i was only using that computer because its what i had laying around not being used02:07
escotthash, your p4 (which could be a lot of things) is potentially closer to 60 watts. 60 watts at 10cents per kW/hr is $50 anually02:07
LinuxMonkeyescott: but their sold out.lol02:07
maheanuuI am having a problem trying to run Gnome Screenshot....   Where can I go to find out how to make this thing work?02:07
escotthash, not saying don't do it, just be aware that if you intend to run it 24/7/365 you might want a solution that has a better low power mode and faster bootup02:08
maheanuuescott, how much do you pay for kw where you live?02:09
Nick_KaedalusCan I use Synaptic to pin the package? It seems easier.02:09
pippijnLinuxMonkey: it's acpi or wlan02:10
pippijnif I disable the wlan card in the bios, it boots02:10
escottmaheanuu, no idea. i'm just looking at some government charts and a lot of us states have 10cents02:10
pippijnif I acpi=off, it boots02:10
pippijnI'll go with acpi=off for now and get a wlan dongle02:10
LinuxMonkeypippijn: yeah that power management is a PITA!02:11
escottmaheanuu, eia.gov has national average at 11.5402:11
pippijnit seems to be an asus issue02:11
LinuxMonkeyglad you got it working atleast02:11
pippijnmaybe I should buy a new wlan card02:12
hashescott, oh of course lower power bills and faster boot would be great and id probably go invest in one eventually02:12
maheanuuI presently pay 49 French Pacific Francs which is 53 cents a kilowatt in US Currency02:12
escottmaheanuu, you people with your rational environmentally concious electrical pricing. don't you know god created the world for man so he could destroy it02:13
hashI'm hoping if the proxy server goes well to make a little money off it02:14
escotthash, from a purely environmental perspective its probably better to reuse, just be aware that you have that higher running cost02:14
maheanuuI really watch my lights and things, I live on a retired Navy Chief's Pension and my dsl bill is 14+ thousand francs which is around 150 a month in USD02:15
maheanuuI came in here to try to find out if anyone knew where I can find info on using Gnome-screencapture.   I try to get it to operate on a page I am trying to get the information on 2 drives that failed so that I can possibly troubleshoot what is causing my problem and so far no capture02:17
escottmaheanuu, in what way is gnome-screenshot not working02:17
hashescott, so until i can upgrade to a better system im guessing lubuntu set up as a server or could u suggest a better os for the job02:18
escottmaheanuu, you can also get smart status with the smartctl command line tool02:18
escotthash, debian or ubuntu-server are great. no need to install a gui (unless you want it)02:19
maheanuuescott, I am trying to capture 2 screens of data that are brought up from /system/administration/diskutility  and it is 2 of the disks that failed earlier while I was gone, I do not know what caused the failure as of yet all I know is the drives are being seen by the computer but they are both being read as corrupted02:21
hashescott, thanks02:21
maheanuuescott, what is the smartctl command line tool?02:21
escottmaheanuu, sudo smartctl --all /dev/sda will print out text you can paste to us02:22
escott!pastebinit | maheanuu02:22
ubottumaheanuu: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com02:22
maheanuuescott, on the first drive that failed, it is showing smart drive disabled.    I had 2 drives go down at the same time as far as I can tell as I was out for several hours this morning02:25
sqwkHow can I check whether a particular user can read a file?02:25
maheanuuI am in the middle of a real firestorm02:25
escott!permissions | sqwk02:25
ubottusqwk: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:25
alusionIs linux on an SSD overkill?02:28
escottalusion, in what way would it be?02:29
escottmaheanuu, nothing in /var/log/kernel.log02:29
maheanuuescott, just a moment I will look02:30
ZetaRC12anyone ever get an Acer Aspire One D-250 to sleep on closing? I can sleep and hibernate and restore from both states on the laptop manually. When I close the lid the backlight turns off, but the laptop never stops running. /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state only lists the state as closed, no matter if the lid is open or closed.02:30
ZetaRC12alusion no, an SSD on any OS is awesomesauce02:31
maheanuuescott, its telling me that there is no such file or directory02:31
escottmaheanuu, kern.log sorry02:31
wilee-nileeZetaRC12, I have a d250 have you updated the bios, you can do it from a windows OS.02:32
wyldeZetaRC12: I've seen a fair number of acpi bugs around, you may want to have a look for a similar one. With any luck someone posted a workaround.02:32
wyldeor what wilee-nilee said ....02:32
ZetaRC12wilee-nilee I don't have a windows os for this thing, but I'm fairly sure it's on the current bios02:33
ironhoofHello I need to setup a port forward, but all the online tutorials use iptables which "is not a service"02:33
wilee-nileeZetaRC12, cool I never closed to sleep and I put XP back on in lieu of selling.02:34
escottironhoof, you have to have some process to load your rules once you configure them the way you want. if you use ufw then just modify /etc/ufw. if you do it by hand you could add it to rc.local02:34
maheanuuescott,Same answer there02:34
ZetaRC12wylde it took quite a bit of searching just to find a fix that would let this thing recover from sleep, have yet to find anything with my specific problem though02:34
escottmaheanuu, well what do you have in /var/log02:35
ironhoofIt supports TCP/UDP port forwarding?02:35
wyldeZetaRC12: ahh I see.02:35
ZetaRC12wilee-nilee well Acer didn't include a disc, XP got thrashed, Acer won't send a disc even though XP is completely dead in 2014... Next time I'm buying something from S76 or Za...02:37
maheanuu I have a big list in /var/log shall I do a pastefile?02:37
ZetaRC12maheanuu when in doubt pastbin02:38
escottmaheanuu, everything will get dumped into syslog so you could look at that, but for hardware related stuff its helpful to see the dmesg output which in mine is sent to kern.log02:38
maheanuuescott, here is the stuff    http://paste.ubuntu.com/984710/02:41
escottmaheanuu, look at kern.log in that directory.02:42
wilee-nileeZetaRC12, hmm I bought the OEM set when under warranty for 30$02:43
princethakuris this chaat room ?02:44
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wilee-nileeprincethakur, ubuntu support02:45
princethakuroh! mean if i need any help using ubuntu ? i can come here ?02:45
pinportalubuntu 1204 has many bugs02:46
princethakuri am new here to ubuntu !  i had been using windows since 200502:46
princethakurbut from last to yrs i become interested in ubuntu .. and now i have . in my laptop02:46
princethakurbut don't know how to install IIIrd party software02:46
princethakuralso unable to install Skype in my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS02:47
escottprincethakur, in general you don't. but you can enable some third party sources and install them through the software center02:47
bazhangprincethakur, look in the partner repo02:47
princethakur? i have downloed skype from its original website02:47
escottprincethakur, skype in particular is available as a from software center02:47
bazhang!partner | princethakur02:48
ubottuprincethakur: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »02:48
escottprincethakur, don't download from the web02:48
princethakurbut i am unable to install in it !02:48
bazhangprincethakur, I just told you how02:48
princethakuri have ubuntu 12.04 lts02:48
wilee-nileeZetaRC12, what happened to the recovery partition, and why is there no backup of the OEM XP. I saved all that I don't use windows per-say, but to sell it well I think you know what I mean. :)02:48
bazhangprincethakur, yes, and we told you where to get it.02:48
KenshizlI have a question for xubuntu02:49
princethakurwait ! ..02:49
bazhang!info skype partner | princethakur02:49
ubottuprincethakur: skype (source: skype): VOIP and instant messaging client. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 23029 kB, installed size 29200 kB (Only available for i386)02:49
KenshizlIs there someplace I could go to get my question answered, or can I get it answered here?02:50
Floyd42kenshizl: what's up?02:50
princethakur_yesterday i was unable to do it. but now.  i think i can do this02:50
StealthyHello there people. I'm looking for some advice. I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on a friend's computer. I booted from the USB and clicked on "try ubuntu". Then I opened Gparted in order to create a new partition. I selected the size I wanted to shrink the only existing partition and clicked ok. Gparted has been now on for some 40 minutes but shows no progress on the status bar. Should I cancel the partition operation? Would be the data at any risk?02:51
escottStealthy, i would not cancel in the middle of a resize02:51
KenshizlFloyd42: The home folder is telling me that I only have about 4 Kb left in my hard drive, when in fact on Friday it had around 30Gb.02:52
sqwkWhat could be the reason why tomcat cannot find/see a file/resource even though the file exists at the specified path, permissions are set, etc? This only happens on the live ubuntu box…02:52
wilee-nileeprincethakur, do not pm people without asking.02:53
shamhi! to all!02:53
princethakuroh! sorry02:53
Floyd42kenshizl: did you check each folder, desktop, documents etc to see which is taking up the most space?02:53
KenshizlFloyd42: And it won't let me do anthing. I tried to add a few songs from our mac, and xubuntu popped up a sign saying "out of memory!"02:53
shamplease help me....when i active my wifi card in linux then it show me this error02:53
shamSystemError: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock02:53
KenshizlI don't know where to start02:53
Stealthythanks escott, ironically enough, gparted finished right after I asked my question :P02:54
escottKenshizl, there is a program called baobob that can help you identify what is using disk space. you can also always boot the livecd if the installed system is not working well02:55
shamany one know how to active my wifi card in linux it's show this error..SystemError: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock02:55
escottStealthy, be careful to take backups. resizing has the potential to be destructive02:55
KenshizlI don't honestly think it's out of memory. Over the past day, I've only added about 2Gb to the drive, much less 30Gb.02:55
DarkenvyI need AFP help. Big headache :S02:55
KenshizlI'd rather ot reinstall it.02:56
shamany one know how to active my wifi card in linux it's show this error..SystemError: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock02:56
shamplease help me!02:56
escott!aptlock | sham02:56
ubottusham: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:56
Darkenvyhey escott I remember you ^^02:57
Darkenvyyouve helped me countless times :P02:57
JoeyAIs it possible to redirect an application using ALSA sound to pulse?  You can redirect OSS to pulse using padsp.02:57
KenshizlSorry, I was typing the thing already when I say your post.02:57
escottJoeyA, pulse provides a "mostly complete" alsa implementation02:58
princethakuri have to install a 58.3mb ? skype from software center ? that will be full skype or just beta version ?02:58
Nick_KaedalusWell, I'm getting frustrated over here. Been trying to install LMMS for about 2 hours, and no progress. Most things I tried seem to be heavily incompatible with Ubuntu 12.04, and (I think it's because it's a new version) there is almost no answers to problems people been having with this version.02:58
JoeyAWhen I use a program with ALSA, it doesn't use the right sound output.02:58
shamthank u ubottu02:58
JoeyA(I have two sound devices)02:58
sunilsusa6please what is the name of the server +channel for lmde02:59
DarkenvyI can mount a AFP (direct gigabit ethernet from OSX 10.7 to ubuntu 12) and can pull files from AFP but cannot push!02:59
JoeyAActually, all the pulse applications are using the wrong output device.  I fixed it just by setting the output device in the sound settings.02:59
bazhangsunilsusa6, use alis. MINT is not likely supported on this network though02:59
bazhang!alis | sunilsusa603:00
ubottusunilsusa6: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:00
Kenshizlescott: I couldn't find it in the software center.03:00
escottKenshizl, there is a software sources settings which you might need to modify to enable the partner repos03:01
DarkenvyOh what does incremental backup? something that only saves the differences (changes)? IVe looked for ages03:01
Darkenvybut its such a special thing to ask for thus I cant find anything03:01
bazhangDarkenvy, rsync?03:02
bazhang!rsync | Darkenvy03:02
Darkenvyno that just sends files off to another computer03:02
ubottuDarkenvy: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync03:02
Floyd42kenshizl: check which subfolder under home is occupying most space and report.  you can do this via terminal, or gui programs.03:02
Darkenvyyes Ive looked into that but I dont want to send my files remotely03:02
dinDarkenvy: not true. it only copies changed blocks of modified files.03:02
dinDarkenvy: man rsync.03:03
Darkenvybut I dont want to send it off somewhere03:03
* godutch removed rsync03:03
dinit can rsync local directories...03:03
Darkenvyare there alternatives? while im asking :P03:03
dincpio... i use that a lot03:04
dini.e. find /dir | cpio -dpmv /dest/dir03:04
* godutch removed deja-dup03:04
Darkenvycool ill look into both of them03:04
AreckxI am able to boot into shell as root in order to attempt to fix all of my broken packages, but am having trouble using NetworkManager and the info and help screens aren't really telling me how to connect to a connection that's already saved. How do I connect to the internet usin wlan0?03:05
Kenshizlescott: did you happen to see which repo it was?03:05
escott!info skype | Kenshizl03:05
ubottuKenshizl: Package skype does not exist in precise03:05
escott!info skype partner | Kenshizl03:05
ubottuKenshizl: skype (source: skype): VOIP and instant messaging client. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 23029 kB, installed size 29200 kB (Only available for i386)03:05
dinDarkenvy: rsync -azv /source/dir /dest/dir will create a backup of files into /dest/dir03:05
dinand if you use --delete it will delete extraneous files from your /dest/dir03:06
Fat-Thinghow can i upgrade from 10.04lts to 12 lts?03:06
Fat-Thingwhat's the minimum requirements03:06
Kenshizlescott: what was that thing you just sent me?03:07
Floyd42fat-thing: just do a google search03:07
escottFat-Thing, you should be notified when it becomes available (i think they are holding the upgrade for the point release 12.04.1)03:07
Floyd42fat-thing: i'd say at least 1gb ram, and anything faster than a p403:07
Fat-Thingi see03:07
escottKenshizl, its in a partner repo03:07
JatinderWhat is the maximum RAM support f or 32-bit Ubuntu 12 Desktop03:07
Fat-Thingescott, how can i make a new fresh ubuntu 10.04 lts? i think i just kcufed up my distro now :(03:08
JatinderWhat is the maximum RAM support for 32-bit Ubuntu 12 Desktop?03:08
escottJatinder, with pae its like 16GB?03:08
KenshizlFloyd42: How do I do it the terminal way?03:08
JatinderWITH PAE?03:09
StepNjumpDoes anyone know if virtual box works under the new Ubuntu 12.04?03:09
Floyd42kenshizl: i already gave you the command in the PM03:09
KenshizlNow it says I have 0 bytes in my files= system.03:10
wilee-nileeStepNjump, I ave the precise version from the site running fine. Running in the development as well.03:10
StepNjumpok good wilee-nilee. Somebody just told me today it's not working!03:11
StepNjumpthat's good to know03:11
KenshizlI meant, I have 0 bytes available in my file system.03:11
ZetaRC12wilee-nilee sorry, was cooking, there never was a recovery partition, I have .ISO's of XP home SP2 and Pro SP3, Newegg bought OEM, but the serial for xp from acer didn't work with either03:11
KenshizlFloyd42: What's a pm?03:11
wilee-nileeStepNjump, lol some just don't know how or it is their hardware03:11
Floyd42kenshizl: personal message03:12
Floyd42kenshizl: du -hs /path-to-folder03:12
escottJatinder, physical address extension. otherwise its 4gb of addressable space (but that INCLUDES mapped video ram -- so most only see 2-2.5GB)03:12
wilee-nileeZetaRC12, if there was no recovery partition you would have gotten a OEM disc, was this purchased new03:12
wilee-nileeZetaRC12, the key on the units outside is not the correct one as well.03:13
ZetaRC12wilee-nilee yeah it was new, but none was included in the box. Not that a D-250 has an optical drive anyways, but I do have 5.25" usb enclosures03:14
wilee-nileeZetaRC12, I have never heard of a computer with windows not having a disc or recovery partition.03:14
wilee-nileeZetaRC12, possible I guess but highly unlikely.03:15
ZetaRC12wilee-nilee well Acer does own eMachines...03:15
wwalker_anyont installed ubuntu 12 on vmware fusion 3?03:15
wwalker_when I do, it creates a "monitor" about 16000x12000 (thousands, not hundreds)03:16
wwalker_no other OS does that.03:16
wwalker_is there a boot option for ubuntu to limit the monitor or set the resolution?03:16
wilee-nileeZetaRC12, not sure of your cause and effect there, but I bought my d250 2 years ago it had a recovery partition.03:17
Fat-Thinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/984742/ <--- help pls i used chkrootkit and got error stating not install and then i installed it says it's been installed with newer version but yet i still got error running the apps03:17
michalchikHow do I adjust the memory on flash games. When I rught click the setting panel just freezes03:17
KenshizlFloyd42: So far the biggest I've come across is the home folder which is 219Mb03:17
Floyd42kenshizl:  eh??  You just said your home folder is full out of 30GB.03:18
=== wwalker_ is now known as wwalker
KenshizlFloyd42: /lib = 282M03:18
michalchikHow do I adjust the memory on flash games. When I right click the setting panel just freezes.03:18
* godutch installed flash by hand03:19
ZetaRC12godutch that had to burn...03:19
KenshizlFloyd: Exactly. It's having a terrible issue. It says in the status bar on the bottom "8 items (32.0KB), Free space: 0 bytes03:20
legasphey guys, anyone here with ubuntu 12.04 can tell me how much RAM their system uses03:20
legaspwithout any big apps like Firefox, as in after a fresh boot03:20
* godutch is surprised that this install is better than in the repos03:20
phex0hi, is there a place i can put a custom command for when the system is shutdown or rebooted?03:20
undecimlegasp: I'm using 1GB on VirtualBox. Though I'm doing some stuff03:21
wawowephex0: /etc/rc6.d/03:21
KenshizlFloyd42: Did you get my last message?03:22
Areckxhow do I connect to an autoconnect using wlan0???03:22
legaspwow lol03:22
phex0wawowe: i'm looking there, do i need to create a file?03:22
undecimlegasp: And idk if that includes cache. It's with the "system monitor"03:23
wawowephex0: yea03:23
WaraudonDid a minimal installation of Ubuntu with openbox and xfce4-panel, gtk2 theme engines are installed, but some applications (like GParted) are still using the default non-themed style. Any ideas?03:23
ZetaRC12anyone ever get an Acer Aspire One D-250 to sleep on closing? I can sleep and hibernate and restore from both states on the laptop manually. When I close the lid the backlight turns off, but the laptop never stops running. /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state only lists the state as closed, no matter if the lid is open or closed.03:24
L3topDoesn't unity desktop have a place in system to add scripts to startup or shutdown? I thought I stumbled across that... gimme a min to poke around phex0.03:25
wawowephex0: copy from /etc/rc6.d/S90reboot to S89local and change reboot -d -f -i03:26
undecimWith an encrypted home directory, is it possible to allow login (and decryption) from either a password OR a keyfile on a USB drive (similar to a LUKS-encrypted LVM with auto-login)03:26
phex0wawowe: awesome, thanks :)03:26
escottundecim, i remember looking at that a year or so ago and the keyfile stuff was not working. maybe it is now. check dustin kirkland's blogs03:27
KenshizlAre you there, Floyd42?03:27
ch33zhow do i give access privileges? to ftp login?03:27
ch33zfor example03:27
ch33zi login via SFTP and its already set up03:28
ch33zit shows my files03:28
ch33zbut, cannot copy even though im logged in as admin with the FTP program03:28
bazhang!enter | ch33z03:28
ubottuch33z: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:28
wawowephex0: and make sure to chmore 755 S89local03:28
princethakurcheez ? hello !03:28
Floyd42kenshizl: yes.  sorry, i'm out of ideas.03:28
ch33zprincethakur hello!03:28
wawowephex0: chmod 755 S89local03:28
escottch33z, sftp uses ssh uses the same local user configuration. ftp uses its own thing and is often not configured to use the same users as passwd (because ftp is insecure)03:28
princethakursuch a nice name your "CHEEZ"03:29
phex0wawowe: yep, ty03:29
Floyd42kenshizl: check your log folder to see if the file sizes are huge.03:29
princethakurso how are you ! // what do you do ? developer or designer03:29
bazhang!ot | princethakur03:29
ubottuprincethakur: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:29
Nicolas_Leonida2is it possible to install Ps3MediaServer on ubuntu server?03:29
KenshizlFloyd42: What log folders03:29
Floyd42kenshizl: if they are, then something is wrong with the installation and is writing constantly to the log file.03:29
Floyd42kenshizl: var/log03:29
usalabshi everyone, I have a big problem,,, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 in classic desktop mode, but Ubuntu is being stubborn at uninstalling openJDK and relplacing it with the sun java jre,,,, I tried to remove it from using the software center, and using apt-get to install sun java6 jre from the ppa, but 'java -version' always shows openjdk, and when I look in the software center, openjdk is re-installed,,,,,,how do I completely remove openjdk and03:30
usalabsreplace it with  sun java jre?03:30
Kenshizlvar = 326     (that's what terminal says)03:30
ch33zprincethakur lol thanks!03:30
princethakurubuntu 11.04 having so many problems .. you can see - 12.04 version of ubuntu .. why don't you try this for you!03:31
princethakuri have already switched @ usalabs03:31
princethakur<cheez> what do u do ?03:31
bazhangprincethakur, this is NOT the chat channel03:31
KenshizlFloyd42: Holy crap you're right. it says in the status bar: "46 items (31.0 GB), Free space: 0 Bytes03:32
usalabsI HATE unity, that's why I'm, staying with 11.0403:32
princethakurya i know .. just wanted to know. .!03:32
Resistanceis there a way to remove the unified menu thingy that happens at the top of the screen?03:32
bazhangprincethakur, so dont chat here. #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat03:32
princethakurif i nees some help related to .. development .. so i could i ask ?03:32
Resistancei know in 11.04 i was able to remove that package, but...03:32
princethakurok ok .. ok03:32
KenshizlFloyd42: I really don't want to reinstall it. I finnaly got it to work right after 4 tries.03:32
bazhang!notunity | usalabs03:32
ubottuusalabs: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:32
Floyd42kenshizl: Aha!  Sounds like something's wrong with the installation which is causing it to continuously write to the log files.03:32
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
princethakur@floyd42 - why don't u update to 12.0403:33
princethakurits such awesome03:33
Floyd42kenshizl: I'd suggest opening the log files and seeing what is wrong, but I don't think it's gonna be easy to open a 30GB text file.03:33
whoeverzykotic10: you around03:33
surtI have a custom launcher on my panel: "shutdown -r now". It works without root access in a terminal. Why doesn't it work on the panel?03:33
KenshizlFloyd42: a file called "syslog" (with no extension) is 14 gb03:34
Floyd42kenshizl: Gedit will surely crash when opening such a huge file.  LXDE's text editor might  be lightweight .. you could try opening it in that.03:34
whoeverzykotic10: i figured out what was going on with nm03:34
princethakuras we can use wamp in windows .. do we have something related in ubuntu ?03:34
princethakurif so please tell me. .i have to install03:34
bazhang!lamp | princethakur03:35
ubottuprincethakur: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:35
princethakurhow to install ?03:35
Floyd42kenshizl: We won't know what the problem is without opening and seeing what the error in those files are.  But your system will probably hang trying to open such a large file.  Try splitting it into smaller fragments.03:35
bazhangprincethakur, read the links?03:35
princethakuri have already downloaded03:35
whoeverzykotic10: since i had my static ip set in resolv.conf, you can't use nm reliably, but in 12.04 you must have the line "dns-servers xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"  and problem solved03:36
bazhangprincethakur, downloaded from where03:36
princethakurtrying .. but not getting installed03:36
princethakurfrom lamp website03:36
Jordan_Usurt: The shutdown command should *not* work without root access.03:36
KenshizlFloyd42: Yeah, Leafpad won't open it. How do I split it up?03:36
bazhangPricey, answer my questions, please, using my nickname First03:36
bazhangwhoops Pricey sorry03:36
wyldeprincethakur: why not just use the repos? If you're installing 3rd party stuffs it's not supported here.03:36
bazhangprincethakur, dont download from 3rd party sites03:37
surtJordan_U: I know it's a security flaw. I consciously made the decision to change it.03:37
Floyd42kenshizl: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/split-a-text-file-in-half-or-any-percentage-on-ubuntu-linux/03:37
bazhangprincethakur, we're giving you links to read. read them03:37
wawoweKenshizl: you can view the end of the file with tail03:38
KenshizlFloyd42: So far it's just two: "kern.log" (15.5GB), and "syslog" (14GB)03:38
Jordan_Usurt: How did you change it?03:38
wawoweKenshizl: if you wanna split it: split -b 1MB syslog03:38
princethakurbazhang, please send me again03:39
bazhang!lamp > princethakur03:39
ubottuprincethakur, please see my private message03:39
surtJordan_U: sudo chmod u+s /sbin/shutdown03:39
surtJordan_U: I think.03:39
Floyd42kenshizl: i sent you a link with instructions on how to split a large text file into multiple ones.  use that, split it into a file of openable size, and see what the error is.03:39
Floyd42!lamp > Floyd4203:39
ubottuFloyd42, please see my private message03:39
linuxhow to install metasploit?03:39
Floyd42kenshizl: brb.03:40
escottKenshizl, kern.log is a subset of syslog. the kernel is evidently seeing something in the hardware causing it to spit out repetitive comments. any random line from your log is likely to be from that kernel problem03:40
princethakurubottu, thanks i just checked03:40
ubottuprincethakur: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:40
KenshizlFloyd42: brb?03:41
princethakurubottu, every buddy is intelligent .. in there sector03:41
bazhangprincethakur, stop that please03:41
L3topbrb=be right back03:41
princethakurkenshizl, brb - be right back03:42
Kenshizlescott: any idea on how to fix it?03:42
princethakurbazhang, ok03:42
escottKenshizl, without knowing what it is no.03:42
Floyd42kenshizl: geez.  don't you know what brb is?  it's one of the most popular internet chat acronyms -- Be Right Back.03:42
Kenshizlescott & Floyd42: I don't use terminal much (I'm a DOS guy), so how could I split it (I saw the link you sent, but that only helped a little)03:43
escottKenshizl, "less kern.log" hit page down a few times and it should start being repetitive. hit "q" to exit03:43
KenshizlFloyd42: Oh. I was thinking along he lines of terminal commands. Sorry. Of course I know what brb is.03:43
linuxhow to install metasploit?03:43
Floyd42kenshizl: see this.  better instructions: http://askubuntu.com/questions/54579/how-to-split-larger-files-into-smaller-parts03:44
Floyd42kenshizl: unfortunately, might take a pretty long time if its 14gb.03:44
wawowesplit -b 5MB file03:44
escottKenshizl, you dont need to split the file. you just need a tool like less which won't read the whole thing into memory03:44
_TristanI upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and now /var/lib is read only and apt is pissed...03:45
wawoweor tail03:45
escottKenshizl, you could also use tail but then it may have to seek to the end which might take a small amount of time03:45
djgjust got ubuntu dualbooted on my amd fx 8120 :) runnin sooooooo smooth03:45
wawoweor tac file | less03:46
JoelixnyHello, I'm having many problems with my 12.04 install. The most urgent one being that it doesn't always boot. I have to try usually more than 3 times just to get it to book. This only happens when I use my laptop's NVidia descrete GPU. When using intel graphics it boots fine every time.03:46
quixotedonJoelixny: problem with the graphic card driver then03:47
Areckxhow do I connect to an SSID with wlan0?03:48
quixotedonJoelixny: what's the card?03:48
TheAncientGoatWow  this is getting on my tail. 12.04 keeps on freezing, looks like compiz  crashes, bringing down unity as well. It also sometimes boots to a black screen when not connected to the charger, but booting it in safe mode doesn't have that problem. Have tried both Noveau and multiple Nvidia drivers03:48
KenshizlFloyd42: escott suggested "less", which is working so far.03:48
Joelixnyquixotedon~ I tried the Nouveau driver, the propietary one and straight from the site one; it's a quadro 2000M03:48
Floyd42kenshizl: cool.  as long as we get to see what the error is ..03:48
TheAncientGoathmm, woah, card is running at 90 C, maybe that's whats crashing it03:49
L3top_Tristan: I just did the same thing without issue. I would recommend you touch /forcefsck and reboot.03:49
escottKenshizl, it should be obvious when you see it. pages upon pages of the same error message03:49
Kenshizlescott: I took a picture of terminal of a couple lies in the "kern.log" file. How do I attatch it and send it only to you over the chat client?03:49
L3top_Tristan: sudo touch /forcefsck     sorry03:50
escottTheAncientGoat, "when not connected to the charger" is suggestive of some kind of switchable graphics.03:50
wylde!pastebin | Kenshizl03:50
ubottuKenshizl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:50
escott!nomodeset | TheAncientGoat03:50
ubottuTheAncientGoat: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:50
escott!paste | Kenshizl paste to the channel please03:50
ubottuKenshizl paste to the channel please: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:50
_TristanIs it possible to fsck the / partition without rebooting? Dropping to single user mode or something like that?03:51
Kenshizlescott: ow my browser is crashing. This is just a mess.03:52
Kenshizlescoot: I meant "now"03:52
escott_Tristan, if you reboot to single and its mounted readonly yes03:52
escottKenshizl, are you seeing the same line repeated multiple times?03:52
_Tristanmy server is 3000 miles away and I have no kvm, so I'm not comfortable rebooting, as it's been acting up at boot lately03:53
TheAncientGoatescott: Hmm, will try that, thanks, but I doubt it will fix the freezing problem.03:53
Kenshizlescott: Here it is-03:53
escottTheAncientGoat, safe mode includes nomodeset in the current configuration so thats likely part of it03:53
KenshizlMay 10 07:27:24 kenny-HP-d530-SFF-dg781a kernel: [    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 000e7bb5 00167 (v01 COMPAQ    UART2 00000001 MSFT 0100000E)03:53
KenshizlMay 10 07:27:24 kenny-HP-d530-SFF-dg781a kernel: [    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 000e7d1c 0014E (v01 COMPAQ   FLOPPY 00000001 MSFT 0100000E)03:53
KenshizlMay 10 07:27:24 kenny-HP-d530-SFF-dg781a kernel: [    0.000000] ACPI: APIC 000e576c 00068 (v01 COMPAQ SPRINGD  00000001      00000000)03:53
KenshizlMay 10 07:27:24 kenny-HP-d530-SFF-dg781a kernel: [    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 000e9b2c 000B2 (v01 COMPAQ     APIC 00000001 MSFT 0100000E)03:53
KenshizlMay 10 07:27:24 kenny-HP-d530-SFF-dg781a kernel: [    0.000000] ACPI: ASF! 000e57d4 00034 (v16 COMPAQ SPRINGD  00000001      00000000)03:53
FloodBot1Kenshizl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:53
Jordan_U_Tristan: Then you're pretty much out of luck.03:53
KenshizlMay 10 07:27:24 kenny-HP-d530-SFF-dg781a kernel: [    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 000e82d8 0040F (v01 COMPAQ PNP_PRSS 00000001 MSFT 0100000E)03:53
escottKenshizl, and it just keeps repeating03:54
KenshizlSorry about the flood, I wasn't thinking.03:54
escottKenshizl, thats too early in the boot. its just reading the acpi tables03:54
escottKenshizl, scroll down further. see that 0.0000000 keep going until it says 600.0000 or higher03:54
KenshizlShould I go down a couple lines, then?03:54
TheAncientGoatescott: But, it won't affect things after the boot, right?03:55
escottKenshizl, that 0.0000 is seconds after boot, and the kernel spams a lot to the log as it identifies what kind of hardware it is running on. scroll down until 600+ (5 minutes after boot)03:55
escottKenshizl, alternately you could just type "dmesg" and not worry about this log stuff. it will show what is currently in the ring buffer03:56
JoelixnyHello, I'm having many problems with my 12.04 install. The most urgent one being that it doesn't always boot. I have to try usually more than 3 times just to get it to book. This only happens when I use my laptop's NVidia descrete GPU. When using intel graphics it boots fine every time. My card is a Quadro 2000m and I've tried the Nouveau, the propietary and straight from the site drivers.03:56
L3top_Tristan: No. You cannot fsck a mounted drive.03:57
escottTheAncientGoat, safe mode disables a lot of stuff that is "dangerous" so it could affect things after the boot03:57
_TristanL3top: I know, can't I unmount it?03:57
escott_Tristan, if you close all applications... which would include init... which would shutdown the os03:57
undecimJoelixny: Have you tried the "nomodeset" kernel parameter?03:57
Joelixnyundecim~ How do I do that?03:58
_Tristancan't touch /forcefsck, read only filesystem :|03:58
TheAncientGoatescott: Yes, but the freezing issue I think is seperate from the blackscreen issue. The video drivers don't initialize when I boot into safemode, so I cannot run Blender or the applications I usually do, where the freeze happens03:58
undecimJoelixny: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313203:58
Kenshizlescott: this line repeats about 10 times--     May 10 08:20:20 kenny-HP-d530-SFF-dg781a kernel: [ 3186.786735] usb 2-1: Rx status -8403:59
escottTheAncientGoat, try adding nomodeset to your boot options, and if you have some kind of switchable graphics (which if you have a modern intel you do) then go into the bios and try to disable one of the cards03:59
Kenshizlescott: then this one about 15 times --    May 10 08:20:24 kenny-HP-d530-SFF-dg781a kernel: [ 3190.618174] net eth1: eth1: allmulti set04:00
escottKenshizl, so some usb device is doing something funky04:00
TheAncientGoatLaptop is from 2007, using an amd turion processor04:00
escottKenshizl, do you have a usb wireless adapter04:00
Joelixnythank you undecim04:00
escottTheAncientGoat, try nomodeset then04:00
TheAncientGoatWill do so after I hard reboot again04:01
Kenshizlescott: I don't have a wirless adapter, this is a desktop. The ethernet is plugged in via a ethernet-to-usb adapter.04:01
escottKenshizl, bingo.04:01
Kenshizlescott: that's what's causing all the touble?04:01
escottKenshizl, evidently04:01
L3top_Tristan: assuming you used sudo, then you are going to have to boot to live disk or something and fsck from there, which is an even more  of a problem in your circumstance.04:02
_TristanI have a half-broken live usb plugged into the server, which gives me busybox + mdadm04:02
Kenshizlescott: if I unplug it, will the log rewrit itself and clear it out so it does not take up so much space?04:02
_Tristanso if I get a KVM I should just be able to fsck /dev/md1...04:03
Kenshizlescott: I meant "rewrite"04:03
escottKenshizl, you will want to manually remove the log, but it will stop spamming new messages04:03
zenoconhi, anyone have a recommendation for gfx card for dual monitor setup?04:03
Kenshizlescott: will something bad happen if I delete both "kern.log" and syslog?04:03
escottKenshizl, before you do you might want to run sudo lshw -C network to get some details for web searches to see if you can resolve the problem04:03
escottKenshizl, no. delete them and reboot04:04
L3top_Tristan: I dont even know if you can fsck a sw raid... someone else will have to confirm.04:04
escottL3top, sure you can. why wouldn't you be able to04:04
L3topNever done it, dont fool with it, just dont want to give advice that blows something up escott.04:05
L3topesp if it is 3k miles away04:06
escottL3top, you can run tcp/ip over carrier pigeons and you can mkfs or fsck anything that presents itself as a block device (including stone tablets if you have a driver for it)04:06
Kenshizlescott: what am I looking for when I run that command line?04:06
L3topThank you escott.04:06
Floyd42kenshiz: a word of advice: deleting the logs might free disk space, but not solve the crux of the problem. it's wise to do a google search for the error message and get to the root of it.04:07
escottKenshizl, its going to tell you what kind of ethernet usb device you have and what kernel driver you are using04:07
=== james is now known as Guest57412
Guest57412is this a place to get help? :)04:07
Floyd42guest57412: what's the problem?04:08
escottKenshizl, once you unplug the device its not going to appear in lshw making it a little harder to figure out who the manufacturer is04:08
KenshizlFloyd42: I don't really get an error message. It just won't let me put anything on the hardrive because there is no disk space.04:09
Guest57412I am using Linux Pinguy 11.04 and am having a horrible time installing my video card drivers. The proprietary drivers say drive installed but not in use04:09
mi3I am getting this error while using wget to check my email WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-RZ57Ui/pkcs11: No such file or directory04:09
mi3, I am using mate DE.04:09
MneumonicGues57412 you might have better luck asking in the Pinguy forum04:09
Floyd42kenshizl: i meant from the log files.04:09
MneumonicWhat kind of video card do you have04:09
linuxanybody now how to install metasploit correctly?04:09
L3topGuest57412: lspci -nn | grep VGA04:09
godutchpinguy? it's mint, not ubuntu04:09
escottmi3 mint?04:10
godutchlinux mint04:10
Guest57412Nvidia NV34, Gefroce FX 520004:10
escottFloyd42, i think we've already identified the culprit04:10
godutchat least, it's classified by my bookmarks04:10
escott!mint | mi304:10
ubottumi3: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:10
Guest57412geforce* sorry04:10
Jordan_UGuest57412: This channel only supports Ubuntu.04:10
Floyd42escott kenshizl: oh?04:10
L3topthat is going to require nvidia-glx-17504:10
escottFloyd42, usb-ethernet adapter04:11
unkn-errorwhere can I find support for cinnamon?04:11
Floyd42esoctt kenshizl: aah, there you go04:11
Guest57412Thank you I know what driver to find now, much appreciated04:12
wyldeunkn-error: from wherever you got the package TBH.04:12
fulat2khi folks.  anyone here managed to boot up ubuntu on usb in a MBP?04:13
chipotleis there any decent video editing software for linux?04:13
unkn-errorhm oky thx, wylde04:13
princethakuri got skype . but .. its not sending messeage04:13
princethakurand no call04:13
princethakurwhat to do now ?04:14
princethakurmy terminal is installing Lamp ?04:14
Kenshizlescott & Floyd42: Okay! Thanks for your help! I will try to delete the log files, shut off mycomputer and unplug the ethernet adapter. I'll try to get back on if I can once I'm done and let you know my progress.04:14
Floyd42kenshizl: cool, good luck!04:14
princethakurdoes it happening because of installation04:14
leafwhi all. In 12.04, where is the switch to make F1, F2 ... work directly, rather than fn+F1, fn+F2 ...? Thanks for any pointers.04:16
leafwin System Settings, keyboard layout, options -- did not find any related to fn key. I read them all.04:16
L3topchipotle: simple or advanced?04:16
JoelixnyHello, I'm having many problems with my 12.04 install. The most urgent one being that it doesn't always boot. I have to try usually more than 3 times just to get it to book. This only happens when I use my laptop's NVidia descrete GPU. When using intel graphics it boots fine every time. My card is a Quadro 2000m and I've tried the Nouveau, the propietary and straight from the site drivers.04:16
JoelixnyI also tried nomodeset04:17
LinuxMonkeyleafw: im gonna guess your on a laptop04:17
REK_007princethakur: no it works fine for me ... get .deb from official site of skype and install04:17
leafwLinuxMonkey: yes04:17
princethakuri installed from software center04:17
LinuxMonkeyleafw: yeah usually thats hard coded into the keyboard lol04:17
leafw12.04 works great, but it is hard to use applications like inkscape when every tool switch is fn+F1 etc. rather than just F104:18
REK_007princethakur: whats the version?04:18
princethakur12.04 lts of my ubuntu04:18
Kenshizlescott & Floyd42: Okay, that didn't work. It won't let me delete the files. "Permission Denied"04:18
princethakurand 2.0.2 of skype beta04:18
escottKenshizl, sudo rm /var/log/kern.log /var/log/syslog04:18
leafwLinuxMonkey: it isn't, prior versions of ubuntu had the switch, in xorg.conf or in pommed.conf. Now this macbook pro install of 12.04 doesn't have neither xorg.conf nor pommed.conf, so I am lost.04:18
KenshizlAh, thanks.04:18
REK_007well its the same i just checked with the software centre princethakur so it should not be a problem .. just try restarting it04:19
princethakuri think so might be my network connection is Slow thats why its slow - rek_00704:19
KenshizlI'm heading out and off. wish me luck!04:20
REK_007well I use skype on 512kbps and it works just fine .. just that linux client is bit outdated to its windows counter part04:20
JoelixnyHello, I'm having many problems with my 12.04 install. The most urgent one being that it doesn't always boot. I have to try usually more than 3 times just to get it to book. This only happens when I use my laptop's NVidia descrete GPU. When using intel graphics it boots fine every time. My card is a Quadro 2000m and I've tried the Nouveau, the propietary and straight from the site drivers. I also tried nomodeset with no avail.04:20
princethakurok best of luck kenshizl04:20
princethakurok.. might be thats the reason  ! - rek_00704:21
_TristanI have busybox and I need to use it to fsck something, but busybox doesn't have fsck. What if I mounted the system under busybox, chrooted to it, then unmounted the filesystem from itself, then run fsck? Would that work?04:21
writelightGood Day, Everyone *VBS04:21
REK_007Joelixny: no need to spam .. if anyone can help he/she will highlight you ...04:21
LinuxMonkeyleafw: thats because the newer x server dont require a xorg.conf anymore however you are free to create one04:21
escott_Tristan, or just mount read only04:21
dagerikHow can I change caret speed in lxde?04:21
leafwLinuxMonkey: I see, so xorg.conf became optional04:21
_Tristannowai, I can fsck something read only?04:21
escott_Tristan, i thought you were 3000 miles away. how can you access the busybox system?04:21
LinuxMonkeyleafw: that is correct04:21
JoelixnyOk, sorry REK_00704:22
dagerikLike when I press the left keyboard key, I want the caret to start to move faster.That is, reduce the delay.04:22
_Tristankvm, but the usb stick is broken so I just get busybox04:22
writelightAre the members of the admin help group volunteers of the ubuntu distribution industry or are they simply random people04:22
escott_Tristan, fscking a readonly system is less risky. worst case you fix an inode and cause the kernel to panic, but you won't introduce additional corruption04:22
leafwLinuxMonkey: thanks. Now I "only" have to figure out what magical incantation in xorg.conf will do the trick with the fn key, given that this macbook doesn't have an nvida card anymore, so I am not aware of who controls the fn key now.04:23
wilee-nileewritelight, mutants. :)04:23
REK_007Joelixny: feel free to repeat your question but do it after you take some time :)04:23
LinuxMonkey!xorgconf  | leafw04:23
ubottuleafw: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.04:23
_Tristanescott: How can I mount as read only?04:23
JoelixnyOkay, REK_007, I just didn't know how much time was appropiate.04:23
escott_Tristan, mount -o ro /dev/sdX# /mnt/whatever04:24
leafwubottu: thanks, bottu04:24
escottleafw, more likely a low level input or kernel boot parameter than anything in xorg.conf04:25
leafwescott: for nvdia-loaded macbookpro 5,5, xorg.conf was the place.04:25
writelightI also have a few questions which is less serious, but would like to find out what my options are under different distributions ?04:26
leafwescott: question is now what is the case for macbook 8,104:26
carrotpickerguys how do I install wine04:26
escott!macbook | leafw have you checked?04:26
ubottuleafw have you checked?: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:26
leafwubottu: yes, a search for "fn" returns nil in that page04:26
ubottuleafw: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:26
escottcarrotpicker, sudo apt-get install wine04:27
leafwubottu: I am aware you are a bot, a pleasant one :04:27
ubottuleafw: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:27
leafwpicky one04:27
carrotpickerGuys, what's your opinion on Ubuntu?04:27
escottcarrotpicker, we hate it thats why we are in this channel. we all recommend you use windows04:27
windbuntuclick on ubuntu software center, type wine in search bar, click on wine, click install.04:28
gutzmekim a slack user for the last 6 yrs04:28
gutzmek13.37 is on crack04:28
writelightMy "Questions" I don't have a Display port for my Third Monitor, but it seems to power well with Ubuntu using two dvi and one hdmi plugged into a dvi monitor out put... When I install the proprietary graphics driver I'm unable to get my third monitor to work?04:28
carrotpickerguise how do I install wine04:28
FloodBot1carrotpicker: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:28
carrotpickerguise halp04:29
Joelixnycarrotpicker~ sudo apt-get install wine-1.404:29
=== mintman is now known as JelloPop
JelloPopanyone using Openbox?04:29
windbuntuwhy not just use the ubuntu software center?04:29
carrotpickerPlz halp guise04:30
JoelixnyHello, I'm having many problems with my 12.04 install. The most urgent one being that it doesn't always boot. I have to try usually more than 3 times just to get it to book. This only happens when I use my laptop's NVidia descrete GPU. When using intel graphics it boots fine every time. My card is a Quadro 2000m and I've tried the Nouveau, the propietary and straight from the site drivers. I also tried nomodeset with no avail.04:30
L3topcarrotpicker: Stop.04:30
JelloPopOpenbox? users04:30
escottcarrotpicker, stop it04:30
carrotpickerOkay i'll go. by guise04:31
writelightI was originally quit happy with Debian, but months ago it wouldn't support my third monitor and I crashed testing the proprietary drivers so I switched to ubuntu to get my monitors to work04:31
L3topJoelixny: are you using bumblebee or ironhorse?04:32
JoelixnyL3top~ Neither, I set the biod to discrete graphics04:32
JelloPopwritelight: dont feel bad was using arch linux box went down behind expermenting with test packages... :)04:32
princethakurhow to add files to lamp ?04:33
writelightI was looking in my bios for options, but could not find anything relating04:33
L3topCheck one of them out. It is a bit of a trick to get it to work without... The nvidia is still using the intel... so it is a bit confusing Joelixny04:33
princethakurcan any one tell me how to use LAMP ?04:33
princethakuri have installed04:33
princethakurbut now i want to install some files04:33
princethakurand hot to use phpmyadmin ? in it04:33
bryguy_I was wondering if, while running ubuntu 12.04, there was a way I could dual boot windows with it....04:33
