
=== bcurtiswx is now known as Guest14632
=== Guest14632 is now known as bcurtiswx
TheMusorobert_ancell: Hi. How was your trip?02:21
robert_ancellTheMuso, uneventful02:39
TheMusoYep, same.02:39
thumpermy plane didn't explode either02:41
robert_ancellthumper, oh really?  Awesome02:43
thumperalways look on the bright side :)02:43
TheMusoRAOF: Of you're back too, or are you still in Melbourne?02:46
RAOFTheMuso: Still in Melbourne.02:46
TheMusoah ok.02:46
RAOFAt least the lounge is quite nice :)02:47
TheMusoYeah, thats a bonus I guess.02:49
RAOFAnd I've managed to shower and change clothes, which is extra-nice.02:52
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pittihey Laney, got back in one piece?08:26
Laneyjust about, but my laptop almost didn't08:26
Laneythe person in front of me put her seat back and almost crushed it08:26
Laneyah well :-)08:27
Laneyhow was your trip?08:27
didrocksgood morning08:36
pittibonjour didrocks08:38
pittica va?08:38
TheMusoHey Europe folks. Hope you all had safe travels.08:38
* TheMuso is about to crash hard after an uneventful trip flying in this morning.08:38
pittimine was rather quiet; the A380 is surprisingly silent, and I was able to sleep a bit08:39
TheMusoOh yeah, the a380 is nice to travel in. I had one from LA to Sydney.08:40
didrockspitti: ça va bien, et toi?08:40
didrockshey TheMuso08:40
pittididrocks: Je suis très fatigué08:40
didrockswe apparently had someone who tried to exit the flight during the night08:41
pittiwell, not exactly tired, but my head feels strange08:41
pittididrocks: !?08:41
didrocksI heard that 4 people were needed to make him harmless and they locked it in the restroom for 5 hours08:41
didrocksthen, he was still agressive and they put some medecine to make him sleep08:42
didrocksapparently, he was near jibel, so we can have more info later on :)08:42
didrocks(I didn't notice anything from the back of the plane, just got some updates from rick and huats once we landed)08:42
huatsthat is whta I have heard too :)08:43
BigWhaledidrocks, that guy was sitting beside me :>09:08
didrocksBigWhale: had a good night? :)09:09
BigWhaleaprat from that, yes :>09:09
smspillazdidrocks: O.o09:09
BigWhaleoh night ... not flight :>09:09
BigWhaleflight was quite awesome, some drama, to make it a bit less boring! :>09:10
smspillazI got stopped and searched /again/ on accusation that I was a drug smuggling child pornographer identity stealer because I dropped my immigration ticket but that surely doesn't stand up to didrocks story09:11
didrockssmspillaz: you still have immigration tickets?09:12
didrocksI didn't get one for at least a year now09:12
smspillazoh as in09:13
smspillazin australia, they have a computerized immigration system - if you have an RFID enabled passport you can do immigration by looking at a camera which does face detection :)09:14
smspillazexcept that they give you a ticket at the end which you give to the CBP officer who usually just lets you through except that I lost my ticket09:14
smspillazin the 30 or so steps it takes to get from A to B09:14
smspillazstill, that doesn't stand up to a bucket of crazy on the plane :)09:15
smspillazI still like how the immigration officers try and invent more and more far fetched stories to try and make you "admit" something09:16
smspillaz"So Ubuntu? Is that some kind of computer hacking ring?"09:16
smspillaz"Ever been in contact with narcotics? Sure? Its a crime if you've been in the same room etc etc"09:17
didrocksseems australia is weird :)09:21
didrocksin France, the officer just take your passeport, give it back to you, no question, no hello, nothing…09:21
BigWhaledidrocks, yeah I actually liked that it was super quick09:22
BigWhalethen later in Slovenia, customs officer was going through my underwear ...09:23
BigWhaleseb128, hello09:44
seb128hey BigWhale09:44
davidcalleHey all :)09:46
MrChrisDruifHai davidcalle09:47
pittibonjour seb12810:14
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?10:14
pittiseb128: okay-ish, still a bit numb in my head due to the jetlag10:14
pittibut I'm mostly doing some laundry and cleaning today anyway10:14
seb128same here10:15
seb128email catching up as well, nothing that requires to focus ;-)10:15
pittiI still got my 11:20 train yesterday, airport went pretty smoothly10:15
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gemaI feel like I have been on a train all the way from SFO10:45
gemaI hope indicators are as easy as they looked in the plenary, cos I was planning to learn about them today :D10:45
gemahello-unity, here I come10:45
popsHi !11:01
