
cheshairHi! In my web panel I notice a distinction between "folders" (folders within UbuntuOne main folder) and "my synced folders" (other personal folders I manually decided to sync). Is there any difference I must be aware of?07:34
cheshairAny different behaviour?07:35
cheshairIn other words, what's the point in having an "UbuntuOne" special folder? I guess that acts as a special repository for my music, android pictures, ... If I get it right...07:36
cheshairThese two links helped me: http://askubuntu.com/questions/135498/what-is-the-purpose-of-the-ubuntu-one-folder and https://one.ubuntu.com/help/tutorial/install-and-setup-file-sync/07:51
cheshairI have this synced folder on my ubuntu 12.04. Icon on the folder still indicates the syncing is going on even if it is over, so I see those two tiny arrows in a circle instead of the green symbol11:09
cheshairthe folder is not that big and only contains one hundreth files11:09
cheshairany tips?11:10
cheshairit looks like the icon doesn't refresh11:10
cheshairon my U1 web panel I see the files regularly uploaded11:10
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