chipotleL3top: both04:33
JoelixnyL3top~ Last time it was a hassle, but I'll try it.04:34
L3topchipotle: It is a hassle regardless04:34
mkquistbryguy_: of course04:34
L3topJoelixny: it is a hassle regardless...04:34
chipotleL3top: what are the options though?04:34
bryguy_how do i do so04:34
writelightWindows 8 C won't allow me to run triple monitors without the display port plug and ubuntu does perfectly04:34
Joelixnyyes, it appears to be. I'll try it now, thanks.04:34
KenshizlThanks escott and Floyd42! That seems to have solved it! I'm heading to bed, and I'll see how it is tomorrow. Thanks for your help!!!!04:34
mkquistbryguy_: already installed ubuntu?04:34
JelloPopwritelight: I had to use xrandr to get video card to see 32 " LED tv for 1980X1080 60mhz frequency..04:35
crfhi, I'm trying to mount a cd. But it doesn't show up. I try mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 ~/testing04:35
bryguy_ya, ive been running it stand alone for months now04:35
writelightI can't get high graphics, but at least I could see better04:35
princethakurwritelight can you please help me to adding files in lamp ?04:35
mkquistbryguy_: then install windows then reinstall grub, cause windows will wipe out grub04:35
escottcrf, dont specify types to mount04:35
crfmount: wrong fs type04:35
princethakurprincethakur needs help04:35
bryguy_hwo do i do that?04:35
L3topchipotle: avidemux is a simple editor, cinellera is very advanced, very good... kdenlive is a nice in-between.04:35
bryguy_i dont really understand what grub is exactly04:35
L3topchipotle: sorry about my previous reply, was wrong nic04:36
bryguy_i have used wubi in the past and all04:36
princethakurwritelight, are you into designing ? help me how to use LAMP ?04:36
bryguy_but im not on windows04:36
crfescott, if I don't specify the fs type, the same message is printed.04:36
mkquistbryguy_: why not just do that04:36
mkquistbryguy_: easier04:36
JelloPopbryguy_: grub is boot manager.04:36
crfit says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr004:36
bryguy_i need something like wubi but for the reverse actions lol04:36
writelightI am going to try out Debian Edu I wonder if that will allow my third monitor without the display port with the new release04:36
escottcrf, ok. is it a known good disk?04:36
jumpkickif anyone else is having issues with packages.ubuntu.com not finding packages returning Internal Server Errors then +1 this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/99861304:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 998613 in Ubuntu Website "packages.ubuntu.com ( is broken" [Undecided,New]04:36
Floyd42kenshizl: good to hear!04:37
bryguy_so if i download, say a torrent, of windows xp from ubuntu, how would i install it? burn it to disc first?04:37
chipotleL3top: are they as powerful as final cut pro on mac?04:37
writelightI am not designing anything right now, I'm only researching distro bugs that I most often run into from time to time04:37
bryguy_i have a legal productr key and all from my laptop that im using04:37
newbifacing problem executing a certain file on my Ubuntu 11.10. someone please help.04:37
bazhang!helpme | princethakur04:37
ubottuprincethakur: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude04:37
crfISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format04:37
JelloPopwritelight: doubt it! debian is a secure server going to require u load packages... that it might consider to be expermental04:37
neeteexHello, Unity side bar does not hide any more, what can I do about that ? (Ubuntu 12.04)04:38
writelightI crashed on Debian six months ago04:38
bryguy_and if i do install windows from disc, wont it wipe the whole entire drive? and ubuntu with it?04:38
writelighttesting out graphics04:38
princethakurok.. can any buddy let me know, how to use lamp ?04:38
JelloPopnewbi: what file?04:38
bazhangprincethakur, read the links given to you04:39
L3topchipotle: http://video-editing.findthebest.com/compare/22-43/Cinelerra-vs-Final-Cut-Express04:39
bazhang!lamp | princethakur read them this, the 3rd time04:39
ubottuprincethakur read them this, the 3rd time: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:39
wilee-nileeneeteex, look in the ccsm at the unity plugin04:39
JelloPopwritelight: graphics is not the issue the issue is driver support by linux.04:39
newbiJelloPop: its an stegano decoder found here: http://hackquest.com/modules/HackQuest/hacking/92745/92745.php04:40
L3topchipotle: it is not as intuitive, easy to use, but is every inch as powerful... probably more.04:40
chipotleah, but not easy to use :04:40
princethakuri have installed but don't know how to add my script folder to lamp as i used . in wamp . just copy - and paste04:40
chipotlei am new to video editing but still want something that is powerful04:40
L3topthat is why I said it was very advanced chipotle.04:40
chipotletrying to make baby videos for the family04:40
JelloPopnewbi: sounds like a contest to hack server..04:41
leafwLinuxMonkey: for the record, here is how one alters the behavior of the fn key in macbook pro in ubunt 12.04: $ echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode . It is explained here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard04:41
wyldeprincethakur: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/04:41
writelightI am reading text and setting up my fonts they're all the same colour and I'm trying to differentiate them04:41
bazhangprincethakur, have you read any of the links?04:41
newbiJelloPop: its no virus, i can assure. the site is governed by Dutch law.04:41
L3topchipotle: try kdenlive04:41
princethakurbazhang, ok thanks let me try04:41
LinuxMonkeyThanks leafw04:41
bazhangprincethakur, we have given you many, yet most of those questions are answered in the links given04:41
ZetaRC12anyone ever get an Acer Aspire One D-250 to sleep on closing? I can sleep and hibernate and restore from both states on the laptop manually. When I close the lid the backlight turns off, but the laptop never stops running. /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state only lists the state as closed, no matter if the lid is open or closed.04:41
newbiJelloPop: its a challenge site.04:42
princethakurlet me check , bazhang04:42
L3topchipotle: http://www.kdenlive.org/04:42
JelloPopnewbi: fIgured this much srry.. not my cup of tea04:42
gutzmekknow iptables? anyone?04:42
bazhangchipotle, why not openshot04:43
L3top!anyone | gutzmek04:43
ubottugutzmek: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:43
neeteexwilee-nilee, I'm not sure about how to do that : unity plugin is installed, how do I get to configuration ?04:43
bazhanggutzmek, ##netfilter04:43
newbiJelloPop: thanks anyways.04:43
JelloPopwritelight: ur going to have to dig alot deeper to figure out what module or library is not loaded to get third monitor to work. lsmod04:44
neeteexwilee-nilee, thanks, I found it !04:44
writelightPrincethaker if you were posting for me I was unsure because my name was not written beside the links so it could have been for someone else04:44
Areckxok this is getting really annoying... how do I connect to an ssid from command line? I keep using iwlist but it doesn't let me use pgup pgdwn like manpages in command line04:45
escottAreckx, then pipe it to less04:45
JelloPopmodule = driver , but needs supported library's to run third monitor I imagine is the case.  Best to seek out a Arch LInux user that has installed a third monitor with simiular hardware they probably know libraries assiocated with hardware..04:46
wilee-nileeneeteex, cool, your welcome.04:46
Areckxescott: how do i do that I tried putting less in the command line04:46
escottAreckx, setting up wireless from the cli is complex. if you already established a connection with network manager you might want to use nm-cli04:46
crfHi, I mounted the cd-rom on a mac, and it said it was a joliet file system.04:46
AreckxI am in shell and can't get onyo gnome04:47
Gallomimiaum interesting a sudo package update04:47
crfSo why isn't my Ubuntu able to mount it? I think it should right?04:47
bazhangcrf, hows that related to ubuntu?04:47
proxinixadmin adminnnnnn!04:47
L3topAreckx: command | less04:47
crfbazhang, I'm trying to read the CD in ubuntu04:47
proxinixcrf you mounted what cd to what distro?04:47
writelightYou can mount under ext 4 it means you installed ubuntu under ext 304:47
crfproxinix, it will not mount in Ubuntu04:48
Jordan_Ucrf: Where did you get this iso image? What is it?04:48
escottcrf, where did you get this disk from?04:48
L3topcrf what is "it"04:48
crfJordan, it is a cd, with documents on it, I think.04:48
writelightIts all automatic under ext 4 ubuntu install and its a faster filing system also04:48
Areckxso how do i connect to something using nmcli04:49
escottcrf, perhaps https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/51004204:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510042 in linux (Ubuntu) "Hybrid iso image won't mount" [Undecided,Won't fix]04:49
Areckxthe manpages are not helping at all04:49
L3top!details | Gallomimia04:49
ubottuGallomimia: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:49
crfescott, thanks, I'll look at that report.04:49
escottAreckx, nmcli is intended only for enabling already established connection profiles04:50
thirstyhow can i get gedit to color code my php file? Gedit's highlight mode is already set to "php".04:50
writelightup until a few years ago linux was a quiet operating system ubuntu's got everyone on the systems04:50
bazhangwritelight, why are you saying this04:50
waxstoneis there a way to revert the keyboard shortcuts automatically BACK to defaults in 12.04?04:50
Areckxit has many times in gnome, but I am trying to repair mu04:50
writelightI write my mind04:50
bazhangwritelight, wrong channel for it04:50
Areckxmy system from shell04:51
Areckxubuntu-offtopic writelight04:51
* JelloPop Wonders if Writeligh is aware this is open source so I can load the packages on any linux distro04:51
Smallinsecthi, i have a problem with 2 things, i need to install wireless adapter dwa-160 in my Lubuntu, i have downloaded the files, at first i have tried to connect in the notebook an usb 2.0 external hard drive, all ok lubuntu read the hd, so connected the HD  in my pc tower added the driver files in the external hd, reconnected in the notebook ... well lubuntu open the hd and see all files of my external usb HD EXCEPT for the files i hav04:52
bazhangSmallinsect, downloaded what files04:52
Areckxi just need to connect to the internet so I can reinstll wverything, I really wish there was a way to just restore my system to complete defaults and format the partition04:52
Smallinsectbazhang: ??? how can I download if i have no connection in the notebook with lubuntu04:53
L3topAreckx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo04:53
writelightI am aware of open source programs its just that theres compatibility bugs in some operating systems04:53
bazhangSmallinsect, what are you trying to download04:53
bazhang!ot | writelight04:53
ubottuwritelight: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:53
Smallinsectbazhang:  no.... i have already downloaded the driver files for the dwa 160 wireless adapter04:54
bazhangSmallinsect, downloaded from where04:54
Smallinsectbazhang: downloaded from ubuntu support forum04:54
writelightThank You for informing me as I had not made it to your guide lines support sites04:54
bazhangSmallinsect, what is the chipset, give us the link04:54
Smallinsectis an USB wireless adapter dlink DWA-16004:55
bazhangSmallinsect, thats the model name, but we need the chipset04:55
JelloPopwritelight: had u tried ubuntu forum search for 3 monitor support?04:56
Smallinsectbazhang: i dunno, how can I find the chipset model?04:56
bazhangSmallinsect, usb? then lsusb to paste.ubuntu.com04:56
Jordan_Ucrf: As a somewhat odd test / work around can you try "sudo grub-mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/"?04:57
writelightMonitors work excellent under ubuntu its the main distro graphics that don't support the third dvi without the display port04:57
bazhangwritelight, please stop with the offtopic chatter here04:57
Smallinsectbazhang: lsusb?04:57
bazhangSmallinsect, write that in terminal04:57
writelightso I had an idea just wasn't sure if there was any other possiblities sorry I'm responding to a reply04:57
Smallinsectbazhang: ok04:58
JelloPopbazhang: not off topic asking for help with monitor support04:58
bazhangJelloPop, just making random commentary is offtopic04:58
Areckxwhy is it so04:59
Areckxwhy does it have to be so difficult to connect to the internet in command line?05:00
Areckxit lists as being connected to my ssid but where do I type the05:00
JelloPopbazhang: wants to know the library or module that supports third monitor in ubuntu? So he can load library and module support in Debian..05:01
L3topAreckx: It isn't. Wireless, however, is inherently complicated. Try it in dos.05:01
AreckxI am in linux05:01
escottAreckx, because you have to associate the ssid, and then you have to do a wpa_supplicant protocol, and then you have to do your dhcp network setup05:01
Smallinsectbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/984839/05:01
Areckxin command line as root because gnome is dead for some reason05:01
bazhangJelloPop, writelight debian support in #debian05:01
L3topAreckx: It was a bit of a joke. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo05:01
Areckxescott:  how so i do that?05:02
escottAreckx, i've never done it. its too hard05:02
JelloPopbazhang: I admit its a hazey area of ubuntu support, but you get these questions in all forums weather it be linuxmint, ubuntu, openbox, conky, arch linux..05:03
DaZAreckx: does wicd still count as connect in command line? :f05:03
bazhangJelloPop, not hazy at all ; debian, and all unsupported derivatives are NOT supported here05:03
Areckxand j keep getting an errornthat shows up that says [13359.36202] iwlagn Microcode SW error detected. Restarting 0x200000005:04
L3topAreckx: sudo iwconfig wlan0 key XXXXXXXXXX05:05
waxstoneis there a way to revert the keyboard shortcuts automatically BACK to defaults in 12.04?05:05
Areckxit keeps on popping up every lie every few seconds05:05
JelloPopbazhang: I would say that we need to come up with ways to support former users, because if any user of ubuntu perviously were to come here.  It would show he still supports ubuntu, but is trying a new avenue of linux..  Anyways that is my opnion05:05
escottAreckx, thats a kernel error. the driver may not be working for that wireless card. what chipset is it?05:06
AreckxL3top:  when I do thr it keeps sayibg invalid argument05:06
Areckxescott: dont know05:06
JelloPopbazhang: well I got to run. I know ur responce is going to be the same.  No chance of change.. So I will leave ubuntu support channel05:06
escottAreckx, sudo lshw -C network05:06
JelloPopbazhang: wish ur mom a happy mothers day :)05:07
JelloPopMothers Day is around the corner... Dont forget to WISH them a HAPPY MOTHERSDAY!05:08
wyldewaxstone: System Settings > Keyboard > Bottom left corner of typing tab "Layout Settings" Reset to Defaults button middle bottom.05:08
Areckxpro/witeless 4965 AG or AGN network connection05:08
Smallinsectsomeone knows how to acces in the control panel or something like in lubuntu?05:08
Areckxescott:  but it worked before i tried upgrading to 12.04, gnome05:08
trbotime_i'm running ubuntu and when i try to ssh, this happens: OpenSSL version mismatch. Built against 1000005f, you have 1000100f05:09
Smallinsecti need to see if my USB wireless adapter can work05:09
Areckx deleted and unable to upgrade05:09
StarryNightanyone had any luck with magicjack under linux?05:09
waxstonewylde, Ive tried that it does reset the shortcuts. for layouts perhaps05:09
Areckxdoes anyone know how to format the partition05:09
KM0201Areckx: format what partition?05:10
Areckxand just default ubuntu 10.0405:10
wyldewaxstone: ahh I see, only option I'm aware of.05:10
Areckxthis is really messed up I jut want my ubuntu back05:10
devianshey, im on 11.10, and do-release-upgrade -d still refuses to update, says no release available05:10
KM0201Areckx: i take it you're on 12.04 now?05:10
Areckxit only05:10
waxstonewylde, yeah seems im out of luck... thanks anyways05:10
wyldedevians: try without the -d05:10
Areckxno it's still 10.04 because it was unable to upgrade KM020105:11
Areckxbut now gnome05:11
Areckxis deleted05:11
KM0201ah... broken upgrade... ugly05:11
Areckxfricken iphone irc... annoying05:11
L3topAreckx: you can just put the 1004 dvd in and use the partitioner there for install.05:11
KM0201Areckx: i'd just clean install 12.04 if it were me.05:11
deviansany other ideas wylde ?05:11
AreckxI can't05:11
xangua!upgrade | devians05:12
ubottudevians: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:12
Areckxi have no usb stick and my05:12
Areckxcd drive doesn't seem to05:12
Splooshie123how do i reassign shift+alt+up (show all windows)? it doesn't show up in system settings05:12
wyldedevians: not off hand sorry, you caught me just heading to bed. I'm sure others here can help though :)05:12
REK_007Areckx: mkfs is the command used to format HDDs from terminal .. otherwise use gparted05:12
L3top!enter | Areckx05:12
ubottuAreckx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:12
xanguaSplooshie123: it's a compiz plugin so you need Compiz Settings Manager05:12
AreckxInam!! it's my iphone being annoying05:12
KM0201Areckx: if your computer won't boot a CD, how do you expect to reinstall?05:13
* L3top doesn't know the point of partitioning the drive if there is no install medium available05:13
AreckxI just want to fix it05:13
Areckxit might just be the05:13
Splooshie123xangua: Thanks05:13
JoelixnyHello, I was having a problem with booting due to my Nvidia graphic card. I was told to install Ironhide, I did but since the intel GPU is managing the desktop I can't get full resolution.05:13
Areckxcd burner that isn't workingX I think the drive is fine05:13
deviansxangua im using the server upgrade notes from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades05:13
xanguaSplooshie123: it's the expose plugin i believe05:13
Areckxlook, all I want to fo is connect to the internet, I could in gnome so I know it works05:14
Areckxwhat do i type into05:14
Areckxcommand line05:14
L3top!enter | Areckx05:14
AreckxIt's my fricken iphone keyboard, it's reall hard to type so can someone help me get online through terminal???05:15
L3topI have given you the link 3 times.05:16
Areckxit didn't help at all05:16
AreckxI tried using iwconfog but it keeps saying the key is invalid05:16
Areckxwhy does this have to be so dificult05:17
Areckxit does it really quick in gnome05:17
L3topAreckx: That is how it is done. Stop typing line after line. Your phone is not hitting enter, you are.05:17
Areckxit's an accident, I'm reall angry and i just want my network to turn on05:18
AFschizoidcould someone pm me, complete linux noob05:18
L3topJust ask your question AFschizoid05:18
AFschizoidanyway for me to backup my ubuntu setup since i have it set up to do what i want05:19
JoelixnyHello, I was having a problem with booting due to my Nvidia graphic card. I was told to install Ironhide, I did but since the intel GPU is managing the desktop I can't get full resolution.05:19
L3topI recommend using clonezilla AFschizoid05:19
n12hi , i want to install .. what partition i choose http://i.imgur.com/3sl8v.png05:19
AFschizoidok.  will that allow me to back up then restore from recovery if something breaks?05:19
Smallinsecti have this problem : i have connected external HD to my notebook with lubuntu to test if it works. 2) connected this HD to my main PC and inserted some files in this external HD... 3) reconnected this external HD in my Notebook with lubuntu... well when i search the files i have inserted few minutes ago... i cant find them, lubuntu cant find this files... ALL files in this HD are present except for this files recently added05:20
MaccerI feel like my Ubuntu 12.04 is missing features.  Where can I find the font rendering menu that exists here? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts)05:20
L3topyes AFschizoid.05:20
AFschizoidsweet, thank you very much05:20
L3topJoelixny: Ironhide has been sort of abandoned for the now, you might have better luck with bumblebee. They have completely rewritten the original code in C++05:21
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
JoelixnyL3top~ okay, I'll try, but I think that's not the problem, since when I used intel before installing Ironhide the same thing happened05:22
Maccern12:  Is this what happens when you click Install Ubuntu?  It looks like you have no free/unallocated space, so you could either install Ubuntu along side with Windows (either by the installer or in Windows), or you could attempt to create more.05:22
L3topJoelixny: the way I deal with it on our project involves setting the BusID in an xorg.conf05:22
noobie25my wireless stop working (can't getting it working even after restarting computer).  I see on the top taskbar, my wireless connection available, but when i click on it ... it shows a progress bar and always fails to connect.05:22
MaccerGenerally it's recommended that you go into the windows disk partitioning tool and shrink these partitions yourself05:23
JoelixnyWhat should I set it to, L3top?05:23
L3topJoelixny: But we have no use for the integrated intel, we need compositing etc05:23
L3topJoelixny: it wont be easy to switch back and forth05:23
haqe17Hello, can someone send me the default /etc/init/lightdm.conf for 11.10, I think ive messed mine up05:23
n12Maccer: this is from livecd , gparted .05:24
=== MartinS is now known as Guest97870
Maccern12:  Are you aware what's installed on those ntfs partitions?05:24
JoelixnyL3top~ What do you mean? I just want to use the Nvidia card, but it has some problems like, not letting me boot 75% of the time, and having a low resolution outside of xorg.05:25
n12i can not use windows .. something is blocking and says i most enter windows product key.05:25
MaccerBecause you could easily install Ubuntu on any partition with enough free space, but I have concerns that you might have something on those partitions.05:25
n12windows 7 there05:25
n12which partition i should install ubuntu in05:26
L3topJoelixny: lspci -nn | grep VGA   the last 4 digits displayed are the pci id. Unfortunately they need to be converted to base 10...05:27
MaccerWhat ever partition you wish in, just be aware that it might format everything.  If you're not sure, you could click on the orange folder on the left sidebar and see what's inside the partitions.05:27
Maccer( n12 )05:27
Areckxok I keeping doing iwconfog wlan0 essid "wireless ssid" key xxxxxxxxxx05:27
L3topwhere xxxxxxx is your actual key I assume05:27
Areckxand it says invalid argument "xxxxxxxxxx" L3top  yes05:27
L3topand you are preceeding this with sudo Areckx?05:28
kannudohello there05:28
Areckxi'm in root L3top05:28
JoelixnyL3top~ Okay, having those numbers what do I do?05:28
AreckxI am in recovery mode and keep getting05:28
L3topJoelixny: just paste to me05:28
Areckxan error about iwlagn05:29
L3topJoelixny: I am a goof... I need the FIRST number set05:29
* L3top is tired05:29
n12Maccer: ok05:29
EvilResistanceAreckx:  what error?05:29
Joelixny8086 for intel and 10de for Nvidia05:29
AreckxEvilResistance:  microcode sw error05:29
Gallomimiawho what? oh geeze i only wanted to ask what everyone thought of the sudo update. not a package i like to have just updated right under my nose05:29
om26erhow can i set a different screen DPI than 96 for my screen? not talking about the fonts here05:29
JoelixnyL3top~ 8086 for intel and 10de for Nvidia05:29
L3topJoelixny: just paste the output of lspci -nn | grep -i nvidia | grep VGA05:30
Joelixny00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0126] (rev 09)05:30
om26eri want it to be 138 since that's what my laptop screen have05:30
Joelixny01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GF106 [Quadro 2000M] [10de:0dda] (rev a1)05:30
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
MaccerSo uhh, where can I find the ubuntu font rendering menus?05:32
Fat-Thingam i allowed to ask something about rkhunter here?05:32
wilee-nileeFat-Thing, yes05:33
L3topJoelixny: in the xorg.conf under Section "Device" below Vendor/BoardName enter  BusID"PCI:1:0:0"05:34
Fat-Thingwilee-nilee,  i need help and i bet it's a serious issue regarding rkhunter scanning05:34
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
wilee-nileeFat-Thing, what is up05:34
kannudohi there05:34
Fat-Thingwilee-nilee, http://paste.ubuntu.com/984867/ check that out i got lots of warnings05:35
L3topAreckx: I think you might need to reinstall your wireless driver. Can't you plug in an ethernet cable to try and get this taken care of?05:35
Areckxiwlagn seems to be messed up05:36
Areckxno I can05:36
Areckxnot, I need to commect through wifi05:36
L3topWell you have a bit of a chicken and egg scenario if you need to download a driver.05:36
Areckxit was working fine until I stupidlu tried to upgrade to05:36
princethakuris there any software for chat in rooms ?05:37
oragsyHello! What does this command means - < echo -e "\033[31m" > ?05:37
L3topDepending on how that driver was installed to begin with... etc...05:37
wilee-nileeFat-Thing, What I can say about rkhunter is that it does give false positives, it will show a warning if a file just changes. The best way to use it I think is to run it on a fresh install and fix any false positives then and when anything comes up look on the web for info. Linux will get rootkits, but it is rather unusual. Can't say definitivly anything about your warnings.05:38
JoelixnyL3top~ xorg won't start when I do the command lightdm now05:38
Fat-Thingwilee-nilee,  fresh install? so i need to reinstall my distro?05:39
wilee-nileeFat-Thing, obviously none of the actually named rootkits came up positive or you would have poted that.05:39
virparai use natty. when i reload package inforamation i get this error " W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net natty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6A9653F936FD5529"05:39
wilee-nileeFat-Thing, no but this is linux, using a rootkit scanner or virus scaner is different then windows, to be honest you have to know what your doing.05:40
L3toporagsy: \E begins an escape sequence [31m  sets the foreground color to red05:40
L3toporagsy: \033 is also an escape05:41
wilee-nileeFat-Thing, goole those errors and se what comes up.05:41
L3topJoelixny: what do you mean? X fails to load?05:41
Fat-Thingwilee-nilee,  i got also error upon scanning my network wait i'll paste the link for u to check05:41
wilee-nileeFat-Thing, I wont really be able to definitively answer any warnings05:42
JoelixnyL3top~ I killed lightdm, then ran it again. It took me to the 7th tty, where it showed some text from the boot and it stayed there doing nothing. From the other ttys I tried to kill lightdm again and it says that it's not running.05:42
Fat-Thingwilee-nilee, http://paste.ubuntu.com/984876/ <--- here it is....this is odd05:43
L3toporagsy: Sorry... XXm is background color, I said foreground.05:43
windbuntuin ubuntu 12.04 i try to play a youtube video in chromium and it keeps saying AW SNAP and then sort of apologizes for a problem? i then play the same vid in FF on youtube and it plays fine??05:43
windbuntuis their some problem with chromium/youtube in 12.04?05:44
L3topJoelixny: I don't know what all is going on... I generate xorgs based on our specific needs. Those dual gpus are a total pain... there is no "clean" easy solution.05:44
wilee-nileeFat-Thing, I have never used it to scan a network I would not know what it is supposed to look like.05:44
JoelixnyL3top~ okay, thanks for you help.. I'll try to install Bumblebbee and see what happens05:46
JoelixnyL3top~ Is there a way I can boot Ubuntu to a terminal instal of the dm? That way it won't just freeze05:46
oragsyL3top: Could you link me to any good resource for the same?05:47
bazhang!nox | Joelixny05:47
ubottuJoelixny: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode05:47
JoelixnyI can barely into Thanks ubottu05:47
Joelixnythanks ubottu****05:48
lotuspsychjeim looking for a package to scan negatives to usb, lusb shows my device but xsane doesnt recognize05:48
DHAWALguys i need help with wine05:48
lotuspsychje!ask | DHAWAL05:49
ubottuDHAWAL: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:49
wordToDaBird[Laphey I haven't upgraded ubuntu in ages because I didn't want to get switched to the new desktop floating dock type thing.  How can I upgrade but not use that shit?05:49
bazhangwordToDaBird[Lap, no cursing here05:50
bazhang!notunity | wordToDaBird[Lap05:50
ubottuwordToDaBird[Lap: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:50
DHAWAL__when i join my death adder mouse it is not detected in its driver that i installed in wine05:50
L3topSee my pm oragsy. That is everything I know about coloring text.05:50
bazhangDHAWAL__, wine does not work with hardware05:50
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity05:50
bazhangDHAWAL__, try in #winehq to confirm05:51
AFschizoidhow do i add aapt to a path?05:51
lotuspsychjeanyone knows a package that can scan from any device?05:51
DHAWAL__so how can i adjust my pmouse dpi settings n all ??05:51
AFschizoidis it in the .bashrc file?05:51
bazhangDHAWAL__, you'd ask in #winehq05:51
Random832actualy it'd probably be better to figure out a way to do the ouse settings fro linux05:51
wordToDaBird[Lapbazhang, ty05:52
DHAWAL__and 1 more thing ... i am not getting 100 fps in counter strike what to do for it05:52
bazhangDHAWAL__, check the appdb, and ask in    #winehq05:52
bazhang!appdb | DHAWAL__05:52
ubottuDHAWAL__: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:52
windbuntumay i have the link to file a bug please?05:53
bazhang!bug | windbuntu05:53
ubottuwindbuntu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:53
windbuntui am in launchpad and i cannot find it05:53
Random832DHAWAL__: for your mouse check http://bues.ch/cms/hacking/razercfg.html05:53
AFschizoidwhat is the line i need to add to add /usr/local/bin/aapt to a path?05:53
writelightGood Day05:53
AFschizoidi assume it's in .bashrc05:53
remlabmhaving an issue uninstalling openjdk. while removing im getting "oracle-java7-installer" Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:54
Random832you'll need to copile it yourself05:54
windbuntuthat command says chromium doesnt exist i prefer to do it the easy way05:54
DHAWAL__my mic is also not detected05:55
lotuspsychjeanyone knows a package to scan pctures from any device (negatives to usb device)?05:55
bazhangwindbuntu, the package name is chromium? or chromium-browser05:55
bazhangDHAWAL__, yes, and the correct channel for that is #winehq05:55
windbuntuso far i tried chromium and chromium web browser05:56
windbuntuok ill try chromium browser05:56
windbuntushakes head05:56
Areckxok found a usb drive and two dvdrs, going to completely05:56
bazhangwindbuntu, and chromium-browser ? with the - ?05:56
Resistanceremlabm:  you should download the version from oracle directly, and then build/compile/install05:56
Areckxreinstall 10.04 and create the05:57
Areckxpartitions I need05:57
Areckxjust need to wait for my girlfriend to let me use her macbook lol05:57
windbuntuok it is sent bazhang but sheez it didnt ask me to actually explain?05:58
windbuntuso am i the only person here who has this issue? i wonder if this has something to do with 64 bit 12.04?06:00
remlabmResistance: im trying to remove it and im getting that error06:02
dixoncxHi.. help need for configuring Custom DNS in Mobile BroadBand (ppp) connection.06:03
dixoncxI want to configure openDNS in my network connection - Mobile BroadBand (ppp).06:03
dixoncxI added OpenDNS nameservers in Network Connections.06:03
dixoncxBut it didn't works.06:03
FloodBot1dixoncx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:03
dixoncxIf i manually edit "/etc/resolv.conf" and add OpenDNS nameservers, it works !!06:03
Smallinsectsomeone can help me to install DWA-160 drivers?06:05
Smallinsectthis is the driver list06:05
Smallinsectin my case i use rev A06:05
dixoncxI apologizes... I copy pasted, but i didn't removed "new line character"..  Can someone help me to fix Custom DNS in Mobile BroadBand (ppp) connection ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1193116006:06
panda81why is the 32bit version recommended at the download site06:10
Jordan_Udixoncx: Please post a screenshot of the network-manager window where you configured OpenDNS.06:10
Resistancepanda81:  because in most consumer systems 64bit isnt extremely useful in comparison to 32bit06:10
Jordan_U!screenshot | dixoncx06:10
ubottudixoncx: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.06:10
Resistancepanda81:  at consumer-level systems you buy off the shelf, there's not too much difference speed wise between the two.06:11
mrguserUbuntu 12.04 featured in the newspaper06:11
panda81Resistance: I thought many people have 4gb+ of ram, thus require 64bit06:11
Resistancepanda81:  also, not many people know whether their (older) systems are 64bit or 32bit06:11
L3top!pae | panda8106:11
ubottupanda81: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info06:11
dixoncxJordan_U: hold  on..06:11
Resistancepanda81:  and outside of the pAE kernels, when people dont know whether they have 32bit or 64bit, then 32bit is recommended06:12
windbuntui can see a big difference actually...this 64 bit is faster06:13
KM0201the PAE kernel is installed by default on 32bit systems now.. if your processor doesn't support PAE, you need to install from the mini ISO, or install lubuntu or xubuntu.06:13
KM0201windbuntu: i don't think there's that big of a difference myself.06:13
panda81Hmm, I'm installing Ubuntu 64bit on an Athlon 64 3000 on ASUS a8n-sli.06:14
windbuntuin fact this p4 running 64 bit 12.04...is more responsive than my i7 that has 32 bit wubi06:14
windbuntuits very snappy06:14
KM0201windbuntu: comparing wubi to a real install, is not a fair comparison06:14
windbuntuyeah but i had 32 bit on this one before too06:14
KM0201i dunno, i've used both extensively, and i don't see a bunch of difference, except what is imagined by most people.06:15
AFschizoidi ended up just uninstalling Win7 off this machine since we have a laptop with windows on it if i need to do schoolwork or anything06:15
windbuntui also read about the testing and 64 just flat out is faster06:15
windbuntuthats why i ended it up reinstalling06:16
StarryNightwhy using windows at all?06:16
AFschizoidnice AMD Phenom quad-core 3.2GHz processor, 1TB hard drive, 6GB RAM, it's quick as hell, especially when compiling android roms.  i hear "2, 2.5 hours" and i get it done in like 45 mins06:16
L3topwindbuntu: very little actually uses 64bit. If you "think" you see a ton of improvement, thats fine and all. I am not here to disillusion you, but like KM0201, I use both extensively, and very little makes a difference. I would say less than 10% of applications take advantage of it.06:16
panda81Even if Ubuntu 64bit can support up to 64gb of ram, I'm still restricted by the maximum ram the a8n-SLI motherboard can support right?06:16
windbuntui am just hoping it doesnt cost me in some other way06:16
AFschizoidyes panda8106:16
KM0201windbuntu: i didn't say it "wasn't" faster.. it is.. but it's not near as dramatic as many claim.. maybe in major number crunching or processor intensive activities.. most people, never even get to using 64bit arch.06:16
windbuntui noticed it in when i try to pull up packages06:17
dixoncxJordan_U: here: http://imagebin.org/21220906:17
KM0201windbuntu: lol..06:18
L3topyeah... no.06:18
StarryNighti noticed 64 bit cpus less crash i had more crashes under 32 bit cpus06:18
windbuntuin 32bit for example i was having to wait like 12 secinds to pull up the ubuntu software center06:18
L3topyeah... no.06:18
windbuntuin 64 bit BOOM it comes right up06:18
tenXStarryNight: ...06:18
Jordan_Udixoncx: Can you pastebin the output of "nm-tool"?06:18
KM0201ok windbuntu ..lol, you're obviously not seeing the forrest because you're blinded by the trees..06:18
windbuntuwell yes i am blinded by the speed yes06:19
AFschizoiddoes 64 bit make a big difference if i'm working on android developing compared to 32 bit?06:19
KM0201i think you're blinded by what people have told you you see, rather than what you actually see06:19
L3topNo AFschizoid.06:19
windbuntui timed the 32 bit OS as it tried to pull up the ubuntu software center...i actually timed it?06:19
AFschizoidsonofa...  lol it was a major pain getting 64 bit 12.04 set up and compiling right06:20
* KM0201 chuckles06:20
L3topSame release of the same OS with the same applications running in the background windbuntu?06:20
KM0201windbuntu: your'e right, i admi tit, 13yrs of using Linux, and somehow, ive not figured out that 64bit is so much faster than 32bit... i've been doing somethign dramatically wrong all these years obviously.06:20
lotuspsychjeanyone knows a package to scan negatives to usb (lsusb sees device but nothing recognizes it)?06:21
AFschizoidKM0201 was that chuckle aimed at me?  :P06:21
dagerikWhen I issue notify-send test, nothing happens. How can I get notifications?06:21
KM0201AFschizoid: negative, windbuntu and his "if i've read something so many times, it has to be true" mentality06:22
windbuntuyes L3top i did a fresh install of 32 bit the day after it was released and after waiting forever to pull up some packages i began reading about n64 bit perfromance. at first i thought it was bunk until i read that 64 bit is just plain faster no maqtter how much ram you have ( i have 4 gigs on this one) so i did a fresh install again using 64 bit and started pulling up my usual stuff.06:22
KM0201but hey... what do i know..lol06:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:22
AFschizoidhm.  anyone able to tell me how to get the ADB running?06:22
StarryNighttenX yes it is more stable in my experience and i used a 64-bit cpu for what 7 years plus now06:23
windbuntui used to think it had something to do with being able to use more ram but thats not it...its just a lot faster period.06:23
bazhangwindbuntu, lets get back on topic06:24
tenXStarryNight: stability isnt a matter of system architecture06:25
StarryNightwell i run b4 linux windows under 32 bit would crash often than on a 64 bit system06:27
StarryNightand same with linux06:27
bazhangStarryNight, ubuntu support question?06:28
StarryNightyep anyone uses magicjack under linux?06:28
lotuspsychjehow come xsane can't see my device and lsusb does?06:29
bazhanglets move the arch speed conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic please06:29
totesmuhgoatsStarryNight: i don't, but they have a magicjack now that doesn't need a pc, so if the linux support is poor you might wanna just get that06:30
totesmuhgoatsor if the linux support is something silly like a binary only package, it can sometimes be a pain to get those to work06:30
StarryNightyea a person need an internet connection from what i understood06:30
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totesmuhgoatsStarryNight: if you own the magicjack, yes. it uses your internet connection06:31
totesmuhgoatsthe person you are calling doesn't necessarilly06:31
StarryNightyea doh :)06:31
KM0201StarryNight: magickjack always requires an internet connection doesnt it?06:32
dixoncxJordan_U: here:  http://pastebin.com/8uCZvuis OpenDND nameservers are there. But it doesn't seems working..:(06:32
StarryNightyes but i am using a wi-fi only internet connection so hooking it up to other than a pc really does not work for me06:32
KingKatarihey whats the command to move all non empty dir's to another location?06:33
KingKatarii know mv06:33
KingKataribut what allows the moving of non empty dir's06:33
Jordan_Udixoncx: Please file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug network-manager".06:35
evilwombatGreetings. Are there older versions (say, v10.x) of the adobe flash player plugin available somewhere in deb form?06:36
dixoncxJordan_U: ok, what are the terminal outputs to add in report ?06:36
jmevilwombat, old ubuntu repos?  snapshot.debian.org?06:37
Jordan_Udixoncx: What you provided in your last paste should be good.06:37
raptor67682hi. how do you format a txt file to wrap to next line every 50 chars?06:38
dixoncxJordan_U: ok, any temporary fix to solve issue ?06:38
jmI suppose ubuntu's equivalent of snapshot.debian.org is old-releases.ubuntu.org06:38
KingKatarihey whats the command to move all non empty dir's to another location?06:38
KingKatarii know mv06:38
KingKataribut what allows the moving of non empty dir's06:39
Jordan_UKingKatari: raptor67682: Try asking in #bash.06:39
jmyou could just rmdir * first06:39
pouncertrying to find a program to make a bootable usb of linux inside of linux want to do a fresh install06:39
jmthen mv everything left over?06:39
jmassuming you don't want the empty directories at all06:39
Jordan_Upouncer: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu06:40
engammalskoI did a apt-get update and now I can't view flash content anymore. Can someone help me fix flash player?06:40
pouncerJordan_U: thanks very much06:41
Jordan_Upouncer: You're welcome.06:41
* supashimp blinks06:41
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:41
mrguserAnyone using the latest release06:42
L3topengammalsko: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer   might do it06:42
* supashimp crosses fingers06:42
wilee-nileemrguser, this is support do you need any?06:42
* raidhtc kalimeraa06:43
engammalskoL3top: Worked, thank you :D06:44
wilee-nileemrguser, If you want to chat try #ubuntu-offtopic06:44
osmosishow do I turn off the stickey mouse when going between screens?06:45
overriderI installed 12.04 and while i can move my laptops mouse via touchpad or click stuff, i cannot drag any windows; so click-hold and drag does not work. Any smart package i can install to solve this issue?06:53
osmosisoverrider, that sounds strange06:54
osmosisoverrider, did you do a clean install or an upgrade?06:55
Dr_willisYou do have windows titlebars? and widgits in the titlebar?06:58
Fat-ThingChecking `aliens'...07:01
Fat-Thing <--- what does it mean?07:01
* proxinix is bored07:01
caesar__i was about to clean install ubuntu.. is there a way i can backup my windows install07:01
caesar__for future restore07:01
Dr_willisyou could use 'dd' to image it to some external drive/file.07:02
Dr_willisbut it may be best to ask in #windows for the best way to backup/restore a windows install.07:02
caesar__ok will do.. but what is dd07:02
Dr_williscaesar_,  personally, i always buy a new/second hd. andkeep linux on its own hd.07:02
pratzhey guys please any one ping me , just trying notification for irssi on ubuntu 12.0407:03
caesar__i'm on a laptop07:03
Dr_willisIn computing, dd is a common Unix program whose primary purpose is the low-level copying and conversion of raw data. According to the manual page for Version 7 Unix,[1] it will "convert and copy a file". It is used to copy a specified number of bytes or blocks,07:03
proxinixdd is a converter caesar_07:03
overriderosmosis: clean install07:03
pratzguys any one please ping me07:03
Dr_willisMy last laptop had 2 hd slots. :) but i always buy a second hard drve for my laptops. remove the windows hd.. put it somewhere safe..07:03
proxinixdd if=/dev/cdrom of=windowsbackup.iso07:03
proxinixsomething like that caesar_07:04
Dr_willispratz,  you mean send a ctcp ping?07:04
proxinixThat will make a copy of your windows cd and turn it into an iso but, that's not what you want but you get the idea07:04
StarryNightwhy keeping windows at all?07:05
pratzDr_willis: cool this works, just wanted to try the notification for irssi on 12.0407:05
caesar__because i have alot of stuff07:05
caesar__on here07:05
caesar__everything is configured just right07:05
Dr_willisdepending on how complex your windows partioning and stuff is.. other tools may work better for you then dd.07:05
thune3Fat-Thing: according to the pulseaudio man page: PulseAudio clients and the server can exchange audio data via POSIX shared memory segments (on systems that support this).07:05
jackiechan0hello someone that know ruby?07:06
Dr_willisjackiechan0,  unless its more ubuntu specific.. theres a ruby channel i imagine.07:06
Fat-Thingthune3,  what will i do then?07:06
caesar__i just want a backup iso created than when installed would even have the items on desktop07:06
caesar__programs already installed07:06
jackiechan0Dr_willis> none  there thanks for answering07:07
proxinix!iso | caesar_07:07
ubottucaesar_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:07
caesar__everything like it is now07:07
Dr_williscaesar__,  you just want to backup your users settings? or Clone the whole windows install? 2 very diffefnt jobs...07:07
caesar__i want to clone my whole system right now07:07
Dr_williscaesar__,  if you have a large enough external Hard drive.  you can use 'dd' to clone the windows install to a file on that external hd.07:07
thune3Fat-Thing: i joined 10min ago and may have missed it, what's the problem?07:07
proxinix!windows | caesar__07:07
ubottucaesar__: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents07:07
caesar__even if it take a few hundred GB07:08
AFschizoidhow big is a basic ubuntu install?07:08
Dr_williscaesar__,  but using a windows tool for this task may be better.07:08
Fat-Thing/dev/shm/pulse-shm-4206816023 <----- thune3  that thing appears while im running chkrootkit07:08
jmusing ddrescue would be better07:08
Dr_willisAFschizoid,  from what ive seen . under 4gb. but there can be 1gb+ in cache  for the apt-updated and so forth.07:08
proxinixI believe you need two gigs AFschizoid07:08
caesar__Dr_willis: is the processes called cloning?07:08
Dr_williscaesar__,  whats the term commonly used.07:09
Dr_willisdd 'clones' in the sence that its an exact identical copy. errors on the original are copied to the copy. ;)   if the original HD is 100gb.. the clone image will be 100gb.. even if the original hd is 1/4 the way full.07:10
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning07:10
=== gabriele is now known as Guest35292
Dr_willison a 'new' machine i get. i normally boot up a live-cd, plug in a external hd. and 'dd' the whole disk to a image file on the external usb. and keep that usb safe for a 'restore' disk.07:11
caesar__so i'd be looking at a 220GB copy file07:11
Dr_willisone neat tirck with a 'dd' image. is you can mount the image file and access files on it. if needed.07:11
Dr_willisor even use it as a virtual box disk image.07:12
caesar__i need some dd in my life07:12
thune3Fat-Thing: i think chrootkit reports all shared memory files, you might run sudo lsof | grep pulse, and see if file is opened by pulseaudio server. if so consider it perfectly normal07:12
caesar__what format will a dd leave you with?07:12
Dr_willisjust rember with dd - 'DONT make typos'  it can destroy  your data, if you tell it the wrong thing.07:12
Dr_willisdd does not format.. it images the source..07:13
caesar__i mean container07:13
Dr_willisits a raw data dump..07:13
caesar__err.. extension07:13
Dr_willisextensions dont matter in linux. ;)07:13
caesar__so how would one get back if need be07:14
=== Guest35292 is now known as gabriele93
Dr_williscaesar__,  via dd. :) the reverse direction.07:14
Dr_willisdd if=/file/of/thedisk.image   of=/dev/sdX07:14
caesar__and it will boot like i never installed linux?07:14
Dr_williscaesar__,  in theory - yes.07:14
Fat-Thingthune3,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/984977/07:14
Dr_willisyou could dd the image to some other hd to clone the install.07:14
Dr_willisYou could just do a dual boot. if you want windows that badly..07:15
caesar__i was pondering dual boot07:15
unknownusercaesar__ dual booting isnt as scary as it sounds, its really simple to have two operating systems at once.07:16
thune3Fat-Thing: yeah /dev/shm/pulse-shm-4206816023 is listed as being open by pulseaudio, along with some other /dev/shm files.07:17
caesar__is dual booting reversable?07:18
caesar__i guess my ocd just like clean installs07:18
pratzDr_willis: dude , can you please ping me again ?07:18