popsNeed help with compiz...11:01
bcurtiswxMorning . After UDS you all got devotion bonuses from canonical for being here today?11:02
bcurtiswxIf not you should :-P11:04
mlankhorstbcurtiswx: nah we just recover, it's stupidity to work today11:16
mlankhorstit may make you more productive in the short run, but less productive overall11:16
mlankhorstSame with working >40 hours consistently :)11:17
bcurtiswxmlankhorst: Lol, took me a few days myself from UDS-O and I had to start 40/wk right after. It's the most fun you can have :)11:18
mlankhorstbcurtiswx: Im not going to do any work related things today, I need to calm down rest and readjust first. :)11:20
bcurtiswxmlankhorst: Darn, and I had three pages of sync requests I wanted to discuss.11:21
mlankhorstbcurtiswx: That's the beauty about rest, I can just say "it can wait". :)11:22
mlankhorstVery zen!11:23
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jbichayay! I'm a GNOME Foundation member now16:29
seb128jbicha, hey, congrats!16:30
seb128jbicha, had a good flight back?16:30
jbichaseb128: yeah, I didn't sleep as well on the plane though, my mind had too much exciting stuff to think about16:31
jbichaLars & I walked from the Embarcadero all the way around to Ghiradelli Square16:33
didrocksok, time to walk a little bit outside and then dinner for early evening :)16:33
didrockssee you tomorrow everyone!16:33
jbichaI think I walked 10 miles on Saturday16:33
vuntzseb128: hey16:38
seb128vuntz, hey, how are you?16:38
vuntzseb128: remember you pinged me months ago about versions-stable-extras not having the right versions for some modules?16:38
seb128vuntz, yes16:39
vuntzseb128: I've fixed the scripts to make it possible to avoid that, so now, when you see a module with this issue, just tell me which one :-)16:39
seb128vuntz, thanks16:39
vuntzof course, this will have to be fixed again for all modules each time there's a new stable version, but that's not too much work16:40
vuntzhow was UDS?16:40
seb128quite good16:41
seb128jbicha signed up to do a "Ubuntu GNOME" respin16:41
* kenvandine is feeling a bit fried, gotta get my brain jump started :)16:41
seb128i.e gnome-shell, upstream branding, epiphany, abiword, gnumeric, etc16:41
vuntzyeah, I've seen that, that's great :-)16:42
seb128got to go, bbl16:43
* bcurtiswx is excited to be getting back into Desktop team stuff this cycle :)16:56
bcurtiswxkenvandine, you can ignore my e-mail from last week16:57
kenvandinebcurtiswx, oh... sorry i had forgotten already :)16:58
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
bcurtiswxkenvandine, i don't know why I got the error in there but my intentions with that branch were wrong16:59
bcurtiswxFolks 0.6.9 fixes a high heat LP bug, and I'm working on Empathy 3.4.2 which has bug fixes and takes care of an LP bug too17:00
bcurtiswxI don't quite remember how Debian Syncs work for SRU's17:00
kenvandinei've never done one for an SRU17:01
bcurtiswxbug #917302 has a fix in folks 0.6.9 which is a bug fix release but as of right now we had that as a sync since we don't need to be diff from upstream17:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 917302 in empathy "empathy-chat crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91730217:04
bcurtiswxright now folks is 0.6.817:05
micahgbcurtiswx: SRUs are generally cherry picked, you can sync to the devel release though17:05
bcurtiswxmicahg, so best practice would be cherry pick the one fix i need (out of two) and let the sync happen in Q??17:06
kenvandinebcurtiswx, do the sync to Q first17:06
micahgbcurtiswx: if there are only 2 fixes and the risk is not that great, you might be able to SRU the new version17:08
micahgbut as kenvandine said, dev release comes first17:08
kenvandinefolks and empathy would get an update anyway, part of the gnome stack17:09
kenvandineget it in Q then we'll look at them for SRU17:09
bcurtiswxkenvandine, micahg sounds good, thx17:13
kenvandinenp: :)17:13
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
dobeyAWESOME :(18:30
* dobey wonders which update exactly, broke the keyboard world18:31
* kenvandine is about to shutdown to do a clean install of quantal :)18:35
brycehdobey, keyboard breakage in what way?18:41
dobeyGConf Error: Type mismatch: Expected `string' got `list' for key /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/switch_windows18:41
dobeyevery keybinding in metacity, breaking18:41
dobeyrunning "gnome-control-center keyboard" prints *lots* of those in the terminal18:42
brycehdobey, ok18:43
dobeybut for some reason, also seems to be broken upstream18:43