Fat-Thingi just install some repo upon installing bt5 apps in my distro but i guess i went insane some apps are gone and not working is there a system restore? hehe07:19
jmwhat's the point in dual booting when you can run windows in a VM?07:19
jmunless you're intent on playing new windows games07:19
pratzany one please ping me07:20
userprecisehello people i have this doubt that my graphical card is not at all used by 12.04 . even vlc is taking 50% CPU!!07:20
userprecisehow do i check and resolve this07:21
Fat-Thingthune3,  when i got to sudo su , i wont be prompted for password no more...how can i get that password thingy work before gettin into root?07:21
unknownusercaesar__ it is reversable, and wont harm any local files.07:23
pratzplease any one send me a hello message or something07:23
userpreciseFat-Thing: sudo su -07:23
unknownuserbut always, (dual booting or not) back up anything importnant to you.07:23
userprecisepratz: hello bello07:23
Fat-Thinguserprecise, i know but it wont prompt me with password it will direct me to root07:23
caesar__i'm being told about clonezilla... is that a good option for my situation?07:23
pratzuserprecise: thanks dude was just checking the notification for irssi client07:24
userpreciseFat-Thing: open a new terminal and it will prompt.07:24
unknownusercaesar__ may i PM you as to not flood channel?07:24
userpreciseFat-Thing: it has a timer. if you did a sudo operation recently it won't ask.07:25
userprecisein the same prompt.07:25
Fat-Thingthanx userprecise07:26
userprecisehello people i have this doubt that my graphical card is not at all used by 12.04 . even vlc is taking 50% CPU!! .how to check and resolve07:28
thune3userprecise: lspci -vvv and looking at kernel driver/module at end for video device could give clue07:31
userprecisethune3: sending the textfile.07:34
BenNZhi trying to install the nvidia driver in oneiric , seems nvidia-current and the nvidia-settings program is installed , but when i goto run it i get that i need to run nvidia-xconfig as root , so i open terminal sudo nvidia-xconfig , program isnt installed , so sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig  , cannot find package , so how do i install the nvidia-xconfig07:36
auronandaceBenNZ: are you installing the driver from ubuntu repos?07:38
BenNZauronandace: yes07:38
thune3userprecise: i missed on that one07:39
auronandaceBenNZ: did you use the additional drivers tool?07:39
BenNZauronandace: nope i have to do it from terminal , i cant get into X , i tried from terminal with sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings07:39
userprecisethune3: sending the textfile.07:39
BenNZauronandace: i couldnt at the time i mean07:40
auronandaceBenNZ: oh, sorry i can't help07:40
BenNZauronandace: surely the package still exists tho , i mean its kind of an important one07:40
userprecisethune3: under VGA it is Kernel modules: radeon . but  why is vlc taking so much of CPU?07:41
jmbecause it's VLC07:42
userprecisethune3: even flash on browsers take a lot of cpu07:42
auronandaceuserprecise: what cpu you got?07:42
auronandaceuserprecise: what file are you trying to play?07:42
thune3userprecise: you have opensource driver for ati, depending on your hardware you may be able to install proprietary drivers: seems out of date https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI07:43
thune3i'm not up on ati drivers and developments07:43
KL7IBVAnyone tell me how to make a degree symbol under Ubuntu?  With Windows, it's alt 167, but I can't get that to work with this machine.  It's running Zubuntu, and belongs to my gf.  Any help?  Thanx for anything.07:45
nliciHi friends !my computer got slow , need advice .07:46
nlicionly works with ubuntu 1207:46
hashok so i know this isnt the debian chat but quick question im installing 6.0.4 and it was missing a firmware which i downloaded to a thumbdrive in a tar can i just add the missing firmware into the folder07:49
userpreciseauronandace: cpu is of asus 1215B  - AMD Brazos APU E350* 2 cores . 2 GB RAM.  32 bit precise running.   thune3 : have done a similar one. will repeat steps of that link07:50
auronandaceuserprecise: doesn't sound powerful, seems like flash would give it a thrathing too07:51
=== Dorito is now known as Guest73468
mikimousedove sono i colori07:53
userpreciseauronandace: half a year before i was running everything smoothly using 20% cpu on same configuration. what eiffel tower have they added to flash now?07:53
thune3i assume installer uninserts open-source module and inserts proprietary one, if not you may need reboot. when lspci -vvv shows fglrx you know you have proprietary. sorry i don't know specifics of brazos and fglrx07:53
elgaton!it | mikimouse07:55
ubottumikimouse: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:55
hashso will putting the missing firmware into the folder work07:55
thune3userprecise: i wonder if you are expecting udv to be utilized. this may be false hope, others might know07:55
spoofyi upgraded from 10.10 to 12.04 and now i get this when i try and run proftpd "compiled using OpenSSL version 'OpenSSL 1.0.0e 6 Sep 2011' headers, but linked to OpenSSL version 'OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012' library" how do i fix this???????07:55
spoofyactually this ...  * Starting ftp server proftpd                                                  misterspanky proftpd[7735]: mod_tls/2.4.3: compiled using OpenSSL version 'OpenSSL 1.0.0e 6 Sep 2011' headers, but linked to OpenSSL version 'OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 2012' library07:56
spoofymisterspanky proftpd[7735]: Fatal: LoadModule: error loading module 'mod_vroot.c': Operation not permitted on line 74 of '/etc/proftpd/modules.conf'07:56
spoofy                                                                         [fail]07:56
elgatonmikimouse, this is not a file sharing channel07:57
userprecisethune3: what's udv07:57
nlicihi !my computer got slow can it be any kind of problem you think please advice what to do ?07:58
thune3userprecise: sorry, uvd, hardware decode of video streams http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Video_Decoder i don't think (but don't know) if any linux softwares utilize this hardware feature, so decoding would all be done on CPU.08:01
overriderWhether we will get a Nvidia driver that gives better support for GeForce GT 630M card? I went out to buy a particular model of Laptop; couldnt find what i wanted and was too greedy to get a new lappy and now am stuck with an Optimus card :-(08:02
L3topuserprecise: what is the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA08:02
overriderIs i386 support for GeForce GT 630M maybe better than for amd64? I am using amd64, but even with latest driver installed it just wont recognize my Card under 12.0408:03
userpreciseLStop : 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 6310] [1002:9802]08:03
nascentmindHi. I want to install libboost-all-dev:i386 but synaptic does not install it giving a list of dependencies which would not be installed. How can I do this?08:03
userpreciseL3top : 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 6310] [1002:9802]08:03
L3topyes that definitely should work with the fglrx driver08:03
L3topuserprecise: what problem are you having exactly?08:03
L3topnascent chances are you have PPAs installed, and some package from there is previnting dependencies from resolving.08:06
userpreciseL3top: lot of cpu used for vlc and flash on browsers overheating and ocassional switching off. suspend/ hibernate not happening even with swap on. all these were not a issue last year on same machine on 10.04 (64 bit) but now even when i have 32 bit it's happening.08:06
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userpreciseL3top: otoh with dual boot all these work fine on windows on same machine.08:08
Fat-Thinguserprecise,  im downloading ubuntu 10.04lts 32bit how can i install it without burning in cd?08:10
unknownuserFat-Thing unetbootin to a USB drive08:10
elgatonFat-Thing: 10.04 is outdated, try using 12.04 if possible08:10
StarryNightway outdated08:11
Fat-Thingi got dell 1545 3GB memory built-in gfxcard is it ok for 12.04?08:11
* Senior kalisperes leme now new Network In Irc Chat /server -m altitude.serveblog.net joined people and nice have chat and day!!08:12
ludkillerlol all are back08:13
|seca|How can I see where a particular package is installed. I'm interested in finding php5-cli.08:13
L3topapt-cache policy package   |seca|08:13
L3topOr, alternatively dpkg-query -l package08:14
L3topOr, alternatively dpkg-query -l package | grep ^ii    is probably smarter.08:15
cherylGreetings holders of the knowledge! :)08:16
ZaNeIuMhow to i pause or get to see all that is displacyed when i use the --help cmd?08:16
cherylI need to d/load the latest version of ubuntu, but when I go to ubuntu.com the page does not load?? :(08:16
|seca|L3top: I just tried those per your advice. I don't see a path though.08:16
elgatonZaNeIuM: command --help|less, then scroll with PgUp/PgDown08:17
L3topyou need the path? I misunderstood... dpkg -S package08:17
elgatoncheryl: Works for me. If you tell me where you're from and the verion you want (32 or 64 bit) I'll search for a mirror near you and give you the direct link08:18
cherylelgaton, 32 please and I'm in Wales, UK.08:18
|seca|L3top: Thank you so much. I'm not really familiar with the tools in ubuntu.08:19
AressWhere is terminal on ubuntu 11.04 ? :(08:19
cherylelgaton, and thank you, I don't know if it's 'cos I'm on mobile b/band??08:19
elgatoncheryl: I assume you want the regular CD, not the DVD or the alternate CD?08:19
wilee-nileeAress, ctrl-alt-t or in the dash top button left panel.08:19
L3topany time |seca|. you can also use dpkg -L08:20
wilee-nileeAress, type terminal in the dash08:20
cherylelgaton, sounds about right.08:20
cherylelgaton, just realised only got blank dvd's, make it the dvd version plse.08:20
ConradzzWhats up?08:21
Conradzzanyone else running 12.04 out there?08:21
wilee-nileeelgaton, cheryl, the cd runs on a dvd now08:22
Aresswilee-nilee thanks :D08:22
elgatoncheryl: The DVD version just contains more software so you won't need to download it from the repositories. Anyway, here is the CD link: <http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso>08:22
elgatoncheryl: Let me grab the DVD link in a minute...08:23
cherylwilee-nilee, well that's handy!!08:23
wilee-nileeAress, you are welcome, enjoy. :)08:23
lx42Hey guys, been having problems with my NVidia raid at the moment; about once a week the kernel remounts it RO and I have to do a fsck on it. It just did it again, the dmesg output is here: http://pastebin.com/GhpgghEL was wondering if anyone had any clues what may be causing it?08:23
cherylelgaton, don't worry wilee-nilee  says the cd version runs on dvd now! :)08:23
Aressupgraded 10.10 to 11.04 so everything looks new for me08:23
elgatoncheryl: Anyway: <http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386.iso>08:23
elgatoncheryl: The CD version should be just fine08:23
cherylelgaton, is this a stable version? :)08:24
elgatonConradzz: OK - first, did you install any proprietary drivers08:24
elgatoncheryl: Yes, it's the final 12.0408:24
Conradzzyes I did elgaton08:24
wilee-nileeAress, it is a bit of a shock, if your not prepared. :)08:24
elgatonConradzz: which ones?08:24
cherylelgaton, And just because Lucid didn't work on my pc, doesn't mean this one won't, right?08:24
Conradzzfglrx the standard one, the other one wouldn't install08:24
Aresswilee-nilee something like that :D08:25
cherylelgaton, I'll run it on live cd first....08:25
ConradzzI also installed the wifi adapter think it was the broadcom one08:25
elgatoncheryl: That's the best way to make sure it runs08:25
ZaNeIuMelgaton: how do you exit it08:25
elgatonZaNeIuM: use the "q" key08:25
cherylelgaton, ta 4 your help Allesandro :)08:26
opentojoin#join #lubuntu08:26
elgatonConradzz: Let me search if there are any bugs, I think fglrx is the problem08:26
Conradzzya its odd, I used the system today for probably 10 hours straight or more with no issues08:26
elgatoncheryl, ZaNeIuM: not a problem08:27
L3topConradzz: can you please lspci | grep VGA08:27
cherylwilee-nilee, thanks for your input too :)08:27
wilee-nileecheryl, no problem, enjoy. :)08:27
Conradzzsure let me boot up into recovery mode, can't get into ubuntu by logging on08:27
cherylelgaton, It's nice 2 be helped by someone Alessandro who doesn't try 'n make me feel like an idjit! lol08:27
Conradzzit'll hard freeze within a couple seconds08:27
rabbi1how to add items to favorites in 12.04 from a desktop icon08:28
elgatonConradzz: maybe your graphic card is unsupported (AMD/ATI removes support for older graphic cards after some years)08:28
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Conradzzthats the thing elgaton08:29
L3topthats what I am checking elgaton08:29
cherylRight, is there any s/ware available for Ubuntu that would allow me to access 'n send text msg's from my mobile b/band dongle08:29
ConradzzI'm using a somewhat new netbook08:29
Conradzzits got an APU in it though, its the AMD c-6008:29
L3topit doesnt even have to be that old there are just certain chipsets, especially in the mobile line, that they simply do not support.08:29
L3toponce I get the lspci I can tell you08:30
Conradzzlspci reports: VGA compatible controller: advanced micro devices [amd] nee ati wrestler [Radeon HD 6290]08:30
L3topthat should work.08:30
Conradzzya it was working fine earlier for like 10 hours straight08:30
Conradzzliterally didn't change anything lol08:30
Conradzznow I can't even use it08:31
Conradzzits gotta be something graphical though seeing as I can boot recovery and drop into root08:31
rabbi1how to add desktop icons to favorites dash in 12.04 ?08:31
finnbob3334hi. want to dualboot windows 7 and ubuntu on my laptop which already has windows 7 installed. doi need to wipe the hdd? the manufacturer put 2 partitions on the laptop and I want to install on the other one.08:31
L3topConradzz: apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri      will help... but... something else is clearly conflicting.08:32
L3topyou didnt try and reinstall the radeon driver did you Conradzz08:32
Conradzzyes I did L3top08:32
Conradzzearlier I installed ubuntu fresh08:32
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Conradzzdownloaded fglxr08:33
rabbi1finnbob3334: !install ubottu08:33
Conradzzthat installed fine08:33
elgatonfinnbob3334: You generally should not - make sure you created the recovery disks first08:33
Conradzzthen tried to install the updated version, which failed08:33
Conradzzso a little later I looked at the additional drivers and noticed it didn't show the original driver as active08:33
Conradzzso I reactivated it08:33
L3topOk.... the two conflict Conradzz08:34
Conradzzthats the thing though L3top, the updates one failed to install08:34
L3topfirst thing to do would be apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-radeon08:35
ConradzzI ran a dpkg -l |grep fglxr08:35
Conradzzlater on and noticed the updates in there with a RC in front of it08:35
rabbi1how to add desktop icons to favorites dash in 12.04 ?08:36
Conradzzhave you tried dragging it rabbi1?08:36
L3topConradzz: secondly I would do an update, and then sudo apt-get install --reinstall fglrx08:36
ConradzzIs that possible from the recovery root?08:37
L3topI dont know. I am never in recovery root... I always boot live and chroot.08:38
L3topdoes recovery root have internet?08:39
Conradzznot sure, had an option to enable networking, but didn't work08:39
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Conradzzeither way, I'm using wireless, and I doubt it would enable wireless support, probably just ethernet08:40
jakahow do I get some ubuntu help here? what do I have to say? :)08:41
ubottupieruccio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:42
Conradzzwhats your problem jaka?08:42
jakaI have some bluetooth problems...08:42
L3topwell Conradzz, you can do the following: sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx*; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:42
jakaI asked on Ubuntu forums and askubuntu.com and got no answers...08:43
L3topConradzz: do you have an xorg.conf?08:43
L3topConradzz: if so I would mv it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bu   and xrandr should throw fbdev or vesa at you I would expect08:43
L3topthen at least you can get to desktop and start over08:43
Conradzzgimme a sec just ran fsck and had a superblock last mount time is in the future.08:44
Conradzzexcuse me if I seem a bit noobish, I'm completely new to ubuntu08:44
jakaI can normally pair the device with my laptop, but than I can't "Browse files on device"08:44
L3topNo problem Conradzz... I am sorry your first experience has a problem.08:45
ConradzzWell its not technically my first experience08:45
ConradzzI've tried multiple times in the past08:45
Conradzzand always run into problems08:45
L3topI feel the same way about Windows. :P08:46
mi3jaka, is it a cellphone you are trying to browse?08:46
ConradzzI know windows like the back of my hand, but would like to get into windows08:46
finnbob3334i have a windows 7 disk and the manufacturer included a disk with drivers and software08:46
mi3you need to authorise the cellphone, if you are to browse it automatically08:46
KM0201Conradzz: well, what kind of problems do you run into when trying to learn Linux?08:47
Conradzzlast time I had tried linux was on a alienware m11x08:47
Conradzzand it didn't play well with the wireless adapter08:47
KM0201Conradzz: ..08:47
Conradzzdidn't really play well with the hybrid graphics either08:48
KM0201Conradzz: the hybrid graphics cards can be problematic08:48
Conradzzmost the time I have problems with graphics drivers08:48
Conradzzya it was a pain08:48
Conradzzand having never used linux I was even more handicapped08:48
KM0201if you go Nvidia, usually they are easy peasy.08:48
KM0201also, if you don't plan on doing crazy 3D junk.. don't even worry about it.08:48
L3topNvidia has traditionally had great linux support... and frankly Intel is awesome of late.08:49
KM0201Intel is typically easy to get working also (3D, etc.. works out of the box most of the time)08:49
Conradzzwell now I'm using an asus aspire one, with an APU08:49
Conradzzwhich I'm thinking is giving me my problems08:49
elgatonfinnbob3334: OK, if that's a regular installation disk, you can go ahead (also, make sure to perform a backup before starting)08:49
KM0201Conradzz: why do you think an APU is causing the issue?08:50
Conradzzya I don't think I'm going to be able to run anything from the recovery terminal08:50
Conradzznot using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock08:50
Conradzzunable to write to /var/cache/apt/08:50
Conradzzthe package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened08:50
KM0201Conradzz: what are you trying to do?08:50
L3topConradzz: did you say you ran fsck?08:50
Conradzzget rid of this proprietary driver08:50
finnbob3334if any fo you do know, can i use the existiong windows 7 license that comes on the laptop sticker or should i use the license on the disk?08:50
ConradzzI tried to L3top08:50
L3topConradzz: you cannot run fsck on a mounted disk.08:51
KM0201what graphics device is on it connelly ?08:51
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L3topradeon and fglrx08:51
KM0201oh ok08:51
Conradzzits not mounted when its run from the recovery mode I believe L3top08:51
L3topMaybe not... like I said... I always run live and chroot...08:51
KM0201then how does recovery mode run?08:51
Conradzzno idea, I figured I could boot with failsafeX08:52
Conradzzbut that doesn't work either08:52
L3toplol... grub would still have to have a point of origin.08:52
L3topConradzz: can you boot to a live disk?08:52
ConradzzServer terminated with error08:52
Conradzzwhen trying to boot from failsafeX08:53
KM0201Conradzz: stop rambling, and listen to L3top08:53
Conradzzno, I have no disk drive08:53
Conradzzsure I can make a bootable usb08:53
Conradzzor I just boot into windows, and reinstall ubuntu...it'd probably be faster to do that08:54
KM0201Conradzz: did you install wubi?08:54
shazzrRight. Partitioned my RevoDrive into 1 300 mb FAT32 (for UEFI), 1 1 mb unformatted (for BIOS?), 1 15 GB ext4 for /, 1 99 GB ext4 for /home and 1 1 gb SWAP. Installation of alternate-amd64 goes without issues, but after reboot I am not able to boot. I definitely do need help with this one.... my mainboard is a Asus P8P67 DELUXE. I installed the bootloader into the 300 mb partition.08:54
* KM0201 chuckles08:55
KM0201Conradzz: why?08:55
Jordan_Ushazzr: Grub's boot sector should always go in the MBR.08:55
Conradzzbecause its always such a pain to create bootable usb drives08:55
Conradzzso it was easier to install from windows08:55
KM0201Conradzz: you say you always have problems w/ Linux, yet you seem to insist on making things difficult... making a bootable USB literally takes about 2min if you already have the ISO downloaded.. the instructions are right on ubuntu's website08:56
L3topshouldnt be a pain really... just use unetbootin08:56
shazzrJordan_U: I think I use GPT...I wish I used MBR.08:56
AnAntHello, unity-greeter in 12.04  doesn't show the "Login" button which allows a user to enter his username08:56
hashso ive been told adding back track tools to ubuntu is a bad idea but with no explanation any reasons08:56
Jordan_Ushazzr: The MBR is the first sector of a disk, all disks have a first sector.08:57
ConradzzEvery usb drive isn't made equal08:57
KM0201oh geez Conradzz quit trolling08:57
Conradzzin the past I have made bootable live usb drives, and it was a pain08:57
Conradzzhow am I trolling?08:57
KM0201Conradzz: in the past, you didn't know what you were doing, clearly.08:57
Conradzzwell ya...thats the point I had never messed with linux08:57
shazzrJordan_U: the 300 mb partition is the first partition on the disk...08:57
L3topConradzz: from windows either the hp utility or unetbootin should be painless.08:57
Jordan_Ushazzr: Which is not the MBR.08:58
KM0201or you can use the USB creator tool that is linked right on Ubuntu's site when you click "how to create a bootable USB"08:58
shazzrJordan_U: uhm...I don't understand. What would be the MBR?08:58
Jordan_Ushazzr: The device for grub's boot sector should be somthing like "/dev/sda" *not* something like "/dev/sda1".08:58
ConradzzI have to install plop boot loader also08:58
* L3top hasn't worked from windows in a long time... assumed one of those two would be on it...08:58
Conradzzthe bios doesn't take nicely to booting from usb08:59
KM0201Conradzz: plop?.. what on earth do you need plop for?08:59
Conradzzto boot from usb...08:59
hashi had issues trying to do a dual boot install08:59
KM0201lol.. i'm just gonna bow out, it's getting so deep in here, and i don't want to put on my life preserver08:59
L3topon an aspire one?08:59
shazzrJordan_U: I know "normal" disks have a sdx-name. My revo drive does not. I get an option when partitioning manually during install to install the bootloader into /dev/mapper ...should I do that?08:59
Conradzzyes its odd L3top I thought the same08:59
ConradzzKM0201 can think what he wants, but the fact is not everything is as simple as it should be09:00
Jordan_Ushazzr: What is the exact device name?09:00
KM0201Conradzz: i've booted countless distros from USB on my AAO09:00
L3topyou cant just hit f12 at post and select usb drive?09:00
Conradzznope, it would always try to boot my usb's as floppys09:00
* L3top 2 and both do that without even having to change the bios09:00
hashwhat kind of computer09:01
shazzrJordan_U: it's a long one....can't remember. Something like /dev/mapper/xxxx-xx_xxx-1233456789009:01
ConradzzAAO 72209:01
L3topConradzz: I think that would have something to do with how you are creating the usb drive... look at the ubuntu page on creating a bootable usb09:01
Jordan_Ushazzr: Also, it sounds like you're using FakeRAID, which you should avoid.09:01
* KM0201 agrees with L3top 09:02
shazzrI know my RevoDrive uses RAID0. But I think it have to. How can I avoid using FakeRAID?09:02
shazzrJordan_U: I know my RevoDrive uses RAID0. But I think it have to. How can I avoid using FakeRAID?09:02
ConradzzI've always used the window scommand line program09:03
Conradzzcan't remember the name of it now09:03
shazzrJordan_U: I know my RevoDrive uses RAID0. But I think it have to. How can I avoid using FakeRAID?09:03
L3top!usb | Conradzz09:03
ubottuConradzz: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:03
Jordan_UL3top: KM0201: Nope, what Conradzz is refferring to is a common piece of braindamage often called "SuperFloppy" in buggy BIOSs.09:03
hashso no optical drive09:03
Conradzzsee jordan knows what I'm talking about09:03
KM0201Jordan_U: dunno, i still think his problem is pebkac, based on his other comments.09:04
Conradzzbut for giggles I'll go ahead and do it how the ubuntu site says and we'll see if it boots without plop09:04
xskydevilxI can't seem to get my Motorola gsm w3766 working with Oneiric. Any ideas?09:04
KM0201i'm sure it wont09:04
hashconradzz are u installing or running a live cd09:05
Jordan_Ushazzr: Disable "RAID" in your BIOS. It's not real hardware RAID (everything is done in software using the CPU), and using standard Linux mdraid will use less CPU, is better supported, and is faster.09:05
Conradzzand why are you sure of that KM0201?  If anything I'd say your the one trolling me09:05
shazzrJordan_U: Just found this one. It is pretty much my problem... http://pileborg.org/b2e/blog5.php/2011/05/02/install-ununtu-11-04-on-an-ocz-revodrive-120g-ssd-with-raid009:05
KM0201Conradzz: years of experience.. :)09:05
Jordan_Ushazzr: Ubuntu's installer doesn't handle FakeRAID properly, but you don't want to be using FakeRAID anyway.09:06
Conradzzand that has to do with what?  You recommended I use the ubuntu guide, I'm going to09:06
L3topWe are just trying to get you operational Conradzz, and you seem to want to argue rather than take the advice we are giving. Not bashing you, just saying.09:06
KM0201Conradzz: i know, and my experience tells me your results will be negative09:06
Conradzzif its that simple I'll thank you09:07
ConradzzI appreciate all your help L3top, and I'm doing what you are asking, I'm making the bootable usb09:07
shazzrJordan_U: So if I disable RAID in the UEFI/BIOS...do I need to reinstall everything, or should it boot?09:08
Jordan_Ushazzr: You'd need to re-install everything.09:09
Conradzzhmm...do you think the windows installer keeps a copy of the iso it uses to install ubuntu kind of like a temporary files thing?09:10
Jordan_Ushazzr: And if you want to use Linux mdraid then you'll need to use the alternate, text based, installer.09:10
rabbi1Conradzz: yeap, dragging doesn't move there, only icons from app moves09:11
shazzrJordan_U: I don't know if I want the mdraid. I just want it to boot. Desperately!09:11
Conradzzan sorry rabbi1 was a shot in the dark09:11
rabbi1Conradzz: that's ok, tried before askin :)09:12
Jordan_U!tr | turkishhuman09:12
ubottuturkishhuman: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.09:12
rabbi1also, can't find the shutdown button on the user menu as well09:12
ConradzzI know theres a shutdown option if you click the power button on the top right09:13
shazzrJordan_U: Found my device name; /dev/mapper/sil_bgbhdedfcaaf09:14
Conradzzdamn, it doesn't download a copy of the iso, guess I'll have to wait the hour it takes to download09:14
Jordan_Ushazzr: That would be the correct place to install grub, if you wanted to actually use FakeRAID.09:15
shazzrJordan_U: Well...since I can not get it to work, I suppose I don't want to use FakeRAID.09:16
hashits taking that long09:16
ConradzzI'm not running above 150kb09:17
hashshazzr are u doing a dual boot install09:17
alo21hi all09:17
hashconradzz ouch09:17
hashshazzr on a raid system09:17
alo21what program manage ubuntu interface.. e.g. gtk etc?09:18
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shazzrhash: No dual boot. My harddrive is a RevoDrive with two identical 55 GB drives, that I think uses a sort of RAID0 to appear as one harddrive.09:19
hashshazzr ah i orignally tried a dual boot install on my raid 0 didnt go very well09:21
caesar_Tried installing ubuntu on my external hard drive.. when I boot  to hdd.. nothing happens. When I tried boring back to regular internal hard drive I get error09:22
onatshey guys, im setting up a single server in our office. but would like to have it virtualized. Can anyon suggest what setup to take?09:22
caesar_Booting *09:22
hashi have it installed on my external09:22
hashwhat is the error message u get09:22
caesar_I get error: no such device: grub rescue09:23
Conradzzdid you format the whole external drive for ubuntu?09:24
Conradzzand when you start your comp up, you choose to boot from that external usb?09:24
hashcaesar thats on ur interbnal right09:24
caesar_But I'm getting this error when trying to boot my internal drive with Windows on it09:24
Conradzzyou installed it wrong09:25
hashu need to fix ur mbr09:25
caesar_I didn't09:25
Jordan_Ushazzr: It's hard to tell from their descriptions, but it's sounds like this is FakeRAID via option ROM, which is just plain ugly as among other things it means that there probably isn't a BIOS menu available to disable it.09:25
Conradzzya I think you did caesar09:25
Conradzzit sounds like you installed it as a dual boot09:25
hashdo u have the windows install disk09:25
hashor the recovery disk09:26
hashi think theres a cli on there09:26
Conradzzonce you unplug that external drive, you should have no remnants of ubuntu09:26
rabbi1how to shutdown ubuntu 12.04 ?09:26
Conradzzlike hash is saying, you overwrote your mbr09:26
caesar_I installed to erase entire disc and chose my external09:26
kannudohello nearly-all-knowing peoples!!!09:26
rabbi1how to shutdown ubuntu 12.04 ? can't find the shutdown button on the user menu ? :(09:27
Conradzzyou need a windows install disk, choose recovery, and go into the command line and fixmbr09:27
Conradzztop right corner rabbi109:27
KM0201rabbi1: if you're using unity, it's in the top right corner09:27
KM0201or.. sudo shutdown -h now09:27
Jordan_Ucaesar_: What version of Ubuntu did you install?09:27
rabbi1Conradzz: no icon buddy09:27
alfredoshut down init 009:27
rabbi1KM0201: sorry, gnome309:27
USERcan anyone help me with installing ubuntu server here?09:27
KM0201rabbi1: doesn't matter, that should work.09:28
KM0201(the command i gave you)09:28
hashyeah i had a similar issue when i installed i had to manually partition the external and make sure to select the external for where to install the bootloader09:28
reggalRabby dab runna ma nay  I'm dabster deester and I'm here to say... rump tump tigga ligger rump tump tay!  Frucky duck with the wenner hoopler wheel  Cruckity puck on an ass hole09:28
reggalDoes anyone want to yikkel up the gecko?  Chickity china the chinese chicken!  Fucking gregging lick piss ass cunt.  Haggle hilla horst worst redneck.  Buster hymin  Juvvy joof jevuv.  Reggy McJellico.  Into that pussel.  James Wiggand.  Your ass nards turned into a POLLEN GRAIN!  Ramis blavely reese seats.09:28
rabbi1KM0201: i can;t find any icon for shutdown, only suspend is available, not ever restart09:28
reggalFrucky duck with one of those chin ladin traps.  Rudder smudge wellicker wheel!  Run tun ton reddal shmip foe whip woe wack.  Rump tump tigger ligger runnel scrath.  Doo nah ninnel, nih, nee nat noe.  Runt dunt dinny!  Rump tump chickin leaker ladin straps...  Bam bam glacky I'm degga damn.09:28
Conradzzhold down the alt key rabbi109:28
Conradzzsuspend will change to shutdown09:28
reggalRuh hent a lilla hole lieu. The craig mattican.  BITCH IF YOU DON'T TAKE DOWN THAT WEBCAM I AM KILLIN' YOUR DAMN DOGS.  Electromotive force.  Razh ta relley lep ta mezh.  Sh Soosh shzhs, seesh seesh-sheesh shoosh shzh shshs shshs.  chicawith hedgehog.  Ram bram bellalow, brown rye rom one day jeezh cheats!09:28
KM0201that was kinda funny09:28
shazzrJordan_U: So in a few short steps...how would I go about installing, partitioning and booting?09:29
USERlook on youtube09:29
caesar_Well now I can't boot into anything09:29
rabbi1Conradzz: ooops, why all this changes ? and what about restart ?09:29
=== USER is now known as senatormagenut
kannudois there anyone here who knows much about shell scripts?09:30
Jordan_U!anyone | kannudo09:30
ubottukannudo: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:30
Conradzzonce you click shutdown rabbi1 it'll let you choose between shutdown and restart09:30
Conradzznot really sure rabbi1, I just googled the answers :P09:30
BlackshirtKannudo, exactly what you need?09:30
rabbi1caesar_: my system too failed to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 ,.... . did from scratch09:30
Conradzzme personally, I'm using unity so I have an option at the top right09:30
senatormagenutwhy can ubuntu server not detect any wireless networks during install?09:31
rabbi1Conradzz: ok, 12.04/ g3 is driving me crazy .... :) having fun  thanks a lot09:31
ConradzzI hear you, still gotta work out the kinks in my 12.0409:31
hashceasar get ur windows disk and when in post go to ur boot options09:31
shazzrJordan_U: Found this tutorial now...does it look like you would expect it to work? http://pileborg.org/b2e/blog5.php/2011/05/02/install-ununtu-11-04-on09:31
Jordan_Ushazzr: You might be stuck with FakeRAID :( Unfortunately I need to go now, I might be able to help you work this out another day though.09:31
alfredo I've some problem in running SFTP server on my ubuntu machine...is there anyone to help me out...09:32
antnashHey guys. How do I check what ram spec I have from terminal?09:32
rabbi1Conradzz: either way, developers are trying hard to make OS smart or users dumb ..... lol09:32
hashceasar select the dvd and recovery options09:32
Conradzzwell I believe they're opting to use unity instead of gnome 3 now09:32
senatormagenuthello, can anyone tell me how to connect to the web on ubuntu server09:32
ConradzzI don't really have a problem with unity so far, it's a bit slow but I'm on a netbook so09:33
caesar_I get an error.when trying to load install disc... Boot manager09:33
BlackshirtSenatormagenut,what you mean?you can use web server09:33
shazzrJordan_U: Crap. :( Thanks anyway! :)09:33
alfredohow to install , configure, and run SFTP server on Ubuntu Machine for a office LAN09:33
rabbi1Conradzz: yeah, i had no problems, but still finding a way to install nvidia before i start using unity 3d and tryout. until then g3 is bit comfortable09:34
Jordan_Ushazzr: If you ignore the parts about creating a device.map and editing the /boot/grub/grub.cfg then yes, that guide looks fine.09:34
BlackshirtAntnash, you can use free command09:34
Conradzzwhat error are you getting caesar?09:34
antnashBlackshirt: free command?09:34
Jordan_Ushazzr: Just skip those steps as they're not needed.09:34
Conradzzwhen I first installed 12.04 it seemed quite a bit laggy on the oss drivers09:35
Conradzzso I installed the proprietary ones and managed to f that up09:35
senatormagenutblackshirt - i am trying to dual boot xp and server so i can host websites while i am not using my pc.  it searches for wireless networks in tutorial but can find any.  then i wired it to my mobile internet router and continued installing putting all the ip addresses as    now it wont install any packages09:35
BlackshirtAntnash' free -m09:35
BlackshirtIs that you mean?09:36
Jordan_Ushazzr: The /etc/fstab should already be using UUIDs also, so you can skip that. (If the fstab doesn't already use UUIDs in your case then you should file a bug report about it).09:36
antnashBlackshirt: does that get me my memory type?09:36
BlackshirtAntnash, no,it reports your memory usage09:37
ConradzzOh ya, something I found weird, how easy it was to get back onto ubuntu after I forgot my password09:37
senatormagenutantash, you could open up your pc and have a look at the memory.09:37
Conradzzit literally required me to boot into recovery and let me change my password, doesn't seem all that safe...09:38
Jordan_UConradzz: If your home directory is not encrypted, very easy.09:38
Conradzzhmm if I encrypt the home directory it wouldn't let me change the password?09:38
Jordan_UConradzz: It would let you change your password, but then you wouldn't be able to log in as that user since the home directory wouldn't be able to by decrypted.09:39
Conradzzah, does it use your previous password as the encryption key?09:40
Jordan_UConradzz: It uses your password as the encryption key, and you can change your password at any time *but* to change the password you need to decrypt the key, and you need to know the "old" password to do that.09:41
ConradzzI could have ran those commands L3top09:42
kannudowell then... i hope this is more along the lines of proper aking for help etiquette...09:42
kannudoi'm taking a linux course in school and we have come to shell scripting... my instructor walked us through creating a script and09:42
kannudothen run it with the command ./recent.sh ls ~/Documents09:42
kannudohere is the script:09:42
ConradzzI'm stupid...dropping into root only mounts the filesystem in read only, I could have changed it to write09:42
kannudocommand_to_run=$1 #First variable in command09:42
kannudodirectory_to_run=$2 #Second variable in command09:42
kannudoecho $command_to_run09:43
kannudoecho $directory_to_run09:43
FloodBot1kannudo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:43
kannudo$command_to_run -lhS  $directory_to_run > $output_file09:43
Conradzzand then ran those commands and uninstalled the drivers09:43
Conradzzoh well, best way to learn is to break things and then have to fix them09:44
Jordan_UConradzz: If an attacker has physical access to your computer then you need to consider your computer compromised. That means that if you really want to be serious about security you need to encrypt private data *and* not use the computer after it's been in any not-physically-secured situation. For all you know someone has put wireless keylogger hardware inside your keyboard, and there's nothing that any software can do at that point to keep them from ...09:44
Jordan_U... stealing your passwords or doing anything else.09:44
Conradzztrue jordan, I'm not too worried about it, I just don't want some kid grabbing my laptop and basically have the door wide open09:45
Shanthhow to get transperent widgets like this http://i49.tinypic.com/a3357d.jpg09:46
Conradzzthats a badass desktop09:46
rabbi1my 12.04 hangs suddenly, even ctrl+alt+F1 has no effect ? :( any solution ?09:47
Conradzzthat was my problem rabbi109:47
Conradzzis it a hard freeze or can you use your mouse?09:47
alfredo[ FOUND NOWHERE ] ....Can anyone help me Out....09:48
Jordan_UShanth: The stuff on the right is Conky.09:48
sirriffsalotWhat's the ls command for listing something containing specific text? Such as ".wav"?09:48
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: echo *.wav09:49
alfredoAnyone having experience in installing, cofiguring, running SFTP-SERVER on Ubuntu..., Pls share it..,i'couldn't find any help...09:49
Conradzzjordan how long you been using linux?09:50
Jordan_Usirriffsalot: The '*.wav' pattern is not something interpreted by ls, it's interpreted by the shell. #bash can explain more about these patterns (called "globs").09:50
sirriffsalotJordan_U: sure, but is there not some way of doing this for "ls" as well?09:50
llutzalfredo: http://www.serverubuntu.it/SFTP-chroot09:50
BlackshirtAlfredo, what your problem with thant?09:50
TorbenBetaHas anyone sop player running and is willing to help me?09:50
L3topsirriffsalot: are you trying to find text inside of files?09:50
rabbi1Conradzz: hard freeze09:51
sirriffsalotL3top: no, simply files containing certain texts within a directory09:51
sirriffsalotL3top: via the command line:P09:51
Jordan_UConradzz: About 7 years I think.09:51
L3topls /path/*.wav09:51
Conradzzthat was my issue also rabbi1, the culprit was most likely the proprietary drivers I installed09:51
sirriffsalotL3top: will that give me a list of all files with ".wav" in them?09:51
L3topthat end with .wav sirriffsalot09:51
rabbi1Conradzz: infact i am trying to get my nvidia from day 1, may be that?09:52
Conradzzwhat drivers did you install rabbi1?09:52
sirriffsalotL3top: I'm looking for files with those labels on them, not directories:D09:52
llutzsirriffsalot: find path/ -type f -iname '*.wav'09:53
L3topsirriffsalot: if you are looking for files that end with .wav, that is how you do it.09:53
L3topor that09:53
sirriffsalotAre there no shorter ways? Haha, I swear to remember seeing someone doing "ls *.wav" or something like it09:53
alfredoBlackshirt: i tried using OpenSSh but I don't find any clue...port scan or ps .... but no evidence of SFTP-server09:54
sirriffsalotllutz: All I get from that is find: `path/': No such file or directory09:54
rabbi1Conradzz: tried to  install from the normal Hardware - Additional Drivers from the system settings, but it hanged twice during installation, although it was not complete, not even now.  but now i have removed it, but still OS freezes09:54
L3topsirriffsalot: I told you... ls /path/*.wav09:54
Conradzzyou've completely purged it rabbi1?09:54
sirriffsalotL3top: ls: cannot access /path/*.wav: No such file or directory09:54
rabbi1Conradzz: and i really can't predict, as its a fresh install and doing lot of installations and stuffs09:55
L3topsirriffsalot: you replace /path/ with the path of the directory you want to list09:55
rabbi1Conradzz: just purged it on instructions from here :  http://debianhelp.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/to-do-list-after-installing-ubuntu-12-04-lts-aka-precise-pangolin/09:55
sirriffsalotL3top: oh, haha... how embarrassing:/09:55
fahmyboyHi All09:55
llutzsirriffsalot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:55
alfredoi tried using OpenSSh but I don't find any clue...port scan or ps .... but no evidence of SFTP-server09:55
rabbi1Conradzz: but i am not sure nvidia is causing the problem :(09:55
L3toprabbi1: are you on the machine with the problem now?09:56
sirriffsalotllutz: cheers:P Wanted to save some searching time;)09:56
fahmyboyI need to run some windows Programs, and have installed Virtual box with the intention of installing Windows to run those programs requiring windows09:56
rabbi1L3top: yeap09:56
llutzsirriffsalot: welcome to ignore09:56
fahmyboycan someone recommend which version of windows i should run and how much ram i should allocate to it?09:56
L3toprabbi1: lspci -nn | grep VGA09:56
llutz!details | alfredo09:57
ubottualfredo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:57
L3toprabbi1: in a terminal. Please paste the output.09:57
Conradzzfahmyboy, well that depends which programs are you trying to run?09:57
sirriffsalotL3top: I keep getting "no such file or directory":-S09:57
fahmyboydont yell at me, but I have a windows phone 709:57
fahmyboyin addition to my galaxy s209:57
fahmyboyI also have an ipod09:57
rabbi1L3top: 00:12.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation C68 [GeForce 7050 PV / nForce 630a] [10de:053b] (rev a2)09:57
L3topsirriffsalot: put here what you are typing in a terminal09:57
Conradzzwell sirri it sounds like you have no .wav files in that directory then09:57
Jordan_Ufahmyboy: That sounds like a question for ##windows.09:58
sirriffsalotL3top: "sirriffsalot@aspire:~$ ls /home/sirriffsalot/Music/*.wav" for example09:58
fahmyboyis that an irc room?09:58
Jordan_Ufahmyboy: Yes.09:58
rabbi1L3top: fyi: i just completed, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get purge nvidia*, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current09:58
fahmyboyok, on my way there now... Cheers matey09:58
L3topWhy are you using the xswat ppa rabbi1?09:59
rabbi1L3top: followed this : http://debianhelp.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/to-do-list-after-installing-ubuntu-12-04-lts-aka-precise-pangolin/09:59
sirriffsalotConradzz: oh, does it not go through all the folders from there and check? Will I have to do it for every folder with wav in them..?10:00
fahmyboy@Jordon_U out of interest, what does Wine work well for?10:00
Conradzzno I don't believe it does sirri10:01
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L3topthen there are no wavs in that directory or you are misspelling something.10:01
Conradzzfor instance type ls into the terminal, and see what it shows you10:01
L3topno it does not rabbi10:01
sirriffsalotls shows me a bunch of folders:P10:01
sirriffsalotNo wav10:01
Frank-Man_Hi Guys, after the last Update will my the Network-manager connect my WLAN Connection a little late (30sec). Can anybody help me =10:01
L3topyou will have to use the find command llutz gave you10:01
L3topIt is not recursive sirriffsalot10:01
sirriffsalotHmm ok10:02
rabbi1L3top: ok, what shall i do now ?10:02
Conradzztry ls -a *.wav10:02
MisterEdax told me to apply for ops here10:02
L3topsirriffsalot: find ~/Music/ -type f -name '*.wav'10:03
MisterEI run backtrack, does that count?10:03
sirriffsalotL3top: whoooa10:03
L3topls -a will just show hidden files/folders etc10:03
llutz!backtrack | MisterE it does count, its not supported here at all10:03
ubottuMisterE it does count, its not supported here at all: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition10:03
MisterEthanks ubottu10:04
sirriffsalotL3top: surprisingly few .wav files there, cheers mate!=)10:04
MisterEhelpful bot10:04
Conradzzah l3top I thought you could throw a *.wav in with it10:04
alfredoubottu: i've my ubuntu 10.10...and i want to create my projetc on SFTP Server- CLient implementation in lang Python....but to test my client i need a SFTP server.....i learnt from my googling that....openssh in ubuntu provides SFTP-SERVER...but i' m not able to use it....i can't find whether it is running or not....i first...start ssh....checked the sshd_config for subsystem....and then ./usr/lib/OpenSSH/sftp-server......on client side when connecting usin10:05
ubottualfredo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:05
alfredog ....sftp <ip>...ERROR : connecting to <ip>  read from socket failed: conn reset by peer10:05
MisterEsorry ubottu10:05
L3topsorry rabbi1... you purged the nvidia-current driver, and reinstalled it, and it still locks randomly?10:07
alfredopls any other Ubuntu - GEEK , Ubuntu- Techy who can help me out of the problem(refer  to 10 lines above)10:07
Aresshow to patch wine with this?10:07
ConradzzHe's gone L3top10:07
ConradzzIt's kinda funny people always use "no viruses" as a selling point10:08
ConradzzI don't get viruses on my windows machine10:09
Jordan_UConradzz: L3top: You both seem to be missing the fact that it's bash, not ls, which interprets globs. If you want a glob which matches hidden files as well you can use 'echo .*.wav *.wav' or 'shopt -s dotglob; echo *.wav'.10:09
L3topI did not understand your initial use of that.10:11
L3topthat will just echo the literal string *.wav10:11
L3tophaving nothing to do with globbing10:11
llutzL3top: not if you have .wav files in pwd10:11
Conradzzhe wanted to find all .wav files10:11
L3topI was completely unaware of that.10:12
alfredoCan anyone enlist procedure to  install and start SFTP-SERVER on ubuntu 10.1010:12
drdoWhat's the "extras" repository?10:12
iceroot!eol | alfredo10:13
ubottualfredo: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:13
L3topand wouldnt you want to do something like echo .[^.]*.wav?10:13
llutzalfredo: besides the EOL: sudo apt-get install openssh-server && sudo service ssh start10:13
icerootalfredo: the repos are down for your version, you have to use the archive mirrors and install openssh-server10:13
Jordan_UL3top: Again, it's not the command which interprets globs, it's the shell. That's why echo, which simply prints its arguments and knows nothing about files or globs, still works for this (and why I used it in my example).10:13
alfredolinks needed...and after that how can i run SFTP -Server and check it10:14
llutzalfredo: sftp is a ssh-subsystem, not an own service10:14
llutz"subsystem of ssh"10:14
llutzalfredo: config options to be found in "man sshd_config"10:15
Conradzzbah still got a half hour, I'm going to bed, later10:15
alfredollutz: but anyhow.... can you tell how to go for sftp....my clients are giving ERROR: conn reset by peer10:15
Conradzzthanks for the help guys10:16
llutzalfredo: check logs10:16
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matanyawlan issues:10:16
matanyafrom dmesg: wlan0: deauthenticating from 14:d6:4d:f3:b7:68 by local choice (reason=3)10:16
L3topI understand what you are saying, I still do not understand why echo behaves this way.10:16
L3topJordan_U: ^10:16
alfredoare there some links or forum  cahnnels specific to sftp on ubuntu...10:16
llutzalfredo: increase verbosity , set "LogLevel DEBUG1" and try again10:16
matanyaI get disconnected every time I connect10:16
matanyaon 12.0410:17
llutzL3top: because its not echo, it's the shell interpreting the *10:17
llutzL3top: "before" echo works10:17
Jordan_UL3top: Then you don't actually understand what I'm saying :)  (though that's likely because I'm not explaining it well).10:17
Jordan_UL3top: Open a test shell and run "set -x" That will print each command which is executed, as it is executed, then run "echo *".10:18
alfredoare there some links or forum  channels specific to sftp on ubuntu...10:18
llutzhttps://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/ftp-server.html alfredo10:19
L3topI understand. Thank you Jordan_U and llutz.10:19
Jordan_UL3top: You're welcome.10:19
llutzalfredo: sry wrong link10:19
alfredothanks LLutz for such informations....10:20
alfredoFrnds .... ifound this channel really informative....is there any way i could get the chat archive of this channel....whether i'm available or not...10:21
llutzalfredo: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com10:22
alfredollutz thanks again...10:23
llutzalfredo:but still: if you already have openssh-server installed and running and keep getting that error on connect, you should increase verbosity by setting "LogLevel DEBUG1" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and try again to find information in the logs10:24
macramhow was called the "cccleaner" like software in ubuntu?10:25
alfredooh yes llutz.... can you tell me ...as others told me that my ubunut 10.10 doesn't support...is it the problem10:26
llutzalfredo: your 10.10 being EOL has nothing to do with that error. you still should consider upgrading10:26
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cloudgeekhow to edit a pdf file any tool or trick10:27
macramcloudgeek, i think scribus would do the trick for you.10:27
macramlook in the software center10:27
alfredocloudgeek: foxit reader10:27
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llutz_reader_ to _edit_ pdf?10:28
cloudgeekmacram: okay , but i want make changes in alreday created pdf10:28
alfredook....LLutz now i shall check it out...and solve it....Thanks again....10:28
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macramoh, cloudgeek10:31
macramsorry. scribus can't edit pdf.10:31
macramBUT you can convert a PDF to SVG with Inkscape10:32
macramand edit that SVG.10:32
=== |DM| is now known as TheBeast
=== TheBeast is now known as |TheBeast|
ghost_can anyone help me with setting a static ip on ubuntu server10:41
ghost_my resolv.conf file keeps over writing on reboot10:41
ghost_and my connection stops working10:41
llutz!resolvconf | ghost_10:42
ubottughost_: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/10:42
Jordan_Ughost_: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html10:43
shazzr*arg* hate that Ubuntu do not play ball with my OCZ RevoDrive!10:45
MonkeyDustshazzr  maybe this link is useful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181522110:48
kaddihi, is it a good idea to upgrade to 12.04 or are there a lot of issues and it's better to wait some weeks?10:50
MonkeyDustghost_  make sure nm-applet doesnt load on boot (nm = network manager)10:50
caracal_kaddi, I've just upgraded, it works nice10:50
ghost_MonkeyDusk do i have to worry about that if its the server version of ubuntu?10:50
kaddicause the release notes no longer list the known issues10:51
MonkeyDustghost_  also: modify /etc/network/interfaces10:51
Debolazkaddi: No particular issues for me. 12.04 has focused a lot on fixing bugs and improving usability rather than adding new features, so it's not entirely unexpected.10:51
kaddiok, well here goes nutttin.. if I go offline something has gone terribly terribly wrong10:52
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kaddiand I will come back and threaten to switch to windows unless you fix it instantly! j/k10:52
ghost_MonkeyDust: my /etc/network/interfaces file is edited fine, i have to add the nameserver x.x.x.x line to resolv.conf10:52
ghost_MonkeyDust: and everything works just fine, until a reboot10:52
MonkeyDustghost_  restart the network daemon before you reboot10:53
ghost_MonkeyDust: with sudo /etc/init.d/network/interfaces restart right?10:53
MonkeyDustghost_  yes, or with service, though i still use /etc/init.d/ myself10:54
shazzrMonkeyDust: Good info, but sadly it won't help me boot my computer. The funny thing is that I had it running fine with an earlier version of Ubuntu.10:54
ghost_MonkeyDust: if so, im doing that, in the past i have had to use the chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf command to fix this10:55
ghost_but its not working this time, that line sends an error10:55
llutzghost_: read the link ubottu provided you earlier. you can add " dns-nameservers x.x.x.x" to /etc/network/interfaces   too10:56
ghost_llutz: i did but didnt quite understand that part untill now xD ty i will try that10:59
kaddii should prolly have switched to a quicker server for the downloads though >.>10:59
kaddiat this rate it's gonna be a while10:59
llutzghost_: "nameserver x.x.x.x" in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base  and running "sudo resolvconf -u" would also do10:59
Dr_willisi alwyas just set up a dns server i want on my router to give out via its dhcp service ;)11:01
Hounddog_good morning... i am somehow lost... my netbeans is slow and lot of forums are suggesting to remove openjdk and install sun-java6... however any ppa i add is not found...11:01
llutzDr_willis: well done :)11:01
Dr_willis!java > Hounddog_11:01
ubottuHounddog_, please see my private message11:01
thomasprSelecting previously deselected package base-files.11:02
thomasprdpkg: regarding .../base-files_5.0.0ubuntu28_i386.deb containing base-files, pre-dependency problem:11:02
thomaspr base-files pre-depends on awk11:02
thomaspr  awk is not installed.11:02
thomasprWHY ?11:02
FloodBot1thomaspr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:02
Dr_willisinstall awk?11:02
Dr_willisnot sure how awk would gotten removed..11:03
thomasprNot selectable11:03
Hounddog_thx... will read and see if it helps :)11:03
thomasprSo am I11:03
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thomasprI didn't remove it ???11:03
llutzthomaspr: mawk/gawk also provide <awk>11:04
thomasprYes, but why then this error message ?11:04
kaddican someone recommend a quick server for the upgrade? ubuntu.com is serving at 96Kb/s atm and that would take forever11:04
thomaspr||/ Name                  Version               Beschreibung11:05
thomasprun  awk                   <keine>               (keine Beschreibung vorhanden)11:05
thomasprii  mawk                  1.3.3-15ubuntu2       a pattern scanning and text processing language11:05
FloodBot1thomaspr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:05
thomasprThe missing AWK is ignored, but I wonder why at all ...11:06
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thomasprWhy error output when thewre's another package providing awk ???11:07
llutzthomaspr: maybe this puts some light on it http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=62847811:07
ubottuDebian bug 628478 in base-files "base-files: please remove 'Pre-Depends: awk'" [Wishlist,Open]11:07
thomasprThanks LLUTZ :-)11:08
thomasprI'll have a look ...11:08
tsquadllutz hey im ghost, got it all worked out, thx for the help11:13
Shanthcurrently i'm using GNOME 2.30.2 , how to install GNOME 3.411:15
MonkeyDusttsquad  ghost, what did you do?11:15
tsquadMonkeyDust: i added "dns-nameservers x.x.x.x" to my /ect/network/interfaces file11:16
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tsquadMonkeyDust and after a reboot my resolv.conf file was still correct11:17
tsquadand thank you to MonkeyDust, much appreciated11:18
Shanthcurrently i'm using GNOME 2.30.2 , how to install GNOME 3.411:18
MonkeyDustShanth  what ubuntu version?11:19
ShanthUbuntu 10.04 LUCID11:20
MonkeyDustShanth  for lucid you'll need a ppa, but it is not supported here11:21
kelvinellahi i install virtualbox PEUL yesterday and i no longer automount my iphone in ubuntu why?11:26
shazzrHow come I cannot boot into my newly installed Ubuntu 12.04 system with these settings: http://pastebin.com/iNJnUSYD I have a OCZ RevoDrive that I have set up with the OCZ tool so that the two 60 GB disks are runnin RAID0.11:27
sbarcteamhi. I have a strange ssh + X problem.11:27
sbarcteamI am unable to run X forwarding by connecting with ssh -X user@host11:28
sbarcteamthe DISPLAY variable is undefined.11:28
sbarcteamwhat can cause this ?11:28
MonkeyDustsbarcteam  nvidia?11:31
ksian./name ksian11:32
ksiandoes anybody knows a simple directory sync tool11:33
ksianthat just takes too long11:34
ksianI just need it to check for name, file size and modification date11:34
morsnowskihave a look here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync on the bottom is s list of aps that use rsync11:34
ksianbut is there a way to configure it just to search for what I need?11:36
MonkeyDustksian  there's the command 'find'11:36
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hsihsaHi all, need some help...i am facing an issue with 12.04, when i boot I get black screen11:39
eutheriawow has it been so long that 8.04 isn't supported any more11:39
hsihsaafter reading few forum post tried nomodeset grub option11:39
ksianSorry but I cannot see how can I synchronise directories just with find command11:39
RhondaWhat can be the issue with precise not being able to start gnome-terminal? When I click the dashboard it doesn11:40
eutheriaother than liferea what other rss readers are there?11:40
morsnowskiksian, find has an exec command that lets you do whatever you want with an indentified file11:40
RhondaWhat can be the issue with precise not being able to start gnome-terminal? When I click the dashboard it doesn't display anything in the application menut at all, and with alt-f2 it doesn't seem to be able to run it neither …11:40
icerooteutheria: apt-cache search rss reader11:40
RhondaAnd yes, it is installed.11:40
milen8204I have a problem whit flash player on Lubuntu 12.04 I have installed flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound, and when I start any video in Internet I there is shown a sing that says "Missing plugin"11:41
hsihsanow I am able to boot but screen display is not good11:41
eutheriai guess a better question is, which rss readers do people like other than liferea11:42
eutheriaseems like liferea is the only that integrates into the message notify thingy11:42
MonkeyDustksian  I must have misunderstood this: "search for what I need"11:43
MyWayhello, somebody can help me please? I have things in the gnome-panel two times! (i'm using gnome classic with no effects) the problem appeared after I plugged an external monitor, which is now unplugged: http://i49.tinypic.com/2d1s9li.png11:44
=== Hounddog_ is now known as Hounddog
Rhondaeutheria: I like newsbeuter, but then, I live in the textmode :)11:45
muh2000hi all11:46
Hounddogi tried installing the sdk as per instructions... now i have a dpkg problem and no idea anymore how to fix it http://pastie.org/390457111:46
muh2000i have crappy sound with skype on ubuntu 12.0411:46
muh2000how can i fix that?11:46
Hounddogi tried upgrade, tried fixing the installation and tried purging it also11:47
morsnowskiHounddog, not sure but sometimes a 'apt-get install -f' helps11:48
muh2000is there a "rc.local" file that will be used only after booting?11:48
Hounddogthat's what i meant with fixing it11:48
Hounddogsudo apt-get install -f ran it a few times and alternating with apt-get upgrade11:49
morsnowskiapt-get upgrade -f11:49
ayhanhey everyone,11:49
Hounddogthat i did not trye11:49
Hounddoglet me run it...11:49
shazzr*downloading Ubuntu 10.10 to see if that version is able to boot...*11:50
ayhanis there a way to maintain the aspect ratio of the screen in ubuntu?11:50
Hounddogmorsnowski: same..11:50
MonkeyDustayhan  xrandr ?11:50
Hounddogif i could at least get rid of this package11:50
rokr1Hi there I got problem with indicator-datetime-service11:50
rokr1memory leak11:51
ayhan@monkeydust, what?11:51
rokr1it fills all my 16GiB ram11:51
Hounddogsudo apt-get remove --purge oracle-java7-installer this is what i tried last11:51
ihjiuzvvI have a problem with Transmission11:51
morsnowskiHounddog, dpkg -P <package> purges it11:51
ihjiuzvvcannot log in a torrent tracker11:51
eutheriaweird something has caused liferea to stop updating11:51
Hounddogmorsnowski: let's see :)11:51
ihjiuzvvI get a torrent, and it doesnt start downloading11:51
eutheriaor more to the point displaying anything11:51
ihjiuzvvthey told me to disable dht/pex11:52
rokr1any solution ?11:52
ihjiuzvvwhats going on, somebody knows ?11:52
MonkeyDustayhan  just noticed: xrandr is for dual screens, it's different11:52
rokr1Debian was better11:52
MyWayoh solved, in 12.04 you need to hold alt to edit the panel TT11:52
Hounddogmorsnowski: nope...11:52
Hounddogsame output11:52
Stanley00!enter | ihjiuzvv just do what it said and please :11:52
ubottuihjiuzvv just do what it said and please :: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:52
morsnowskihmm I'm out then :(11:53
ayhanso is there another way to maintain the aspect ratio?11:53
Hounddogmorsnowski: thx anyway...11:53
kelvinellais iphone or ipod no longer automount in ubuntu?11:54
ihjiuzvvok, sorry, my mistake11:54
Hounddogso it seems this package will hunt me now for lifetime...11:54
kelvinellai try to plug in my iphone in both my ubuntu and xubuntu, it doesnt automount11:54
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rokr1no use bye11:55
Hounddogmaybee in debian someone can help...11:55
morsnowskikelvinella, check libimobiledevice11:56
Nemerniculhi hi11:58
Nemerniculgot small problem with calibre11:58
Nemerniculpop up balloons are hard to read11:59
Nemerniculfont and background collor needs change11:59
Nemerniculanyone know where to change it?12:00
RhondaHow can I get rid of compiz? It seems to be a bit memory hungry and I only have 500 megs of ram …12:02
RhondaHounddog: in12:02
rokr1Hi guys12:03
ayhanRhonda: go to software center, search for compiz and remove12:03
HounddogRhonda: ?12:03
RhondaHounddog: in #debian they don't support ubuntu :)12:03
HounddogRhonda: yeah, stuck in their own little world ;)12:03
dzocrnanulacompiz process is using 15% of my processor all the time and that is causing my laptop to get really hot.. are there any configurations to change? using ubuntu 12.04 64-bit on my HP laptop with intel pentium p6200 processor, 2gb of ram and amd radeon hd 6300m series.12:03
Rhondaayhan: I would think it is some required dependency …12:03
Hounddogmorsnowski: i got it out finally...12:03
morsnowskiHounddog, great how did you do it?12:04
RhondaHounddog: That's not the issue.  Debian is in specific parts different enough that they usually can't help.  Or rather, Ubuntu is different, depending on your point of view.12:04
Hounddogmorsnowski:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/126372/sha256sum-mismatch-jdk-7u3-linux-x64-tar-gz-error-when-trying-to-install-orac12:04
HounddogRhonda: stuck in the apt-get/dpkg cannot be so entirely different12:04
RhondaHounddog: That "little world" attitude has nothing to do with it and is misleading.12:04
morsnowskiHounddog, nice12:04
Hounddogmorsnowski: so manually removing some files works12:05
rokr1I accidentally removed all ubuntu components12:05
RhondaHounddog: Well, it is, often enough.  Different dependencies, packages built slightly different, different resolvers.12:05
rokr1using apt-get purge ubuntu*12:05
rokr1apt is now broken12:05
rokr1is there anyway to recover12:05
ayhani want to change the resolution of the screen, but the options available are too little, how could i get the resolution i want?12:05
HounddogRhonda: was not even asking about installing a package anymore... just wanted to get rid of it12:05
itaylor57rokr1, reinstall?12:06
ubuntunobodyhi, how do you enable animated progressbars in gtk3? I'm using the adwaita theme and progressbars looks extremely choppy12:06
dodeledooWow, why is #ubuntu so MASSIVE?12:06
morsnowskidodeledoo, because it is12:07
dodeledoowtf kind of lame455 answer is "because it is?"12:08
Vile`what kind of question was yours ?12:08
RhondaHounddog: Same difference.12:08
rokr1no other way ?12:08
eutheriadodeledoo, because it isn't?12:08
auronandacedodeledoo: perhaps its because of the level of interest in ubuntu12:08
Rhondarokr1: What all did it remove?  If you haven't checked the list before accepting, why not?12:08
dodeledooI thought WIndows was the most popular OS12:08
eutheriathe answer might be 42, but the question is wrong12:08
MonkeyDustdodeledoo  did you have a support question?12:09
eutheriadodeledoo, not on an open source irc network12:09
dodeledooMonkeyDust: Yeah, how do I install Ubuntu's top-tier edition?12:09
Rhondarokr1: You could manually download the missing package and install it with dpkg.12:09
eutheriahis question is what is green and lives under a bridge, a troll12:09
dodeledooAnd can it be installed concurrently with Windows 7?12:09
morsnowskidodeledoo, yes it can no problem12:09
Rhondarokr1: Of course there are ways to fix it - but that depends on what exactly is broken.12:09
MonkeyDust!install | dodeledoo12:10
ubottudodeledoo: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:10
jo-erlendwhat's the easiest way to watch all network traffic from/to a single IP in my network?12:10
morsnowskijo-erlend, wireshark12:10
MonkeyDustjo-erlend  try lsof12:10
* eutheria gets a stick and beats liferea12:10
Rhondajo-erlend: tcpdump12:10
rokr1I still have aptitude functional12:10
Rhondarokr1: Then apt can't be broken because aptitude uses apt, as the name suggests12:11
Daiz_Anyone here know how to get the Build-essential apt on kubuntu 12.04 without an internet connection? It doesn't seems to be on my livecd, or atleast moun won't find it.12:11
eutheriai wonder if it is my gtk theme that is messing up liferea12:11
RhondaDaiz_: No surprise on that because a livecd isn't meant for development. :)12:11
MonkeyDusteutheria  i use it too, whats the issue?12:12
Daiz_Yea, it's just tough trying to compile the network driver for kubuntu without the tools to do so. :(12:12
danmarhi! I bought a toshiba satellite today. I just installed ubuntu 12.04. My wireless networking doesn't work.12:13
danmarCan somebody help me?12:13
eutheriaMonkeyDust, i must have set something, all the articles have gone, if i run it in debug mode i can see it requests them, but when i display them the debug messages say 0 articles, i've delete the config from ~/.liferea and .gconf,  i ran it as a different user and it works fine12:13
Stanley00danmar: did you look at additional driver?12:13
eutheriathere must be something somewhere i can delete to reset liferea12:14
danmarhow do I do that?12:14
Rhondadanmar: What exactly do you mean with "doesn't work".12:14
MonkeyDusteutheria  disappeared or just hidden after you read them?12:14
rokr1Hi danmar12:14
Stanley00danmar: It is in System Setting...12:14
danmarwell.. the ifconfig doesn't report that I have a wireless network card12:14
rokr1danmar : try checking lspci and check the make of wireless12:15
eutheriaMonkeyDust, so you click on a freed the top panel with the date and headline is missing any content, i know there is content as it is slashdot :)12:15
aminejoin «ubuntu.fr12:15
danmarlspci => 02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 872312:15
eutheriait must be a local config setting i have messed up with my tweaking as it works fine for another user12:15
RhondaThen the driver seems to be missing.  Output of lspci and dmesg might be helpful to further look for the cause.12:15
rokr1danmar: then go to the vendor website and download the drivers and compile them12:15
MonkeyDusteutheria  quite drastic: delete some hidden .config file12:16
rokr1danmar: it will create a driver module in the system12:16
eutheriaMonkeyDust, i deleted the stuff under .gconf and .liferea but that didn't fix anything :(12:16
rokr1danmar: check with lsmod and find if the drivers are actually loaded12:16
danmarStanley00: I did not see additional drivers for the network12:17
rokr1danmar : there is an option through gui, go to settings and check additional hardware12:17
Stanley00danmar: well, then we need some info, please run lspci -k  and pastebin the result12:18
Daiz_is there any way to get the tools to compile drivers, even if the pc doesn't have internet connection? can't find a .deb package with them.12:18
Nemerniculso is anyone using calibre here?12:18
rokr1danmar: you can even download it with ethernet connection12:18
fwissesOh, thank God you guys are here. I'm... I'm scared. I launched gparted the other day and shrunk my data partition a couple of gigs. Then I used the power settings and TRIED to get it not to suspend when I closed the lid. No go. So  figured I could just suspend it and start it up later.12:18
MonkeyDusteutheria  delete ~/.liferea_1.8/ => be careful, you lose all settings12:18
sirriffsalotWhen someone tells me to get the dssi plugins for softsynths, I always get confused by what exactly I need... There are so many "dssi" packages, same with so many other things I want to install. Could someone explain what I am missing here?:P12:19
eutheriaMonkeyDust, like i said i've done that and the .gconf settings12:19
fwissesThis morning I wake up, open up the laptop, and there's a black screen with the mouse pointer able to move. So I wait. I realize it won't load anytime soon.12:19
eutheriaMonkeyDust, you only lose the feeds, the main config is under .gconf/apps/liferea12:19
fwissesSO I go to my 'tty's, type in top12:19
jo-erlendmorsnowski, wireshark tells me no interfaces can be used.. On all my boxes.12:19
morsnowskilogout and in again12:20
fwissesALL my processes were sleeping.12:20
fwisseshow do I wake them up?12:20
morsnowskiwireshark puts you in the right group but you only get access after you login again12:20
aminepour koi  sa marche pas pour conecter sur ubuntu.fr12:21
LjL!fr | amine12:21
ubottuamine: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:21
morsnowski'/join ubuntu.fr'12:21
fwissesSo is there a way to 'wake up' processes? And is it safe? If gparted gets canceled or breaks, my data's gone.12:21
rokr1how to get apt back12:21
rokr1aptitude is still functioning12:21
danmarStanley00: Here is lspci -k output : http://pastebin.com/7MTDzyDY12:22
aminejoin «ubuntu-fr12:23
Stanley00amine: it is /join ubuntu-fr12:23
eutheriais it gconf i need to install to edit my gnome settings?12:24
eutheriai think liferea must store some extra config in a registry type system12:24
stars69good morning anyone know where is the path for desktop sharing application under? /etc?12:24
sirriffsalotWhen someone tells me to get the dssi plugins for softsynths, I always get confused by what exactly I need... There are so many "dssi" packages, same with so many other things I want to install. Could someone explain what I am missing here?:P :P12:25
Stanley00danmar: hmm, can you please run this command "lsmod" and "ifconfig -a"12:25
Rhondaeutheria: gconf-editor12:25
Hounddog i have been following this now http://www.duinsoft.nl/packages.php?t=en#repo through the repository to install java... but if i look in /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/12:25
Hounddog it is completly empty12:25
fwissesstars69: Search /usr12:25
eutheriathank you Rhonda just found it :)12:25
stars69fwisses, thanks12:25
eutheriayes there is config in there12:25
eutheriahmm how do i delete an entry12:26
danmarStanley00: lsmod => http://pastebin.com/Dxi6PKtR12:28
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Rhondaeutheria: Did you try right-click on it?12:28
eutheriaRhonda, yep12:28
eutheriano right click options12:28
danmarStanley00: ifconfig -a => http://pastebin.com/yD6x2Btv12:29
aminestan ai fai sa  --  /join 3 il veu pas marcher sur mon clavier il me don sa ----   «12:29
fwissesIs there a way to wake my sleeping processes?12:29
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danmarI hope I have enabled the wireless network properly. I have a button to toggle it on the keyboard. The wireless network lamp is yellow now.12:30
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morsnowskiamine,  '/join #ubuntu.fr'12:30
fwissesEverything except for top is sleeping, and my gpartee is doing something important. I can't just kill it.12:30
MonkeyDustamine  type !join #ubuntu-fr12:30
MonkeyDustamine  type /join #ubuntu-fr12:30
Hounddognow i do not know where to point netbeans too...12:31
Hounddogcan't find where the jre has installed itself12:31
jackiechan0how can i check the chipset and the socket of my motherboard, i would like to upgrade my CPU12:31
Stanley00danmar: you can test by running "rfkill list" and check that soft and hard lock is no for your wireless12:31
danmarStanley00: ok.. I'll try12:32
Stanley00Hounddog: you installed via apt-get, right?12:32
threshhi. how do I enable text-mode install on ubuntu 12.04 64bit cd?12:32
HounddogStanley00: yes, according to those instructions12:32
MonkeyDust!text| thresh12:32
ubottuthresh: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode12:32
threshlooks like ubuntu chooses something weird to display X on. I'm on nvidia gtx550 ti with hdmi connected HDTV on Asus P8Z77 motherboard.12:33
Stanley00Hounddog: then, dpkg -L <package-name> will list installed file12:33
danmarI only see info about my Bluetooth (that is blocked by intention). No info about my wireless.12:33
HounddogStanley00: thx, let me see12:33
threshI'm not sure CD installer uses grub now does it?12:33
MonkeyDustthresh  i missed that part in your question12:34
furycd001Guys does anyone here know how i can change the logon wallpaper :?12:35
phkahamHi, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. How do I mount SD card?12:35
HounddogStanley00: hmmm doesn't look like it, as i understand it is only a script which then installs the java12:35
action09on 12.04, i actually have ubuntu classic 2D, i tried unity and gnome shell but i don't like them; My question is can i use another desktop/window managers ? like xfce, Cinnamon..etc easily ? and so choose to go back to gnome classic if i want ?12:35
Stanley00danmar: it's very strange to me, as I know, realtek wireless work well with ubuntu. Sorry, but I think I can't help you more.12:35
jo-erlendmorsnowski, it was not sufficient to log out and back in.12:35
action09question seems simple but i just want to know if there will not be conflicts..12:36
threshlooks like I can press ESC to choose between stuff to load. trying nomodeset now...12:36
danmarStanley00: ok thanks for your effort so far.12:36
eutheriaMonkeyDust, hi, so the main config that controls the app is under .gconf, however this is read once a log in,  so clearing out your config from there does nothing until you log out, so problem fixed now, i didn't need to delete my .liferea as that is only the db for the feeds which were working fine :)12:36
Stanley00danmar: you are welcome,12:36
MonkeyDusteutheria  great, but what file exactly? for future reference12:37
TriesteHi, I'm using Kubuntu 12.04, and when I log in, I get this bastard of an error: http://i.imgur.com/GP7Db.png (the whole message could never fit on my monitor, it's as long as the image, but only the part that was on my screen is visible) - any idea on how to fix this?12:38
eutheriaMonkeyDust, if you look at ~/.gconf/apps/<app name here> you will find liferea there is you config for the app in general, not the feeds db which holds the feeds data, i assume the guy wrote used sqlite or something12:38
lelamalTrieste: join #kubuntu12:40
Triesteoh, okay, thanks :)12:40
Hounddoglooks like i found it finally12:42
Hounddogbut netbeans is still fricking slow12:42
curiousxaloha all12:45
Hounddogfile opens under 20 seconds in netbeans... it's fun trying to work like that...12:45
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
fabi_anhi, i just tried to remote-upgrade a 10.04 server to 12.04 to see what happens. I don't have easy physical access, but it's not that far away12:54
ashwanilabshello guys12:54
KM0201fabi_an: wow, thats ballsy12:54
fabi_anmy problem is that it's a LVM on RAID5 without boot-partition and now grub doesn't fit anzmore12:55
fabi_anis there a way to either downgrade grub or use less modules that aren't needed or repartition the disk?12:55
sotrudnikI have a problem in Ubuntu LibreOffice Base; it says "Report Builder is not installed" when I'm trying to open any Report12:55
sotrudnikI installed .oxf (or whatever it is called) http://sourceforge.net/projects/aoo-extensions/files/79/10/oracle-report-builder.oxt12:55
sotrudnikafter that, Base started to say "loading library component failed"12:55
fabi_anKM0201: :) i now, but i do that on not critical servers, because i'm interested in how the distros are prepared. I'm disappointed that LTS->LTS isn't stable.12:56
KM0201fabi_an: lts>lts should be fine (although i think it was recommended to wait until 12.04.112:56
phkahamHow do I mount SD card?12:56
fabi_anKM0201: true that, it even said so in the manpage or somewhere.12:57
sotrudnikphkaham: usually it is auto-mounted12:57
fabi_anKM0201: nevertheless, any thing i can do about my grub before trying to reboot12:57
ring1fabi_an, on a server always wait for the first point release :)12:57
phkahamsotrudnik, nothing happend when i put it in.12:58
sotrudnikphkaham: try `dmesg' command12:58
itaylor57KM0201, o/13:00
KM0201itaylor57: o/13:00
phkahamsotrudnik, that didn't tell me anything. :=)13:02
sotrudnikaccording to this -- http://www.libreoffice.org/features/extensions/ -- Report Builder must be included in LibreOffice, right?13:02
sotrudnikI'm using LibreOffice
sotrudnikso this is a bug, right?13:03
erealzanyone know of a program that will show my connected ip address ap in the menue bar  like applets or somthing13:11
Chuck_Norriserealz: in gnome shell there is a pluginfor that13:12
erealzwhat it called chuck13:12
ksianhow can I hide Join/left messages from empathy13:12
Chuck_Norrislet me search it i runing ubuntu 10.04 now =P13:12
Fat-Thingwhat is nacl_helper? i got it on my process and it seems i can't kill it :(13:14
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azimutproblem: "The update information is outdated. This may be caused by network problems. [...]" aptitude update gives several errors, the first one "Err http://de.archive.ubuntu.com oneiric/restricted Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]" any ide?13:14
Blarrffllazimut: If you try opening http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ from a web browser on the same machine, does it open ?13:15
Jazanyc need help with digital sound in ubuntu can anyone help?13:15
azimutBlarrffll: I can access http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ from firefox13:16
MonkeyDust!ask| Jazanyc13:17
ubottuJazanyc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:17
azimutThe question is where 'oneiric/restricted' is located exactly and if it is accessible13:17
Chuck_Norriserealz: some like that? https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/52/netmonitor/13:18
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Blarrffllazimut: does apt-get update give the same result?13:19
azimutBlarrffll: Yes13:20
Jazanycwhat is !patience?13:20
azimutBefore the first error, i get several lines like 'Hit http://de.archive.ubuntu.com oneiric-backports/universe Translation-en'13:20
azimutthese seem to work, starting with 'oneiric/restricted' the problems start13:21
Jazanyccan't get digital sound to work, tried many forums in wiki and no luck can anyone point me in the right direction?13:23
munwhat's a good software to use for scanning multiple pages? i remember it wasn't simplescan, but forgot its name.13:23
Unkn0wnmun: you me xsane?13:23
munUnkn0wn, there doesn't seem to be an option for multiple pages though it seems13:23
munoh yes it does13:24
munyes that's right13:24
FloodBot1mun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
flaw-hi guys can i ask for some help?13:26
NurseDad repo do I need enabled to install moonlight?13:26
elkyflaw-, no need to ask to ask, just ask your question13:27
Jazanyctrying to get dolby digital and DTS sorround to work but have not had any luck any suggestions?13:27
NurseDadsorry what repo do I need to install moonlight13:27
elkyflaw-, if we know, we'll answer, if not, then you haven't lost anything13:27
krababbelJazanyc: you mean passthrough to an external decoder?13:27
flaw-well first sry for my poor english13:27
Blarrffllazimut: Not sure, sorry13:28
flaw-i installed ubuntu desktop for first time and after the install my monitor is unknown13:28
azimutBlarrffl: ok thanks.13:28
Jazanycthat is correct krababbel13:28
cristian_cHow can I identify alsa  modules?13:28
elkyflaw-, what do you mean by "is unknown"? does it show the desktop at all?13:29
flaw-also i installed the additional drivers for my nvidia and when reboot for 20-30 secs my monitor is Sync. out of range13:29
drostieNurseDad: it was in natty's universe, but it appears to have not made it to oneiric or precise.13:29
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flaw-elky:  yes i have desktop13:29
flaw-but i cant change resolutions etc13:30
drostieNurseDad: let me check launchpad for a PPA though.13:30
flaw-i dont have command such as nvidia-xconfig13:30
Chuck_Norrisflaw-: lsmod | grep noveau13:31
elkyflaw-, if you mean in the 'displays' dialog, i think that's normal, especially for laptops. it's talking about the actual screen, not the graphics card13:31
Jazanyckrababbel: have tried the wiki pages with no luck, plus some of the info is way beyond my ubuntu abilities13:31
flaw-Chuck_Norris:  nothing appear13:31
krababbelJazanyc: pulseaudio probably has wrong default settings for you, like 44.1KHz instead of 48KHz for example. maybe this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115168013:31
drostieNurseDad: it looks like it stopped being in the repos because it started being a browser add-on; see http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/download.aspx .13:32
flaw-elky:  im not with laptop13:32
elkyflaw-, that's ok, not all screens in the world are known ;)13:32
Jazanycthanks I'll tried that.13:32
elkyflaw-, nvidia-settings i believe is the right way to configure stuff for nvidia cards13:33
flaw-elky:  but i cant change my resolution i have only 1024x768 at 60 hz13:33
NurseDadthank you13:33
flaw-You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.13:33
krababbelA pulse audio wizard would do it justice, the default settings are fairly low quality13:33
elkyflaw-, did you do that?13:34
flaw-and when i type nvidia-xconfig in the terminal13:34
flaw-nvidia-xconfig: command not found13:34
psih0manhello people! I'm running ubuntu inside qemu and since it thinks i'm using a touchscreen my mouse pointer is hidden. how do I unhide it? otherwise, pressing CTRL I can see my mouse's position13:34
krababbelflaw-: looks like you don't have the nvidia drivers installed then13:35
NurseDaddrostie thank you13:37
flaw-krababbel: i installed Expremimental 3d support for Nvidia drivers , Nvidia accelerated graphic drivers (ver 173) and (version current (recommended)) from the Aditional Drivers13:37
drostieNurseDad: sure thing.13:37
cristian_can other question:13:39
Fat-Thingwhat is nacl_helper? i got it on my process and it seems i can't kill it :(13:39
cristian_cHow can I activate pinch gesture on my touchpad in ubuntu?13:39
rax-I'm running an ubuntu server for xbmc and it works mostly fine until I turn the tv off (only display and sending audio via ati 5450), then the HMDI option disappears from sound properties...13:40
krababbelflaw-: does 'sudo modprobe -l |grep nvidia' give you something? Do you have nvidia in /usr/lib32/ ?13:41
krababbelflaw-: vers 173 should be old? did you uninstall that first?13:42
flaw-krababbel:  give me this: kernel/drivers/video/backlight/mbp_nvidia_bl.ko | kernel/drivers/video/nvidia/nvidiafb.ko13:43
Chuck_Norrisi think flaw- isn't using ubuntu 12.04 =P13:43
sytuHi peeps! Anyone know a good guide on installing keepass classic on ubuntu 12.04?13:44
flaw-krababbel:  also i have only these version13:44
Chuck_Norriswhat's ubuntu version are you using flaw- ?13:44
flaw-Linux ubuntu 2.6.38-15-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 27 16:04:29 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux13:44
krababbelflaw-: I have this too 'updates/dkms/nvidia_current.ko', sorry, new to this13:44
flaw-12.04 LTS desktop13:44
Fat-Thingwhat is nacl_helper? i got it on my process and it seems i can't kill it :(13:44
Chuck_Norrisflaw-: it seems tobe ubuntu 10.0413:44
kazuky#join jeuxlinux13:45
Fat-Thingwhat's the command to kill a process?13:45
elkyflaw-, how on earth did you get a 2.6 kernel on a release that has a 3.1? kernel?13:45
krababbela spy13:45
elky3.0 actually, sorry13:46
flaw-i just downloaded it from internet ;s and i booted to instal from Windows installer13:46
Chuck_Norriswhat's ubuntu 12.04 running 2.6.38? why?13:46
elkyflaw-, what link did you get it from?13:46
flaw-im really new to linux13:46
elkyChuck_Norris, 3.0 actually13:46
krababbelflaw-: maybe try booting from usb or disc13:46
Chuck_Norrisi know13:46
flaw-learnfree.eu is the site it's YCY ubuntu13:47
elkyflaw-, i assume you've only _just_ installed it before coming here? you might want to instead go to ubuntu.com and download from there.13:48
elkywe don't support UCU or YCY or whatever it's called13:49
flaw-there's a 3 versions desktop notebook and mini i downloaded usu-7.0-desktop-i386.iso13:49
elkythat's not Ubuntu. We only support Ubuntu.13:49
flaw-elky:  i tried from ubuntu.com first but when try to install i have an error13:49
Chuck_Norrisflaw-: if you download ubuntu from it's home page you will have 3.0 kernel and 295.40 driver version from "Additional Drivers"13:49
flaw-that's why i downloaded it from this site13:49
elkyflaw-, we can't support something we didn't make.13:50
Fat-Thinghuhuhuhu nobody cares :(13:50
flaw-i didnt think about that ;-)13:50
flaw-sry then and thanks for the help13:50
Chuck_Norrisyou will get* =P13:51
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krababbelJazanyc: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/pulseaudio-discuss/2011-February/008800.html They seem to have an option for passthrough,  there is #pulse channel also and a wiki13:52
Jazanyckrababbel: thanks, no luck with first link.13:56
Chuck_Norriscya all13:56
krababbelJazanyc: don't forget to logout for the local defaults to apply, maybe even reboot :)13:57
krababbelJazanyc: you can also restart the daemon maybe, not sure how ubuntu does that13:57
JazanycI tried the code but had no luck. received an error after the make dir code13:58
Jazanyckrababbel: not to proficient in ubuntu or linux for that matter, trying to switch from windows but having issues. windows is definitely more user friendly14:01
krababbelJazanyc: make dir? you mean in the ubuntu forum thread? the third post could work, but look at the wiki or ask in their channel. There are also terminal commands pacmd and paplay, which may help.14:01
salsaanybody can help me? I buy a new computer core i7 with 16gb .. but every time I try to install i got errors on installation... im try 32bits and 64bits... but is the same thing every time.... :/14:03
krababbelJazanyc: it is, I scratched my head when pulse was about to be ready, but still not default. now in ubuntu at least it should be installed correctly, you just need to change the default ouptut settings. Also maybe the video player could be a problem. Never used passthrough, but multichannel analog.14:03
zykotic10Jazanyc: "unix is user friendly, it's just picky about who it's friends are" ;)14:04
krababbelJazanyc: the audio hardware should be compatible too14:05
Jazanycyeah, your right.  I guess i'm not one of the ones it finds friendly.  Have had many issues and that is why I have not completely transition from windows14:05
krababbelJazanyc: if paplay can play it back, then you know it should work according to pulseaudio14:05
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krababbelif it works, you can at least even change the resampler method, windows drivers usually don't let you go that far :)14:07
Jazanyckrababel: I use VLC to play movies and it has sound, it just does not have multi channel in passthrough.14:07
krababbelJazanyc: well paplay would rule out any bugs in playback programs, better go step by step to save you time14:07
Jazanycit does not recognize Ac-3 or DTS14:08
Jazanycwhat is paplay?14:08
krababbelpaplay in terminal is a small player14:08
krababbelmade by the pulse team, it should support all pulse can do.14:09
Jazanycso i should be able to install it?14:09
krababbelJazanyc: you have it, it comes with pulse, best used for testing like this14:09
krababbelalso pacmd, can show you what hardware it recognized14:10
The_BROSHow to make english language by default language when I search files and programmes in Dash?14:11
krababbelJazanyc: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/Passthrough14:11
Jazanyckrababbel: thanks I'll try that link14:12
Jutsuhi everybody, i'm searching for my mouse config file, i'v kub12.04 and i don't find anything on my xorg.conf.d directory,  somebody can help me ?14:12
Jazanyckrababbel: not sure what happened but I think I removed pulse when I tried that first link you send me14:13
Sidewinder!details | salsa14:14
ubottusalsa: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:14
krababbelJazanyc: well revert that and reboot, pulse isn't the problem probably and ubuntu is meant to use pulse14:14
JazanycKrababbel: I use this command sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove14:15
Jazanychow do is revert?14:15
krababbelsorry, I don't know14:16
Jazanycthat sucks14:16
krababbelthe one that suggested that didn't know about changing the output settings14:17
zykotic10Jazanyc: that stops pluseaudio from starting at boot - "sudo update-rc.d pulseaudio defaults" might add it back14:17
bs0dHello everybody14:18
pawdrohi, anyone using sublime text 2 for coding purposes ? i've got error: errno2 no such file or directory (i.e. after building ruby file). Anyone met such error ?14:18
bs0dWhere can I get information about what features Gajim was built with?14:19
KenshizlAnyoe: My log files are doing the same thing they did last night. I may just need to delete them every day or once in a while.14:19
KenshizlI meant "Anyone"14:19
bs0dI have installed it from software manager, but some menu items, like "Discover Services" are grayed and not working .. I wonder if I am missing some plugins or modules for gajim?14:19
Jazanyczykotic10: gave an erroe that states "runlevel arguments do not match14:20
Jazanycit also states that pulseaudio already exists14:20
escottKenshizl, what is the output of dmesg14:21
zykotic10Jazanyc: sorry i don't know then.  (side not: update-rc.d is outdated in ubuntu, i doubt it should be used).  Perhaps your original command didn't do anything?  i'd restart, and verify pulse is ok - before worrying about it then.14:21
Kenshizlescott: My log files are doing that thing again. Both are about 3GB now.14:21
KenshizlOh, Sorry. I'll see right now.14:21
escottKenshizl, you should be seeing a whole bunch of repeated lines (hundreds of thousands of them, maybe you picked the wrong one last time14:21
gaelfxcan anyone recommend a 300mbps combo wifi B3.0 card that plays well in Precise?14:21
qawsedrfhow can i know what version of a software would apt-get instal ?14:21
Jazanycthanks i'll re-start and see if anything happen14:22
zykotic10qawsedrf: "apt-cache policy foo" is one way14:22
Kenshizlescott:[ 5144.948864] [drm:intel_prepare_page_flip] *ERROR* Prepared flip multiple time14:22
emorrisHi, I need to do some stuff with the 12.04 alternate CD, but after the boot menu, when it gets to the default language selection, my USB keyboard stops working - I can't even toggle caps lock etc. It works fine in BIOS, grub, the CD boot menu and other OSs. Any ideas?14:22
KenshizlI can't believe we're doing this again.14:22
MrYogione more time14:23
rabbi1just installed rhythmbox, hearing songs as if in a big auditorium, am i missing any codec  ?14:23
MManHello all, i just try toupgrade on-line from 11.10 to 12.04. The laptop closed from battery power line fail and when i restarted got 16 colours and no icons. Anyone can help?14:23
qawsedrfthanks zykotic1014:23
escottKenshizl, is that repeated all the time? I assumed when you mentioned the ethernet usb messages it was because you saw a lot of those lines. are you seeing the intel drm line hundreds of thousands of times?14:24
rabbi1guess, i am missing a mp3 codec, any suggestion ?14:24
Daemon70Ahoj všem ubuntákům14:24
zykotic10rabbi1: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?  (i believe it has mp3 codec)14:24
gaelfxMMan: 1. Never run an update without power connected, 2. you probably need to reinstall. Fresh is best14:24
Kenshizlescott: Yeah. I typed "dmesg" in the terminal and that's what came up.14:25
gaelfxDaemon70: what language?14:25
Kenshizlescott: Maybe I should just delete the log files every day.14:25
escottKenshizl, run this command "dmesg | grep intel_prepare_page_flip | wc "14:25
rabbi1zykotic10: nope, sudo apt-get install u-r-e ?14:25
zykotic10rabbi1: should be14:25
zykotic10!info ubuntu-restriected-extras14:26
ubottuPackage ubuntu-restriected-extras does not exist in precise14:26
gaelfx!cz > Daemon7014:26
ubottuDaemon70, please see my private message14:26
rabbi1zykotic10: thx, will try14:26
zykotic10!info ubuntu-restricted-extras14:26
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB14:26
gaelfx!info ubuntu-restricted-extras14:26
Kenshizlescott: okay, I did and this came out underneath my command:      1542   12336  12644414:27
escottok so that line appears 1542 times what is dmesg | wc14:27
mafiaboyhi guys .....can u help me install libgtkglext-x11-1.0.so.014:27
salsaSidewinder, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS error msg: grob-install drummy failed14:28
gaelfxcan anyone recommend a 300mbps combo wifi B3.0 card that plays well in Precise?14:28
gaelfxer, for a laptop :D14:28
zykotic10salsa: grob-install?  typo?14:28
gaelfxzykotic10: I believe he means the the dummy run of grub-install failed on installation14:29
furycd001hi does anyone here know how i can switch the logon manager in ubuntu 11.10 :?14:29
gaelfxsalsa: you're trying to install from USB or CDrom?14:29
zykotic10gaelfx: just making sure the typo was in irc and not terminal ;)14:29
Sidewindersalsa, I've nerer heard of "grob-install", nor do I have a cleu about "drummy failed", sorry.. Did you md5sum the ISO prior to burning to CD or copying to USB?14:30
gaelfxsalsa: when you entered the boot selector, there were probably two options for the USB, one is "usbname" and the other was "UEFI:usbname". You need to choose the first14:30
zykotic10warning gaelfx: salsa chrooting and installing grub from USB MIGHT be an issue with sda being usb and not HD!14:31
llutzfurycd001: switch to what?14:31
salsagaelfx, ok... let me try it14:31
furycd001llutz: gdm instead of lightdm :?14:31
gaelfxwhoa, I should've looked at more of that conversation14:31
Kenshizlescott: I'm back14:31
llutzfurycd001: sudo apt-get install gdm14:31
llutzfurycd001: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm            if it is already installed14:32
escottKenshizl, assuming it is the intel_drm line that is repeating there are a few kernel boot options you could try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/765813 you could also modify /etc/rsyslog.d or /etc/logrotate.d14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 765813 in linux (Ubuntu) "[drm:intel_prepare_page_flip] *ERROR* Prepared flip multiple times every frame with intel graphics" [High,Confirmed]14:32
furycd001lluts i already have both lightdm & gdm installed already, how do i switch between them :?14:32