james_whi, looks like Bryce and Robert both worked on rhythmbox at the same time: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/rhythmbox/quantal-201205140516/+merge/10560818:43
dobeywhich is weird, as it was working fine, until some update during the past week18:43
dobeyat least "gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/metacity/global_keybindings /apps/metacity/window_keybindings" fixes it18:49
dobeyat laest, until something decides to trample them all again18:49
bcurtiswxfor a sync, if the debian package contains a fix for an LP reported bug, do I edit the debian changelog or how does that all work?19:16
bcurtiswxim using requestsync package right now19:16
cyphermoxbcurtiswx: should just work, afaik19:17
bcurtiswxcyphermox, do I add a part to the changelog to indicate which LP bug is fixed?19:17
cyphermoxit's not indicated?19:17
bcurtiswxcyphermox, i wasn't sure since it's bringing over the debian changelog in the sync19:17
cyphermoxa sync shouldn't be making changes19:18
bcurtiswxcyphermox, OK, so just fix-release the LP bugs that are fixed by the debian sync?19:18
cyphermoxor can be done with the syncpackage command once the sync is reviewed19:19
cyphermoxjust mention which bugs in the sync bug19:19
dobeybcurtiswx: if the debian bug is referenced (and thus closed upstream), and the LP bug is watching the upstream, i would think it would be fairly automagic19:19
dobeyif it's not, maybe some magic needs to be added for that19:19
bcurtiswxdobey, OK. I'll let the wizard in the build machines do the hard work then :)19:20
dobeyi haven't really done anything with debian packages directly yet, though. so maybe i am just being hopeful :)19:20
bcurtiswxbug #999290 thx all19:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 999290 in folks "Sync folks 0.6.9-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99929019:21
jbichaI guess we'll hit bug 1 million this week19:28
ubot2jbicha: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Not reporting large bug)19:28
jbichayeah, that too19:28
geserbcurtiswx: does the Debian changelog has already the "LP: #xxx" magic token in it?19:36
bcurtiswxgeser, no19:37
geserbcurtiswx: then the Ubuntu task has to be manually set to "Fix released" once the sync is done19:38
bcurtiswxgeser, OK. not a problem. I just wanted to make sure i wasn't supposed to add it to the sync changelog myself19:39
geserjbicha: hopefully we don't find any code which assumes that bug numbers have 6 digits19:39
geserbcurtiswx: syncs get copied from Debian unmodified, I'm not sure right now if an existing "LP: #xxx" in the new Debian changelog entries would get pickuped with LP API syncs19:43
geserLaney: ^^ do you know this?19:46
Laneygeser: it should do19:48
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i did a clean install with quantal, i am going to see how long i can hold out without install evolution :)20:48
jbichakenvandine: we need people to test Evolution too :)20:58
kenvandinejbicha, i've never lasted more than a couple days without evo :)20:59
kenvandinejbicha, but i do still have it on my desktop, which i am sure will get upgraded soon20:59
jbichagood, because we'll be getting Evolution 3.4 soon20:59
kenvandinelooking forward to it21:00
kenvandinethe first time setup for tbird with gmail is pretty bad...21:00
kenvandineUI is fine21:00
kenvandinebut it's been nearly an hour and it is still pegging a CPU and using a ton of memory21:01
kenvandine3G RSS and 89% CPU21:01
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
TheMusoGood $TIMEOFDAY folks. Hope everybody had safe travels home.22:30
* bryceh waves22:40
TheMusoHey bryceh. You were one of the fortunate ones who didn't have very far to go at all.22:45
brycehTheMuso, for once...22:55
brycehTheMuso, the no jet lag thing was nice too :-)22:56
RAOFGood yo!22:59
TheMusoMorning RAOF. I hope you slept well.23:02
TheMusoI know I did, crashed by 7:30 last night.23:03
TheMusoAnd woke up at about 6:40 this morning.23:03
RAOFI woke a bit early, but that was because I was going to morning exercise.23:03
TheMusoAh ok.23:04
RAOFI managed to last until 9:30 ish last night.23:04
TheMusoNot too bad, traveling in business has its purks, like getting better sleep.23:04
RAOFNo business for me on the way home :/23:04
RAOFJust the way over :)23:04
TheMusoOh well.23:05
RAOFAt least I now know where the power is in economy on the A380s :)23:07
TheMusoYep, I know where it is too, but haven't had the need to use it yet.23:07
RAOFWe have a gtk2-engines-oxygen SRU?  Really?!23:14

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