gaelfxzykotic10: good point, but I had the same problem when I was installing, it turns out I was an idiot about choosing the right thing to boot from14:32
Kenshizlescott how do I do those other things (i'll check out the link right now)14:33
furycd001llutz: i have already tried using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" but the logon screen still looks the same :?14:33
gaelfxsalsa: also, you want to make sure that the bootloader is installed on your hard drive, and not on the USB14:33
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llutzfurycd001: did you chose it as default dm? sudo service lightdm stop && sudo service gdm start14:34
salsagaelfx, yeah... im trying to install again... i dont know if have any problem to use in i7 core with 16gb ram computers14:34
DropsOfSerenitydoes anyone know a way to restart unity if the window decorations crash, alt-f2 won't work, just need to type unity --replace somewhere.14:34
salsabut im trying to install again like u say :)14:35
furycd001llutz: nope but ill go thry that now ;-))14:35
gaelfxsalsa: shouldn't be a problem, as long as you're using the 64-bit version14:35
gaelfxsalsa: or the 32-bit PAE kernel14:35
salsaim use 64 bit.... :)14:36
salsawhat is 23 bit PAE kernel?14:36
escottKenshizl, so logrotate doesn't stop the creation of the logfile, but it controls how frequently they are replaced with new ones. since you have repeated lines yours will compress really well so if you modify /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog you can set the frequency of the rotations of kern.log and syslog to hourly, and enable compression.14:36
furycd001llutz I just ran that command but got the following in return... stop: Unknown instance:14:36
gaelfxDropsOfSerenity: how about ctl+alt+f2?14:36
zykotic10!pae | salsa14:36
ubottusalsa: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info14:36
gaelfxzykotic10: thanks :D14:36
salsaty :)14:36
zykotic10salsa: PAE is a "hack" - 64 is much better14:36
gaelfxbut "hacks" are "cooler"14:37
mafiaboythere's a bug i think whenever i close my laptop's lid the........screen goes blank......and does not returns (atleast 70%)14:37
zykotic10salsa: i shouldn't say "much better" - but if you've got 4+GB RAM, 64bit is a bit better14:37
Kenshizlescott: I checked out the link, but I don't know what to do (just to let you know, I'm new to linux and not exactly as computer savvy as everyone else here). And how do you do the steps you just explained?14:37
salsano i got errors again :/14:38
escottKenshizl, run gksudo /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog14:38
DropsOfSerenitygaelfx, of course i'm wondering if theres a better more streamlined way, sometimes the unity decorators crash when exiting a fullscreen game or something, was hoping unity had some sort of way of detecting that.14:38
escottKenshizl, run gksudo gedit /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog [sorry]14:38
salsapackage: ubiquity :/14:38
gaelfxDropsOfSerenity: it should, but it also depends on the game sending the proper signals and whatnot14:39
gaelfxgood night, #ubuntu14:39
Kenshizlescott: okay, I did and it just maved to the next line.14:40
escottKenshizl, i was hoping to pm you so I can walk you through the file. don't know if you saw the pm?14:41
Icehawk78Am I likely to have issues with a (mostly) headless server running off of a USB wifi adapter?14:42
Kenshizlescott: I don't know what a "pm" is (i'm really new to irc chat)14:42
Icehawk78Rather than, say, a PCI adapter14:42
escottKenshizl, the top of that file says /var/log/syslog and then a { and some text } the stuff inside the { } are the rules for /var/log/syslog14:42
zykotic10Icehawk78: server + USB-wireless = good luck14:43
escottKenshizl, rotate 7 means "keep the last 7 copies" daily means "replace with a new file daily" "delaycompress" means delay compression until a better time, and "compress" means compress the file.14:43
Kenshizlescott: Am I looking in terminal? If so it just shows a command line underneathe the line you told me to type.14:44
escottKenshizl, for the syslog file you would want to change that to hourly, and remove the delaycompress14:44
Icehawk78zykotic10: That was sort of my thinking. However, I'm more curious as to whether or not PCI-wireless will actually be significantly better or not?14:44
escottKenshizl, did you run "gksudo gedit /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog"14:44
Kenshizlescott: yes14:44
escottKenshizl, it didn't pop up a text editor window? are you not in the gui?14:45
Icehawk78(The location it's in, wireless is needed, so ethernet is unfortunately out of the question)14:45
zykotic10Icehawk78: perhaps "server + wireless = good luck" would have been more accurate.  i doubt there is a HUGE difference between USB and PCI - depends on chips/drivers more then anything probably.14:45
Kenshizlescott: nothing popped up except it asking for my password.14:45
escottKenshizl, give it14:46
Kenshizlescott: give it?14:46
Icehawk78zykotic10: Hah, okay. That's what I was thinking, I'm looking over verious cards right now to see which (if any) have non-terrible Linux support.14:46
escottKenshizl, you need to provide your password to be able to modify this file. the popup needs your password14:46
ResistanceIcehawk78:  the differences will be insignificant, the only difference is whether drivers exist for each device.  having said this i agree with zykotic10, wireless + server is not a good combo in a production environment14:46
kaziwebhi, can any one help me on translation with bazaar?14:47
Kenshizlescott: I did before, but nothing happened.14:47
escottKenshizl, does "gedit" without anything before or after open up a text editor window?14:47
kaziwebhi, can any one help me on translation with bazaar?14:48
kaziwebhi, can any one help me on translation with bazaar?14:48
wylde!patience | kaziweb14:48
ubottukaziweb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:48
Kenshizlescott: nothing pops up. terminal stays open, Xchat stays open, everythings normal. I even did it again, and still nothing popped open. If you mean the txt-editor is in the terminal, then nothing happened there either.14:49
Icehawk78Resistance: Makes sense. Luckily, it's not "production" it's just my home server/media center, so while a little bit of jury-rigging is okay, I'm trying to minimize it as much as possible.14:49
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Kenshizlescott: maybe I don't have gedit14:49
Guest48265türkiyeden kimse var mı14:49
escottKenshizl, ok. is this a standard ubuntu install or something else like kubuntu/lubuntu/xubuntu14:49
wyldekaziweb: it would help if you provided more detail about your issue14:49
escottKenshizl, if you are comfortable using something like vi you could sudo vi /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog but you would only want to do that if you know vi14:50
Kenshizlescott: I thought you knew from our previous chat last night that I had xubuntu?14:50
Kenshizlescott: what's vi?14:50
zykotic10Kenshizl: does "leafpad" open an editor?14:51
escottKenshizl, didn't remember that. then gksudo YOURFAVORITEEDITOR /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog14:51
sobczykhi, is there possibility to tune to a more aggresive power mode for radeon driver? I've tried echo "mid" > power_profile but it turned my screen grey and the latpop was unusable14:51
yellabs-r2hi there14:51
christoph_hi all14:51
yellabs-r2i am trying to make an usb startup disk, with 12.04 but it does not work , whats the problem14:51
Kenshizlescott: There we go! I opened it in leafpad14:51
andybrineafternoon everyon14:52
escottKenshizl, so you see the top of that file lists /var/log/syslog and then between the braces are the rules for that file14:52
Kenshizlescott: yup14:52
andybrineJust out of interest, I have installed compiz on 12.04 and now and now want to disable it. How can we do that?14:52
kaziwebwylde: Hi I'm trying to translate ubuntu community accomplishments, but I don't see any save button there. for this reason I installed bazaar. I downloaded tar ball. I don't know how to use that or to you bazaar for translation.14:52
zykotic10andybrine: if you use Unity3D - it's a compiz plugin... just sayin'14:53
escottKenshizl, I would change that to "hourly" and remove the "delaycompress" that way /var/log/syslog is rotated every hour and compressed immediately. you also want to apply that same rule for kern.log so go find kern.log a little further down the file and copy and paste it directly below syslog (but before the braces)14:53
andybrineok, well I dont want to use all of the features. Compiz was not install by default14:54
wyldekaziweb: link please? Was there a tutorial or somesuch you were following?14:54
Fat-Thingwhat's the command to kill a process?14:55
escottKenshizl, im assuming that logrotate supports an hourly rotation schedule. which might not be valid14:55
wyldekaziweb: you may also find translation help in #ubuntu-translators14:55
zykotic10Fat-Thing: "kill #PID" or "killall PROCESSNAME"14:55
kaziwebwylde: I've gone through their wiki. But there is a bug. there is no save button in template. I cannot save what I translate.14:56
Kenshizlescott: I changed the syslog one, so now I go down to kern.log and copy and paste the exact same thing from syslog to kern.log?14:56
escottKenshizl, or you can just move kern.log line up to apply the same rules to kern.log as to syslog14:56
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escottKenshizl, note how all the other files currently use the same set of rules14:57
Kenshizlescott: how do I do that? and if I do, wouldn't it make it do more things than the kern/log file is now?14:57
wyldekaziweb: link to the wiki please?14:57
kaziwebwylde: I tried to communicate with #ubuntu-accomplishments but no one answering.14:57
wyldekaziweb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Translation <---- is that what you followed?14:58
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Kenshizlescott: how do I move the kern.log string up? do I just put it right next to the syslog string but with a space dividing it?14:59
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escottKenshizl, look at the bottom of that file. see how all the other files have the same set of rules. there are multiple files listed but only one set of rules at the end15:00
s904shello somebody15:00
s904scan help me to know how flip flop15:00
s904sstores bit?15:00
krineticHello! I'm having problems with lightdm. After adding allow-guest=false, I still get the guest session login.15:01
Kenshizlescott: so I cut the kern.log out and paste it UNDERNEATH the syslog one?15:01
ikonia[6~/window 1415:01
escottKenshizl, or above15:01
Kenshizlescott: okay15:01
escottKenshizl, just so that both have the same set of rules15:01
wyldekaziweb: you may also be interested in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise  , beyond that I'm not sure what else to tell you other than try the translators irc channel or mailing list.15:02
kaziwebwylde: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-accomplishments/trunk/+pots/ubuntu-community-accomplishments/bn/+translate?show=untranslated <---- I'm trying here. Please see there is no save button. I don't know other ways to translate. Please help me with step by step solution.15:02
Kenshizlescott: I did it!15:02
escottKenshizl, there is also a size argument that might be helpful. where you can specify "size 100k" and then it should rotate when the files are 100kilobytes15:02
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Kenshizlescott: I don't see a size argument.15:03
escottKenshizl, you could add it. but its not necessary. im not clear what real benefit it would offer here15:03
zykotic10escott: while increasing the log rotation may solve the issue in the short-term, do you know what is actually filling the logs?  (not that I have any better solution then yours ;)15:03
escottzykotic10, intel drm module15:04
wyldekaziweb: at the bottom of the page on the far right side is a button "Save & Continue"15:04
Kenshizlescott: won't I still have to delete both files every once in a while, since they just get bigger and bigger (even though they are compressed)?15:04
ttedihi, I upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 but now it will only display blinking a cursor after boot (instead of the grub menu). I tried booting from usb, chroot, then grub-install but I get the error "cannot read `/grub/core.img' correctly"15:05
kaziwebwylde: I know there supposed to be. But unfortunately I don't see any!!!15:05
escottKenshizl, rotate 7 will only keep 7 of them. (and they will compress to be very very small because of the repeated text) you could have rotate 1000 and it would be fine15:05
escottKenshizl, except for having 1000 copies of the files.15:05
Kenshizlescott: so what does the "rotate" do?15:05
kaziwebwylde: I can send you a screen shot.15:05
wyldekaziweb: I'm looking at it right now. Scroll down as far as you can. Do you mayba need to scroll right to see it?15:06
escottKenshizl, it says "rotate #" means "keep # copies of the file" if you look in /var/log you will note that you have kern.log.1.gz up to kern.log.4.gz because currently the rule in place is rotate 4 for kern.log15:07
kaziwebwylde: I tried but for me I don't see it. let me send you a screen shot of the page.15:07
Fat-Thing6279  0.0  0.1 1065508 3176 ?        S    23:02   0:00 /opt/google/chrome/nacl_helper_bootstrap /opt/google/chrome/nacl_helper --at-zero --r_debug=0x000000004000000015:07
Fat-Thing <----can someone tell me what is this process?15:07
wyldekaziweb: if you must15:07
wylde!paste | kaziweb15:07
ubottukaziweb: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:07
Kenshizlescott: oh. So now that I changed it, it will have up to 715:08
escottKenshizl, yes, up to 7 hours of the file, and they will all be compressed so they should be very small15:08
wyldekaziweb: you may also find someone better able to help with translation issues in #ubuntu-doc15:09
escottKenshizl, the one problem is that currently logrotate is only run once a day. so even though logrotate is told to rotate hourly it only gets woken up to do work once a day. so we have to make a change to the cron files.15:09
Kenshizlescott: but it still shows that the regular syslog is taking up 2GB15:09
Kenshizlescot: so now I have a 2Gb, 1.4Gb and a 900KB file all taking up space.15:10
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escottKenshizl, if you "sudo cp /etc/cron.daily/logrotate /etc/cron.hourly/" then you will copy the script that runs logrotate daily to run every hour15:10
kaziwebwylde: please see---> http://imagebin.org/21224015:10
wyldekaziweb:  see your bottom scroll bar? Click it a drag it to the right.15:11
Fat-Thinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/985534/ <--- mr. escott  can u tell me why i got this process on google chrome? it isn't like these before :(15:11
Kenshizlescott: but it now has 3 instead of 2 insanly huge txt files!15:11
escottKenshizl, what is the 900kb file?15:11
Kenshizlescott: I meant 95KB, but it is "syslog.2.gz"15:12
Dr_willisFat-Thing,  when googleing for that  nacl_helper it seems common to google chrome.15:12
escottKenshizl, 95kb is not that big15:13
kaziwebwylde:  I clicked it and draged it down. this is the screen shot of last bottom right corner where there is no button.15:13
wyldekaziweb: bottom scrollbar...... drag the bottom scrollbar to the right15:13
Fat-ThingDr_willis,  i don't get the same output before when i do the update it's creepy15:13
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Dr_willisFat-Thing,  i think you are being paranoid.15:14
Fat-Thingit suck up all my internet connection15:14
Dr_willisCurrently the nacl_helper_bootstrap is a dynamically linked executable that depends on nacl_helper.so. It should be changed to a statically linked executable with no advertised dependencies, that chain-loads ld.so which then loads nacl_helper.so.15:14
Kenshizlescott: no, but it is one of three files for just one thing. Instead of compressing that syslog file and deleteing it, it just makes another file!15:14
kaziwebwylde: Opps I got it. thanks a lot dear. I was suffering from this from yesterday. Thanks again.15:14
ravenhow to capture flash video streams?15:14
Fat-ThingDr_willis,  sorry if i'm gettin paranoid just than i'm noob huhuh15:15
Dr_willisraven,  i normally use a flash downloader app/web site.15:15
ravenDr_willis its a live stream15:15
Dr_willisraven,  or are you refering to a webcam-chat stream?15:15
kaziwebwylde: but do you know how can I do this type of translation through bazaar?15:15
wyldekaziweb: no problem, however you may want to file a bug against launchpads page. That button should not be shown outside the viewing area when the rest of the page auto adjusts to fit.15:15
escottKenshizl, none of the changes we have just made have taken effect yet. because its only 11:15. cron won't run logrotate until 12:0015:15
ttedihi, I upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 but now it will only display blinking a cursor after boot (instead of the grub menu). I tried booting from usb, chroot, then grub-install but I get the error "cannot read `/grub/core.img' correctly"15:15
Kenshizlescott: right now my free space is holding steady at 25.2Gb, but 2 hours ago it was 29.5 Gb (I know I did not download a 4Gb file)15:16
kaziwebwylde: but do you know how can I do this type of translation through bazaar?15:16
ravenDr_willis no i try to capture a news stream from a tv station15:16
Dr_willisraven,  Hmm.. not sure on that one.  a lot of those sites have alternative streams. then apps like streamtuner/tunapie can grab them15:16
Kenshizlescott: so should I save the file I edited (I did not save it yet)15:16
wyldekaziweb: no I don't, you may want to look into the documentation team and/or translator's mailing list if the irc channels are unresponsive.15:16
escottKenshizl, if you havent even saved it then it definitely hasn't taken effect15:16
ravenDr_willis i know but theese stations are flash-idiots....15:17
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Kenshizlescott: I just saved it.15:17
kaziwebwylde: yes you are right. any ways, thanks a lot again.15:17
wyldekaziweb: np15:17
escottKenshizl, so now you need to tell cron to run logrotate hourly by running "sudo cp /etc/cron.daily/logrotate /etc/cron.hourly/"15:18
escottKenshizl, and then wait and hour and see if it rotates the files15:18
Kenshizlescott: I'm doing it right now15:19
Kenshizlescott: I did it and it asked for my password. I typed it in, and (visibly) nothing happened after that. I think it worked15:20
escottKenshizl, hopefully that will work well enough so that your disk doesnt fill up. a better solution would be to modify /etc/rsyslog.d to not log these messages with intel_prepare_page_flip (I dont know enough about rsyslog to say how to do this) or to pass an argument to the kernel to get the intel drm module to shut-up (check the bug report for some suggestions).15:21
Kenshizlescott: okay.15:23
Kenshizlescott: well, I guess (if you have nothing else to add) I'll watch something online and wait for 12:0015:23
escottKenshizl, you can remove the old log files to verify that the rotation happens, and you might need to restart the cron process (sudo service cron restart)15:24
solofightpeople, my windows xp boot option has been lost after installing ubuntu. Now i remember adding a line in ubuntu some file which brought xp option back last time15:24
solofightbut forgot now15:24
solofightplease help15:24
Kenshizlescott: will do!15:24
Kenshizlescott: I'll delete the files and run that command. But for now, I'm signing off for a little. Thanks for your help!15:26
solofightpeople are you getting my messages ?15:26
angel279Hello, I've just installed Ubuntu 12.04 along with apache2 and php5 and I cant fine the php.ini file? any idea?15:26
solofightangel279: updatedb; locate "php.ini"15:27
escottsolofight, it is not listed in your grub menu?15:28
ttediinteresting, the error "cannot read `/grub/core.img' correctly" went away after manually removing that file15:28
solofightescott: when i switch on the system now it directly boots into ubuntu15:28
solofightno windows15:28
solofightoption to choose15:28
solofightubuntu v1215:28
escottsolofight, it usually shows a menu when os-prober detects boot options. is xp not listed in your /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:29
solofightescott: nope - no entries15:33
solofightdo i need to man ually add one ?15:33
MonkeyDustsolofight  do you see the grub menu at all?15:33
escottsolofight, you could but its easier for os-prober to find it. what does sudo os-prober say?15:34
sirriffsalotWhen someone says "install dssi" in relation to softsynths... what packages does that include? Synaptic confuses me...:)15:35
MonkeyDustsolofight  do you see a menu similar to this, when you boot: http://www.davestechsupport.com/blog/images/grub.png15:35
solofightMonkeyDust: nope - no grubber menu it directly boots into ubuntu and what i see is login screen15:35
MonkeyDustsolofight  it appears you have to repair the grub menu, it can be done but is not easy if you're a beginner15:36
solofightMonkeyDust: sudo os-prober returns nothing15:36
sirriffsalotBy the way, I've installed e17... but whenever I mouse click on my desktop and go to accessories > applications, I get an error message:  Enlightenment error: This is very bad. Enlightenment SEGV'd15:38
MonkeyDustsolofight  in a terminal, sudo fdisk -l -- use pastebin to show it to the channel http://paste.ubuntu.com/15:38
solofightMonkeyDust: cannot use pastebin as the system which i am dealing with has no internet access15:39
solofightshall i describe what i see ?15:39
MonkeyDustsolofight  you have more than one pc in the same network?15:39
solofightit has sda1 to sda7 out of which sda1 runs linux and sda7 runs windows15:39
solofightMonkeyDust: not in same network15:39
kurtwp_can some provide some insight as into the following nvidia error: DEBUG: nvidia_current is blacklisted, so not treating as enabled15:40
solofightthe one am debugging right now is home pc and what am using now is office laptop15:40
MonkeyDustsolofight  ok, in a terminal, type mkdir windows and then sudo mount /dev/sda7 windows15:40
escottsolofight, 7 is an extended partition. is it possible to boot xp on an extended partition?15:40
Dr_willisescott,  xp? I dont think so.. you may want to ask in #windows15:41
panda81if can't burn iso to cd, only way to install is via boot from usb?15:41
headgasWhats a newb channel?15:41
Dr_willispanda81,  you could do a 'net boot'15:41
solofightMonkeyDust: mkdir where ? in my desktop is ok ?15:41
MonkeyDustsolofight  in /home/[you]15:42
solofightescott: well thats what i have done right now !15:42
panda81Dr_willis: what's needed for that15:42
headgasHow do I join a newb channel?15:42
Dr_willis!install | panda8115:42
ubottupanda81: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:42
MonkeyDust!ask| headgas15:42
ubottuheadgas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:42
Dr_willisheadgas,  like #ubuntu-beginners ?15:42
headgasNo for irc beginners15:43
solofightMonkeyDust: done - i have mounted sda7 to windows directory15:43
solofightnow what ?15:43
Dr_willisheadgas,   irc basics.. covered in docs all over the internetz... /join #channelname       is the basics of joining a channel15:43
Dr_willisheadgas,  the xchat.org site had some good docs at one time15:43
MonkeyDustsolofight  ok, no errors? that's something already than, just to know15:43
solofightMonkeyDust: nope - no errors15:44
mvrechBroadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY anybody can help-me?15:44
zykotic10!broadcom | mvrech15:44
ubottumvrech: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:44
conradkHello People :)15:45
* conradk Waves hello !15:45
salsahey guys ... im tring to install Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 LTS (CD) amd64 .... every time in the instalation i got the same error .. Package: ubiquity2.10.16  ... anybody know how to fix it to install?15:45
MonkeyDustsolofight  thing is, i'd like to see the complete outcome of sudo fdisk -l15:45
mecoWhere do I find the vlc log?15:45
td123hi, is there an ubuntu gnome 3 spin?15:46
zykotic10td123: not directly15:46
MonkeyDusttd123  meaning?15:46
zykotic10!notunity | td12315:46
ubottutd123: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:46
escotttd123, no. just install gnome-shell15:46
Dr_willistd123,  seen one mentioned at the webupd8 blog site. but its not officially supported by this channel.. i just install gnome-shell on ubuntu...15:46
td123k, ty, just wondering15:46
conradkDoes anyone know how I can change default ACL on a partition different from where Ubuntu is installed ? In my case, Ubuntu is on /dev/sda3.  But I want to change FACL on /dev/sda2, which is another partition mounted in /media/home. It uses NTFS, unlike the Ubuntu partition which uses ext4. I get "Operation not supported" from the setfacl command :(15:47
mvrechsorry but Not supported low-power chip with PCI id 14e4:4315!15:47
mvrechdpkg: error processing firmware-b43-installer (--configure):15:47
mvrech subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 115:47
mvrechErrors were encountered while processing:15:47
mvrech firmware-b43-installer15:47
FloodBot1mvrech: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
icerootconradk: you cant use POSIX_ACLs on ntfs15:48
Dr_willisconradk,  for ntfs - you set the uid/gid/umask and so forth at mount time. Im not sure if it supports  the ACL stuff. (never really looked into it)15:48
mvrechdpkg: error processing firmware-b43legacy-installer (--configure):15:48
mvrech subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 115:48
mvrechErrors were encountered while processing:15:48
mvrech firmware-b43-installer15:48
mvrech firmware-b43legacy-installer15:48
mvrechE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:48
FloodBot1mvrech: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:48
solofightMonkeyDust: will arrange it please wait15:48
mvrechI receve this error on terminal15:48
mvrechplease anybody?15:49
conradkalright, thx iceroot and Dr_willis15:49
conradkI'll look into that :)15:49
conradkIt is weird though, because getfacl works fine...15:50
mecoWhere do I find the vlc log?15:50
icerootmeco: maybe /var/log/syslog but vlc does not log anything by default15:50
icerootmeco: have a look with vlc --help is there is a debug/log-option15:51
mecoiceroot: there's vlc -vv15:52
thanhhow to save text on irc15:53
Aresswhat video recorder you can recommend me for recording games?15:53
lorddeltaSo...is it normal for me to need to download 5 gigs worth of upgrade when I'm going from 11.04 to 12.04?15:54
Aresswhat video recorder you can recommend me for recording games?15:55
IdleOnelorddelta: sounds like a lot but depending on all what you have installed it is possible15:55
lorddeltaOr should I call it quits and stop the upgrade (its only like 10-20 minutes in, it has another 3-4 hours to go)15:55
solofightMonkeyDust: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/bex7715:56
Dr_willislorddelta,  it basicaly is redownloading every package/app you have installed.15:56
solofightMonkeyDust: please have a loook at that image, its the output of fdisk -l15:56
Dr_willisand updated..15:56
lorddeltaDr_willis: Great. Thanks anyways15:57
Dr_willisbe a neat trick if it could do a 'diff' on all the updates.. but tjhat could get.. complex. ;)15:57
solofightMonkeyDust: you there ?15:59
lorddeltaDr_willis: It would be nice. That or if it let me just update the "core" packages, and mark everything else as obsolete...15:59
Frazdoes anyone happen to be using ogre3d under 12.04?16:00
solofightPeople, i am not able to see the grub menu after my installation of ubuntu 12.04 - i ran a os-prober to see whether it checks for my windows xp and it didn't. here is o/p of fdisk -l http://www.freeimagehosting.net/bex7716:00
solofightplease help16:01
lorddeltaI'm a pack rat, and I refuse to wipe the drive; I have a bad habit of putting important files in weird places, and never got around to giving /home a separate partition...16:01
jiltdilI lost my password to a rar file , try using rarcrack but i didnot figure out how to  get password it is craeting an xml file16:01
theluckymikeis it posible in ubuntu to switch headphone line with mic line? I just screwed headphone line and it does not give out left side..16:01
lorddeltatheluckymike: I'd be very interested to see that, I'd think that sort of thing would be hardware level, not something you could change in the OS...16:03
theluckymikelorddelta,  thx, will forget about it :D16:04
solofightok i waited for some time - so reposting16:04
solofightPeople, i am not able to see the grub menu after my installation of ubuntu 12.04 - i ran a os-prober to see whether it checks for my windows xp and it didn't. here is o/p of fdisk -l http://www.freeimagehosting.net/bex7716:04
solofightplease help16:04
Frazyou didnt wait very long16:05
PolahIs there an extension to remove the message tray on Gnome shell 3.4.1 on Pangolin?16:06
raddyHello everybody16:06
raddyhow do i install repo command in ubuntu 10.04?16:06
raddygoogle is always associating it to apt repo16:07
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raddyinstead of repo16:07
solofightFraz: oh16:07
DatzHi, I just moved a folder to the trash. Where did it go, and how can I completely delete it?16:07
DatzI'm on 12.0416:07
PolahDatz: If you empty trash then it'll remove pointers. If you want it completely gone and overwritten you could find where it's stored on your drive and use dd to write over t16:09
=== Otacon22_ is now known as Otacon22
wayleehello. is there a way to pass a paramter in loginshell in /etc/passwd? like ..:myshell -a16:10
DatzPolah: I kick myself for not using rm command now..16:10
solofightPeople, i am not able to see the grub menu after my installation of ubuntu 12.04 - i ran a os-prober to see whether it checks for my windows xp and it didn't. here is o/p of fdisk -l http://www.freeimagehosting.net/bex7716:10
PolahDatz: Just open trash can and empty is, or right click > delete permanently on the specific file16:11
nydelwaylee: could you write a script file that launches the shell with the parameter & put that in etc/passwd?16:11
DatzPolah: I backed up my home folder prior to upgrade on a NTFS drive. Booted to windows I was unable to remove the home folder because of naming problems.  Where would it be stored now?16:11
escottsolofight, does the xp partition need to me marked bootable? and shouldn't there be a WINNT folder in c:16:11
nydelwaylee: (as your shell)16:11
DatzPolah: I don't see a trash can. I might add I'm booted to gome session fallback16:11
PolahDatz: Open Nautilus, should have a link on the sidebar there16:12
DatzPolah: it does. thanks! :)16:12
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solofightescott: oh, i just clicked the xp partition and made it bootable using disk utility. about winnt folder - am not sure. This is how it was before installing ubuntu - it worked fine !16:14
solofightescott: so now that i have made it bootable - if i run sudo os-prober; it should return windows xp ?16:15
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solofightor should i restart to see the effect ?16:15
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escottsolofight, i dont know try it. if it does run update-grub16:15
amaroksI have deleted /var/log/apache2/error.log and recreated it what I should set it permission to?16:15
synergizmhi, im trying out scribes as an editor right now. i like it but can anyone tell me why i might not have any syntaxhighlighting? using ubuntu 11.1016:16
nydelvlc won't seem to get recognized as a media player, in the way that others like movieplayer & clementine do, where it has a control panel in the sound menu & allows control with laptop remote - could someone help me with this? i don't know where to start...16:16
DonKaesehi everyone, does somebody own an ATI/Intel hybrid graphics notebook and can tell me how well dynamical switching and HDMI output is supported?16:16
Polah amaroks: 64016:17
solofightescott: no good :( when i restart i dont see thr grub menu - meaning it didn't detect the xp isntallation i think16:17
nydelDonKaese: ridiculously well - i actually just got back from trying to crash it (it took me forever) - i am always hooking my laptop to my hd flatscreen via hdmi & it works smooth as can be with my hybrid graphics16:18
krababbelnydel: vlc should implement this in accordance to the gnome guidelines I guess. Maybe there is an addon if not already there in options.16:18
gmachine_24I created an encrypted partition on my system using TrueCrypt; now I'm trying to figure out how I back up whatever is on that partition.....I suppose I can back it up to another encrypted partition....is this my choice?16:18
Polahsolofight, you have to hold shift when booting to get the grub menu.16:18
solofightPolah: ahh16:18
lorddeltanydel: About your vlc problem, have you tried installing the vlc-libnotify stuff?16:18
DonKaesenydel: excellent, can you tell me which notebook you are using?16:18
AsterHi, I wanted to migrate my entire Ubuntu install from one computer to another.16:19
solofightPolah: now i see the grub menu - but no entry for windows xp which is installed in sda7 :(16:19
AsterIs that possible?16:19
nydellorddelta: i have not, will i find that in software center?16:19
Polahsolofight, there's probably a setting so that you can have it show the menu by default rather than having to hold shift, but I don't know it if there is16:19
Polahsolofight, can't help you there, sorry.16:19
lorddeltanydel: I'm not sure what you mean exactly, since I'm have trouble using my gui atm (I had to start from grub cmdline after a nasty kernel accient)...but you might get lucky and unity uses libnotify in the background16:19
lorddeltanydel: maybe.16:19
lorddeltaif not it'll be available via apt-get16:19
nydelDonKaese: i built it myself about 3 years ago, i don't really remember the exact parts16:20
solofightPolah: yeah that setting is in grub config file where you need to set the hidden time out to false i think16:20
nydellorddelta: i'll just apt-get it. thank you, i'll try this now.16:20
DonKaesenydel: are you using the proprietery driver?16:20
harubandHello, anybody here has some interesting with wayland window system? Is it possible for wayland to be default window system on ubuntu?16:21
kafinBonjour à tous !16:22
auronandace!fr | kafin16:22
ubottukafin: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:22
nydelDonKaese: yes, i started on windows & used wubi. whatever drivers ubuntu put into place worked perfectly.16:22
nydel(in fact when i used wubi a while back i was just messing around, but i haven't booted back into windows since. i bet that's happened to a lot of people)16:22
kafin /join #ubuntu-fr16:23
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AsterHi, I wanted to migrate my entire Ubuntu install from one computer to another. Is that possible? What would be the best way of doing it? I'd like to migrate all my files/folders, as I have a lot of data outside of my home folder, so I was thinking of just migrating the entire thing.16:23
Sidewinder!clone | Aster16:24
ubottuAster: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate16:24
harubandAnybody know the room name for the next ubuntu developer?16:25
AsterSidewinder, Not just programs... The data that comes with them, libraries, code, everything.16:25
SidewinderAster, I think that's what you're lookin' for; if not, I apologize.16:25
AsterAlso, I'd like to not have to re-download everything.16:25
mneptok!dd | Aster16:26
DonKaesenydel: and do you have the same battery time as in windows?16:26
* mneptok tut-tuts ubottu 16:26
PolahAster: You could copy across your /var/cache/apt/archives directory and install from those packages16:26
AsterPolah, <Aster> Sidewinder, Not just programs... The data that comes with them, libraries, code, everything.16:26
mneptokAster: look at the program "dd"16:26
nydelDonKaese: no. the battery time is decreased significantly-enough to make me suspect my battery of having broken around the time i switched, but i haven't booted back into windows to see what's what16:27
PolahAster: Anything you've installed separately that didn't come with any packages you'll have to move yourself. You could image your drive and put it onto the other computer to get everything, but it'll probably take a long time depending on how large your drive is.16:27
SidewinderAster, Or, perhaps rsync and it's GUI front-end grsync.16:27
AsterThe size of the data I'm trying to copy over is 80 GB.16:28
synergizmhey anone using scribes on 11.10?16:28
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synergizmi cant get the highlighting to work16:28
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PolahAster: Yeah, that would take quite  a while to image with dd and then put it on the other drive. Like Sidewinder said, rsync over your local network is an option but could still take a long time. I guess if both systems support GbE and you have a cat6 cable to connect them it might be fairly quick16:29
nydelDonKaese: but my battery is running itself down when the computer is shut down, so i highly doubt it is ubuntu's fault.16:29
AsterPolah, I'll try the Etho cable.16:30
PolahAster: You'll need to install Ubuntu on the other system first to do that16:31
DonKaesenydel: thank you for your help!16:32
synergizmguys noone using the editor scribes? it looks gr8 imo but i cant get the syntaxhighlighting running16:32
joepHi, I have a strange problem with GRUB2. I installed from an USB-stick XUBUNTU 12.04 over a corrupt installation of 11.10.16:33
PolahAster: If both systems or cable don't support GbE then it'll only transfer at ~100Mb/s (or worse, 10Mb/s but anything make in the past few years should at least support 100Mb ethernet. It'll take a couple of hours at 100Mb/s16:33
joepThat went without any problem.16:33
AsterPolah, I'd be extremely happy if I just had 10 Mb/s.16:34
joepHowever, when I want to start form the disk GRUB says: no sector found. Cab anybody help me out.?16:34
princethakurbyeall good night .. see you later16:35
drvanonhello, I had issues with compizz (don16:37
drvanon't know what it is)16:37
drvanonso i reinstalled it. I had to reinstall unity with it, but now the issues are back. What is wrong?16:38
tyteen4a03Hi, after I installed Ubuntu desktop 12.04 along with my windows, a boot menu did not show up and the computer went straight to windows. How can I fix this?16:41
escotttyteen4a03, which did you install first? how many disks? how large are they?16:41
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tyteen4a03escott: Windows first, 2 disks (both win7 and ubuntu), how large?16:43
bnerdanybody got any experience with the hp n40l micro server with precise amd64 server installed? esata doesn't work for me and i was wondering whether i must run some specific module?16:43
joepI repost my question: Hi, I have a strange problem with GRUB2. I installed from an USB-stick XUBUNTU 12.04 over a corrupt installation of 11.10. That went without any problem. However, when I want to start form the disk GRUB says: no sector found. Cab anybody help me out.?16:43
escotttyteen4a03, you probably just need to change the bios to boot the other disk first16:43
hulkkkHello, anybody knows some file deduplication utility which can be used in all filesystem?16:44
bnerdwhen i attach a disk via a cable, where i have the combo working on another host, i see 0 kernel messages…16:44
tyteen4a03escott: oops, I meant that disk 1 had both win7 and ubuntu, sorry for the confusing16:44
escotttyteen4a03, ok. how large is the disk? is this a uefi system?16:45
tyteen4a03escott: 120GB SSD, not sure about uefi16:45
escotttyteen4a03, how new is it?16:45
tyteen4a03escott: the disk is only about 2 months old16:46
escotttyteen4a03, the system not the disk16:46
escotttyteen4a03, how about just pasting the output of sudo parted -l /dev/sda16:46
escott!paste | tyteen4a0316:47
ubottutyteen4a03: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:47
tyteen4a03escott: the system? I can't boot into it, you want me to use the live disk?16:50
escotttyteen4a03, yes16:50
marcovorghello ppl, on 12.04 if I alt+tab and select "show desktop" the desktop is NOT shown...to get the correct behavior I need to alt+tab to select again "show desktop" ... anybody is experiencing the same?16:51
tyteen4a03escott: just wondering, will you stil be here after 2 hours? can't really restart the system right now16:52
escotttyteen4a03, probably not16:52
infiddoes ubuntu's cd installer's format tool have a way to do super secure formatting, so the data can't be recovered?16:52
jgmdevmarcovorg, happens the same to me16:52
jgmdevseems to be a bug16:53
bobweavertylerstrayhan,  I just tried and it seems like it is doing that but also after switching to to desktop on the 3rd time it goes back to original window16:53
escottinfid, yes16:53
bobweaver ubuntu-bug unity ?16:54
escottinfid, just dd /dev/urandom /dev/sda first16:54
marcovorgjgmdev, so do you confirm that the desktop is shown on the second try ?16:55
jgmdevjgmdev, happens on my laptop running 12.0416:55
killtracemy net is awesome -.- how can I fix it?16:56
infidalso can you run ubuntu as a guest operating system in virtualbox with a mac osx lion host?16:56
deper29hey, how would I initialize a command upon startup of the system? I can get it to startup for when I log in, but I want it before that16:56
krababbelinfid: why not?16:57
bobweaverinfid,  Yes you may I dont see why not but I am no longer a mac owner16:57
jgmdevmarcovorg, maybe is already reported16:57
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escottinfid, yes16:58
marcovorgjgmdev, mmhh..I'm looking around but I can't find nothing related...16:58
bobweavermarcovorg,   open terminal and enter    ubuntu-bug unity    then in the launchpad page put the description16:59
bobweavermarcovorg,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=495V7FokwBU16:59
killtracelol when I open my UPnP Router Control I somehow by magic download something?17:02
urlwolfI have no virtual terminals (ctrl alt F1-F7). Anyone knows how to debug this?17:02
urlwolfusing nvidia drivers17:02
pooltablehelp how to add extract here in the file opation???17:03
bobweaverurlwolf,  you are getting blackscreen when booting ?17:03
urlwolfno, I get into X straight17:03
marcovorgbobweaver, i'll report the issue thanks17:03
urlwolfand a grey screen while booting17:03
modernbobwhere can I find a list of software sources. I added a ppa and I can't find it in software center.. is there a txt file elsewhere17:04
urlwolfbooting into KDE, without login17:04
bobweavernp marcovorg  thanks for fileing a bug and making ubuntu better17:04
marcovorgbobweaver, yo're welcome ;)17:05
bobweavermodernbob,  nice name look at  /etc/apt/sources.lists and also the dir /etc/apt/sources.lists.d17:05
ANT1-CHR15Tnot really the place to ask just wondering if anybody has any issues with "IO::Socket::SSL"17:07
ANT1-CHR15Tseems to be fine in debian 6 32bit but not on ubuntu17:08
bobweaverthat is perl ? as you can tell I do not have that much of a clue. but what is error message you are getting ?17:09
xanguamodernbob: open Software Center, Edit menu, Sources17:09
ANT1-CHR15T2 secs17:09
ANT1-CHR15Tactually quite a few17:09
TheRedoctoberHi all. I am experiencing a gnome-shell crash. I found the open bug on launchpad. I believe it is due to a gnome shell extension. Since I cannot load gnome-shell without it crashing, I would like to disable extensions. Does anyone know how to disable gnome-shell extensions without being able to load gnome-shell?17:09
Resistance!pastebin | ANT1-CHR15T, if you paste all the lines17:10
ubottuANT1-CHR15T, if you paste all the lines: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:10
ANT1-CHR15Tkk 2 secs17:10
bobweaverTheRedoctober,  this happens with all termianl emulators ? like byou or konsole ect ?17:11
TheRedoctoberbob: it happens with gnome-shell, not gnome-terminal17:11
bobweaveroh sorry :)17:11
TheRedoctobergnome-shell crashed with signal 5 in st_widget_get_theme_node()17:11
jgmdevmarcovorg, yah report it, I vote for it :)17:11
NoNoiseIf I plugin headset the internal speaker sound is not muted. So can hear normal sound and headset together.  00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) -> What can I do_17:11
hcuongvnHey guys, how can i run a bash script file on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, I've already chmod a+x this file, but still can't run :(17:12
TheRedoctoberhcongvn: same as with any *nix, chmod u+x $script; ./$script17:12
escott!paste | hcuongvn can you send us the script17:12
ubottuhcuongvn can you send us the script: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:12
ANT1-CHR15Tlet me know if you have any solutions i normaly get a few errors but runs fine17:12
bobweaverhcuongvn,  chmod +x <name of script>17:12
bobweaverhcuongvn,  you can also add " set -x "  in your script for debuging if you think it is script :)17:14
CromoZoneXHello everyone. I've just installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my Dell Laptop, and i've also got an Optimus Videocard on my laptop. I've installed Bumblebee 3.0 stable, works quite well with all applications i've tested. One BIG question: Why does not Bumblebee runs at startup of my system? It's kinda' annoying to type "optirun appname" every time i want an application to open up with my Nvidia Optimus Card.17:14
ANT1-CHR15TCromoZoneX you can configure it to run at startup i belive17:15
ANT1-CHR15Tnot sure myself as im new to ubuntu but i used debian alot17:15
CromoZoneXI've searched Google, and i didn't find anything useful...17:15
IdleOneDash > Startup Applications.17:15
escottCromoZoneX, does bumblebee need X to be running?17:15
CromoZoneXescott, yes it needs X17:15
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escottCromoZoneX, then add it to gnome-session-properties17:16
delegatehello ppl17:16
lorddelta...quick, easiest cd cmd line utility to burn isos with, that I can choose not to install via package manager...17:16
hcuongvnescott, ubottu Here is my script file http://paste.ubuntu.com/985769/17:16
ANT1-CHR15Tjust wondering as the paste runs out in 10 mins did anybdody have a look at it ?17:16
harushimoI have a question. I'm using the live cd for 12.04.  I have a second hard drive I wanted to use.  How would mount it, so I can use it as a back up17:16
harushimoI'm using the GUI interface17:16
bobweaverlorddelta,  I vote wodim17:16
CromoZoneXThanks a lot guys. Have a nice day. :)17:16
BigBassI have a problem with a Broadcom wireless driver, it doesn't appear to work with the new  Ubuntu 12.4 (or for that fact other Debian based new releases).  Does anybody know what the problem is?17:17
bobweaverBigBass,  I can help you with that17:17
delegate@BigBass, did you install additionaldrivers?17:17
lorddeltabobweaver: thnx, apparently I have that installed already, that works too!17:17
BigBass:-)  Yes17:18
bobweaverBigBass,  I am going to ask you to install something called pastebinit  do you have Internet access via eth0 ?17:18
ANT1-CHR15Tyou could convert the windows drivers as Broadcom always make drivers for windows17:18
BigBassyes I do17:18
bobweaverBigBass,  open terminal   and let us see          lspci -nn | grep 14e417:18
hcuongvnI'm using Ubuntu 12.04. I run chmod a+x this file then run as root but it can't run :(17:19
bobweaver!paste BigBass17:19
bobweaver!pastebin BigBass17:19
KM0201pastebin | bobweaver like this17:19
Polahhcuongvn: What is it and how are you trying to run it?17:19
escotthcuongvn, odd script. it keeps reexecuting itself17:19
pertutatishi,anyone know how to disable sound on startup?17:20
vp18i need help with conky i downloaded it as well as the themes from gmone looks and don't understand it17:20
KM0201hmm, ubottu must be sleeping17:20
bobweaverthanks KM0201  :)17:20
ANT1-CHR15Tok il leave you guys to it il ask in a more perl based channel as im sure they may have run into a few errors anyways have a good day all17:20
PolahKM0201, you have to prefix it with a !17:20
hcuongvnescott, How can i fix it. I really need for my job :(17:20
bobweaver!pastebin > bobweaver17:20
ubottubobweaver, please see my private message17:20
KM0201Polah: oh, i thought i did... (guess i'm a little to tired to be playing w/ ubottu..lol)17:20
harushimoI'm just asking a quick question. Right now I'm using my 160 as OS drive. I have tb hard drive that I want mount with the interface. I'm currently doing a reinstall17:21
KM0201Polah: but don't think ubottu has never been caught napping on the job, happens frequently.. :)17:21
escotthcuongvn, i would just run the correct setup program directly. export PATH and then depending upon your machine architecture run either bin/lin/setup or bin/lin64/setup17:21
harushimoany advice would be great17:21
ztag100Well, I'm screwed...17:22
bobweaverBigBass, ??17:22
ztag100I just restarted my computer17:22
harushimoif anyone answer this question, i can ubuntu completely reinstalled17:22
PolahKM0201, oh yeah. Damn lazy robots.17:22
hcuongvnescott, Ok, i'll try. Thank you!17:23
BobMarleysomebody know some app that when i turn off my pc and restore it, i have the exact environment i have turned it off17:23
bobweaverhello BobMarley  nice name do you have a Ubuntu related question ?17:23
escottharushimo, what is the question17:24
bobweavernope sorry BobMarley17:24
PolahBobMarley, use suspend or hibernate.17:24
harushimothe question right now I have 160 gb hard drive which is being used for the OS. I want to use 1 tb as backup drive17:24
BobMarleybobweaver, Polah that app would be very usefull17:24
harushimoI'm currently doing a reinstall17:24
ztag100Just restarted my computer, now I'm getting an error "Target filesystem doesn't have requested /bin/init"17:25
harushimoI want to know what mount point should I exactly use when I want to use this 1 tb hard drive17:25
escottharushimo, so what part of this is the question?17:25
IdleOneBobMarley: I believe you can select to reload previous session at the login screen17:25
harushimowhen I log into the system, I have access to it17:25
PolahBobMarley, it's not an app, it's a build in command. Do man pm-suspend, or you can just go to your shut down button and select suspend or hibernate17:25
escottharushimo, you can use whatever mount point you want. /media/backup or /mnt/backup would be sensible locations17:25
BobMarleyPolah, i can do it but if teke off the current nor the hibernate nor the supend bring back my previous environment17:25
harushimoI can create the folder and have access to that folder in the system right after I do the reinstall17:26
harushimoI know I have problems where the mount point didn't properly work17:26
linuxjonescan i use the software center to upgrade to a newer version of ubuntu all together?17:26
harushimothat is why i'm asking the question17:26
PolahBobMarley, hibernate should; it saves state to drives. Suspend stores state in memory which will be wiped when it loses power.17:26
xangua!upgrade | linuxjones17:26
ubottulinuxjones: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:26
IdleOneharushimo: you have not asked a question yet17:26
pooltablehelp how to add extract here in the file opation???17:27
Polahharushimo, what do you mean it didn't work properly?17:27
harushimothe question is what is prefer mount point to use when you have two hard drives?17:27
roger_blackwhen i start logkeys in ubuntu 12.04 it just hangs, it does not create any file nor it works, just hangs, what should i do ?17:27
harushimoI couldn't access the drive17:27
harushimoafter the installed17:27
harushimoluckily nothing was on it17:27
urlwolfre: my problem of not having virtual terminals... the terminals are listed on ps aux | grep tty. Maybe the shortcuts are overriden by kwin?17:27
Polahharushimo, something in /mnt/ or /media/. Did you add the appropriate entry to your fstab?17:27
escottharushimo, the mount point is up to you.17:27
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harushimoi figured17:28
harushimothank you17:28
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harushimoI'm doing the reinstall right now17:28
tpw_ruleshow can i skip checking for disks in the boot process?17:31
BobMarleyPolah, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/hardware/C/pm-suspending.html    ---> seems that hibernation will do my job, thank for the advise, i will try it17:31
tpw_rulesevery time i start my computer, it complains that a disk is missing which i removed from it a while ago. i have to press a key to skip it17:31
escotttpw_rules, the last column in /etc/fstab17:31
tpw_rulesokay, thanks17:32
tpw_rulesi'll try that17:32
Polahtpw_rules, comment out or remove the entry from your fstab so it doesn't try to load it on boot17:32
tpw_rulesshould i remove the entry completely?17:32
Polahtpw_rules, you could do. Personally I'd just comment it out in case you use it later.17:33
png85if you dont plan to re-add the disk to the system i guess you can, otherwise just set the last column in its line to 0 to skip filesystem checks during boot17:33
tpw_rulesit was already set to 0, i commented it out17:33
tpw_rulesit's removed because it had a head crash17:34
linuxfreakerUnable to install Ubuntu 10.04 on Dell R620 machine17:34
tpw_rulesthe fs type is swap, does it think the swap parittion is there?17:34
linuxfreakerthrough UEFI mode17:34
linuxfreakerAny idea if 10.04 supports UEFI mode17:35
escotttpw_rules, swap partitions dont have an fsck17:35
tpw_rulesit wasn't fsck17:35
tpw_rulesit just said "Waiting for disk <UUID>, Press S to skip mount"17:35
escottlinuxfreaker, probably not as well, but you could try and install grub-efi. alternately you might install a smaller 12.04 (minimal) just to get a copy of grub-efi17:36
SomelauwSomething I have seen recently a lot in firefox is that when I open a flash movie in one tab, it shines though the contents of the other tabs if their background color is white.17:37
linuxfreakerescott: I am facing issue with 11.10 too17:37
javierf_Hi! I've got a problem with jdk-jave in ubuntu 12.04. Since I tried to install it and something went wrong, everytime I try to install another application terminal tries to process oracle-java7-installer but finds errors, so it can't be installer neither uninstalled. How could I fix this?17:37
linuxfreakerescott: Doesnt grub-efi included in 10.04 or 11.1017:37
escottlinuxfreaker, i dont know i just try to avoid efi17:38
linuxfreakerescott: How to install grub-efi during installation phase?17:38
linuxfreakerescott: All I tried selecting UEFI Mode > Boot Option > bootx86.efi17:38
linuxfreakerescott: But it dint work17:39
linuxfreakerescott: How shall I install grub-efi and where to download from? Can you help me with this?17:39
escottlinuxfreaker, i dont know what that does. does that do a bios boot17:39
AsterPolah, so, how would I set up this LAN trade thing?17:39
ikonialinuxfreaker: you need to start defing thigs like "doesn't work"17:39
AsterWith the etho cable?17:39
ikonialinuxfreaker: or else my answer will be "make it work"17:39
akmcan somebody tell me that could could i install openssl c lib in my ubuntu12.x17:40
linuxfreakerikonia: When I tried inserting DVD of 10.04 , I selected UEFI Mode(instead of BIOS Mode)..it showed "error:prefix not found" and then displayed GRUB menu..when I select any option it remains black17:41
ikoniaakm: what do you want to do ?17:41
PolahAster: You'll have to ask someone else about that; I don't know much about rsync, sorry.17:41
linuxfreakerikonia: It work with BIOS Mode but doesnt display anything after GRUB menu gets displayed17:42
anon_I want to install a German GUI on a Japanese Ubuntu 12.04. What package(s) do I have to install?17:43
ikonialinuxfreaker: where/when does it display that error, during the install or after the install is done17:43
tensorpuddinganon_, what do you mean?17:43
xanguaanon_: open language support  and install all languages you want17:43
ubottuxmarkinox: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:44
tensorpuddinganon_, do what xangua said, you might have to configure input method support if you want to support german typing17:44
anon_tensorpudding, xangua, I prefer the command line as everything is Japanese. I want to have Libre Office in German.17:44
xanguaanon_: language-pack-de, language-pack-de-base17:44
hapsterHi. Any chance NVIDIA will provide binary drivers for Ubuntu/other Linux distros once Ubuntu moves to Wayland?17:44
linuxfreakerikonia: TO be clear....Power-On Dell Machine > Pressed F11 > Select UEFI Mode > Choose DVD > ISOLinux shows up > "error:prefix not found" > GRUB Menu > Nothing getting displayed17:45
tensorpuddingi would guess that in order to launch an app with a different localization than usual you'd have to set some variables17:45
anon_xangua, thx17:45
tensorpuddingbut i have no idea if that works17:45
linuxfreakerikonia: Nothing is installed and I am inserting DVD for installation17:45
icerootanon_: sudo apt-get install libreoffice-l10n-de17:45
icerootanon_: to get the german version of libre-office17:46
harushimoi'm getting a unknown filesystem error after my complete reinstallation. it is in the grub rescue screen17:46
harushimowhat I do?17:46
escottharushimo, tell us some details about your system. does it have multiple disks?17:47
linuxfreakerikonia: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/foundations-bugs/2012-February/066560.html17:47
escottharushimo, did you select any non-standard options (lvm, mdadm, btrfs, etc)17:47
harushimoit has two hard drives. It has a 160 gb and 1 tb17:48
harushimoI selected for my 160 in this boot--> ext 4, swap, and reiserfs partitons17:48
harushimoand for 1tb it is reiserfs17:48
escottharushimo, what is / on? what is /boot on?17:49
harushimofor 160 gb has a root partition which is reiserfs17:49
harushimothe 1 tb doesn't have one17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632775 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "grub-install (EFI) is not properly setting the prefix" [High,Fix released]17:49
harushimoit is backup drive17:49
dontknowwhich one should use "gksu" or "gksudo"?17:50
linuxfreakerikonia: any idea?17:50
escottharushimo, perhaps the initrd doesnt have the reiser module. you might need to add it to modules and update-initramfs17:50
icerootdontknow: imo gksu is coming from kde/qt and gksudo from gnome17:50
linuxfreakerescott: any idea?17:50
harushimohow would do I that17:50
escottdontknow, i think they are the same17:50
lorddeltaOh the wonderful world of Operating Systems. You never appreciate them as much as when you realize you can do multiple things at once...without a GUI (or including several GUIs, depending on how much RAM/CPU you have)17:50
harushimoI'm in the grub rescue screen17:50
yeatsdontknow: open a terminal and type 'man gksu' - it will explain what you're looking for17:51
linuxfreakerikonia: The bug shows the fix but dont know which version has that fix17:51
escottdontknow, gksudo is a symlink to gksu so it probably doesnt matter which one you use17:51
escottharushimo, you arent going to be able to fix it in the rescue screen. you'll need to boot the livecd and chroot in17:52
dontknowescott, they are not same17:52
harushimowhen chroot in, then do an sudo update-initrafms?17:53
klestHello people I have just installed Ubuntu 12.04 and the corresponding Java 7 and have a strange problem. I need to open a .jnlp file and there is a pop up which asks me with which application I would like to open it. there was no problem with Java 6, the prompt finds itself the good Java "bin" - so what would be the "bin" to open .jnlp in Java 7??17:55
harushimowhat type of file journaling system is prefered for the home directory? I've been using reiserfs for like 7 years17:56
escottharushimo, ext417:56
harushimoand the root directory17:56
harushimois that same for root too?17:56
harushimoexplain me the difference between ext4 vs reisferfs17:56
escottharushimo, its the default choice. btrfs is the likely successor17:57
harushimooh really17:57
AressMaybe someone can recommend my a editor like notepad++17:57
harushimoI didn't know that17:57
Dr_willisAress,  try geany17:57
linuxfreakerikonia: What u suggest?17:57
escottharushimo, reiserfs was written by hans reiser who is in prison for murder17:57
ignaciohola algien save porque mi resoulcion bajo al poner drivers y no deetcta monitore17:57
harushimofor root partition, I'm guessing ext4 is prefer too17:57
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harushimoI didn't know that17:57
physically_fithow do i buy music from available in the iTunes store? is the only alternative to install Wine?17:58
escottharushimo, needless to say his personal skills may not have been the best, so it never got accepted by the mainline linux kernel community17:58
Dr_willisphysically_fit,  best bet would be buy music from sites that dont put on silly DRM.17:58
Dr_willisphysically_fit,  i dont think itunes works in wine.17:58
harushimooh okay17:59
harushimoI'll start using ext417:59
harushimothank you17:59
physically_fitDr_willis, i want to buy Sleigh Bells' last album and their website redirects me to itunes.17:59
escottharushimo, if you *must* have the coolest fs with the best features try btrfs18:00
Dr_willisphysically_fit,  I wouldent buy anything from Apple... ever..18:00
physically_fitDr_willis, ok, i understand your position.18:00
harushimook can you use btrfs for the root and home directory18:00
anon_xangua, it says that language-pack-de is already the latest version. However when logging into Ubuntu there is no option to choose the language. How can I switch the GUI of Ubuntu from Japanese to German?18:00
harushimoI'll do use that18:00
harushimoor should I do a different file system for root and home directory?18:01
escottharushimo, btrfs should not be used for /boot but its fine as a /18:01
harushimoI'm using ext4 for /boot18:01
physically_fitDr_willis, it's on Amazon. can i buy it there?18:02
nannesHi! i'm in trubles :( Flash videos aren't viewed in any case... Test pages for flash say "OK! Your flashplayer 11.1xxx has been installed correctly" but if I try any video, the "MISSING PLUGIN" message appears18:02
nannesI'm with Lubuntu11.10...I'm getting crazy http://imagebin.org/212253  &&  http://imagebin.org/21225418:02
Dr_willisphysically_fit,  no idea if amazon has DRM protection.. i dont think they do.. there IS the ubuntu-one music store also.18:02
physically_fitDr_willis, i usually pirate music, but i like their album so much, so i want ti support the band18:02
Dr_willisand google has their own music store as well.18:03
physically_fitDr_willis, ubuntu one doesn't show them18:03
physically_fitDr_willis, i already searched there18:03
Dr_willisive never even looked at the U1 store. :)18:03
tamir12.04 experienced internel error??18:03
physically_fitDr_willis, this was my first time! :)18:04
owner512hello, i hate the new style from ubuntu ( i install 11.xx). how can i use the old style?18:04
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escott!notunity | owner51218:04
ubottuowner512: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:04
anon_Is there a command with which I switch Ubuntu GUI from Japanese to German?18:04
owner512thx guys18:05
physically_fitDr_willis, listen to their last album (Reign of Terror) it's a balanced mixture of metal and pop. you probably like one of those genres.18:05
harushimoescott: can you use the same file journaling system for root and the home directory or shoudl it be different?18:05
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kinoПривет всем!!!18:05
Dr_willisphysically_fit,  ive bought like 2 music cd;s in the last 15 years.......18:06
physically_fitDr_willis, what bands?18:06
Dr_willisWeird Al. :P18:06
escottharushimo, one of the nicer features of btrfs is subvolumes a default setup will have a subvolume for / and /home on the same partition18:06
physically_fitoh ok18:06
Dr_willisyou reach an age.. where its just more background noise. ;)18:06
Dr_willisnight all..18:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:06
physically_fitnight Dr_willis18:07
harushimothat is what I'm doing18:07
harushimothank you18:07
harushimoi'm using btrfs18:07
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ravenproblems with samba - after install no /etc/samba/smb.conf any more - where to get it from?18:07
kinoКак вам ядро линукс в пользовании18:10
ravenproblems with samba - after install no /etc/samba/smb.conf any more - where to get it from?18:10
AressMaybe someone can recommend my a editor like notepad++18:10
gauravkittzplease help. I want to learn how to create a windows xp usb from iso in ubuntu (I know it can be done by wintoflash, but I want to understand how to make it in ubuntu)18:10
gauravkittz@raven which ubuntu version are you using18:12
tyteen4a03escott: where is terminal emulator in 12.04? can't seem to find it18:12
ravengauravkittz 12.0418:12
escotttyteen4a03, hit the windows key and type terminal18:12
domino14where are the various places that the OOM killer can write its logs in Ubuntu 10.10 server?18:12
tyteen4a03escott: what is the command again?18:13
Resistance!10.10 | domino14, FYI18:13
ubottudomino14, FYI: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.18:13
gauravkittzraven, did you install it from the repo?18:13
escottwhat command was this18:13
ravengauravkittz yes18:13
domino14ok.. does that mean no one can answer my question?18:13
tyteen4a03escott: something about parted and /dev/sda18:13
escotttyteen4a03, sudo parted -l /dev/sda18:13
Resistancedomino14:  no, its just a note that 10.10 isnt supported anymore, so you wont get any updates (especially security updates)18:13
KM0201domino14: that means your OS is end of life...18:13
xanguadomino14: since you are using an unsupported version18:13
Resistancedomino14:  you can probably still get answers, but it'd be best for you to upgrade18:13
domino14it's like a year and a half old18:13
KM0201domino14: non-LTS is supported for 18mo.18:14
tyteen4a03escott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/985863/18:14
Resistancedomino14:  non-LTS is only supported for 18 months :/18:14
linuxfreakerikonia: Read this http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=27075918:14
KM020110.10= october 2010-april 2012.18:14
domino14well in any case, is there any info on the OOM killer logs that anyone would know?18:14
linuxfreakerikonia: it does talk about efi18:14
domino14i would upgrade but i can't get python 2.6 installed properly18:14
gauravkittzraven http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-samba-server-on-ubuntu/18:14
ZetaRC12anyone ever get an Acer Aspire One D-250 to sleep on closing? I can sleep and hibernate and restore from both states on the laptop manually. When I close the lid the backlight turns off, but the laptop never stops running. /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state only lists the state as closed, no matter if the lid is open or closed.18:15
escotttyteen4a03, so what was the problem?18:15
anon_Now the Ubuntu Gui is in German, however Libre Office is still in Japanese. How can I switch it to German?18:17
ravengauravkittz i have NO /etc/samba/config18:17
tyteen4a03escott: after I install ubuntu 12.04 I rebooted, but the computer takes me straight to windows, no boot selection menu18:18
escotttyteen4a03, it might be booting sdb first18:18
nannesHi! i'm in trubles :( Flash videos aren't viewed in any case... Test pages for flash say "OK! Your flashplayer 11.1xxx has been installed correctly" but if I try any video, the "MISSING PLUGIN" message appears18:19
nannes I'm with Lubuntu11.10...I'm getting crazy http://imagebin.org/212253  &&  http://imagebin.org/21225418:19
raventyteen4a03 try hold down shift keys during boot18:19
tyteen4a03escott, both of my windows 7 and ubuntu are on sda18:19
escotttyteen4a03, how is sda connected?18:19
gauravkittzthere should be copy at /usr/share/samba/smb.conf18:19
tyteen4a03how do I describe it?18:19
tyteen4a03I just have it connected to either SATA0 or SATA1 slot, I forgot18:20
raventyteen4a03 try hold down shift keys during boot18:20
tyteen4a03raven, got it18:21
salihk87Hello guys. I update the latest ubuntu version but my wifi isn't working now. What can i do can i resolve this problem with terminal?18:21
escotttyteen4a03, i would chroot in and reinstall grub to sda (and probably also sdb because why not)18:21
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tyteen4a03how would I do that? sorry I am new to linux commands18:22
anon_Now the Ubuntu Gui is in German, however Libre Office is still in Japanese. How can I switch it to German? Anybody?18:23
escotttyteen4a03, sudo mount /dev/sda6 /media/ubuntu; sudo mount --bind /dev /media/ubuntu/dev; sudo mount --bind /proc /media/ubuntu/proc; sudo mount --bind /sys /media/ubuntu/sys; sudo chroot /media/ubuntu18:23
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escotttyteen4a03, then grub-install /dev/sda; grub-install /dev/sdb18:24
tdubellzany help to get wifi to work with a broadcom 4313gn card would be lovely18:24
IdleOne!broadcom | tdubellz18:25
ubottutdubellz: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:25
tyteen4a03escott: mount point /media/ubuntu does not exist (the live "disk" is actually an USB stick if that matters)18:25
tdubellzthanks sir18:25
escotttyteen4a03, sudo mkdir /media/ubuntu18:25
harushimoi'm still getting the same error18:26
linuxfreakerGuys...I want to downgrade the GRUB verison from 1.98-1 to 1.98. How shall I do that?18:26
wilee-nileeescott, you can run that chroot in one line am I right?18:26
icerootlinuxfreaker: why?18:26
domino14what logs do i search for oom-killer messages?18:26
icerootdomino14: syslog18:26
escottwilee-nilee, huh?18:26
icerootdomino14: /var/log/syslog18:26
linuxfreakericeroot: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=58807518:26
ubottuDebian bug 588075 in grub-efi-ia32 "grub-efi-ia32: unbootable system: error: "prefix" is not set. Entering rescue mode" [Normal,Open]18:26
wilee-nileeescott, this     sudo mount /dev/sda6 /media/ubuntu; sudo mount --bind /dev /media/ubuntu/dev; sudo mount --bind /proc /media/ubuntu/proc; sudo mount --bind /sys /media/ubuntu/sys; sudo chroot /media/ubuntu    in one line in the terminal I rarely have to chroot.18:27
escottdomino14, doubt the oom killer does much logging that would somewhat defeat the purpose18:27
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tyteen4a03escott, thanks, i will try now18:27
tyteen4a03*try rebooting18:27
linuxfreakericeroot: The new GRUB is throwing the error while booting 10.04 through UEFI Mode18:27
escottwilee-nilee, well its not one line it has a bunch of ";" in it, but yes you could run it in "one line"18:27
wilee-nileeescott, Ah I see it is missing any && between the sudo's18:27
domino14escott: i just want to determine if the oom killer is actually killing a process18:27
domino14escott: i have a process that mysteriously disappears18:27
escottdomino14, check dmesg18:27
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escottdomino14, what does free -m say?18:28
icerootlinuxfreaker: and that bug is also affecting 12.04?18:28
wilee-nileeescott, I get it now it is a bit earlier here, Doh18:28
linuxfreakericeroot: Yes18:28
domino14escott: well right now the process is dead and im looking for logs or something to determine why it disappeared18:29
linuxfreakericeroot: Power-On Dell Machine > Pressed F11 > Select UEFI Mode > Choose DVD > ISOLinux shows up > "error:prefix not found" > GRUB Menu > Nothing getting displayed18:29
domino14escott: but on another instance running the same process it displays Mem:          3776       1269       2506          0        122        43118:29
geohackerI just upgraded to 12.04 and suspend no longer works. - the machine goes to sleep, but when waking up, I don't get a login screen. it is just stuck. any leads?18:29
linuxfreakericeroot: I found it on 10.04 and 11.1018:29
escottdomino14, without colum headers those numbers are just 234 2315 2346234 345318:30
icerootlinuxfreaker: do we have a launchpad bug for that?18:30
domino14total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached18:30
linuxfreakergeohacker: Hibernation doesnt work on 12.0418:30
linuxfreakericeroot: I dont know if thats bug18:30
geohackerlinuxfreaker: I'm not trying to hibernate. just suspend.18:30
evgeniHello, i  have trouble with 12.04 sticky keys. Pressing a modifier twice disables it, instead of holding.18:30
escottdomino14, so with over 2GB free your first assumption is the oom killer?18:30
domino14it shouldnt be, but someone told me that when the process disappears like that leaving no stack trace in the log, to look at the OOM killer18:31
domino14this is redis18:31
linuxfreakergeohacker: Are you doing with VM or physical machine18:31
geohackerlinuxfreaker: physical machine. xubuntu 11.10 --> xubuntu 12.0418:32
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linuxfreakergeohacker: how are you trying to suspend?18:33
geohackerlinuxfreaker: just click suspend from the menu :)18:33
linuxfreakergeohacker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/989674?comments=all18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989674 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 12.04 i386 does not reboot back Unity from suspend" [Medium,Triaged]18:35
evgeniassuming its  a bug, where ccould i look? what program is responsible for sticky keys?18:35
geohackerlinuxfreaker: hmm. known issue.18:36
harushimoi can't get pass the grub rescue screen18:36
harushimothe system is hanging after a install18:36
tyteen4a03escott: still took me straight to windows18:36
tyteen4a03raven: holding shift didn't work18:36
raventyteen4a03 did you boot install system from cd or from usb stick?18:37
raventyteen4a03 could be possible that grub now is installed on your usb drive - was a big bug last times18:38
osmosishow do I get rid of the sticky windows stickey mouse behavior?18:38
escotttyteen4a03, no error messages on the grub-install commands?18:42
tyteen4a03escott: no18:42
Icehawk78I recently upgraded to 12.04 and when I try to log on, I get what looks like a terminal screen filled with... maybe logs? and then it kicks me back to the login screen, but I'm unable to get it to let me see what is displaying. If I manually log in as the same user from a command line, I have no issues, so I assume it's something to do with the GUI18:42
Icehawk78Any recommendations on either how to see what that screen is showing me without immediately kicking me back to the login screen, or to view some logs from a shell?18:44
wilee-nileeraven, I don't think that is a particular bug, sometimes when bootinb from a usb the HD will read as sdb or another and the non custom install defaults to a sda mbr.18:44
osmosishow do I get rid of the sticky windows stickey mouse behavior?18:45
osmosisthe edge of the screen always grabs my cursor when I am trying to go between screens, and when I am trying to drag windows across too.18:45
linuxfreakerI read UEFIBooting link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting which states that use grub latest version if your dell server is not functioning18:50
linuxfreakerHow shall I upgrade my GRUB..do I need to create a complete new ISO with latest GRUB version18:50
linuxfreakerit suggest Some machines (all Dell laptops, all new Apple from 2010 on, some Lenovo) have bugs in their UEFI firmware, preventing them from booting (black screen). Linux Kernel 3.0 (and higher versions) includes patches with workarounds for them. It is therefore recommended to use a Linux kernel of version 3.0 or higher.18:50
ozzloyis there a way to find what the name of the wireless card is?  i know it's usually "wlan0" but i'd like to find it programmatically18:51
NumberJhello is there anybody who can help me with my wlan setup on my laptop and ubuntu? i am pretty desperate cuz nothign helped so far18:52
linuxfreakerNumberJ: iwconfig18:52
evgeniHow can I file a bug report on sticky keys? I have to provide a package-name to ubuntu-bug, but I have no idea which?18:52
linuxfreakerozzloy: iwconfig18:52
linuxfreakerozzloy: dmidecode18:53
NumberJlinuxfreaker, and then? i did that but i am not an expert on that so far can i post you that?18:53
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tyteen4a03escott: anything on your mind? :)18:54
linuxfreakerNumberJ: What does iwconfig shows? pastebin.com18:55
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cypher-neoHello. I was following instructions online to change my mouse cursor, but it doesn't seem to work exactly the way the tutorial suggested. I changed the theme using gnome-tweak-tool, then used "sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme" to switch the entire theme over to the correct cursor. And finally I Alt-F2'd and "compiz --replace"... but!! The cursor did not change. I ended up having to restart to get the cursor to cha18:56
cypher-neonge. Is there any way to restart a Unity or compiz session without closing all the programs I have open?18:56
escotttyteen4a03, not really. its pretty hard to diagnose these things from afar. you claim that grub was installed correctly and yet grub doesnt seem to load. if grub-install was installed to the mbr's of both disks it should be impossible for anything to boot18:56
ozzloylinuxfreaker, i could scan iwconfig and look for lines starting at column 0 that don't have "no wireless extensions", but i'd rather get back a list of names of wireless cards directly.  dmidecode looks like it would also have to be parsed18:56
ozzloylinuxfreaker, thanks though, those look promising18:57
AscavasaionCan someone here tell me how or where to look for setting up a home entertainment system between Linux machine and TV.  Where movies are loaded via remote control.  Friend of mine had something along those lines, but never asked him how or what it entailed.18:57
domino14is there anything else that can kill an app besides the oom-killer?18:57
domino14it left no stack trace18:57
domino14no signal in the log18:57
daftykinsAscavasaion: xbmc.org ?18:57
linuxfreakerozzloy: what does iwconfig shows>?18:57
Ascavasaiondaftykins: Thank you... will look there... thanks for the pointer.18:58
escottdomino14, why couldn't it just segfault18:58
daftykinsnp :)18:58
ClientAliveIf I'm using ubuntu server 12.04 and awesome window manager, how can I find out what terminal emulator is being used and increase the font size of it?18:58
tyteen4a03escott: I guess I will have to reinstall ubuntu then. thanks for your help18:58
domino14escott: wouldnt that leave some trace somewhere18:58
escottdomino14, not necessarily18:59
tyteen4a03escott: this time should I choose /dev/sda as my boot loader installation point?18:59
escotttyteen4a03, what did you pick last time?18:59
tyteen4a03I forgot19:00
Dj_FlyByj #Samba19:00
tyteen4a03I probably chose sda619:00
ozzloylinuxfreaker, http://pastebin.com/9ea6tUjA19:00
escotttyteen4a03, the boot loader is always installed to the mbr not the pbr19:00
escotttyteen4a03, so sda not sda619:01
cypher-neoHello. I was following instructions online to change my mouse cursor, but it doesn't seem to work exactly the way the tutorial suggested. I Alt-F2'd and did a "compiz --replace"... but the cursor did not change. I ended up having to restart to get the cursor to change. Is there any way to restart a Unity or compiz session without closing all the programs I have open?19:01
escottcypher-neo, no19:04
evgeniHow can I file a bug report on sticky keys? I have to provide a package-name to ubuntu-bug, but I have no idea which?  Any ideas?19:04
ozzloylinuxfreaker, not too difficult to parse.  i was just hoping to not have to parse19:04
khaoshi guys i have a problem with skype and my internal microphone in acer aspire. the sound recorder works ok. i have increased the volume in pavucontrol with no luck. any idea? thanks in advace19:06
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cplusplusHello. I need some help with network connections on Ubuntu 12.04. I installed it on my 2nd laptop and everything was fine. But when I rebooted it, it cannot detect the wired network anymore. It says smartlink modem daemon is missing. What should I do? Please help.19:16
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KiryxWeird thing happened with Keyboard shortcuts. I am using gnome3, when I open Keyboard shortcuts I see all of them as Disabled, yet most of them work as expected. I can't add anything new or alter anything too19:17
rolandbcan anyone recommend a good vpn provider?19:17
KiryxDid anyone have similar issue ?19:17
Guest30105salut tout monde je voudrai faire un conky donc je voudrai savoir ce qu il faux faire19:17
nickgawHi, Is it possible to install the desktop or server version of ubuntu 12.04 on it's own partition when doing the installation from an existing debian installed system like boot straping the install where I would use debian to do the ubuntu installation?19:18
phaedra!fr | Guest3010519:18
ubottuGuest30105: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:18
dannyany way to add a pandora controler to the unity top bar like rythmbox has19:19
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merbenhi, i need some help with vmware workstation 8.0.0 and the kernel 3.2.0, it doesn't work any more  is there any patch to install ? help please19:20
daftykinsnickgaw: just boot the media, use manual partitioning and be careful on where you put GRUB19:21
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cplusplusHi. Where can I download smartlink modem daemon for the current kernel ( ?19:22
nickgawso no method exists like in debian you can use debootstrap to download the packages then do the installation that way on to a chroot?19:22
PySharkyHey guys i set up a ubuntu for python development and testing, i need to be able to login as root, i already fixed that but i wanted to install gnome classic, i can log into gnome classi with the regular user but root is stuck in unity19:25
PySharkyany ideas about how to fix this19:25
Guest49109cat anyone here in Slovak19:26
PySharkybtw im doing my development on 11.1019:26
WHAT_LEFTwhat file do i change to make the default terminal bash?19:27
MonkeyDust!root| PySharky19:27
ubottuPySharky: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:27
Guest49109cat anyone here in Slovak19:27
jeeves_mosswhat causes "smtpd[32234]: lost connection after EHLO from" with postfix?  no one is able to send e-mail19:28
MonkeyDustWHAT_LEFT  bash *is* the default19:28
PySharkyMonkeyDust, yea i know all about root the point is i simple need it for my development box, besides this box is not meant to be a desktop box just dev19:28
WHAT_LEFTMonkeyDust: not on some server a friend lent me19:28
MonkeyDustWHAT_LEFT  i missed that part in your uestion19:29
phaedra!si Guest4910919:29
MonkeyDustPySharky  guess it's not possible to login as root, not sure, though19:29
phaedra!si | Guest4910919:30
ubottuGuest49109: Kanal za podporo slovenskim uporabnikom Ubuntuja je #ubuntu-si. Če potrebujete pomoč v Slovenskem jeziku, prosimo da se nam pridružite in probali vam bomo pomagati. Slovenian language support channel is #ubuntu-si19:30
nickgawyou just set the root password using sudo19:30
PySharkyMonkeyDust, actually it is possible  and quite easy, the question is how to change the root account to gnome classic it is stuck in unity even though gnome classic is installed/selected19:30
PySharkyat login regular account can be set to gnome classic and works fine but if i log in as root it keeps logging into unity19:31
PySharkyhasn't anyone tried this before?19:34
OerPySharky, "log in as root¨ ??19:35
PySharkythat works fine19:35
PySharkyi cannot change unity to gnome classic for the root account19:35
ikoniaPySharky: you don't login to X11 with root19:36
PySharkyplease guys i don't need any speaches about root, i need it for my python development project no way around it and its only a disposable dev box19:37
ikoniaPySharky: you do not need it19:37
ikoniaPySharky: there is zero reason to login to X11 as root19:37
OerPySharky, there is no root account ( it is standard disabled in ubuntu), so i wonder what you try to do.19:38
PySharkyso boring people telling me what i am and am not supposed to do19:38
ikoniaPySharky: so boring people trying to do what ubuntu is designed to not do19:39
PySharkyi do need root to test out some program function i am designing since they require root privs19:39
LjLPySharky: feel free to do what you want, but we do not support logging in as root here, to the best of our knowledge your computer could explode if you do that.19:39
ikoniaPySharky: you do not need root19:39
PySharkylook ok to each his own, if you have an answer about why root is locked to untiy id like to hear the answer19:40
AxonetBEI'm updating from 9.10 to 10.04 and get this during update. Somebody knows what it means?19:41
ikoniaPySharky: root is locked - full stop19:41
PySharkyikonia, amazing the box beside me is logged in right now19:41
nopfPySharky: isn't that obvious? any one cool enough to login as root surely has just apt-get removed the unity19:41
ikoniaPySharky: no it's not, or you wouldn't be asking "why is it locked"19:41
PySharkyikonia,  you sitill didn't read my acutal question did you19:42
PySharkynopf, ok i see19:42
ikoniaPySharky: you can't change the session for the root user under unity ?19:43
PySharkystill doesn't explaiin why it cant be changed at the login19:43
AxonetBEI got always 'error: cannot read from `/dev/sdb'." when part of ubuntu is updating19:43
ikoniaAxonetBE: is /dev/sdb there ?19:43
AxonetBEno I don't have this19:43
UcciucciHi to everyone19:44
nopfPySharky: nobody has tried loggin in as root under x because it's a bad idea and you don't need to, whatever you're doing... (except maybe for developing a new x server, where being root might be more convenient for a while)19:44
AxonetBEikonia: no, not there.19:44
OerAxonetBE, check your software sources, is the CD selected as source?19:45
midgazeany trick to getting the native zfs stuff working right?  I can import my FreeBSD pool but it's pretty broken19:45
phoenix_firebrdhow do i increase the resolution of the video thumbnails shown by the nautilus19:46
ikoniaAxonetBE: ok, so that's why it can't open it19:46
AxonetBEOer: it is a server and I run via ssh and via the update tool sudo do-release-upgrade19:46
midgazeprocesses stalled in uninterruptible IO wait, even when it's "working" each zfs command takes multiple seconds to run19:46
ActionParsnipphoenix_firebrd: if you make the icons bigger, does that help?19:46
AxonetBEikonia: yes but it is the sudo do-release-upgrade that I use so don't know why he looks for it19:47
glcheethamanyone have experience with SDL_net?19:47
phoenix_firebrdActionParsnip, no, the size of the thumbnail increases , but the resolution of the thumbnail is poor and looks bad due to over scaling19:47
ikoniaAxonetBE: looks like it's referenced in your grub config19:48
AxonetBEikonia: everything went fine till this (log) https://gist.github.com/1317bba6ef7258c12e2719:50
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ravenffmpeg how to encode to mpeg2 with iframes only?19:52
CarlFKraven: I would ask in #ffmpeg19:52
newb100How do I change screen saver settings from the terminal?19:53
ikoniaAxonetBE: you are using meta devices19:53
ikoniaAxonetBE: they are made up of multiple disks19:53
AxonetBEikonia: it is a server on OVH so no idea19:53
ikoniaAxonetBE: ok, so /dev/md* is a metadevice made up of multiple disks19:54
ikoniaAxonetBE: please pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"19:54
AxonetBEikonia:  https://gist.github.com/268993519:55
ikoniaAxonetBE: right, so you do have a /dev/sdb19:55
newb100How do I change screen saver settings from the terminal?19:56
AxonetBEikonia: so it means?19:56
ikoniaAxonetBE: so it means there is a /dev/sdb - you need to look at whats trying to access it and why it can't19:56
ikoniaAxonetBE: also look at your /etc/fstab19:57
ikoniaAxonetBE: and /boot/grub/menu.lst19:57
AxonetBEikonia: Running postinst hook script /usr/sbin/update-grub. this occurs the problem19:57
mfbanyone know how to add the temporary guest accounts to a group when they are created?19:58
ikoniaAxonetBE: ok, so look at the grub config19:58
SaNFouRor bots19:59
ikoniaSaNFouR: then get one19:59
FloodBot1SaNFouR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:59
grpaceGreetings All !!  I have just upgraded to 12.04 LTS.  Is there a way to add/remove launchers on the Unity Panel ?19:59
SaNFouRikonia how ? i can get one19:59
AxonetBEikonia: where to have to look at in the grub.cnf?19:59
ikoniaSaNFouR: find a provider19:59
ikoniaAxonetBE: /boot/grub/menu.lst20:00
mfbin my case i want to automatically add the guest users to debian-tor group, but could also be useful for adding them to dialout group etc.20:00
AxonetBEikonia:  /boot/grub/menu.lst: No such file or directory20:00
ikoniaAxonetBE: on a 9.10 machine ?20:00
AxonetBEbut it is already updated to 10.0420:01
ikoniaAxonetBE: should still be there on 10.0420:01
KovicaHow do I add kernel modules to the kernel used during installation? I'm using alternate CD.20:01
ActionParsnipKovica: sudo modprobe modulename20:02
moesAxonetBE, /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:02
ActionParsnipKovica: you can press CTRL+ALT+F2 and run it there20:02
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AxonetBEmoes: ikonia: no idea what I have to check here , https://gist.github.com/268997120:03
ikonia!info linux-image 10.0420:04
ubottu'10.04' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable20:04
KovicaActionParsnip: And how to I customize the installation process to load the module?20:04
ikonia!info linux-image natty,20:05
ubottu'natty,' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable20:05
Noo-Onee Hi20:05
ikonia!info linux-image natty20:05
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB20:05
Noo-OneeHello people20:06
dns_issueI am having trouble with my ubuntu 12.04 LTS server setup with static ip.  I cannot get ubuntu to recognize the "search xyz.com xyz.local" entries in the resolv.conf..20:06
ikonia!info linux-image lucid20:06
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB20:06
dns_issueany brave soles here who have been bitten by ubuntu before ?20:06
ikoniadns_issue: what ?20:06
Leestonsdns_issue:  I don't understand you either20:07
dns_issueI have static IP address on ubuntu server 12.0420:07
dns_issueI am running local bind for internal resolution20:08
dns_issue.. ubuntu does not honor the "search domain1 domain2 domain3" string in the resolv.conf settings20:08
ikoniadns_issue: it's changed in 12.04 to use a dnsmasq config20:08
naxili have a problem with firefox.. i have install a flashplugin (youtube) and now if i try to start video .. firefox shutdown automatic20:09
dns_issuecan anyone tell me how to get rid of dnsmasq.. or why to use dnsmasq to begin with ?20:09
havard_Anyone know how to solve this problem with wine: "Internal errors - invalid parameteres received"20:09
ikoniadns_issue: "why to use dnsmasq" ?20:09
ikoniadns_issue: do you want to configure dnsmasq ?20:09
ActionParsnipdns_issue: you can set DNS servers in network manager20:10
dns_issueno network manager.20:10
dns_issueheadless server20:10
dns_issueno gui20:10
nannesHi. I think the adobe flashplayer has a bug....20:11
dns_issueis dnsmasq enabled by default in 12.04  ?20:11
nannesmany people is having a crash problem with flash 11.220:11
nannesin all browsers20:11
havard_Anyone know how to solve this problem with wine: "Internal errors - invalid parameteres received"20:11
dns_issuei am not using dnsmasq20:11
ikoniadns_issue: it's enabled by default20:12
ikoniadns_issue: so you are using dnsmasq, hence why resolv.conf is being ignored20:12
dns_issuewhere are the dnsmasq config files ?.. how do I verify ?20:12
ActionParsnipdns_issue: could use wicd-curses then, nice UI there20:13
bastidrazordns_issue: /etc/dnsmasq.conf20:13
ActionParsnipdns_issue: did you tell dnsmasq to listen on if you are only using it as a local dns cache. I use it in that way20:13
dns_issue@ActionParsnip ?  what is wicd-cruses ?20:14
dns_issueno dnsmasq at all20:14
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ActionParsnipdns_issue: a text based network manager tool, really handy (specially for wifi configs)20:14
havard_Anyone know how to solve this problem with wine: "Internal errors - invalid parameteres received"20:14
Sidewinder!repeat | havard_20:14
ActionParsnipdns_issue: that's cool. you can set dns in wicd-curses and it will create resolv.conf just like network manager does20:14
ubottuhavard_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:14
dns_issueno wifi.. static ubuntu LTS server for internal backend processing. not desktop20:14
dkmthi everyone20:15
Leestonsdkmt: hi20:15
naxilnannes i have solve.. i have installed chromium from ubuntu software center20:15
cipher_nlHi guys. Is it normal my new Ivy Bridge system freezes under a fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.04 just using the Firefox browser? I had it three times now. No memtest86 errors came up; memory tested 24+ hours. Windows runs fine.20:15
ActionParsnipdns_issue: its just an example, its a good tool to use20:16
ActionParsnipcipher_nl: do other apps cause a freeze?20:16
AxonetBEikonia: ok update went fine, but I think there are problems with the grub, how can I check everything is fine because server needs restart...20:16
cipher_nlActionParsnip: i wouldn't know.. it doesn't crash using Terminal. Haven't really used other applications. It ran stable for 6+ hours but crashes about then.20:17
cipher_nlActionParsnip: maybe it is the graphics driver for Intel HD4000 (integrated in ivy bridge CPU). But i cannot change the driver to a closed-source driver via "Additional Drivers". I might try another videocard though.20:17
cipher_nlMost of the crashes I had were due to the use of open source nVidia/ATi graphics drivers; the crashes disappeared when using the closed source drivers. But that's not possible with Intel, right? :(20:18
Oercipher_nl, maybe there is an other reason for ivy-bridge heating issues > http://www.techenclave.com/latest-technology-news/reason-behind-ivy-bridge-s-130922/20:19
oopshow can I enable the pidgin menu: http://i.imgur.com/jJBfO.png ?20:19
ActionParsnipcipher_nl: there is no closed source driver for the chip20:19
cipher_nlOer: i know all about that; the issue is not temperature trust me. It runs very cool and non-overclocked. It passes Memtest86+ and some stability torture tests under windows20:19
ActionParsnipcipher_nl: are you also using an nvidia GPU in the same system>20:19
DarkenvyIm looking for documentation on how to make your own Gnome3 themes20:20
cipher_nlActionParsnip: nope its a vanilla system; motherboard + cpu + mem + 2 SSD only. But i have had those issues with nVidia/ATi in the past with Ubuntu. So that's why I suspect the video driver first...  But I can insert an nVidia card in the PCI-express, if it doesn't crash after making that switch, it probably is the Intel driver...20:21
ActionParsnipoops: which meanu?20:21
ActionParsnipcipher_nl: if you boot to Unity2D session, is it ok?20:22
oopsActionParsnip, all menus of pidgin. Buddies, Accounts, Tool, Help, etc.20:22
ActionParsnipoops: those are in the global menu at the top20:22
cipher_nlActionParsnip: good suggestion. i have not tried that yet. I assume this works by logging out and then selecting Unity 2D like in previous releases? Going to try now. :)20:22
ActionParsnipcipher_nl: the same :)20:22
ActionParsnipoops: where it says Pidgin Instant Messenger20:23
AressI have problem20:23
guntbert!ask | Aress20:24
ubottuAress: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:24
oopsActionParsnip, what is this interface that puts the menu on the top of the screen?20:24
Aresswhen I updated from 10 to 11.10 version I can't see programs at top's bar like in 10.10 for ex. skype if I close windows I need to close skype with system monitor then turn it on :( how to fix it ?20:24
ClientAlivewhy is it so hard to find info on this?20:25
ActionParsnipoops: global-menu20:25
ClientAlivewell, info that actually starts at the beginning not the middly20:25
pambosHow to tell if Cron is running?20:26
ActionParsnippambos: ps -ef | grep -i cron20:26
ClientAlivepambos: ps20:26
ActionParsnipClientAlive: info on what?20:26
Aresswhen I updated from 10 to 11.10 version I can't see programs at top's bar like in 10.10 for ex. skype if I close windows I need to close skype with system monitor then turn it on :( how to fix it ?20:26
xanguaAress: 10.??20:26
ActionParsnipAress: did you upgrade directly from Maverick to Precise?20:26
AressI did like this20:27
ActionParsnipAress: so you didn't upgrade to Natty, then to Oneiric20:27
Aress10.10 then 11.04 and 11.1120:27
pambosActionParsnip: Okay it seems that is running. But still I cannot see the Traffic usage of my server. The server is running plesk.20:27
havard_Anyone know how to solve this problem with wine: "Internal errors - invalid parameteres received"20:27
xanguaAress: well you surelly then did something strange to go from 10.10 to 11.1020:27
ActionParsnipAress: just checking :)20:27
xanguaooh that20:27
ClientAliveinstalling a kvm guest on a logical volume - the beginning part about the lvm stuff (how many? where to mount? if virt-manager has the feature to create it? exact syntax to use in fstab?)20:27
AressI just upgraded version with update manager20:27
ActionParsnippambos: could use ntop20:27
RawChidCan't use Adobe flash player - local storage20:27
RawChidIt crashes after asking for permission. In Firefox and Chromium, any ideas?20:28
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ActionParsnipRawChid: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'    Thanks20:28
ClientAliveI just spent the last 2.5 hrs looking for it20:28
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pambosActionParsnip: But if i install ntop i will only able to see the traffic through putty? i need to show the traffic in the server interface.20:29
AressI had same problem in the past20:29
AressIt doesn't jump to top's line20:29
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ActionParsnippambos: ntop watches the interface itself20:29
xanguaAress: well if you want to quit skype from it's window use the Quit option in the menu or hit Control+Q ; it has always been like this20:30
xanguaif you close just the windows skype still runs in the background20:30
numbertoHi guys, I have modem and there are a few people conneted to it. But someone is downloading something but so that all of us have pretty low connection. Is there a way to spot data hogger? (An app?)20:30
ActionParsnipnumberto: ntop20:30
pambosActionParsnip: So if i install ntop. The traffic ussage will start working in the userface are well?20:30
Aressyou killed my skype20:30
RawChidSure ActionParsnip; http://paste.ubuntu.com/986112/20:30
Aressnow I need to stop it with system monitor and run20:31
RawChid(I use Ubuntu since 6.06)20:31
Aressskype should be at top's line20:31
Aressbut it doesn't20:31
ActionParsnipAress: have you tried uninstalling it, renaming ~/.Skype   then reinstalling the deb from the skype site and rerunning it?20:31
Aressbefore upgrading was fine20:32
Aress1 year ago was same *****20:32
dixoncxHelp... Problem with mounting NTFS drive. My fstab entry: http://pastebin.com/fp0wVuDa  It works fine in nautlius, but i cant access drive with other applications like gedit. http://imagebin.org/212267 ,  http://imagebin.org/21226620:32
ActionParsnipAress: well all you've been saying is skype20:32
RawChidThis seems like the same problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/97887/cant-use-adobe-flash-player-local-storage   But I don't see a fix.20:32
AressIt's just example20:32
ActionParsnipAress: you don't need to type in caps, I can read lowercase just as easily20:32
AressI don't use caps20:32
AressI use shift :D20:32
ActionParsnipAress: well you never said 'for example' so it looks like its purely a skpe issue, doesn't it?20:33
ircnode0acording to man date that I can set time by using --set=STRING. How I know which format "STRING" take in terminal?20:33
Aress"for ex. skype if I close windows I need to close skype with system monitor "20:33
AressI said20:33
ActionParsnipAress: if you create a new user and log in as that, is it the same?20:33
rfictushi all20:33
Random832ircnode0: it's very flexible - try it with -d first if you're not sure if your format will work20:34
MechanisMHello I'm having problems on starting gnome-control-center in ubuntu 12.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/986115/20:34
AressI'll try20:34
rfictusI want to close all UDP ports 125-140 using ufw, anyone have a command line?20:34
auronandace!test | juancarlospaco20:34
ubottujuancarlospaco: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )20:34
nannesheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp  Flash Player 11.2 (last version) is crashing in every browser I try except chromium&firefox: in this two it simply leave a black screen, without loading/starting anything20:35
ircnode0Random832: okay. I though there are declaration of STRING somewhere, but testing is not bad at all20:35
AressI tried now Guest session20:35
Aresssame problem20:35
pambosActionParsnip: ntop by default use 3000 port to display network usage via webbrowser. I used this command netstat -tulpn | grep :3000 and nothing happened. any ideas?20:35
ubuntu_can i know u20:36
guntbert!ot | ubuntu_  juancarlospaco20:36
ubottuubuntu_  juancarlospaco: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:36
AressActionParsnip maybe you need a screenshot?20:36
Aresshttp://www.part.lt/img/7fb7012fe74fb66f42278281e3a6af77599.png Here is running skype,xchat and skype20:37
AressNothing good at top's bar20:37
=== Guest49241 is now known as jeremy18
dixoncxHelp... Problem with mounting NTFS drive. My fstab entry: http://pastebin.com/fp0wVuDa  It works fine in nautlius, but i cant access drive with other applications like gedit. http://imagebin.org/212267 ,  http://imagebin.org/21226620:39
ActionParsnipAress: you can configure the system tray to show more icons, skype for me sits in the unity bar20:40
pambosActionParsnip: ntop by default use 3000 port to display network usage via webbrowser. I used this command netstat -tulpn | grep :3000 and nothing happened. any ideas?20:40
AressBut if I want at top's bar what should I do ?20:40
RawChidIt crashes after asking for permission. In Firefox and Chromium, any ideas?20:41
jeremy18je voudrai savoir comment configuré mon conky merci20:41
MechanisManyone knows how to fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/986115/20:41
Aresshow to open top's bar's settings? :(20:41
ActionParsnipdixoncx: can you read it from ~/.gvfs folder20:41
DJones!fr | jeremy1820:41
ubottujeremy18: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:41
RawChidAnd I also have blue video's on youtube. One fix is to disable HW acceleration, but the settings menu doesn't work (doesn't react on my mouse clicks)  Any ideas or suggestions concerning Flash on Ubuntu?20:42
ActionParsnipRawChid: can you make the pastebin I asked for please...20:42
RawChidSure ActionParsnip; http://paste.ubuntu.com/986112/20:42
cipher_nlActionParsnip: Remember my Ivy Bridge crashing? Under the Unity 2D i now got a crash again; with apport reporting the xserver-xorg-video-intel process has crashes with 'GPU render lockup'. Sounds pretty straightforward; either the CPU made a mistake (overheat; which is not the case) or there are severe crashing bugs that let Ubuntu crash in 2D/3D mode within a few hours of use.20:42
RawChidI already gave it...20:42
ActionParsnipRawChid: you can add settings to flash using the /etc/adobe.mms.cfg file :)20:42
cipher_nlActionParsnip: should i make a bug report?20:43
ActionParsnipRawChid: missed it, must have not addressed it to me (as a guess), let me see20:43
Aresshow to open top's bar's settings? :(20:43
RawChidNo problem.20:43
RawChidI don't have that file ActionParsnip, do I need to create it?20:43
ActionParsnipRawChid: uninstall flashplugin-installer then enable the partner repo and install the adobe-flashplugin package, it will give 64bit flash for your 64bit OS20:43
Guest6528what should i search to make a script that takes in from a pipe? like grep?20:44
ClientAlivehasn't anyone here ever installed a kvm guest to a logical volume before?20:44
RawChidOke thnx20:44
ActionParsnipGuest6528: do you mean like arguments to a script?20:45
aliciapgdoes anyone have experience with ps3 media server?20:46
conradzzSo just made a bootable usb of Ubuntu 64 bit edition, and when I try to boot from it, I get a vmlinuz not found20:47
j0biis ubuntu 64bit having program and harware incompatibilities20:47
j0bii want to intall 12.04 to my dell inspiron 64bit20:47
ActionParsnipconradzz: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?20:48
j0bibut i am afraid if i have uncompatibility problems20:48
ActionParsnipj0bi: the drivers are compiled for both 32bit and 64bit on the CD20:48
conradzzno but I will, I did browse through the ISO and noticed there is a vmlinuz file20:48
pambosGuys, I installed ntop. I tried to start it and i get this error http://pastebin.com/F1GsjKvf any ideas?20:49
AressHow to customize Top's bar?20:49
ActionParsnipconradzz: if you don't MD5 test then you have no way of knowing the data you downloaded is healthy and complete20:49
ActionParsnippambos: is your interface called eth0?20:49
j0biActionParsnip: what about flash java firefox and other software20:49
ActionParsnipj0bi: there is 64bit flash and 64bit java20:50
ActionParsnipj0bi: there is 64bit firefox20:50
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naxilfor hspa+ i need special repository?20:50
xanguaAress: could this be what you search¿ http://linux.wxs.ro/2011/07/14/ubuntu-11-04-fix-show-all-iconsindicators-in-unity-panel%E2%80%99s-notification-area/20:50
RawChidActionParsnip: ActionParsnip, installing the adobe-flashplugin didn't help. Still the same issues. How do I need to remove the old flashplugin-installer? (I just did apt-get remove)20:50
conradzzany recommendations for a simply easy md5 checker?20:50
pambosActionParsnip: I have no idea. it is a vps server.20:50
naxilor ubuntu can command 14.4mbit or 28,8 umts/hspa/hspa+?20:50
Monotokodoes anybody know how I can make xchat remember my username? It always reverts to my Linux username20:50
guntbert!md5sum | conradzz20:51
ubottuconradzz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:51
ActionParsnip!md5 | conradzz20:51
ActionParsnipRawChid: yes apt-get is fine20:51
oopsI get the Pidgin menu in Ubuntu only after maximizng Pidgin.20:51
IdleOne!language | Aress20:51
ubottuAress: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:51
oopsI can't get the menu without maximizing Pidgin?20:51
png85Guest6528, just read stuff from standard input; e.g. try cat somefile | perl -e 'while (<STDIN>) { print $_; }' and you'll see how it works20:51
ActionParsnipAress: don't use it then, install xfce4, log into xfce session and you'll be ok20:51
j0bicain i install 32bit progs to 64bit ubuntu20:51
Aressbut it's really20:51
* Monotoko is still on 10.0420:52
ActionParsnipj0bi: yes, Precies and Oneiric are multi-arch20:52
rottik9kinda new, how do i know if i have 12.04 kde gnome or what?   and what is the difference with these?20:52
xanguarottik9: Ubuntu comes with gnome, Kubuntu with kde20:52
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AressIt's good but I need to add skype terrent and other programs at tops'bar like in 10.10 :(20:52
flack-ZAress, me to i hate it also :D20:52
oopsany help with my unity interface question?20:53
rottik9i added and now boot to edubuntu?20:53
ActionParsniprottik9: 12.04 Gnome will use Unity by default, if you have a bar at the bottom you are probably running KDE and a par at the top and bottom will probably be Xubuntu20:53
pambosEven though it seems to start working I am getting a new error : Please enable make sure that the ntop html/ directory is properly installed20:53
=== shaitan_ is now known as guest3030
xanguaoops: only put the cursor in the top bar to show the Global Menu20:53
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ActionParsnipAress: xfce will run and look like Maverick Gnome20:53
oopsxangua, like hover the cursor there? no clicking?20:53
pambosHere about this error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntop/+bug/915119 they argue Status changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.20:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915119 in ntop (Ubuntu) "ntop error: Please enable make sure that the ntop html/ directory is properly installed" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:53
mneptokActionParsnip: Xubuntu = top panel and bottom dock20:54
pambosActionParsnip: I will be very greatful if you answer me one more time :)20:54
oopscan I do something to get back the menu attached to the Pidgin window? It is inconvenient to go to the top corner for every time.20:54
ActionParsnippambos: wassup?20:54
AressActionParsnip I just need to add them to that bar where you can turn off pc shows time and your user name20:54
Resistancepambos:  you might need bugsquad input on this, mind hoping into -bugs about that bug?20:54
rottik9as well i found voice reconation in windows trough dragon very handy, can i have this on linux?20:55
guest3030crunchbang test20:55
ActionParsniprottik9: there is a project to allow dragon to run20:55
oopsis there a separate unity channel? or unity is a product of ubuntu?20:55
Resistancepambos:  also, FYI, the system automatically sets 'confirmed' if two or more people show they have thebug20:55
rottik9I see, i wonder if it strightforward.20:56
ClientAlivehas anyone here even used kvm before?20:56
conradzzmd5 on the iso is fine20:56
Resistancepambos:  its a launchpad feature - two people say the bug occurs, its an automated change20:56
ActionParsnipoops: Unity is made by Canonical, the default Gnome shell in Gnome3 is gnome-shell20:56
ActionParsnipClientAlive: not something I use, tried in #kvm maybe...20:56
pambosResistance: so any suggestions how to solve this issue?20:56
oopsActionParsnip, thanks.20:56
oopsI still have one question. Is there a way to get back the menu attached to the Pidgin window? It is inconvenient to go to the top left corner to use the menu every time.20:57
ActionParsnipoops: use the HUD ;)20:57
ClientAliveActionParsnip: yes, I'm logged onto #kvm for a few hrs now - there's 301 ppl logged on there and no one is saying anything to anyone20:57
Resistancepambos:  wait to see whether or not the bug gets updated/fixed?20:57
oopsActionParsnip, how can I get that?20:57
ActionParsnipoops: press ALT once and type what you desire, HUD will search the menus and make selection easy20:57
Resistancepambos:  not much you can do at this point, with a bug being filed20:58
ClientAliveseems I could google till my fingers bleed and not find this piece of info20:58
oopsActionParsnip, ok20:58
ActionParsnipClientAlive: try www.duckduckgo.com20:58
usberrorHi! I created a bootable usb on mac (followed instuctions on ubuntu.com) and when i try to boot from it I get: No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key20:58
flack-Zunity is crazy20:58
ActionParsnipusberror: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?20:58
pambosResistance: is it safe when installing software to leave the default ports such as the 3000 in the case of ntop ?20:58
conradzzusberror, how'd you create the usb drive?20:58
Resistancepambos:  if its listening on localhost only, yep.20:59
RealEyesis there a converter for rmvb > avi on ubuntu?20:59
Aressthere is a bar at the top which shows you the time language user name and you can turn off pc thorugh it. Is possible to add skype,torrent and else like on 10.10?20:59
usberrorActionParsnip, its not an MD5 error already checked20:59
Resistancepambos:  if its listening externally, then that's a toss-up20:59
pambosOkay thanks very much for the info. I think i might solve it.20:59
ActionParsnipusberror: its worth a check, many don't and you didn't say you tested :)20:59
AressI wrote gnome-shell replace20:59
Aressand everything destroyed20:59
magic_ali have accidentally overwritten my delete-key with another shortcut and i dont know how to change it back. can anyone help me please?20:59
usberrorconradzz, i followed the instructions here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx21:00
Aresshow to turn it off ?21:00
conradzzand did you choose when you boot up to boot from usb?21:00
xacobe_cimadevilhola *-*21:00
xacobe_cimadevilnadie habla :c21:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:01
oopsActionParsnip, what if I don't know what menus exist in Pidgin beforehand?21:01
oopsActionParsnip, can HUD help me then?21:01
ClientAlivethx ActionParsnip21:01
usberrorconradzz, yes21:02
ActionParsnipoops: it exists in all apps dude21:03
conradzzwhat kind of usb drive is it usberror?21:03
usberrorconradzz, tried it with an SD card and sony USB drive, both same error21:03
oopsActionParsnip, no I mean, how do I access the "Tools" menu of Pidgin without moving the mouse pointer to the top left corner if I don't know "Tools" menu is there in Pidgin.21:04
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conradzzare you completely formatting the drive right before you do it?21:06
usberrorconradzz, yep21:06
K-Richis there a way to get the floating scroll bars (on the right) into firefox as well?21:06
flack-Zoops i must sometime kill the pidgin becouse  the left corner with menu is something no wisible21:06
cipher_nlActionParsnip: I may have isolated my Ivy Bridge GPU crash issue with Ubuntu bug 966399. The bug says this is 'fixed in Mesa'. But looking with Synaptic i cant find any installed package mesa. There is mesa-utils, but it is not installed. How can i check whether I received the fix?21:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 966399 in mesa (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Mesa related GPU hangs on Sandybridge and Ivybridge systems" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96639921:06
conradzzyou don't have another computer to try it on do you?21:06
oopsflack-Z, oh. btw do you know any way to avoid going to the left corner every time?21:07
flack-Zoops no a dont know what i must use this st*pid function in left corner of all apps21:08
ActionParsnipcipher_nl: not sure dude, remember to add the fact that you are affected too21:08
ActionParsnipoops: the windows key brings up dash too, nice shortcut :)21:08
oopsActionParsnip, but how do open the "Buddy" menu of Pidgin using that?21:09
flack-Zoops at this time i reflect on kubuntu :D21:09
oopsI mean my goal is to avoid going to the top left corner every time.21:09
cipher_nlActionParsnip: but if it is fixed and i received all updates that are available; why does it still crash. :(    Either i did not receive the fix, or my issue is still different though similar. Probably will file a new bug report then.21:09
ring1is !nounity, actually for 11.10, still the correct trigger for 12.04?21:10
usberrorconradzz, ill try21:11
trismring1: yes, the instructions are the same21:11
conradzzsorry I can't be of more help, but its either the way its being formatted or its the computer21:12
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flack-Zoops maybe this was be a god idea ? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/21:12
usberrorconradzz, dosnt work there either21:13
conradzzthen its gotta be the way your creating the drive21:13
ActionParsnipcipher_nl: could add taht you are affected by the bug and haven't got the update etc..21:13
Guest2681hey r u ..21:14
usberrorconradzz, it shouldnt work on that pc though becauce its not a mac21:14
Guest2681hi yamama21:14
conradzzah, I thought you were trying it on another mac21:14
ring1trism, thanks. do you know, if there is an expected end of life for gnome-panel?21:15
ActionParsnipring1: i'd ask in #gnome21:15
K-Richthere is always MATE as well21:15
conradzzbut in reality I don't see why it wouldn't work, I'd try making the bootable drive on windows21:15
conradzzand then using it on the mac21:15
usberror+1 for mate21:15
ring1ActionParsnip, alright, will do so. but i guess throughout 12.04 gnome-panel in ubuntu will be maintained21:16
mongyring1, I'd personally use xfce these days.  I come from gnome2 wasteland.  jmho21:16
usberrorconradzz, cant that PC is running arch linux21:17
ring1mongy, thanks for your opionion. i myself got used to gnome-shell and love it. just need something for a parents pc ;)21:17
ActionParsnipring1: i'd imagine so21:18
ring1ActionParsnip, 5 years should be enough future planing for now21:19
ActionParsnipring1: could always use a different DE if gnome-panel is dropped.21:20
ring1ActionParsnip, yes, indeed21:21
KlackonCan anyone help me with resolv.conf issues with server 12.04 LTS21:23
Klackon ?21:23
conradzzso I installed ubuntu now and what do you know, it didn't install grub21:23
Klackon@ conradzz : Use your livecd.. boot into the system and use rescue option.21:24
cyrexI have a problem sharing with samba a folder outside of the /home folder. A quick resume of the problem is here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/131811/samba-sharing-from-an-ntfs-partition-or-outside-home-folder21:24
usberrorHas anyone here sucsessfully installed ubuntu on a mac from a USB?21:24
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CarlFKis there a yahoo client that supports video?  pidgin only does video on xmpp.21:24
RealEyesfor some reason, transferring my files from my home folder into an external drive is taking forever21:25
RealEyesits only going 28k per second21:25
RealEyesthoughts on how to fix this?21:25
DarwinSurvivorCarlFK: Someone said kopete works with yahoo video. Also give empathy a try (if you prefer a GTK app)21:25
CarlFKRealEyes: my guess is usb1, or is the external disk or flashram/thumbdirve ?21:26
usberrorCarlFK, try empathy21:26
RealEyesits actually an internal disk21:26
CarlFKthanks - empathy it is21:26
DarwinSurvivorRealEyes: so it's *not* an "external drive"?21:26
WaraudonIs there a way to automount USB drives in 12.04 without using usbmount? I'd prefer if the names in /media were the disk label, not "usb, usb0, usb1" etc...21:26
DarwinSurvivorCarlFK: did empathy work with yahoo video?21:26
conradzzklackon what do you mean by rescue mode?21:27
CarlFKDarwinSurvivor: give me at least 30 seconds to get it installed :)21:27
DarwinSurvivorconradzz: he's gone21:27
DarwinSurvivorCarlFK: lol, ok21:27
RealEyesyea, sorry21:27
RealEyesits an internal NTFS disk21:27
stef1ahow can i access files through a terminal ssh but open them in my desktop/locally? (i.e., if i have music files on an external drive, how can i open them to be played on my local machine?)21:28
stef1ai've tried -X, -t, export DISPLAY=:0...21:28
ActionParsnipstef1a: use a network share, samba is quick and easy to setup21:28
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stef1aActionParsnip: I've been advised to do this before; thanks, i'll look into it.21:29
ActionParsnipstef1a: if you have SSH server running then you have an SFTP server that you can mount using nautilus21:29
RealEyesWhat happened was, the quibber bit torrent client was set to store temp downloads in the folder on my ubuntu SSD21:29
ActionParsnipstef1a: no need for extra services then :D21:29
RealEyesand then I turned that off while it was downloading21:29
RealEyesnow I cant get the torrent to download21:29
RealEyesand my other storage disk is b0rked21:29
RealEyesjust going super slow21:29
ActionParsnipRealEyes: use a tempfs then21:29
RealEyestried rebooting already21:29
RealEyesi dont need them to be temp stored though21:30
DarwinSurvivorRealEyes: please run "dd if=/dev/zero of=~/temp_file.img" and tell me what the reported speed is (last number on the last line)21:31
totesmuhgoatsstef1a: if you are trying to execute the command via ssh it will play on the remote machine, not on your desktop21:31
conradzzit installed grub on the usb drive instead of the hard drive I specified21:31
DarwinSurvivorRealEyes: it will probably take a minute or so to run (it creates an empty 2GB file)21:31
totesmuhgoatsstef1a: you could do something like stream from the remote machine to the local one, or set up a network share with samba / nfs21:31
totesmuhgoatsi think there is also something called sshfs, though i've never used that to know how it works21:31
RealEyesDarwinSurvivor, its hanging and my xchat is actingup now too21:32
RealEyesi might have effed this SSD21:32
DarwinSurvivorstef1a: for sshfs just run "mkdir temp_folder; sshfs machine_ip@machine_user:Music" (assuming you use ssh machine_ip@machine_user to connect via ssh)21:33
DarwinSurvivorstef1a: then you can simply browse to the "temp_folder" and see all the files21:33
simplewIm veryconfused here, i see that for 64bits and 32bits the lib packages have EXACTLY the same name, so how is possible to isntall a library for both arches???21:33
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: why do you need libraries for both...?21:33
simplewDarwinSurvivor: i do, but what that has to do with what i asked?21:34
ActionParsnipsimplew: in a 64bit OS you will also see /usr/lib3221:34
RealEyesDarwinSurvivor, I rtthink Im going to reinstall the OS, things are starting to freeze up21:34
simplewActionParsnip: i have tried to install a package for both arches and revealed impossible, it refused to install21:34
totesmuhgoatsDarwinSurvivor: is that all it takes?? that's effen cool21:35
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: because 99% of the time someone asks a strange technical question, they're doing something outside of how ubuntu is supposed to be used21:35
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: for instance when asking how to set the root password, we refer them to sudo instead21:35
simplewDarwinSurvivor: what that has to do with what i asked?21:35
totesmuhgoatswhy does ubuntu discourage users from setting the root password?21:36
simplewlike things are done in ubuntu its impossible to install the same lib for both arches!!!21:36
DarwinSurvivorRealEyes: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools to check the health of your ssd21:36
simplewand i never saw any like this, makes no sense!21:36
narctixubuntu dont advise on setting root password as it would /dev/null any support agreement?21:36
ActionParsnipsimplew: its not impossible, they go in different folders21:36
simplewActionParsnip: how can it be psosible if the packages have the EXACT name21:37
ActionParsniptotesmuhgoats: think about the target audience of ubuntu21:37
ActionParsnipsimplew: they are suffixed with :i38621:37
DarwinSurvivornarctix: ubuntu was designed so you would never need the root pasword since it tends to just get users into more trouble21:37
totesmuhgoatssimplew: linux is unlike windows, since most things are compiled from source the entire system tends to be for the arch you are running. if you don't have a lib32 folder it means you have no 32-bit software installed21:37
simplewActionParsnip: are no!21:37
ActionParsnipsimplew: wanna bet?21:38
narctixDarwinSurvivor so would be against support because of that21:38
simplewActionParsnip: show me please21:38
DarwinSurvivornarctix: not so much "against support" but against ubuntu's design decisions. it would be like asking a mechanic how to put put your tires on backwards, he'd tell you it's a bad idea and ask why you would watnt to21:39
simplewtotesmuhgoats: where the heel did i speak about windowzzz?21:39
ActionParsnipsimplew: skype for 64bit is actually just 32bit skype, the OS is multiarch, so you will pull in a tonne of 32bit deps. Not the filenames here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/986220/21:39
totesmuhgoatsso if this is the official ubuntu channel, does that simply mean that canonical recognizes the channel? or are there actually canonical employees here?21:39
ActionParsnipsimplew: as I said, they are suffixed with :i38621:39
zowsz<black> zowsz: well that's required for getting a cloak. please see /msg nickserv help register21:40
simplewActionParsnip: lets refer to for example libkactivities6 package21:40
ActionParsnipsimplew: so your petulant "22:38 < simplew> ActionParsnip: are no!" is flat WRONG21:40
narctixDarwinSurvivor I didnt meen setting root alone just what can be done with root against the Ubuntu base21:40
zowszcan someone help?21:40
DarwinSurvivortotesmuhgoats: I'm not sure who here are Canonical employees but it would not surprise me in the slightest if there were a few lurking around21:40
wyldetotesmuhgoats: 99.9% volunteers in here.21:40
simplewActionParsnip: excuse me that part21:40
ActionParsnipsimplew: its cool21:40
totesmuhgoatsDarwinSurvivor: yea i am not asking for names or anything, im just wondering in what way this channel is "official"21:40
simplewActionParsnip: can you please show me the package for 64bits of libkactivites6?21:40
DarwinSurvivorzowsz: please ask your question, if someone is able to help answer it, they will.21:41
narctixthe paid people dont have the passion to be here out of hours if at all21:41
simplewActionParsnip: i dont know how to touch with apt, im used to handle with rpm and urpmi21:41
ActionParsnipsimplew: similar system, different command :)21:41
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: this is the official ubuntu IRC support channel. It's purpose is to help support users who do not pay for a support package (most home users).21:41
zowszi need get a cloak to my host '-'21:42
ActionParsnipzowsz: why do you need a cloak?21:42
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simplewActionParsnip: but there we use to name 65 bits libraryes with prefix lib64 so all 64bit lib packages will be named starting with lib6421:42
totesmuhgoatsActionParsnip: he's thinking about becoming a magician21:42
ActionParsnipsimplew: if you install a 32bit deb file, the apt system will pul in the 32bit deps for you21:42
Oerzowsz, join #freenode they can help you with a cloak21:42
totesmuhgoatssimplew: you are making this way harder than it needs to be21:42
ActionParsnipsimplew: the 64bit libe will go in /usr/lib21:42
simplewActionParsnip: of course, but wasmt that whati asked21:42
narctixDarwinSurvivor Sorry for the mix up21:43
zowszI do not know everyone I know is I also want a21:43
simplewActionParsnip: can you show the packages for libkactivites6, both arches?21:43
totesmuhgoatssimplew: what you asked is how they have the same name, but they don't21:43
ActionParsnipzowsz: can you rephrase, that wasn't english21:43
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: the only time you should ever need to manually select a package from a different architecture is if you are trying to compile software from source. I've been using ubuntu since Gutsy and have *never* had to do it (and I *am* a software developer)21:43
totesmuhgoatsthe actual files are placed in lib and lib32, the packages have different names21:43
simplewDarwinSurvivor: e really noob for what i can see21:44
ActionParsnip!find activites21:44
ubottuPackage/file activites does not exist in precise21:44
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: your last comment didn't make much sense (was it cut off?)21:44
ActionParsnipsimplew: try:  packages.ubuntu.com21:44
TemporaryName123Help!! something is wrong with youtube video, the color are mess up like brown skin is blue color and black hair is orange color.  This is when I view it in flash when I watch in html5 version the color is fine.  I think this only happens in youtube because I've tried vimeo, veoh, dailymotion flash videos and the color is normal... I did sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-installer command so I have latest version21:44
bennypr0fanehello, I'm wondering how i can make sure my laptop's will do fine with 12.04. i found minimum hw21:44
simplewisnt there a tool to query packages names?21:45
DarwinSurvivorTemporaryName123: this is a known problem, I don't personally know the fix, so give me a minute to look it up21:45
totesmuhgoatsTemporaryName123: i have experienced that, so have some other people i know. I think it has to do with the nvidia driver and vdpau21:45
zowszI want a cloak for my host, where can I get?21:45
bennypr0fanehello, I'm wondering how i can make sure my laptop's will do fine with 12.04. i found minimum hw requirements but not recommended ones21:45
LjLzowsz: in #freenode21:45
DarwinSurvivorzowsz: please define "cloak"21:45
simplewzowsz: ask freenode guys21:45
simplewzowsz: enter in #freenode and ask one21:45
DarwinSurvivorzowsz: oh, you mean an IRC cloak!21:45
bennypr0faneI have pentium dual core 1,2GHz, 4GB ram21:45
xanguabennypr0fane: try a live cs/usb and test it21:45
narctixDarwinSurvivor So why does the community not advise on setting root?21:45
simplewDarwinSurvivor: you think your funny21:46
wyldenarctix: because there's no reason the average user needs it.21:46
ActionParsnipTemporaryName123: run:   sudo mkdir /etc/adobe; echo "EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1" | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg; echo "OverrideGPUValidation=true" | sudo tee -a /etc/adobe/mms.cfg21:46
Oernarctix, no need to, first user created will have sudo priv21:46
bennypr0faneisn't a live cd going to be somewhat slower than ther actual install?21:46
DarwinSurvivorTemporaryName123: open youtube, right click the video and disable hardware acceleration. That *should* fix the color problem.21:46
narctixDarwinSurvivor So why not warn what they can do with it rather than denying it?21:46
xanguabennypr0fane: a usb then21:46
ActionParsnipnarctix: its due to security, target audience of ubuntu and control of whom can run admin stuffs21:47
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: no, I honestly am not sure what your comment meant21:47
wyldenarctix: no one is denied it, it is highly "recommended" not to do it.21:47
simplewhere http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libkactivities6  shows thats the same name for both arches, unbelievable21:47
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:47
RealEyesDarwinSurvivor, I had to reboot because my machine was freezing up.21:47
RealEyesIm formatting some drives now.21:48
narctixlol I know what root is21:48
narctixIve done LFS21:48
simplewDarwinSurvivor: a really noob dev for what i can see21:48
narctixand admin linux boxes for years21:48
ResistanceJoe42:  your support question would be better suited for here (in reference to you mentioning you broke something in #ubuntu-irc)21:48
TemporaryName123DarwinSurvivor, tyvm that fixes the problem21:48
LjL!noob | simplew21:48
ubottusimplew: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.21:48
wyldesimplew: that's uncalled for. Kindly stop.21:48
DarwinSurvivorRealEyes: I highly recommend running the smartmontools utilities. They can be run while using the operating system without any problems and will tell you if any of your drives are experiencing problems.21:48
ActionParsnipnarctix: its just a smart choice really21:48
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: and why do you think that?21:48
RealEyesDarwinSurvivor, where do I get those?21:49
Joe42hi can somebody help me fix unity?21:49
Resistance!details | Joe4221:49
ubottuJoe42: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:49
simplewActionParsnip: you said that 32bit packages had different names but that doesnt seams to be true21:49
narctixactionparsnip its a good setup for a single user desktop yeah21:49
DarwinSurvivorTemporaryName123: no problem. Your videos will run a little slower, but since flash is closed-source only Adobe can *fix* the problem.21:49
TemporaryName123ActionParsnip what does that command do?21:49
llliiiIf I choose encrypted LVM option during installation. And later if I upgrade everything, will the decryption still work and can I boot properly ?21:49
ActionParsnipTemporaryName123: makes a folder then adds 2 lines to the file21:49
DarwinSurvivorRealEyes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools21:49
ActionParsnipnarctix: no, just for general security21:50
simplewi really cant understand this distro, i have even installed it...21:50
TemporaryName123ActionParsnip so that command fixes the color without disabling flash hardware acceleration?21:50
ActionParsnipnarctix: you can have 4 users and have 2 in the admin group to run the admin tasks (like a household with 2 kids).21:50
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ActionParsnipnarctix: you don't want the kids running admin stuff so you can control them21:51
ActionParsnipTemporaryName123: try it, it's just a file, you can delete the file if it's no good. Think about it21:51
simplewActionParsnip: im still wating for a comment from your part21:51
DarwinSurvivorTemporaryName123: go with ActionParsnip's fix21:51
narctixactionparsnip so just a case of reanabling root and fixing sudoers and remove the all permissions to admin it as multi user?21:51
bennypr0fanehow are your experiences with rather low-end hardware? i read in a blog to be fast, Pangolin wants at least 1GB of ram. that doesn't worry me though but the cpu, it's barely above netbook level21:51
SolarisBoyyea - i have that fix in my conf now - it works21:51
SolarisBoyonly thing is - its old - i wonder what made it pop back up21:52
ActionParsnipnarctix: its not supported here21:52
wyldesimplew:  do you have an actual support request?21:52
Joe42hi i have a problem with unity, im runing ubuntu 12.04 64 bit, the top and the left bars are gone, i did not tried to use the cube thingy but i was playin with ubuntu tweak, i uninstalled unity installed it back, uninstalled compiz and installed it back, and i also tried regular commands lie unity --reset21:52
ActionParsnipsimplew: i can't even find the package, so i don't know how you can install it21:52
simplewwylde: yes, i was asking to install a library for both arches, but that seams impossible21:52
conradzzI probably shouldn't install proprietary drivers right?21:52
xanguabennypr0fane: there is xubuntu and lubuntu for low resoruces21:53
cheryl_Hi, my version of Ubuntu is no longer supported, it's 10.04...I d/loaded latest version 'n tried running it on a live cd, it did not work! I am unable to upgrade my hardware, has linux gone like those other ppl, demanding more hardware reserves??? :(21:53
simplewActionParsnip: well its listed here in muon21:53
ActionParsnipnarctix: you can make life simpler by running the OS as is, once you get it setup the only time you'll use your password is for updates21:53
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: can you log in as a second user and see if the problem persists? This will tell us if the problem is specific to your user account.21:53
ActionParsnipsimplew: what is 'muon'?21:53
LjLActionParsnip: KDE's "Software Center"21:53
RealEyesDarwinSurvivor, funny thing, the two internal HDD's I have a reading/writing to eachother fine21:53
ActionParsnipLjL: i see21:53
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: you were told twice how to do it. Use the :i386 suffix21:53
narctixactionparsnip Thats why I use ubuntu on my desktop its out of the box Linux21:54
simplewDarwinSurvivor: im not understanding21:54
akashcan someone help me21:54
wylde!find libkactivites621:54
RealEyes!ask skash21:54
ubottuPackage/file libkactivites6 does not exist in precise21:54
ActionParsnipnarctix: if you want to become root, just run:   sudo -i    and you will be running commands as root til you run: exit  and the root acount can stay disabled as it should be21:54
RealEyes!ask akash21:54
opampHi, I want to open torrent client and start downloading using command line. I tried to see transmission-cli man but couldnot find a way to do it. Any help/link will be appreciated :)21:54
simplewDarwinSurvivor: like this:  apt-get install libkactivities6-i386   ?21:54
akashkk well im doing linux from scratch21:54
akashand i have to install a patch21:54
hashanyone know the freenode  server info i.e. Title, Host, and port trying to connect over my android21:54
RealEyesLFS lol21:55
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: on a 64bit machine, replace "sudo apt-get install some_package" with "sudo apt-get install some_package:i386"21:55
ActionParsnipnarctix: most desktop linuxes are linux out of the box..21:55
akashbut everytime i do it i get an error message saying aks your administrator to install it21:55
ActionParsniphash: do you mean for IRC?21:55
DarwinSurvivorhash: best ask in the #freenode channel21:55
simplewThe following packages have unmet dependencies:21:55
simplew libkactivities6:i386 : Depends: libkdecore5:i386 (>= 4:4.8.1) but it is not going to be installed21:55
simplew                        Depends: libkactivities-bin:i386 (= 4:4.8.2-0ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed21:55
simplewE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:55
akashanyideas on how i can install the patch?21:55
akashpatch -Np1 -i ../gcc-4.6.2-cross_compile-1.patch21:55
ActionParsniphash: title is whatever you want, host is irc.freenode.net port is 666721:55
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akashthats the line21:55
wyldehash: it's an open proxy checker.21:55
Joe42DarwinSurvivor: yes im able to log in as a second user but unity is also missing there21:56
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: please use paste.ubuntu.com for multi-line output21:56
narctixactionparsnip not with all the non open source stuff they aint21:56
ActionParsnipsimplew: then install the dep it needs21:56
simplewDarwinSurvivor: ok21:56
ActionParsnipnarctix: how do you mean?21:56
simplewActionParsnip: apt is not isntalling the deps, it refuses21:56
wyldehash: I've already looked into it. It's freenode making sure there are no open proxies on your machine. If there are you won't be allowed to connect.21:56
ActionParsnipsimplew: then grab the debs yourself and install them21:56
narctixactionparsnip nvidia or other gfx drivers flash etc21:56
hashcool thank you21:56
DarwinSurvivor!purge | Joe4221:56
ubottuJoe42: To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P21:56
bennypr0fanexangua I have lxde on Suse and I have to say I'm not happy, but it's hard to tell how much of the problems is to blame on Suse opn how much on Lxde21:56
ActionParsnipnarctix: video drivers are easily installed in many Linuxes, flash isn't hard to install either21:57
akashany ideas realeyes?21:57
RealEyesLFS is such a pain21:57
simplewActionParsnip: grab what? apt-get does it, and hes refusing to install, seams that even me (that im new to deb system) can understand more than you21:57
RealEyesIm not sure there is a freenode channel.21:57
gogguMy HDMI monitor loses the edges of the Unity Desktop. I can't click any buttons.21:57
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: please uninstall unity and comiz, then run the purge command quoted by ubottu. You may want to install a secondary Desktop Environment (ex: kde, xfce, etc) while doing so21:57
akashwell i've been able to get through most of it it just messes up cuz none of the patches install21:57
narctixactionparsnip didnt say was hard just takes longer when you work with Linux every day and install it every day the less config the better21:57
akashpatch -Np1 -i ../gcc-4.6.2-cross_compile-1.patch21:58
ActionParsnipsimplew: go to the internet and download the deb file you need and install it, apt will then see the dependency being met and install21:58
akashthats the line21:58
akashand i get this error21:58
akashlfs@ubuntu:/mnt/lfs/sources/gcc-4.6.2$ patch -Np1 -i ../gcc-4.6.2-cross_compile-1.patch21:58
akashThe program 'patch' is currently not installed.  To run 'patch' please ask your administrator to install the package 'patch'21:58
ActionParsnipnarctix: depends which distribution really21:58
simplewActionParsnip: go rean apt-get manul, he does it through the repos21:58
Joe42<DarwinSurvivor> i have gnome would that work?21:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:58
hashwylde do u mean the sasl access message21:58
ActionParsnipsimplew: could try gdebi21:58
simplewActionParsnip: apt-get does it21:59
narctixactionparsnip I find ubunt do the install then ubuntu-restricted-extras done21:59
Joe42also should i uninstall with apg-get remove or apt-get purge?21:59
personamy monitor settings wont save  ati and its a laptop when i use hdmi it resets to cloning every time is there a way to make it stay at multi desktop and preferably 1080 for the hdmi screen when i plug it in? using unity for a desktop environment.21:59
bennypr0fanexangua anyway I'm gettign suspicious that the more mainstream an install (i.e. using default options for everythign), the less likely I'll be to run into problems...)21:59
ActionParsnipnarctix: that may give you issues with flash, you need to  enable partner repo for 64bit flash niceness21:59
hashthis might be a stupid question do u need punctuation after a name to make it show up yellow21:59
ActionParsnipsimplew: well it's not, is it21:59
wyldehash: it was showing connect attempts to my server here, from a freenode address. Moment I'll copy a line from the log to show you.21:59
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: yes, that will work21:59
OccupyDemonoidIs there a way to bind a key to open up my music program once pressed? I have a music key on my keyboard that does nothing at all.21:59
simplewseams theres no one with experience to clarify21:59
narctixactionparsnip I was exampling a nice quick setup22:00
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: please log in as gnome before running the commands - best not to uninstall something that is running :P22:00
ActionParsnipsimplew: Mint for example has all the stuff already in the CD, no need for any extra effor22:00
ActionParsnipnarctix: ^22:00
ActionParsnipsimplew: wrong target, sorry22:00
narctixactionparsnip I mainly use gentoo slackware or do server installs with RH centos and Fedora22:00
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: if you continue to insult those attempting to help you, you will find that they will *quickly* cease attempting to help you22:00
bennypr0fanexangua so I figured I best get regular Ubuntu with its default desktop...22:00
Joe42DarwinSurvivor: oh ok, and how can i log out using the terminal ive been rebooting mi computer ever since22:00
xanguaOccupyDemonoid: you can add the music player you want to unity launcher and just use super+number of the position in the launcher22:00
simplewDarwinSurvivor: the way you help its also insulting22:01
ActionParsnipnarctix: for simple setup, i'd always go for xpud22:01
OccupyDemonoidxangua, I didn't even think of that. Thank you.22:01
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: I believ Ctrl+Alt+Backspace will get you back to the login screen. from there select a gnome session and log in with that22:01
simplewi think its better to go back iato some real distro like fedora, opensuse, mandriva, mage22:01
OccupyDemonoidJoe42, Hit control+alt+delete. That is how I log out.22:02
narctixactionparsnip Im not here for support22:02
Joe42DarwinSurvivor: ok thanks il be back in a whyle22:02
zowsz_[NickServ] Syntax: REGISTER <password> <email-address>22:02
akashso can anyone help me at all22:02
wyldehash: - - [19/Apr/2012:10:15:52 -0400] "CONNECT HTTP/1.0" 403 389 "-" "-" <--- took me a while to find, once I found what it was I configured my logs to ignore it.22:02
DarwinSurvivorsimplew: you have been told multiple times how to resolve the issue you have asked and are beginning to become an nuissance. If the solution you were given did not work, please use paste.ubuntu.com to show any error messages you received while attempting said solution22:02
ActionParsnipakash: what is your issue?22:02
akashive been doing lfs22:03
narctixactionparsnip xpud looks intresting though22:03
akashand when i install a patch i get this error22:03
akashlfs@ubuntu:/mnt/lfs/sources/gcc-4.6.2$ patch -Np1 -i ../gcc-4.6.2-cross_compile-1.patch22:03
akashThe program 'patch' is currently not installed.  To run 'patch' please ask your administrator to install the package 'patch'22:03
conradzzif I were to be getting hard freezes, how would I go about narrowing down what it is?22:03
hashi keep getting a sasl error22:03
ActionParsnipakash: sudo apt-get install patch22:03
akashi have the patch in a folder22:03
ring1ActionParsnip, fyi: gnome-panel will be around as long as necessary, which means once most computers should be capable of running gnome-shell (f.e. using llvmpipe) it won't be maintained anymore (at least not by the current maintainers)22:03
akashpatch -Np1 -i ../gcc-4.6.2-cross_compile-1.patch22:03
ActionParsnipakash: yes but you need the patch program so you can run the command 'patch#22:03
akashthats the line im suppose to use22:04
DarwinSurvivorakash: it's not the patch that is missing, it is the "patch program" that *performs* the patches that is missing (the error is a little confusing)22:04
gogguMy HDMI monitor shows too large a screen, I can't click buttons.22:04
TemporaryName123ActionParsnip, that command that you gave me worked, tyvm.22:04
ActionParsnipring1: gotcha22:04
Joe42how can i open tomboy from the terminal so i can write down the commando22:04
ActionParsnipTemporaryName123: np22:04
akashso i type in that line you gave me22:04
akashthen the one in the book?22:04
ActionParsnipTemporaryName123: I suggest you backup that file for if you need to reinstall22:04
wyldehash: you coould check with the folks in #freenode if you're concerned. :)22:04
ActionParsnipakash: yes, your system doesn't have the command 'patch'22:04
narctixwhats the ubuntu chat channel?22:04
TemporaryName123ActionParsnip, will do :)22:04
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personagoggu: its a setting on the monitor to change aspect/picture size or it was for me tvs read sizes differently22:04
ActionParsnipnarctix: #ubuntu-offtopic22:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:05
gogguthamks persona22:05
akashlfs@ubuntu:/mnt/lfs/sources/gcc-4.6.2$  apt-get install patch22:05
akashE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)22:05
akashE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?22:05
akashi get that error22:05
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: are you currently logged into gnome?22:05
xangua!enter | akash22:06
xanguause sudo akash22:06
ubottuakash: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:06
goggu Thanks Persona: I forgot the dumbest stuff22:06
Joe42no im currently into unity without the launcher and im running everything from the terminal22:06
narctixsudo apt-get22:06
akashi did and it asks for the password and i type in the correct one but it doesnt work22:06
Joe42but i tried tomboy and it did not load, and tomboy-notes and it did not load either22:06
personagoggu: did you read my issue lol22:06
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: you should not run these commands from within unity as removing unity (while it is running) could cause your session to crash.22:06
hasheh ill get it figured out eventually its not really a need just a want22:06
endtypei have a quesion about the ubuntu windows installer: when it asks me for the installation size, is that the size of the partition it's going to make? or is it going to install over my windows os...cuz  i wanna dual boot22:06
personagoggu: yeah its pretty easy though to fix that bit took me a while to find the option22:07
narctixakash your password sounds wron what does sudo passwd then change password resolve in?22:07
hashdual boot uis a pain22:07
ActionParsnipendtype: that is the size of the file on your NTFS which will be used as the ubuntu 'disk'22:07
DarwinSurvivor!dualboot | endtype22:07
ubottuendtype: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:07
Joe42<DarwinSurvivor> rigth, and i wont, but before i go to gnome i want to wirte down the command he gave me, and its better copy past to keep the exact same command22:07
ActionParsnipendtype: the more you assign, the more space ubuntu will be given but it will take more of your NTFS partition up22:08
akashlfs@ubuntu:/mnt/lfs/sources/gcc-4.6.2$ sudo apt-get install patch22:08
akash[sudo] password for lfs:22:08
akashlfs is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.22:08
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: actually, just run "gnome-shell --replace", then you don't have to log out :)22:08
ActionParsnipakash: then you will need an admin to install the package for you as you are not in the admin group22:08
wyldeakash: then that user doesn't have sudo access.22:08
Joe42oh ok thanks22:08
akashso how do you switch back to your original user ?:S22:08
Joe42ok it said violation of the gement core22:09
hashendtype: if u can boot from usb id recommend a install on that less to go wrong22:09
narctixakash if your ding lfs you shouldnt be root and should be chrooted to the lfs user and not need root access as root is your home22:09
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: ok, that is bad, it means something segfaulted.22:09
hashendtype: as long as u have an external22:09
Joe42wich means...22:09
celthunderakash: su >user<22:09
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: it's a means a program tried to read memory it wasn't allowed to read (usually a programming bug, but often triggered by corruption)22:10
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: is this a recent install?22:10
endtypei'm using wubi btw22:10
Joe42mmm not recent i mean couple of weeks old22:10
Joe42ever since the 12.04 came out, i did the update22:10
endtypeif that makes any diff??? cuz i'd assume wubi would partition by default22:10
hashyeah i used wubi and it messed up my mbr22:11
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: did you update using update manager or using a cd/usb?22:11
akashughh it wont work :(22:11
Joe42update manager22:11
goggupersona: missed your issue. not a major irc person.  i can tell  you that my wife or dogs would take a long time to make your suggestion.22:11
DarwinSurvivorendtype: wubi does not do partitioning or dual-boot. it is sort of like an all-in-one virtual machine that allows you to run ubuntu as if it were a windows application.22:11
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: can you run "sudo apt-get update" and tell me if there are any errors?22:12
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: if there are, please copy/paste the entire output to http://paste.ubuntu.com22:12
hashwubi was allowing me to partition inside my windows drive and add a boot option to chose windows or ubuntu22:13
Joe42DarwinSurvivor: and then send you the link?22:13
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: yes please22:13
Joe42ok will do22:13
remlabmhey guys, just installed 12.04 64bit. Ran updates and Additional Drivers. Now i keep getting a black screen with panic. Any ideas on how to figure wth is going on?22:15
endtypeDarwinSurvivor: so is it basically an application i can click to open up a virtual machine that runs ubuntu?22:15
ActionParsnipremlabm: what video chip do you use?22:16
Joe42i did not saw any errors but i pasted anywat http://paste.ubuntu.com/986272/22:16
DarwinSurvivorendtype: pretty much. I've never used it myself since I've been a regular linux user since before wubi was created.22:16
remlabmNvidia Geforce 8600 - I didnt update that yet though22:16
narctixremlabm your kernel has panicd whats the last 2 lines say?22:16
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
ActionParsnipremlabm: use the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=122:16
remlabmCPU - | Modules linked in : michael_mic arc1 ..... bunch of module listings22:17
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: do you get any errors when using gnome or is it only unity that is experiencing problems?22:17
remlabmActionParsnip: Ok ill do that, what is nouveau driver?22:17
narctixnouveau is open source nvidia22:18
ActionParsnipremlabm: open source nvidia driver, some chips like it, some don't22:18
Joe42yup only unity, but like i said earlier i re-instaled unity today, several times22:18
remlabmso do you recommend the drivers in additional hardware or should i install the ones from nvidia.com?22:18
hashendtype: all i can say is i used wubi to install on my windows drive and it messed up my mbr had to fix it with the windows disk and now when i start windows it gives me the option for win 7 or ubuntu which has no anything22:19
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: ok, what *exactly* happened when you ran "gnome-shell --replace"? please describe what you saw and pastebin any output you got in the terminal22:19
narctixremlabm what were the last 2 lines of your kernel panic22:19
Joe42ok just a sec22:19
hashthe ubuntu option22:19
stars69hi anyone here run eggdrop under 12.04?22:20
ActionParsnip           remlabm get the one from additional drivers, they ARE the nvidia drivers just packaged nice to gel with your OS22:20
hashendtype: imo the easiest way to do it is with an external something small like a 50 g should be more then plenty22:20
Joe42thats what happened and, well i just got that it did not worked but again i can log out, log back in and try from gnome22:20
endtypefor the iso22:21
DarwinSurvivoralright, then you will need to log out and then log into gnome-shell directly (using the gear icon in the login manager)22:21
Joe42i have a lot of running applications rigth now so it could be th22:21
endtypecan i just mount it on a virtual drive and run it22:21
hashu can run the iso off daemon tools lite22:21
hashruns like a live cd22:21
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: lots of applications should never cause a segfault, it will just eat up more ram and slow down a little (if you run out of ram/cpu)22:21
hashidk about installing it off an iso using daemon tool22:22
narctixyeah the box should just crash coz swap is maxed22:22
Joe42i dont think i just got a web browser and this window22:22
narctixnot segfault22:22
Joe42now, i donwloaded the ubuntu 12.04 iso file22:23
narctixcould report a segfault though22:23
Joe42i was planning on burning it and instaling everything again,22:23
ironmagmaHello, my server's fully qualified domain name seems to be wrong; `hostname --fqdn` just produces the hostname (in /etc/hostname) instead of the fqdn. What should I do to fix this?22:23
Joe42i could back up the inportant files on the cloud and that would be it22:23
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: if that's not a big problem for you, then it may be the best course of action. It sounds to me like "something" is corrupted. either a package or a configuration (in /etc) somewhere.22:24
narctixhostname needs to be set to a fqd22:24
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: I would also recommend a local (other computer in your hous or ext. drive) backup just in case you lose access to your cloud drive for what-ever reason22:24
Joe42ok then i guess il try that then22:25
DarwinSurvivorJoe42: alright22:25
llliiianyone tell if i can change the luks password later on after installing with whole disk encryption ?22:25
Joe42i mean my computer is completley functional in gnome but i like unity better22:25
DarwinSurvivorthere is some more troubleshooting we could do, but if you think you can do a reinstall in fairly short order, it may be faster to go that route22:26
Joe42so il guess il go with that, thanks22:26
narctixreinstalls the reason roll backs and backups exist!22:27
jacobwgDoes anyone know how to change the default gateway interface on Ubuntu server?22:28
jpsmanthis is more of a nix question but you guys like a challenge right?  Is it possible to scan a directory for a certain hex value BESIDES hexdump -c * | grep ab\ cd ??????22:28
whateverdudeanyone using any version of ubuntu on a macbook pro?22:28
jacobwgMy laptop is connected to wifi (Internet) and wired (LAN), but the default route keeps being set to the wired connection.22:28
bastidrazorjacobwg: #ubuntu-server may be of help.22:28
jacobwgbastidrazor: thanks!22:28
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: searching for a file with a certain value in its name, or in its contents?22:29
jacobwgbastidrazor: I really just need the terminal version of the commands - nothing really terminal specific22:29
jacobwg*server specific22:29
jpsmanDarwinSurvivor, contents but HEX content not just text22:29
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: if you can escape the hex values, you can simply use grep22:29
ActionParsnipjpsman: could ask in #bash too22:30
jpsmanwhat like grep \xab *  ?22:30
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: I think so, there's one way to find out :)22:31
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: is there any particular reason you don't want to use hexdump?22:31
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: the files are piped directly into grep, so there is *very* little overhead (grep would need to open them anyways)22:32
jpsmanwell if I hexdump -C * | grep ab\ cd   then it doesn't specify the file in which it is found22:32
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: you may experience slightly more cpu usage, but the speed will be limited by your HDD's read speed long before the cpu chokes on it22:32
whateverdudenot a single macbook pro user in here? :/22:32
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: ah, that makes sense22:32
DarwinSurvivor!patience | whateverdude22:33
ubottuwhateverdude: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:33
jpsmansee my dilema?  I want to know in which file a hex value is found...22:33
DarwinSurvivorwhateverdude: if you want an answer to a question, you need to ask the question ;)22:33
whateverdudeDarwinSurvivor: i waited 5 minutes22:33
jpsmanwhateverdude apparently not - or atleast one looking at the screen22:34
hashjoe42 what troubles are u having in unity22:34
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: try $'\x##'22:34
DarwinSurvivorhash: he's long gone22:35
jpsmanDarwinSurvivor as a command alone or as the grep search pattern?22:35
DarwinSurvivorwhateverdude: there may not be any macbook pro users here, but there may be users here who know how to fix a macbook pro problem.22:36
hashso does have to be name: to highlight to that person22:36
DarwinSurvivorwhateverdude: please post your problem and anyone that can help you will do their best22:36
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: as the grep search string. I think that's the bash escape sequence for hex22:36
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: "grep $'\x##' -R *"22:36
whateverdudeDarwinSurvivor: it usually ends with people saying "i don't remember but try this..." and useless stuff like that :<22:36
DarwinSurvivorwhateverdude: well, it's better than getting nothing!22:37
Loshkihash: depends on your client, but name: usually highlights for most people...22:37
hasenjplease help, my X server won't start, when I try 'xinit' I get: xterm: undefined symbol _XGetRequest22:37
DarwinSurvivorhash: name, also works (I think that's the x-chat default for some installs)22:37
hashloshki: thanks22:38
Thisguy_My software refuses to start, thinks I'm missing OpenCL, anything I can do?22:38
Thisguy_Not ubuntu itself22:38
hashDarwinSurvivor: yeah ive seen that too with the highlighted text22:38
chrisgeorgeAfter upgrading to 12.04, GRUB is not booting kernel 3.2 by default. No timer, no default selection. Is there a way to fix this?22:39
DarwinSurvivorhash: please post your .xinitrc and the entire output of your terminal sessions to http://paste.ubuntu.com22:39
whateverdudeDarwinSurvivor: i just installed ubuntu and when connecting my macbook pro to my external monitor the resolution is stuck at something like 1280x800 and the rest of the monitor is black. it also tells me "monitor unknown" or something like that.22:39
DarwinSurvivorhash: if you are unable to run a web browser, install pastebinit using apt-get22:39
hashDarwinSurvivor: what22:39
Ninja-1whateverdude: sounds like it's using the vesa driver22:39
DarwinSurvivorhash: sorry22:39
jpsmanDarwinSurvivor, is it possible to do a wild card search?  so kinda like grep $'\xab\xcd\x(wildcard)' *   ?22:39
ActionParsnipchrisgeorge: hold shift and select the new kernel, then run:  sudo update-grub    in the desktop22:40
whateverdudeNinja-1: more info, please22:40
RealEyesdoes compiz still work with 12.x?22:40
RealEyesIm trying to configure hot corners22:40
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: you are unable to run a web browser, install pastebinit using apt-get22:40
ActionParsnipRealEyes: yes its default installed22:40
Ninja-1whateverdude: vesa is the driver that's used when none of the others work. what's your GPU?22:40
chrisgeorgeActionParsnip: Thanks, I remote boot it usually so I guess I'll have to go to it directly. Thanks :)22:40
jpsmanRealEyes, I found the cube and 4 desktops didn't work for me22:40
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: sorry, replace ## by the hex code of the character you are searching for22:40
wyldejpsman DarwinSurvivor -- possible to script a hexdump and search file by file? (just a thought)22:40
hashwhateverdude: sounds like a driver issue22:41
whateverdudeNinja-1: oh, ok. nvidia something22:41
narctixjpsman what you trying to extarct?22:41
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whateverdudeNinja-1: want me to find the full name?22:41
RealEyesActionParsnip, where can I find it?22:41
ActionParsnipRealEyes: no idea, I hate compiz22:41
Ninja-1whateverdude: yeah, that could be helpful. try "lspci"22:41
RealEyesThis quick search doesnt work that well22:41
whateverdudeNinja-1: hold on. i'm gonna need to boot it up!22:41
DarwinSurvivorwylde jpsman you could use a "while read filename" style bash loop to perform the search22:42
jpsmanI am trying to search a bunch of files for a hex value then a wild card BUT hexdump | grep doesn't specify the file it finds ....22:42
Ninja-1whateverdude: ok. also, what version of Ubuntu is it running?22:42
wyldejpsman: yeah, I meant dump each file and search, then move on to the next.22:42
ActionParsnipjpsman: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6319878/using-grep-to-search-for-hex-strings-in-a-file22:42
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: are you still there?22:43
ActionParsnipjpsman: http://www.issociate.de/board/post/473764/Search_regular_expression_with_search_for_hex_values_in_files?.html22:43
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: yes, thanks, trying to figure out how to redirect error stream to output - got it22:43
hasenjone sec22:43
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: alright22:44
whateverdudeNinja-1: did you see my pm?22:44
Ninja-1whateverdude: nope, i'm new to IRC...lemme see if i can22:45
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: alright, it appears you are trying to use fglrx but don't have it installed22:45
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hasenjDarwinSurvivor: how can I tell it to not use fglrx?22:45
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: little hint for reading Xorg error outputs, look for (EE) - they signify errors :)22:45
remlabmI blacklisted the nueveau drivers, and installed the nvidia drivers from their site. Now i cannot get to login screen. Any ideas?22:45
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: first let's determine if it's not installed or simply not loading.22:46
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: it's not installed -- I uninstalled it22:46
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DarwinSurvivorhasenj: ah, well that would cause problem!22:46
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: well, I wanted to use the open source driver22:47
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: is there a particular reason you uninstalled it?22:47
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: ah, ok22:47
CrazyGangsterhello ppl, my XFS partition is almost full and i need to grow the partition without lose my data22:47
CrazyGangsterThere is a way to change the partition beginning point without move all data to the first blocks (like gparted do)?22:47
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: I did a dpk-reconfigure after that22:47
whateverdudeNinja-1: is this it? nvidia geforce 9400m22:48
Guest52271need link or tutorial for my new os22:48
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: and what did you chose when you ran reconfigure?22:48
DarwinSurvivor!tutorial | Guest5227122:48
ubottuGuest52271: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:48
jpsmanActionParsnip, well pretty much that except across multiple files in a directory22:48
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: I was following a wiki page, I think it was xorg-xserver or xorg-xserver-core22:49
Loshkijpsman: might have to resort to something like:  find . -type f -ls -regex '<regular expression' -ls22:49
Guest52271do you have any video tutorials22:49
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: was it a wiki page from ubuntu's website, or a 3rd party location?22:49
Loshki!manual | Guest5227122:50
ubottuGuest52271: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:50
night_shadesanyone know how to connect to this channel using andchat irc through android device22:50
jpsmanDarwinSurvivor third party stackoverflow :0D22:50
mango_anyone recommend a tool to download videos as mp3's on Ubuntu?22:50
DarwinSurvivorGuest52271: ubuntu does not currently host many (any?) video tutorials. youtube is a great place to find them though22:50
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: if that was for me, I think it was from ubuntu's wiki22:50
hasenjthough it might have been for an older version22:50
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: yeah, sorry22:51
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DarwinSurvivorhasenj: do you use a custom .xinitrc file?22:52
night_shadesanyone know how to connect to this channel using andchat irc through android device22:52
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: not that I'm aware of22:52
tyler_ok well are there any tuorials on using play on linux  and wine?22:52
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: ok22:52
hasenjthere's a dead link leading to here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver22:52
hasenjunfortunately that page doesn't exist anymore22:52
hasenjor something22:52
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jpsmanwylde, so a bash script for a hexdump | grep should work?22:52
jpsmanwould that specify the file found?22:53
wyldejpsman: I was just tossing an idea out. Figuring that maybe a script that dumped and searched each file would get the job done.22:54
tyler_@DarwinSurvivor: do you know of any tutorials on using play on linx or wine22:54
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: "sudo apt-get purge xorg-driver-fglrx"22:54
wyldejpsman: you could script in to output the filename where the search term was found(if it will exist in multiple files) or have it kill the loop and output the filename it found the term in?22:55
DarwinSurvivor!patience | tyler_22:55
ubottutyler_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:55
cypher-neotyler_, Tutorials? PlayonLinux is fairly straightforward. What are you trying to do with it?22:55
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: actually, to save some time, just run the 4 commands on http://onubuntu.blogspot.ca/2011/10/manually-removing-fglrx-from-ubuntu.html22:56
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: they should still apply to 12.0422:56
cypher-neotyler_, Actually PlayonLinux is fairly complicated. Wine is fairly straightforward.22:56
jpsmanwell a list would be vary nice but it could also kill the loop I guess22:56
cypher-neotyler_, What program are you trying to run?22:56
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: "virtual packages like xorg-driver-fglrx can't be removed"22:56
Loshkijpsman: Try find . -type f -ls -regex '<regular expression>' -ls22:56
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: oh yeah, they virtualized that one :P22:57
night_shadesi had two os's on my computer  one being windows 7 and the other was linux mint, anyhow i deleted linux mint through the primary partition program on windows 7 and rebooted my system and now it wont let me boot up to windows. anybody familiar with using grub terminal22:57
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: ok, you said you already removed it, so try the following22:57
sckedsfedhi.. How can I install h.264 codecs to view videos on youtube?22:57
DarwinSurvivor!purge | hasenj22:57
ubottuhasenj: To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P22:57
jpsmanloski I did and it found in all test files find . -type f -ls -regex 'ihadhotdogsforlunch -ls22:57
jpsmanwhich I know doesn't exist in them22:57
cypher-neotyler_, What program are you trying to install?22:57
DarwinSurvivorsckedsfed: using which browser?22:57
srid`lxc question: how do i ssh into a container without using lxc-console?22:57
ActionParsnipsckedsfed: you just need flash22:58
sckedsfedDarwinSurvivor: opera22:58
srid`i cannot ping a container by its name (even when appending .local)22:58
Jordan_Unight_shades: This channel only supports Ubuntu. Try #grub.22:58
sckedsfedActionParsnip: no I also need h264.... flash is crashing22:58
tyler_i am trying to install Battlefield2,World At World and trying to play Assassins creed22:58
ActionParsniptyler_: did you check the appdb22:58
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tyler_the what22:58
night_shadesok ill try it, thanks jordan22:59
Jordan_Unight_shades: You're welcome.22:59
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: thanks, running purge command22:59
cypher-neotyler_, Check out winehq.org and query on that site how those games run on Wine.22:59
DarwinSurvivortyler_: http://appdb.winehq.org/22:59
zowszsomeone can give me the freenodes's website?23:00
remlabmso interesting thing i have going on here. i wasable to uninstall the nvidia drivers but i do not hvea a unity bar? logged in like normal and i can pull up terminal but no bar23:01
sckedsfedzowsz: http://www.freenode.net23:01
Loshkijpsman: my bad, the regex tries to match the file name, not the contents. Someone cleverer than me will have to advise you...23:01
DarwinSurvivorsckedsfed: opera does not support h264 (does not matter if the underlying OS does or not) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5_video#Table23:01
trismsrid`: there are probably nicer ways, but when I create my containers, in the config I give it an explicit ip address: lxc.network.ipv4= , then you can: ssh ubuntu@; (may want to ask in #ubuntu-server for other options)23:01
jpsmanactually I think i might have it with grep $'\xab\cd..' *23:01
jpsmanthanks everyone :OD23:02
jpsmaner grep $'\xab\xcd..' * even :0P23:02
DarwinSurvivorsckedsfed: many of youtube's videos (if that is where you watch stuff) are available in VP8. other than that you will need to ask in #opera for advice running h264 in it23:02
tyler_i am new to ubuntu/kubuntu so i have no idea how to use Wine or Play on linux23:02
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:03
jpsmanLoski, DarwinSurvivor, ActionParsnip, wylde thank you for your help :OD23:03
DarwinSurvivorjpsman: no problem23:03
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: did the purge, ran the 4 commands, rebooted, still same problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/986329/23:04
veebullwould it screw anything up to sym-link certain folders to sub-folders inside my ~/Ubuntu One directory?23:04
veebulllike if I want to keep ~/workspace (for Eclipse) synced between my laptop and desktop?23:04
DarwinSurvivorveebull: absolutely not, that's actually the recommended method of putting stuff in there that needs to be reference elsewhere23:04
DarwinSurvivorveebull: just be careful if you put a symlink IN the ubuntuone folder that points somewhere else, I'm not sure if it will sync the link or it's destination23:05
sckedsfedDarwinSurvivor: ok thx... nad can you help me with flash? it doesn't work! :/23:05
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:06
sckedsfedDarwinSurvivor: already did23:06
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: have you ever modified your xorg configuration?23:06
ActionParsniptyler_: not all apps run in wine, you should check the appdb to see if the apps you want to run, will run23:06
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: possible, can't remember. I started having troubles though only after upgrading to 12.04, before that it was running fine23:06
jpsmannope that didn't work :OP23:06
veebullokay... I was not sure as it seems like once I symlink ~/workspace on the desktop into ~/Ubuntu One, then I'd need to create the same symlink on the laptop *before* syncing it, otherwise I'd just end up with the folder in ~/Ubuntu One on the laptop, not something actually sync'd to ~/workspace?23:07
zowszsome ircop here?23:07
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: though I did rm the default xorg.conf file and the xorg.conf.d directory doesn't have anything I recognize23:07
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: "sudo grep -R fglrx /etc/X11/*"23:07
night_shadesi hate that ugly side panel on ubuntu 12.04 anyway to lower it to bottom right23:07
mango_has Nvidia updated their drivers for Ubuntu 12.04?23:08
sckedsfedDarwinSurvivor: it's a strange thing... the plugin is recognized as enabled (also in flash-test-pages) but videos don't play... just keeps a black box!23:08
sckedsfedsome browsers crash23:08
sckedsfedothers show message "missing plugin"23:08
sckedsfedothers show black box23:08
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/986334/23:08
DarwinSurvivorsckedsfed: sorry, I have never personally had problems (other than lagg year ago) with flash, so I don't know how to debug it. perhaps somebody else can assist you.23:08
DarwinSurvivorsckedsfed: ok, and you ran the "sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core" correct?23:09
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: ok, and you ran the "sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core" correct?23:10
DarwinSurvivorsckedsfed: sorry23:10
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: yea, though I ran it through wajig (wajig reinstall) which does the same thing23:10
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: wajig?23:11
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: it's just a tool that aliases apt-get commands23:11
Oersckedsfed did you restart your browser after installing flash?23:11
linuxque hacer despues de instalar ubuntu 12.0423:11
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: can you run it in apt-get just to make sure? It may need to rebuild the core executable23:12
TemporaryName123Question-  if I encrypt my HOME folder, is that the only folder where important information about me can be revealed?23:12
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: I just did23:12
hasenjDarwinSurvivor: though I think it's used a "cached" .deb file, is there a way to force it to download a new one?23:12
wyldeTemporaryName123: that depends on what programs you use dump to /tmp :)23:12
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: ok, you may need to reboot as fglrx is possibly loaded in the kernel (causing X to try to use it) but the libraries are now missing. It's a long shot, but it's the best I can think of at the moment23:13
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: no, the cached deb file won't make a difference, it would have downloaded the same one anyways23:13
TemporaryName123wylde: so other than home folder,  /tmp folder can also contain information about me, are there any other folder?23:14
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DarwinSurvivorTemporaryName123: are you running any syste-wide non-default servers (apache, etc)?23:14
TemporaryName123DarwinSurvivor, no I'm just using a normal desktop ubuntu  no server23:15
DarwinSurvivorTemporaryName123: also make sure you either has swap disabled or encrypted!23:15
wyldeTemporaryName123:  ^^ /tmp and swap yep23:15
TemporaryName123how do I clear /tmp folder before I turn off my computer?23:16
wyldeTemporaryName123: /tmp is emptied on reboot, but that data remians until then.23:16
DarwinSurvivorTemporaryName123: how much ram do you have?23:16
TemporaryName123oic,  I installed ubuntu with normal settings to it created swap automatically, how do I disable it? i have 3 gigs of ram I think its enough to handle mostly anything linux related23:16
wyldeTemporaryName123: if you're the only one who can access it, and don't leave it unattended between restarts /tmp won't matter.23:16
Aressmaybe someone launched League of legends through wine?23:17
AlecI'm trying to install XBMCbuntu on my desktop PC but whenever I try to install I consistently get the error "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"  I've tried multiple distributions of ubuntu as well as usb slots to do this and multiple programs to write to the usb as well (unetbootin, etc).  I've successfully installed ubuntu on this machine before with the same problems but do not remember how I fixed it.23:17
TemporaryName123Aress, lots of ppl are trying to do that, no luck so far23:17
Jordan_UTemporaryName123: There is no reason not to have a swap partition.23:17
DarwinSurvivorwylde: please pastebin the output of "mount" there's a decent chance it is using a ramdisk or encrypted /tmp already23:17
linuxuz3ryou need swap partition for paging23:17
wyldeDarwinSurvivor: ?23:17
AressTemporaryName123 I launched it23:17
Aressbut I didn't connect to pvp.net23:18
AressI was so close :d23:18
TemporaryName123Jordan_U okay I guess I'll just encrypt it23:18
TemporaryName123Aress, yea tha'ts what i've been reading online ppl cant connect to server23:18
Aressthere is ACE client23:18
Aresswhich is working around23:18
Jordan_UTemporaryName123: If you use the Ubuntu installer's encrypted home option then swap is also configured to be encrypted as well.23:18
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Aressthere is possible to play lol with it but I got error :D23:19
wyldeDarwinSurvivor: if I do that you'll see my bad practice uses of sshfs >.>23:19
Alecoh, forgot to mention this live usb also works on other pcs23:19
TemporaryName123Jordan_U how can I enable that option without having to reinstall the ubuntu OS?23:19
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Jordan_UTemporaryName123: I think that "sudo ecryptfs-setup-swap" will do it.23:21
DarwinSurvivorwylde: sorry that was for TemporaryName123 :P23:22
wyldeDarwinSurvivor: :)23:22
AressWhy riot team doesn't create linux version :(23:22
DarwinSurvivorTemporaryName123: "mount | grep tmp" and then post the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com23:22
DarwinSurvivorTemporaryName123: "mount | grep swap" will tell us if swap is setup correctly as well23:23
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AlecAnyone have an idea?23:25
cypher-neoAlec, Instead of installing, try previewing.23:26
AlecThat doesn't work either.23:26
cypher-neoAlec, Use the Drive Manager to make sure the drive you are installing to is completely unmounted.23:26
cypher-neoAlec, Well... oh.23:27
cypher-neoAlec, That was my wildest idea.23:27
AlecI really don't know how I fixed it last time :/23:27
AlecI'm trying to make this machine completely dedicated to only video playing.23:27
cypher-neoAlec, Well, here's another wild idea.23:27
tyler_with wine i get the same error23:27
cypher-neoAlec, Yank the hard drive and pop it into a different computer. Use the Live USB on that computer and format/install the drive. Then pop it back in the other computer.23:28
cypher-neoAlec, It's overkill, but it should work. lol23:28
AlecCan't do that, only other computer I have is my laptop :/23:28
cypher-neoAlec, :(23:30
AlecYeah, I have no clue how I did it before23:30
DarwinSurvivorAlec: the distribution you are using is not an official ubuntu derivative (it is maintained by xmbc). This means that we have no idea of knowing what changes xmbc made to the iso's or the underlying software. You will most likely need to ask the xmbc devs directly to resolve your issue.23:30
AlecI know, but I also mentioned I've tried other ubuntu distributions (actual ubuntu) and that didn't work either23:31
AlecSame exact error.23:31
wyldeAlec: beyond that you could try mythbuntu which is supported. :)23:31
Jordan_UAlec: That error probably means that, for whatever reason, the kernel can't access your USB drive.23:31
DarwinSurvivorAlec: ok, sorry, i must have missed that comment23:31
Rurd2dianybody know commands i can use in the motd23:31
remlabm_ActionParsnip: Should i Install any nvidia drivers after disabling the nueveau drivers?23:31
AlecIt works in my laptop though23:31
Rurd2dito say for example the username logged in23:31
wyldeRurd2di: the current user logged in? $USER no?23:32
Jordan_UAlec: It's probably something specific to that hardware. I'm guessing that when you do get Ubuntu installed you'll still have problems accessing USB drives on this computer.23:32
DarwinSurvivorhasenj: I hope you issue has been resolved. Unfortunately I need to leave now. If you are still experiencing issues, perhaps somebody else in the channel will be able to assist you23:32
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hasenjDarwinSurvivor: thanks for your help, much appreciated, I'm still having the same problem unfortunately23:33
cypher-neoAlec, Just an odd question. Is the USB drive you're using a High Capacity drive (or over 4Gb)?23:33
Alec Last time I had ubutnu installed it worked flawlessly, no problems whatsoever.  (same machine)23:33
AlecIt is only 1gb.23:33
AlecI've tried a 4gb as well though.23:33
stef1acan anyone point me to a samba tutorial for setting up a samba server on a remote machine (via my local machine)? all of the involved computers run linux; none run windows23:34
Jordan_UAlec: You should be able to work around the problem by using the minimal install image.23:34
cypher-neoAlec, I was thinking based on Jordan_U's comment that it might be that the BIOS is rejecting the drive. Some BIOS's don't like booting from USB2.0 drives.23:34
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Jordan_Ucypher-neo: Alec: That's not what I'm saying at all. In fact that Alec got as far as seeing an initramfs error means that the BIOS is handling the drive fine.23:34
homeGuys, I've tried everything but I can't.. How do I install ATI/AMD graphics drivers the proper way?!? I'm gonna have to go back to Windows if I don't get know it!23:35
AlecLike I said before, I installed it previously (same error) with another USB 2.0 drive.  I forget how I fixed it though.  Jordan, I'm kind of confused as to what a minimal install image is.23:35
Jordan_U!minimal | Alec23:35
ubottuAlec: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:35
Rurd2diwylde: nah23:35
=== home is now known as decio_crytek
Rurd2dithat dosent work23:35
decio_crytekplease guys, help me23:35
AlecOpening the page atm23:35
TemporaryName123DarwinSurvivor, http://paste.ubuntu.com/986361/          idk, I'm thinking of reinstalling the whole OS, since I don't have that many programs installed yet anyway23:35
tyler__every time i try to play assassins creed i get the error invalid parameters recived23:36
Jordan_UAlec: The reason why it would work around this particular problem is that the image consists of only a kernel and initramfs, both of which are loaded by the bootloader before any native USB drivers from linux are started. Everything else is downloaded from the internet, so the installer never needs to access the USB drive directly.23:36
AlecI'm looking to see if XBMCbuntu has one for it.  If not, I'll just get the regular one and put XBMC on it I suppose23:37
decio_crytekdoes anyone in here help you with good question like Ubuntu's web site advertizes?23:38
wyldetyler_: if you're playing these games through wine then #winehq would be the appropriate place for support.23:38
Jordan_Udecio_crytek: Have you tried the Additional Drivers utility?23:39
tyler_well i am not running them throgh wine i am running them through play on linx23:39
black_joe tyler_, that is a front-end for WINE. #winehq will be able to help.23:39
wyldetyler_: which is a front end to wine23:39
decio_crytekJordan_U yes. But I have a Radeon HD 4500m series and it actually runs worse on those drivers than on the open source native ones...23:39
Jordan_Udecio_crytek: Worse in what way?23:40
Rurd2diany other idea what the ommand could be wylde?23:40
decio_crytekJordan_U and I can't even play a Full Screen 720p video23:40
tyler_i am new to kubuntu/ubuntu os, so i have no idea how to use these and what the settings mean23:41
indioHi. How can I know which internal IP address my router dynamically assigned to my localhost?23:41
Rurd2diindio: ifconfig23:41
decio_crytekThey are just not as fast as I'm used to. And laggier than the original ubuntu ones. Jordan_U23:41
Rurd2ditype that in config23:41
wyldeRurd2di: not off the top of my head, I know the Variables $USER $HOME $HOSTNAME work in bash. I'm just stepping out for a bit. If you're still here when I get back I'll be glad to help. In the meantime, I'm sure there's some much more knowledgable people in this channel that can help :)23:41
Rurd2dithanks wylde23:42
Rurd2diill still be here23:42
indioRurd2di: Yes thank. I know that one, but I want to be able to configure my scripts with some var instead of the hard coded 192.168.0.X, is that possible?23:42
cpu--anyone seen morpheus23:42
bryguy_i have some questions hopefully ya'll can answer23:44
bryguy_first I am running precise xubuntu23:44
tyler_i am new to kubuntu/ubuntu os, so i have no idea how to use these and what the settings mean23:44
shashihello room.23:44
bryguy_i downloaded the new LMDE XFCE23:44
decio_crytekI'm out of Linux once for all. I thought 12.04 would be better than Windows 8. I'll just keep saving money for a iMac then..23:44
bryguy_i want to install this somehow without burning a disk/dvd23:45
proxinix!ask | tyler_23:45
ubottutyler_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:45
shashiyou can do a window install23:45
philipballewbryguy_ off topic23:45
bryguy_decio_crytek, try downloading xubuntu 12.04 full and installing it standalone by itself23:45
bryguy_really philipballew23:46
bryguy_decio_crytek, trust me its way better than ubuntu or kde, and theyre all better than ianything23:46
philipballewbryguy_  linux mint is not supported here23:46
proxinixtyler_ I suggest you right click everything and test it out.  Get to know your machine like a neighborhood like you did with Windows www.linuxcommand.org is where a lot of people start.23:46
gizmowhat do I type in a terminal to install itunes on ubuntu?23:46
bryguy_i know but i M Running ubuntu precise23:47
lekremyelsewgizmo, itunes is not compatible with ubuntu23:47
bryguy_i just want to know how to install an iso from precise without burning a disk23:47
jacobwgDoes anyone know how to autofs mount a network share to a folder off of / (I want to mount the share at /folder)?23:47
philipballewbryguy_ run virtualbox23:47
hashbryguy: make a bootable usb23:47
decio_crytekbryguy_: Does it have better drivers support than Ubuntu for ATI graphics card?23:47
black_joegizmo : You cannot. You need to use a compatibility layer called Wine to run Windows applications. Other applications such as Clementine and rhythmbox offer similar functionality, though.23:48
shashievery time i open a cairodock controll pannel. the top panel of the window opens under the top panel . I use xubuntu, any one facing the same problem. does  an y one has a solution for this?23:48
proxinixgizmo, rythembox handles itunes well for some - try that23:48
Rurd2diindio: unsure mate23:48
lekremyelsewgizmo, but there are many applications available that work with ipods, try searching the software center for "ipod"23:48
philipballewgizmo, why do you need itunes?23:48
fpz^2hey guys. I thought I'd ask here first before posting to askubuntu.23:48
bryguy_probably not decio_crytek since its still the same base OS23:48
bryguy_but there are work arounds23:49
fpz^2I've got issues with the i915 drivers for my Intel HD 3000 integrated GPU. Specifically, the screen goes black right after the splash screen - the only way to boot is to set nomodeset or i915.modeset=023:49
=== tbic_ is now known as tbic
proxinixgizmo, apt-cache search -n ipod23:49
gizmoIblack_joe: have wine but not sure how to use it23:49
bryguy_philipballew, i ran it in virtual box, but i dont think i can actually install the whole os as a dual-boot style os on my hdd23:49
fpz^2unfortunately, that kills the whole ubuntu experience - no kms, and only resolutions up to 1024x76823:49
proxinixgizmo, sudo apt-get install exaile-plugin-ipod exaile23:49
bryguy_only on the virtual partition23:49
fpz^2anyone know a remedy? or another driver that works and keeps kms going?23:49
bryguy_'as far as i can tell so far phillipb23:50
decio_crytekbryguy_, That's what I want. I want a OS that AT LEAST can play a 720p Full Screen YouTube video since I have a dual-core 2.00GHz Processor and a ATI Radeon HD 4500m series23:50
philipballewyeah you can23:50
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:50
philipballewthere you go23:50
bryguy_ty philipballew23:50
lekremyelsewIs there an easy way to see which proccess is causing my system load to idle at a high number?23:50
* philipballew does what he can23:50
fpz^2err, I meant i915.modeset=023:50
bryguy_philipballew, there is no one on that channel lol23:51
fpz^2lekremyelsew, htop is pretty decent23:51
philipballewhow long did you want?23:51
fpz^2apt-get install htop23:51
decio_crytekAnd 4Gb of RAM23:51
bryguy_do i need ot start up a different irc server?23:51
bryguy_join #mint23:52
philipballewirc.spotchat.org is what you want to go to <bryguy_>23:52
philipballewnot freenode23:52
lekremyelsewfpz^2, i'm using htop. My cpu usage idles at ~1 but the system load idles at ~.60. Do you know how to find out what is causing that?23:53
Alectrying a different usb right now for xbmcbuntu before I use hte mini one23:53
fpz^2lekremyelsew, tbh, I've had different versions of ubuntu put a constant minimum load of 0.5 on my system23:54
fpz^2nothing to worry about really, as the load is only representative of one cpu23:54
RealEyeswhats the command for seeing how much memory is in use?23:54
AlecJordan_U also, when installing, my keyboard seems to stop working when initramfs pops up23:55
sckedsfedhi... How can I avoid the password request for a user during login? I'm with lxde23:55
xwolfbo s23:55
lekremyelsewfpz^2, it usually stayed at ~.01 until a recent upgrade23:55
bryguy_philipballew, how do i get to that spotchat area?23:56
fpz^2RealEyes, `free`23:56
harushimohey everyone, I can't get any display to my second monitor23:56
fpz^2lekremyelsew, that's odd. but what htop reports is what is used23:56
harushimohow do I access the video card information23:57
lekremyelsewfpz^2, Funny thing is, the load seems to be much higher when htop is running23:57
bryguy_decio_crytek, i would maybe recommend trying LMDE or Mint Lisa (but Lisa is based off of Ubuntu)23:57
fpz^2lekremyelsew, try normal top?23:57
sckedsfedharushimo: depends on your card. if nvidia, from nvidia panel...23:57
lekremyelsewfpz^2, same thing23:57
harushimoI can't get the video card information working. This card worked on ubuntu 10.04 LTS23:57
fpz^2harushimo, lshw -C video23:58
harushimoI can't get the nvidia panel at all23:58
sckedsfedhi... How can I avoid the password request for a user during login? I'm with lxde23:58
sckedsfedhi... How can I avoid the password request for a user during login? I'm with lxde23:58
harushimowhat is the command to access the nvidia panel23:58
bryguy_decio_crytek, https://www.google.com/search?aq=1&oq=ati+drivers+for+ubuntu+12.&sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=install+ati+driver+ubuntu+12.0423:58
bryguy_just google install ati drivers on ubuntu 12.0423:58
RealEyesmy system reports is using 7 of 8 GB23:58
AlecJordan_U, mini seems to be working, but my keyboard won't function :S23:58
RealEyesbut im not doing anything23:58
RealEyeshow can i clear the memory?23:59
maheanuu am running a 64 bit version of 10.04.4 LTS and am not finding any way to get java installed as the 32 bit version will apparently not run in the 64 bit set up23:59
sckedsfedharushimo: nvidia-settings23:59
harushimowhen I do the lshw -C video23:59
RealEyessudo sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches does nothing23:59
sckedsfed(with sudo, to modify)23:59
fpz^2RealEyes, free includes reserved memory afaik too23:59
lekremyelsewRealEyes, free can be deceiving. http://virtualthreads.blogspot.com/2006/02/understanding-memory-usage-on-linux.html23:59

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